Too much work in one word

too much work — перевод на русский

— No, got too much work to do.

— Нет, у меня слишком много работы.

Too much work.

Слишком много работы.

We have too much work.

У нас слишком много работы.

Judges would have too much work if we had to prosecute that.

У судей было бы слишком много работы, если бы за такое преследовали.

..You know, too much work in here.

Сами знаете, здесь слишком много работы.

Показать ещё примеры для «слишком много работы»…

Oh, very competent, but there’s just too much work for her to do. — Mm-hmm.

Да, очень квалифицированная, просто у нее очень много работы.

Too much work and nothing to eat.

Много работы и нечего есть.

I’ve got too much work.

У меня много работы.

Too much work Have a drink with us.

Да, я устал, много работы.

You ‘ll take care of the grill, Rosa will be here, but she gets crazy when there’s too much work.

Ты будешь стоять на гриле, а Роза будет здесь. Она не справляется, когда много работы.

Показать ещё примеры для «много работы»…

You’re too much work.

С тобой слишком сложно.

Worf is the one who’s too much work.

Это с Ворфом слишком сложно.

It’s too much work.

Слишком сложно…

Maybe Joffrey was too much work for him.

Может, Джоффри было слишком сложно контролировать.

Too much work.

Слишком сложно.

Показать ещё примеры для «слишком сложно»…

I have too much work.

У меня работа.

I can’t. I have too much work to do.

Не могу, у меня работа.

I have too much work.

— Погуляй со мной. У меня работа.

Sorry, son, I’ve got too much work to do.

Извини сын, мне еще многое нужно сделать для моей работы.

It’s too much time, too much work.

Слишком много… времени, работы.

Too much work.

Слишком много работаю.

I mean, too much work to make it… work.

То есть слишком много работаю, чтобы всё… сработало.

I have put in way too much work to let this happen.

Я слишком много работала, чтобы позволить этому произойти.

Women are just too much work.

Женщины слишком много работают.

You’ve missed too much work already.

Ты и так уже слишком много не работал.

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слишком много работы

слишком большой работой

слишком большая работа

слишком много труда

слишком большой объем работы

слишком большого объема работы

слишком много работать

слишком много работаю

слишком много работают

полно работы

лишнюю работу

очень много работы


To do it the old-fashioned way seemed hopelessly inefficient, like much too much work for our guests and ourselves.

Для этого старомодный образ казался безнадежно неэффективным, как и слишком много работы для наших гостей и самих себя.

Even if you did, updating each with the latest virus definitions would be way too much work.

Даже если бы вы это сделали, обновление каждого с последними определениями вирусов было бы слишком большой работой.

Reworking 105 articles was too much work so I settled up for 1/3rd of them.

But that’d be too much work.

Way too much work in that case.

He has much too much work to do in these remaining years of his life.

It would not be too much work to assign a third reviewer when lack of response from the second becomes obvious.

Это не было бы слишком много работы, чтобы присвоить третий рецензент в случае отсутствия ответа от второго становится очевидной.

You will not do yourself any favors by taking on too much work.

It’s easier to sort out before too much work has been done on the project.

It was too much work for a young man of my age.

And if that sounds like too much work, then ask yourself the following question…

You must understand that too much work — is not always good.

You’re making too much work for yourself.

Judges would have too much work if we had to prosecute that.

There’s too much work to do.

No, I’ve got too much work.

On nights she said she had too much work to go out with me.

Ночами она говорила, что у нее слишком много работы, чтобы выходить со мной в свет.

You know, too much work in here.

There’s way too much work to do at the station to daydream.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат too much work

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When you’re just getting started,


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Когда вы только знакомитесь, важно, чтобы избежать слишком рабочий усиленный.


You know, I have too much work on my hands and cannot afford the time to follow who says what.


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Wow, that’s the first time anyone ever complained about me doing too much work around here.

Most boring monotony in sex,

someone’s wife lost interest in sex or leans too much work for the day.


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Большинству надоедает однообразие в сексе, у кого-то жена охладела или слишком много работы наваливается за день.


As mentioned before, maintenance mea-

sures in a pond do not cause too much work if you observe some basic rules.

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Как уже говорилось выше,

меры по уходу за прудом не вызовут чрезмерных усилий, если Вы будете соблюдать несколько основных правил.

Oppositely, articles below standards and that will take too much work to»get ready for readers» are»demoted», which removes them from

the New Article Boost list and retains the blurring and notice, and moves the page to the»Articles in Quality Review» category.

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Противоположно этому, статьи ниже стандартов и которые требуют слишком много работы, чтобы« быть готовы для читателей»,« понижены в статусе»,

который удаляет их из списка продвижения новых статей и сохраняет размытие и уведомление и перемещает страницу в категорию« Статьи для проверки качества».

Results: 34,
Time: 0.0212





too much much too

Одна из ошибок, которые я часто совершал — неправильное употребление too much. Я говорил так: «This is too much hard» или «The light is too much bright», то есть использовал too much с прилагательным. В этой статье я расскажу, как использовать наречие too в значении «слишком», too much и much too.

Как использовать too, far too, way too, much too, a little too, a bit too (в значении «слишком»)

Наречие too может значить «тоже» или «слишком». Как «тоже» оно обычно употребляется в конце утвердительного предложения.

I like vanilla ice-cream too! — Мне тоже нравится ванильное мороженое!

Подробнее о too в этом значении читайте в этой статье: «Разница между too и either». Сейчас нас интересует too в значении «слишком».

В значении «слишком» это слово употребляется перед прилагательными или другими наречиями:

You are too strict with children. — Вы слишком строги с детьми.

She is too young for the part. — Она слишком молода для этой роли

You drive too fast! — Ты едешь (на машине) слишком быстро!

Please, don’t speak too loudly. — Пожалуйста, не говорите слишком громко.

Добавив way или far, мы можем усилить наречие too, то есть way/far too — это уже не просто «слишком», а «слишком уж», «чрезмерно», «чересчур»:

This game is way too easy for me. — Эта игра слишком уж легкая для меня.

She is far too talented for such a small part. — Она чересчур талантлива для такой маленькой роли.

К этим же усилителям можно отнести и much, получается much too (именно much too, а не too much):

This fabric is much too delicate for tents. — Эта ткань слишком тонкая для палаток.

The director is much too unexperienced for such a big project. — Режиссер слишком неопытен для такого большого проекта.

Любопытно, что too можно не только усилить, но и ослабить: a bit too, a little too — «немножко слишком». Мы как бы говорим «слишком», но смягчаем выражение. Классический пример: «a bit too late», буквально «немножко слишком поздно» — обычно с долей иронии.

I’m afraid, you are a little (a bit) too late, I’m already married. — Я боюсь, что ты немножко опоздал, я уже замужем.

Теперь давайте посмотрим, как и когда мы используем too much.

Напомню, much too мы можем использовать с прилагательными и наречиями. В данном случае too («слишком») несет основное значение, а much — усиливает его:

He is much too short for a basketball player. — Он слишком уж невысокий для баскетболиста.

You talk much too slowly. — Ты говоришь чересчур медленно.

А вот too much НЕЛЬЗЯ использовать с прилагательными. В данном случае much (много) — это основное значение, а too — просто его усиливает, то есть too much = слишком много. Сочетание too much мы используем такими способами:

1. Перед неисчисляемым существительным или герундием

I spent too much time. — Я потратил слишком много времени.

You can’t have too much friendship in your life. — В жизни не может быть слишком много дружбы.

The reason of his disease is simple — too much smoking. — Причина его болезни проста — слишком много курения.

Напомню, слово much используется с неисчисляемыми существительными, а с исчисляемыми мы используем many. Подробнее об этом в статье: «Much, many, much of, many of — «много» по-английски».

2. После глаголов

You don’t feel well because you work too much. — Ты плохо себя чувствуешь, потому что слишком много работаешь.

Don’t drink too much. — Слишком много не пей.

Моя ошибка, которую я упомянул в начале, заключалась в том, что я использовал too much с прилагательными, а на самом деле с прилагательными нужно использовать much too, way too, far too или просто too:

  • Неправильно: It’s too much cold here. — Здесь чересчур холодно.
  • Правильно: It’s way/far/much too cold here. — Здесь чересчур холодно.

Также с too much есть полезное выражение «It’s too much!» — «это слишком!», «это уже перебор!»

I’m not going to lend you more money. It’s too much! You already owe me a lot! — Я не собираюсь давать тебе в долг еще денег. Это уже слишком! Ты уже и так мне много должен!


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  • #1

Hello everyone!
In my text-books most of which were written by Russian authors, I have often come across the combination «to work much». But in another book called «Typical errors in English» it was said that only «to work hard» should be used. My question is: can «to work much» be used at all and if it can, will someone please give an example?

Thanks a lot in advance.:)

  • Synesthetic

    • #2

    «To work much» should not be used at all, in my opinion. But «to work hard» and «to work a lot» are good alternatives.

    You COULD say «to work too much» though, but that’s a different thing!


    • #3

    «To work much» should not be used at all, in my opinion. But «to work hard» and «to work a lot» are good alternatives.

    You COULD say «to work too much» though, but that’s a different thing!

    So if I say «He works too much», does this mean «He overworks» or «He works overtime»?


    • #4

    So if I say «He works too much», does this mean «He overworks» or «He works overtime»?

    Yes, exactly.


    • #5

    On the other hand, if I say «He doesn’t work hard» or «He doesn’t work very much», will this only mean «He is not hard-working» or «He is rather lazy» or can it also mean «He doesn’t have much work to do»?


    • #6

    That’s a good question — I think that usually it would mean the first situation that you described («he is not hard-working» or «he is lazy») by implication. However, I suppose you could also have a situation where someone «doesn’t work hard because he doesn’t have much work to do» — as in, he is not required to work hard because there is not much work to do.

    So my answer is, usually the first interpretation, but it could also mean the second one; it depends on the context.


    • #7

    Thank you so much, Synesthetic :)

    Overworking and burnout cost the economy billions. On top of that, it isn’t exactly fun when you have mountains of work that cause you mountains of stress. So here is the secret to dealing with too much work.

    It will come as no surprise that, in the UK, we work too much. Traditional values tell us that a solid day’s work is a noble act. While this may have some truth, this belief forgets that an efficient day’s work trumps all. Furthermore, too many solid days can lead to stress and burnout, which costs the UK economy billions every year.

    Beliefs such as this speak volumes of the profit-driven fanaticism that many companies subject their employees to. Often, the wellbeing of the individual is overlooked, and instead, demands are placed on them that they cannot live up to.

    So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and nearing the end of your tether, the secret will lie in a multi-pronged approach. Reality checks, self-loving, and discipline are at the heart of this. Follow these steps to dealing with too much work. 

    Firstly, we aren’t suggesting that managers are consciously wrecking the lives of employees. In fact, if managers knew the extent of the economic and emotional damage overworking can do, they would make conscious efforts to avoid giving too much work to their employees. 

    UK workers, in 2016, worked the longest hours-per-week in the EU. Great! That must mean that we have plenty of productivity to show for our struggles. Unfortunately not. The UK also happens to be way down the rankings in productivity. This isn’t a coincidence. Let’s see where the disconnect might reside.

    young woman with too much work

    Being overworked is a problem. Currently, half a million people in the UK are suffering from self-reported, work-related stress. That’s like all of Leeds acting in a short and unpleasant way. Shocking as that may, or may not, be, it might surprise you that many physical and mental health issues are linked to stress.

    We’re going to start with looking at stress because people are important to us. And as well as hurting the economy and businesses, stress most immediately hurts the individual and those close to them. Before we begin, please remember to talk to someone if you are experiencing emotional difficulties relating to anything.

    Having too much work can lead to stress

    Stress is a natural reaction to external pressure that can focus you and help you perform better. However, when stress becomes too much, it takes over your life and stops you from performing or living well. This is distress.


    Interestingly, distress has an antonym. No it’s not watching the sunset over the Algarve, but ‘eustress’. Eustress is the beneficial form of psychological and physical stress. It is the positive reaction to a challenge. In our context, if you are handed a challenging project but feel like you are able to push yourself and complete it, then that satisfaction, determination, focus, and excitement is probably eustress.

    It’s telling that eustress is probably hard to conceive of, and it has subsequently been worked out of our vocabularies. On the other hand, it is all too easy to conceive of distress.

    We all know what immediate stress feels like. For example, when Craig Revel-Horwood is about to pass his judgement on your favourite Strictly contestant, you may experience your heart pounding, your skin perspiring, and your breathing quickening — this is the fight or flight response. You may feel this when presented with another project on top of the many you’re already juggling.

    The fight or flight response is, essentially, the immediate physical reaction to an external threat. It’s fairly common and, in terms of evolution, very useful. However, there are numerous mental and physical disorders that can result from the body being in this state too often. Indeed, if your everyday interactions evoke such a response, you’ll likely find yourself suffering from long-term stress.


As stated, stress is no joke, so if you feel that you are suffering from stress then please please see your GP, especially if you notice some of these signs:

    • You’re experiencing frequent negative emotions.
    • Your thoughts are often fleeting and you feel worried and distracted a lot.
    • You’re feeling physically drained, tense, or sore. Or if your diet seems to change. 

    • Your behaviour may also change. This can manifest in an increase in coping mechanisms, such as drinking or smoking or being short with people.

    This list is far from exhaustive. So we really do advise seeking medical advice.

    dumbells for exercising. To deal with stress

    Read next: The most annoying phrases you can use in an email, ranked

    Ways to deal with stress

    Dealing with stress, contrary to how it may feel at the time, is very possible. First things first, tell someone. As a society, we are improving the way we talk about our mental wellbeing, but there is still a long way to go. So talk to a coworker, your superior, or someone disconnected from work entirely, if that’s what it takes.

    Be active. Physical activity can provide confidence, physical health (which is inextricably linked to mental wellbeing), and also release tension. It’s an all-round good idea. If running isn’t for you, maybe korfball or elephant polo is more your thing. It doesn’t really matter, just do something.

    Understand yourself. Increased introspection probably isn’t necessary for the majority of us, while for some, it should be prescribed in high doses. However, knowing what tends to trigger high-stress episodes can be vital in overcoming them. Identifying triggers shouldn’t lead to avoiding them if that will just prolong the problem. So a knowledge of the situation and yourself is crucial.

    These quick methods barely scratch the surface when it comes to dealing with stress, but we thought we better include the on the off chance that they help! You’ll notice, fittingly, that these can always be beneficial when you are feeling overworked, even if you aren’t ‘officially stressed’ — whatever that means.

    For more ways to combat stress at work, check out this article.

    people working together, maybe even delegated?

    Preaching to the choir wouldn’t quite cover it if we told you that being overworked can feel stressful. So, needless to say, the two plights share many solutions. Indeed, conquering your stress at work will help massively if you are also overworked. Although it’s hard to do one but not the other. Read on for more specific secrets to dealing with too much work.

    5 secrets to dealing with too much work

    Many have warned that the UK is on a fast-track to resembling Japan and Korea in its unhealthy work/life balance. The extent of overworking in Japanese culture is seen in their word “karoshi”, which literally translates to “overwork death”. Tragic cases of employees dying of heart failure after working hundreds of overtime hours are well known. And while these cases are extreme, they speak for a culture that harms many.

    If the UK is to avoid going down this path, efforts must be made first and foremost by the government and employers to protect the wellbeing of workers. However, on an individual level, there are things you can do when faced with too much work.

    1. Tell your boss

    Like stress, suffering in silence will get you nowhere. Talking to your boss can be scary at the best of times. So talking to them about how you have too much on your plate can seem nigh on impossible. However, career advisors can give some top tips on how to cruise through this awkward conversation:


Be professional and constructive, and come prepared with solutions. 

Bosses don’t want to be moaned at. Even if they have let you down, don’t go in there and whinge about having too much on your plate. This can be done by coming ready with solutions. Can you delegate to others? Can you be given extended deadlines? You’ll know best in your situation. Trust yourself. 

    Also, if you emphasise your commitment to quality as a priority, your boss will likely respect this. No boss wants the quality of your work to deteriorate. So politely explaining that the quantity of work is reducing their quality is a legitimate strategy. 

    meeting with boss

    2. Learn to say no

“Yes people” are lovely, on the surface. You may think that saying yes to everything will portray you as a go-getter who can do everything. However, in the long run, no one can do everything. And saying no in a professional way can show strength and self-knowledge. 

    3. Break down daunting tasks

We aren’t in the business of telling you how to do your job. But it’s easy to forget when you’re feeling overwhelmed that no project or achievement happens at once. Even doing the smallest bit moves you towards your goal.

    So if the answer is to conceptualise of projects as smaller, individual, and more achievable units, then fire away!

    4. Be disciplined in your relaxation.

Ever heard of the Pomodoro method of studying? Basically, it promotes finding your optimal length of studying where you concentrate fully. Days of study should be broken down into these ‘pomodoros’ with regular breaks between them. The reasoning is that pretty much nobody can study solidly at maximum efficiency for a whole day. 

    Like many things, studying is often a microcosm relating to your entire life. If you work for whole days for a whole week, there is almost no chance you are working efficiently. This means the quality of your work will decrease as well as your cognitive, physical, and emotional wellbeing. 

    There is no point in carrying on when what you are doing is suffering. So take breaks. And when you are on these breaks, make sure they are truly breaks. That means no email or even thinking/worrying about your task. Try meditation, exercising, or whatever makes you happy. 

    This point probably applies to most peoples lives. We could all be better at relaxing. It leads to happier, more productive individuals. 

    5. Improve your work/life balance

Related to the above. Having a positive and passionate life out of work can bring the same rewards to the office. Engaging interests and hobbies can reignite your passion for your work. 

    Your social life should never suffer because of work, either. Friends are vital, especially when you are overworked. So perhaps reconnecting with some mates will help both alleviate your overwork stress and rebuild bonds that will help you every day.

    very tired humans. Don

    To conclude

    Many of these methods of combatting overworking might seem common sense. However, when you are stuck in the stressful world of a saturated work-load, it often takes reminding of these to bring you back to normality. 

    Out of them all, the main take-aways should be not to fear speaking to your boss or saying no. Ultimately, you are responsible for your wellbeing and your workload, so if your boss can’t handle the fact that you don’t want to be working 80-hour weeks to struggle to hand in your assignments, they might not be worth working for.

    Overworking is a serious problem in UK offices. It can lead to stress, which costs the UK economy eye-watering amounts, not to mention the hugely negative effects it has on the individual. Help yourself out and follow some of these secrets. 

    Looking to make your workplace exceptional? Why not download our brochure and find out everything there is to know about being an employer of choice: 

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