Translate the words and find the odd word

Read the words and find the odd one out. (Прочитай и найди лишние слова.)
1. wig, moustache, beard, false nose, disguise, glasses, coat.
2. hotel, airport, lobby, museum, binoculars, building, institute.
3. icecap, volcano, mountain, spaceship, ocean, jungles, rain forest.
4. rain, lightning, thunder, cloud, satellite, sun, water.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD рабочая тетрадь Вербицкая. UNIT 6. Mr Big makes plans. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Прочтите слова и найдите лишнее.
1. парик, усы, борода, накладной нос, маскировка, очки, пальто
2. гостиница, аэропорт, вестибюль, музей, бинокль, здание, институт
3. ледяная шапка, вулкан, гора, космический корабль, океан, джунгли, тропический лес
4. дождь, молния, гром, облако, спутник, солнце, вода

1. disguise (все остальное – элементы для изменения внешности)
2. binocular (все остальное – здания или их части)
3. spaceship (все остальное – создано природой)
4. satellite (все остальное – погодные явления)

Перевод ответа
1. маскировка
2. бинокль
3. космический корабль
4. спутник


Write down the odd word from each line and translate it.

a) smart, politician, curious, polite, educated, famous

b) title, plot, vocabulary, soap opera, characters

c) writer, journalist, novelist, author, fairy tale


1) A person who has no friends is a friendless one

2) Using the Internet you can send information, speak to people, see the world.

3) There are a lot of motherless children in our country.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Помогите! Write down the odd word from each line and translate it. a) smart, politician, curious, polite, educated, famous b) title, plot, …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Помогите! Write down the odd word from each line and translate it. a) smart, politician, curious, polite, educated, famous b) title, plot, vocabulary, soap opera, characters c) writer, journalist, novelist, author, fairy tale Перевести 1) A person

conductivity, ductility,
strength, similarity; shape, model, example, pattern;

bronze, copper, zinc; amount, quantity, structure, number.

    1. Make word combinations from the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:



















to roast


    1. Put the verbs in brackets either in Present Perfect or in Present Simple Tense.

  1. The bulk of a motor car
    already (to be made) from metals based on iron.

  2. Cast iron
    (to be used) for casting since 20th

  3. Iron (to be obtained) by
    filling a blast furnace with iron oxides or carbonates and coke.

  4. As the temperature already
    (to increase) the iron (to melt).

  5. Ordinary cast iron (to be
    produced) by melting pig iron.

  6. Copper (to be used) since the
    ancient times.

  7. Copper (to
    be used) for electrical components in cars due to its low

6. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is
    the father of the ferrous family?

  2. How is iron obtained?

  3. How much
    carbon does blast furnace-produced iron contain?

  4. What is the procedure of
    producing cast iron?

  5. What castings are made of
    cast iron?

  6. What is the main constituent
    of the brass/bronze family?

  7. Why is it difficult to
    produce copper in a really pure state?

  8. What is aluminium produced


Section 1

  1. Read and translate the following text: the periodic table of elements (I)

table shows the known elements in the order of the strength
of the electrical charge on their nuclei, or inner portions.
Elements in the same column are usually similar chemically.
At least 88 of the first 92 elements are found in nature. Elements
93 and above were produced synthetically during and after the
development of the atomic bomb.

to the
left of the heavy zigzag line are metals. Those to the right
are non-metals, although boron, silicon, carbon, selenium, and
tellurium are sufficiently metallic in character to be called

in the two strips below the main table Abe
called rare earths.
upper strip contains the lanthanide
series. These elements have such close chemical similarities
that separation of some of them has been difficult. Most of
the actinide series, lower strip, show radioactivity.

September 1949 the International Union of Chemistry met
at Amsterdam and recommended that tungsten henceforth
be called wolfram, columbium be called niobium and beryllium
be renamed glucinium. Although chemists in the United
States have accepted the change from columbium to niobium,
many, if not most, metallurgists have not. The other two
suggested changes have not made headway. The Union recommended
also that the names of elements 71 and 91 be spelled
lutetium and protactinium, respectively. This recommendation has been

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1. Odd one out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.

1. friendly, sister, father, grandmother
2. brother, mum, hobby, grandpa
3. give, make, eye, eat
4. thin, now, tall, short
5. cooker, cooking, painting, cook

2. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

1. Ann’s eyes/hair are big and blue.
2. My mum is short with fair/kind hair.
3. My teacher has got a naughty/small nose.
4. Mike’s tall and plump/short.
5. Jane is a good student. She is very noisy/clever.

3. Fill in the gaps with can/can’t. Заполни пропуски can/can’t.

1. This is easy (просто). You … do it!
2. My dad … fly a plane. He’s a pilot.
3. I … speak Spanish. I only (только) speak English.
4. Can Jane dance well? – No, she …
5. Mary … play the piano. She’s a good musician.

4. Match the questions to the answers. Соотнеси вопросы с ответами.

1. What’s his name?
2. Where’s her house?
3. How old is she?
4. Have you got a family?
5. What is he like? a) In London.
b) She is 20.
c) Mark.
d) He is very funny.
e) Yes, I have.

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