Translate into russian paying attention to the word if


2) I don’t know if there are any Bulgarians in the delegation. 3) Let’s meet at nine o’clock if it is convenient for you. 4) Tell me if I may take these books home. 5) I don’t know if it is so. 6) Why not go now if you want to see the illumination? 7) Ask him if he often comes home so late. 8) Would you like to join us if we go to Red Square? 9) I wonder it he likes his job. 10) Ask him if he has got any pen-friends in India.

1 ответ:



<span>Перевести на русский язык. Обратите внимание на переводе совместно, если, когда он вводит объектов положения: 1) Если вы хотите, чтобы я вам помочь, почему бы вам не сказать? 2) Я не знаю, есть ли болгары в составе делегации. 3) Давайте встретимся в девять часов, если это удобно для вас. 4) Скажите мне, если я могу взять эти книги домой. 5) Я не знаю, если это так. 6) Почему бы не пойти сейчас, если вы хотите увидеть освещение? 7) Спросите его, если он часто приходит домой так поздно. 8) Вы хотите присоединиться к нам, если мы идем на Красную площадь? 9) Интересно, это ему нравится его работа. 10) Спросите его, если у него есть какие-то Pen-друзей в <span>Индии.</span></span>

Читайте также

1- I was _ years old when I started primary school and _ when I left.
2. I’ve bren in secondary school torn 2 years. 14 is the leaving age.
3. I attend a state school
4. I don’t wear a uniform to school
5. They are usually every quarter and last about a week
6. School rules include no weapons, no phones in class, no eating during instructions etc.

3. The richest
4. More modern.
5. Is better

Roy is YOUNGER than his brother Jack

My working day begins at 7 o’clock. I get up, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises. It usually takes me fifteen <span>minutes. My younger brother jogs in the park. I occasionally jog with him. At half past seven we have breakfast. My father and I leave home at 8 o’clock. He takes a bus to his factory. My mother is a doctor ,she leaves home at 9 o’clock. In the evening the whole family gathers in tne living room. My father watches news on TV. My sister draws or plays with her dolls. My younger brother tries to build a ship model. Our cat catches a toy mouse.</span><span>

1.I sometimes go to the cinema
2. I usually meet my friends there .
3. We often watch new films
4. I never watched horror films
5. We usually go to the home late .

a) If
it rains tomorrow, we won’t (shan’t) go to the forest.

If I had known about your disease I would have visited you at the

c) If
you worked hard, you would succeed.

d) If
you don’t take a taxi, you’ll miss your train.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to a Subjunctive Mood. Define its type.

I wish I knew the customer`s telephone number.

b) Do
you wish you had studied English properly at the Institute?

c) He
feels sick. He wishes he hadn`t eaten and drunk so much.

d) She
looked at me as if she saw me for the first time.

3. Open the brackets using the proper verb form. Translate the sentences.

a) If
you spoke English every day, you (to improve) your language skills.

b) I
wish I (to pass) my driving test last Monday.

c) If
she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before
he left.

d) He
wishes he (to know) something about cars.

  1. Read
    the text and translate it.

Managing Customer Service

business it is very important to balance the interests of a firm with
the interests of customers. If a company does not satisfy people’s
needs, it will lose its customers and suffer great losses.

business has been developing for a long time, and it has established
traditions of good customer service. Good companies pay special
attention to the quality of goods and services they provide. Quality
is more important to customers than low prices, because high-grade
goods have a longer life. Usually company leadership determines a
policy of customer service. But it is not enough. Managers of all
departments and all employees must do everything in their power to
provide quality products and services. Managing customer service is
essential for business profitability. That’s why the best trained
professionals are in charge of it.

of the major responsibilities of a sales manager or relationship
manager is to organize good customer service. They carry out a
company’s policy.

main directions of the customer service policy are:

— production
and selling of high-grade goods;

— selection
of skilled and experienced salespeople who like to work for a company
and serve customers;

— organization
of personnel training;

— organization
of serving buyers;

— supervision
of customer service;

— remuneration
to good salespeople;

— study
of customer demand;

— responding
to buyers’ suggestions and complaints;

— organization
of goods shows and advertising campaigns.

to D.A. Altany, a recognized authority on management, proper customer
service is a recipe for success in business for the best American

customer knows best» — it’s cast in stone in most corporate
mottoes. But keeping customers happy is not always easy.

often poor quality service is the result of poor management. That’s
why most companies try to improve it. Some of them have a
customer-service representative. He’s usually a low-to-middle-level
manager in charge of a small department. He deals with customer
complaints. But these measures are not always effective. Some
companies do even more.

Furniture Systems Division of Westinghouse Electric Corp., in Grand
Rapids, Michigan, has solved management problems successfully. The
company has been serving customers for years. At this
manufacturing/sales facility there are no rude receptionists, no
pushy salesmen, no bureaucrats. Customers are pleased and pampered.

years ago the top management introduced a customer-assurance program.
Russ Nagel, general manager of Westinghouse Furniture, created the
position of the vice president-level customer-assurance executive.
Charles Lieb was appointed to the post. He is directly responsible
only to the general manager and to the customers. Employees hand
their suggestions directly over to Mr. Lieb. If any issue affects the
quality of the product or a customer`s satisfaction, Mr. Lieb has the
authority to make changes. He gives customers his home phone number.
Sometimes he leaves weekend parties to arrange a shipment of parts
needed to complete an installation. He often calls customers during
and after an installation – just to make sure they are happy.

  1. Find
    in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

потребности людей; нести большие убытки;
уделять особое внимание качеству товаров
и услуг; делать все, что в их силах;
главные обязанности менеджера отдела
сбыта и менеджера по связам с клиентами;
осуществляют политику компании; обучение
персонала; вознаграждение хорошим
продавцам; плохое обслуживание клиентов;
представитель компании по обслуживанию
клиентов; производственно-торговое
предприятие; непосредственно подчиняется;
передавать предложения; просто убедиться,
что она счастливы.

  1. Answer
    the following questions.

  1. What
    are the main directions of the customer service policy?

  2. Do
    you agree that poor quality service is the result of poor

  3. Who
    is the charge of customer service in most good companies?

  4. What
    position was created at Westinghouse Furniture?

  5. Who
    is Mr. Lieb responsible to?

  1. Write
    how to make a company customer-oriented.


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Translate the sentences paying attention to the translation of the wor перевод - Translate the sentences paying attention to the translation of the wor русский как сказать

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Translate the sentences paying attention to the translation of the word if:1. He wants to know if the skeleton is composed of over 200 bones. 2. My fellow-student asks me if each rib is composed of a head, neck and body. 3.1 do not remember if the ribs are connected with the breastbone by cartilages or by ligaments.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Переводите предложения , обращая внимание на перевод слова , если: <br><br>1. Он хочет знать , если скелет состоит из более чем 200 костей. 2. Мой парень-студент спрашивает меня , если каждое ребро состоит из головы, шеи и тела. 3,1 не помнит , если ребра соединены с грудиной с помощью хрящей или связок.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова, если:<br><br>1. Он хочет знать, состоит ли скелет из более чем 200 костей. 2. Мой однокурсник спрашивает меня, состоит ли каждое ребро из головы, шеи и тела. 3.1 не помню, связаны ли ребра с грудиной хрящами или связками.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


перевод предложения, обратите внимание на перевод слов, если:<br>один.Он хотел бы знать, состоит ли этот скелет из более чем 200 костей.2.мой одноклассник спросил меня, состоит ли каждый ребро из головы, шеи и тела.3.1 не помните, через хрящ или связки ребра связаны с грудиной.<br>

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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