Total number of english word

If we want to talk about how many words there are in English, there are three key numbers to remember: more than a million total words, about 170,000 words in current use, and 20,000-30,000 words used by each individual person.

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Many people estimate that there are more than a million words in the English language. In fact, during a project looking at words in digitised books, researchers from Harvard University and Google in 2010, they estimated a total of 1,022,000 words and that the number would grow by several thousand each year. When you see a massive number like this, though, it’s important to remember that this includes different forms of the same word. It also includes lots of words that we could call archaic (they are not used in modern English).

In the second edition of the Oxford English dictionary, there are approximately 600,000 word forms defined. Again, this includes many old-fashioned words that are not in common use any more. The dictionary also expands every year to keep up with new words that are invented to describe the world around us, or to include new meanings for words that already exist in English. A more useful number from the Oxford English Dictionary would be the 171,476 words that are in current use. That means there are examples of each of these words being used recently.

That’s still a lot of words, though, and doesn’t reflect the number of words that English speakers actually use. For that number, let’s look at a recent study by the people at who say that most adult native-speakers of English have a vocabulary of 20,000-35,000 words. Obviously, these are not the same words and everyone’s vocabulary will include different words according to their career, education and interested.

So, let’s look back at the question. If we want to talk about how many words there are in English, there are three key numbers to remember: more than a million total words, about 170,000 words in current use, and 20,000-30,000 words used by each individual person.

How about you, though? How many words do you think you know and what are you doing to expand your vocabulary to the 20,000-30,000 that an English native speaker uses?


Wil is a writer, teacher, learning technologist and keen language learner. He’s taught English in classrooms and online for nearly 10 years, trained teachers in using classroom and web technology, and written e-learning materials for several major websites. He speaks four languages and is currently looking for another one to start learning.

There is no exact count of the number of words in English, and one reason is certainly because languages are
ever expanding; in addition, their boundaries are always flexible. Consider such words as «cannoli» and «teriyaki,»
which come from other tongues but are established through use, context, and frequency as English. There are many
other thorny considerations that complicate the task of counting individual words and tallying up the language in
that way. For example, are all of the inflected forms of a word–for instance, «drive,» «drives,» «drove,» etc.–one
word or several separate words?

Similarly, there are twelve different words with the spelling «post» entered in Webster’s Third New
International Dictionary, Unabridged
; they all have different parts of speech or derivations. Should these
twelve be considered one word for the purposes of our reckoning? Some scholars would insist the distinct forms
of «post» only be counted once, but others consider each one a separate word that should be counted individually.

Another puzzle: should «port of call,» another Webster’s Third entry, count as a word, even though each of
its components is entered separately?

It has been estimated that the vocabulary of English includes roughly 1 million words (although most linguists would
take that estimate with a chunk of salt, and some have said they wouldn’t be surprised if it is off the mark by a
quarter-million); that tally includes the myriad names of chemicals and other scientific entities. Many of these
are so peripheral to common English use that they do not or are not likely to appear even in an unabridged

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, together with its 1993 Addenda Section, includes
some 470,000 entries. The Oxford English Dictionary, Second Edition, reports that it includes a similar

A US web monitoring firm has declared the millionth English word to be Web 2.0, a term for the latest generation of web products and services.

Matt Frei reports on English’s unique linguistic evolution and then spoke to Global Language Monitor’s Paul Payack who helped find this millionth English word.


  • The million words milestone(06.26)

BBC NEWS | Programmes | World News America | ‘Millionth English word’ declared

“As expected, English crossed the 1,000,000 word threshold on June 10, 2009 at 10:22 am GMT. However, some 400 years after the death of the Bard, the words and phrases were coined far from Stratford-Upon-Avon, emerging instead from Silicon Valley, India, China, and Poland, as well as Australia, Canada, the US and the UK,” said Paul JJ Payack, president and chief word analyst of the Global Language Monitor. “English has become a universal means of communication; never before have so many people been able to communicate so easily with so many others.”

The English language is now being studies by hundreds of millions around the globe for entertainment, commercial or scientific purposes. In 1960 there were some 250 million English speakers, mostly in former colonies and the Commonwealth countries. The future of English as a major language was very much in doubt. Today, some 1.53 billion people now speak English as a primary, auxiliary, or business language, with some 250 million acquiring the language in China alone.”

  • Lexicography 2.0:  The Chambers Reference Editor’s blog

  • Having Gained its Millionth Word, English Marches On (July 20)

  • English is the Word Millionaire (20 Minuten) June 22

  • Simon Winchester:  “On the Joys of our truly Global Language” — London Telegraph

  • Word Nerd from ABC Nightline (Video)

  • BBC News ‘Today’ Show, English Reaches Million Word Milestone (Audio)

  • English Passes a Million Words — La Stampa

  • GLM’s Answers Frequently Asked Questions about the Million Word March

  • The Words in the Mental Cupboard (BBC Magazine)

  • English Acquires its One Millionth Word (The Times)

  • Ars Technica

  • Computerworld

  • Christian Science Monitor

There are 10,000 other stories hailing the arrival of the 1,000,000th word from Abu Dhabi, and Tehran, to Beijing, to Sydney, to Chicago and Sri Lanka.

Quote of the Week:

“What’s interesting about a million is that it’s such a tiny number compared to all the words we could have,” said Mark Pagel, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Reading who studies the comings and goings of words across history. (Using any combination of seven consonants with two vowels, for example, creates more than 100-million potential words.) But even with a relatively small pile to call on, words are mostly fleeting. (The Oxford English Dictionary has a list of words that have appeared on record only once in hundreds of years.) A small number of essential words such as “two” or “you” – or their variations – are ancients in the language family, Dr. Pagel said.  “Had you been wandering around the plains of Eurasia 15,000 years ago, at the end of the last Ice Age, you probably could have said ‘thou’ and someone would have know you were referring to them. We think that’s pretty astonishing.”  Toronto Globe and Mail, June, 2008

Why Twitter was not in running for the 1,000,000th word

Austin, Texas June 13, 2009 – Since the 1,000,000th word in the English announcement earlier this week, a number of news organizations have inquired as to why Twitter, the prominent microblog, was not on the final list of words considered for No. 1,000,000. According to Paul JJ Payack, president and Chief Word Analyst of the Global Language Monitor,  “The answer is quite straight-forward: Twitter is already a word, as is its companion, to tweet. Certainly, the 21st century definition of twittering is much different than that of the Middle English twiteren, which is similar to the Old High German zwizzirōn, both of which mean, well, to twitter or as Merriam-Webster’s defines it “to utter successive chirping noises” or “to talk in a chattering fashion”. Since it is already catalogued as a headword, 21st c. twittering is simply a new entry, a new definition, under the ancient headword, twitter”.

IT Pro Portal Compares 12-month use of twitter vs Web 2.0

On June 10, the Global Language Monitor announced that Web 2.0 has bested Jai Ho, N00b and Slumdog as the 1,000,000th English word or phrase added to the codex of fourteen hundred-year-old language.

Web 2.0 beats Jai Ho & N00b as 1,000,000th English Word

English passed the Million Word mark earlier today, June 10 at 10:22 am GMT

Word Number 1,000,001: Financial Tsunami
Austin, Texas June 10, 2009 – The Global Language Monitor today announced that Web 2.0 has bested Jai Ho, N00b and Slumdog as the 1,000,000th English word or phrase. added to the codex of fourteen hundred-year-old language. Web 2.0 is a technical term meaning the next generation of World Wide Web products and services. It has crossed from technical jargon into far wider circulation in the last six months. Two terms from India, Jai Ho! and slumdog finished No. 2 and 4. Jai Ho! Is a Hindi exclamation signifying victory or accomplishment; Slumdog is an impolite term for children living in the slums. Just missing the top spot was n00b, a mixture of letters and numbers that is a derisive term for newcomer. It is also the only mainstream English word that contains within itself two numerals. Just missing the final five cut-off,  was another technical term, cloud computing, meaning services that are delivered via the cloud. At its current rate, English generates about 14.7 words a day or one every 98 minutes.

These are the fifteen finalists for the one millionth English word, all of which have met the criteria of a minimum of 25,000 citations with the necessary breadth of geographic distribution, and depth of citations.

1,000,000: Web 2.0 – The next generation of web products and services, coming soon to a browser near you.
999,999: Jai Ho! – The Hindi phrase signifying the joy of victory, used as an exclamation, sometimes rendered as “It is accomplished”. Achieved English-language popularity through the multiple Academy Award Winning film, “Slumdog Millionaire”.
999,998: N00b — From the Gamer Community, a neophyte in playing a particular game; used as a disparaging term.
999,997: Slumdog – a formerly disparaging, now often endearing, comment upon those residing in the slums of India.
999,996: Cloud Computing – The ‘cloud’ has been technical jargon for the Internet for many years. It is now passing into more general usage.
999,995: Carbon Neutral — One of the many phrases relating to the effort to stem Climate Change.
999,994: Slow Food — Food other than the fast-food variety hopefully produced locally (locavores).
999,993: Octomom – The media phenomenon relating to the travails of the mother of the octuplets.
999,992: Greenwashing – Re-branding an old, often inferior, product as environmentally friendly.
999,991: Sexting – Sending email (or text messages) with sexual content.
999,990: Shovel Ready – Projects are ready to begin immediately upon the release of federal stimulus funds.
999,989: Defriend – Social networking terminology for cutting the connection with a formal friend.
999,988: Chengguan – Urban management officers, a cross between mayors, sheriff, and city managers.
999,987: Recessionista – Fashion conscious who use the global economic restructuring to their financial benefit.
999,986: Zombie Banks – Banks that would be dead if not for government intervention and cash infusion.
 —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — -
In addition, the 1,000,001st word is Financial Tsunami – The global financial restructuring that seemingly swept out of nowhere, wiping out trillions of dollars of assets, in a matter of months.

Each word was analyzed to determine which depth (number of citations) and breadth (geographic extent of word usage), as well as number of appearances in the global print and electronic media, the Internet, the blogosphere, and social media (such as Twitter and YouTube). The Word with the highest PQI score was deemed the 1,000,000th English language word. The Predictive Quantities Indicator (PQI) is used to track and analyze word usage.
Global Language Monitor has been tracking English word creation since 2003. Once it identifies new words (or neologisms) it measures their extent and depth of usage with its PQI technology.

English Language Millionth Word Finalists Announced, including:  alcopops, bangster, de-friend, n00b, quendy-trendy, slumdog, and wonderstar

English to Pass Millionth Word June 10 at 10:22 am GMT

Million Word March Now Stands at 999,824

Austin, Texas May 29, 2009 – The Global Language Monitor today announced the finalists for the Million Word March. The English Language will cross the 1,000,000 word threshold on June 10, 2009 at 10:22 am Stratford-Upon-Avon time.

“The Million Word milestone brings to notice the coming of age of English as the first, truly global Language”, said Paul JJ Payack, president and chief word analyst of the Global Language Monitor. “There are three major trends involving the English language today: 1) An explosion in word creation; English words are being added to the language at the rate of some 14.7 words a day; 2) a geographic explosion where some 1.53 billion people now speak English around the globe as a primary, auxiliary, or business language; and 3) English has become, in fact, the first truly global language.”

Due to the global extent of the English language, the Millionth Word is as likely to appear from India, China, or East it is to emerge from Stratford-upon-Avon (Shakespeare’s home town). The final words and phrases under consideration are listed below. These words represent each of the categories of Global English that GLM tracks, Since English appears to be adding a new word every 98 minutes or about 14.7 words a day, the Global Language Monitor is selecting a representative sampling. You can follow the English Language WordClock counting down to the one millionth word at

These words that are on the brink of entering the language as the finalists for the One Millionth English Word:

Australia: Alchopops – Sugary-flavored mixed drinks very much en vogue.

Chinglish: Chengguan – Urban management officers, a cross between mayors, sheriff, and city managers.

Economics: 1) Financial Tsunami – The global financial restructuring that seemingly swept out of nowhere, wiping out trillions of dollars of assets, in a matter of months. 2) Zombie Banks – Banks that would be dead if not for government intervention and cash infusion.

Entertainment: Jai Ho! — From the Hindi, “it is accomplished’ achieved English-language popularity through the multiple Academy Award Winner, “Slumdog Millionaire”.

Fashion: 1) Chiconomics – The ability to maintain one’s fashion sense (chicness) amidst the current financial crisis. 2) Recessionista – Fashion conscious who use the Global economic restructuring to their financial benefit; 3) Mobama – relating to the fashion-sense of the US First Lady, as in ‘that is quite mobamaish’.

Popular Culture: Octomom (the media phenomenon of the mother of the octuplets).

Green Living: 1) Green washing – Re-branding an old product as environmentally friendly. 2) E-vampire – Appliances and machines on standby-mode, which continually use electrical energy they ‘sleep’. 3) Slow food: — Food other than the fast-food variety hopefully produced locally (locavores).

Hinglish: Chuddies – Ladies’ underwear or panties.

Internet: 1) De-follow – No longer following the updates of someone on a social networking site. 2) De-friend – No longer following the updates of a friend on a social networking site; much harsher than de-following. 3) Web 2.0 – The next generation of web services.

Language: Toki Pona – The only language (constructed or natural) with a trademark.

Million Word March: MillionWordWord — Default entry if no other word qualifies.

Music: Wonderstar – as in Susan Boyle, an overnight sensation, exceeding all reasonable expectations.

Poland: Bangsters – A description of those responsible for ‘predatory’ lending practices, from a combination of the words banker and gangster.

Politically incorrect: 1) Slumdog – a formerly disparaging comments upon those residing in the slums of India; Seatmates of size – US airline euphemism for passengers who carry enough weight to require two seats.

Politics: 1) Carbon neutral — One of the many phrases relating to the effort to stem Climate Change. 2) Overseas Contingency Operations – The Obama re-branding of the Bush War on Terror.

Sports: Phelpsian – The singular accomplishments of Michael Phelps at the Beijing Olympics.

Spirituality: Renewalist – Movements that encompass renewal of the spirit; also call ‘Spirit-filled’ movements.

Technology: 1) Cloud Computing – The ‘cloud’ has been technical jargon for the Internet for many years. It is now passing into more general usage. 2) N00b — From the Gamer Community; a neophyte in playing a particular game; used as a disparaging term. 3) Sexting – Sending email (or text messages) with sexual content.

YouthSpeak: Quendy-Trendy — British youth speak for hip or up-to-date.

Extra Credit:

French word with least chance of entering English Language: le courriel for E-Mail.

Most recognized English-language word on the planet: O.K.

Each word is being analyzed to determine which is attaining the greatest depth (number of citations) and breadth (geographic extent of word usage), as well as number appearances in the global print and electronic media, the Internet, the blogosphere, and social media (such as Twitter and YouTube). The Word with the highest PQI score will be deemed the 1,000,000th English language word. The Predictive Quantities Indicator (PQI) is used to track and analyze word usage.

Global Language Monitor has been tracking English word creation since 2003. Once it identifies new words (or neologisms) it measures their extent and depth of usage with its PQI technology.

In Shakespeare’s day, there were only 2,000,000 speakers of English and fewer than 100,000 words. Shakespeare himself coined about 1,700 words. Thomas Jefferson invented about 200 words, and George W. Bush created a handful, the most prominent of which is, misunderestimate. US President Barack Obama’s surname passed into wordhood last year with the rise of obamamania.

Pick the Definition, May 28, 2009

Test your vocabulary skills on words about to officially enter the English language



The English Conquest (May 17, 2009)


.Chinglish Enriches English Vocabulary with Chinese Features (May 13)

News MagazineThe words in the mental cupboardApril 28, 2009

Watch:  When Does a Word Become a Word?

BBC World Service, April 22, 2009

The Economist Predictions for 2009 Preview:

English Marks a Million

Listen to the segment on Morning Edition

Save the Date:  English nears a milestone (Christian Science Monitor)

News Forcaster: When will English pass 1 million words?

Current forecast: after 3/30/08 and before 4/30/08 (45% chance)

A Contrary View of the Million Word March

ENGLISH AND ITS ODDITIES ; The word factory keeps producing

The Million Word March in Smithsonian Magazine

THE WORLD IN WORDS:  Top Words of 2008

There are many things in the Universe that can never be precisely measured but that doesn’t stop Humankind from attempting to take their measure.

For example, there are on the order of:

  • 7,000 human languages and dialects (6,912 to be precise);
  • About 50,000 ideograms in the various Chinese dialects (though countless more words);
  • About 100,000,000,000 stars in the Milky Way galaxy (and some 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe);
  • Over 35,500,000 residents of California;
  • And then there are 10 raised to the power of 72 atomic particles in the universe; that is, precisely:


000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atomic particles;

  • There are fewer than 100,000 words in the French language;
  • There are some 6.5 billion folks on the planet; (and about 20 billion that have ever walked upon the Earth);
  • Fewer than 20,000 different words in the Bible, (actually, 12,143 in the English, 783,137 total in the King James Version, 8,674 in the Hebrew Old Testament, and 5,624 in the Greek New Testament);
  • And 24,000 differing words to be found in the complete works of Shakespeare, about 1,700 of which he invented.

Finally, if you emptied all the water out of Lake Tahoe and spread it evenly over all of California it would be about 14 inches deep,  Not that anyone would ever attempt to do so. Or actually, care.

Which brings us to the number of words in English.

The central idea of writing is, of course, the idea. Ideas by their very nature are wispy sorts of things. This being so, you can’t grab an idea and do with it what you will. Rather the best for which one can hope is to encapsulate the idea and preserve it for time immemorial in some sort of ethereal amber. We call this amber, language; the basic building block of which is, of course, the word. (We are speaking now as poets and not as linguists.)

As such, writers of English have the good fortune of having hundreds of thousands of words from which to choose. When you think of it, the English language writer always has at least three words for any idea, each rooted in the Latin, the Germanic or Saxon tongues, and the Greek. Think of a word for human habitation: city, town, metropolis, and so on. And that’s just the start. In the English-speaking world, we also owe a heavy debt to Algonquin, and Hebrew, and Malay (ketchup anyone?) and Maori, and Zulu and Hmong among a multitude of others. I think you can spot the beginnings of a trend here.

And then there is the entire realm of ”jargon,” scientific and otherwise, those specialized patois or vocabularies known only to those in specific fields. Computer-related jargon is multiplying at an extraordinary rate. And since English has become the lingua Franca of the Internet, English words are being created and non-English words co-opted at an ever-quickening pace.

Scientists estimate that there are approximately 10,000,000,000 neurons in a typical human brain.  Each of these neurons can theorectically interconnect with all the rest.

This being so, the number of interconnects within a single human brain is greater than the entire number of atomic particles in the universe.

If you equate these interconnects to ideas, or even thoughts, the number of potential words needed to express them is, indeed, staggering on the order of billions and billions of trillions.

This being said, I now unequivocally state that as of the 10th day of June in the year 2009 AD (or CE, whatever your preference), we estimate that there were some 1,000,000  words in the English language, plus or minus a handful.

Choose well among them.


Danville. California, USA

Special Report, April 23, 2009



t’s difficult to track the number of words in the English language, since neologisms — new words — are coined every day. The Global Language Monitor claims our lexicon will welcome its millionth word by the end of this month; other experts disagree.Whenever it does occur, will the millionth word be something from the business world, like “carpocalypse,” describing the state of the automotive industry? Or from Hollywood, like “momager,” the mother of a celebrity who also serves as business manager? In these stories, we look at our changing language and highlight some of the new words that have entered it.

Making an estimation about the number of words in the English language is necessary so that you can analyze the number of words you need to know in order to be fluent.

Being an English learner, it is a natural urge to find out how many words are there in the English language. The exact answer to this question is quite difficult to find out but you can undergo a rough estimation to analyze this curiosity. 

The English language has more than a million words, according to many experts. In reality, according to 2010 research from Harvard University and Google, there are 1,022,000 English words, and that number is expected to rise by about 8,500 each year.

It is very important to keep in mind that this contains various kinds of identical words when you see a large number like this. It also contains a large number of words that could be considered archaic. In other words, expressions that are no longer used in English today.

About 600,000 words in the English language are defined in the Oxford English dictionary. Once more, this contains a number of archaic words that are no longer commonly used. This dictionary grows every year to keep up with new terms developed to explain new information around us or to add new meaning to significant words already existing in English.

Oxford English dictionary

The 171,476 words currently used to describe individuals in particular professions represent a very different number from the one found in the Oxford English dictionary. These words aren’t exactly the same in the entire dictionary. These are related to people’s occupations, qualifications, and interests.

Determining what constitutes English is also challenging. Full definitions are provided for 47,156 out-of-date words and 171,476 currently used words in the 1989 edition of the Oxford English Thesaurus. This could be subdivided into 9,500 additional words. Most of these words (over 50%) are nouns, with about a quarter being adjectives and verbs as well.

The remaining words include exclamations, mixtures, prepositions, suffixes, and other words. In any case, there are now more than a quarter million new words in English and more than half a million new words globally. The total might resemble three-quarters of a million if there were a more precise way to count. There are several English dictionary apps that you can use to learn these words.

Concise English dictionary

Vocabulary is continuously increasing

New words keep on emerging in the language all the time. Nobody could have predicted COVID-19 would become a defining phase of 2020 in 2019. However, this phrase is a permanent one. When you hear the word “Tweets” and all the words associated with this new terminology, that’s another novel idea. Old words fade away; we no longer speak in Shakespearean terms, for instance. The best way to improve English vocabulary is to make a comparison of the old and new words. Vocabulary building is an ongoing process for every language learner.

The origin of the English language  

English is a Germanic language with a large vocabulary of German and Dutch words. They sound similar and have some basic structural and lexical similarities. There are some Germanic words that are frequently used in English, but more than half of the language’s vocabulary comes from Latin and French.

The Latin language

English has welcomed and been influenced by words from many different languages over the years, and it still contains words from many different languages today. About 80% of all words in the English language are those. We have many words in English that come from different languages.

Why can’t it be as easy as counting the words in a thesaurus, some people wonder? Unfortunately, there isn’t enough room in the thesaurus. There are important terms in the thesaurus that many people mistake for partial words. Prefixes, suffixes in English, and other word types that are parts of words make up these partial words. These affixes are often not considered or categorized as words, but some of them can stand alone as words.

Additionally, thesaurus variations depend on the intended audience. For instance, a scientific thesaurus with those specific terms that only deal with forensics would undoubtedly be different from a student’s thesaurus for those who need to understand the fundamentals of a language.

That means that each thesaurus will contain a unique set of words, with some appearing in numerous dictionaries while others, particularly those that are overly technical, do not.

The advancement of digital technology has made it possible for us to collect phrases like never before. A corpus is yet another alternative approach to understanding the English language. In order to grammatically describe a complete set of specific etymological within a language, a corpus typically explains a significant or detailed collection of imaginative phrases. In other words, we have the option to read a variety of books from various genres online.

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The vocabulary of an individual

It is safe to say that the person’s typical vocabulary is less extensive than the entire vocabulary of English words. There is simply no other way to recognize and utilize common English words.

The average 20-year-old English speaker uses about 42,000 words, according to some studies. Lexicographer Susie Dent estimated that while an English speaker may recognize about 40,000 words, they actively use 20,000 of them in a 2011 conference with the BBC.

 Adults who speak English use between 20,000 and 30,000 words on average. The good news is that they probably use context cues to recognize additional words while reading. If you are an English learner and looking out for ways to improve your English vocabulary, get yourself enrolled in italki to learn English online.

With italki, you can learn at your own pace and improve your English vocabulary and pronunciation. The English teacher online will enable you to understand and learn English concepts and phrases in the comfort of your home. In fact, they will also provide you with some practical exposure to speaking English publicly.

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Frequently asked questions about words in English

Q. What are the 7 question words in English?

A. An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, which, when, where, who, whom, whose, why, whether, and how. They are sometimes called wh-words because in English most of them start with wh- (compare Five Ws).

Q. What are the challenges in learning English vocabulary?

A. Pronunciation, Spelling, Slang and Colloquialisms, and fluency are some of the most common challenges.

Q. What is the best way to improve vocabulary in English?

A. Develop a reading habit, use the dictionary and thesaurus, play word games, use flashcards, and use mnemonics.


So, how many words are there in the English language altogether? The Corpus of Contemporary American English, which includes words from publications, TV shows, blogs, and many other sources, is one well-known corpus. However, they are all different spellings of the same word.

The Worldwide Language Display, which monitors language usage patterns, estimates that there are currently one million unique words in the English language. Do not panic with such a huge number. Go easy and start building your vocabulary gradually.

Use different resources such as developing a reading habit, using the dictionary and thesaurus, playing word games, using flashcards, and using mnemonics to boost your vocabulary set.

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statistic brain

Total Number of English Words **** **** ****
United States #### #### ##
United Kingdom ## ## ##
Europe ## ## ##
Asia ## ## ##
Africa ## ## ##
Australia ## ## ##
Pacific Islands ## ## ##

Statistic Sources & References

Source: Statistic Brain Research Institute (Online / Direct Response Mail)

Content Author: Statistic Brain

Date research was conducted: August 4, 2016

Total Number of English Words


Related Statistic Brain Research

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