Too kind a word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

слишком добры

слишком добр

слишком добра

слишком добрый

слишком добрым

слишком доброй

слишком добрые

слишком добрыми

слишком мягко

слишком хорошая

мне льстишь

слишком добрая

так добры

очень любезны

I see now that you were way too kind.

You’re too kind, Mr Gray.

You’re too kind… to yourself.

He was too kind, too gentle to survive my rejection and abandon me with impunity.

Он был слишком добр, слишком обходителен, чтобы вынести моё неприятие и оставить меня безболезненно.

You’re being too kind, as always.

It would be too kind to myself to call it that.

Because she is too kind, too human and too gullible.

You are either too kind or a little tipsy.

He was too kind for this world.

You’re too kind, Snow, but I can’t accept this.

Ты слишком добра, Снежка, но я не могу принять такой подарок.

It’s because my Yi Kyung is too kind.

You’re too kind Gino, it’s every day now.

Ты слишком добр, Джино. Ходишь к ним каждый день.

You are too kind to him, Milev.

My thanks, Mr. McCabe, you are too kind.

You are too kind, Ser Loras.

Mr Dorrit, you are too kind.

You are too kind, Mr Wickham.

You are too kind, my Lord.

Fate has never been too kind to Heath Morgan.

Судьба никогда не была слишком добра к Александру Христофорову.

«You are too kind, Major,» said Hornblower.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 284. Точных совпадений: 284. Затраченное время: 136 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • #1

Can one say:

a. You are too kind to help me.
(I consider you to be too kind because you help me)

b. You were too nice to say those wonderful things about me.
(It was extremely nice of you to say those wonderful things about me.)

    • #2

    Can one say:

    a. You are too kind to help me.
    (I consider you to be too kind because you help me)

    Yes, you could. We often say «you are far too kind.»

    b. You were too nice to say those wonderful things about me.
    (It was extremely nice of you to say those wonderful things about me.)

    This one somehow doesn’t ring as well, but I suppose you could say that.


    • #3

    I think one would tend to use «so» in those sentences (you are soo kind to help me, so nice to say those things)…

    The expression «too kind» is generally used as part of the idiom «you’re too kind». I really don’t think you hear it used much in other ways, except literally, as in «If you are too kind/too nice, people will take advantage of you».

    • #4

    Can one say:

    a. You are too kind to help me.
    (I consider you to be too kind because you help me)

    b. You were too nice to say those wonderful things about me.
    (It was extremely nice of you to say those wonderful things about me.)

    This may be another AE/BE thing… When I hear the term «too kind» used in any context, I automatically think the speaker is from England because it is seldom heard in Canada. And, frankly, the logic of the phrase has always escaped me — how can one be «too kind» or «too nice»? To me, it implies that I am not worthy of your kindness.

    I would say «You are very kind to help me» or «You were very nice to say…».


    • #5

    It does have a British ring to it, but yu hear it in AE. Most often «You’re too kind» is said in a sarcastic tone —

    Here, take the rest of my half-eaten sandwich, Cheryl.
    Oh thanks Doug, you’re too kind (roll eyes)


    • #6

    This may be another AE/BE thing… When I hear the term «too kind» used in any context, I automatically think the speaker is from England because it is seldom heard in Canada. And, frankly, the logic of the phrase has always escaped me — how can one be «too kind» or «too nice»? To me, it implies that I am not worthy of your kindness.

    I would say «You are very kind to help me» or «You were very nice to say…».

    I think «too kind» means someone has gone out of their way — beyond normal expectations. eg: your car has broken down (before mobile phones) and you knock on a stranger’s door to use the phone. The person then shows extra sympathy and offers you a cold drink or refreshment while you wait for help.

    Letting you use the phone is kind. The additional hospitality is too kind.

    Sure, it’s of a bit dated expression, but it’s still nice.

    • #7

    I agree with badgrammar. «You’re too kind» is really an expression on its own.

    Possible alternatives for azz:

    «It’s very kind of you to help me» Possible «most kind», too?

    «It was very nice of you to say those wondergful things about me.»

    I once rented a room from a Dutch lady (who spoke fluent idiomatic English) who got very cross with me for saying «That’s very kind of you» when she’d done me a small favour! I think she felt she had done the favour because she wanted to, not because she was kind, which is a rather over-literal interpretation of what is really a polite formula.


    • #8

    Maybe that was just her «Dutch» way of saying, «Not at all!» Which is the equally grammatically suspect (but ever-so-proper) response.

    Kelly B

    • #9

    My mother-in-law was a French speaker, and frequently used this construction too. It sounds odd to me because You are too xxx to do yyy usually means you will not/should not do yyy because you are so xxx.It would make more sense, to me, to say
    You are too kind to kick your brother like that! which means you are a nice child, and nice children do not behave that way.When you mean it as a compliment, then

    It was very kind of you to…

    • #10

    I think «too kind» means someone has gone out of their way — beyond normal expectations. eg: your car has broken down (before mobile phones) and you knock on a stranger’s door to use the phone. The person then shows extra sympathy and offers you a cold drink or refreshment while you wait for help.

    Letting you use the phone is kind. The additional hospitality is too kind.

    Sure, it’s of a bit dated expression, but it’s still nice.

    I understand the way the phrase is used, I just don’t understand why it’s used. To use your example, it’s like the stranger won’t let you use the phone… odds are, you wouldn’t say «That’s too unkind of you». Just one of those phrases that never made sense to me…

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    Clearly I have been too kind


    trusting, right?

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    The outside world hasn’t been too kind to him.

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    Some too kind… In a way that chilled me to the bone.

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    письма… некоторые слишком добрые… так что меня пробирало до костей.

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    You have been too kind, Mrs. Fitzgibbons.

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    Life on the beat hasn’t been too kind to you recently.


    I think you’re beautiful, and great… and too kind to me,

    I am very sensitive and perhaps too kind.

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    He was too kind,


    gentle to survive my rejection and abandon me with impunity.

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    Он был слишком добр,


    обходителен, чтобы вынести мое неприятие и оставить меня безболезненно.

    I have described King in the past as a writer of penny dreadfuls,

    but perhaps even that is too kind.

    context icon

    В прошлом я описывал Кинга как писателя, которому« грош цена», но, возможно,

    Short novels:»Gray Field»,»The Burden of Choice»,»Too Kind Heart»,»Officials»,»Yellow Face»,»I Want Eternity.


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    Повести:« Седое поле»,« Бремя выбора»,« Слишком доброе сердце»,« Должностные лица»,« Желтое лицо»,« Хочу вечности».


    Many of you have complained I have been too kind to S. and B. these last few months.

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    Многие из вас жаловались, что я была слишком добра к Эс и Би в последние месяцы.

    Some fighter pilots

    did not last long because they were too kind to their aircraft; others were successful because they caned it half to death.

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    Некоторые пилоты истребителей летали недолго, потому что они были слишком вежливыми со своими воздушными судами; другие были успешными потому что загоняли их до полусмерти.

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    Results: 811,
    Time: 0.0243





    The English language is filled with lots of quirks and gimmicks. Take hyperbole, for example. It’s a great way for native speakers to exaggerate their meanings with phrases like “you’re too kind.” This article wants to run you through what this phrase means (and how to respond to it).

    What Should I Reply To “You’re Too Kind”?

    There are plenty of simple ways to respond to someone saying, “you’re too kind.” Perhaps one of the following will work best for you:

    • You’re welcome
    • My pleasure
    • It’s nothing
    • Don’t mention it
    • Happy to help
    • No problem
    • No worries
    • Not at all
    • Of course
    • Anytime
    • Thank you

    Best Replies To “You’re Too Kind”

    The preferred version is “you’re welcome.” “You’re too kind” typically comes with “thank you” or a similar phrase. If it doesn’t, the “thank you” is implied. That’s why it’s always best to use “you’re welcome,” as it’s a standard response to “thank you.”

    You’re Welcome

    “You’re welcome” is one of the most common ways to accept a “thank you.” We can use “you’re too kind” and “thank you” synonymously, so it works well in many cases to use “you’re welcome.”

    Remember, we don’t always need to say “thank you” to imply it. There are plenty of other phrases in English that work well to convey that we’re happy that someone has given us a compliment or helped us out somehow.

    These examples will help you understand more about how “you’re welcome” works:

    • It looks really good on you, so I don’t think you should change.
    • Oh, thank you! You’re too kind to me.
    • You’re welcome!
    • I think you’re smart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
    • You’re too kind, seriously.
    • You’re welcome!

    My Pleasure

    “My pleasure” is another common way to accept someone saying “thank you.” Since “you’re too kind” always implies that someone is thanking you, it makes sense that a common response like “my pleasure” is acceptable.

    “My pleasure” implies that we are “pleasured” by complimenting someone. It shows that we’d happily give it to them again because we enjoyed the way it made us feel (and, in turn, enjoyed how they felt after receiving it).

    Here are a few helpful examples that’ll give you a better idea:

    • I don’t think you should worry about what they think. You look great.
    • You’re too kind.
    • It’s my pleasure. Really.
    • I like the way you act on stage! Ignore the haters!
    • You’re too kind to me!
    • My pleasure! And I’ll happily say it again and again!

    It’s Nothing

    “It’s nothing” is a good way to brush off somebody’s “thank you” or “you’re too kind.” You should be careful using this one as it can be seen as a bit arrogant to some people. Nevertheless, it’s still a suitable phrase in many cases.

    The only reason it might come across as arrogant is that it simply refuses to accept someone’s “thank you.” Saying “it’s nothing” implies that you didn’t care for the “thank you” comment (even though it’s not a negative phrase).

    Here’s how it looks:

    • I think that you look good on the dancefloor.
    • You’re too kind!
    • It’s nothing. Now, let’s go have some fun!
    • I think you should wear the other outfit. It suited you.
    • You’re too kind!
    • Oh, it’s nothing.

    Don’t Mention It

    “Don’t mention it” is a common way for people to accept someone saying “thank you.” We can use it informally when we want to show that we don’t think their comment of “you’re too kind” was necessary, and we’d be happy to do it again.

    You might benefit from some of these examples to see it in action:

    • I think you look good, so I wouldn’t worry about changing.
    • Ah, you’re too kind to me!
    • Don’t mention it! I’ll always be kind to you.
    • Have you tried doing it this way instead? I’ve had better success like that.
    • You’re too kind! That’s saved me a ton of time!
    • Don’t mention it!

    Happy To Help

    “Happy to help” is a good one, but it works best when you’re helping somebody rather than complimenting them. For example, if we say, “I like your suit,” it won’t work. However, if we say, “you should try doing it this way,” then you are helping someone, and it will work.

    Perhaps you’d like to check these examples out to see how it works:

    • You should try it this way instead. I think you’ll get better results.
    • Oh, that’s so much better! You’re too kind!
    • Hey, I’m happy to help!
    • I think it looks better in landscape if you don’t mind me saying so.
    • You’re too kind! Thank you!
    • Happy to help!

    No Problem

    “No problem” is a simple response to “you’re too kind.” Remember, the “thank you” is always implied, which is why it’s standard practice for us to use common phrases like “no problem” (which work to accept someone saying “thank you”).

    These examples are going to help you make sense of it:

    • Let’s go with Sarah’s idea. I think it’ll work best.
    • You’re too kind, thank you!
    • No problem. Happy to help!
    • I think you look stunning, but don’t tell them I said that.
    • You’re too kind!
    • No problem!

    No Worries

    “No worries” is an informal way to show that we accept someone saying “you’re too kind.” It’s similar to “no problem,” but “worries” comes with more informal phrasing about it. It’s best to use this one when you’re speaking with friends or family.

    Check out some of these examples to give you a clearer picture:

    • I like the way you think!
    • You’re too kind!
    • No worries! I’m just on the same wavelength as you.
    • I think you’ve got the best idea out of all of them.
    • You’re too kind!
    • Ah, no worries! I’m happy to agree with you any day!

    Not At All

    “Not at all” is a more formal way to show that we accept someone’s “thank you” from their “you’re too kind” message. It works well in many cases, and it’s formal because it’s a great way of accepting thanks in professional situations.

    Here are a couple of examples that should clear up any problems you might have:

    • I think you should try doing it this way to get it working better.
    • You’re too kind! I would have been lost without you.
    • Not at all.
    • You look fantastic. Any guy would be lucky to have you.
    • You’re too kind to me!
    • Not at all! I’m just speaking the truth.

    Of Course

    “Of course” is an interesting way to accept a “thank you.” We can use it similarly to a word like “naturally,” which implies that our compliment goes without saying. Often, it shows a level of confidence toward the person you’re speaking to.

    These examples are going to help you with it:

    • I really like the way you’re wearing that!
    • You’re too kind to me!
    • Of course! You deserve it!
    • I love your voice! Please sing us another song!
    • You’re too kind!
    • Of course!


    “Anytime” is another standard way to say that we accept someone’s “thank you.” Using “anytime” implies that we would be more than willing to compliment someone at “anytime,” and they shouldn’t just treat it as a one-off situation.

    Check out some of these to see it in action:

    • I like what you’re wearing today!
    • Oh, thank you! You’re too kind!
    • Anytime!
    • I’m not sure that’s right. Maybe try doing it this way.
    • Ah, that makes more sense. You’re too kind!
    • Anytime!

    Thank You

    “Thank you” is a strange response, so we left it till last. It’s not common that you’ll hear anyone use it, but it’s a common confusion for non-native speakers.

    Remember, “you’re too kind” is already accompanied by a “thank you.” You wouldn’t say the following in a conversation:

    • I like what you’re wearing.
    • Thank you.
    • Thank you.

    So why would you respond to “you’re too kind” with “thank you?” Well, it can be quite a humorous response if you time it right, which is why we decided it was still worth including!

    Here’s how it can work:

    • I’m in love with your artwork!
    • You’re too kind!
    • Thank you. I know!
    • I think you look great.
    • Oh, you’re too kind.
    • Thank you! I do try!

    What Does It Mean When Someone Says “You’re Too Kind”?

    Finally, let’s go over what “you’re too kind” means in the first place. If you’re a bit confused about it, we’ll help you out.

    “You’re too kind” means that someone thinks you are being kind to them. The “too” is used to stress kindness, and it’s also used as a way to show that the compliment you gave someone is almost “too nice” for them to accept.

    For example:

    • I like your style.
    • You’re too kind.

    Here, if we compliment someone, and they say, “you’re too kind,” they’re not telling us that our compliment is wrong.

    Instead, they’re making a hyperbolic joke about how we are saying something that’s far too nice for them to hear. They might not believe that their “style” is worth complimenting, so hearing you compliment it might be a bit of a shock to them.

    You may also like: “That’s So Nice Of You” – Meaning Explained (With Examples)

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • 1
    too kind of you!

    too kind of you!

    o senhor é muito gentil!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > too kind of you!

  • 2
    you are really too kind

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > you are really too kind

  • 3

    1 (also, as well) aussi ; you too could be a winner! vous aussi, vous pourriez réussir! ; ‘I love you’-‘I love you too’ ‘je t’aime’-‘moi aussi, je t’aime’ ; have you been to India too? ( like me) est-ce que toi aussi tu es allé en Inde? ; ( as well as other countries) est-ce que tu es allé en Inde aussi? ; he speaks French, German too il parle français et allemand aussi ; the town has changed, so too have the inhabitants la ville a changé, les habitants aussi ; ‘have a nice evening’-‘you too!’ ‘bonne soirée’-‘toi aussi!’ ; she’s kind but she’s strict too elle est gentille mais elle est stricte ;

    2 ( reinforcing an opinion) you should talk to someone-and soon too il faudrait que tu en parles à quelqu’un et sans tarder ; Marie cooked the meal-and very tasty it is too! Marie a préparé le repas-c’est vraiment très bon! ; ‘she was very annoyed and quite right too!’ ‘elle était vraiment agacée et il y avait de quoi!’ ; they sacked him and quite right too! ils l’ont viré et ils ont bien fait! ;

    3 (expressing indignation, annoyance) ‘they’re here’-‘about time too!’ ‘ils sont là’-‘il est bien temps! ’ ; ‘I’m sorry’-‘I should think so too!’ ‘je m’excuse’-‘j’espère bien!’ ; it was such a smart jacket, expensive too c’était une si belle veste, et chère en plus ; …and in front of your mother too! …et devant ta mère en plus or par-dessus le marché! ;


    (contradicting: so) ‘you don’t know how to swim’-‘I do too!’ ‘tu ne sais pas nager’-‘bien sûr que si je sais!’ ; ‘he didn’t pinch you’-‘he did too!’ ‘il ne t’a pas pincé’-‘si d’abord


    Big English-French dictionary > too

  • 4

       a. ( = excessively) trop

       b. ( = also) aussi ; ( = moreover) en plus

    * * *


    Note: When too means also it is generally translated by aussi: me too = moi aussi; can I have some too? = est-ce que je peux en avoir aussi?

    For examples of the above and further usages, see the entry below


    ‘I love you’ — ‘I love you too’ — ‘je t’aime’ — ‘moi aussi, je t’aime’

    ‘I’m sorry’ — ‘I should think so too!’ — ‘je m’excuse’ — ‘j’espère bien!’

    …and in front of your mother too! —…et devant ta mère en plus!

    too many/too few people — trop de/trop peu de gens

    ‘they’ve arrived’ — ‘none too soon!’ — ‘ils sont arrivés’ — ‘ce n’est pas trop tôt!’; all, only

    English-French dictionary > too

  • 5

    1 (sort, type) sorte


    , genre


    , type


    ; this kind of book/film ce genre or type de livre/film ; this kind of dog/person ce genre de chien/personne ; all kinds of people/cars/music/activities, people/cars/music/activities of all kinds toutes sortes de gens/de voitures/de musiques/d’activités ; various kinds of cheese/car, cheeses/cars of various kinds diverses sortes de fromages/de voitures ; what kind of dog/car is it? qu’est-ce que c’est comme chien/voiture? ; what kind of person is she? comment est-elle? ; what kind of person does he think I am? pour qui me prend-il? ; what kind of (a) person would do a thing like that? qui pourrait faire une chose pareille? ; what kind of a question/an answer is that? qu’est-ce que c’est que cette question/cette réponse? ; what kind of talk is that? en voilà des façons de parler! ; I won’t do anything of the kind je n’en ferai rien ; I don’t believe anything of the kind je n’en crois rien ; ideas of a dangerous/subversive kind des idées dangereuses/subversives ; decisions of a difficult/momentous kind des décisions difficiles/capitales ; a criminal/racist of the worst kind un criminel/un raciste de la pire espèce ; they could find no information/food of any kind, they could not find any kind of information/food ils n’ont pas trouvé la moindre information/nourriture ; this sculpture is the oldest (example) of its kind c’est la plus vieille sculpture du genre ; this is the only one of its kind, this is one of a kind c’est unique en son genre ; he must be some kind of idiot/sadist ça doit être un imbécile/un sadique ; a picture of some kind un quelconque tableau ; they needed some kind of success/progress ils avaient besoin d’avoir du succès/de faire des progrès ; I think it’s some kind of detective story/cleaning device ce doit être une histoire policière/un système de nettoyage ; ‘what do you need?’-‘books, toys, that kind of thing’ ‘de quoi avez-vous besoin?’-‘de livres, de jouets, ce genre de choses’ ; I like tennis, squash, that kind of thing j’aime le tennis, le squash, ce genre de sport ; what kind of thing(s) does he like/do? qu’est-ce qu’il aime/fait? ; that’s my kind of film/man! c’est le genre de film/d’homme que j’aime! ; that’s the kind of person I am/she is je suis/elle est comme ça ; I’m not/he’s not that kind of person ce n’est pas mon/son genre ; she’s not the kind of person who tells lies ou to tell lies ce n’est pas son genre de mentir ; they found a solution of a kind ils ont trouvé une solution qui n’était pas merveilleuse ; it’s wine/butter of a kind c’est du vin/du beurre de mauvaise qualité ;

    2 ( expressing vague classification) a kind of une sorte de ; a kind of handbag/toy/soup une sorte de sac à main/de jouet/de soupe ; a kind of anarchist/genius/servant une sorte d’anarchiste/de génie/de serviteur ; a kind of depression/intuition une sorte de dépression/d’intuition ; I heard a kind of rattling noise j’ai entendu comme un cliquetis ; I felt a kind of apprehension j’ai ressenti une certaine appréhension ;

    3 ( in essence) they are/are not different in kind ils sont/ils ne sont pas très différents.


    kind of

    adv phr

    he’s kind of cute/forgetful/clever il est plutôt mignon/distrait/intelligent ; they were kind of frightened/happy en fait, ils avaient un peu peur/ça leur faisait plutôt plaisir ; I kind of like him en fait, je l’aime bien ; we kind of thought/heard that… nous pensions/avons entendu dire que… ; ‘is it interesting/dangerous?’-‘kind of’ ‘est-ce que c’est intéressant/dangereux?’-‘plutôt, oui’ ; ‘did you have a good time?’-‘kind of’ ‘est-ce que vous vous êtes bien amusés?’-‘oui, c’était pas mal’.



    (caring, helpful) [person] gentil/-ille ; [act] bon/bonne ; [remark, gesture, words] gentil/-ille ; [thought] délicat ; to be kind to sb être gentil avec qn ; ‘Sudso is kind to your hands/skin’ ‘Sudso respecte vos mains/votre peau’ ; to be kind to animals bien traiter les animaux ; the critics were not kind to the play les critiques n’ont pas épargné la pièce ; life has been kind to me j’ai eu de la chance dans la vie ; life has not been kind to him la vie ne l’a pas épargné ; time has been kind to him il ne fait pas son âge ; that’s very kind of you c’est très gentil/aimable de votre part ; it’s very kind of you/him to give us a lift/lend me some money c’est très gentil de ta/sa part de nous ramener/de me prêter de l’argent ; ( in polite formulas) would you be kind enough ou so kind as to pass me the salt? auriez-vous l’amabilité de me passer le sel ; she was kind enough to give me a lift home/offer me a drink elle a eu la gentillesse de me ramener/de m’offrir un verre ; ‘you’re too kind!’ ‘vous êtes trop aimable!’

    Big English-French dictionary > kind

  • 6

    I like Thai food — I do too or me too j’aime la cuisine thaïlandaise — moi aussi;

    stylistically, too, they are similar du point de vue du style également, ils se ressemblent;

    literary would I too fail? allais-je échouer moi aussi?

    figurative you’re going too far tu exagères, tu vas trop loin;

    I know her all or only too well je ne la connais que trop

    he’s so silly! — and a grown man too! qu’est-ce qu’il peut être bête! — et il en a passé l’âge en plus!

    and quite right too! tu as/il a/ etc bien fait;

    about time too! ce n’est pas trop tôt!;

    I should think so too! j’espère bien!;

    too true! ça, c’est vrai!

    you didn’t do your homework — I did too! tu n’as pas fait tes devoirs — si!;

    you will too behave! si, tu vas être sage!

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > too

  • 7

    [tuː, tʊ, tə]

    «I love you» — «I love you too» — «ti amo» — «ti amo anch’io»

    «have a nice evening» — «you too!» — «buona serata» — «anche a te!»

    3) (expressing indignation, annoyance)

    «I’m sorry» — «I should think so too!» — «mi dispiace» — «lo spero bene!»

    and in front of your mother too! —…e per di più di fronte a tua madre!

    too many, too few people — troppe, troppo poche persone

    5) (emphatic: very) troppo

    «they’ve arrived» — «none too soon!» — «sono arrivati» — «mai troppo presto!»

    * * *


    1) troppo

    2) anche

    * * *

    [tuː, tʊ, tə]

    «I love you» — «I love you too» — «ti amo» — «ti amo anch’io»

    «have a nice evening» — «you too!» — «buona serata» — «anche a te!»

    3) (expressing indignation, annoyance)

    «I’m sorry» — «I should think so too!» — «mi dispiace» — «lo spero bene!»

    and in front of your mother too! —…e per di più di fronte a tua madre!

    too many, too few people — troppe, troppo poche persone

    5) (emphatic: very) troppo

    «they’ve arrived» — «none too soon!» — «sono arrivati» — «mai troppo presto!»

    English-Italian dictionary > too

  • 8


    far or much too much — viel zu viel

    I’ve had too much to eat/drink — ich habe zu viel gegessen/getrunken

    but not too much, please — aber bitte nicht allzu viel

    the problem/he was too much for her — sie war der Aufgabe/ihm nicht gewachsen

    she’s/that’s just too much — sie ist/das ist zu viel! ; : sie ist/das ist echt spitze

    none too or not any too easy — nicht allzu leicht; gar nicht so leicht

    he is none too or not any too clever/quick — etc. er ist nicht der Schlauste/Schnellste usw.

    none too soon — keinen Augenblick zu früh; see also»>all 3.; good 1. 2), 5); many 1. 1); much 1. 1); only 2. 4)

    she can sing, and play the piano, too — sie kann singen und auch od. außerdem Klavier spielen

    3) : besonders

    he lost in twenty moves, and to an amateur too — er verlor in zwanzig Zügen, und noch dazu gegen einen Amateur

    there was frost last night, and in May/Spain too! — es hat letzte Nacht gefroren, und das im Mai/in Spanien!

    * * *


    1) (all-)zu

    2) auch

    * * *


    it was too expensive a desk for a child’s room der Tisch war für ein Kinderzimmer viel zu teuer

    to be too good an opportunity to miss eine Chance sein, die man nicht auslassen darf

    to be too bad wirklich schade sein

    to be in too deep zu tief [in einer Sache] drinstecken fam

    far too difficult viel zu schwierig

    to be too good to be true zu gut um wahr zu sein

    too late zu spät

    to be too much zu viel sein

    my mother hasn’t been too well recently meiner Mutter geht es in letzter Zeit nicht allzu gut; ( form)

    thank you, you’re too kind! danke, das ist wirklich zu nett von Ihnen!

    to not be too sure if… sich dat nicht ganz sicher sein, ob…

    I’d like to come too ich möchte ebenfalls kommen

    me too! ( fam) ich auch!

    5. AM ( fam: said for emphasis, to contradict) und ob

    she is too a professional basketball player! und ob sie eine Profibasketballspielerin ist!


    to have too much of a good thing zu viel des Guten sein

    to be too much like hard work ( fam) zu anstrengend sein

    to be too little [and] too late völlig unzureichend sein

    too right! AUS stimmt genau!

    * * *



    1) zu

    that’s too/not too difficult a question to answer — diese Frage ist zu/nicht zu schwer zu beantworten

    2) zu

    all too… — allzu…

    only too… — nur zu…

    none too… — gar nicht…, keineswegs…

    not too… — nicht zu…

    not any too… — nicht allzu…

    I’m not/none too sure — ich bin nicht ganz/gar nicht or keineswegs sicher

    3) auch

    HE can swim too, he too can swim — er kann AUCH schwimmen, auch ER kann schwimmen

    4) auch noch

    it was really cheap, and it works too! — es war wirklich billig, und es funktioniert sogar or auch noch!

    * * *

    too [tuː] adv

    it’s too high for you to reach es ist zu hoch, als dass du es erreichen könntest;

    don’t be too sure! sei nicht so sicher!; good B 9 b, much A

    2. umg sehr, überaus, höchst, äußerst:

    it’s not too easy es ist gar nicht so leicht

    4. US umg (zur Verstärkung beim imp) you will too do that! und ob du das tun wirst!

    * * *


    far or much too much — viel zu viel

    I’ve had too much to eat/drink — ich habe zu viel gegessen/getrunken

    but not too much, please — aber bitte nicht allzu viel

    the problem/he was too much for her — sie war der Aufgabe/ihm nicht gewachsen

    she’s/that’s just too much — sie ist/das ist zu viel! ; : sie ist/das ist echt spitze

    none too or not any too easy — nicht allzu leicht; gar nicht so leicht

    he is none too or not any too clever/quick — etc. er ist nicht der Schlauste/Schnellste usw.

    she can sing, and play the piano, too — sie kann singen und auch od. außerdem Klavier spielen

    3) : besonders

    he lost in twenty moves, and to an amateur too — er verlor in zwanzig Zügen, und noch dazu gegen einen Amateur

    there was frost last night, and in May/Spain too! — es hat letzte Nacht gefroren, und das im Mai/in Spanien!

    * * *


    allzu adv.

    auch adv.

    zu adv. conj.

    überdies konj.

    English-german dictionary > too

  • 9



    all kinds of things/excuses — alles mögliche/alle möglichen Ausreden

    no… of any kind — keinerlei…

    be [of] the same kind — von derselben Sorte od. Art sein

    something/nothing of the kind — so etwas Ähnliches/nichts dergleichen

    what kind of [a] tree is this? — was für ein Baum ist das?

    what kind of [a] fool do you take me for? — für wie dumm hältst du mich?

    what kind of [a] person do you think I am? — für wen hältst du mich?

    they are the kind of people who… — sie gehören zu der Sorte von Leuten, die…; das sind solche Leute, die…

    this kind of food/atmosphere — diese Art od. solches Essen/solch od. so eine Stimmung

    these kind of people/things — solche Leute/Sachen

    a kind of… — [so] eine Art…

    kind of interesting/cute — etc. irgendwie interessant/niedlich usw.


    pay back or repay something in kind — etwas mit od. in gleicher Münze zurückzahlen



    liebenswürdig; freundlich; lieb

    be kind to animals/children — gut zu Tieren/Kindern sein

    oh, you are kind! — sehr nett od. liebenswürdig von Ihnen

    how kind! — wie nett [von ihm/ihr/Ihnen usw.]!

    * * *


    die Art






    — kindness
    — kind-hearted

    * * *



    thank you for giving me your seat, that was very kind of you vielen Dank, dass Sie mir Ihren Platz überlassen haben, das war sehr nett von Ihnen; (in a letter)

    with kind regards mit freundlichen Grüßen

    to be kind to sb nett [o freundlich] zu jdm sein

    he is kind to animals er ist gut zu Tieren

    to be kind to sb/sth jdn/etw schonen

    this shampoo is kind to your hair dieses Shampoo pflegt dein Haar auf schonende Weise

    the years have been kind to her die Zeit hat es gut mit ihr gemeint

    soft lighting is kind to your face gedämpftes Licht ist vorteilhaft für dein Gesicht



    I. n

    1. (group) Art f, Sorte f

    I don’t usually like that kind of film normalerweise mag ich solche Filme nicht

    he’s not that kind of person so einer ist der nicht fam

    this car was the first of its kind in the world dieses Auto war weltweit das erste seiner Art

    all kinds of animals/cars/people alle möglichen Tiere/Autos/Menschen

    to claim/hear/say nothing of the kind nichts dergleichen behaupten/hören/sagen

    to stick with one’s kind unter sich dat bleiben

    to be one of a kind einzigartig sein

    his/her kind ( pej) so jemand [wie er/sie] a. pej

    my mom always warned me about that kind vor so jemandem hat mich meine Mutter immer gewarnt

    don’t even talk to their kind mit solchen Leuten sollst du nicht einmal sprechen

    … of a kind so etwas wie…

    I guess you could call this success of a kind man könnte das, glaube ich, als so etwas wie einen Erfolg bezeichnen

    to do sth in kind etw mit [o in] gleicher Münze zurückzahlen

    I answered him in kind ich antwortete ihm im gleichen Ton

    if he cheats me, I shall take my revenge in kind wenn er mich betrügt, werde ich mich in gleicher Weise an ihm rächen

    contribution in kind FIN Sacheinlage f

    nothing of the kind nichts dergleichen

    mom, can I go to the movies tonight? — nothing of the kind darf ich heute Abend ins Kino, Mami? — kommt nicht infrage

    to pay sb in kind jdn in Naturalien [o Sachleistungen] bezahlen

    in kind im Wesen, vom Typ her

    they were brothers but quite different in kind sie waren Brüder, aber in ihrem Wesen ganz verschieden

    Betty, Sally and Joan are three of a kind Betty, Sally und Joan sind alle drei vom gleichen Schlag

    to be true to kind in typischer Weise reagieren

    when I told him I passed my class, he was true to kind asking if the exams had been that easy das war mal wieder typisch er, als ich ihm erzählte, dass ich mein Examen bestanden hätte, fragte er mich, ob die Prüfungen so leicht gewesen seien

    kind of irgendwie

    I kind of hoped you would help me ich hatte irgendwie gehofft, du würdest mir helfen

    * * *

    I [kaɪnd]


    all kinds of… — alle möglichen…

    what kind of…? — was für ein(e)…?

    they’re two of a kind — die beiden sind vom gleichen Typ or von der gleichen Art; sie sind vom gleichen Schlag

    she’s one of a kind —

    … of all kinds — alle möglichen…

    you’ll do nothing of the kind —


    a kind of… — eine Art…, so ein(e)…

    a kind of box —

    I kind of thought that he… — ich habe eigentlich gedacht, dass er…; ich habe es mir beinahe gedacht, dass er…

    are you nervous? – kind of — bist du nervös? – ja, schon


    1) liebenswürdig, nett, freundlich (to zu); freundlich

    2) freundlich; schmeichelhaft


    to be kind to your hands/skin — sanft zu den Händen/zur Haut sein

    * * *

    kind1 [kaınd] s

    1. Art f, Sorte f:

    all of a kind (with) von der gleichen Art (wie);

    a) nichts dergleichen,

    b) keineswegs;

    sth of the kind, this kind of thing etwas Derartiges, so etwas;

    I haven’t got that kind of money umg so viel Geld hab ich nicht;

    what kind of man is he? was für ein Mann oder Mensch ist er?;

    coffee of a kind umg so etwas Ähnliches wie Kaffee, etwas Kaffeeartiges;

    2. Geschlecht n, Klasse f, Art f, Gattung f: humankind

    3. Art f, Wesen n:

    4. kind of umg ein bisschen, irgendwie (oft unübersetzt):

    I’ve kind of promised it ich habe es halb und halb versprochen;

    did they help you? kind of (ja,) schon

    5. Naturalien pl, Waren pl:

    kind2 [kaınd] adj (adv kindly B)

    1. freundlich, liebenswürdig, nett ( alle:

    would you be so kind as to do this for me? sei so gut oder freundlich und erledige das für mich, erledige das doch bitte für mich;

    2. hilfreich (Tat etc)

    4. freundlich, mild, angenehm (Klima)

    * * *



    1) Art, die

    all kinds of things/excuses — alles mögliche/alle möglichen Ausreden

    no… of any kind — keinerlei…

    be [of] the same kind — von derselben Sorte od. Art sein

    something/nothing of the kind — so etwas Ähnliches/nichts dergleichen

    what kind of [a] tree is this? — was für ein Baum ist das?

    what kind of [a] fool do you take me for? — für wie dumm hältst du mich?

    what kind of [a] person do you think I am? — für wen hältst du mich?

    they are the kind of people who… — sie gehören zu der Sorte von Leuten, die…; das sind solche Leute, die…

    this kind of food/atmosphere — diese Art od. solches Essen/solch od. so eine Stimmung

    these kind of people/things — solche Leute/Sachen

    a kind of… — [so] eine Art…

    kind of interesting/cute — etc. irgendwie interessant/niedlich usw.


    pay back or repay something in kind — etwas mit od. in gleicher Münze zurückzahlen



    liebenswürdig; freundlich; lieb

    be kind to animals/children — gut zu Tieren/Kindern sein

    oh, you are kind! — sehr nett od. liebenswürdig von Ihnen

    how kind! — wie nett [von ihm/ihr/Ihnen usw.]!

    * * *


    art adj. n.

    Art en f.

    Gattung en f.

    Sorte f.

    English-german dictionary > kind

  • 10

    1. също и, освен това, при това, и то
    did he come TOO? и той ли дойде? and very nice TOO и то много хубав
    2. извънредно много, прекалено, прекомерно, твърде
    we were none TOO soon for the train съвсем не бяхме подранили за влака (едва не го изпуснахме)
    to have one TOO many напивам се, пия повече, отколкото мога да нося
    to have one ticket TOO many имам един билет в повече
    I am afraid we are one TOO many боя се, че между нас има един излишен
    he was TOO much/разг. one TOO many for me не можах да се справя с него, той излезе по-силен/по-хитър и пр. от мен
    TOO good to be true твърде хубаво, за да е истина, невероятно
    all TOO soon/quickly прекалено скоро/бързо
    TOO much (of a good thing) това е вече прекалено/нетърпимо
    I’ll he only TOO glad ще се радвам извънредно много
    you are TOO kind много сте любезен
    TOO-TOO разг. прекалено, крайно

    * * *

    {tu:} adv 1. също и, освен това; при това, и то; did he come too ?

    * * *

    също; твърде; прекомерно; прекалено; да;

    * * *

    1. all too soon/quickly прекалено скоро/бързо
    2. did he come too? и той ли дойде? and very nice too и то много хубав
    3. he was too much/разг. one too many for me не можах да се справя с него, той излезе по-силен/по-хитър и пр. от мен
    4. i am afraid we are one too many боя се, че между нас има един излишен
    5. i’ll he only too glad ще се радвам извънредно много
    6. to have one ticket too many имам един билет в повече
    7. to have one too many напивам се, пия повече, отколкото мога да нося
    8. too good to be true твърде хубаво, за да е истина, невероятно
    9. too much (of a good thing) това е вече прекалено/нетърпимо
    10. too-too разг. прекалено, крайно
    11. we were none too soon for the train съвсем не бяхме подранили за влака (едва не го изпуснахме)
    12. you are too kind много сте любезен
    13. извънредно много, прекалено, прекомерно, твърде
    14. също и, освен това, при това, и то

    * * *

    too [tu:] adv 1. също и; освен това; и то; did he come too? и той ли дойде? and very nice too и то много хубав; 2. прекалено, прекомерно; твърде (много), извънредно много; too hard a task прекалено трудна задача; I have a ticket too many имам един билет повече (излишен); I’m afraid I’m one too many страхувам се, че съм излишен; he was too much (разг. one too many) for me не можах да се справя с него, той излезе по-силен (по-хитър) от мен; too good to be true твърде хубаво, за да бъде истина; it’s too much of a good thing това е прекалено, това е вече върхът; I’ll be only too glad (извънредно) много ще се радвам; it’s quite too (too too) ( delightful) превзето това е просто чудесно! none too good лош, далеч от желаното; too bad много жалко; 3. пък (при спор); you don’t know — I do too ти не знаеш — знам пък; 4.: too right sl наистина! вярно! няма лъжа!

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > too

  • 11

    1) ( overly) big, heavy, small zu ( form);

    it was too expensive a desk for a child’s room der Tisch war für ein Kinderzimmer viel zu teuer;

    to be too good an opportunity to miss eine Chance sein, die man nicht auslassen darf;

    to be too bad wirklich schade sein;

    to be in too deep zu tief [in einer Sache] drinstecken ( fam)

    far too difficult viel zu schwierig;

    to be too good to be true zu gut um wahr zu sein;

    too late zu spät;

    to be too much zu viel sein

    my mother hasn’t been too well recently meiner Mutter geht es in letzter Zeit nicht allzu gut ( form);

    thank you, you’re too kind! danke, das ist wirklich zu nett von Ihnen!;

    to not be too sure if… sich dat nicht ganz sicher sein, ob…

    I’d like to come too ich möchte ebenfalls kommen;

    me too! ( fam) ich auch!

    it’s a wonderful picture — and by a child too! es ist ein wunderschönes Bild — und dabei von einem Kind gemalt!

    5) (Am) (fam: said for emphasis, to contradict) und ob;

    I’m not going to school today — you are too! ich gehe heute nicht in die Schule — und ob du gehst!;

    she is too a professional basketball player! und ob sie eine Profibasketballspielerin ist!


    to have too much of a good thing zu viel des Guten sein;

    to be too much like hard work ( fam) zu anstrengend sein;

    to be too little [and] too late völlig unzureichend sein;

    too right! ( Aus) stimmt genau!

    English-German students dictionary > too

  • 12


    1) for, så

    2) også






    1) altfor, for

    2) også, likeledes, med

    I’m going. -me too!

    jeg drar. -det gjør jeg også!

    what wine too!

    you did too!

    3) til og med, attpåtil

    he is a fool, and a great one, too

    han er en tosk, og en diger en attpåtil

    5) ( litterært) oven i kjøpet, til overmål

    …and got nothing for it too

    …og fikk til overmål ikke et øre for det

    6) dessuten, dertil

    she plays the piano, and sings, too

    hun spiller piano, og dessuten synger hun

    about time too! det var sannelig på tide!

    too bad! så synd!

    too true! eller too right! ( hverdagslig) det kan du skrive opp!, nettopp!

    English-Norwegian dictionary > too

  • 13


    kind1 [kaɪnd]

    (a) sorte


    , type


    , genre



    what kind of fish is this? quel type ou quelle sorte de poisson est-ce?;

    what kind of computer have you got? qu’est-ce que vous avez comme (marque d’)ordinateur?;

    have you got any other kind? en avez-vous d’autres?;

    they did have some flour, but it wasn’t the right kind ils avaient bien de la farine, mais ce n’était pas la bonne;

    what kind of people go there? — oh, all kinds quel type de gens y va? — oh, des gens très différents;

    I think he’s some kind of specialist or a specialist of some kind je crois que c’est un genre de spécialiste;

    familiar are you some kind of nut? tu es malade ou quoi?;

    what kind of person do you think I am? pour qui me prenez-vous?;

    it’s all right, if you like that kind of thing c’est bien si vous aimez ce genre de choses;

    is this the kind of thing you’re looking for? est-ce que c’est quelque chose de ce genre que vous cherchez?;

    I know your kind! je connais les gens de ton espèce!;

    I said nothing of the kind! je n’ai rien dit de pareil ou de tel!;

    you were drunk last night — I was nothing of the kind! tu étais ivre hier soir — absolument pas ou mais pas du tout!


    a kind of une sorte de, une espèce de;

    did you hit him? — well, kind of tu l’as frappé? — oui, si on veut;

    do you agree? kind of tu es d’accord? plus ou moins;

    did he give you any tips? — of a kind vous a-t-il donné des conseils? — si on peut appeler ça des conseils;

    well, it’s beer of a kind, I suppose oui, on peut appeler ça de la bière, je suppose;

    it’s work of a kind, but only as a stopgap c’est un emploi, d’accord, mais pas pour très longtemps

    (a) en nature;

    he insulted me, and I replied in kind il m’a insulté, et je lui ai rendu la monnaie de sa pièce

    ✾ Book ✾ Film ‘A Kind of Loving’ Barstow, Schlesinger ‘Un Amour pas comme les autres’



    (a) gentil, aimable;

    how kind! comme c’est gentil!;

    would you be so kind as to post this for me? auriez-vous l’amabilité de mettre ceci à la poste pour moi?;

    by kind permission of… avec l’aimable autorisation de…;

    (c) doux (douce);

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > kind

  • 14


    2) дуже, конче, украй

    3) також, теж

    I go there, too — я теж іду туди

    4) до того ж, крім того, більш того

    achieved, too, at small cost — який дістався до того ж не дуже дорого

    5) справді, дійсно

    I mean to do it, too — я справді збираюся зробити це

    to go too far — перебільшувати; заходити надто далеко

    * * *

    I [tuː]


    too much [little] — дуже багато[мало]

    he ate /too much — він об’ївся

    2) дуже; украй

    hes not too well today — він неважливо себе відчуває сьогодні, йому сьогодні трохи нездоровиться

    it’s quite too!, it’s too! — чудово!

    to go too far — перебільшувати; відходити дуже далеко

    II [tuː]


    1) також, теж

    the prisoner too, inspired little sympathy — ув’язнений теж не вселяв симпатії; до того ж, більш того

    achieved too, at small cost — що дістався до того ж не дуже дорого; отриманий не дуже дорогою ціною

    the dog is hungry, and very thirsty too — собака голодний, до того ж хоче пити

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > too

  • 15

    tu: нареч.
    1) излишне, слишком, чересчур
    2) весьма, очень, сильно Syn: very, much
    3) также, тоже;
    к тому же
    4) действительно, фактически, на самом деле They say he is the best student. And he is too ≈ говорят, он лучший студент, и это действительно так
    слишком — * quickly слишком быстро — * much слишком много — he ate * much он переел — this job is * much for me эта работа выше моих сил, я не справляюсь с этой работой — things are getting * much for him события выходят из-под его контроля — a little * small немного мал — none * pleasant не слишком приятный — a hat far * big for him шляпа слишком велика ему — * good to last слишком (уж) хорошо, чтобы так могло продолжаться — it’s not * easy это не так (уж) легко — I know him all * well я слишком хорошо его знаю — she loved him * well она чересчур /слишком/ его любила — you can’t make the wall * thick чем стена толще, тем лучше — we were none * early for the train мы только-только успели к поезду на столько-то больше, чем нужно — 50 dollars * much на 50 долларов больше — you’ve give me two * many вы дали мне на два больше — I’m afraid I am one * many боюсь, что я здесь лишний( эмоционально-усилительно) очень;
    крайне — you are really * kind вы действительно очень добры — he’s not * well today он неважно себя чувствует сегодня, ему сегодня немного нездоровится — only * очень — I shall be only * pleased to help you я буду бесконечно рад помочь вам — that’s * bad! как жалко! — it’s quite *!, it’s * *! восхитительно! — it’s * charming! восхитительно!;
    как это мило! > to go * far преувеличивать;
    заходить слишком далеко > it is * much of a good thing хорошенького понемножку;
    это уж слишком /чересчур/ также, тоже — to play and sing * и играть и петь — I went there, * я тоже пошел туда — won’t you come, *? не придете ли и вы? — the prisoner, *, inspired little sympathy заключенный тоже не внушал симпатии к тому же, более того — achieved, *, at small cost доставшийся к тому же не слишком дорого;
    полученный не слишком дорогой ценой — the dog is hungry, and very thirsty, * собака голодна и к тому же хочет пить действительно — I mean to do it, * я действительно собираюсь сделать это
    too действительно;
    they say he is the best student. And he is too говорят, он лучший студент, и это действительно так
    ~ очень;
    too bad очень жаль;
    I am only too glad я очень, очень рад
    it is ~ much (of a good thing) = хорошенького понемножку;
    это уже чересчур;
    none too pleasant не слишком приятный
    it is ~ much (of a good thing) = хорошенького понемножку;
    это уже чересчур;
    none too pleasant не слишком приятный
    too действительно;
    they say he is the best student. And he is too говорят, он лучший студент, и это действительно так
    too действительно;
    they say he is the best student. And he is too говорят, он лучший студент, и это действительно так ~ очень;
    too bad очень жаль;
    I am only too glad я очень, очень рад ~ слишком;
    too good to be true слишком хорошо, чтобы можно было поверить ~ также, тоже;
    к тому же;
    won’t you come too? не придете ли и вы?
    ~ очень;
    too bad очень жаль;
    I am only too glad я очень, очень рад
    ~ слишком;
    too good to be true слишком хорошо, чтобы можно было поверить
    ~ также, тоже;
    к тому же;
    won’t you come too? не придете ли и вы?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > too

  • 16


    1. 1) слишком

    too much [little] — слишком много [мало]

    this job is too much for me — эта работа выше моих сил, я не справляюсь с этой работой

    too good to last — слишком (уж) хорошо, чтобы так могло продолжаться

    she loved him too well — она чересчур /слишком/ его любила

    you can’t make the wall too thick — чем стена толще, тем лучше

    2) на столько-то больше (чем нужно)

    I’m afraid I am one too many — боюсь, что я здесь лишний

    he’s not too well today — он неважно себя чувствует сегодня, ему сегодня немного нездоровится

    I shall be only too pleased to help you — я буду бесконечно рад помочь вам

    that’s too bad! — как жалко!

    it’s quite too!, it’s too too! — восхитительно!

    it’s too charming! — восхитительно!; как это мило!

    to go too far — а) преувеличивать; б) заходить слишком далеко

    it is too much of a good thing — хорошенького понемножку; это уж слишком /чересчур/


    1. 1) также, тоже

    I went there, too — я тоже пошёл туда

    won’t you come, too? — не придёте ли и вы?

    the prisoner, too, inspired little sympathy — заключённый тоже не внушал симпатии

    2) к тому же, более того

    achieved, too, at small cost — доставшийся к тому же не слишком дорого; полученный не слишком дорогой ценой

    the dog is hungry, and very thirsty, too — собака голодна и к тому же хочет пить

    2. действительно

    I mean to do it, too — я действительно собираюсь сделать это

    НБАРС > too

  • 17

    I [tuː]


    too much [little] — дуже багато[мало]

    he ate /too much — він об’ївся

    2) дуже; украй

    hes not too well today — він неважливо себе відчуває сьогодні, йому сьогодні трохи нездоровиться

    it’s quite too!, it’s too! — чудово!

    to go too far — перебільшувати; відходити дуже далеко

    II [tuː]


    1) також, теж

    the prisoner too, inspired little sympathy — ув’язнений теж не вселяв симпатії; до того ж, більш того

    achieved too, at small cost — що дістався до того ж не дуже дорого; отриманий не дуже дорогою ціною

    the dog is hungry, and very thirsty too — собака голодний, до того ж хоче пити

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > too

  • 18


    1) demasiado

    2) também

    * * *

    English-Portuguese dictionary > too

  • 19

    1. adv слишком

    2. adv на столько-то больше

    3. adv эмоц. -усил. очень; крайне

    only too glad … — очень рад, счастлив …

    4. adv также, тоже

    5. adv к тому же, более того

    achieved, too, at small cost — доставшийся к тому же не слишком дорого; полученный не слишком дорогой ценой

    6. adv действительно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. also (other) additionally; again; along; also; as well; as well as; besides; further; furthermore; futhermore; in addition; into the bargain; item; likewise; more; moreover; still; then; to boot; withal; yea; yet

    2. ever (other) beyond reason; confoundedly; consumedly; disproportionately; ever; exceedingly; excessively; extravagantly; extremely; immensely; immoderately; inappropriately; inordinately; over; overfull; overly; overmuch; prodigally; profligately; super; to a fault; unduly; wastefully

    3. very (other) awful; awfully; considerably; damned; dreadfully; eminently; enormously; especially; exceptionally; extra; extraordinarily; greatly; highly; hugely; insatiably; jolly; mightily; mighty; mortally; most; much; notably; parlous; particularly; pesky; quite; rather; rattling; really; remarkably; right; snapping; so; spanking; specially; staving; strikingly; surpassingly; tremendously; very

    English-Russian base dictionary > too

  • 20
    too much

    You are so kind. This is too much — Вы так добры. Вы просто, не знаю как сказать

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > too much

  • You are too kind to me.

    You are very kind to me

    I have found the entry You are too kind to me in Michael Swan’ s Practical English Usage. But it was not explained when it was used.But it was said that You are too much kind to me is wrong.

    I think too kind connotates some negative interpretation and very kind is used is to express thanks or gratitude.

    I would like to know the contexts where you are very kind and you are too kind are used.

    What is the difference between you are too kind and you are very kind?

    asked Oct 27, 2019 at 7:52

    Jvlnarasimharao's user avatar


    2,6643 gold badges14 silver badges37 bronze badges


    What is the difference between you are too kind and you are very kind?

    too kind MacMillan Dictionary

    used for thanking someone in a way that is very polite but not
    completely sincere

    And from You’re Too Kind —
    A Brief History of Flattery

    By RICHARD STENGEL, we can again find some negative connotation. Depending on the context, of course. The article is a fascinating read and somewhat a narrative etymology of self love and flattery.

    That ironic tone is so often the cloak for all flattery, indeed all
    praise, these days. What we think of as flattery is usually delivered
    with an air of arch knowingness, a kind of self-consciousness that
    says, We all know this is flattery, so don’t consider me a weaselly
    little brownnose for saying it. In fact, these days we struggle to
    invent new ways to praise people because the traditional methods are
    seen as a worn-out currency.

    This leaves the other compliments such as kind and very kind to their literal meanings, stripped bare of most other connotations. Of course, context is critical in perceiving the meaning of ‘too kind’ and ‘very kind’.

    muru's user avatar


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    answered Oct 27, 2019 at 14:28

    lbf's user avatar


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    No, ‘You are too kind’ does not have a negative implication. It’s a rather exaggerated way of thanking someone, suggesting that they are showing you more kindness than you deserve.

    answered Oct 27, 2019 at 8:35

    Kate Bunting's user avatar

    Kate BuntingKate Bunting

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    ‘You are too kind’ is merely an idiom. In normal conversation, it doesn’t convey any sort of negative connotation — but it can be (and is!) used sarcastically or as a form of flattery, which is where that negative connotation would arise.

    ‘You are very kind’ is similar in its meaning but seems more effusive and heartfelt (though that is my personal opinion on the matter).

    I’m sure there are regional differences in how often they crop up, but their underlying meaning is the same. Therefore, they can both be suited to a wide range of situations — it depends on your personal preference for one or the other.

    answered Oct 27, 2019 at 11:09

    Jackalope's user avatar


    2581 silver badge6 bronze badges

    (British English speaker here)

    I would say both are the same meaning, except that «too kind» is a little more formal, and, as such, maybe slightly prone to being misinterpreted as insincere if you do not normally talk in that manner. However either can be used with the same meaning, and if accompanied with a smile then there should be little chance of misinterpretation.

    answered Oct 28, 2019 at 6:08

    Steve Shipway's user avatar

    you are too kind — перевод на русский

    You’re too kind

    Спасибо, вы слишком добры.

    You’re too kind…

    Вы слишком добры…

    You’re too kind.

    Вы слишком добры.

    My thanks, Mr. McCabe, you are too kind.

    Благодарю, мистер Маккейб, вы слишком добры.

    You are too kind, my Lord.

    Вы слишком добры, Ваша Светлость.

    Показать ещё примеры для «вы слишком добры»…

    You’re too kind

    Вы так добры.

    You’re too kind, but I can’t take all the credit.

    Вы так добры, но я не могу принять все благодарности.

    Well, you’re too kind.

    О, вы так добры.

    You’re too kind.

    Вы так добры.

    You’re too kind.

    Вы так добры.

    Показать ещё примеры для «вы так добры»…

    You’re too kind, but we couldn’t accept.

    Вы очень добры, но нам неудобно.

    You’re too kind.

    Вы очень добры.

    Sir, you are too kind, you need a room?

    Сэр, вы очень добры, вам нужна комната?

    «You’re too kind.»

    «Вы очень добры.»

    You’re too kind.

    Вы очень добры.

    Показать ещё примеры для «вы очень добры»…

    You are too kind, monsieur.

    О, вы очень любезны, месье!

    You’re too kind, Madam.

    Вы очень любезны, мадам.

    You are too kind.

    Вы очень любезны.

    You’re too kind.

    Вы очень любезны.

    You’re too kind, sir.

    Вы очень любезны, сэр.

    Показать ещё примеры для «вы очень любезны»…

    I can do some other things… like weeding in the garden… You are too kind, but i don’t want to be like this

    Спасибо, конечно, но не надо.

    You’re too kind.

    Давайте. Спасибо.

    You are too kind.


    You’re too kind.


    You are too kind.


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    It’s debatable whether Tunku or Abdul Razak was the best PM we had.

    It’s believed that Ku Li would be the best PM we never have.

    And I believe Zaid Ibrahim will be the best PM we should have.

    Recently, in the midst of increasing social unrest due to outrageous political, racial and religious brouhaha, some suspected to have been staged, Zaid made a number of high class statesman speeches, unlike some who should know better and act better and more responsibly but instead who thrive on being batu api and divisive agitators, of course for their own political interests.

    I wonder whether he remembers a certain ‘someone’ (wakakaka) said recently that meritocracy (besides the concept of Bangsa Malaysia) was not suitable for Malaysian society.

    Thus this ‘someone’ was actually promoting Mediocrity over Meritocracy. In fact, that ‘someone’ said when Chinese talked about meritocracy, it’s racist.

    Anyway, let’s examine whether Zaid has been correct in alluding to UMNO’s race policy as breeding mediocre Malays, who I shall be fair, should only apply to UMNO apparatchiks and not Malays in general.

    The incredible edible delible ink

    The EC leadership couldn’t even save their two miserable lives if that had depended on decent plausible reason for the so-called indelible ink becoming easily delible, preferably in the first instant the explanation was required.

    The excuses provided were (in succeeding order as each preceding one was easily knocked off the perch of credibility for sheer moronic implausibility):

    • EC staff didn’t shake the ink bottle well enough
    • silver nitrate in ink reduced on advice of Health Ministry as it might cause kidney damage and cancer — New Health Minister S Subramaniam retorted PORDAH to EC
    • ink deliberately made more delible to allow Muslims to perform ablution prior to prayers (the apparatchiks’ standard resort to ‘agama’ to save their skins (why then bother to claim ink was indelible or event to use it?)
    • ink had edible oil (why was it there then?)
    • some bastards deliberately rubbing off the ink, wakakaka — surely this one is the best or perhaps worst, BS that was.

    Weren’t those two EC clowns mediocre? That would have been too kind to them.

    The ‘Siapa Raja’ RoS

    Examine the ‘siapa raja’ mentality of RoS Director-General, a mere public servant.

    The Malay Mail Online reported on 26 July 2013:

    The DAP could face a permanent ban as the Registrar of Societies (RoS) has said it will reject the opposition party’s application to form a new party if it is deregistered.

    RoS director-general Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman was quoted by The Star as saying that the party should not “harbour false hopes” of forming a new party since the body had shun applications to register new parties for the past five years.

    “They can apply. But the right to approve it is with the RoS. We did not even entertain 29 applications to set up new parties submitted over the last five years,” he said.

    Hello, I didn’t realize that the RoS DG is a Law unto himself, where he can approve or disapprove registration of societies without any accountability?

    As a mere public servant, he should explain to the public why he «did not even entertain 29 applications to set up new parties submitted over the last five years»? Apa ni, makan buta gaji, syiok sendiri kah?

    And he should explain why and on what grounds he has pre-empted any possible re-registration by DAP? Siapa raja kah?

    takut kan?

    And since then, everyone knew he would continue to harass the DAP (unlike the ready registration of his precious UMNO Baru in 1988), and even then, on nebulous grounds brought up by unknown complainants and one so-called Father Augustus Chen, a phantom who the RoS DG has the brazenness to rely on in his illegal directive to DAP.

    This man is truly an arrogant unaccountable public servant who believes he can do what he wishes or what his UMNO bosses wish.

    Incidentally, Khairy Jamaluddin for all his Oxon airs should be fair and brave in admitting the DAP, for all its party procedural correctness, faces a losing case with a local shameless unconscionable Attila the Hun, thus the party’s best and pain-saving bet in the long run would be to just re-hold the CEC elections to close a pure case of political harassments.

    Mediocre would be too high a praise for this sickening UMNO apparatchik.

    The Adorna case

    After 10 years of legalised fraudulent pilfering, on 10 January 2010, the Adorna judgement by Justice Eusoff Chin was finally overturned.

    The website of the Malaysian Bar’s reported:

    A five-member bench of the Federal Court today unanimously ruled that the previous Federal Court had misconstrued the provisions of section 340(3) of the National Land Code, 1965 («NLC») in its decision of Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v Boonsom Boonyanit 2000 («Adorna Properties») because the principle of deferred and not immediate indefeasibility applies to the NLC. […]

    Delivering the main judgment of the apex court, Chief Judge of Malaya, Tan Sri Arifin Zakaria said the Court has to depart from Tun Eusoff Chin’s four-page judgement in Adorna Properties as it is erroneous.

    It’s not just f* erroneous; it has been f* shameless and immoral.

    In delivering his supporting judgment, Chief Justice Tun Zaki Azmi described the error committed in Adorna Properties as «obvious and blatant». He added that it is a well known fact that some unscrupulous people have taken advantage of this error by falsely transferring titles to themselves.

    Indeed the «error was obvious and blatant».

    It led to a decade of fraudulent cheating that subsequent courts had to abide by Eusoff Chin’s judgement in the original ruling on the infamous Adorna case.

    The judicial ruling deserves a place in the Hall of Shame for endorsing duplicitous scams for almost ten infamous years. Legitimate owners of properties in Malaysia were rendered unprotected and helpless by the unjust nonsense.

    I bet Madame Boonsom Boonyanit who unjustly lost her Adorna property because of Eusoff Chin’a ruling must have cursed him and the Malaysian courts before she passed away, and I hope her curses work. Alas, the poor lady passed away and never ever was to know that it took almost 10 long years before a modicum of justice would reassert itself in BolehLand.

    And those who had legally endorsed her loss of property through an obvious case of fraud deserved/deserve every curse in her damnation. It just beggars belief that a Malaysian court ruling had not only caused such blatant injustice but perpetuated and abetted the same shameful fraudulent practice.

    The injustice of the Adorna case ruling was so flagrant that (now-retired) Justice Gopal Sri Ram, once sitting in the Court of Appeals, did what the catchphrase in Star Trek claims (paraphrased): Go where no judge has gone before by boldly ignoring legal precedence.

    Though criticised by many, Justice Gopal’s amazing defiance of stare decisis (legal precedence) to rule in favour of the Au brothers in 2007 was eventually vindicated when the Federal Court sat early this year to overturn Eusoff Chin’s ruling of infamy.

    The Chief Judge of Malaya, Tan Sri Arifin bin Zakaria, acknowledged in his 2010 judgment that, «It is therefore highly regrettable that it has taken some time, before this contentious issue is put to rest»

    Believe it or not, Eusoff Chin was once the Chief Justice of Malaysia. Was he just mediocre? Bloody f* no, he was worse.

    This was what a lawyer said of him, as published on the website of the Malaysian Bar:

    At the forefront of the attack was retired senior lawyer Lim Kean Chye, 88, who described the Federal Court’s 2000 decision on the Adorna Properties Sdn Bhd v Boonsom Boonyanit as «stupid».

    «To put it in a nutshell, the case made a laughing stock of our judiciary,» the octogenarian ex-lawyer told a forum — entitled ‘Property Rights Under the Malaysian Constitution’ — at the three-day 14th Malaysian Law Conference, which kicked off today at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

    The case had destroyed much of the credibility that the judiciary had enjoyed among foreign investors in the protection of the rights of property owners, said the feisty Lim, who had founded the defunct Malayan Democratic Union and had once been detained in British Singapore.

    The name of Eusoff Chin has in recent weeks been resurrected following the emergence of the infamous Lingam tape.

    we Malaysians are by nature very friendly & sociable  lah

    In the eight-minute video clip released by opposition party PKR, senior lawyer VK Lingam was seen talking, purportedly to a senior judge, of securing the appointment of ‘friendly’ judges from Chin’s camp.

    In 2000, then-CJ Chin had controversially overruled the Court of Appeal and awarded a piece of land to Adorna Properties despite it being fraudulently gotten from Boonsom — the registered landowner — through forgery.

    At the heart of the trial was whether Adorna case was to be categorised under clauses (2) or (3) of Section 340 of the National Land Code.

    Lim said that “plain English” dictates that neither clause can be mistaken for the other.

    «Section 340 (2) says you have no title if you bought from a forger. That’s the end of it.

    “But if A buys from a forger, and sells to B — an innocent man — sub-section (3) protects you. The second buyer (B) is protected,» said Lim.

    He argued that the Adorna decision — which involved a buyer getting the property directly from a forger — should be come under sub-section 2 of the land code instead of sub-section 3.

    In his hard-hitting speech, Lim alluded to Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Through the Looking Glass’ to press home his point. He quoted Carroll from the book:

    «When I use a word,» Humpty Dumpty said, «it means just what I choose it to mean.»

    «The question is,» said Alice,» whether you can make words mean so many different things.»

    «The question is,» Humpty Dumpty said, «which is to be the master — that’s all.»

    Lim continued: «The former judge (NS) Chan has said it … he said of another court … they’re stupid, they don’t understand the English language.”

    The ex-lawyer also took the opportunity to lambast the judges, many of whom have ruled according to Chin’s judgment in the Boonsom case.

    Legal expert Teo Keang Sood later pointed out in the forum how several court decisions had followed the precedent set by Chin in 2000, including in Ismail Mohmad & Anor v Ismail Husin, in Liew Yok Yin v AGS Harta Sdn Bhd and Mok Yong Chuan v Mok Yong Kong & Anor.

    Judges ‘obey the boss’

    According to Lim, the judges had failed to realise the true spirit and intentions behind the principlestare decisis and instead followed blindly the precedent dictated by peer or higher courts.

    «To them, stare decisis means ‘obey the boss’ even though you are of the same rank but you’re slightly older and appointed earlier than you.

    «Stare decisis doesn’t mean that. Stare decisis came about out of respect — you like the judgment written by a judge or by three or four judges, (which are) full of learning and of wisdom, and full of justice.

    «But if that court doesn’t deserve your respect, how does the principle of stare decisis apply? To me, it’s very clear. If there is an injustice, you don’t follow it,» said Lim.

    Do you have a «bright future»?

    On the matter of stare decisis, remember the bowler who when hauled before the court on a confessed charge of statutory rape, was discharged by the judge because «His Amazing Worship» believed the bowler had a «bright future»?

    Statutory rape versus «bright future» of rapist, and in BolehLand, of course statutory rape lost.

    So Noor Afizal Azizan was allowed scot-free after bonking a 13-year old girl, thanks to the Malaysian Court of Appeal who (amazingly again) considered many factors such as, believe it or not, consensual sex.

    Hellooooooooo, yang ‘Amazing’ arif, the victim was sub-16, in fact only 13. What kind of judgement had it been, when judges didn’t understand what was ‘statutory rape’.

    The law states clearly that a person below the age of 16 is deemed unable to make an informed decision and/or appreciate the possible consequences of the decision.

    Thus, consensual sex is totally irrelevant in statutory rape!

    Thus, non-coercion is totally irrelevant in statutory rape!

    Thus, any adult who had sex with a girl below the age of 16 has committed statutory rape, regardless of consent by the victim or that there was no force or coercion!

    The Malaysian Insider (TMI) reported in its news article Rapists freed by courts match medical definition of paedophiles that the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD) categorizes paedophilia as ‘a sexual preference for children boys or girls or both usually of pre-pubertal or early pubertal age’, …

    … while the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) used by mental health professionals globally states ‘paedophilia is the sexual attraction to pubescent or pre-pubescents aged 13 or younger and the subject must be 16 or older with the child at least five years younger’.

    TMI states the slimy maggot fitted the medical profiles of paedophiles and that international research of paedophilia as a sexual disorder suggests that paedophiles start offending at a young age.

    I was totally gob-smacked by the judge’s explanation where he had dared, in a case of statutory rape, to use the excuse that Noor Afizal did not use force and that it was consensual sex.

    Were these new laws no one other than the judge was aware of?

    Apparently not, as his colleague in Penang has done the same thing to another maggot Chuah Guan Jiu who too bonked a sub-16 year old girl but was released on good behaviour bond, probably in classic stare decisis or worse, in not wanting to offend the more senior judge by making him look bad?


    In my post Malaysian Laws like Spider Webs? I pointed out that an unemployed Malay man in Johor was jailed for FIVE YEARS for stealing less than a dozen cans of beer. He was charged under Section 380 of the Penal Code for theft, which carries a maximum 10 years’ jail or fine upon conviction.

    For stealing 11 cans of beer, he was sentenced to 50% of the max jail term.

    Those two arseholes, Noor Afizal and Chuah Guan Jiu were charged under Section 376(1) of the Penal Code where they could face up to 20 years’ jail and whipping.

    For raping little girls, did they get any fraction of the max sentence or whipping?

    The moral of the story we obtain must be that under Malaysian law, it’s (criminally) safer to rape little girls than steal a few cans of beer.

    Mediocre would hardly be the word for those judges — it would have been too kind. Mafulat would have been more appropriate.

    However, I am please to say one of the two maggots, Chuah Guan Jiu, was subsequently jailed for 5.5 years after public outcry over the stupid court ruling and an appeal by the prosecutor. He deserved it.

    But what about the bloke with the «bright future»? Surely what’s good for the goose (Chuah Guan Jiu) should be good for the gander (Noor Afizal).

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