Translate the word combinations in front of the guitar

  • 1



    прош. вр.


    прич. прош. вр.



    а) мести, подметать

    б) прочищать, чистить



    а) сметать, смахивать

    He swept aside the papers on his desk to make room for the computer. — Он сдвинул со стола бумаги, чтобы освободить место для компьютера.

    б) сметать, сносить, уничтожать

    Everything she cherished, might be swept away overnight. (L. Bromfield) — Всё, что было ей так дорого, могло быть уничтожено в один миг.

    Tropical fevers can sweep through whole populations in a remarkably short time. — Тропическая лихорадка может опустошить целые районы за необыкновенно короткое время.


    в) толкать, расталкивать

    Sweeping all others aside, she pushed her way to the front. — Расталкивая всех, она пробивалась вперёд.

    г) отмахиваться , не обращать внимание

    You can’t sweep your difficulties aside in that easy manner. — Нельзя столь легкомысленно отмахиваться от своих проблем.


    а) нести, мчать, увлекать

    The crowd swept me to the exit. — Толпа вынесла меня к выходу.

    He was swept along by the crowd. — Толпа увлекла его за собой.

    б) мчаться, нестись

    The hurricane swept in from the sea. — Ураган примчался с моря.

    Rain swept in through the broken windows. — Сквозь разбитые окна в дом ворвался дождь.

    Strong winds regularly sweep the islands. — Над островом регулярно проносятся сильные ветры.

    4) увлекать, заинтересовывать

    She swept the audience along with her. — Она увлекла аудиторию.


    а) обрушиться

    A terrible storm swept down on the village. — На селение обрушился ураган.

    б) охватывать

    A feeling of isolation swept over me. — Меня охватило чувство одиночества.

    Uncontrollable anger swept in on Paul when he learned how Jane had been treated. — Необузданный гнев охватил Пола, когда он узнал, как обошлись с Джейн.

    6) окидывать (быстрым) взглядом, (бегло) осматривать

    His eyes swept the horizon. — Он окинул взглядом горизонт.

    7) касаться, дотрагиваться, проводить

    Her dress swept the ground as she walked. — Когда она шла, подол её платья касался земли.


    8) простираться, тянуться

    The hills swept down to the sea. — Холмы тянутся до самого моря.

    He proudly swept into the room. — Он с гордым видом вошёл в комнату.

    Eva swept into the meeting and demanded to know what was going on. — Ева с уверенным видом вошла к собравшимся и потребовала объяснить ей, что происходит.



    а) одержать полную победу

    to sweep to power — прийти к власти, получив подавляющее большинство голосов на выборах

    The party in power expected to sweep in this time, but in fact they lost votes. — Правящая партия думала одержать лёгкую победу на этих выборах, а на деле потеряла голоса.



    стать абсолютным чемпионом



    выиграть все ставки на столе




    вести разведку, прочёсывать

    — sweep through


    Jill’s been swept off her feet by an older man. — Джил внезапно увлеклась человеком (значительно) старше себя.

    sweep smth. under the carpet



    1) выметание; подметание; чистка


    Oh, what can I do with him, he is a regular little sweep! — О, господи! Ну что мне делать с этим вечно чумазым ребёнком!


    а) мусор, отбросы



    мерзавец, негодяй, никчёмный человек


    а) взмах, размах, амплитуда

    б) диапазон, радиус действия; круг, охват



    в) журавль

    6) течение; непрестанное движение

    8) кривая; изгиб; поворот


    10) абсолютная, безоговорочная победа




    прямая стреловидность крыла

    15) ; тлв. сезонные замеры

    Англо-русский современный словарь > sweep

  • 2

    3) Военный термин: Fast Frigate, Fire Finder, Freeboard Forward, Friendly Fire, Frigate, failure factor, field facility, field force, field forces, fire fighting, first flight, flight facilities, folding fin, foreign flag, forward firing, frontier forces, fuel feed, fuel flow

    4) Техника: and following pages, fatal failure, fatigue failure, ferrite film, ferromagnetic film, figures finished, filtration factor, fine filter, fine furnace, fission factor, fixed frequency, fluorine facility, force fan, frac finder, frequency feedback, frequency filtering, fresh feed, friend-or-foe identification, front focal length

    11) Сокращение: Ford Foundation, French Franc, Frigate , face to face, file finish, fire and flushing, full field, Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft), Fallen Footwear (shoe company), Family Feud (TV game show), Family Finance (college course), Fancy Feast (cat food), Fantastic Four, Fatal Frame (game), Fatal Fury (anime/game), Fear Factor (TV show), Fear Factory (band), Fein-Fein (German: extra fine), Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union), Fellesforbundet, Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile), Fiamma Fumana (band), Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party), Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons), Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy), Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina), Final Fantasy (game), Final Fight (video game), Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game), Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game), Final Frontier (gaming), Finstere Flure (game), Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser), First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA), Flat Faced (pipe flange), Flavor Flav (hip-hip), Flesh Field (band), Fluid Fantasy (forum), Foo Fighters (band), Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy), Force Forfeit (online games), Forced Fumble (football), Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA), Ford Fiesta (car), Fortissimo (music), Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby), Franc Franç, Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken), Franz Ferdinand (band), Fraud Forum (GSM Association), Freedom Fighter (video game), Freedom Force (game), Freedom Front (South Africa), Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade), Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league), Frosted Flakes (cereal), Frostfell (gaming, Asheron’s Call), Frostfire (game), Frou Frou (band), Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan), Fuchs Friends (online community), Full Forward (Australian football position), Funfonex (Finnish gaming site), Und Folgende (German: and following), ais (French Franc), and the following pages, fabric filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants), factory finish, family fortunes, farm foundation, fashion freak, fatally flawed, fatigue correction factor (US DoD), federal facility, federal funds, feed forward, feeling fine, feet forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle), femto-farad, field format, fill factor (solar cell parameter), filter factory, finance forward, findhorn foundation, finished floor elevation (architectural/civil drafting), fire & forget, firefighter, firefinder, first fit (ieee), first flowering, first friday, fit factor, fixed filter (RSVP), fixed focus (optics, cameras), flagrant foul (basketball), flame failure, flash and flow, flight ferry, flight following, floor flatness (concrete construction), focus fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft), folios, food fight, foot fault (bowling), football field, force feedback (joysticks/wheels for games), force field, ford forums, forfeit, formula fed (parenting), fraction or finish, frame format, free flight, free-flyer, freedom forum, freight forward, freight forwarder, french fries, frequent flyer, friends forever, friendship force, fright fest, front-engine front-wheel drive, fuel fabrication, fuel failure, full faced (pipe gasket), full floater (truck axle), full force, full funding, full-fed (animal science), fully functional, fully furnished, fulton factor, functional food, fuzz face (guitar effect pedal), navy fast frigate (US DoD)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > FF

  • 3

    3) Военный термин: Fast Frigate, Fire Finder, Freeboard Forward, Friendly Fire, Frigate, failure factor, field facility, field force, field forces, fire fighting, first flight, flight facilities, folding fin, foreign flag, forward firing, frontier forces, fuel feed, fuel flow

    4) Техника: and following pages, fatal failure, fatigue failure, ferrite film, ferromagnetic film, figures finished, filtration factor, fine filter, fine furnace, fission factor, fixed frequency, fluorine facility, force fan, frac finder, frequency feedback, frequency filtering, fresh feed, friend-or-foe identification, front focal length

    11) Сокращение: Ford Foundation, French Franc, Frigate , face to face, file finish, fire and flushing, full field, Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft), Fallen Footwear (shoe company), Family Feud (TV game show), Family Finance (college course), Fancy Feast (cat food), Fantastic Four, Fatal Frame (game), Fatal Fury (anime/game), Fear Factor (TV show), Fear Factory (band), Fein-Fein (German: extra fine), Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union), Fellesforbundet, Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile), Fiamma Fumana (band), Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party), Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons), Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy), Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina), Final Fantasy (game), Final Fight (video game), Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game), Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game), Final Frontier (gaming), Finstere Flure (game), Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser), First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA), Flat Faced (pipe flange), Flavor Flav (hip-hip), Flesh Field (band), Fluid Fantasy (forum), Foo Fighters (band), Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy), Force Forfeit (online games), Forced Fumble (football), Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA), Ford Fiesta (car), Fortissimo (music), Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby), Franc Franç, Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken), Franz Ferdinand (band), Fraud Forum (GSM Association), Freedom Fighter (video game), Freedom Force (game), Freedom Front (South Africa), Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade), Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league), Frosted Flakes (cereal), Frostfell (gaming, Asheron’s Call), Frostfire (game), Frou Frou (band), Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan), Fuchs Friends (online community), Full Forward (Australian football position), Funfonex (Finnish gaming site), Und Folgende (German: and following), ais (French Franc), and the following pages, fabric filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants), factory finish, family fortunes, farm foundation, fashion freak, fatally flawed, fatigue correction factor (US DoD), federal facility, federal funds, feed forward, feeling fine, feet forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle), femto-farad, field format, fill factor (solar cell parameter), filter factory, finance forward, findhorn foundation, finished floor elevation (architectural/civil drafting), fire & forget, firefighter, firefinder, first fit (ieee), first flowering, first friday, fit factor, fixed filter (RSVP), fixed focus (optics, cameras), flagrant foul (basketball), flame failure, flash and flow, flight ferry, flight following, floor flatness (concrete construction), focus fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft), folios, food fight, foot fault (bowling), football field, force feedback (joysticks/wheels for games), force field, ford forums, forfeit, formula fed (parenting), fraction or finish, frame format, free flight, free-flyer, freedom forum, freight forward, freight forwarder, french fries, frequent flyer, friends forever, friendship force, fright fest, front-engine front-wheel drive, fuel fabrication, fuel failure, full faced (pipe gasket), full floater (truck axle), full force, full funding, full-fed (animal science), fully functional, fully furnished, fulton factor, functional food, fuzz face (guitar effect pedal), navy fast frigate (US DoD)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ff

  • 4

    3) Военный термин: Fast Frigate, Fire Finder, Freeboard Forward, Friendly Fire, Frigate, failure factor, field facility, field force, field forces, fire fighting, first flight, flight facilities, folding fin, foreign flag, forward firing, frontier forces, fuel feed, fuel flow

    4) Техника: and following pages, fatal failure, fatigue failure, ferrite film, ferromagnetic film, figures finished, filtration factor, fine filter, fine furnace, fission factor, fixed frequency, fluorine facility, force fan, frac finder, frequency feedback, frequency filtering, fresh feed, friend-or-foe identification, front focal length

    11) Сокращение: Ford Foundation, French Franc, Frigate , face to face, file finish, fire and flushing, full field, Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft), Fallen Footwear (shoe company), Family Feud (TV game show), Family Finance (college course), Fancy Feast (cat food), Fantastic Four, Fatal Frame (game), Fatal Fury (anime/game), Fear Factor (TV show), Fear Factory (band), Fein-Fein (German: extra fine), Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union), Fellesforbundet, Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile), Fiamma Fumana (band), Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party), Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons), Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy), Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina), Final Fantasy (game), Final Fight (video game), Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game), Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game), Final Frontier (gaming), Finstere Flure (game), Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser), First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA), Flat Faced (pipe flange), Flavor Flav (hip-hip), Flesh Field (band), Fluid Fantasy (forum), Foo Fighters (band), Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy), Force Forfeit (online games), Forced Fumble (football), Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA), Ford Fiesta (car), Fortissimo (music), Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby), Franc Franç, Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken), Franz Ferdinand (band), Fraud Forum (GSM Association), Freedom Fighter (video game), Freedom Force (game), Freedom Front (South Africa), Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade), Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league), Frosted Flakes (cereal), Frostfell (gaming, Asheron’s Call), Frostfire (game), Frou Frou (band), Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan), Fuchs Friends (online community), Full Forward (Australian football position), Funfonex (Finnish gaming site), Und Folgende (German: and following), ais (French Franc), and the following pages, fabric filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants), factory finish, family fortunes, farm foundation, fashion freak, fatally flawed, fatigue correction factor (US DoD), federal facility, federal funds, feed forward, feeling fine, feet forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle), femto-farad, field format, fill factor (solar cell parameter), filter factory, finance forward, findhorn foundation, finished floor elevation (architectural/civil drafting), fire & forget, firefighter, firefinder, first fit (ieee), first flowering, first friday, fit factor, fixed filter (RSVP), fixed focus (optics, cameras), flagrant foul (basketball), flame failure, flash and flow, flight ferry, flight following, floor flatness (concrete construction), focus fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft), folios, food fight, foot fault (bowling), football field, force feedback (joysticks/wheels for games), force field, ford forums, forfeit, formula fed (parenting), fraction or finish, frame format, free flight, free-flyer, freedom forum, freight forward, freight forwarder, french fries, frequent flyer, friends forever, friendship force, fright fest, front-engine front-wheel drive, fuel fabrication, fuel failure, full faced (pipe gasket), full floater (truck axle), full force, full funding, full-fed (animal science), fully functional, fully furnished, fulton factor, functional food, fuzz face (guitar effect pedal), navy fast frigate (US DoD)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > fF

  • 5

    3) Военный термин: Fast Frigate, Fire Finder, Freeboard Forward, Friendly Fire, Frigate, failure factor, field facility, field force, field forces, fire fighting, first flight, flight facilities, folding fin, foreign flag, forward firing, frontier forces, fuel feed, fuel flow

    4) Техника: and following pages, fatal failure, fatigue failure, ferrite film, ferromagnetic film, figures finished, filtration factor, fine filter, fine furnace, fission factor, fixed frequency, fluorine facility, force fan, frac finder, frequency feedback, frequency filtering, fresh feed, friend-or-foe identification, front focal length

    11) Сокращение: Ford Foundation, French Franc, Frigate , face to face, file finish, fire and flushing, full field, Faerie Fire (gaming, World of Warcraft), Fallen Footwear (shoe company), Family Feud (TV game show), Family Finance (college course), Fancy Feast (cat food), Fantastic Four, Fatal Frame (game), Fatal Fury (anime/game), Fear Factor (TV show), Fear Factory (band), Fein-Fein (German: extra fine), Felles Forbundet (Norwegian labour union), Fellesforbundet, Ferguson Formula (Jensen automobile), Fiamma Fumana (band), Fianna Fail (Irish Political Party), Fiend Folio (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons), Filii Fabricaverunt (Latin: His/Her Sons Built, epigraphy), Filozofska Fakulteta (Faculty of Arts; Ljubljana, Slovenia), Filters Fast LLC (Monroe, North Carolina), Final Fantasy (game), Final Fight (video game), Final Fortress (Lineage 2 game), Final Frenzy (Lineage 2 game), Final Frontier (gaming), Finstere Flure (game), Firefox (open source Mozilla-based browser), First Flight (tail symbol for the 1st Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, VA), Flat Faced (pipe flange), Flavor Flav (hip-hip), Flesh Field (band), Fluid Fantasy (forum), Foo Fighters (band), Foolish Four (Motley Fool investment strategy), Force Forfeit (online games), Forced Fumble (football), Ford Field (Detroit, MI, USA), Ford Fiesta (car), Fortissimo (music), Forward Flight (remote control aircraft hobby), Franc Franç, Frango Frito (Portuguese: fried chicken), Franz Ferdinand (band), Fraud Forum (GSM Association), Freedom Fighter (video game), Freedom Force (game), Freedom Front (South Africa), Freiwillige Feuerwehr (German: Voluntary Fire Brigade), Fridley Factors (Minnesota wiffleball league), Frosted Flakes (cereal), Frostfell (gaming, Asheron’s Call), Frostfire (game), Frou Frou (band), Frozen Fire (German online-gaming clan), Fuchs Friends (online community), Full Forward (Australian football position), Funfonex (Finnish gaming site), Und Folgende (German: and following), ais (French Franc), and the following pages, fabric filter (emission control device for coal fired power plants), factory finish, family fortunes, farm foundation, fashion freak, fatally flawed, fatigue correction factor (US DoD), federal facility, federal funds, feed forward, feeling fine, feet forward (bike, scooter, motorcycle), femto-farad, field format, fill factor (solar cell parameter), filter factory, finance forward, findhorn foundation, finished floor elevation (architectural/civil drafting), fire & forget, firefighter, firefinder, first fit (ieee), first flowering, first friday, fit factor, fixed filter (RSVP), fixed focus (optics, cameras), flagrant foul (basketball), flame failure, flash and flow, flight ferry, flight following, floor flatness (concrete construction), focus fire (gaming, Warcraft or Starcraft), folios, food fight, foot fault (bowling), football field, force feedback (joysticks/wheels for games), force field, ford forums, forfeit, formula fed (parenting), fraction or finish, frame format, free flight, free-flyer, freedom forum, freight forward, freight forwarder, french fries, frequent flyer, friends forever, friendship force, fright fest, front-engine front-wheel drive, fuel fabrication, fuel failure, full faced (pipe gasket), full floater (truck axle), full force, full funding, full-fed (animal science), fully functional, fully furnished, fulton factor, functional food, fuzz face (guitar effect pedal), navy fast frigate (US DoD)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > ff

  • Страница 7

    1. A: What does she look like? — Как она выглядит?
      В: She’s tall and slim. She’s got fair hair and blue eyes. — Она высокая и стройная. У неё светлые волосы и голубые глаза.
      A: What’s she like? — Какой у неё характер?
      В: She’s very kind! — Она очень добрая!
    2. A: What does he look like? — Как он выглядит?
      В: He’s short and plump. He’s got dark hair and green eyes.   —    Он невысокий и полный. У него тёмные волосы и зелёные глаза.
      A: What’s he like? — Какой у него характер?
      В: He’s very funny! — Он очень весёлый!

    3. Read and draw line — Прочитайте и проведите линии от предметов к месту где они лежат

    1. The mobile phone is on the table — Мобильный телефон находится на столе
    2. The camera is in the capboard — Камера находится в шкафчике
    3. The box is under the window — Коробка находится под окном
    4. The gloves are behind the armchair — Перчатки находятся позади кресла
    5. The guitar is next to the cupboard — Гитара находится рядом со шкафом
    6. The helmet is in front of the armchair — Шлем находится перед креслом


    Если вам понравился сайт, поделитесь страничкой в соцсетях, чтобы не потерять его:


    Подпишитесь на нашу группу вк!

    Read and translate the word combinations. Make your own sentences using these word combinations.

    • a local group

    • a local train

    • a busy manager

    • a musical instrument

    • a student’s interview

    • a correspondent’s information

    • an exchange arrangement

    • to be a serious student

    • to have a hobby

    • to go to a theatre

    • to play the piano / the guitar

    • to arrange a trip

    • to have a good sense of humour

    Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. SECTION 1. Writing Letters. Номер №3


    Перевод задания
    Прочтите и переведите словосочетания. Составьте свои собственные предложения, используя эти словосочетания.

    • a local group

    • a local train

    • a busy manager

    • a musical instrument

    • a student’s interview

    • a correspondent’s information

    • an exchange arrangement

    • to be a serious student

    • to have a hobby

    • to go to a theatre

    • to play the piano / the guitar

    • to arrange a trip

    • to have a good sense of humour

    • местная группа
    • пригородный поезд
    • занятой менеджер
    • музыкальный инструмент
    • собеседование студента
    • информация корреспондента
    • договор об обмене
    • быть серьезным учеником
    • иметь хобби
    • пойти в театр
    • играть на пианино / гитаре
    • организовать поездку
    • иметь хорошее чувство юмора
    1) Students belong to a local group.
    2) All local trains leave from the London train station.
    3) He is a very busy manager.
    4) A musician is a talented person who plays a musical instrument.
    5) A student’s interview was published in the newspaper.
    6) The headteacher said that the correspondent’s information was true.
    7) Moscow school and London school discussed the exchange arrangement.
    8) Lena decided to be a serious student this school year.
    9) Many people have a hobby.
    10) Olga and her mother like to go to a theatre.
    11) Students from our Music School club can play the piano or the guitar.
    12) We need to meet to arrange our summer trip.
    13) I have a good sense of humour.

    Перевод ответа
    1) Студенты принадлежат к местной группе.
    2) Все местные поезда отправляются с лондонского вокзала.
    3) Он очень занятой менеджер.
    4) Музыкант − талантливый человек, играющий на музыкальном инструменте.
    5) В газете опубликовано студенческое интервью.
    6) Директор сказал, что информация корреспондента верна.
    7) Московская школа и Лондонская школа обсудили договоренность об обмене.
    8) В этом учебном году Лена решила серьезно учиться.
    9) У многих есть хобби.
    10) Ольга с мамой любят ходить в театр.
    11) Ученики клуба нашей музыкальной школы умеют играть на пианино или гитаре.
    12) Нам нужно встретиться, чтобы организовать летнюю поездку.
    13) У меня хорошее чувство юмора.

    Read and translate the word combinations. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations.Составьте 5-10 предложений!
    A student’s interview.
    A local group.
    Correspondent’s information.
    To be a serios student.
    To have a hobby.
    A musical instrument.
    A busy manager.
    To go to a theatre.
    To play the guitar.
    To have a good sense of humour.
    A local train


    3)местный студент 10)местный поезд

    Из этих словосочетаний составить свои предложения.

    Светило науки — 67 ответов — 568 раз оказано помощи

    1) интервью студента
    2)быть серьезным студентом ( или учеником )
    4)информация корреспондента
    5)иметь хобби 6)музыкальные инструменты
    6)занятой менеджер
    7)Идти в театр
    8)Играть на гитаре
    9)иметь хорошее чувство юмора

    Read and translate the word combinations. Make up your own sentences using these word combinations.Составьте 5-10 предложений!
    A student’s interview.
    A local group.
    Correspondent’s information.
    To be a serios student.
    To have a hobby.
    A musical instrument.
    A busy manager.
    To go to a theatre.
    To play the guitar.
    To have a good sense of humour.
    A local train

    Автор: Гость

    Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


    1) интервью студента
    2)быть серьезным студентом ( или учеником )
    4)информация корреспондента
    5)иметь хобби 6)музыкальные инструменты
    6)занятой менеджер
    7)Идти в театр
    8)Играть на гитаре
    9)иметь хорошее чувство юмора

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