Top of the word cover

Найдена 121 композиция

The Carpenters, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra


Sonia Gray


The Carpenters


The Carpenters


The Carpenters


The Carpenters



Top of the World(カラオケ)[原曲歌手:CARPENTERS]歌っちゃ王



Top of the World -4Key(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王



Top of the World(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王


The Carpenters


Richard Carpenter


Richard Carpenter


Scoop Karaoke

Top of the World (In the Style of the Carpenters)Scoop Karaoke


The Carpenters



Top of the World +3Key(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王





Top Of The World (OST Мрачные тени)Carpenters


Be My Valentine



Top Of The World ( OST «Шрек Навсегда»)Carpenters



Top of The World (Музыка из фильма «Мрачные тени»)Carpenters



Top Of The World (OST Dark Shadows)(Мрачные тени)Carpenters



Top of the World +5Key(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王


The Carpenters



Top of the World +1Key(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王








Top of The World (OST Мрачные тени)Carpenters


Party Tyme Karaoke

Top of the World (Made Popular By The Carpenters) [Vocal Version]Party Tyme Karaoke



Top of the World -2Key(原曲歌手:CARPENTERS)歌っちゃ王


The Believers in a Dream



The Carpenters — Top of the WorldСаундтрек






the carpenters


Шрек Навсегда (Shrek Forever After) - 2010




The Carpenters (OST Dark Shadows)



Top of The World ( трейлер «Мрачные тени» )Carpenters



Top Of The World(Cover by Chymack Vera)Carpenters


обложка, крышка, покрывало, покров, чехол, охватывать, покрывать, закрывать


- (по)крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

a cover for a saucepan — крышка кастрюли
a cover for a chair — чехол для стула
glass cover — стеклянный колпак /футляр/

- конверт; обёртка (бандероли); упаковка (посылки)

under plain cover — в конверте /в бандероли/ без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте
under separate cover — канц. в отдельном конверте /пакете и т. п./
this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover — посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно

- переплёт; обложка

soft [hard] cover — мягкая [твёрдая] обложка
to read a book from cover to cover — прочесть книгу от корки до корки

- убежище, укрытие (тж. воен.); прикрытие, «крыша» (для разведчика)

cover from fire — воен. укрытие от огня
cover from view — воен. укрытие от наблюдения
under cover — а) тайный; секретный; he kept his activities under cover
to take cover — найти убежище, спрятаться
to break cover — внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия
the spy’s cover was to act as a bartender — шпион скрывался под видом бармена

- спорт. прикрытие, защита

ещё 12 вариантов


- покрывать, закрывать, накрывать (тж. cover up)

to cover a saucepan — закрыть кастрюлю
to cover up a baby — укутать ребёнка
to cover plants with straw — прикрыть растения соломой

- редк. покрывать (голову, плечи); укрывать

to cover one’s head — надеть шляпу
to remain covered — не снимать головного убора
pray be covered — арх. прошу надеть шляпу

- прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

to cover a retreat — прикрывать отступление
the warships covered the landing of the army — военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии
the father covered the boy from the fire with his own body — отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня

- спорт. держать, закрывать (игрока)
- прятать, скрывать

to cover one’s face with one’s hands — закрыть лицо руками
the enemy were covered from our sight by woods — лес скрывал от нас неприятеля
to cover one’s shame [confusion, annoyance, anxiety, mistake] — скрыть стыд [смущение, досаду, беспокойство, ошибку]
to cover (up) one’s tracks — замести следы

ещё 21 вариант

Мои примеры


a paper seat cover that crinkles with every move — бумажная накладка на унитаз, которая шуршит при любом движении  
the inside flap of a book’s cover — внутренний клапан обложки книги  
to break for cover — рвануть в убежище  
to give a cover coat — наносить последний слой лакокрасочного покрытия  
contour seat cover — чехол на сидение  
cover shoot — фотография с обложки журнала  
mattress cover — чехол на матрац  
under the same cover — в том же конверте  
air cover — воздушная защита  
to cover a wall with paper — оклеивать стену обоями  
to cover one’s tracks — заметать следы  
to cover evenly — ровно покрывать  

Примеры с переводом

Water covered the floor.

Пол был покрыт водой.

Cover up the soup to keep it hot.

Накрой суп (крышкой), чтобы он не остыл.

Cover yourself up, it’s cold.

Прикройся чем-нибудь, холодно.

Do you want another cover on the bed?

Тебе дать ещё одно одеяло?

The rules cover all cases.

Правила предусматривают все случаи.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Не суди о книге по её обложке.

He covered for me during my vacation.

Он заменял меня, пока я был в отпуске.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.

His success at backing winning horses has had the bookmakers running for cover.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cover in — закрывать, забрасывать землей
cover off — равняться в затылок
cover over — скрывать, прикрывать
cover up — прятать, укрывать, тщательно прикрыть

Возможные однокоренные слова

coverage  — охват, зона действия, прикрытие, освещение в печати, зона наблюдения
covered  — крытый, покрытый, закрытый, прикрытый, охваченный, укрытый, защищенный, в шляпе
covering  — покрытие, покрывало, покров, обшивка, покрывающий, сопроводительный
discover  — обнаруживать, открывать, находить, раскрывать, узнавать, доискаться
recover  — восстанавливать, оправляться, выздоравливать, извлекать, регенерировать
uncover  — открывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать, снимать, обнажать голову
undercover  — тайный, секретный, потаенный
coving  — свод, выкружка, выступание верхних этажей над нижними, галтель
overcover  — перекрывать, накрывать, покрывать полностью

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cover
he/she/it: covers
ing ф. (present participle): covering
2-я ф. (past tense): covered
3-я ф. (past participle): covered

ед. ч.(singular): cover
мн. ч.(plural): covers

  • Defenition of the word cover

    • A shielding or protection against the unpleasant, unwanted, or dangerous.
    • The top sheet of a bed.
    • To include completely; to describe fully or comprehensively.
    • To place something over or upon to conceal or protect.
    • The page on the outside of a magazine or book.
    • To go beyond, to pass here.
    • To include in scope; To include as part of something broader.
    • To copulate with (of male animals).
    • the front and back covering of a book; «the book had a leather binding»
    • bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep»
    • copulate with a female, used esp. of horses; «The horse covers the mare»
    • sit on (eggs); «Birds brood»; «The female covers the eggs»
    • maintain a check on; esp. by patrolling; «The second officer covered the top floor»
    • hold within range of an aimed firearm
    • protect or defend a position in a game; «he covered left field»
    • be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game
    • play a higher card than the one previously played; «Smith covered again»
    • provide with a covering or cause to be covered; «cover her face with a handkerchief»; «cover the child with a blanket»; cover the grave with flowers»
    • spread over a surface to conceal or protect; «This paint covers well»
    • be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of; «Is this enough to cover the check?»
    • to take an action to protect against future problems; «Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself.»
    • help out by taking someone’s place an temporarily assuming his responsibilities; «She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week»
    • invest with a large or excessive amount of something; «She covered herself with glory»
    • compensate or make up for
    • provide for; «The grant doesn’t cover my salary»
    • the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; «the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft»
    • fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations; «artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal»
    • hide from view or knowledge; «The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House»
    • span an interval of distance, space or time; «The war extended over five years»; «The period covered the turn of the century»; «My land extends over the hills on the horizon»; «This farm covers some 200 acres»
    • protect by insurance; «The insurance won’t cover this»
    • form a cover over; «The grass covered the grave»
    • deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression; «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»
    • clothe, as if for protection from the elements; «cover your head!»
    • a natural object that covers or envelops; «the fox was flushed from its cover»
    • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory; «This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds»; «this should cover everyone in the group»
    • put something on top of something else; «cover the meat with a lot of gravy»
    • be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism; «Snow reported on China in the 1950’s»; «The cub reporter covered New York City»
    • a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something; «they crouched behind the screen»; «under cover of darkness»
    • cover as if with a shroud; «The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery»
    • something that covers a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); «he removed the top of the carton»; «put the cover back on the kettle»
    • travel across or pass over; «The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day»
    • a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent); «her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment»
    • a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else; «they made a cover of a Beatles» song»
    • covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); «he removed the top of the carton»; «he couldn»t get the top off of the bottle»; «put the cover back on the kettle»
    • a natural object that covers or envelops; «under a covering of dust»; «the fox was flushed from its cover»
    • a fixed charge by a restaurant or night club over and above the charge for food and drink
    • protect by insurance; «The insurance won»t cover this»
    • be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism; «Snow reported on China in the 1950»s»; «The cub reporter covered New York City»
    • maintain a check on; especially by patrolling; «The second officer covered the top floor»
    • deal with verbally or in some form of artistic expression; «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»; «The new book treats the history of China»
    • protect or defend (a position in a game); «he covered left field»
    • provide with a covering or cause to be covered; «cover her face with a handkerchief»; «cover the child with a blanket»; «cover the grave with flowers»
    • copulate with a female, used especially of horses; «The horse covers the mare»
    • to take an action to protect against future problems; «Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself»
    • help out by taking someone»s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities; «She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week»
    • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one»s sphere or territory; «This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds»; «this should cover everyone in the group»
    • make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities; «he is compensating for being a bad father»
    • provide for; «The grant doesn»t cover my salary»
    • fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations
    • the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it
    • a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)
    • the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
    • bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
    • a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
    • a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
    • covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)
    • a natural object that covers or envelops
    • a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
    • clothe, as if for protection from the elements
    • sit on (eggs)
    • protect by insurance
    • be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism
    • maintain a check on; especially by patrolling
    • act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression
    • protect or defend (a position in a game)
    • play a higher card than the one previously played
    • form a cover over
    • provide with a covering or cause to be covered
    • put something on top of something else
    • copulate with a female, used especially of horses
    • cover as if with a shroud
    • travel across or pass over
    • spread over a surface to conceal or protect
    • hide from view or knowledge
    • be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of
    • to take an action to protect against future problems
    • help out by taking someone’s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities
    • invest with a large or excessive amount of something
    • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory
    • make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
    • provide for
    • span an interval of distance, space or time

Synonyms for the word cover

    • address
    • back
    • binding
    • blanket
    • book binding
    • breed
    • brood
    • camouflage
    • case
    • coat
    • comprehend
    • comprise
    • conceal
    • concealment
    • contain
    • cover up
    • covering
    • covering fire
    • covert
    • cross
    • cut across
    • cut through
    • deal
    • deal with
    • defend
    • disguise
    • embrace
    • encompass
    • enshroud
    • envelop
    • extend
    • face
    • get across
    • get over
    • guard
    • handle
    • hatch
    • hide
    • include
    • incubate
    • insurance
    • insure
    • involve
    • jacket
    • lid
    • mask
    • masking
    • natural covering
    • obscure
    • overlay
    • pass over
    • plaster
    • plow
    • protect
    • protection
    • report
    • screen
    • screening
    • shell
    • shelter
    • shield
    • shroud
    • spread over
    • swathe
    • take in
    • top
    • track
    • travel over
    • traverse
    • treat
    • underwrite
    • work
    • wrap
    • wrap up
    • wrapping

Similar words in the cover

    • cover
    • coverall
    • coverall’s
    • coveralls
    • covered
    • covering
    • covering’s
    • coverings
    • coverlet
    • coverlet’s
    • coverlets
    • covers
    • covers’s
    • covert
    • covertly
    • coverts

Meronymys for the word cover

    • book
    • volume

Hyponyms for the word cover

    • afghan
    • aluminise
    • aluminize
    • apply
    • bank
    • bark
    • bedaub
    • beplaster
    • besmear
    • bind
    • blacklead
    • blanket
    • blind
    • blindfold
    • blinker
    • block out
    • bloody
    • board up
    • body covering
    • bread
    • bridge
    • brush
    • butter
    • cake
    • camouflage
    • canopy
    • canvas
    • cap
    • carpet
    • case
    • chlamys
    • clapboard
    • cloak
    • clothe
    • coat
    • coif
    • concrete
    • constellate
    • course
    • cowl
    • crape
    • crepe
    • crisscross
    • cross
    • crown
    • crust
    • daub
    • discourse
    • discuss
    • dot
    • double-team
    • drape
    • drive
    • drown
    • dust
    • eggshell
    • electric blanket
    • enclose
    • encrustation
    • enfold
    • envelop
    • envelope
    • enwrap
    • face
    • feather
    • felt
    • flake
    • flash
    • flood
    • floral envelope
    • foil
    • ford
    • frost
    • glaciate
    • gloss over
    • grass
    • grass over
    • gravel
    • grease
    • half binding
    • hold
    • hood
    • hop
    • hush up
    • ice
    • incrustation
    • indemnify
    • indument
    • indumentum
    • indusium
    • integument
    • jacket
    • jaywalk
    • lag
    • laminate
    • lather
    • lid
    • lime
    • line
    • mackinaw
    • Mackinaw blanket
    • manhole cover
    • manta
    • mantle
    • mask
    • mist
    • mist over
    • mound over
    • mulch
    • oil
    • overlap
    • overspread
    • overwhelm
    • paint
    • pall
    • paper
    • parcel
    • paste
    • perianth
    • pericarp
    • peridium
    • perigone
    • perigonium
    • plank
    • plank over
    • plaster
    • plaster over
    • put on
    • recover
    • reinsure
    • ridge
    • robe
    • roof
    • sac
    • scale
    • screwtop
    • security blanket
    • seed vessel
    • sheath
    • sheathe
    • sheet
    • shell
    • shoji
    • shroud
    • skim
    • sleek over
    • slough
    • smear
    • smother
    • snowcap
    • sod
    • span
    • splash
    • spray
    • spread
    • spritz
    • stalking-horse
    • steel
    • stick on
    • straw
    • strew
    • stride
    • stud
    • submerge
    • surface
    • surround
    • sweep
    • take
    • talk about
    • test
    • theca
    • theologise
    • theologize
    • three-quarter binding
    • tile
    • tramp
    • traverse
    • turf
    • veneer
    • vesture
    • walk
    • wallpaper
    • wash
    • wax
    • white out
    • white-out
    • whiteout
    • whitewash
    • wrap
    • wrap up

Hypernyms for the word cover

    • adjoin
    • apparel
    • ascertain
    • assure
    • be
    • bed clothing
    • bedclothes
    • bedding
    • broach
    • check
    • clothe
    • compensate
    • conceal
    • concealing
    • concealment
    • contact
    • control
    • copulate
    • correct
    • counterbalance
    • couple
    • covering
    • deputise
    • deputize
    • dress
    • empower
    • enclose
    • enclothe
    • endow
    • endue
    • enfold
    • ensure
    • envelop
    • enwrap
    • even off
    • even out
    • even up
    • fire
    • firing
    • fit out
    • fixed charge
    • fixed cost
    • fixed costs
    • fulfil
    • fulfill
    • garb
    • garment
    • gift
    • go across
    • go through
    • guarantee
    • habilitate
    • hide
    • hiding
    • include
    • indue
    • inform
    • initiate
    • insure
    • invest
    • live up to
    • make up
    • mate
    • meet
    • multiply
    • natural object
    • pair
    • pass
    • play
    • procreate
    • protect
    • protection
    • protective cover
    • protective covering
    • raiment
    • recording
    • reproduce
    • satisfy
    • secreting
    • see
    • see to it
    • stand in
    • step in
    • substitute
    • tog
    • touch
    • warrant
    • wrap

Antonyms for the word cover

    • expose
    • uncover

See other words

    • What is see
    • The definition of sedate
    • The interpretation of the word search
    • What is meant by sand
    • The lexical meaning same
    • The dictionary meaning of the word kill
    • The grammatical meaning of the word tall
    • Meaning of the word tickler
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word fault
    • The origin of the word boast
    • Synonym for the word enjoy
    • Antonyms for the word cost
    • Homonyms for the word shell
    • Hyponyms for the word shelter
    • Holonyms for the word shield
    • Hypernyms for the word shoe
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word shoot
    • Translation of the word in other languages shoulder

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cover

    Hide is the general term, including all the rest, signifying to put out of sight or beyond ready observation or approach; a thing may be hidden by intention, by accident, or by the imperfection of the faculties of the one from whom it is hidden; in their games, children hide the slipper, or hide themselves from each other; a man unconsciously hides a picture from another by standing before it, or hides a thing from himself by laying something else over it. Even an unconscious object may hide another; as, a cloud hides the sun, or a building hides some part of the prospect by intervening between it and the observer’s position. As an act of persons, to conceal is always intentional; one may hide his face in anger, grief, or abstraction; he conceals his face when he fears recognition. A house is hidden by foliage; the bird’s nest is artfully concealed. Secrete is a stronger word than conceal, and is used chiefly of such material objects as may be separated from the person, or from their ordinary surroundings, and put in unlooked-for places; a man conceals a scar on his face, but does not secrete it; a thief secretes stolen goods; an officer may also be said to secrete himself to watch the thief. A thing is covered by putting something over or around it, whether by accident or design; it is screened by putting something before it, always with some purpose of protection from observation, inconvenience, attack, censure, etc. In the figurative use, a person may hide honorable feelings; he conceals an evil or hostile intent. Anything which is effectually covered and hidden under any mass or accumulation is buried. Money is buried in the ground; a body is buried in the sea; a paper is buried under other documents. Whatever is buried is hidden or concealed; but there are many ways of hiding or concealing a thing without burying it. So a person may be covered with wraps, and not buried under them. Bury may be used of any object, entomb and inter only of a dead body. Figuratively, one may be said to be buried in business, in study, etc. Compare IMMERSE; PALLIATE.

    bury, cloak, conceal, disguise, dissemble, entomb, hide, inter, mask, overwhelm, screen, secrete, suppress, veil

    admit, advertise, avow, betray, confess, disclose, discover, disinter, divulge, exhibit, exhume, expose, lay bare, lay open, make known, reveal, manifest, promulgate, publish, raise, show, tell, uncover, unmask, unveil

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. coververb

    hide, conceal, cloak, screen, secrete, protect, meet, secure, overspread, clothe, shield, shelter

    expose, reveal, betray, exhibit, produce, mis-suffice

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. screen, cover, covert, concealmentnoun

    a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

    «a screen of trees afforded privacy»; «under cover of darkness»; «the brush provided a covert for game»; «the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background»

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, silver screen, blind, projection screen, covert, back, screen door, covering fire, hiding, screenland, natural covering, cover song, privateness, sieve, concealing, concealment, cover version, top, privacy, filmdom, binding, cover charge, secrecy, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  2. blanket, covernoun

    bedding that keeps a person warm in bed

    «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, mantle, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  3. cover, covering, screening, maskingnoun

    the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it

    «the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, coating, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, viewing, concealment, masking piece, top, masking, showing, back, application, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  4. binding, book binding, cover, backnoun

    the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

    «the book had a leather binding»

    dressing, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, spinal column, back, rear, binding, rachis, covert, covering fire, spine, natural covering, cover song, screening, bandaging, concealment, top, masking, cover charge, backbone, backrest, dorsum, ski binding, book binding, vertebral column

    expose, uncover

  5. covering, natural covering, covernoun

    a natural object that covers or envelops

    «under a covering of dust»; «the fox was flushed from its cover»

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, coating, covering fire, application, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, back, binding, cover charge, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  6. top, covernoun

    covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container)

    «he removed the top of the carton»; «he couldn’t get the top off of the bottle»; «put the cover back on the kettle»

    top side, cover song, binding, height, covert, crest, covering, teetotum, crown, upper side, upside, round top, circus tent, peak, elevation, masking, blanket, cover charge, covering fire, top of the inning, big top, back, natural covering, cover version, whirligig, book binding, meridian, screen, acme, pinnacle, spinning top, top, superlative, concealment, tiptop, screening, summit, tip

    uncover, expose

  7. cover, covering firenoun

    fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations

    «artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  8. cover charge, covernoun

    a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink

    masking, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, cover charge, back, screening, book binding

    uncover, expose

  9. cover, cover version, cover songnoun

    a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else

    «they made a cover of a Beatles’ song»

    cover charge, blanket, screen, covering, cover version, covering fire, binding, covert, natural covering, cover song, concealment, top, masking, back, screening, book binding

    expose, uncover

  10. coververb

    a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent)

    «her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment»

    back, binding, top, covering fire, covert, book binding, covering, cover song, cover version, masking, screening, concealment, cover charge, natural covering, blanket, screen

    uncover, expose

  11. coververb

    provide with a covering or cause to be covered

    «cover her face with a handkerchief»; «cover the child with a blanket»; «cover the grave with flowers»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  12. cover, spread oververb

    form a cover over

    «The grass covered the grave»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  13. cover, continue, extendverb

    span an interval of distance, space or time

    «The war extended over five years»; «The period covered the turn of the century»; «My land extends over the hills on the horizon»; «This farm covers some 200 acres»; «The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles»

    brood, get over, stay on, embrace, retain, unfold, stretch out, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, widen, encompass, run, overlay, protract, remain, continue, poke out, draw out, persist in, treat, hatch, incubate, go along, report, track, extend, lead, cut across, hold out, keep, cut through, deal, offer, uphold, shroud, proceed, go forward, carry, underwrite, overcompensate, go, address, go on, spread over, hide, gallop, stretch, stretch forth, pass, traverse, pass over, reach out, bear on, comprehend, exsert, stay, handle, expand, keep on, preserve, cross, prolong, strain, get across, carry on, put out, cover up, insure, broaden

    expose, uncover

  14. coververb

    provide for

    «The grant doesn’t cover my salary»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  15. cover, treat, handle, plow, deal, addressverb

    act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression

    «This book deals with incest»; «The course covered all of Western Civilization»; «The new book treats the history of China»

    speak, overcompensate, extend, handle, cut through, deal, continue, comprehend, embrace, divvy up, spread over, grapple, cut across, apportion, encompass, consider, get over, process, lot, portion out, dole out, make do, plow, shroud, accost, insure, brood, wield, make out, share, do by, plough, hide, take, administer, sell, parcel out, compensate, cross, come up to, turn, report, traverse, underwrite, breed, dispense, overlay, dish out, pass over, contend, enshroud, direct, allot, care for, track, get by, address, wrap up, distribute, cover up, carry on, cope, turn to, incubate, mete out, regale, get across, look at, treat, shell out, care, hatch, manage, deal out, palm, conduct, call, trade

    expose, uncover

  16. embrace, encompass, comprehend, coververb

    include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory

    «This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds»; «this should cover everyone in the group»

    wrap up, compass, get over, embrace, hug, insure, plow, espouse, enshroud, dig, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, sweep up, treat, hatch, adopt, report, extend, cut across, brood, squeeze, deal, grasp, incubate, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, get the picture, traverse, apprehend, pass over, bosom, comprehend, handle, perceive, overlay, savvy, cross, cut through, grok, get across, cover up, track

    uncover, expose

  17. traverse, track, cover, cross, pass over, get over, get across, cut through, cut acrossverb

    travel across or pass over

    «The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day»

    pass across, sweep, chase after, overcompensate, handle, cut through, deal, shroud, continue, come home, span, comprehend, embrace, hybridize, interbreed, encompass, cut across, address, give chase, get over, spoil, get well, surmount, go after, crosscut, pass through, plow, skip over, intersect, put over, tail, insure, brood, foil, penetrate, tag, master, trail, get through, click, report, transit, wipe, hide, frustrate, sink in, scotch, bounce back, overcome, compensate, cross, breed, traverse, underwrite, chase, move through, subdue, baffle, pass over, spread over, enshroud, jump, overlay, skip, overfly, track, extend, wrap up, cover up, deny, incubate, crossbreed, dawn, thwart, bilk, get across, treat, hybridise, dog, hatch, fall into place

    expose, uncover

  18. report, coververb

    be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism

    «Snow reported on China in the 1950’s»; «The cub reporter covered New York City»

    cut through, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, brood, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, describe, get across, account, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  19. coververb

    hold within range of an aimed firearm

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  20. coververb

    to take an action to protect against future problems

    «Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  21. cover, cover upverb

    hide from view or knowledge

    «The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  22. coververb

    protect or defend (a position in a game)

    «he covered left field»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  23. coververb

    maintain a check on; especially by patrolling

    «The second officer covered the top floor»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  24. cover, insure, underwriteverb

    protect by insurance

    «The insurance won’t cover this»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, guarantee, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, see, see to it, cut through, deal, assure, shroud, secure, control, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, ensure, handle, ascertain, cross, get across, subvention, cover up, insure, subvent, check

    uncover, expose

  25. cover, compensate, overcompensateverb

    make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities

    «he is compensating for being a bad father»

    brood, get over, embrace, right, plow, wrap up, enshroud, pay, make up, compensate, breed, recompense, encompass, overlay, continue, remunerate, even out, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, repair, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, correct, counterbalance, underwrite, overcompensate, even up, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, even off, comprehend, handle, over-correct, cross, redress, get across, pay off, cover up, insure, indemnify

    expose, uncover

  26. coververb

    invest with a large or excessive amount of something

    «She covered herself with glory»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  27. coververb

    help out by taking someone’s place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities

    «She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  28. coververb

    be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of

    «Is this enough to cover the check?»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  29. coververb

    spread over a surface to conceal or protect

    «This paint covers well»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  30. shroud, enshroud, hide, coververb

    cover as if with a shroud

    «The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery»

    cut through, veil, get over, hide out, embrace, brood, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, blot out, deal, obscure, obliterate, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, conceal, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, overlay, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  31. breed, coververb

    copulate with a female, used especially of horses

    «The horse covers the mare»

    multiply, cut through, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, brood, deal, spawn, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, overlay, cross, get across, engender, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  32. overlay, coververb

    put something on top of something else

    «cover the meat with a lot of gravy»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, overlie, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  33. coververb

    play a higher card than the one previously played

    «Smith covered again»

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

  34. coververb

    be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game

    brood, get over, embrace, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, shroud, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, cross, get across, cover up, insure

    uncover, expose

  35. brood, hatch, cover, incubateverb

    sit on (eggs)

    «Birds brood»; «The female covers the eggs»

    dwell, brood, get over, embrace, insure, plow, hover, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, shroud, continue, stew, treat, hatch, incubate, report, extend, cut across, cut through, deal, loom, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, concoct, traverse, dream up, pout, pass over, grizzle, comprehend, handle, overlay, think of, think up, cross, sulk, get across, wrap up, hide, bulk large, cover up, track

    expose, uncover

  36. cover, wrap upverb

    clothe, as if for protection from the elements

    «cover your head!»

    brood, get over, embrace, polish off, plow, wrap up, enshroud, compensate, breed, encompass, overlay, continue, roll up, treat, hatch, incubate, report, track, extend, cut across, finish up, cut through, deal, mop up, shroud, finish off, underwrite, overcompensate, address, spread over, hide, traverse, pass over, comprehend, handle, clear up, cross, wrap, get across, get through, cover up, insure

    expose, uncover

Matched Categories

    • Animal Husbandry
    • Be
    • Cards
    • Check
    • Compensate
    • Conceal
    • Concealment
    • Copulate
    • Endow
    • Envelop
    • Guarantee
    • Hide
    • Include
    • Inform
    • Natural Object
    • Pass
    • Play
    • Procreate
    • Protect
    • Recording
    • Satisfy
    • Substitute

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. coververb


  2. coververb

    conceal, hide, secrete, cloak, veil, screen, shroud, mask, disguise

  3. coververb

    shield, shelter, protect, guard, defend

  4. coververb

    clothe, invest, envelop, inwrap, wrap up

  5. coververb

    put a covering on

  6. coververb

    comprehend, embrace, include, comprise, contain, embody

  7. coververb

    counterbalance, countervail, balance, compensate, make up for, be equal to

  8. covernoun

    covering, tegument, integument, capsule, case

  9. covernoun

    screen, veil, disguise, cloak

  10. covernoun

    shelter, protection, guard, defence, shield, safeguard

  11. covernoun

    plate, dish

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. covernoun

    lid, covering, case, canopy, awning, tilt, roof, casing, cope, capsule, envelope, shelter, protection, defense, safeguard, counterpane, quilt, coverlet, spread, covert, underbrush, undergrowth, underwood, jungle, bush, plate

  2. coververb

    overspread, overlay, thatch, hide, conceal, secrete, comprise, embrace, embody, comprehend, copulate with, serve

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «cover»:

    lid, coverage, encompass, covers, defray, covering, bezel, covered, blanket, include, cap, canopy, hedging, meet, shroud, fill, span, guise, couverture, way, tocover, hedge, address, deck, pay, embrace, involve, including

How to pronounce cover?

How to say cover in sign language?

How to use cover in a sentence?

  1. David Rudd:

    Our commitment is to cover any gap that exists as a result and to relieve them of that burden, this sacrifice is remarkable and we need to recognize this.

  2. Betty McCollum:

    Virginia Thomas’s involvement in the attempt to overthrow the 2020 presidential election, and the subsequent efforts by Justice Thomas to cover up his wife’s actions, have rendered the associate justice ethically compromised and thus unfit to be a neutral arbiter of justice.

  3. Michael Quick:

    It is true that our system failed, but it is important that you know that this claim of a cover-up is patently false, we would never knowingly put students in harm’s way.

  4. Assemblyman Ron Kim:

    The window of being truthful and asking for forgiveness is gone, i think there was a small window early on where they could have admitted their mistake and asked for forgiveness but now they have tripled down on their lies amid cover-ups, where if they admit the truth, they admit to acting criminally.

  5. Piu Eatwell:

    I’m 99 percent confident on the basis of the evidence I see, there was definitely a cover-up. Even as I was going through the documents, pages were just missing and removed. And they’re almost always connected somehow to Leslie Dillon or Mark Hansen. There are very serious questions about Leslie Dillon that can’t be answered… Her shoes and purse were found dumped in the trash can shortly after the murder by a local cafe owner. And that’s actually two blocks from where Leslie Dillon lived… The park where she was found is one he knew very well and in fact, used as a shortcut to get to where he lived.


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The gardener covered the soil with mulch.

The furniture had been covered in a protective cloth.

We covered the stains on the wall with a fresh coat of paint.

You should cover your mouth when you cough.

She covered her head with a scarf.

tables covered with white linen

Lakes cover much of the state.

The hikers covered long distances every day.

The bird may cover thousands of miles during its migration.


She placed a cover over the pan so that the oil wouldn’t spatter.

I put a cover on the sofa to protect it.

There’s a picture of the author on the book’s back cover.

The singer is posing in jeans and cowboy boots on the album cover.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The two wolves have since spent their time hunting, sleeping and covering a lot of ground.

Dawn Stover, oregonlive, 12 Apr. 2023

The kitchen’s botanical wall covering depicts citrus and pomegranates and was one of his earliest designs, first printed in 1864.

Anna Logan, Country Living, 12 Apr. 2023

But the main issue is whether or not your vehicle will be covered under warranty for any damage caused by E15 usage, and in many cases, the answer is no.

Ben Wojdyla, Popular Mechanics, 12 Apr. 2023

Salespeople told him the system would cover all of his electric bills and ultimately pay for itself with a $37 monthly rate, and McClelland said the company promised to upgrade his electrical system.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 11 Apr. 2023

Per Bet Labs, NBA playoff favorites that receive a higher percentage of the betting handle than the betting tickets cover over 60% of the time, generating an 18.8% ROI for bettors.

Tanner Mcgrath, Chicago Tribune, 11 Apr. 2023

Reduce the heat to medium, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is partially cooked (still very pink in the middle), about 15 minutes.

Nandita Godbole, Washington Post, 11 Apr. 2023

These fans are all over the hotel, printed on the fabric lining the hallways and covering the doors that welcome guests to the lobby.

Maya Kachroo-levine, Travel + Leisure, 11 Apr. 2023

Heidi posed for a pic in only bikini bottoms and bunny ears, while covering her chest and showing off her totally toned abs and legs in the process.

Korin Miller, Women’s Health, 11 Apr. 2023

Her friend Jackie Kennedy wore one on the cover of Life magazine and the rest was preppy history.

Olivia Hosken, Town & Country, 31 Mar. 2023

Davis gained acclaim in 2014 for pitching in the Little League World Series, becoming the first Little League player to land on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

Marisa Ingemi, San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Mar. 2023

Even children living far from the front lines face regular air raid alerts that send them running for cover.

Kamila Hrabchuk, Washington Post, 31 Mar. 2023

On Tuesday, the father of five, 41, shared a photo on his Instagram Story of his daughter Zaya Wade on the cover of DAZED’s March issue.

Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 30 Mar. 2023

At the semi-regular shows at the Ace Hotel downtown, fans shell out $15 for cover, tip twice that amount, and spend at least as much again at the bar.

Sonja Sharp, Los Angeles Times, 29 Mar. 2023

Bruce Springsteen was on the cover of them both.

Andy Greene, Rolling Stone, 27 Mar. 2023

It was featured on the cover of Vogue in 1963.

Anthony Demarco, Forbes, 26 Mar. 2023

This particular tableau includes tools for a frontal lobotomy, a copy of Inc. Magazine with disgraced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes on the cover, and a box of Rely Tampons.

Anna Kaufman, USA TODAY, 26 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cover.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.


1. ʹkʌvə n 1. (по)крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

a cover for a saucepan — крышка кастрюли

a cover for a chair — чехол для стула

glass cover — стеклянный колпак /футляр/

2. конверт; обёртка ( бандероли ); упаковка ( посылки )

under plain cover — в конверте /в бандероли/ без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте

under separate cover — канц. в отдельном конверте /пакете и т. п. /

this is a receipt, the goods will be sent under separate cover — посылаем вам расписку, а товар будет выслан отдельно

3. переплёт; обложка

soft hard cover — мягкая твёрдая обложка

to read a book from cover to cover — прочесть книгу от корки до корки

4. 1> убежище, укрытие ( тж. воен. ); прикрытие, «крыша» ( для разведчика )

cover from fire — воен. укрытие от огня

cover from view — воен. укрытие от наблюдения

under cover — в укрытии

to take cover — найти убежище, спрятаться

to break cover — внезапно появиться; выйти из укрытия

the spy’s cover was to act as a bartender — шпион скрывался под видом бармена 2> спорт. прикрытие, защита

5. 1> покров

land /vegetation/ cover — растительный покров

sky /cloud/ cover — облачность, облачный покров 2> (of) поэт. покрывало, покров

under cover of darkness of night — под покровом темноты ночи 3> лесной покров, полог леса 4> бот. покров семяпочки или семени

6. охот. нора, логовище

to break cover — поднять из логовища

7. личина, маска

under cover of friendship — под личиной /под видом/ дружбы

under cover of patriotism — прикрываясь патриотизмом

8. 1> (обеденный) прибор, куверт

covers were laid for four — стол был накрыт на четыре персоны 2> = cover charge

9. 1> ком. гарантийный фонд 2> страхование

10. геол. покрывающие породы

11. авт. покрышка

12. театр. замена; заменяющий актёр или -ая актриса; исполнитель из второго состава

under cover — а) тайный; секретный; he kept his activities under cover — он держал свою деятельность в тайне; б) тайно; секретно

they met under cover — они встречались тайно

2. ʹkʌvə v 1. 1> покрывать, закрывать, накрывать ( тж. cover up)

to cover a saucepan — закрыть кастрюлю

to cover up a baby — укутать ребёнка

to cover plats with straw — прикрыть растения соломой 2> редк. покрывать ( голову, плечи ); укрывать

to cover one’s head — надеть шляпу

to remain covered — не снять шляпы

pray be covered — арх. прошу надеть шляпу

2. 1> прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

to cover a retreat — прикрывать отступление

the warships covered the landing of the army — военные корабли прикрывали высадку армии

the father covered the boy from the fire with his own body — отец своим телом укрыл мальчика от огня 2> спорт. держать, закрывать ( игрока )

3. ( тж. cover up) 1> прятать, скрывать

to cover one’s face with one’s hands — закрыть лицо руками

the enemywere covered from our sight by woods — лес скрывал от нас неприятеля

to cover one’s shame confusion, annoyance, anxiety, mistake — скрыть стыд смущение, досаду, беспокойство, ошибку

to cover (up) one’s tracks — замести следы 2> (for) покрывать ( кого-л. ); находить оправдания ( кому-л. )

his family kept covering for him — семья постоянно покрывала /выгораживала/ его

to cover up for a friend — покрывать друга; выручать друга ( ложью, лжесвидетельством и т. п. )

4. refl книжн. покрыть, увенчать ( славой и т. п. ); запятнать ( позором и т. п. )

to cover oneself with glory with shame — покрыть себя славой позором

5. (with) 1> покрывать, обдавать

you are covered with dust — ты весь в пыли

a passing motor covered me with mud — проезжавшая мимо машина обдала меня грязью 2> обивать; оклеивать

to cover the seat of a chair with leather — обить кожей сиденье стула

to cover with wall-paper — оклеить обоями

6. покрывать; распространяться; расстилаться

snow covered the ground — земля была покрыта снегом, на земле лежал снег

enemy troops covered the whole country — вражеские войска наводнили всю страну

the floods covered a large area — наводнение распространилось на /охватило/ большую территорию

7. покрывать, охватывать; относиться

his researches cover a wide field — его исследования охватывают широкую область

documents covering the sale — документы, касающиеся продажи

8. 1> (for) разг. заменять, подменять ( отсутствующего работника )

please cover for me at the counter for a few minutes — пожалуйста, подмени меня у прилавка на несколько минут 2> театр. заменять ( другого исполнителя )

9. держать под наблюдением

the police got all the roads ports covered — полиция перекрыла все дороги установила наблюдение за всеми портами

10. 1> пройти, проехать ( расстояние )

he covered the distance in an hour — он прошёл /проехал/ расстояние за час

by evening we had covered sixty miles — к вечеру мы проехали /проплыли/ шестьдесят миль 2> спорт. пробежать дистанцию

to cover the distance in great style — показать на дистанции высокую технику бега

11. освещать в печати

to cover football matches — давать репортаж о футбольных матчах

to cover the theatres events in Lebanon — освещать театральную жизнь события в Ливане

12. предусматривать ( об инструкциях, пунктах, статьях договора и т. п. )

the rules cover all cases — правила предусматривают все случаи

13. 1> ком. обеспечить покрытие ( денежное ); покрывать

to cover one’s expenses losses — покрыть расходы убытки

the loan was covered many times — сумма займа была перекрыта во много раз 2> страховать

my policy covers me against loss from fire — моё имущество застраховано от пожара /огня/

you should get yourself covered as soon as possible — тебе надо поскорее застраховаться

14. карт. покрывать, крыть

15. принять пари; поставить ( при заключении пари )

16. с.-х. случать, крыть ( матку )

17. сидеть ( на яйцах )

18. 1> воен. держать под обстрелом 2> держать под прицелом

don’t move, I have you covered — не шевелись, буду стрелять

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