Top and bottom in one word

10 years, 6 months ago

10k times

«Sides» can be used to describe positioning relative to the left or right of an object. Is there a corresponding word that has the same meaning for the top or bottom of an object?

For example, if I say «side padding,» it’s pretty clear that I’m talking about padding from the left and right edge. I want to be able to say the same thing about the top and bottom edge.

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Sep 28, 2012 at 4:36


I believe you can use the phrase «Vertical padding» to analogize the meaning with respect to top and bottom.

Another way to think about it is that the padding on the side can be referenced as Lateral padding, so you could even use «Non-lateral padding» as a reference.

answered Sep 28, 2012 at 5:27

VarunAgrawal's user avatar


A box has sides, and it has ends.

But saying top and bottom doesn’t seem so onerous. English is versatile like that.

answered Sep 28, 2012 at 11:20

tchrist's user avatar


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top and bottom

1. верхняя и нижняя граница

bottom shelf — нижняя полка

bottom edge — нижняя граница

at the top or bottom — вверху или внизу

at the bottom of the stairs — на нижней площадке лестницы

bottom heat — естественное или искусственное тепло в почве

2. верхний и нижний

bottom out — достичь нижнего предела перед фазой оживления

joint float bottom — нижний допустимый предел отклонения курсов валют

joint floor bottom — нижний допустимый предел взаимного отклонения курсов совместно плавающих валют

English-Russian dictionary of Information technology.

Смотреть что такое «top and bottom» в других словарях:

  • Top-and-bottom process — Top and bottom process. См. Процесс «верхняя и нижняя граница». (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Top and bottom in sex and BDSM — The terms top, bottom and switch are used by many people, including heterosexual and LGBT people, BDSM practitioners, and others in regards to sex and BDSM activities. For example, the act of pegging involves a female top and a male bottom .… …   Wikipedia

  • top-and-bottom float — in angling, a float attached to the line at both the top and the bottom …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Double Top And Bottom — Chart patterns in which the quote for the underlying investment moves in a similar pattern to the letter W (double bottom) or M (double top). Double top and bottom analysis is used in technical analysis to explain movements in a security or other …   Investment dictionary

  • top and tail — 1. To wash (a baby s) face and buttocks 2. To prepare (fruit or vegetables, eg carrots) by removing the top and bottom parts • • • Main Entry: ↑top * * * top and tail british phrase to prepare a vegetable for eating or cooking by cutting the ends …   Useful english dictionary

  • top and tail — ► top and tail Brit. remove the top and bottom of (a fruit or vegetable) while preparing it as food. Main Entry: ↑top …   English terms dictionary

  • top and tail something — ˌtop and ˈtail sth idiom (BrE) to cut the top and bottom parts off fruit and vegetables to prepare them to be cooked or eaten Main entry: ↑topidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • top and tail — Brit. 1》 remove the top and bottom of (a fruit or vegetable) while preparing it as food. 2》 wash the face and bottom of (a baby or small child). → top …   English new terms dictionary

  • top-and-bottom smelting — Смотри разделительная плавка (ОРФОРД процесс) …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • Top-down and bottom-up design — Top down and bottom up are strategies of information processing and knowledge ordering, mostly involving software, but also other humanistic and scientific theories (see systemics). In practice, they can be seen as a style of thinking and… …   Wikipedia

  • Top (BDSM) — Top, bottom in handcuffs In BDSM, a top or dominant is the partner in a BDSM relationship or in a BDSM scene who takes the active or controlling role over that of the bottom or submissive partner(s). A person who submits control of a large… …   Wikipedia

Top and bottom are some of the simplest terms used in the English vocabulary. Top and bottom are those words that can mean more than one thing at a time. BTheyare the most general terms that a child learns in the initial years of his/her life. 

Key Takeaways

  1. In LGBTQ+ relationships, the top refers to the person who assumes a more dominant or giving role during sexual activities. At the same time, the bottom is the person who assumes a more submissive or receiving role.
  2. A person can be exclusively a top or bottom, or they may switch roles, which is called being “versatile.”
  3. Personal preference, comfort, and compatibility determine an individual’s preferred role.

“Top” refers to the uppermost part of something or the highest position in a hierarchy or ranking, referring to the most successful or prestigious position. “Bottom” refers to the lowermost part of something or the lowest position in a hierarchy or ranking, referring to the least desirable.

Top vs Bottom

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The top is used as a term for the highest part of something. It also means a flat region on something. The flat area is also called the top.

It has a vivid description of many aspects of using the English language. It also signifies the most important or highest position.

The bottom is the opposite of the word top. Bottom, in a basic manner, is used for signifying somewhere’s lowest place or position.

The bottom also has a wide set of meanings that are used in the everyday English language. The word bottom points to the most downward aspect of something. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  Top Bottom
Noun  Top, in the form of a noun, signifies the highest point or part of something.  When used as a noun, the bottom signifies the lowest part or point of something.
Adjective When used as an adjective, the top is used to relate to the highest position. The bottom word as an adjective relates to the lowest position or most down degree of something.
Verb When used as a verb, top means the most important or highest presence of something.  Bottom means downgraded or very cheap when used as a verb.
Clothing relation The top also means upper body garment that can be worn. Bottom means the lower garment or clothing that someone can wear in the lower body segment.
American slang In slang terms, the top is used for the most dominant person in sexual intercourse. Bottom, in slang terms, is used for the most submissive person in sexual intercourse.

What is Top?

We can use top in various aspects of our everyday life. If we talk about basic knowledge, the top means the uppermost part or the highest position.

For example, a tabletop means the flat and the top surface of that table. The top is used as a noun, adjective, and verb also. When we talk about stocks, success, and dominance, the top refers to the highest position of an organization.

A man who is on top can be referred to as the most paid man or the most successful man in any aspect of that organization. The word top is also used as an upper-body part garment that can be worn.

These garments mean shirts, t-shirts, coats, blazers, etc. The upper clothing body part of the body also refers to the top that someone wore. Besides these, the top is also used as an American slang term.

In sexual intercourse between two people of the same gender, the top is used to refer to the one who is more dominant and aggressive in the act.

The other examples of using the top include the top of a staircase, the top of the building or a table, etc. The top can also be used for rank, power, or success.

What is Bottom?

The bottom is a word that is an antonym of the top. Every opposite meaning of top is for the bottom. Both of them are just opposite words. When we talk about general definition, the bottom means the lowest part or position of something.

The bottom is also used as a noun, adjective, and verb in a sentence. For instance, the bottom of a staircase or a building can be taken as a reference to learn about the word bottom.

Bottom refers to the most downgrade or the lowest position of an organization like the lowest-paid firm of an organization is declared as bottom or downgraded firm.

When we talk about rank, the bottom means the lowest rank in any aspect. Just like the top, the bottom is also used to refer to the lowest body part clothing.

When we say bottom, it means jeans, undergarments, trousers, etc that are wearable. In American slang terms, the bottom is used for someone in sexual intercourse who is the most submissive in that intercourse.

Top and bottom are used as slang when the same genders interact. The bottom is also used about rank, power, or success. For instance, the bottom of a building means the ground floor of the building.

Main Differences Between Top and Bottom 

  1. The top is used to refer to the overside of something whereas the bottom is used to refer to the underside of something. 
  2. The top word is used to make the word ‘topper’ who is someone who ranks the highest in a class of students whereas the bottom has no relation with the lowest-ranked. 
  3. The top is used to justify the superior quality of the materials or ingredients used to build something whereas the bottom is used to refer to the inferior quality of materials or ingredients to build something.
  4. The word top is also used to indicate the part of a warship in relation to army personnel whereas the bottom has no relation to it. 
  5. The top is used to signify the highest place of precedence whereas the bottom signifies the lowest precedence or order place of something. 

Difference Between Top and Bottom



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Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

It will be using a full-metal design with antenna strips on the top and bottom.

Он будет использовать цельнометаллическую конструкцию с антенными полосами сверху и снизу.

Imagine what it looks like when you watch a movie with bands on the top and bottom.

Представьте себе, как это выглядит, когда вы смотрите фильм с полосами на дисплее сверху и снизу.

Rub the top and bottom of your mouse with a paper towel dipped in rubbing alcohol.

His ear is torn at the top and bottom.

The top and bottom washers could not function simultaneously.

Нужно учитывать, что верхняя и нижняя горелка не могут работать одновременно.

The top and bottom edges of the front plate 26 are preferably free.

Верхняя и нижняя кромки передней пластины 26 предпочтительным образом являются свободными.

The coverings are fixed at the top and bottom to the posts of the external sails.

Сверху и снизу к стойкам наружных парусов закреплены перекрытия.

Both top and bottom are not lined for sheer fit and comfort.

The moveable micro-stanchions run along the top and bottom on roller slides.

Подвижные микростойки сверху и снизу опираются на роликовые каретки.

The top and bottom zones are slaved to the primary zone using differential thermocouples.

Верхняя и нижняя зоны управляются первичной зоной с помощью дифференциальных термопар.

Stone doors, usually hung on pivots, top and bottom, were often used on tombs.

Каменные двери, обычно висящие на шарнирах, сверху и снизу, часто использовались на могилах.

Antenna bands on the top and bottom of the rear panel are clearly visible on the devices.

Верхняя и нижняя антенные полосы хорошо видны на задней панели устройства.

The smartphone got quite wide (by today’s standards) frames from the top and bottom and the rounded edges of the screen.

Смартфон получил довольно широкие (по сегодняшним стандартам) рамки сверху и снизу и скругленные края экрана.

Red blood cells look like puffy disks with concave «dimples» on top and bottom.

Красные кровяные клетки выглядят как пухлые диски с вогнутыми «ямочками» сверху и снизу.

There are six different kinds or flavours of quark — up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom.

Существуют шесть различных видов или ароматов кварка. Верх, низ, странность, шарм, сверху и снизу.

He also suggested that Apple will make symmetrical cut-outs on top and bottom, but this is unlikely.

Также он предположил, что Apple сделает симметричными вырезы сверху и снизу, но это маловероятно.

However, it appears that Google is utilising the space at the top and bottom of the tablet by placing two speakers.

Однако, похоже, Google использует пространство сверху и снизу планшета, разместив два динамика.

By default, GNOME 2 usually contains two full-width panels at the top and bottom of the screen.

По умолчанию GNOME 2 обычно содержит две широких панели сверху и снизу.

At top and bottom are calibration lines that Humason had earlier photographed.

Сверху и снизу находятся калибровочные линии, которые Хьюмасон сфотографировал заранее.

Youthful Rose Wedding Bouquet, wrapped in pink silk adorned top and bottom with silver crystals.

Молодой роз свадебный букет, завернутые в розовый шелк украшенные сверху и снизу с серебряных кристаллов.

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They only have drop keyholes in the top and bottom floors.
У них скважины только на верхнем и нижнем этажах.

the handrails of the stairs shall extend approximately 0.30 m beyond the top and bottom of the stairs without restricting traffic routes;
поручни трапов должны выходить приблизительно на 0,30 м за пределы верха и низа трапа без ограничения передвижения по этим путям;

top and bottom of the consignment adjacent to the opening edge of the doors;
в верхней и нижней части партии груза, прилегающего к дверному проему;

Click Options to set more cell properties, including top and bottom cell margins and text wrapping and fit options.
Нажмите кнопку Параметры, чтобы задать дополнительные свойства ячейки, включая верхнее и нижнее поля ячейки, перенос текста и подбор ее размера.

From now on, the costs faced by these marginal producers will set the top and bottom of oil’s trading range.
Отныне именно затраты этих маржинальных производителей будут определять верхний и нижний пороги нефтяного ценового коридора.

Click Options to set more table properties, including top and bottom cell margins, cell spacing, and automatic resizing of cell contents.
Нажмите кнопку Параметры, чтобы настроить дополнительные свойства таблицы, включая верхние и нижние поля ячеек, интервалы между ячейками и автоподбор размера ячеек по содержимому.

The tibia index (TI), measured at the top and bottom of each tibia, shall not exceed 1,3 at either location;
показатель травмирования голени (TI), замеряемый в верхней и нижней точке каждой голени, ни в одной из точек не должен превышать 1,3 единиц;

The walls, including top and bottom, shall have a minimum puncture resistance of 15 J measured according to ISO 3036: 1975.
Стенки, в том числе верхняя и нижняя, должны характеризоваться величиной стойкости к проколу не менее 15 Дж, измеряемой в соответствии со стандартом ISO 3036: 1975.

Before you print your handout, be sure to check the headers and footers, the small print at the top and bottom of the page.
Прежде чем распечатывать раздаточные материалы, не забудьте проверить колонтитулы, небольшие фрагменты текста в верхней и нижней части страницы.

The US Census Bureau estimates the money income that households receive from all sources and identifies the income level that divides the top and bottom halves of the distribution.
Бюро Переписи Населения оценивает сумму дохода, которую домохозяйства получают из всех источников и определяет уровень дохода, который разделяет верхнюю и нижнюю половины распределения.

» Structurally serviceable » means that the container is free from major defects in its structural components, e.g. top and bottom side rails, door sill and header, floor cross members, corner posts, and corner fittings.
Термин » конструктивно пригодный » означает, что контейнер не имеет крупных дефектов в таких своих конструкционных компонентах, как верхняя и нижняя боковые балки, порог двери и ее стык, поперечные детали покрытия пола, угловые стойки и угловые фитинги.

Three bright or ordinary lights, the top and bottom lights red and the middle light white, one above the other not less than 1 m apart and high enough to be visible from all directions;
три ясных или обыкновенных огня, из которых верхний и нижний- красные, а средний- белый и которые расположены один над другим на расстоянии не менее 1 м на высоте, на которой они видны со всех сторон,

Where it is necessary to select samples during transport whilst the consignment is loaded, two samples should be taken from the top and bottom of the consignment adjacent to the opening edge of each door or pair of doors.
В тех случаях, когда необходимо отобрать пробы в процессе перевозки после погрузки партии груза, следует отбирать две пробы с верхней и нижней части партии груза, прилегающего к проемам каждой двери или пары дверей.

I stopped using top and bottom sheets.
А я теперь не стелю простыней.

Exercise: Find bearish engulfing patterns in a chart Tweezers top and bottom
Упражнение: Найти на графике максимум и минимум, образованный фигурой «пинцет»

Other wrapping options include: Top and Bottom, Behind Text, and In Front of Text.
Другие способы обтекания: Сверху и снизу, За текстом и Перед текстом.

She was right in the middle of the cliff face — 50ft from the top and bottom.
Она была прямо на середине отвесного склона — 50 футов до вершины и до земли.

This is a series of sideways price fluctuations bounded on both top and bottom by horizontal lines.
Это череда поперечных колебаний цены, ограниченных сверху и снизу горизонтальными линиями.

If you add letterbox bars to the top and bottom before uploading so that the video fits a 4:3 player
Перед загрузкой видео были добавлены горизонтальные полосы сверху и снизу кадра, чтобы получить формат 4:3.

Two trend lines marking the top and bottom of that range now give the pattern a sloping, rectangular shape – rather like a flag.
Теперь на графике образовались две трендовые линии – вверху и внизу диапазона, – формирующие прямоугольник. Таким образом, вся фигура выглядит как флаг.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

level 1

well in a room, you have a floor and a ceiling.

level 1

Vertical boundaries. Although those are two words.

level 2

This seems like the most fitting term. Thanks!

level 1

How many sides does a cube have? Six. Put that cube on your floor as furniture, place your wine glass on top. Now it has four sides. Paint a face on one vertical surface and pin a tail to the opposite one. Now it has two. Side tends to be used to designate any smooth facet of an object which has not been designated as a top, bottom, front, or back. It’s a catch-all term of sorts, and depends on context.

level 1

Planes? the right plane, left pane…..

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Bezel width(sides, top, bottom) 15.7mm, 15.8mm, 15.8mm.


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Ширина безеля стороны, верх, низ 15. 7мм, 15. 8мм, 15. 8мм.


Boundaries of the text: 25 mm top, bottom and right, 30 mm on the left;


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All the heating elements(top, bottom and circular) switch on and the fan begins to operate.


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Включаются все нагревательные элементы( верхний, нижний и круглый) и вентилятор.



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Страницы рукописи должны иметь поля: верхнее, нижнее, левое, правое- по 2 см.


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All the heating elements(top, bottom and circular) switch on and the fan begins to operate.


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ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ Включаются все нагревательные элементы( верхний, нижний и круглый) и вентилятор.


Flexible chain bracket with universal connection options(top, bottom, front).

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Гибкий разъем цепи с универсальными возможностями подключения( сверху, снизу, с торца).

All the heating elements(top, bottom and circular), as well as the fan,


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ПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ Включаются все нагревательные элементы( верхний, нижний и круглый) и вентилятор.


All the external panels(top, bottom and side panels) are fi xed, using screws, to the aluminium corner parts.


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Все внешние панели( верхняя, нижняя и боковые) крепятся при помощи болтов к алюминиевым уголкам.


Use hair cut, accessories, top, bottom and shoes to find the most beautiful dress for her.

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Используйте прическу, аксессуары, верхняя, нижняя и обувь, чтобы найти самое красивое платье для нее.

The amount of materials- 1-2 pages; format- A4, font- MS Word; font- Times New Roman, size(size)- 14, line spacing- 1, paragraph-

1.25 cm. margin: top, bottom, right, left 20 mm.

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Объем материалов- 1- 2 страницы; формат- А4, гарнитура- MS Word; шрифт- Times New Roman, кегль( размер)- 14, межстрочный интервал- 1, абзац- 1,

Full Cut Round Steak-

This item contains the three major components of the round, top, bottom and eye, but does not contain any part of the tip knuckle.


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Порционный кусок мяса

из огузка- Эта позиция содержит три основных компонента бедра- верх, низ и сердцевину, но не содержит какой-либо части края голяшки.


There are 4 ways of refilling e-liquid in vape,

depending on the type of vaporizer: top, bottom, side or dripping fill.


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Существует 4 варианта, как заменить жидкость в вейпе,

в зависимости от вида испарителя: верхняя, нижняя, боковая и капельная заправка.


Different cloth is used for the top, bottom and ribs due to their different functions.


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Различные номиналы ткани использованы для верхней, нижней поверхностей и для нервюр- это обусловлено их различной функциональной нагрузкой.


Assembling the top, bottom and side panels to the rear panel can

be done by a single person.


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Установка верхней, нижней и боковых панелей к задней панели может

быть осуществлена одним человеком.


The top, bottom, left, and right margins form a rectangle around a page’s perimeter,

helping define where a line of text begins and ends.


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Верхнее, нижнее, левое и правое поле образуют прямоугольник по периметру страницы, помогая

определить линию, на которой начинается текст и где заканчивается.


After wiring, the enclosure can be closed by the top, bottom and side panels and cover plates.


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После подсоединения, щит может быть закрыт при помощи верхней, нижней и боковых панелей и крышек.


This shkap is embedded in the walls of the niche in existing and

in fact may not have the side, top, bottom and rear walls.

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Такой шкаф встраивается в существующие в стенах ниши и, фактически,

Feeding the products is possible through the top, bottom or side tape conveyors that are adjustable with hand knobs.


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Подача продуктов возможна через верхние, нижние или боковые ленточные конвейеры, которые регулируются ручными ручками.


To outline around the navel 4 point at a

distance of 3-4 compressed fingers from the center: top, bottom, right and left.


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Наметить вокруг пупка 4 точки на расстоянии 3-

4 сжатых пальцев руки от его центра: верхнюю, нижнюю, с правой и левой стороны.


It can label the top, bottom or side of the pack and has outstanding connectivity with a wide variety of machine controls.


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Он может наносить этикетки на верхнюю, нижнюю или боковую поверхность упаковки и совместим с разными системами управления.


Materials: Materials: MDF- Medium-density fiberboard(Drawer fronts, Dresser top, bottom and sides)MFC- Coated chip/particleboard(Drawer sides and back,

and Dresser back)HDF- High-density fiberboard(Drawer bottoms)Solid European Beech wood Dresser base.


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Материалы: Материалы: МDF- ДВП средней плотности( Фасады ящиков, верх, дно и боковины комода) МFС- ДСП с покрытием

HDF- ДВП повышенной плотности(


ящиков) Массив европейского бука основание комода.


Leg Center Roast- Roast portion from

the center of the pork leg, contains top, bottom, eye and tip muscles along with the leg bone.


context icon

Окорочный отруб, центральный ломоть для жарения-

Порция для жарения из центральной


свиного окорока содержит верхнюю часть, нижнюю часть, центральную и крайние мышцы вдоль кости окорока.


There is also the option to put the small screen at the top, bottom, left or right.

context icon

Существует также возможность размещения небольшого экрана в верхнем, низший, влево или вправо.

If this parameter is set to true, the top, bottom, left and right borders of the viewport are taken into account,

so images are loaded only if they are inside the rectangular scope.


context icon

Если установлено значение true, то данная область будет иметь прямоугольные границы, следовательно, при загрузке изображений учитывается верхняя, нижняя, левая и правая границы видимой области окна-

в данном случае изображения загружается только при условии, если они находятся в прямоугольной области видимости.


Description of article layout(text editor Microsoft Word 97-2003, formula editor Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0 and above)- Paper A4,

right- 1,5 cm; line spacing- 1.


context icon

Описание макета статьи( текстовий редактор Microsoft Word 97- 2003, редактор формул MicrosoftEquationEditor 3. и выше); формат бумаги А4,

5 см, справа- 1, 5 см; межстрочный интервал- 1.


Articles are made in the editor MicrosoftWord, font Times New Roman, 14, interval 1.0; Options page- margins: left- 3 cm,

legal, top, bottom— 2 cm. Alignment of the text

width with automatic hyphenation, indention- 1.27 cm. Title of the article is centered in capital letters, a line indicated author’s name, uch. degree, academic. title and university.

context icon

Статьи оформляются в редакторе Microsoft Word, шрифт Times New Roman, 14, интервал 1,; параметры страницы- поля: левое- 3 см,

по ширине с автоматической расстановкой переносов, абзацный отступ- 1, 27 см. Название статьи размещается по центру прописными буквами, через строку указываются ФИО автора, уч. степень, уч. звание и вуз.

Top vs Bottom

“Top” and “bottom” are very common words and are used in many references. “Top” could mean a shirt or a blouse, and “bottom” could be a skirt or trousers of a dress ensemble. “Top” could refer to the top of the staircase, and “bottom” could refer to the bottom of the staircase. What we need to learn first is that “top” and “bottom” might mean many things and may be used in many cases. They are opposites of each other. The opposite of “top” is “bottom.”

“Top” has many different usages. Let’s consider some of them:

It is the highest level or point of something, example, “Top of the mountain.”
“Top” means the top of the head, example:

“He was covered in mud from top to toe.”

The part of a plant which is above ground, example, “carrot top.”
Garment which is worn on the upper body, example, “bikini top.”
“Top” means something which is used as a lid, example:

“The top of the plastic box cracked.”

“Top” when used for pitch means the highest possible pitch attained, example, “She screamed at the top of her voice.”
The highest rank or position in an organization, example, “The top officials of a company.”
“Top” also means the choicest or the most desired part, example:

“They picked the top students entering the college campus.”

“Top” is also used for referring to that part of the warship which is used as the antiaircraft gun platform or fire control station.
It refers to the first half of a baseball inning.
In golf or billiards, “top” refers to a forward spin given to the ball.
In human sexual intercourse, “top” refers to the person who penetrates.

“Bottom” also has varies meanings and they are used in many cases.

“Bottom” means the underside of something, example:

“The bottom of the carton is weak.”

The posterior of the trunk, that is, the buttocks.
“Bottom” refers to the surface on which a body of water lies, example, “The bottom of the ocean.”
“Bottom” also refers to the part of the ship which lies below the water.
It means the lowest place or part, example:

“Credits are printed on the bottom of the page.”

“Bottom” also means the lowest possible position of precedence, example:

“She started her career from the bottom.”

The part of the garment worn on the lower body, example, trousers, skirts, shorts, etc. It is used in plurals mostly.
In baseball, it means the last half of the inning.
“Bottom” means the source, example, “To get to the bottom of the affair.”
The term “bottom” is used to refer to the endurance or capacity of animals like horses.
It also means the foundation color on textile fibers applicable before dying.
In human sexuality, “bottom” refers to the person who receives penetration.


“Top” and “bottom” are opposites of each other and have many usages. The basic meaning of “top” is something or someone at the highest position, and “bottom” refers to something or someone at the lowest position.

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Kaushik, N. (2011, October 24). Difference Between Top and Bottom. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

Kaushik, Nimisha. «Difference Between Top and Bottom.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 24 October, 2011,

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