Transition word for but



Other Words for BUT: Helpful List of 21 Synonyms for But with ESL Pictures


But Synonym! What is another word for but? Helpful list of 20+ synonyms for but with example sentences and ESL infographics. Learning these but synonyms to strengthen your vocabulary words and improve your English writing skill.

But Synonym

Synonyms for But

“But” is a common contrast transition word in English. Learn a useful list of synonyms for but in English.

  • Withal
  • Yet
  • Although
  • Still and all
  • Though
  • Whereas
  • Even so
  • However
  • In contrast
  • On the contrary
  • On the other hand
  • Be that as it may
  • But still
  • But then
  • By contrast
  • Contrarily
  • Conversely
  • Despite that
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • Notwithstanding

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Other Words for But

But Synonyms with Examples

Learn another word for but with example sentences.

  • Withal

Withal, I always hold an optimistic attitudes.

  • Yet

The tongue is but three inches long, yet it can kill a man six feet high.

  • Still and all

 Even though you dislike us, still and all you should be polite.

  • Though

The tongue breaks bone, though itself has none.

  • Whereas

 Death is so final, whereas life is so full of possibilities.

  • Even so

I had a terrible headache, even so I went to the concert.

  • However

 This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers.

  • In contrast

In contrast, the lives of girls in well-to-do families were often very sheltered.

  • On the contrary

You think you are clever; on the contrary, I assure that you are very foolish.

  • On the other hand

I’d like to eat out, on the other hand I should be trying to save money.

  • Be that as it may

I accept that he’s old and frail; be that as it may, he’s still a good politician.

  • But still

We waited on for another hour, but still she didn’t come.

  • But then

I thought the mouse was dead, but then it gave a slight twitch.

  • By contrast

 By contrast, Gordon says, the Net fails on several counts.

  • Contrarily

Also, Briticism is not coarse, contrarily, it has a gentle breath.

  • Conversely

Conversely, you might say that it is ridiculous.

  • Despite that

Despite that, it is hardy and rarely gets diseases, but has not been tank-bred.

  • Nevertheless

The news may be unexpected; nevertheless it is true.

  • Nonetheless

The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.

  • Notwithstanding

 Donna won fame and fortune, notwithstanding, she never forgot her hometown.

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The English language is a vast and diverse landscape of words, phrases, and nuances.

One area that can often trip up writers is transition words in writing.

Discover how to use the most common transition, connective, and linking words: and, but, and however, and many others.

Writing Skills

English Transition Words, Connective Words, Linking Words

Transition/Linking words are helpful in essays because they help make sentences cohesive.

They connect ideas and concepts to help your writing flow better.

The most common transition word is «and» to link two phrases or sentences together.

  • «Amy picked up her books and headed out the door for school.

  • «Sam hitched his backpack higher on his shoulder and hurried after Amy.»

In the first example, Amy picked up her books + she headed out the door

(she did 2 actions)

In the second example, Tom hitched his backpack + he hurried after Amy

(he did 2 actions)

Thers is more than one category of transitional words based on their purpose.

For example:


Words such as also, furthermore, and besides.

These words add more information to what you already said/wrote.

For example, you mentioned

  • «Sam loves green food»
  • and want to add some more information about what Sam likes

  • «Sam likes blueberries»)
  • Using a linking word(s) helps the reader understand there is another fact about Sam.

    In this case, the second fact (likes blueberries) contrasts with the first fact (loves green food) because blueberries are not a green food.

    You can write a sentence like this:

    «Sam loves green foood but also likes blueberries.»

    In this sentence, but indicates contrast, and also indicates an additional fact (about Sam).


    Words such as whereas, while, on one hand, and on the other hand.

    These words help organize paragraphs and essays by contrasting ideas between each other.

    Cause and Effect

    Words such as so, because, since, for, therefore.

    These show a cause or effect relationship within sentences.

    For example, «Sam has been working all day long, so he will probably go home early.»

    In this sentence, Sam goes home early because he worked all day (he is tired!).

    This is an example of a cause and effect linkage in writing.


    Words like similarly, likewise, also known as correlative conjunctions tie (connect) two similar items together into one thought process to help organize paragraphs in essay writing.


    Linking words/phrases that show opinion include words like In my opinion, I believe, and From my perspective.


    Conclusion transition words and phrases at the end of a paragraph, final analysis, or essay show closure between topics.

    They include words like in conclusion, finally, and eventually, which all help express the idea of closure in the writing process.


    Linking words that indicate time:

    • before

    • after

    • since

    Use these when giving information about chronological order, as they help the reader understand how one event occurred before/after another.


    These linking words (transitional conjunctions) link reasons to events by showing cause and effect relationships, including because, for example, and so that while also indicating purposeful action when writing your essay or other content.

    Linking Words Examples

    What are linking words?


    The words that connect sentences are called linking words.

    These can be difficult to remember, but there are a few to help you get started.

    They include:

    • therefore
    • in addition
    • finally
    • even though
    • also

    When you use these words to begin a sentence, make sure to put a comma after them.

    You can use many linking words within sentences to add variety to your writing.

    How do you use as a result in a sentence?


    Sam crashed his car. As a result, the car needed to be repaired.

    Our new fire alarm alerts us before there’s time for sparks or flames to spread. As a result, we don’t need to worry about a fire starting anymore.

    How to use despite in a sentence?


    Despite the rain, people still walked to work.

    We laughed despite it being awkward.

    It was too expensive, but he bought it despite his budget.

    Despite my fear of heights, I climbed to the top of Mount Everest in 2021.

    How to use apart from in a sentence?


    «Apart from my cat, I don’t like animals.»

    The speaker doesn’t like any other animals — only their pet cat.

    Apart from can mean excluding. It is often used with this meaning these days.

    Here are some more examples:

  • «How was your holiday?» «Apart from the terrible food, I enjoyed myself.»
  • Apart from can also mean: as well as, in addition to

  • «Apart from winning another gold medal, he wants to break the current world record before retiring as an athlete.»
  • How to use but for in a sentence


    Use when you are trying to show that something would not have occurred if not for another thing.

    But for the cold, Tom would have fit right in.

    But for the severe weather, Tom would have felt very comfortable.

    «I would love to ski today but for my fall yesterday when I injured myself.»

    But for can also be used in sentences where it essentially means if it were not for.

    «But for the lack of time, I would stay longer.

    «If it were not for the lack of time, I would stay longer.

    how to use even though in a sentence


    Meaning: despite the fact that

    «Even though he was an old man, He enjoyed the beautiful sunset with his cat.»

    «I love you even though I cannot always show it.»

    «Listening to your inner spirit is more important than material wealth, even though having both is preferable.»

    Even though it was very expensive, I bought it because I wanted it so much!

    What is the difference between though and although in a sentence?


    Though is an adverb (meaning nevertheless or however ) often used in negative sentences/phrasess.

    It means that something happened despite opposition or disappointment.

    Use it to state contrast with an expected outcome:

  • Though he was rich, he did not spend much money.
  • Although is a conjunction, or linking word (meaning in spite of the fact that (wordy) or even though).

  • Although he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • In spite of the fact that he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • Even though he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • You can interchange although and though in most cases.

    In writing, although is more traditional — but people use both although and though in academic and formal writing — it is okay.

    What are connective words for essay writing in English?


    Connective words for essays are important for essay writing because they help to organize and connect ideas. Some common connective words include:

    • First of all
    • Secondly
    • Additionally
    • In addition
    • Moreover
    • Finally
    • To conclude


    What are transition words?

    Transition words are connecting or linking words in writing that connect one idea to another. They help the reader understand how the ideas in a text are connected and related to each other.

    How can I use transition words in my writing?

    There are many different ways to use linking words; essay writing, for example, uses them to connect ideas in a logical way. In fiction writing, they can be used to connect scenes or events.

    Do I need to learn all the transition words and phrases used in academic writing?

    No, not all of them. But you should learn the most common transitional words and phrases used in writing. Many transition words are not specifically for academic writing. However, some common transition words include «however,» «therefore,» and «thus,» can be used in academic writing essays.

    Transition words and phrases help connect ideas and make your writing flow smoothly. Without them, your writing would sound choppy and abrupt.

    Learning various transition words and phrases will help you improve your writing skills and become a better communicator overall.

    Is a transitional word the same as a connective?

    A connective is a word that connects two clauses or two sentences. A transitional word is a word that indicates the relationship between two ideas in a text.

    Which transition word/phrase should I use to indicate a contrasting view to a previous argument?


    • However, despite this evidence, some people still believe that video games are harmful. On the other hand, there are those who argue that video games can actually be beneficial.

    • While it is true that video games might have some negative effects, there are also positive outcomes associated with playing them

    • In contrast to what has been argued, there are also many benefits of playing video games.

    Which transition word/phrase should I use to indicate a supporting view to a previous argument?

    There are a few different transition words and phrases that can be used to indicate a supporting view to a previous statement, such as «furthermore,» «additionally,» «in addition,» or » moreover.»

    More transition words that indicate support: In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Besides

    How do I use sequential transitions, words like «first,» «second,»…?

    First, second, third, fourth, fifth… These are all words that can be used to signal transitions in your writing. By using these words (or others like them), you can create a clear and easy-to-follow structure for your reader. In addition, using sequential transition words and phrases can also help to make your writing more concise.

    Here are some tips for using sequential transitions in your writing:

    Use them to signal the order of events. When you are recounting a series of events, transitions can help to indicate the order in which they occurred.

  • For example, if you were describing a process, you might use the following sequence of transitional words and phrases: first, next, then, finally.
  • Use them to signal time. Transitions can also be used to signal when something happened.

  • For example, if you were writing about a family vacation, you might use the following sequence of transitional words and phrases: last summer, this past weekend, a few months ago, yesterday.
  • Which transition words are best for SEO writing?

    The best transition words SEO writers use vary depending on the content and the audience. However, some general tips that may be useful include using transitions that are common and easily understood by readers, as well as those that help to create a logical flow between ideas.

    Top transition words used in SEO writing:

    • Clearly: used to introduce a point that is obvious
    • Specifically: used to provide exact details
    • Actually: used to introduce a point that contrasts with expectations
    • Obviously: used to indicate something that is easy to understand
    • Moreover: used to add additional information in support of an idea
    • Hence: used to emphasize the logical consequence of an idea
    • Finally: used to emphasize the last point in an argument.
    • Lastly: used to conclude a topic or list.
    • Undoubtedly: used to express certainty
    • Unquestionably: used to express strong agreement
    • In any case: used to introduce an alternative point of view
    • At any rate: used to indicate a different viewpoint or opinion
    • All things considered: used to express that all arguments have been weighed.
    • Given these points: used to introduce a new point or summarise prior points
    • In conclusion
    • Provided that: used to introduce a condition
    • So long as: used when introducing a condition that must be met for something to happen.
    • In other words: used to restate a point in different terms.
    • To put it another way: also used to rephrase an idea.
    • That is to say: used to express something in different words.
    • Therefore: used to introduce a logical conclusion or inference
    • However: used to introduce an opposing viewpoint
    • Consequently: used to express the result of an action
    • Furthermore: used to add additional information in support of an idea
    • Additionally: provides extra information in the same vein as ‘furthermore’

    Top SEO transition words recommended by Yoast SEO:

    • On the other hand: introduces a different viewpoint
    • Despite this: acknowledges an opposing stance
    • In addition to: provides additional information that is related
    • Instead of: presents an alternative option
    • As a result of: expresses the consequence of a particular action
    • For example: provides an illustrative case or situation

    Additionally, it is often helpful to use keyword-rich transitions to signal to search engines what the content is about and how it is related to other pieces of content on the website. Ultimately, the goal is to create a writing style that is both effective and efficient in terms of SEO.

    Are there any special copywriting SEO transition words?

    Yes, there are a few key transition words that can signal to search engines that your content is relevant and informative. These include:

    • First
    • Secondly
    • Thirdly
    • Finally
    • In conclusion
    • To summarize

    transition words

    What are Transition Words?

    Transition words are like the glue that connects two separate ideas together. For example, here are two sentences without a transition word.

    We were supposed to play baseball. It rained all day.

    These two sentences make more sense when you add a transition word. In particular, we can create a relationship between them by connecting with the transition word “but”.

    We were supposed to play baseball. It rained all day.

    Now that we have formed the link between playing baseball and the weather, the sentence makes sense.

    Overall, transition words help your readers progress from one thought to another helping them connect one thought with another.

    Transition Word Examples

    You can use different types of transition words and link sentences together. Each type of transition word conveys different relationships between the two ideas.

    We didn’t play baseball because it rained all day.

    In our previous example, the transition word ‘but’ is a ‘conflict’ type of transition word. We can change the above sentence using a ’cause and effect’ type of transition word:

    In both cases, transition words glue the two separate sentences together.

    1. Transition words that give cause and effect

    This type of transition word is for causation, denoting the relationship between two events. So when one thing happens, you can expect another event to occur.

    • because
    • so
    • therefore
    • for this reason
    • due to
    • consequently
    • as a result
    • since
    • unless
    • if
    • given that
    • hence

    2. Transition words that conclude a statement

    Generally, you find these transitions at the end of a paragraph or essay. When you want to conclude a statement, these are the types of transition words you can add.

    • overall
    • all things considered
    • in summary
    • ultimately
    • in conclusion
    • after all
    • without a doubt
    • in essence
    • in fact
    • with this in mind
    • indeed
    • therefore
    • accordingly
    • in short
    • for this reason

    3. Transition words that give examples

    Whenever you want to give a list of examples, then these are the types of transition words you can use in your text. Adding examples are practical ways to clarify a statement using ways to clarify situations.

    • for example
    • in other words
    • to clarify
    • in particular
    • notably
    • for instance
    • to illustrate
    • as you can see
    • specifically
    • as proof

    4. Transition words that contradict separate thoughts

    When you have two separate thoughts that are contradictory, you can select one of these transition words.

    • however
    • despite
    • but
    • while
    • either way
    • regardless
    • whereas
    • otherwise
    • even though
    • although
    • yet
    • on the other hand
    • albeit
    • in contrast
    • nevertheless

    5. Transition words that add information

    If you want to connect two ideas together by adding additional information, then you can use any of these transition words below.

    • similarly
    • likewise
    • in addition
    • in fact
    • moreover
    • additionally​
    • also
    • besides
    • admittedly
    • in general
    • typically
    • certainly
    • no doubt
    • for the most part
    • furthermore
    • certainly

    6. Transition words that show time

    Finally, these are the transition words that are good at showing time or sequences of events. For example, you can use these types of transition words when following a recipe because you complete each step in order.

    • finally
    • furthermore
    • eventually
    • first, second, third
    • all of a sudden
    • lastly
    • before
    • meanwhile
    • from this point
    • gradually
    • then
    • as long as
    • until now
    • afterward

    Do you know the Brooklyn Bridge? Now, imagine the time before it was built—like before 1883.

    Obviously I wasn’t there, but I can imagine that it was a struggle for someone to move across the East River between Brooklyn and Manhattan.

    Well… you could still get across but not as conveniently as using the bridge—well, maybe they used boats or built small rafts. Not convenient, right?

    Bottom line? They needed that bridge.

    Likewise, if you want your writing to flow coherently and have the lucidity that makes it easily readable, you NEED transition words.


    what are transition words and how to use them

    So what are these bridges? Transition words are words or phrases that connect sentences and paragraphs seamlessly and smoothen out any abrupt jumps or breaks between the sentences.

    what are transition words

    Like a bridge, a transition word or phrase can create links between your ideas and can help your reader understand your story.

    These words include ‘since to demonstrate’, ‘specifically’, ‘for instance’, ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’, and many others. These words are deliberately inserted into the text to show the relationship between phrases, sentences, or paragraphs. They are like soft-footed tour guides for your readers, helping them grasp your thoughts and where your ideas lead to.

    On a basic level, we usually use conjunctions (“and,” “but” and “or”) as transition words, for example:

    • They wanted to learn fast, and they completed the course with a quarter of the semester to spare.
    • They wanted to learn fast, but they barely finished one module after the first month.

    You can see that in the examples I gave above, the coordinating conjunctions were employed to indicate two different transitions.

    • In the first case, “and” has been used to indicate a transition that connects two occurrences which were harmonized.
    • The second sentence employed the conjunction “but” to introduce a contrast.

    Just as illustrated in these examples, there are different categories of transition words that we use to get a point across.

    Adverb as Transition Words

    Apart from the conjunctions, adverbs are also transition words.  Adverbs are words that describe the manner in which an action is performed or how two actions relate to each other.

    These are examples of how we use them as transition words:

    • He did quite an excellent job. Nonetheless, the client seemed a bit dissatisfied with the work.
    • We don’t want another costly overseas trip; besides, we can’t afford it.

    Can A Transition Be a Question?

    Yes, but not necessarily.

    Such a simple but somewhat confusing answer. It’s not a grammar rule but an observation that I have made.

    As a rule of thumb (which I picked from a very good English tutor), I don’t put a comma after “but” when I use it instead of a conjunctive adverb (e.g., however, nevertheless).

    So, if I start a sentence with a “but” and proceed with a question without “pausing”, it means that I have a transition that’s also a question.

    For example:

    Paragraph 1: The Corporation suddenly sold their stock in the rising company.

    Paragraph 2: But how do you sell stock when the expectations are that the company is about to become more valuable?

    Obviously my transition word, “but,” is not a question on its own, but the whole sentence is. Therefore, the sentence as a transition from paragraph “1” to “2” is a question.

    But as I said, I’m yet to come across a general rule for this type of scenario.

    What Are Some Examples of Transition Words?

    There are just numerous examples of transition words. However, these words are used to perform different tasks—some are used to show turns and twists, others are employed to indicate similarity, etc.

    what are some examples of transition words

    9 Categories of transition words.

    Basically, we have categories of transition words (based on the type of transition the words represent when they launch a sentence).

    These are categories:


    • We lost. Therefore, we couldn’t proceed to the next round.
    • He left Because he was worried about the health of his mother.


    since, on account of, for that reason, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, as a result.


    • I’d have loved to go, but I have some urgent business here.
    • On the contrary, they believed that he was a fool.
    • Likewise, the driver of the white van left the boxes on his door.


    Yet, and yet, nonetheless, at the same time, after all, In the same way, by the same token, in like manner, likewise, in similar, but, however, though, otherwise, on the contrary, in contrast, notwithstanding, nevertheless, similarly, on the other hand,


    • Specifically, Jane likes blue shoes.
    • To demonstrate its might, the empire wants to impose sanctions on its tiny neighbor.


    for example, to illustrate, for instance, as an illustration, e.g. (for example).


    • In other words, he wants you to go.
    • To put it another way, your company doesn’t need any more liabilities.


    to clarify, to explain, that is to say, i.e. (that is), to rephrase it.


    • This is possibly the best score in ten years.
    • With this in mind, the board declared him the best investment banker of that year.


    Probably, always, nearly, never, maybe, frequently, perhaps, although.


    • Moreover, I wanted to go hiking with her friends.
    • Furthermore, the higher you go, the harder it becomes to climb down.


    in addition, even more, too, also, last, lastly, finally, in the second place, again, next, further, besides, and, or, nor, first, second, secondly.


    • Given these points, it is very apparent that she is knowledgeable about what is going on.
    • In the long run, everyone will earn huge dividends from their investment.


    In conclusion, to sum up, to summarize, in sum, in brief, in short, in summary, to conclude, finally.


    • He wrote her a note Before left for Italy.
    • During the event, you could hear them chant war cries.
    • Later that evening, he arrived with a big entourage.


    While, now, immediately, following, never, after, earlier, always, when, whenever, meanwhile, soon, sometimes, afterwards, until now, next, once, then, at length, simultaneously, so far, this time, subsequently, in the meantime.


    You have to have a hard-working attitude and self-belief. Above all, you have to put all your trust in God.


    Above all, most importantly, certainly.

    When to Use a Transition Word

    when to use a transition word

    If you add transition phrases or words to connect parts of the same sentence or start a new paragraph, your writing reads more smoothly and the relationship among the ideas described becomes clearer.

    To Glue a Single Sentence

    Transition words are used to link parts of the same sentence.

    Here are some examples:

    • The boss acts as if the employees are just little kids under his supervision.
    • He prefers to go by himself rather than send someone else in his place.
    • The company did not adopt his proposed marketing strategy, yet if they had savvy executives, they would have realized how innovative and profitable his plans were.

    To Start a Paragraph

    Before choosing a transition word or phrase, always think about the cohesiveness—between the current paragraph and the one that precedes it—the transition will bring. Are the two paragraphs carrying comparing and contrasting ideas? Are you trying to describe events in chronological order?

    When we use transitions to introduce a new paragraph, they are usually phrases or clauses which refer to the preceding paragraph while launching a new idea.

    The transitions that we often used at the beginning of new paragraphs may be phrases like these:

    • It follows logically that entity A and B cannot be clearly distinguished by dead reckoning.
    • Furthermore, the gentleman has confessed his crime and has named his accomplices.
    • In conclusion, the theory does hold in reality.
    • Lastly, an investigation needs to be launched to find out what really happened here.

    Coherence is what your transitions are there to help you with. Therefore, you ought to place a great emphasis on the gluiness of your transitions.

    Gluing Paragraphs

    Inside your paragraph, transitions have to help you explain the relationships between your ideas. You have to think about what the previous sentence before this one says and how that sentence or phrase relates to the one the transition is trying to introduce.

    Do you want to add more information to the preceding sentence? Or, do you want to emphasize the subject succeeding the transition?

    When we use transitional words to stitch a paragraph, we often try to make it flow smoothly. In the next example, I have used transition words to stitch together a short paragraph.

    A Paragraph Without Transitions: He left his job in Louisiana. His mother was ill. She recovered, he went back to Louisiana.

    A Paragraph with Transitions: He left his job in Louisiana because his mother was ill. After she’d recovered, he went back to Louisiana. But, he no longer had a job and had to start from scratch again.

    Do Transitions Help in Writing a Story?

    Not only do transitions help in writing a story, but they also help you quickly and easily improve your writing. There are plenty of benefits of using transitions.

    Firstly, using transitions is a good way of programming yourself to transcend the subaltern practice of using a basic subject-verb sentence structure. With transitions, you have sentences which are more complex but still coherent.

    Besides adding to the complexity of your sentences, the stitching factor that transitions bring to your text makes it readable and helps you create passages with a bit more refinement.

    Finally, perfectly employed transitions can make your writing sound more professional. Professional writers know that there should be a noticeable difference between written and spoken language (unless it’s dialogue). Transitions give your writing a tinge of that much-needed professionalism, just enough to make it sound better than spoken English.

    Signs That You Need to Work On Your Transitions

    There are a couple of red flags that pop up whilst writing or when you’re provided with feedback. Here are some of the scenarios that require you to work on your transitions:

    • When you submit a manuscript or an academic assignment and you’re bombarded with comments like “this is choppy,” “it’s jumpy,” “the passages aren’t flowing smoothly,” “your writing desperately needs signposts,” or “how are paragraph X and Y related?”
    • When you get feedback from your readers, saying they are having a tough time following the structure and flow of your content.
    • When you take separate, disjointed chunks of texts and stitch them together without adding adhesive words or phrases.
    • When you are working on a group assignment and the draft includes parts written individually by several group members.

    How Can I Improve My Use of Transition Words

    The fact that everyone uses transition words is quite apparent. But, using them correctly or efficiently isn’t something which every writer does naturally. Using transition words effectively is a result of a couple of things. To successfully use transitions, you have to:

    1. Arrange Your Thoughts and Ideas

    Remember what I said about transition words acting like bridges linking your paragraphs and sentences together? Well, they are more than that.

    They’re also signposts. Before writing a blog post, news article, or a book, one usually has a bunch of incoherent but lucid ideas to work with. Usually, you—the writer—know where your story is going but you need to give the reader some directions.

    They have to understand and follow your arguments and you have to clearly define the relationships between different sentences or parts of writing.

    Your writing needs to have a firm structure and it’s the effective use of transition words that will help you give the text that structure.

    But first, you need to know how your ideas relate to each other. It needs to be clear to you which idea introduces the other, which breaks away from the original points, and so on and so forth. This means that you have an introduction, body, and conclusion.

    Afterwards, you can start adding meat to the skeleton, sew the sentences together. Find jumps and breaks that present perfect slots for transitions and make sure the transitions employed make sense.

    2. Know the Transition Words

    This is usually a problem for non-native speakers. But, many native speakers tend to “underutilize” transition words; they simply don’t pay attention to some less frequently used transitions.

    So, whether you’re a native speaker or not, it’s prudent to look up a list of transition words and study their employment. It’s not only a matter of having used the transition word before, sometimes, their usage may depend on context like the “i.e.” vs “e.g.” case which is a grammatical evil that has preyed on a lot of unsuspecting native speakers.

    Knowing the words helps you contextualize the transitions.

    This video made an extensive list of Transition Words and Phrases in English.

    My Final Words On Transitions

    Transition words are essential for the readability of your writing. Unfortunately, a lot of people fail to utilize them effectively. If you are one of these people, don’t worry about it too much. Study them and practice a lot.

    Like a lot, A LOT. Always be aware of the way you structure your text. In this way, it will be less of a task trying to choose the best transitions to use.

    Transition words are vital to the English language, and help to link what we’re saying together.

    These words can be as straightforward as ‘and,’ ‘to,’ or ‘so,’ or more complex, like ‘moreover,’ ‘additionally,’ and ‘comparatively.’

    Words like those listed above are essential for adding to, emphasising, or introducing a counter-argument in sentences, and really helps the readers to follow what you’re saying. Fundamentally, transition words are invaluable for building up coherent relationships within texts.

    Because transition words introduce a greater level of readability to the content that writers publish online, they are essential for maximising your SEO potential. If you’re a content writer, blogger, or even somebody who wants to boost your social media presence, it’s imperative that you know your way around transition words.

    Transitional Words

    Image Source: 7ESL

    But what actually are transition words? And how can you use them to the best effect? Here’s a comprehensive guide that covers when and how to use transition words to optimise your content:

    What are transition words?

    So, as we’ve already covered, transition words are like ‘and,’ ‘but,’ and ‘because’. Transition words are used to link words, phrases and sentences. These words help to introduce readers to the relationship between phrases, sentences and entire paragraphs where applicable. Fundamentally, transition words help your readers to understand how your suggestions, thoughts and criticisms are connected together. They’re also an especially helpful tool for preparing your reader for what’s coming up in your text.

    It’s time for an early example. To help clarify what transition words are, Yoast SEO offers up the sentence: “I pushed the domino. As a result, it fell over.”

    The use of the term as a result instantly informs your reader of two things:

    1. Firstly, that something happened within the sentence that caused something;
    2. And secondly, that the second half of this sentence will describe this effect.

    By incorporating the term ‘as a result’ in the sentence above, you can effectively combine two separate sentences into one flowing process. Without even needing to read the rest of the sentence, the reader can already make an educated assumption as to what’s about to come next.

    In a manner of speaking, transition words act as a glue that holds texts together. Without this glue, your writing simply consists of a series of loose sentences. With transition words, individual parts combine to form one whole.

    It’s also worth noting that transition words don’t always need to be positioned at the start of sentences. For example, consider the following text: ‘I’m trying to stay in shape. I went for a run yesterday evening, for instance.’

    Here, the phrase ‘for instance’ is positioned at the end of the sentence. However, it still tells the reader exactly how the two sentences are interlinked.

    Yoast also offers up the example of ‘I enjoy his company because he always tells interesting stories.’

    In the sentence above, the term ‘because’ doesn’t actually link together two different sentences but rather combines two clauses. In a nutshell, transition words have the power to connect just about anything from short succinct phrases to verbose paragraphs.

    How should I use transition words?

    Transition words can be split into several different categories based on what you want to say. You’ll find that there are typically lots of words that can be used to make a specific transition – which is pretty handy when it comes to writing extensively covering the same point or idea.

    Sometimes these transition phrases can mean exactly the same thing, while some other times their meanings can differ slightly, so it’s worth taking some time to understand each word and how they can be best used when making transitions.

    If you’re not a native English speaker, then this isn’t a problem. It some terms you’ll undoubtedly be familiar with, while others would be unrecognisable to even the most experienced of writers in English-speaking countries. It could be helpful to explore some categorised transition words and search for a definition if you decide to use one while writing. The chances are that you’ll develop a fluency with a wide range of transition words in no time.

    So let’s take a deeper look at some specific transition words, their contexts and how they could be applied within bodies of text.

    Transition words indicating agreement, addition and similarity

    In the first place not only…but also as a matter of fact in like manner
    in such a manner in this manner in addition coupled with
    in similar fashion in the same fashion in a similar way first/second/third
    firstly/secondly/thirdly in light of not to mention to say nothing of
    equally important similarly important by the same token Again
    to and also then
    equally identically uniquely like
    too as Moreover as well as
    together with of course likewise comparatively
    correspondingly similarly furthermore additionally

    Firstly, as we can see above, there’s the topic of transition words that can be used to form an agreement, addition or reference a similarity within a text.Smart-Words has an excellent resource available when it comes to finding examples of specific types of transition words. Using their source material, we’ll explore the categories of each type of transition and aim to provide some easy to follow examples.

    Each column here represents a different type of transition word, and each term is largely similar to the one above and below.

    An example of an agreement word would be: “He asked if he might record the interview in addition to taking notes.”

    This is defined as an agreement because the transition connects two sentences or clauses that mutually agree with each other. If you’re in need of an effective transition between two statements that complement each other, then you should look to an agreement/addition/similarity transition word.

    For an example of an additional transition word, a sentence like “they said they were going to go to the park and buy an ice cream” illustrates that the second clause is just adding some further context to what’s being said by the writer.

    As for a similarity transition, this sentence shows that both clauses in a sentence are linked by terms that determine both are similar statements: “In 1920, he vetoed a bill calling for censorship of moving pictures and likewise a bill to permit the sale of “2.75%” beer.”

    Transition words indicating opposition, limitation and contradiction

    Although this may be true in contrast in contrast to different from
    of course…but on the other hand on the contrary contrary to this
    at the same time in spite of even so though
    be that as it may then again above all in reality
    after all But Still And still
    unlike or yet and yet
    while albeit besides as much as
    even though Although instead whereas
    despite conversely otherwise however
    rather though even though nevertheless
    nonetheless regardless notwithstanding  

    These types of transition phrases are essential when it comes to writing because when you’re looking to incorporate opposing views into a sentence or paragraph, it can be particularly tricky for the reader to understand that you’ve taken on an opposite point of view without warning them first.The above examples of opposition/limitation/contradiction transition words are used to indicate a change of tone in a sentence and can pave the way to contrary thoughts and arguments.

    For example, a sentence like: “He said he would take her on holiday and took his grandma instead” reads a little bit more clunky than, through the use of a contradiction word instead like “He said he would take her on holiday. However, he took his grandma instead.”

    This is because a contradiction transition word helps prepares the reader for an incoming change of tone. Have you ever heard someone say the phrase “I can sense a ‘but’ coming”? They’re referring to the fact that they’re waiting for somebody to use a transition word to change the tone of a conversation.

    An opposition transition phrase is equally significant – as we can see in the following example: “Many believe that Johan Cruyff was the better footballer, and although this may be true, it was Franz Beckenbauer who lifted the World Cup.”

    Transitional words can also be used to illustrate limitations within the subject of a sentence. For example, “Tony Blair won the 1997 general election in a landslide, albeit with the help of Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper.”

    Transition words indicating cause, condition and purpose

    In the event that in the event of granted that given that
    as long as so long as on the condition that on the condition of
    on this condition for the purpose of for the benefit of with the intention of
    with this intention with this in mind in the hope of in the hope that
    to the end that for fear that for fear of in order to
    seeing that being that in view of in lieu of
    If …then unless when
    whenever while because of as
    since Whilst lest In case
    provided that providing given that given this
    only even if so that so as to
    owing to inasmuch as due to  

    Cause helps to shed light on the reason behind why the first half of a sentence or paragraph exists. For example: “John said he would be happy to come to the theme park, in the event that David can no longer make it.”Cause/Condition/Purpose transitions are excellent ways of elaborating on points made earlier in sentences.

    Conveying conditions through the use of transition phrases is extremely important because they help to alert the reader to a pledge or promise within bodies of text. For example: “I said I would take David’s place on the trip to the theme park if I’m paid in time.”

    The use of Cause/Condition/Purpose transitions work wonders in helping readers to understand your, or the subject’s motives behind their actions or statements. Purpose can be interpreted through the use of an appropriate transition word in the following sentence: “I’m going to have to drop out of our theme park trip, due to having to look after my nephews.”

    Transition words indicating examples, support and emphasis

    In other words to put it differently putting it differently for one thing
    as in illustration illustrated by in this case in the case of
    for this reason to put it another way that is to say with attention to
    by all means important to realise another key point first thing to remember
    point often overlooked an often overlooked point to point out points towards
    on the positive side on the negative side with this in mind Notably
    including like to be sure namely
    chiefly truly indeed certainty
    surely markedly telling such as
    especially explicitly specifically expressly
    surprisingly frequently significantly particularly
    In fact in general in particular in detail
    for example for instance to demonstrate to emphasise
    to repeat to clarify to explain to enumerate

    The use of transitional words for this purpose is a little bit more significant than simply preparing them for a slight change of tone or an elaboration. When many writers look for examples or references, they can intertwine quotes or external phrases into their content – to avoid later issues with plagiarism or bringing an element of confusion, it can be beneficial to use a transitional tool wisely.We’ve been looking at examples for some time within this guide, so there’s no harm in exploring the transitional phrases associated with introducing readers to an upcoming example within texts.

    For example, “I don’t like the new decor in the living room. To put it another way, ‘either that wallpaper goes or I do’.”

    Transitions that express support are excellent ways of informing the reader that the things you’re writing can be backed up by the likes of statistics, references or external individuals. ‘Most people agree that this new wallpaper is very fashionable, including Tom, who studied interior design.’

    To introduce an extra emphasis on parts of a sentence or paragraph, transition words can be used effectively to draw ensure that the reader pays close attention. For example: ‘I’ve painted over the wallpaper with a great new tone of paint. In fact, the store assistant said this colour was a bestseller when I bought it.’

    Transition words indicating effect, consequence and result

    As a result Under those circumstances Under these circumstances Under such circumstances
    In that case In this case In such a case For this reason
    For that reason In effect Effectively For
    Thus Because The Because this
    Then Hence Consequently Therefore
    Therein Thereupon Forthwith Accordingly

    For example:
    “The price of baked beans has gone up, and for this reason, I’ll be buying Frosties from now on.”Effect transitions work in a similar way to those that are designed to bring an extra emphasis for what’s being said. By introducing the effect that the earlier part of a paragraph or sentence has had, readers will know that they’re about to see an explanation.

    Similarly to effect, consequence introduces the knock-on effect that earlier actions have had. Using this transition is a great way of elaborating on a statement: “They’ve put up the price of baked beans, hence why there are so many tins left on the shelves.”

    Transitional words that focus on the result of earlier actions within a sentence or paragraph help to prepare the reader for something of a conclusion. Because this part of a sentence is usually a significant one, the use of transitions really helps to make the content unavoidable: “Nobody was buying the baked beans, so therefore they lowered the price again.”

    Transition words indicating conclusion

    As can be seen Generally speaking Speaking generally Broadly speaking
    In the final analysis Finally All things considered Everything considered
    As shown above In the long run Given these points As has been noted
    In a word For the most part After all In fact
    In summary In conclusion In short In brief
    In essence To summarise On balance Altogether
    Overall Ordinarily Usually By and large
    To sum up On the whole In any event In either case
    All in all Obviously Ultimately Definitely

    Transition words that help to draw conclusions within bodies of text are great ways of not only holding the attention of your audience but also keeping your writing accurate. “The quality of fries from both Burger King and McDonald’s is very high. But, all things considered, I believe that McDonald’s are the best in this area.”Some sentences or paragraphs need to be effectively concluded, and transitional words are an excellent means of drawing readers into the key takeaways you’ve drawn up from your content.

    The sentence above helps readers to understand the wider context that forms your thoughts on an issue – which in this case is the quality of fries from selected fast food outlets. The chosen transition word in this example helps the reader to understand that the author has given some thought to the matter at hand and decided on a measured conclusion. If the sentence read “McDonald’s fries are better than Burger King,” the reader would have no idea of the perceived gulf in quality between the two foods.

    Similarly, a summative transition is a great way of telling your audience that you’re about to reveal your closing thoughts on a matter or topic. Many authors and essay writers consider this part of the process to be so important that they use words like ‘conclusion’ and ‘in summary’ as a sub-heading as opposed to a transition phrase.

    An example of a summary transition embedded within a sentence would be: “I prefer McDonald’s fries, but, on balance, the lower salt volumes associated with Burger King fries means that they’re likely to be healthier.”

    The above example shows that it’s possible to add a caveat to a summary or conclusion, which is a great way of letting your audience know that there are pros and cons for both sides of an argument or divisive subject.

    Restatements are an effective use of transition phrases and can help to create a well-thought-out close to an article or opinion piece: “While the superiority of both Burger King and McDonald’s fries is up for debate, ultimately a scoop of ice cream would be my preferred choice any day.”

    Transition words indicating time, chronology and sequence

    At the present time From time to time Sooner or later At the same time
    Up to the present time To begin with In due time As soon as
    As long as In the meantime In a moment Without delay
    In the first place All of a sudden At this instant First/second…
    Immediately Quickly Swiftly Finally
    After Later Last Until
    ‘til Till Since When
    Once About Next Now
    Formerly Suddenly Shortly Henceforth
    Whenever Eventually Meanwhile Further
    During In time Prior to Forthwith
    Straight away By the time Until now Now that
    Instantly Presently Occasionally  

    Time transitional phrases can help to add context, place a timestamp on your statements, make predictions, or reference the past.Transitional words that relate to timing and sequencing can act as invaluable tools for adding a wealth of context to sentences.

    For example: “He may enjoy buying a cup of coffee each morning, but sooner or later those expenses will catch up with him.”

    Above we can see that this transition has worked wonders in informing the reader that although a relatively harmless activity is happening now, in the future it could have consequences. This transition is important because the potential alternative of “he may enjoy buying a cup of coffee each morning and those expenses will catch up with him” is notably more vague and clunky.

    Chronology can be an important transition to make too. By adding a small note that explains to readers that the sentence has time-travelled somewhat, it’s much easier for audiences to keep up with events. This can be seen in the sentence: “He got a large telephone bill, and hasn’t bought a cup of coffee since.”

    Here, the use of the word since adds an important level of chronological context to the sentence.

    Transitional phrases pertaining to sequence can also be vital here, as can be seen in the following example: “He must’ve been spending £10 on coffee per day prior to receiving his phone bill.”

    This transition helps readers to understand that the action of spending lots of money on coffee occurred before the arrival of a bill, and thus have stopped since.

    Transition words indicating space, location and place

    In the middle To the left/right In front of On this side
    In the distance Here and there In the foreground In the background
    In the centre Around the corner Adjacent to Opposite to
    Here There Next Where
    From Over Near Above
    Below Down Up Under
    Further Beyond Nearby Wherever
    Around Between Before Alongside
    Amid Among Beneath Beside
    Behind Across    

    For example
    , “She was about to boil a cup of tea until a clock in the background showed that she was running late for work.”Transition words are great tools for adding context regarding space, location and place into sentences.

    In this case, the location of the clock is a strong visual tool, as opposed to a vital piece of context. Here, the reader can build a better image of the scenario being described, thus helping them to better relate to the text.

    Location transition words, on the other hand, can be important ways to build a level of much-needed context. Consider the sentence: “She rushed out of the door to see her bus depart from a stop down the road.”

    Finally, place transitions help to build stronger levels of understanding between readers and what authors are trying to say within their text. “Luckily, her day was saved when a second bus drove around the corner of her street moments later.”

    SEO appeal?

    The importance of appropriately used transition words cannot be underestimated. Readers need to understand the text that they’re reading, and this is even more important in the age of Search Engine Optimisation.

    Today, websites and blogs alike get rewarded based on their user-friendliness and readability. If somebody navigates on to your website and immediately struggles to interpret what you’re trying to say because there are too few context-adding transitional phrases, the chances are that they’ll perform a bounceback very quickly indeed.

    It’s worth noting that although transition words aren’t capable of single-handedly influencing your SEO, they certainly account for a large portion of your site’s readability – which does play a big role in determining the quality of your SEO.

    To help us to understand how important the use of transition words is for readability purposes, Yoast SEO has created two texts to help us along. Text A is completely devoid of transition words, while Text B features the same sentences and basic content – only with the addition of transition phrases:

    Text A

    Text A (Transition Words)

    Text B

    Text B (Transition Words)

    Image Source: Yoast

    While Text A makes some sense and isn’t exactly unreadable, the improvements featured in Text B are clear for all readers to see.

    Text B clearly performs better in terms of introducing and informing readers of each argument that’s being made along with counter-arguments to boot and an easy-to-follow conclusion. Text A, on the other hand, requires a great deal more concentration to interpret the types of arguments being made and how the author summarises their points.

    The best thing about Text B is the fact that the reader no longer needs to strain to understand if each argument belongs to the initial point being made or a new one. This added content makes the act of reading more enjoyable for audiences and helps them to stay using your website for longer.

    Herein lies the beauty of transition words. They have the ability to make your content much more enjoyable to read and are relatively easy to utilise and learn. Yes, there are lots of transitions out there, and certainly a number that have evaded this guide. But with the help of this list, you have the chance to develop an understanding of which transitions to include in specific situations and begin to understand the definitions more and more transitional phrases. Your content will soon reap the rewards!

    Transition Words FAQ

    What are transition words?

    Transition words are used to link words, phrases and sentences. These words can be as straightforward as ‘and,’ ‘to,’ or ‘so,’ or more complex, like ‘moreover,’ ‘additionally,’ and ‘comparatively.’

    What are some transition words?

    Examples of typical transition words include ‘so’, ‘moreover’, ‘therefore’, ‘hence’, ‘but’, ‘so’, ‘to’, ‘and’ and many more.

    How to use transition words?

    Use transition words to effectively combine words, separate sentences, phrases and even pharagraphs into one flowing process.

    What are some types of transition words?

    Emphasis, addition, agreement, contrast, order, similarity, limitation are some of transitional word types.

    Full Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you purchase or sign-up with one of the services using links on our website, we may receive a commission.

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