Translate the word and phrases

travellingСейчас все больше людей выезжают за границу, поэтому тема «путешествие» с каждым днем становится более актуальной. В статье представлены интересные задания по данной теме. Всем кому она интересна, могут проделать упражнения, предложенные здесь. Как всегда ниже даны ответы к заданиям.

Exercises (Задания по теме «путешествие»)

1.     Translate from Russian into English (Переведите с русского на английский):

T: Чем ты занимаешься, Лиза?

L: I’m looking at the holiday brochure. There are four hotels in the town, but I can’t decide which one we should stay.

T: Дай мне посмотреть. Почему бы нам не остановиться в Голд Плаза? Он выглядит самым комфортабельным из четырех и не такой дорогой, как Саншайн.

L: But, it’s near the main road and I think it’ll be too noisy to live there.

T: А как насчет отеля Мэджик Касл тогда?

L: I don’t know. It looks dirtier than the other hotels.

T: Но он самый дешевый и возможно там тише, чем в Голд Плаза. Смотри! В брошюре также сказано, что там дружелюбный персонал.

L:  Okay! Let’s stay at the Magic Castle Hotel. I’m sure it will be fine.

2.     Write the conversation in the correct order (Запишите разговор в правильном порядке):

A: We’ll take a room on the second floor. How much is it?

B: Okay. It suits us. We’ll take this room.

A: Seventy dollars a night, sir.

B: Yes, we’ll be able to put you up. Which floor would you like, sir?

A: Have you got any vacant rooms? 

B: One double-room, please.

A: Single or double, sir? 

3.     Find the synonyms for (Подберите синонимы):

1.     luggage                                           a. trip

2.     return ticket                                    b. baggage

3.     journey                                           c. a buffet car

4.     cloakroom                                      d. schedule

5.     a dining car                                     e. round-trip ticket

6.     booking-office                                 f. left-luggage office

7.     timetable                                          g. ticket office

8.     fellow-passenger                              h. travelling companion

4.     Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B (Соотнесите слова в колонке A со словами в колонке B):

1.     room service                                  a. остановиться в отеле

2.     travel agency                                  b. прибытие

3.     book tickets                                    c. место у окна

4.     arrival                                             d. бюро путешествий

5.     departure                                        e. отправляться по расписанию

6.     leave on time                                   f. купить билеты

7.     stay at the hotel                               g. справочное бюро

8.     window seat                                    h. бюро обслуживания

9.     passport                                          i. отправление

10.  information office                            j. паспорт

5.  Translate the words and phrases given in brackets (Переведите слова и фразы данные в скобках):

1.I hate flying and always prefer to travel (на поезде). 2. Would you like (носильщика) for your luggage, miss? 3. Unfortunately there was no (кафе-ресторана) on the train and we had to take a lot of food with us. 4. Modern planes have very comfortable (сиденья) in all cabins. 5. There are always bustle and confusion (на станции). 6. Before boarding the plane (пассажир) must register at the airport. 7. You (приземлитесь) in London at ten-fifteen p.m. 8. If you’ve got something to declare you come through (красный коридор).

6.  Translate the sentences from Russian into English (Переведите предложения с русского на английский):

1.     Куда я могу отнести ваш багаж, сэр?

2.     Давайте поспешим, иначе мы опоздаем на поезд.

3.     Вот мой билет и паспорт.

4.     К сожалению, все билеты проданы на сегодня.

5.     Как долго вы собираетесь оставаться в стране?

6.     У вас есть вещи подлежащие декларированию?

7.  Translate the sentences from English into Russian (Переведите предложения с английского на русский):

1.     I’m sorry I’m late. When did you arrive?

2.     Excuse me, please, where’s Platform six?

3.     I’d like to book a single ticket.

4.     Don’t make a fuss, we have still a lot of time left.

5.     I’d like two tickets for the 7 o’clock train to Warsaw.

8.  Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below (Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение):

accommodation, abroad, visit, arrives, journey, in advance, hotel

1.  It’s always more convenient to book tickets … 2. London Tourist Board is here to help you enjoy your … to London. 3. We can provide … in a wide range of price categories in over 900 hundred hotels and guest houses of Berlin. 4. Will you tell me about the facilities offered by your … ? 5. Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant … . 6. She was as excited as a child about her first trip … , and spent the next days buying clothes. 7. It … at 11.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.

Answers (Ответы к заданиям)

1.     Translate from Russian into English (Переведите с русского на английский):

T: What are you doing, Liza?

L: I’m looking at the holiday brochure. There are four hotels in the town, but I can’t decide which one we should stay.

T: Let me see. Why don’t we stay at the Gold Plaza? It looks the most comfortable of the four, and it’s not as expensive as the Sunshine.

L: But, it’s near the main road and I think it’ll be too noisy to live there.

T: So, what about the Magic Castle Hotel then?

L: I don’t know. It looks dirtier than the other hotels.

T: But it’s the cheapest and it’s probably quieter than the Gold Plaza. Look! The brochure also says that it’s got friendly staff.

L:  Okay! Let’s stay at the Magic Castle Hotel. I’m sure it will be fine.

2.     Write the conversation in the correct order (Запишите разговор в правильном порядке):

A: Have you got any vacant rooms?

B: Single or double, sir?

A: One double-room, please.

B: Yes, we’ll be able to put you up. Which floor would you like, sir?

A: We’ll take a room on the second floor. How much is it?

B: Seventy dollars a night, sir.

A: Okay. It suits us. We’ll take this room.

3.     Find the synonyms for (Подберите синонимы):

1.     luggage                                           a. baggage 

2.     return ticket                                    b. round-trip ticket

3.     journey                                           c. trip

4.     cloakroom                                      d. left-luggage office

5.     a dining car                                     e. a buffet car 

6.     booking-office                                 f. ticket office 

7.     timetable                                          g. schedule 

8.     fellow-passenger                              h. travelling companion

4.     Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B (Соотнесите слова в колонке A со словами в колонке B.

1.     room service                                  a. бюро обслуживания 

2.     travel agency                                  b. бюро путешествий

3.     book tickets                                    c. купить билеты

4.     arrival                                             d. прибытие

5.     departure                                        e. отправление

6.     leave on time                                   f. отправляться по расписанию

7.     stay at the hotel                               g. остановиться в отеле

8.     window seat                                    h. место у окна

9.     passport                                          i. паспорт

10. information office                            j. справочное бюро

5.  Translate the words and phrases given in brackets (Переведите слова и фразы данные в скобках).

1.I hate flying and always prefer to travel by train. 2. Would you like a porter for your luggage, miss? 3. Unfortunately there was no a dining car on the train and we had to take a lot of food with us. 4. Modern planes have very comfortable seats in all cabins. 5. There are always bustle and confusion at the station. 6. Before boarding the plane the passenger must register at the airport. 7. You land in London at ten-fifteen p.m. 8. If you’ve got something to declare you come through the red channel.

6.  Translate the sentences from Russian into English (переведите предложения с русского на английский).

1. Where shall I take your luggage, sir?

2. Let’s make haste, or else we’ll be late for the train.

3. Here is my ticket and passport.

4. Sorry, we are all booked up for today.

5. How long are you going to stay in the country?

6. Do you have any thing to declare?

7.  Translate the sentences from English into Russian (Переведите предложения с английского на русский).

1.     Извините, я опоздал. Когда вы приехали?

2.     Извините, пожалуйста, где платформа № 6?

3.     Я бы хотел купить билет в один конец.

4.     Не суетись, у нас достаточно времени.

5.     Я бы хотела купить два билета на семи часовой поезд до Варшавы.

8.  Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below (Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение).

accommodation, abroad, visit, arrives, journey, in advance, hotel

1.  It’s always more convenient to book tickets in advance. 2. London Tourist Board is here to help you enjoy your visit to London. 3. We can provide accommodation in a wide range of price categories in over 900 hundred hotels and guest houses of Berlin. 4. Will you tell me about the facilities offered by your hotel? 5. Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant journey. 6. She was as excited as a child about her first trip abroad, and spent the next days buying clothes. 7. It arrives at 11.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.

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Помогите пожалуйста Translate the words and phrases given n brackets.

1) Mrs.

L. (была нагружена) with a large quantity of (пакетов) and bags.

2) She (рылась в) her bag for (билет) that would enable her to pass the gate to No.

3 Platform.

3) (Выход на платформу) was guarded by (служащим в форме).

4) (Носильщик) took her (чемодан) and marched with it to the (следующий вагон).

5) He considered the tip more applicable to (путешествующих в третьем классе, чем в первом классе).

4. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. Mrs.

L. hurried .

The platform accompanied .

А porter caring her baggage.

2. The Platform was .

The moment crowded.

3. The crowd was rushing .

Different directions.

4. She was burdened .

A large quantity of parcels.

5. She searched .

Her bag .

The ticket.

6. Only .

A ticket could she pass .

The uniformed guard .

The gate.

7. The man ordered : «.

Right, … the rear portion.

» 8. She could hardly move .

The platform .

Her carriage.

9. The porter was waiting … the door … a third — class car.

10. Mrs.

L. handed … the porter his tip which he received … disappointment.

На этой странице находится ответ на вопрос Помогите пожалуйста Translate the words and phrases given n brackets?, из категории
Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 10 — 11 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
другие ответы воспользуйтесь «умным поиском»: с помощью ключевых слов
подберите похожие вопросы и ответы в категории Английский язык. Ответ, полностью
соответствующий критериям вашего поиска, можно найти с помощью простого
интерфейса: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы и сформулируйте вопрос иначе.
Обратите внимание на варианты ответов других пользователей, которые можно не
только просмотреть, но и прокомментировать.

1. Translate the phrases into Russian:
1. Cars burn petrol –
2. Power stations emit toxic fumes –
3. This pollution is gathered in clouds –
4. This pollution lands on trees –
5. Sleet –
6. It wipes out fish –
7. It poisons trees –
8. It has been trying to reduce –
9. Solar power

2. Use the words to make up sentences in the present perfect continuous tense.
1. It / snow / all / day
2. she / work in hospital / since 1999.
3. how long / you / have / driving lessons?
4. I / learn English / for a long time.

3.Complete the sentences using the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
1. Tony _______________________ (talk) on the phone for two hours.
2. I ____________________________ (look) for my keys since 11 a.m.
3. We ______________________________ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes.
4. She ____________________________ (play) computer games for 50 minutes.
5. They ____________________________ (live) in Moscow since January.

4.Read the sentences and transform them into the Present Perfect Continuous tense.
1. Jane is teaching the cycle of life.
2. Rose is cleaning out a pond.
3. Dave is planting flowers.
4. Tim is building nesting boxes.

5. Complete the question tags.
1. Rose is cleaning out the pond, _________________?
2. Andy has been reading a book for 15 minutes, __________________?
3. Sally is collecting rubbish, ______________?
4. They study at a secondary school, _____________?
5. You can speak three languages, _______________?

6. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verb make up/out/up with.
1. We all should try to ___________________ friends soon after silly tiffs (ссоры).
2. I cannot __________________ this rule.
3. Do you easily ____________________ stories?


8. Make the phrases:

1. toxic
2. factory
3. recycle
4. acid
5. gardening
6. water
7. plant
8. collect
9. polluted
10. clean out
a) rain
b) species
c) fumes
d) gloves
e) a pond
f) waste
g) clouds
h) cans
i) rubbish
j) pollution

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  • Translate the following words and word combinations перевод