To speak clearly word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

говорить четко

четко говорить

ясно говорить

чтобы говорить ясно

Старайтесь говорить убедительно

Teach your Child to Speak Clearly

I can hear the undercurrents from the spirits, but they are too afraid to speak clearly.

Я слышу голоса духов, но они слишком боятся говорить чётко.

Speech therapy: Speech therapists help improve your child’s ability to speak clearly or to communicate using sign language.

Речевая терапия помогает улучшить способность ребенка четко говорить или общаться с использованием жестов.

This requires the ability to speak clearly and to converse with people in various settings, and to translate engineering and scientific information into easy to understand concepts.

Это требует умения четко говорить и общаться с людьми в различных условиях, а также переводить техническую и научную информацию в простые для понимания концепции.

Healthy teeth will allow your child to speak clearly and eat comfortably.

Молочные зубы помогут вашему ребенку ясно говорить и жевать пищу.

But to do that we have to speak clearly, no matter how uncomfortable that may be.

Но для этого мы должны говорить чётко, независимо от того, насколько это неудобно.

I think it is very important to speak clearly and with confidence.

Ask people to speak clearly and face you while talking.

The company lawyer told me to speak clearly, tell the truth, and I’d have nothing to worry about.

Юрист компании сказал мне говорить чётко, только правду, и мне не о чем беспокоиться.

I find they tend to speak clearly and not too fast.

Another bonus is that radio presenters are required to speak clearly, after all they are professional speakers.

Еще один бонус в том, что радиоведущие должны четко говорить, ведь они являются профессиональными ораторами.

Most of the girls were handicapped, emaciated and unable to speak clearly.

Многие девочки оказались искалеченными, истощенными и не в состоянии связно говорить.

It is necessary to speak clearly, calmly, correctly formulating.

It allows you to speak clearly without the need to hold your phone in your hand during the call.

As for my part, I will continue to speak clearly on these threats.

Ability to speak clearly and understandably on the telephone.

I no longer am able to speak clearly and it has become a disability.

Мальчик теперь не может разговаривать, он стал инвалидом.

Missing teeth, especially your front teeth, affect your ability to speak clearly.

Потеря зубов, особенно передних, отражается на четкости произношения слов.

And they will learn to speak clearly, concisely, and persuasively.

Их можно назвать говорящими и убедительными.

Remember, it’s important to speak clearly.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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speak clearly — перевод на русский

I don’t know. The company lawyer told me to speak clearly, tell the truth, and I’d have nothing to worry about.

Юрист компании сказал мне говорить чётко, только правду, и мне не о чем беспокоиться.

Speak clearly.

Говорить чётко.

I can hear the undercurrents from the spirits, but they are too afraid to speak clearly.

Я слышу голоса духов, но они слишком боятся говорить чётко.

Speak clearly.

Говорите четко.

Please speak clearly.

Пожалуйста, говорите четко.

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Across the millennia an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you.

И автор сквозь толщу времён безмолвно и ясно говорит прямо с вами у вас в голове.

God speaks clearly, and what God wants now…

Господь ясно говорит нам, что теперь он хочет…

Don’t stumble, and speak clearly!

Не заикайся и говори ясно!

Speak clearly.

Говори ясно.

Speak clearly.

Говори яснее.

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speak clearly

Общая лексика: говорить отчётливо

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «speak clearly» в других словарях:

  • speak clearly — index enunciate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • speak up — so we can hear you Syn: speak loudly, speak clearly, raise one s voice; shout, yell, bellow; informal holler …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • clearly — clear|ly W1S1 [ˈklıəli US ˈklırli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] without any doubt = ↑obviously ▪ Clearly, ignoring him had been a mistake. 2.) in a way that is easy to see, hear, or understand ▪ Please speak clearly. ▪ The economy was clearly… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • clearly — adverb 1 (sentence adverb) used to show that what you are saying is true and cannot be doubted; obviously: Clearly, the situation is more complicated than we first thought. 2 in a way that is easy to see, hear, or understand: Please speak clearly …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • speak — W1S1 [spi:k] v past tense spoke [spəuk US spouk] past participle spoken [ˈspəukən US ˈspou ] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(in conversation)¦ 2¦(say words)¦ 3¦(language)¦ 4¦(formal speech)¦ 5¦(express ideas/opinions)¦ 6 so to speak 7 speak your mind …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • speak — [ spik ] (past tense spoke [ spouk ] ; past participle spo|ken [ spoukən ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 talk about something or to someone ▸ 2 use voice to talk ▸ 3 talk particular language ▸ 4 give formal speech ▸ 5 express ideas/thoughts ▸ 6 talk on… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • speak — [spēk] vi. spoke, spoken, speaking [ME speken < OE specan, earlier sprecan, akin to Ger sprechen < IE base * sp(h)er(e) g , to strew, sprinkle > SPARK1, L spargere, to sprinkle: basic sense “to scatter (words)”] 1. to utter words with… …   English World dictionary

  • speak — talk — Speak and talk have very similar meanings, but there are some differences in the ways in which they are used. When you mention that someone is using his or her voice to produce words, you usually say that they are speaking. He hadn t looked at me …   Useful english dictionary

  • speak volumes — phrase to provide a lot of information, especially in an indirect way His silence on the issue speaks volumes. Thesaurus: to tell someone something, or to give informationsynonym Main entry: speak * * * (of a gesture, circumstance, or object)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • speak for itself — phrase if something speaks for itself, it is clearly so good or effective that no additional argument about it is necessary His success as a lawyer speaks for itself. Thesaurus: to be good enough or as good as expectedsynonym Main entry: speak *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • speak up for somebody — ˌspeak ˈup (for sb/sth) derived to say what you think clearly and freely, especially in order to support or defend sb/sth Main entry: ↑speakderived …   Useful english dictionary

Предложения с «speak clearly»

I can hear the undercurrents from the spirits, but they are too afraid to speak clearly .

Я слышу голоса духов, но они слишком боятся говорить чётко.

I need you to slow down and speak clearly , so that I can follow the discussion.

Мне нужно, чтобы вы были чуть помедленнее и говорили четко, чтобы я могла следить за обсуждением.

Yeah, or at least speak clearly .

Да, или хотя бы говори чётче.

Speak clearly . I can’t hear you.

Говори чётко, я не слышу тебя.

The reason I cannot speak clearly of it.

Именно поэтому я не могу говорить ясно.

She can’t even speak clearly .

Не может четко говорить.

But I just thought I’d do that, in a bit of a weird way. I need to speak clearly because for the first five minutes you’ll go,

Я думаю сейчас всё будет казаться немного странным так как мне нужно будет выговаривать всё чётко, а то первые пять минут будете думать.

well, i… stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk.

Ну, я… Перестань отводить глаза и говори напрямую, когда мы разговариваем!

Wait for the tone and speak clearly .

Дождитесь сигнала и говорите отчётливо.

I must speak clearly and firmly, suffer no argument.

Нужно говорить твёрдо и ясно, и не допускать споров.

If it is true that money talks, then let it speak , clearly .

Есть пословица, что деньги говорят, так пусть они и вправду заговорят.

Let’s speak clearly , brother.

Поговорим начистоту, брат.

I want us to speak clearly in English.

Я хочу разговаривать только на английском.

Children with Down syndrome still often have difficulty with sentence structure and grammar, as well as developing the ability to speak clearly .

Дети с синдромом Дауна по — прежнему часто испытывают трудности со структурой предложений и грамматикой, а также развивают способность ясно говорить.

Within the African Caribbean community this is performed once the child begins to speak clearly or after the child reaches two.

В африканско — Карибском сообществе это делается после того, как ребенок начинает говорить ясно или после того, как ему исполняется два года.

His acts-total genocide of Polish nation-speak clearly what his intentions were.

Его действия — тотальный геноцид польской нации — ясно говорят о его намерениях.

Unless you speak clearly I’ll not respond.

Если ты не будешь говорить ясно, я не отвечу.

To speak more clearly despite a lisp, he went through his speeches with stones in his mouth.

Чтобы исправить свою шепелявость, он читал речи с камешками во рту.

You speak very clearly and loudly, and you smell like baby powder.

Ты разговариваешь очень четко и громко и ты пахнешь детской присыпкой.

I’d been told that I could speak in English to the group, but it would be best if I went slowly and enunciated my words clearly .

Мне сказали, что говорить можно по — английски, только не спешить и стараться произносить слова отчетливее.

Mrs. Sibley, until George may speak for himself, clearly and audibly as a man, let us at least admit it is you, Mrs. sibley, who lead the select men of Salem.

Миссис Сибли, пока Джордж не говорит за себя чётко и внятно как муж, давайте признаем, это вы, миссис Сибли, руководите мужским Советом Салема.

Events that have taken place in the country since 3 September 2004 have led the people of Lebanon to pierce the wall of silence and speak out loudly and clearly .

События, произошедшие в стране с З сентября 2004 года, позволили народу Ливана уничтожить стену молчания и заговорить громко и четко.

Please speak as clearly as possible.

Пожалуйста, говорите настолько чётко, насколько возможно.

We are going to speak very clearly and frankly.

Мы собираемся высказаться очень ясно и откровенно.

Now, don’t forget to speak very, very clearly .

И нё забудь назвать место очень, очёнь чётко.

But the grim reality for the Islamic world is that, in times of widespread uncertainty, the forces of tradition tend to speak more loudly and clearly than those of change.

Но суровая реальность исламского мира состоит в том, что во время всеобщей неопределенности голос традиционалистских сил обычно звучит громче и слышен лучше, чем голос тех, кто выступает за перемены.

Once it was Mayweather’s turn to speak , McGregor kept trying to interrupt, but his mic was turned off and the lack of control clearly bothered him.

Когда настала очередь Мейвезера выступать, Макгрегор постоянно пытался прервать его, но микрофон у него был выключен. Ему это явно не нравилось, так как ситуация была не под его контролем.

Have to remember to articulate clearly and not to speak too quickly and I have a slight — you probably didn’t get this or see this — but there’s probably a slight stammer, particularly if I’m nervous.

Я должен помнить, что нужно чисто выговаривать, не говорить слишком быстро, и у меня небольшое, ты, наверное не заметил, но у меня небольшое я немного заикаюсь, особенно если нервничаю

A human can play a voder, producing artificial speech; a properly programmed computer can do it as fast, as easily, as clearly as you can speak .

Человек способен играть на водере, производя искусственную речь; правильно запрограммированный компьютер делает это так же быстро, чисто и ясно, как вы разговариваете.

He clearly stipulated we both speak tonight.

Он чётко поставил условие, чтобы мы оба сегодня выступили.

‘Her immobility before me was clearly expectant, and my part was to speak for my brother from the realm of forgetful shade.

Неподвижная, она явно ждала, а я должен был замолвить слово за брата своего из страны забывчивых теней.

Well, then, speak more clearly . They indeed, and one doesn’t know who they are.

Ну так и говорите яснее, а то: он,а кто он — неизвестно.

I have heard from my uncle how well you speak in public, so that every one is sorry when you leave off, and how clearly you can explain things.

Дядя рассказывал, какой вы прекрасный оратор, что ваши речи можно слушать без конца и как отлично вы умеете объяснить все непонятное.

And, in consequence, he decided that he might speak to him more clearly and fully than at first he had intended.

Поэтому Каупервуд решил, что может говорить с ним гораздо более откровенно, чем собирался вначале.

Clearly, you don’t speak the native tongue of my people…

Очевидно, что ты не говоришь на языке моих предков…

Let me speak this clearly and simply, Mr. Brody.

Я хочу выразиться доступно и просто, мистер Броди.

Could you speak more clearly sir?

Могли бы вы говорить более понятно, сэр?

I do wish you would speak more clearly , Bertie.

Я бы хотела, чтобы ты четче изъяснялся.

But you’d speak well of one, which you’re clearly omitting to do.

Но об одной вы могли бы отозваться хорошо, однако явно этого избегаете.

So I’m gonna speak slowly, clearly ,

Так что я буду говорить медленно, четко,

Therefore, Sperry concluded that the left hemisphere of the brain was dedicated to language as the participants could clearly speak the image flashed.

Поэтому Сперри пришел к выводу, что левое полушарие мозга было посвящено языку, так как участники могли четко говорить на мелькающем изображении.

Incredibly noble, he is also tough and fearless in the face of adversity and not afraid to speak his mind clearly .

Невероятно благородный, он также жесток и бесстрашен перед лицом невзгод и не боится ясно выражать свои мысли.

These are three quotes that speak very clearly as to the reason why this tragedy happened.

Вот три цитаты, которые очень ясно говорят о причине, по которой произошла эта трагедия.

These health professionals can teach people adaptive strategies such as techniques to help them speak louder and more clearly .

Эти специалисты в области здравоохранения могут научить людей адаптивным стратегиям, таким как методы, помогающие им говорить громче и яснее.

Pigafetta testimony attesting/corroborating/stating what Maximilian more clearly relates that Enrique did not speak Cebuano.

Свидетельство Пигафетты, подтверждающее/подтверждающее / констатирующее то, что Максимилиан более четко говорит о том, что Энрике не говорил по — Себуански.

Articulate/articulation refer to speaking in a clear and understandable way, fully pronouncing each word. Enunciate/enunciation are synonymous with articulate/articulation.

Similarly, Is being articulate a talent?

Articulate implies the ability to elucidate one’s thoughts clearly and succinctly but doesn’t imply as much of a natural talent at speaking or persuading as « eloquent. »

Also, What’s the difference between enunciate and Pronunciate? Pronunciation is related to the word itself, focusing on which syllables should be emphasized and how certain letters (or combinations of letters) should sound when spoken. Enunciation refers to how clearly and distinctly a particular individual forms the sounds that make up a word.

What do you call someone who is a good speaker?

orator Add to list Share. A person giving a speech is called an orator, like the gifted orator who raised excellent points, making everyone in the audience want to join his revolution.

How can I speak more intelligently?

  1. 9 Speaking Habits That Make You Sound Smarter. .
  2. Stand or sit with spine straight but relaxed. .
  3. Keep your chin up. .
  4. Focus on your listeners. .
  5. Speak loudly enough to be heard. .
  6. Buttress words with appropriate gestures. .
  7. Strategically position your body. .
  8. Use vivid words that everyone understands.

Is Pronunciate a real word?

Pronunciate is not a word an educated person would use. The correct word is pronounce. You’re right that pronounce is the « correct word ».

How do you enunciate properly?

Whenever you speak, it is important to enunciate or pronounce words or parts of words clearly. To do that, open your mouth very wide and pronounce each syllable separately. Try repeating these words several times this way.

Why is enunciation important in speaking?

Proper enunciation is essential for the audience to have any idea of what the actor is saying or singing during a production. Enunciation is the act of pronouncing words. Good enunciation means your words are clear and distinct. Listeners can understand what you’re saying.

What are the good qualities of a good speaker?

In order to be an effective speaker, these are the five qualities that are a must.

  • Confidence. Confidence is huge when it comes to public speaking. .
  • Passion. .
  • Ability to be succinct. .
  • Ability to tell a story. .
  • Audience awareness.

What is a Speechifier?

Definitions of speechifier. a person who delivers a speech or oration. synonyms: orator, public speaker, rhetorician, speechmaker.

How do you say someone is a good presenter?

If you want to be a great presenter or just want to make it through your next presentation without lukewarm feedback, you need to: [1] know your material, [2] be confident, [3] be self-aware, [4] be passionate, and [5] be memorable. Watch world-class presenters and you can always find these five traits present.

How can I talk smartly and confidently?

10 Secrets To Sounding Confident

  1. Practice. The key to doing anything well is doing it often and speech is no exception. .
  2. Don’t articulate a statement as a question. .
  3. Slow down. .
  4. Use your hands. .
  5. Throw away caveats and filler phrases. .
  6. Stay hydrated. .
  7. Express gratitude. .
  8. Insert smiles into your speech.

How can I speak professionally when speaking?

Speak Like a Professional

  1. Use short, clear, declarative sentences. Short sentences focus your message and make it easier for your audience to follow. .
  2. Speak in the active tense. Own your actions. .
  3. Stay calm under pressure. .
  4. Speak naturally. .
  5. Say what you mean. .
  6. Focus on what matters to your audience. .
  7. Be specific.

How do you speak maturely?

As you go throughout your day, try to reach goals and work independently so you don’t have to rely on others. When you talk to someone, think before you speak and listen well to help you seem more mature. Keep practicing maturity each day and other people will take you more seriously!

What does Pronunciated mean?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect (« correct pronunciation« ) or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

Do you pronounce the T in often?

Often has a medial /t/ that, like similar words such has « hasten » and « soften, » was once pronounced and is now typically silent. Unlike the similar words, pronouncing the « t » in « often » has returned in some modern usage.

What does enunciation mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to make a definite or systematic statement of. b : announce, proclaim enunciated the new policy. 2 : articulate, pronounce enunciate all the syllables.

What does Overenunciate mean?

overenunciateverb. To enunciate too strongly.

Can you over enunciate?

Over enunciation means putting far too much effort and energy into your pronunciation. It is a bad habit because it conveys an unnatural and fake impression when a person is speaking. . This happens because the extra effort they put in to articulation slows down the pace of their speech.

How do you talk clearer?

How to Speak More Clearly to NaturallySpeaking

  1. Avoid skipping words. .
  2. Speak long phrases or full sentences. .
  3. Make sure you pronounce even small words like “a” and “the.” If, like most people, you normally pronounce the word “a” as “uh,” keep doing so. .
  4. Avoid running words together.

How do you talk smoothly and clearly?

10 Simple Steps for Smooth Speech Fluency

  1. Be a good role model. This is particularly important if the person trying to improve fluency is your child. .
  2. Speak slowly. .
  3. Breath naturally. .
  4. Start slowly. .
  5. Practice public speaking. .
  6. Keep your eyes and ears open. .
  7. Articulate consonants. .
  8. Practice, practice, practice.

How can I improve my speaking?

Here are ten ways to improve the way you speak:

  1. Read aloud to yourself, every day.
  2. Note and memorise any new words.
  3. Speak at a moderate pace.
  4. Speak slightly louder than the average.
  5. Speak using the lower-end of your voice range.
  6. Never swear, or use profane language.
  7. Actively study to expand your vocabulary.
  8. Enunciate!

What are the five qualities of a good speaker?

The following five essential qualities of all public speakers will bolster your presentations to inspire, influence and make a consequential impact on your audience.

  • Confidence. .
  • Passion. .
  • Introspection and Self Awareness. .
  • Being Yourself. .
  • Engagement with your Audience.

What are the 5 P’s of public speaking?

The five p’s of presentation are planning, preparation, consistency, practise and performance.

What makes Gandhi different from other speaker?

Passion & authenticity over spin. He identified barriers to make change sustainable. He had passion for his work and that’s what drove him to make India an independent and equal country . His ability to communicate a different way was what made him an extraordinary public speaker.

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