Translate analyse the word with different suffixes and divide them into

EXERCISE 4. a) Translate, analyse the words with different suffixes, and divide the following words into three groups: nouns, adjectives, and adverbs:
environmental, pollution, substance, fertilizer, various, natural, serious, global, destruction, disastrous, badly, illness, avail- able, ugliness, naturally, beautiful, percentage, transportation, important, greatly, immediately, gradually, scientist, government, dangerous, radioactive, electromagnetic, radiation, electronic, computer, exactly, exposure, harmful, reproductive, international, agreement, regulation, safely, permanently.

Ответы на вопрос

Распределим суффиксы по частям речи, которые они образовывают:

Существительные (nouns): -tion, -ance, -ness, -tage, -ist, -er, -or, -ment, -ure.

Наречия (adverbs): -ly.

Прилагательные (adjective): -al, -ous, -able, -ant, -tive, -etic, -tional, -ful.

Перейдем к выполнению упражнения:
Nouns: pollution, substance, fertilizer, destruction, illness, ugliness, percentage, transportation, scientist, government, radiation, computer, exposure, agreement, regulation

Adjective: environmental, various, natural, serious, global, disastrous, availible, beautiful, important, dangerous, radioactive, electromagnetic, electronic, harmful, reproductive, international.

Adverbs: badly, naturally, greatly, immediately, gradually, exactly, safely, permanently.

Новые вопросы


проанализируйте следующие слова с различными суффиксами и разделите их на две группы: существительные и прилагательные: непрерывные, центральные, успешные, изменяемые, помощь, бесполезные, достойные, общие, диагональные, промышленные, официальные, разделение, важные, важность, защита, захватчик , влияние, национальность, бизнес, б) Составьте как можно больше слов, объединив разные части слов: «не может быть успешным, без изменений», «защищать», «зависеть от», «нация» в) заглавные буквы в конце каждого из следующих предложений должны быть изменены, чтобы сформировать слово, которое уместно вписывается в пробел. 1 Шотландец должен слушать .2 У каждой части страны есть свои .3 Низменности составляют .4 Великобритания является одной из важных .5 Великобритания не зависит от экономики и стран ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТЬ Население, финансы, история; понять лондонца ОСТОРОЖНО эмблему нации и восточной англии южных центров мира КОММЕРЧЕСКОЕ производство других

a) Translate,
analyses the following words with different suffixes, and divide them
into two groups: nouns and adjectives:

scientist, structure, researcher, mathematical, systematic,
observation, general, scientific, natural, social, technical,
numerous, influence, invention, industrial, development, production,
different, television, communication, computer, digital, physical,
temperature, international, producer, electric, electronic,

b) Make up as many words as
you can by combining different parts of the words:

















c) The word
in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be
changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:

… examine the structure of
the cells. SEARCH

A … computer is a common
one. DIGIT

This theory was… proved.

He has won a prize at the …
conference. NATION

When we speak about computers,
we… mean digital computers. GENERAL

Exercise 4.

a) Try to
match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to
form meaningful phrases:























b) Decide
which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

cover… a) clues

to deal with … b) the cells

to come from… c) the problem

to search for… d) tools

to examine … e) the field

to investigate … f) facts

to develop … g) the word

to divide into … h) a theory

to provide … i) groups

to shape … j) the basis

to invent… k) the views


Translate the following word combinations; pay attention to the

comes from,
the field of knowledge, deals with facts, among these facts, a wide
variety of subjects, search for clues to the origin of the universe,
consist of general principles, a part of scientific knowledge, can be
divided into, new fields of science, at the same time, the boundaries
between scientific fields, numerous areas of science, influence on
our lives, the basis of modern technology, inventions of scientists,
our views about, in the universe, on the earth, through the ages,
speak of technology, about 200 years ago, with the development of the
steam engine, the growth of factories, production of goods, aspect of
people’s lives, the development of the car, contributed much to
modern technology, for example, from iron, for centuries, the
structure of the metal.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes, and перевод - a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes, and русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes, and divide them into two groups: nouns and adjectives:
culture, social, scientist, literature, invention, language, tradition, civilization, feature, basic, invader, relationship, religious, artistic, expression, addition, scientific, biological, comfortable, difference, foundation, prehistoric, important, development, being, hunter, farmer, artist, builder, writing, generation;
b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:
pre- invent -ion
in- relation -ship
un- express -able
comfort -ent
differ -ment
historic -er


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


a) Translate, analyze the following words with different suffixes, and divide them into two groups: nouns and adjectives:culture, social, scientist, literature, invention, language, tradition, civilization, feature, basic, invader, relationship, religious, artistic, expression, addition, scientific, biological, comfortable, difference, foundation, prehistoric, important, development, being, hunter, farmer, artist, builder, writing, generation; b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:pre- invent -ionin- relation -shipun- express -able comfort -ent differ -ment historic -er develop hunt build

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


а) Перевести, анализировать следующие слова с разными суффиксами, и разделить их на две группы: существительных и прилагательных:
культура, социальное, ученый, литературы, изобретения, язык, традиции, цивилизации, художественных, основной, захватчика, отношения, религиозные, художественные , выражение, сложение, научных, биологических, удобный, разница, фундамент, доисторический, важно, развитие, являясь, охотник, фермер, художник, строитель, письмо, поколение;
б) составьте как можно больше слов , как вы можете путем объединения различных частей слова:
предварительно изобрести -ионный
ин- отношение -ship
не- выражают -able
комфорт -ent
отличается -ment
историческим -эр

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


a) переводит, проанализировать следующие слова с разными индексами, и разделить на две группы: существительные и прилагательные:культура, социальные, ученый, литература, изобретение, языка, традиций, цивилизации, особенность, основные, захватчик, отношения, религиозные, художественные, мнений, того, научных, биологических, комфортно, разница, фонд, доисторический, важно, развития, хантер, фермер, художник, строитель, писать, мест;b) составляют сколько слов можно путем объединения различных частей слова:предварительно — — ионв отношении судов — -оон — экспресс — возможностькомфорт — лоротличаются — ментаисторический — эразработкахантстроить

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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a) Translate, analyse the following words with different suffixes, and divide them into two groups: nouns and adjectives:

literature, division, fiction, imagination, situation, creative, reader, experience, language, enjoyment, personal, critical, different, information, pleasure, possible, solution, fiction, historical, psychological, sentimental, character, actor, direction, appearance, action, conversation, lyric, narrative, dramatic;

b) The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space:

It is difficult to be … to her. DIFFER.

Stage directions describe the … of the characters. ACT.

Creative … enjoy this book. READ.

We read this article for … INFORM.

It is difficult to describe her … APPEAR.


a) Try to match up the adjectives in column A With the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases. Use these word combinations in the sentences of your own:

1) creative a) divisions
2) narrative b) experience
3) imaginary c) writing
4) complicated d) reader
5) definite e) situation
6) critical f) enjoyment
7) fine g) arts
8) deep h) people
9) main i) rhythm
10) own j) skills

b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

1) to create from a) a horse
2) to judge b) the piece of writing
3) to broaden c) a solution
4) to arrange d) the words
5) to ride e) the husband
6) to persuade f) the taxes
7) to lower g) the appearance
8) to include h) imagination
9) to find i) the reading
10) to describe j) the essay

EXERCISE 5. Translate the following word combinations; pay attention to the prepositions:

from the Latin word, in its broadest sense, one of the fine arts, from imagination, about real persons, with imaginary situations, in the page, leads to the deepest enjoyment, no rules for judging, develop with use, are fond of reading, for different reasons, for information, pleasure in learning, solutions to our problems, in books, about events, deal with a great variety of subjects, around a single incident, because of its shorter length, by actors on the stage, actions of characters, the form of dialogue, between two or more persons, in a pattern with a definite rhythm, at the end of the lines.

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