To take my word as gospel

to take as gospel

принимать за абсолютную, бесспорную истину

Don’t take his word as gospel. — Не воспринимай его слова как истину в последней инстанции.


accept as gospel

Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «to take as gospel» в других словарях:

  • take as gospel — take (something) as gospel to believe that something is certainly true. His opinions on international issues are taken as gospel by his colleagues. Etymology: from the literal meaning of gospel (= one of the books in the Bible that tell the story …   New idioms dictionary

  • take as gospel truth — accept/take (something) as gospel (truth) to believe that something is completely true. You shouldn t accept as gospel everything you read in the newspapers …   New idioms dictionary

  • take as gospel — accept/take (something) as gospel (truth) to believe that something is completely true. You shouldn t accept as gospel everything you read in the newspapers …   New idioms dictionary

  • Gospel of Judas — ] Over the decades, the manuscript had been handled with less than sympathetic care: some single pages may be loose on the antiquities market (one half page turned up in Feb. 2006, in New York City); the text is now in over a thousand pieces and… …   Wikipedia

  • gospel — /ˈgɒspəl / (say gospuhl) noun 1. (often upper case) the body of doctrine taught by Christ and the Apostles; Christian revelation. 2. glad tidings, especially concerning salvation and the kingdom of God as announced to the world by Christ. 3. the… …  

  • Gospel Magic — is a specialized form of stage magic. It refers to the use of otherwise standard magic tricks and illusions to catechize those preparing for sacraments, in the Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and Orthodox Churches or during general preaching, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Gospel of Saint John —     Gospel of St. John     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gospel of St. John     This subject will be considered under the following heads:     I. Contents and Scheme of the Gospel;     II. Distinctive Peculiarities;     III. Authorship;     IV.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gospel of Saint Luke —     Gospel of Saint Luke     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gospel of Saint Luke     The subject will be treated under the following heads:     I. Biography of Saint Luke; II.Authenticity of the Gospel; III. Integrity of the Gospel; IV. Purpose and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Take 6 — ist eine Pop , Jazz , Soul a cappella Gruppe aus den USA. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Gruppenmitglieder 2 Biographie 3 Live on stage 4 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gospel of Mark — • The Second Gospel, like the other two Synoptics, deals chiefly with the Galilean ministry of Christ, and the events of the last week at Jerusalem Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Gospel of Mark     Gospel of Saint Mark …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gospel of St. Matthew —     Gospel of St. Matthew     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Gospel of St. Matthew     I. CANONICITY     The earliest Christian communities looked upon the books of the Old Testament as Sacred Scripture, and read them at their religious assemblies.… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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Everything she tells us we have to take as gospel.

There is no reason therefore to take as gospel truth these demands which may have been right for X on the way he has trod, but cannot be imposed on all — the law of the spirit is not so exacting and inexorable.

Поэтому нет нужды поднимать как евангелие истины эти требования, которые могут быть правильны для Х на том пути, по которому шагает он, но которые не могут быть применены ко всем — закон духа не столь строг и неумолим.

«Oracle of Omaha» Warren Buffett, whose aphorisms and advice many investors take as gospel, has laid into bitcoin, saying it’s a gamble, not an investment.

«Провидец Омахи» Уоррен Баффет, чьи афоризмы и советы многие инвесторы принимают во внимание как Евангелие, заявил что биткоин — это игра, а не инвестиция.

Before you take as gospel anything in this book, please read an alternative view, for example Lee Smolin’s excellent book ‘The Trouble with Physics,’ which shows just how speculative and controversial some of the ideas in ‘The Grand Design’ are.

Прежде чем принимать что-либо сказанное в их книге как откровение свыше, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с альтернативной точкой зрения — например, с великолепной книгой Ли Смолина The Trouble with Physics, которая показывает, насколько умозрительны и спорны некоторые идеи, высказанные в «Великом Замысле».

Другие результаты

I wouldn’t take this as gospel.

But don’t take it as gospel truth and always be open to different schools of thought.

Но никогда не принимайте все это за истинную правду и всегда будьте гостеприимны по отношению к различным школам и мнениям.

I hope that helps, but please don’t take it as gospel.

Another complaint, more prevalent among the junior ranks, is that IT managers take ITIL as gospel from which no deviations can take place.

Еще одна жалоба, более распространена среди младших звание, это то, что ИТ-менеджеры принимают ITIL как евангелие, из которого могут быть никаких отклонений.

It can be kind of helpful, but don’t take it as gospel.

So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel.

Это расследование будет продвигаться быстрее, если вы примете мои слова как истину.

So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel.

Поэтому это расследование могло бы идти немного быстрее, если бы вы поверили мне.

Stereotypes do nothing but diminish our individuality, and it’s important that we not take male stereotypes as gospel.

Стереотипы только уменьшают нашу индивидуальность, и важно, чтобы мы не воспринимали мужские стереотипы как Евангелие.

I certainly don’t want you to take my word as gospel.

So don’t take the list as gospel.

This taking out of context is done both by biblioskeptics and, unfortunately, modern geocentrists who take their views as gospel.

Это вырывание из контекста делают как библиоскептики, так и, к сожалению, современные геоцентристы, воспринимающие свои взгляды как Евангелие.

He’d voice a complaint, and if you didn’t take it as gospel, he’d try to go up and around you.

I’m just supposed to take all this as gospel from someone like you?

But from time to time we will take certain Gospel texts as points of departure for our discussions.

Но время от времени мы будем брать какой-нибудь евангельский текст в качестве отправной точки для своих бесед.

98 short, actually, if you take the text as gospel.

To take this report as gospel requires one to believe that the next decade will be significantly less surprising (and, perhaps, significantly more boring) than the last one.

Чтобы принять этот доклад в качестве Евангелия, нужно верить, что следующее десятилетие будет значительно менее богато на открытия (и, возможно, значительно более скучным), чем предыдущее.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

take (something) as gospel

To believe that something is absolutely true without any hesitation or reservations. When we’re growing up, we take what our parents tell us as gospel. That’s part of why teenagers are so rebellious, because they’re just starting to realize their parents’ fallibility. The beloved professor’s opinions on the author are taken as gospel by his students.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

take something as gospel


take something as the gospel truth

If you take something as gospel or take it as the gospel truth, you accept it as being completely true, especially when it is not. You will read a lot of advice in books and magazines but you shouldn’t take it all as gospel. Too many people take what he says as gospel. Note: You can also accept something as gospel or accept something as the gospel truth. For some reason, people are willing to accept as gospel these ridiculous claims. Here, their opinions are accepted as the gospel truth. Note: If you say that something is the gospel truth, you mean that it is completely true. When people ask me how old I am, and I say I don’t know, they think I’m lying. But it’s the gospel truth. Note: In the Christian religion, the gospel is the message and teachings of Jesus Christ. The four books of the Bible which describe His life and teachings are called the Gospels.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

take something as/for ˈgospel/ˌgospel ˈtruth

(informal) believe something without questioning it or without any real proof: You can’t always take what she says as gospel — she’s not the most honest person in the world.It would be foolish to take everything in the newspapers for gospel. OPPOSITE: take something with a pinch of salt

Gospel is the life and teaching of Jesus as described in the Bible.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • take (something) as (the) gospel truth
  • take (something) as gospel
  • take (something) for (the) gospel truth
  • take (something) for gospel
  • take as gospel
  • take something as/for gospel/gospel truth
  • accept (something) as gospel
  • gospel
  • make no bones about it, to
  • make certain of something/of doing something


Take as the gospel truth
Take for gospel
Accept as gospel

Meaning of Idiom ‘Take (something) as Gospel’

To take something as gospel means to absolutely believe it to be true. 1Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.,2Heacock, Paul. Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2010.

See also gospel truth.

Examples Of Use

“The professor’s opinions on the economy are often taken as gospel by financial analysts.”

“You really shouldn’t take his opinions on fat loss as gospel. He only lost ten pounds.”

“He tells a lot of stories about the war, but don’t take it as gospel. He was a file clerk!”

“My father always accepts my brother’s excuses as gospel.”

take as gospel idiom meaning


First seen in print in 1496.

Gospel is used in the sense of absolute truth.

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«The bill must be passed to ban tycoons’ shooting!» — Нужно принять какой-то законопроект и запретить отстрел олигархов!

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023


  • Англо-русский словарь

    принимать за абсолютную, бесспорную истину

    Don’t take his word as gospel. — Не воспринимай его слова как истину в последней инстанции.


    accept as gospel

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

st. mark’s gospel, the gospel according to st. mark — евангелие от Марка

the gospel of temperance — доктрина умеренности

to preach the gospel of economy — проповедовать экономику

to take smth. for gospel — принимать что-л. слепо /на веру/

go out and preach the gospel! — идите и несите людям евангелие!


Разговорные фразы

— the Gospel According to St. Mark Евангелие от Марка

I swear it’s the gospel truth. — Клянусь, это святая правда!


Сочетаемость частей речи

the gospel truth—библейская истина
(сочетаемость существительных:)


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