Traditions and language lesson plan 9 grade excel

Ашық сабақ «Module 6 Traditions and Language » 9 сынып Excel

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9 cыныпқа сабақ беретін мұғалімдерге жаға әдіс-тәсілдерді қолдана отырып жасалынған жоспар


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1 Маусым 2020

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#9 сынып








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Материалдар / Ашық сабақ «Module 6 Traditions and Language » 9 сынып Excel

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9 cыныпқа сабақ беретін мұғалімдерге жаға әдіс-тәсілдерді қолдана отырып жасалынған жоспар


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  1. Tradition and language
  2. Урок по английскому языку на тему «Traditions around the world.»(9 класс)
  3. Дистанционные курсы для педагогов
  4. Разговоры о важном
  5. Дистанционные курсы Повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки
  6. Culture and traditions 2 (9 grade)
  7. Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников
  8. Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)
  9. Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО
  10. Эффективное обучение иностранным языкам дошкольников: занятия с детьми
  11. Опытные онлайн-репетиторы
  12. Разговоры о важном
  13. Дистанционные курсы для педагогов
  14. Найдите материал к любому уроку, указав свой предмет (категорию), класс, учебник и тему:
  15. Другие материалы
  16. Вам будут интересны эти курсы:
  17. Оставьте свой комментарий
  18. Автор материала
  19. Дистанционные курсы для педагогов
  20. Онлайн-занятия с репетиторами
  21. Подарочные сертификаты

Tradition and language

Extreme adjectives.

Unit of a long term plan

Unit 6. Tradition and language

Lesson plan 62

School: “Kosseit”

Date: 04.02.2022year

Teacher’s name: Seitzhapparova Nagima


Number present:

Number absent:

Lesson title

Extreme adjectives.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

9.L1 understand the main points in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics

9.L2 understand specific information in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Identify the theme, new words and use them as the basis for discussion.
  • Demonstrate knowledge for usage of the extreme adjectives.Transfer information from the given information into a graphic organizer.

Most learners will be able to:

  • Select, compile, and synthesize information for an oral presentation
  • Provide a point of view in conversations and discussions; speak about experiences.
  • Some learners will be able to:
  • Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.
  • Make a presentation about the experiences using extreme adjectives.Respond to and discuss the reading passage using interpretive, evaluative and creative thinking skills.


Урок по английскому языку на тему «Traditions around the world.»(9 класс)

9. 3A: Traditions and Language (Language with Content)

School: NIS of Chemistry and Biology, Atyrau

Teacher’s name: Atasheva Zh.B.

Head of Department: Bissengaliyeva A.M

Theme of the lesson: Lesson 1-2. Introduction. Traditions around the world. Learning outside the classroom. Optional activity: Health and safety.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

9.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics;

9.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings;

9.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world;

9.C6 organize and present information clearly to others;

9. R4. read a range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics

9. W7. use independently appropriate layout at text level on a growing range of general and curricular topics;

All:- organize and present information; (C6)

-clearly show understanding the meaning of 7 words and support with examples of evidence; (R4)

-give at least 5 details; (W7)

-use at least 5 subject-specific words in their speaking;(S7)

-use their imagination while speaking;(C9)

-use writing and for reflection(C10)

Most:/Some: — organize and present information; (C6)

-clearly show understanding the meaning of 7 words and support with examples of evidence; (R4)

-give at least 7 details; (W7)

-use at least 7 subject-specific words in their speaking;(S7)

-use their imagination while speaking;(C9)

-use writing and for reflection(C10)

Ss learn and practice vocabulary related to environmental problems.

Respect the diversity of opinion

Cross curricular links

T introduces learners with lesson objectives.

For introducing new theme, T introduces quiz.

T asks Ss to stand in a circle and play game “Snowball”.

Ss greet T and listen carefully the theme and LO of the lesson.

Ss should find the words, which connect with the theme “Traditions”. (tradition, holiday, customs, present, treat, party)

Game “Snowball” . Ss stand in a circle and say why New Year is celebrated and traditional ways of celebrating in Kazakhstan. They continue the sentence “We celebrate New Year. ”

Quick Write. T asks Ss write for 5 minutes to the following question:

What traditions does your family or culture have? How do you feel about those traditions?

T explains that during free writing, Ss do not worry about grammar, spelling, or organization- simply write to get ideas on the paper. After finishing writing T asks Ss to turn to a partner and share their writing with one another in two minutes. If time allows, also share a few responses as a class.

T asks Ss to see if they can give examples of things that are unique to Kazakhstan.

T divides Ss into 3 groups and gives Ss handouts with the words (names of traditions). T tells Ss that they must go around the class and find out the definition of these words.

T pairs Ss and allows Ss to use tablets. T explains that they need to find five examples of cultural elements from one nation of each continent and write. Each pair is to complete a K-W-L chart found at the end of this lesson as Attachment Three: K-W-L, a Graphic Organizer.

T asks Ss to present their work.

T tells that they are going to discuss the concepts of cultural focus and cultural relativity, the relationship that exists between them, and how it affects a country’s concepts.

Quick Write. (I) All Ss free write for 5 minutes to the following question:

What traditions does your family or culture have? How do you feel about those traditions?

During free writing, Ss do not worry about grammar, spelling, or organization- simply write to get ideas on the paper.

(P,S7,C9,C6) Ss will have two minutes to turn to a partner and share their writing with one another. If time allows, also share a few responses as a class.

Ss can give examples of things that are unique to Kazakhstan.

(G,R4) Ss are divided into 3 groups and given handouts with the words (names of traditions). They must go around the class and find out the definition of these words.

(P,W7,C10) Ss are divided into pairs and allow using tablets. They need to find five examples of cultural elements from one nation of each continent and write. Each pair is to complete a K-W-L chart found at the end of this lesson as Attachment Three: K-W-L, a Graphic Organizer. They can draw their own pictures.

Ss will present their work. Each learner is to write three things they learned about the cultural region presented.

(P,S7,C9,C6, C10) Discuss the concepts of cultural focus and cultural relativity, the relationship that exists between them, and how it affects a country’s concepts.

Discuss how cultural traditions affect each region’s beliefs.

Differentiation by support: less able Ss will be provided with dictionaries.


Дистанционные курсы для педагогов

650 курсов повышения квалификации от 590 руб.

253 курса профессиональной переподготовки от 2190 руб.

Входим в перечень Министерства просвещения Российской Федерации

Разговоры о важном

Рекомендуем всем учителям 1-11 классов

Дистанционные курсы Повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки

900 курсов от 770 рублей

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Culture and traditions 2 (9 grade)

Unit 6: Traditions and language

Teacher`s name: Kakharov I

Theme of the lesson:

Culture and traditions,

Which are powerful force for identity 2 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; — write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics; — spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics;

9.6 — use relative, demonstrative, indefinite, quantitative pronouns and a variety of reflexive pronoun structures
on a range of familiar general and curricular topics;

All learners will be able to

identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support

Most learners will be able to

identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support

Some learners will be able to

identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on views of others with little support

Ss can complete the table using comparative/superlative forms of adjectives

Culture and traditions, Which are powerful force for identity

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.

To introduce the topic

Give Ss two minutes to underline adjectives in the text Festival Blog.

Ask them to name the most frequently used adjectives to describe festivals.

Check Ss’ answers around the class

name the most frequently used adjectives to describe festivals.

To present adjectives , order of adjectives, compound

adjectives and practise order of adjectives

Read out the theory box and explain any point Ss are unsure of.

Explain the task and go through the examples. Give Ss time to complete the task and then check Ss’ answer

To practice compound adjectives

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it . Check Ss’ answers

To present comparative/ superlatives

Read out the theory box and examples aloud. Elicit that we use than in the comparative and the…of/ in the superlative. Elicit spelling rules for the comparative/superlative

Focus Ss’ attention on irregular forms. Elicit the answers from Ss around the class

To practice comparative/superlative forms

Explain the task. Give Ss time to complete it in closed pairs.

Remind Ss that they will need to add extra words(e.g. more, than, the)

Check Ss’ answers around the class

Learners complete the task

Learners practice compound adjectives

Learners study grammar

Learners complete the table using comparative/superlative forms of adjectives

Students express their attitude to the lesson and give self-assessment using the method:

Курс повышения квалификации

Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

  • Сейчас обучается 85 человек из 36 регионов

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

  • Сейчас обучается 102 человека из 41 региона

Эффективное обучение иностранным языкам дошкольников: занятия с детьми

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