Today in the word daily

ежедневный, повседневный, ежедневно, ежедневная газета


- ежедневный, каждодневный; повседневный

- спец. суточный

daily allowance — воен. суточное довольствие
daily details — амер. воен. суточный наряд
daily range — метеор. суточная амплитуда

- текущий

daily inspection — тех. текущий /профилактический/ осмотр

- (Daily) Дейли (в названиях газет)

Daily Telegraph — Дейли Телеграф

- дневной

daily and nightly draughts — дневная и ночная доза лекарства
daily bread — хлеб насущный
to earn /to gain/ one’s daily bread — зарабатывать на хлеб (насущный); добывать средства к существованию
daily dozen — разг. ежедневная зарядка, гимнастика


- ежедневно; каждый день

the train runs daily — поезд ходит ежедневно

- всегда, постоянно

to happen daily — происходить постоянно


- ежедневная газета
- разг. приходящая прислуга

Мои примеры


the city’s two largest dailies — две крупнейшие ежедневные газеты города  
the editor of the Daily Telegraph — редактор газеты «Daily Telegraph»  
He was closely involved in monitoring daily progress. — Он принимал активное участие в ежедневном контроле прогресса.  
daily bulletin — ежедневная сводка  
daily average — среднесуточный  
daily output — суточная выработка  
daily increments to our knowledge — ежедневное возрастание наших знаний  
daily lottery — ежедневная лотерея  
food, fuel and other daily necessities — еда, топливо и другие предметы первой необходимости  
the daily number — выпуск газеты, выходящий ежедневно  
daily periodicity — суточная периодичность  
daily prayer — ежедневная молитва  
daily time sheet — график суточной загрузки  

Примеры с переводом

The zoo is open daily.

Зоопарк работает ежедневно.

She phoned the hospital daily.

Она звонила в больницу каждый день.

I always buy a daily newspaper.

Я всегда покупаю ежедневную газету.

The garden needs watering daily.

Сад /огород/ нужно поливать ежедневно /каждый день/.

They repaired daily to the park.

Они каждый день собирались в парке

The program is aired daily.

Эта программа выходит ежедневно.

Worship services are held daily.

Богослужения проводятся ежедневно.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the punctual delivery of the daily mail…

…a daily grind that would outwear anybody…

…took his daily swill of the foul-tasting medicine…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): daily
мн. ч.(plural): dailies

Friday, April 14, 2023

by Dr. Paul Chappell

Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed. For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

Psalm 84:9-12

Matthew Henry was in great demand as a speaker in churches across England. His insights into the Scriptures challenged people in a way many had never heard before. Throughout his life, in addition to his preaching, Henry worked on what became one of the most used commentaries on the Bible in history. But he also endured great sadness and suffering. His first wife died not long after giving birth to their daughter, who then also died. Both of his children with his second wife died as infants as well. Yet rather than being angry at God, Henry remained devoted to Him. The night before his death, he told a friend, “You have been used to take notice of the sayings of dying men: this is mine—That a life spent in the service of God, and communion with him, is the most comfortable and pleasant life that any one can live in this world.”

God didn’t promise things would be easy if we follow and obey Him. He told us, instead, that He would be with us no matter what. Christians who value the things of this world too highly will never be willing to make the sacrifices required or stand up to hardship and suffering without giving up. It is only when our highest values are the things of God that we live up to His calling. Even what the world regards as menial service is transformed into joy and blessing when it is done in the presence of the Lord.

Today’s Growth Principle: 

Following Christ is not meant to be easy, but the rewards are worth far more than any sacrifice it requires.

Выпусков: 30

Today in the Word is a daily audio devotional available via podcast. Today in the Word features solid biblical content and study that models the mission and values of Moody Bible Institute.

Today in the Word is a daily audio devotional available via podcast. Today in the Word features solid biblical content and study that models the mission and values of Moody Bible Institute.

    • 14 АПР. 2023 Г.

    Uncanceled Culture

    Uncanceled Culture

    The term “cancel culture” is often used today. Someone who says or does something another group does not like is “canceled,” ignored or disregarded. While our society has become pretty good at canceling people, we are not so skilled at welcoming into the community. In the book of Leviticus, we learn how a person was determined to be clean or unclean. The purpose again was to protect the holiness of the camp and the tabernacle. Some types of uncleanness were severe enough that people were required to live outside the camp (13:46). However, the laws did not leave those people without hope. There were also instructions on reintegrating people into the community (vv. 1–7). This ceremony had four elements: two birds, cedar wood, scarlet yarn, and hyssop (v. 4). The significance of this ceremony is not given and is a bit obscure to us today. However, the result is clear enough. After going through the ceremony, the whole community would know that this person was now considered clean. They would now be integrated back into the camp and could join in corporate worship. If you read further in chapter 15, you will see laws regarding bodily discharges for men and women. These occur in the regular course of life and could be handled without going to a priest. For these situations, people had to trust each other that they would not defile the sanctuary by entering it when they were not ceremonially clean. As believers, we have permanent access to worshiping God at any time because of the finished work of Christ (Heb. 13:12). God provided a temporary way for this to be accomplished in ancient Israel that pointed forward to Jesus who “suffered outside the gate” on our behalf! >> How and when can we welcome back those who have been “outside the camp” of our Christian community? This is a topic worthy of prayer and discussion as individuals and as a church body.

    • 13 АПР. 2023 Г.

    Made Clean

    Made Clean

    My father enjoyed quoting Leviticus 13:40: “A man who has lost his hair and is bald is clean.” Certainly, that verse is a comfort to many who have experienced male-pattern baldness. Today we continue to discuss what makes something clean or unclean. We have learned that it is not simply a moral category. Sin could make one unclean, but so could many other things. Cleanness represented wholeness or normalcy. Things that made one unclean were often associated with death or mortality. Things that were unclean were not to come in contact with what was holy. The unclean could not touch what was clean without contaminating it. The camp of Israel was considered holy. In it was the tabernacle where God met with His people. Part of a priests’ job was to protect the holiness of the camp and the tabernacle. In Leviticus 13, we read about various types of skin diseases that might render someone unclean. There is a clear pattern to this chapter. If a person had an anomaly on the skin, they were to come to a priest (v. 1). The priest would assess whether that person was clean or unclean (v. 3). If the situation was unclear, the priest would ask the person to come back after a week to reassess it (v. 4). Twenty-one different types of skin issues are covered. There are many instances in Scripture when God afflicted people with a skin disease as an act of His judgment (Num. 12:10–12). Some in Israel were tempted to believe that all skin diseases were a result of sin, which was clearly not necessarily the case (see Job 2:7). >> When Jesus touched someone with a skin disease, He did not become unclean. Instead, the unclean person because whole and healthy again (Matt. 8:1–4). Jesus came to redeem us from all aspects of the Fall, including disease. We look forward to the day when those kinds of afflictions will be no more (Rev. 21:4).

    • 12 АПР. 2023 Г.

    Clean and Unclean

    Clean and Unclean

    Have you seen those dishwasher magnets with two words on them: “Dirty” and “Clean”? They help us know when it’s okay to add dirty dishes to the racks and when it’s time to put clean dishes away. In Leviticus, we read many laws about what is considered clean or unclean. These categories may seem strange to us today. But it is important to realize that uncleanness did not necessarily equate with sinfulness. Many non-sinful aspects of life could make you unclean. Welcoming a child into the world was one such event. A woman was considered ceremonially unclean after giving birth (v. 1). She could not enter the sanctuary or participate in the normal duties of life until she was purified. There was nothing sinful about having children. In Scripture it is clearly considered a blessing (Ps. 127:3). But the loss of blood in childbirth rendered the woman unclean. Things associated with death, such as losing bodily fluids or touching a corpse, were nonmoral reasons why a person might be rendered unclean. A practical benefit was that it gave a new mother time to recover from labor before returning to normal life. Some may wonder why having a girl rendered the mother unclean for twice as long as a boy (vv. 1, 5). The length did not have anything to do with perceived value. Both male and female were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). The sacrifice for both was also the same (vv. 6–8). Some think the shorter length for the male baby could be so the woman could participate in the ceremony related to circumcision (v. 3). When Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph obeyed these regulations, including offering a sacrifice (Luke 2:22–24). As a poor family, they offered pigeons or doves instead of a lamb. >> Reading through these laws may make you wonder how anyone could ever achieve holiness. But we know that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are clean before God (John 15:3).

    • 11 АПР. 2023 Г.

    You Are What You Eat

    You Are What You Eat

    Keto. Paleo. Atkins. Vegan. Carnivore. Mediterranean. The sheer number of popular diets can be bewildering. We love food and, at the same time, we worry about what we eat. That makes diets a lucrative business. According to CNBC, in 2021 the diet industry was worth an estimated $71 billion. In Leviticus, God gave His people specific laws about food. Israel did not have to turn to diet books to discern what was acceptable to eat or not. It is important to note that Israel did not separate religion from the rest of their life. They understood that obedience to God involved not just worshiping at the sanctuary, but also everyday decisions of what to eat, what to wear, and how to treat people. Following dietary laws would have reminded Israelites a couple of times each day that they were God’s people. Observing these laws would help instill an attitude of obedience to God. It is important to remember that in places Leviticus was primarily a procedural manual. It does not always explain the rationale for various laws. Several explanations have been offered to explain the logic of the food laws: (1) Hygiene—unclean animals were often unhealthy and more prone to disease; (2) Morality—some animals acted in ways that served as examples of behavior to avoid or emulate; and (3) Holiness—Israel was to be separate from the nations around them. This last option finds the most biblical support. After presenting the food laws, God says, “Be holy, because I am holy” (v. 45). These laws would prevent God’s people from having close table fellowship with their Canaanite neighbors and maintain their distinctive Israelite identity. These laws became especially important during exile. >> Does your belief in God influence what you eat, what you wear, or how you spend your free time? While the New Testament makes clear that all foods have been declared clean (Mark 7:19), we are also called to stand out from the world because of our commitment to Christ (John 13:35).

    • 10 АПР. 2023 Г.

    The Burden of Leadership

    The Burden of Leadership

    In the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln’s eleven-year-old son William succumbed to typhoid fever. Because of the crisis embroiling the nation, Lincoln did not have much time to stop and mourn. He carried his grief with him as he conducted his responsibilities as President. In ancient Israel, it was common to enter a period of formal mourning at the death of a loved one. The mourning ritual involved tearing your clothes and not caring for your hair or handling the dead body. Aaron and his sons had been consecrated for ministry to offer sacrifices on behalf of the nation. They had been in the midst of the worship associated with the dedication of the tabernacle when tragedy occurred. Moses reminded Aaron that despite the loss of two of his sons, he had to fulfill his role as high priest (vv. 6–7). Moses was not saying Aaron could not be sad or grieve. Rather as leaders, the priests had a job that they needed to complete. In verses 8–11, the Lord spoke to Aaron directly and commanded him and his sons not to drink any alcoholic beverage while on duty. One reason could be that alcohol was involved in Nadab and Abihu’s sin—although this is not stated directly. The Lord provided several reasons why priests should abstain while on duty. They needed to be able to think clearly to distinguish between the clean and unclean (v. 10). Part of their role was also to teach the Law of Moses to the people (v. 11). In Israel, it wasn’t just the priests or religious leaders who needed to know God’s word. All the people were to be trained in the knowledge of God’s commands. >> Today’s reading reminds us that Christian leaders are held to a higher standard. Jesus taught, that “from everyone who has been given much; much will be demanded” (Luke 12:48). Take a few moments today to pray for your pastor or other spiritual leaders whom God has placed in your life.

    • 9 АПР. 2023 Г.

    A Consuming Fire

    A Consuming Fire

    Is a fire always bad? According to the California Department of Forestry and Fire, forest fires serve some important roles. They clean the forest floor, provide wildland habitats for animals, and rid trees of dangerous diseases. While a fire may destroy, it also provides life for future generations. The fire described in Leviticus 10 is shocking. Everything had been going so well for Israel. The priests were consecrated for their ministry and God had accepted their sacrifice. That same day, Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu offered incense in an “unauthorized fire”, and everything changed (v. 1). What did Nadab and Abihu do wrong? Well, just about everything. First, they were not the right people to offer incense in the Holy of Holies, that was the high priest’s job (v. 1). Second, they offered this incense at the wrong time. It was only on the Day of Atonement that the high priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies to burn incense (Lev. 16). Third, they offered the wrong kind of incense. The word translated “unauthorized” is more literally “strange” or “foreign” (v. 1). Nadab and Abihu could have been introducing a foreign or pagan ritual into the worship of the Lord. Because of their disobedience, “fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them” (v. 2). Instead of a fire that consumed the sacrifice, they were themselves consumed in judgment. Their essential problem was thinking they knew better. They didn’t take God or His word seriously (v. 3), they didn’t treat God as holy. God wanted to make sure that Israel knew they could approach Him only on His terms, according to His commands. >> On this Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate our risen Savior who has conquered death forever. This truth should impact our worship! The writer of Hebrews reminds us: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire’” (Heb. 12:28–29).

Топ подкастов в категории «Религия и мистика»

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Fill in the gaps with words from the box.







  1. There’s an _ with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
  2. I find _ gossip very boring.
  3. Our teacher is on the _ news for saving a student’s life.
  4. I’m interested in _ about the environment.
  5. The only thing we watch on TV is the _ news.
  6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our _ section.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4a. News stories. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.







  1. В сегодняшней газете есть _ с Брэдом Питтом.
  2. Я нахожу сплетни о _ очень скучными.
  3. Наш учитель в _ новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
  4. Меня интересуют _ об окружающей среде.
  5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это _ новости.
  6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе _ .

1. There’s an interview with Brad Pitt in today’s newspaper.
2. I find celebrity gossip very boring.
3. Our teacher is on the daily / local news for saving a student’s life.
4. I’m interested in articles about the environment.
5. The only thing we watch on TV is the local / daily news.
6. Find out everything about the latest summer trends in our fashion section.

Перевод ответа
1. В сегодняшней газете есть интервью с Брэдом Питтом.
2. Я нахожу сплетни о знаменитостях очень скучными.
3. Наш учитель в ежедневных / местных новостях за то, что спас жизнь ученика.
4. Меня интересуют статьи об окружающей среде.
5. Единственное, что мы смотрим по телевизору, − это местные / ежедневные новости.
6. Узнай все о последних летних трендах в нашем разделе моды.

Today’s Wordle answer is mentioned below so that you can complete the puzzle without any worries! On some days it can be easy, but on some, it can be super tricky too. Today, we have the answer for Wordle #663 and we will update it daily. Plus, if you are in a different time zone, you may be on yesterday’s Wordle Puzzle #662 and we’ve got the answer for that as well.

Spoilers Ahead for Wordle Today (#663) and Yesterday’s Wordle #662!

What does Today’s Wordle Answer Start With? (Hint)

  • The Wordle Answer for Puzzle #663 starts with C.
  • The Wordle Answer for Puzzle #663 ends with T.

Check out our guide on the best hints, tips, and starting words, best strategy to use, or try out some Wordle Solvers if you need assistance. If you want to know the answer, scroll below.

Note:- The puzzle changes daily so you simply need to head over to the official site to guess the word of the day. We will be adding the daily solutions to the list below.

Today’s Wordle Answer #663 (13 April 2023)


Yesterday’s Wordle Answer #662 (12 April 2023)


Previous NYTimes Wordle Answers

We’ve got all the previous answers from the past months right here.

How to Play Previous Wordle?

Here’s how to play past Wordle games puzzles easily. Plus, here are the best games like Wordle that are good alternatives that provide more than one puzzle a day that you may want to check out.

Here are the previous answers from 2023.

April 2023

  • 663 April 13 is CARAT
  • 662 April 12 is BORAX
  • 661 April 11 is QUALM
  • 660 April 10 is UNDER
  • 659 April 9 is SNAFU
  • 658 April 8 is LEDGE
  • 657 April 7 is LOCUS
  • 656 April 6 is LEAFY
  • 655 April 5 is SMASH
  • 654 April 4 is RATIO
  • 653 April 3 is FLORA
  • 652 April 2 is STOCK
  • 651 April 1 is MARCH

March 2023

  • 650 March 31 is EVERY
  • 649 March 30 is BREAD
  • 648 March 29 is BESET
  • 647 March 28 is HURRY
  • 646 March 27 is GUANO
  • 645 March 26 is UNTIE
  • 644 March 25 is VOTER
  • 643 March 24 is GROUT
  • 642 March 23 is STAID
  • 641 March 22 is DUVET
  • 640 March 21 is TOUGH
  • 639 March 20 is GLOVE
  • 638 March 19 is CREDO
  • 637 March 18 is YACHT
  • 636 March 17 is MEALY
  • 635 March 16 is CIDER
  • 634 March 15 is SWEEP
  • 633 March 14 is SURLY
  • 632 March 13 is BLAME
  • 631 March 12 is BIRTH
  • 630 March 11 is EMAIL
  • 629 March 10 is REVEL
  • 628 March 9 is WHERE
  • 627 March 8 is REGAL
  • 626 March 7 is HORSE
  • 625 March 6 is PINKY
  • 624 March 5 is TOXIC
  • 623 March 4 is TREND
  • 622 March 3 is SQUAT
  • 621 March 2 is ABOVE
  • 620 March 1 is MOOSE

February 2023

  • 619 February 28 is POLKA
  • 618 February 27 is WORSE
  • 617 February 26 is SYRUP
  • 616 February 25 is FIFTY
  • 615 February 24 is ARBOR
  • 614 February 23 is VAGUE
  • 613 February 22 is RIPER
  • 612 February 21 is RUDDY
  • 611 February 20 is SWEAT
  • 610 February 19 is KIOSK
  • 609 February 18 is AVAIL
  • 608 February 17 is CACHE
  • 607 February 16 is MAGIC
  • 606 February 15 is SALSA
  • 605 February 14 is SOUND
  • 604 February 13 is USAGE
  • 603 February 12 is GIANT
  • 602 February 11 is DEBUG
  • 601 February 10 is HEADY
  • 600 February 9 is STAGE
  • 599 February 8 is FLAIL
  • 598 February 7 is APPLE
  • 597 February 6 is NINTH
  • 596 February 5 is DANCE
  • 595 February 4 is UNLIT
  • 594 February 3 is TASTY
  • 593 February 2 is SHIRK
  • 592 February 1 is SCOLD

January 2023

  • 591 January 31 is CROSS
  • 590 January 30 is CRAVE
  • 589 January 29 is FISHY
  • 588 January 28 is FLIRT
  • 587 January 27 is WORRY
  • 586 January 26 is BEEFY
  • 585 January 25 is MAIZE
  • 584 January 24 is COUNT
  • 583 January 23 is ELUDE
  • 582 January 22 is MATEY
  • 581 January 21 is BLURB
  • 580 January 20 is ALTER
  • 579 January 19 is MUCKY
  • 578 January 18 is CHARD
  • 577 January 17 is ADOPT
  • 576 January 16 is FROCK
  • 575 January 15 is SPIRE
  • 574 January 14 is KOALA
  • 573 January 13 is HUMAN
  • 572 January 12 is LEAPT
  • 571 January 11 is SEDAN
  • 570 January 10 is GRIMY
  • 569 January 9 is PIXIE
  • 568 January 8 is OPERA
  • 567 January 7 is LEMON
  • 566 January 6 is BELIE
  • 565 January 5 is SLEEK
  • 564 January 4 is LAYER
  • 563 January 3 is ANTIC
  • 562 January 2 is SKIRT
  • 561 January 1 is WHINE

Wordle FAQs Answered

How Many Tries to get the Answer?

You get 6 attempts at guessing the word of the day.

How to Get New Wordle?

Just wait until it’s 12:00 midnight in whichever time zone you’re in, and you will have a new Wordle to solve!

Wordle Rules

wordle solution today

  • If a letter from your guessed word is in the CORRECT spot of the actual word, it will show up in GREEN.
  • If the letter exists in the word, but if it’s NOT in the right spot, it will be marked in YELLOW.
  • And if the letter is NOT present in the actual word at all, you will see it in GREY.

If you want to know how to play Wordle, we’ve got just the guide for you. Once you nail all the tricks, guessing words can (almost) be a cakewalk!

How to Share Today’s Wordle Answer Score Result on Twitter?

Want to tell the world that you’ve figured out the answer in the fewest attempts? You can share the result ‘grid’ on Twitter without spoiling the solution for others.

  1. Once you have completed the daily word puzzle, a pop-up will appear with a SHARE button on it.
  2. Click on it and the results will get copied to the clipboard.
  3. Now all you have to do is head to Twitter (or any other social media site), create a post, and paste the items (Ctrl + V) that are copied to the clipboard.
  4. Voila! You have successfully shared the results with your followers.

That’s all about Today’s Wordle Answer, hints and previous Wordle solutions and cheats. In case this helped you out and if you are a gamer, don’t forget to explore the Wordle content on Gamer Tweak!

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