To resort in a sentence for each word

Synonym: fall back, hangout, haunt, holiday resort, recourse, recur, refuge, repair, resort hotel, stamping ground. Similar words: resource, resolve, resonate, resolution, all sorts of, for the rest, for the present, sorry. Meaning: [rɪ’sɔrt /-‘sɔːb]  n. 1. a hotel located in a resort area 2. a frequently visited place 3. something or someone turned to for assistance or security 4. act of turning to for assistance. v. 1. have recourse to 2. move, travel, or proceed toward some place. 

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1. One has sometimes to resort to these little devices.

2. Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.

3. The resort provides accommodation to suit every pocket.

4. Lagoon Reef is one of the best resort hotels.

5. The resort offers endless possibilities for entertainment.

6. The new resort area has boosted

7. It’s a beauteous summer resort.

8. The resort has changed somewhat over the last few years.

9. The avalanche struck the ski resort in the late afternoon.

10. In the beach resort, the apartments and villas have daily maid service.

11. His punishing work schedule had made him resort to drugs.

12. A month of holidays in the summer resort will certainly bring you around.

13. If negotiations fail we shall have to resort to strike action.

14. She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.

15. Rimini is a thriving holiday resort on the east coast of Italy.

16. Nudism, the council decided, was doing the resort more harm than good.

17. Many teachers and students resort to Beidaihe beach in the summer vacation.

18. The ugliness of the resort is counterbalanced by the excellence of the skiing.

19. In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.

20. The resort is frequented by the rich and famous.

21. Weymouth is principally a holiday resort.

22. We may have to resort to using untrained staff.

23. Brighton is a famous seaside resort.

24. Amputation of the limb is really a last resort.

25. The resort also caters for winter sports.

26. Neither side wants to resort to violence .

27. They felt obliged to resort to violence.

28. In the last resort, we can always swim back.

29. Brighton is a leading south coast resort.

30. The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.

More similar words: resource, resolve, resonate, resolution, all sorts of, for the rest, for the present, sorry, a series of, absorb, sensor, sponsor, disorder, supervisor, processor, north, port, short, northern, effort, worth, import, support, report, shorts, export, worthy, press, forest, come forth. 

Definition of Resort

option; alternative

Examples of Resort in a sentence

As a last resort, the oncologist suggested a trial drug that might send the cancer into remission.


Staying at a shabby motel was the couple’s last resort after learning all the decent inns were booked.


Although she did not want to use this last resort, the mother had to charge groceries to her credit card while in a bind.


The only resort the stranded driver had left was to put a donut on the front of the car and keep moving down the highway.


Lack of respect led to the teacher calling back-up from administration as a last resort.


Other words in the Opinion, Belief category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

•Only use these traps as a last resort

Please do not use poisons even as a last resort

«They can’t resort to force, that’s their real problem,» Tahlmute went on

If this does not work, take it before the whole congregation with discipline as the last resort

«Only as a last resort, if he declares himself Ayatholla and the crew follow him in dropping the hammer

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

resort to the great book to find out about it” said Poopsie

The resort towns on the north shore of the upper lake would all be gone now, this ‘wild range’ would get wetter and brushier til there was no doubt it was swamp if they went in that direction

This might have once been one of the resort towns on the north shore of the lake

In this manner, people who have sensitive skins should not resort to dermabrasions

When it was light they rolled up the mats and their cabin was a resort on the river

This is why it is only used as a last resort

When you’ve been doing your best to communicate and neither of you speaks much of the other’s language you resort to the universal language of mime, grunts and nodding just like we did in the beginning, and suddenly you make a breakthrough, well the gratitude you feel is huge

He hoped she hadn’t set up a meeting with her lover and had to resort to a cherub

So why the uncertainty? Why resort to horoscopes for guidance? Something was out of kilter, and I couldn’t let it rest

resort used only in a circumstance such as the one that happened earlier

resort to sarcasm unless his temper was roused — and

‘I saw the falsity of my marriage, the deceit you and I have to resort to, the fear we might be found out – all of it

than have you resort to stealing

Delos had never camped when he was a mortal, he’d spent most of his mortal life in office towers and high-rise hotels when he hadn’t been vacationing at a resort somewhere

She would see to the resort portion and he would take care of the ranch

I said what about me going to Mannus for help? He said as a last resort we would, but he felt this was a Guardian issue

«I’ll start tomorrow by teaching everyone the basic’s for running the Resort side of the place

it? Early Christians were scared to pray to Jude and used him only as a last resort

negotiating the transaction without having to resort to

naturally, therefore, resort as much as they can to the town, and desert the country

weakling who’d resort to such a wicked thing,’ said

Gold and silver naturally resort to a rich country, for the same reason that all sorts of luxuries and curiosities resort to it ; not because they are cheaper there than in poorer countries, but because they are dearer, or because a better price is given for them

glad I did not have resort to the lovely but extremely slow

Her theory was that the demon was trapped in the bloodstone box, long enough to weaken him, and now he needed to resort to stealing the life force of others

The town is a continual fair or market, to which the inhabitants of the country resort, in order to exchange their rude for manufactured produce

Private people, who want to make a fortune, never think of retiring to the remote and poor provinces of the country, but resort either to the capital, or to some of the great commercial towns

Holland lies at a great distance from the seas to which herrings are known principally to resort, and can, therefore, carry on that fishery only in decked vessels, which can carry water and provisions sufficient for a voyage to a distant sea ; but the Hebrides, or Western Isdands, the islands of Shetland, and the northern and north-western coasts of Scotland, the countries in whose neighbourhood the herring fishery is principally carried on

It is to these sea-lochs that the herrings principally resort during the seasons in which they visit these seas; for the visits of this, and, I am assured, of many other sorts of fish, are not quite regular and constant

Before long the tundra has enveloped Manchester, and the polar bears move in and turn it into a winter resort

more consistently without having to resort to these false

The industrious girls immediately open up a bed and breakfast resort where a succession of memorable and comical characters comes to stay

“We might be standing in the future location on this planet’s first ski resort

And as a last resort he said something he would tell a vehicle: ‘give me command control

I saved myself as a last resort

They were easy items to get and affordable unlike a holliday at some foreign resort

Situations do arise, in which to employ the use of force should be the first, not the last resort

“Hello you three what brings you out to a charming holiday resort like this then?” Mickey replied

At the second resort a young woman seemed to be playing

the resort areas and to the big cities, doing resorts and upscale hotels

The resort didn’t pan out, and I was just as happy, because that left me free to do next to nothing

The club’s resort section was thoughtfully planned with large guest quarters

develop a resort in Thailand, on the island of Phuket

Inside the hinge and latch door of this mini chicken resort, he would set a small tray of baby chick feed, and an upside-down jar of water that would trickle out into a round dish for them to drink from and splash in

“As opposed to the nine months you served in that tropical resort on the gulf—that is until your medical discharge

drates and then will resort to proteins?

There were prisoners yelling obscenities from windows above the courtyard encouraging those below to resort to extreme violence

However, it must be remembered that South Africa had nuclear weapons as last resort

The army often had to resort to threats and at times assassinations of opponents to get its way

In non-warzones violence must be used as a last and final resort

It would be well to notice, too, that the United States is the only country to resort to the United Nations in similar situations, and not only in 1990 and 2002

The Confederacy will have to resort to the same tyranny it always had

Many, particularly those to the profitable resort area south of the city of Limon, remained collapsed

But, with his lusting after her so blatantly obvious, she thought to take advantage of the situation by allowing a friendship — and nothing more — to develop and as it grew, it afforded her ample opportunity to manipulate things such that she was able to use La Hacienda as her personal resort as freely as did he

It was a beautiful, luxury resort on a sheltered beach that included with the price of a room all the food, drink and beach toys one could want

Mike living under an assumed name plus paying for this entire group of guys to stay at a first class resort and then giving each one a thousand dollars as well? She couldn’t imagine a bone-head such as him in such a position! Yet, something intriguing was going on

Had mom and dad remembered to fill up a big bowl of yummies like they usually did? Her parents were preparing to drive off this evening as usual to enjoy the autumn beauties of the resort where they had met, long ago

One could make a good case for military service making it less likely a president will resort to war

But just minutes after that, a small but upscale resort magically appeared in this desolate forest

“Do we really need to resort to something that base? Couldn’t we just shoot the poor bastard?”

Everything Gordon had said about sending him to the prison because he was unwilling to resort to the use of thugs had been a blatant lie

“People will pay a penny to see it at some seaside resort or traveling circus sideshow

The place had been furnished in their absence with tables and chairs that Colling assumed had come from the Herrensee resort

A surprise visit by Harris, Ferguson and Colling to the resort at Herrensee, apparently based on information provided by the major’s German mistress, produced sufficient liquor from the hotel’s cellar to stock the bar in the new officers’ club on the renovated ground floor of the kaserne

The telephone listed in Truman’s name was located in a seaside resort in Chauita, a very nice place for a Nicaraguan war refugee

This would be the first time for Raul to turn off into the resort community of Chauita

Like before, he offered some to Hilderich who again politely refused, but did not resort to his small flask of gin

Henderson, we should also talk about your favorite resort locations

Arriving at what LP remembered as a small ski resort town, they found something quite different

The first thought that came to mind was that it was like the foyer of a mountain lodge ski resort

As a last resort, feeling it was the only thing he could do, powerless to act and indeed depended on an erratic, capricious and strange machine, he prayed to any and all that would heed his prayers

It encapsulates the smallest of the three stars, providing a large number and variety of gaming resort world panels, with varied climates and atmospheres to accomodate any and all game setups

And it was being used as a sideshow, a gaming resort? That was something he had not completely understood, and could not for a while longer, until his mind found some peace to try and come to grips with this new, world-shattering reality

Once through the city, they drove north and west along the coast towards the region’s resort areas

Less than ten years after the revolt of AD 66–70, a sudden catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum, Roman resort cities, smothering them under more than a six-foot blanket of volcanic ash, deposited by a superheated pyroclastic flow from the mountain

Mount Vesuvius erupted, and buried those evil Roman resort towns, Herculanium and Pompeii

Egypt was the ancient “sanctuary of last resort” that was sought out by the peoples in the many lands surrounding it who were afflicted by the periodic droughts as that part of the world entered a long drying cycle

What of saintly statuary and iconic emblems of celebratory events? What of the construction of great and beautiful cathedrals, and other magnificent Houses of Worship? Man seems unable to resist the tempting resort to physical reminders of an unphysical Presence

And so, resort was made to a time-tested biblical method of corroboration by looking back into itself for earlier references that the word, as adherents declared it, had also been so declared by others from the past

It even had been a resort town in the 1800s and again in the early twentieth century

“Then let me tell you that I will never resort to simulations to get my way

Surely, they became irascible in the Philadelphia heat during the Continental Congresses of 1774–76, but they didn’t resort to terror! Washington

“I’ll have to resort to an alternative

I believe this is an extreme method and would only consider it as a last resort for a dog who is jumping up dangerously

Television and movie actors often resort to

having to “sell” things to them! You will never, ever again have to resort to “closing techniques”, “objection handling”

hot spring resort town of Hakone, just south of Mount Fuji

“And if you’re going to resort to name-calling, then-

9 The birds will resort to their likeness; so will truth return to them who practise in her

5 He will give his heart to resort early to the Lord that made him, and will pray before the Most High, and will open his mouth in

One bright winter day a local schoolboy and a vacationing online columnist happened to be paired up on a chairlift at Teton Village ski resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Jack had left the room at the resort to buy some magazines for the two of them to read

“Where’s your family?” I asked as we went into the great room, “They went away to a ski resort for the weekend

As I had predicted, we resorted to getting a take-away but even so, we didn’t eat until nearly ten forty-five – a silent meal — after which, by tacit agreement, we all went to bed

And at last he resorted to raising his hands slightly

” He paused to find the words and resorted to the simplicity of, “An aim is accomplished

motivated to seek true authority, they resorted to trying to steal

resorted to stealing in order to keep herself and her

The colonies of the Dorians resorted chiefly to Italy and Sicily, which, in the times preceding the foundation of Rome, were inhabited by barbarous and uncivilized nations; those of the Ionians and Aeolians, the two other great tribes of the Greeks, to Asia Minor and the islands of the Aegean sea, of which the inhabitants sewn at that time to have been pretty much in the same state as those of Sicily and Italy

the door please» the CEO resorted

It was true he had very little left on top and had resorted

sides resorted to using bayonets, knives, and just plain clubbing with rifle butts when their ammunition ran out to kill their

Alf, not wishing to have to fish under Dob’s rear end and risk inadvertently grabbing Dob’s pucker as he inevitably would, had resorted to trying to haul him off the keys instead

The fearful boy-creature had resorted to something that Carl figured was crying, a trait not uncommon in the animal world

Fiendish tortures were also often resorted to, especially with prisoners of war, when the executioners vied with each other in devising fearful methods of torture, such as flaying alive, plucking out eyes, and even more original devices

She could have remained had she resorted to kicking and screaming, but considering how well she was dressed she left quietly for decorum’s sake

He’d resorted to the strategy once before and she would have slapped him then had he not taken her hesitant moment of shock to make an important point

Coming up on the left side of the plane is some of the destruction caused by the Purity War, before the rebels resorted to biological warfare instead of explosives,” Zoe says

13 And the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their coasts

1 Queen Esther also, being in fear of death, resorted to the Lord:

I noticed that most of the other arban commanders resorted to the same tactics with similar success

Now Joacim was a great rich man, and had a fair garden joining to his house, and to him resorted the Jews; because he was more

Unfortunately some of them resorted to sabotage and a jagun was sent after them

resorted to hobbies like collecting stamps, Bonsai planting, playing RC models or spending

resorted all such as troubled the people, who, after they had gotten the land of Judah into their power, did much hurt in Israel

They had resorted to using a pot as a bathroom in the

Unable to mount an attack they resorted to hurling harmless insults at the builders

resorted to communicating with me through his very expensive Washington, DC, attorney, and soon we just fell out of touch

young woman resorted to tailoring the clothes, and her sewing skills

22 And to him resorted all such as troubled the people who after they had gotten the land of Judah into their power did much hurt in Israel

Grown men and women, “intellects,” have resorted to alien life and multi-verses and non-existent reality, all in a desperate attempt to circumvent the Creator

a lot of people have resorted to

Villard could not compete, so he resorted to political obstruction to restrict James Hill

The guards even resorted to the cattle Prods, but the Senator only danced a bit and wouldn’t move from the shelter of the palm

You should just wake up and I mineswell say it, he resorted to greetings, not the reaction

1 While brain machines and drugs may be used in sophisticated ways more often in the future to shift reality modes, Eastern mystical traditions have resorted to various techniques, including viewing diagrams (or yantras), confronting puzzles over phrases that have no rational meaning (or koans), and mental and physical exercises which aim to produce a state of ‘no conceptualising while remaining fully awake

They coerced, manipulated and threatened so many people that things became so convoluted that they resorted to threats of murder

This was what I had resorted to as I tried to understand

Unfortunately, the white South African regime became more oppressive, the freedom fighters lost patience and resorted to violence

Discovered in the manipulation, I resorted to persuasion

When fighting failed, he resorted to swearing and fuming, mainly on the subject of what he

to go the whole hog and resorted to just passing on the infection with a bit of

In all Jesus’ young life this was the very first time he had consciously resorted to public strategy

It was merely a case of preknowledge concerning the course of natural law, just such knowledge as Jesus frequently resorted to subsequent to his baptism

14 Jesus also resorted to the use of parables as the best possible refutation of the studied effort of the religious leaders at Jerusalem to teach that all of his work was done by the assistance of demons and the prince of devils

He was galvanized by the fact that his enemies had resorted to earthly weapons

She tried to speak to me but I was helpless when it came to the bird calls so we resorted to pointing

4 In instituting this remembrance supper, the Master, as was always his habit, resorted to parables and symbols

3 Crucifixion was resorted to in order to provide a cruel and lingering punishment, the victim sometimes not dying for several days

During this hour of approaching death the human mind of Jesus resorted to the repetition of many passages in the Hebrew scriptures, particularly the Psalms

5 The Jewish leaders began the sordid business of supposedly getting rid of Jesus by offering bribes to the traitorous Judas, and now, when confronted with this embarrassing situation, instead of thinking of punishing the guards who deserted their post, they resorted to bribing these guards and the Roman soldiers

“We knew that a lot of the volunteers were getting very sick from going off the medication,» Jerry explained, “but Carol Freeman was the one that tipped us off about the extreme methods they had resorted to

Carol finally resorted to her local Goodwill Store

It didn’t seem right that rupa angels were pretending to be dealers, and it was highly unusual that emobeings resorted to drugs

Ukrainians became so desperate they resorted to widespread

Some parents resorted to eating their own children

resorted to the ‘wild life’

So how to get the coffee cup from the kitchen? (I had resorted to drinking my wine in a

and resorted to using their employers‘ sons as

His quest for control continued when he resorted to shipping oil by pipelines

She resorted to all kinds of useless tricks so that Patricia Brown would go get the car with her

Finally he and Marie resorted to their alternate

Thereafter, we resorted to low-key snatching

After several failed attempts to produce economically viable or satisfactory results and quarrels with the MoD over their design specifications that could not support the purpose of the plane’s mission, her company had been confronted with the possibility that the lucrative contract, a portion of which was concealed behind the well-publicized one that had already been awarded and was part of the scandal involving her husband, could be cancelled, so she resorted to the option she had long considered the most daring—partnering with the famous aviator and oilman, Howard R

The next day dawned quite dull, but hot and humid, the dark clouds rolling down the mountains to the west had an ominous look about them, a summer storm was on its way in more ways than one, Coatl’s declaration of the new laws regarding the priesthood was received in silence and was followed by pockets of applause, either the new law was very unpopular or the fear of the priesthood was far more ingrained than we had previously thought, if this was the reason then it was not surprising that the citizens of Teotihuacan resorted to the only protection they had, prudence

These primordial brutes even resorted to burning their

blame deep within themselves, they resorted to attacking every

He had not seemed interested since the neighbor had interrupted them back at Bill’s bedsit and she had often resorted to masturbation while lying next to him as he slept

overcapacity and resorted to the aforementioned change in its distribution model

attention, so he resorted to doing impersonations of the weird woman sitting at

Since 1949 China has resorted to force in 76

they resorted to sticks and rubber truncheons

Instead you resorted to assassination

She resorted to asking me more questions

Bastard-mate adopted the time-honoured tactic that parents have resorted

Michael had resorted to the familiar background of Military training

punch line, they resorted to a lot of rapid, back and forth face slapping, which they found hilarious

When the Zulu’s failed to respond to diplomatic aggression, the British resorted to force

It is reported that on the morning of the Coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953, one local authority resorted to law and applied for an injunction to force a persistent organiser to dismantle a street party, already set up and just waiting to go, which it considered to be illegal

Locke sat frozen, surprised Hiss resorted to violence so soon

Tom and his partner resorted to taking goods from vehicles

At Peking, 60,000 women threw themselves off the city walls rather than face the Mongols; when the siege left them starving, the whole population resorted to cannibalism rather than surrender

who is the one that is so vicious that he resorted to such a damnable act?”

bearable disappointment, a couple of the supplicants even resorted to the

resorted to more than a dozen ways to unravel the nature of yagya, the

Articulation is also resorted to in order to give expression to thoughts

She hadn’t quite resorted to climbing out her bedroom window and shimmying down the sycamore tree, but a time or two, it had been a near thing

So she’d resorted to ludicrous numbers of tabs open in the browser on her laptop and piles on every horizontal surface, except for the sofa, where Hush had been snoring since they came in from an afternoon walk

He resorted to Al’lah truly

The news of their continuous meeting filtered into her father’s ears, but instead of the king scolding his daughter, he resorted to sending a warning message to John and his family

In her quest for conception, she resorted to tarot cards, charms and alchemy and when that failed, the Royal Physicians had worked tirelessly to offer a remedy for her barren state

Eventually there remained no more than thirty criminals who were, by then, in prison and he punished them even further when he discovered that after he had arrested them and sent them to prison they resorted to bribes and intermediaries to arrange for the court to discharge them

If we were to discuss the issue of Islamist terrorism in the context of India (other than Kashmir), Indian Muslims have resorted to terrorism to avenge the killings of their co-religionists first after the 1993 Mumbai riots and then the 2002 Gujarat riots, and these riots have their roots in the controversy surrounding the demolition of the Babri Masjid (the matter, if at all, could be handled in a manner so that it would be a win-win situation for everyone, as Sardar Patel did with the Somnath temple by relocating the mosque which was on the temple site with the consent of the local Muslims since Islam doesn’t prohibit relocating mosques and the Quran encourages even compromises on practice of faith for the cause of peace and goodwill in verse 2:224, and Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, a very progressive Muslim cleric, has suggested the same formula for this issue as well[109] (also, the following article about Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of Awadh settled a similar controversy is worth reading — http://timesofindia

When a son or a daughter or any family member gets hooked on drugs, he manifests negative behavior and the home climate is filled with tension as the disagreements escalate, lies become rampant and stealing is resorted to sustain a habit

I couldn’t quite bring myself to tell him that I’d have resorted to spying at that point as well

Annie was, I may have resorted to applying a soft leash restraint upon a

Throughout his life, he was certain that nothing was impossible as long as he resorted to His supporting Provider and asked for His Assistance

The Holy Qur’an tells us the state of the Israelites who resorted to duplicity for they neither followed this way of belief nor did they appreciate their Envoy, our master Moses (cpth) who told them that the Sabbath should be a day of abstention from work and for reflection

Through such wise and canny behaviour and many other ploys that he had resorted to since the first day of his marriage, Mohammad Amin was able to convince his mother that her son was still hers, and hers alone, and that the newcomer, his wife, would never be able to steal his heart from her

He first resorted to scientific and medical ideas

I am unused to resorting to such arguments as I was perforce required to employ, yet all was well and from our initial introduction to our parting of ways was but the duration of a good stretch and yawn first exercised upon a chilly winter’s morning

By finally resorting to violence after all! It’s all about spilling blood in the end, isn’t it?” Justice said, his smile growing

“Haven’t you done enough damage already? Are you now resorting to lying to me as well?” she asked, indignant at this obviously blatant lie

they needed without resorting to such a heavy-handed approach

The solution for this was the suggestion that the Saviours rely only on their own abilities to wield rather than resorting to summoning their Battle Angels

Thus James Madison, the „Father of the Constitution:» „I entirely concur in the propriety of resorting to the sense in which the Constitution was accepted and ratified by the nation

Think about it: your government spends billions of dollars in its ‘War on Drugs’ and the only visible results are that the street prices have risen higher than an equivalent amount of gold, the world’s most sinister people have rapidly become its wealthiest (easily affording sophisticated aircraft, electronics and weapons that most governments cannot) and addicts, even of moderate income, are unable to afford their habit without resorting to crime

“Because, he wanted me to know that he has no intention of resorting to violence, even about something that means as much to him as looking better in the public’s eye than the federal government

The person would then have to patiently endure whatever suffering will ensue for him – hopefully without resorting to anger toward his colleague, or self-hatred and guilt toward himself (both of which would produce further suffering in the future)

leashes, some resorting to kicking the less tame of the canines in

“And if you weren’t so stubborn we wouldn’t be resorting to such extremes

in their management, resorting to his uninformed understanding of

She absolutely hated resorting to that but Calvin was making this hard

I hope you aren’t suggesting this house is haunted and resorting back to your destructive behavior

other side would have capitulated before resorting to those

«Mahātmā Gāndhi has done more than any other person of history to reveal that social problems can be solved without resorting to primitive methods of violence

 Focusing on a specific issue without resorting to

What a pathetic failure, resorting to school kids for company! Imagine the other teachers found out! He’d back out before it was too late

She could work out complicated figures and percentages without resorting to pen and paper

But you can be sexy without resorting to a cheap, over-the-top sexual look for yourself

articulate properly, without resorting to embarrassingly florid

This region was a favorite resorting place for Capernaum folks; they were all familiar with these parks on the eastern shore

But Jesus had a third reason for resorting to these material means in connection with this unique transaction: This was a miracle wrought purely in obedience to his own choosing, and thereby he desired to teach his followers of that day and all subsequent ages to refrain from despising or neglecting material means in the healing of the sick

He foresaw nations dealing with their own affairs inside their respective boundaries, and resorting to world law to settle anything outside of those same borderlines

to write the book without resorting to the new material

They game they were playing was a contest to see who could maintain the posture the longest without resorting to stand on both legs or making the berry on their foreheads fall off

Fall Asleep in Minutes Instead of Hours, Sleep Soundly Through the Night and Wake Up Rested — Without Resorting to Sleeping Pills

Don’t tell me that the nations of the region as well as those in Europe couldn’t have devised a plan to put Saddam in his place without resorting to war

He was always resorting to Al’lah in everything

He occupied the Rhineland, then annexed Austria, and Czechoslovakia; thereby expanding German territory without resorting to force

resorting to other cost of equity measurements as well as relating it to the proportional

Had people stopped at trying to explain what could be observed, and limited themselves to actual experience without resorting to fantasy, they would have been able to correct their own errors much sooner

I debate returning it, ashamed to even consider resorting to such measures, but, damn it, the customer is always right

By resorting to it, I have all but declared a state of war with my old friend Pedro, and am now making peace demands

Also, resorting to nature spirits every day for an hour or so is the easiest and pleasantest way to intend your obsessive thoughts and moods instead of being slave to them

But then, just as Halfshaft was on the point of laying into him again for resorting to physical force over calm and reasoned debate, the wizard spotted Rustmarrow doing battle with a witch

Business is the art of extracting money from another man’s pocket without resorting to violence

If this woman was so good with disguises, couldn’t she disguise her build, age and height so that she might even appear to be a man? Granted, she couldn’t add significant height without resorting to ludicrous looking built up shoes, but she could add a couple of inches here and there

And that is good enough a reason for the Musalmans to believe that Islam is in danger, to protect which they feel no compunction to resorting to violence

And the less believing Musalmans, instead of resorting to self-introspection over the inimical aspects of Islam, tend to gloss them over with such clichés as, ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, and of late, ‘terrorists have no religion’ et al

Even in an environment where some animals prey on others, you and your sisters can still protect yourselves and your children without resorting to violence

Having clarified to us in ‘An-Nas’ and ‘Al-Falaq’ Fortresses the evils that we can be safe from in case we seek refuge in our Provider and resort to our Creator, and having acquainted us with His Attributes in ‘Al-Ikhlas’ Fortress so that we may get by such acquaintance an incentive which urges us to that entering and a motive that drives us to resorting, the Almighty God wanted in this noble Fortress to show us the necessity of resorting and entering

What is meant by the statement ‘to toil on towards the Provider’ is that to drive the spirit towards Him seeking to get a continuous link with Him, and then one will keep resorting to Him, and being unable to cease from Him a moment

The evils that we can be safe from, if we seek refuge in our Provider and resort to our Creator have been clarified to us in ‘An-Nas’ and ‘Al-Falaq’ Fortresses; we have been acquainted with His Attributes in ‘Al-Ikhlas’ Fortress, so that – with such knowledge – we can attain an incentive which urges us to enter into His Presence, and a motive that drives us to resort to Him, now, in this noble Fortress, the Almighty God wanted to show us the necessity of resorting to Him and entering into His Presence

6- What do you deduce from the story of that old lady and what is the wisdom of her coming and resorting to the great scholar Mohammad Amin Shikho (God has sanctified his soul)?

This word and its derivatives are used in the context of a person being inclined to and resorting to something which gives a feeling of ease

Why can’t someone just kick a child out of their house for unacceptable behavior without resorting to calling it some kind of love? Is it because we want to feel that whatever we are doing is loving, so as to appease our conscience that we are ever loving people who would never do anything to their child that wouldn’t be done out of love? If love, and not the pretense of love, is actually important to us, we will cease seeing the other as someone we can carve in the I’mage of ourselves or our ideals

While there is no excuse for my father’s resorting to brutish treatment of his children, his wife,

In this way the genius master Mohammad Amin had resolved this serious problem as he had resolved so many other problems, by resorting to his innate wisdom and thought process, and asking only for God’s Satisfaction: thus God was always with him and supporting him with His Aid to achieve victory

As for the Middle East region in particular, which is the cradle of prophets, it will suffer less snare of destruction than the others, but this does not mean that some aspects of civilization may remain there, this is impossible, for it will greatly experience, like other regions, of the famines and earthquakes, and it will be the scene of classic wars, and but a few of its people shall escape after the war shall drive out all their spiritual diseases and cause them to be pure as a result of resorting to Al’lah leaded by what great suffering from pain, fear, and hunger they shall meet with

Therefore, the harbors we should prepare are but to have recourse to Al’lah from now for this resorting will be of no use when the Hour becomes near at the door; where none but Al’lah can dispel its fright

“Oh I think I can figure out a much better way to persuade you of my realness, without resorting to pinching

By their resorting to God, their spirit will turn towards Him, the Almighty, and hence the Godly light will flow into it and protect it from the evils and the black plots which are being hatched against it

This will be manifested more clearly to us if we refer to the noble Fortress, Al-Falaq (All that is coming to Appearance), where we find that the messenger (cpth) was protected and preserved from the evil of the ‘spitting on the knots’ due to his resorting to the Provider of everything

By resorting to their Provider, they can recognize their sins, and so they should turn to their Provider in true repentance and become entirely straight and follow His Commands

There will be no hand that can cause them any evil as long as they remain in the fort of the Great Almighty and are resorting to Him, and doing so directly upon His order with no deviation

Through such resorting to the Almighty God, a human spirit comes close to Him, and so the devil, who is the magician’s brother and is intimate with him, withdraws, having been vanquished

Short of resorting to legal action and creating an adversary, the best that CGF can do is offer Mary a bonus to work with a knowledge manager from another division to capture some of the heuristics that she developed while working with Medical Multimedia

The RBI is resorting more to open market operations in the more recent

These subversives have no qualms about resorting to outright fabrications in pursuit of their cause

If you cannot gain the respect and love of your pupils without resorting to physical force and intimidation: then you are a teacher of mindless obedience to authority

[143] Resorting to my English/literature teaching identity, this holds true in textual analysis

Normal y players should figure things out on their own, without resorting to dice,

The greatest blunder ever made in Bible exegesis is taking Paul and Peter figuratively, and resorting to the plain and natural sense of the apocalypse and parables

As HYDRATION COMPLEX prevents hard stools or constipation without resorting to fiber and laxatives (which is what commonly causes inflammation and relapse)

It tends only to conceal defects and weak points in the system resorting thereto, by throwing over it the halo of learning, and the play of much speaking which confuses more than enlightens

Again and again he describes this arch-enemy of God, and his subordinate agents, as resorting to all imaginable arts of deception to effect the perversion of Christendom

You have the scientific materialists who are not atheists; such as some of our noblest men of research and discovery; and these maintain a conception of Matter as the effect of Energy so exalted as to include within its possible combinations any degree of created intelligence, without resorting to the hypothesis of a second substance such as Mind or Soul

Know that your child can be a victim, and keep an affectionate wing over them so that resorting to drugs remains the remote option it is at present

Linton summoned me, and with great difficulty, and after resorting to many means, we managed to restore her to sensation; but she was all bewildered; she sighed, and moaned, and knew nobody

«Here, in tranquillity and innocence, I grew up without any memorable accident, till one fatal day I had, as I had often done before, left my aunt asleep, and secure for some hours, after dinner; and resorting to a kind of ancient summer house, at some distance from the house, I carried my work with me, and sat over a rivulet, which its door and window faced upon

Such is the compromise she’s reached with her father, after resorting to the tears he cannot bear to see her cry

Casaubon,» said Celia, resorting, as usual, to the simplest statement of fact, and enjoying this opportunity of speaking to the Rector’s wife alone

It was no accident he had chosen the one spot the gardeners absolutely could not mow without resorting to a pair of nail scissors

World opinion supported the Boers and opinion at home divided between those who supported the war and those who thought it showed Britain resorting to barbaric methods

It has more the style of discretionary view-takers, while the rest of the book tries to learn from history without resorting to subjective market views

The idea of the indicator serving as the criterion’s denominator consists in expressing the underlying asset price variability without resorting to historical volatility or variance

So assured, indeed, is the fact concerning the periodicalness of the sperm whale’s resorting to given waters, that many hunters believe that, could he be closely observed and studied throughout the world; were the logs for one voyage of the entire whale fleet carefully collated, then the migrations of the sperm whale would be found to correspond in invariability to those of the herring-shoals or the flights of swallows

«Well, Arkasha, that does you credit; I begin to respect you for your taste,» said Vasya, resorting to cunning with Arkasha in the tenderness of his heart, «your cap is charming, but come this way

But who is to blame for that? He is to blame himself: by his own action he reduces a man to the necessity of resorting to epistolary composition

Every man admits, directly or indirectly, the necessity of resorting to banks of some kind

In resorting to the State banks, we are offering the amount of our revenue as a bounty for intrigues, cabals, and factions, through the country

He had no doubt but that, some months past, the Cabinet had seriously determined upon resorting to hostilities

What would be thought, if, without any proof whatsoever, a member should rise in his place and tell us, that the massacre in Savannah, a massacre perpetrated by civilized savages, with French commissions in their pockets, was excited by the French Government? There was an easy and natural solution of the late transaction on the Wabash, in the well-known character of the aboriginal savage of North America, without resorting to any such mere conjectural estimate

The only case, in which there seemed to me to be an apology for resorting to it, was, the other day, when the gentleman from Georgia (Mr

said his objections to a navy were that it would cost more than ever it would be worth to the nation; that we could not build, man, and support the ships contemplated, in addition to our present establishment, without resorting to the same means for their support as other maritime nations had done; that it must be supported by impression or oppression; we must either impress our citizens to man our Navy, and compel them to serve against their wills for almost nothing, or oppress the nation with taxes not to be endured, to enable the Government to give such wages as would induce our seamen to enter voluntarily into our service

When everything else fails, one resorts to prayer

It was fascinating … she’d read about these seaside resorts but never visited one

Home of the Alps, vineyards and chic coastal resorts of Nice and Cannes, lots of wildlife lives here too: wild boar, roe and red deer, wolf, fox, brown bear, badger, ibex and chamois, plus semi-wild horses and lizards

the resort areas and to the big cities, doing resorts and upscale hotels

For example, the KGB, the Soviet secret police, ran the so-called rest centers, or resorts, for Communist bigwigs in the Soviet Union and all

Resorts and restaurants all up and down the pristine Caribbean beaches closed, bankrupt

Not only had she hired and trained two separate husband and wife management teams for her resorts New Mexico and Marathon Key, saw her father through his final days, laid him to rest beside her mother and dealt with all the nonsense that entailed, but she’d finally done it: all ties with the Northeast were severed, permanently! Her father’s apartment building she had bought so many years earlier was sold to Mike’s friend Kevin and, to completely break free of New England, she had also gotten rid of her last holdings on Martha’s Vineyard

Fraudulent investment schemes in reforestation projects, resorts and restaurants took a heavy toll, but, by far, real estate was the worst

) Extremist—One who advocates or resorts to extreme measures, particularly in politics

He had spent his winter weekends skiing at the many ski resorts around Mount

camps are five-star resorts for teens

It is one of the most frequented vacation resorts in the United States and can boast of a Venetian style system of channels that serve as public thoroughfares for the yachts that dock at the mansions along its waterways

That exciting and moving city of international fame undoubtedly stands as one of the most popular summer resorts in the world and center of origin of most Hispanic entertainment programs in the United States

turned into resorts by the Megha company

And so we have become expert at the making and operating of seaside resorts for them, an industry which now stands second in our commerce, after fishing of course

He was determined, therefore, to make sure the Duncan Hines–recommended restaurants and resorts were highly reputable

ers to removing the vents over the stoves to checking for grease accumulation to checking out the laundry facilities in hotels and resorts, they were, in fact, as rigorous as a health department inspector would conduct

They were long-term contracts for large painted bulletins advertising various resorts in the Poconos

It was added because sailing is a popular pastime at such resorts, and because it’s smart to make Hilia one of the ports of call for your cruise ship

In the winter, ski resorts and snow activity operators require large influxes of staff

Victory Hill, is a small street bar complex well away from the beach resorts and lined with small bars, similar to Pattaya, but on a lot smaller scale

Bamboo Island has several traditional bungalow resorts

‘How man resorts to murder to protect his interest or avenge an insult!’ contemplated Suresh

When the party entered Magdala, these ten women evangelists were free to enter the evil resorts and preach the glad tidings directly to all their inmates

Through a succession of misfortunes and in consequence of the attitude of reputable society toward women who commit such errors of judgment, this woman had found herself in one of the nefarious resorts of Magdala

There are lots of travel sites that offer all-inclusive accommodations, especially when it comes to resorts

By 16, she resorts to reading the New Testament of the King James Bible, things get so bad

seaside resorts were a favourite destination

on that liner than in many resorts

must be last resorts and not to be used on a whim without just

Spirit next resorts to Trickery, by arranging unusual events or manipulating a person’s awareness to bring the inexplicable into their field of vision

This place with its grandeur and ambiance reminded her very much of several of the fashionable resorts in her own country, but most of those at home were in the City and lacked the lovely setting of the sea which this place had captured so marvelously

It could be assumed, as he had mistakenly done, that her duties as a clairvoyant were sufficient means on which to live, but was that enough to spend a lengthy holiday at the Ocean Forest, one of the most exclusive and expensive resorts in the South? Or was there an ancillary supply of funds that enabled her to lead such a lavish lifestyle?

“I’ve been to better holiday resorts,” joked Max with his second in command

Wickland immediately recognized Peter Gordon, a prominent hotelier known for his extravagant parties at his own resorts as he emerged quickly from the car

’ Wat has memorised the brochure that Reg Bateman has given him: ‘Few ski resorts have the charisma of this iconic resort, with its celebrated downhill slopes,’ he repeats

Returned home, a fortnight later and working at the Samuels Crescent, Whitchurch rugby clubhouse, Watkin, on his fifth pint, resorts to visual descriptions of his favourite comedies:

Graisco hurried to keep pace with his partner as they dashed up the steps and through the sliding glass doors into the fashionably decorated lobby of one of the city’s most prominent resorts for the upper-class tourists visiting a generally blue-collar destination

With a sigh, Wickland accessed the Internet and visited the website for Le Manoir Richelieu, whose home page indicated that the resort was part of the Fairmont Hotels and Resorts corporate empire

It’s a real expensive resort that is owned by a company called Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

Vacation resorts, plasma televisions and high-tech exercise equipment all have high

You will each get an all-expenses covered, one month paid vacation package for you and your families at one of the Earth vacation resorts our administrative office will select

Be assured that we will not be cheap about the resorts selection we will offer

After that month of vacation, you will return to the ship to help with its refit, but will be able to leave your families at the vacation resorts for the duration 67

You may start shopping around for Earth resorts in which you would be interested to spend your vacation

Our administrative office will then select the ten most popular resorts that you will suggest and start preparing packages for your use

However, the geothermal activity there makes it a good area to establish thermal baths resorts and geothermal energy plants

Now my job was not inside in any ordinary room of four walls of any place but inside the A/C rooms of five stars hotels, villas, resorts, rest houses and farmhouses

your daily calorie intake so that your body resorts to using the

The beach resorts on that coast are also used by the Germans as rest centers for their soldiers and aviators

“Yeah, and hopefully help their clothing line get into some of the stores and hotel resorts down there

“Get into some of the stores and hotel resorts down there?”

A glob drips down the side of her mouth and she hastily wipes it away, embarrassed, and resorts to giving a quick thumbs up

This should be last thing anyone resorts to if even

There is a seemingly endless list of resorts in the United States that fit that description

And there are quite a few fancy resorts where you can work on yourself with a cocktail close at hand

Past these mountains there are a few resorts on the other side with an amazing view of the ocean

A Chinese spokesman elaborated ‘We are looking to bring in the luxury Bayan Tree Hotels and Resorts brand to be Shanghai Pengxin Group’s first hotel project in South Africa

company who did the Spanish resorts

She thought Kurt was into buying and selling hotels and resorts

is so awed by what he sees that he resorts to flattering panegyrics, by

The mother is that whom man betakes himself to and resorts to, so he finds sympathy and mercy between her arms

This is aimed at removing this lower life from the heart, since this is where man resorts to Al’lah , so that the Godly Light can flow to every part of his spirit and the sites of moral ailments within his heart, to purify him and change it into a state of perfection and bliss, that is, his sins are forgiven

huge resorts that cater for the travelling party animal

Camping resorts are plentiful and standards are high

Many resorts have cabins for rent

When someone resorts to their enemy, what can the latter do to them? What proves this spiritual domination is that a bewitched person keeps their eyes open throughout the process of hypnotism, and perceives all that happens around them, but is able to answer no one save the magician, with the help of the devils who are his brothers

One who seeks the help of magicians, whoever they pretend to be and whatever clothing they wear before people, is indeed like one who resorts to a rebellious devil or turns to fire for help from sweltering heat

Olin’s employment with the railroad appeared secure because the building of rail lines in the fist half of the 1800’s had lead to the development of posh hotels and resorts in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and these in turn led to increased passenger traffic on the trains from Boston and other cities

I think that it’s interesting too, that Peter resorts to curses

With Kim, Ca and Tuong locked away, it was now just a waiting game, which Grimes was used to in his line of work and had found many things to pass his time, like planning the rest of his life around beach resorts and casinos across the world

It was a central location, and they found smaller beaches with small resorts and bars, owned by both Thais and Europeans

to avoid having to drink blood every three days or so, he resorts to

 Sheraton Hotels and Resorts – pool facility in 95% of their

 Westin Hotels and Resorts – all of their hotels have pools

him on how to succeed in life,—so he resorts to on of

resorts far from the dry conditions of the high prairie

ski resorts, to the vast prairie where I could finally live

major commercial resorts, I was often told in the locker

jor ski resorts prohibit the practice of snow-boarding,» I

resorts in the area provide all-inclusive

spent the summers in the most expensive French resorts –for example, at Cannes

Tournaments every month or two lasting several days in different cities and summer resorts

Even the staff of the resorts located along the crater’s rim

maneuvered past the mansions and ski resorts until she found the snow

But I guess he always had the excuse of checking in on the resorts where we lived

And God has made for you shade out of what He has created, and has given you resorts in the mountains, and has given you garments to protect you from the heat, and garments to protect you from your violence

Such has been the basis of Universalist interpretation for sixteen centuries, and as long as it endures such must be the method to which it resorts in vindication of its leading principles

The horse then resorts to

Resorts Located in the Australian Alps:

Resorts Located in Tasmania:

Here, you will find that there are a large number of resorts that you can choose from

You have to consider that different resorts really are different when it comes to the type of amenities and services offered

one of the top resorts out west where I’d always wanted to vacation, but never found the chance

Hill station resorts like Malam Jabba, Madyan and Bahrain were devastated, their hotels and bazaars in ruins

Another thing just struck him as a by no means bad notion was he might have a gaze around on the spot to see about trying to make arrangements about a concert tour of summer music embracing the most prominent pleasure resorts, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the Channel islands and similar bijou spots, which might prove highly remunerative

VAL KENNEY ENTERED Las Vegas’s famed CityCenter, determined not to be awed by this glittering constellation of resorts, hotels, high-end retail shops, and million-dollar condos, all of it a monument to greed and excess

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∙ 12y ago

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Billy hated to resort to violence because he was a pacifist.

Amanda was spending her weekend at a ski resort.

Drake only used Wikipedia as a last resort for information.

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When nothing else worked, they resorted to violence. They never
thought they would have resorted to using candles to light their

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Q: How do you use the word resort in a sentence?

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Write a sentence for each word/phrase.
1. (at the moment)
2. (on Sundays)
3. (in the summer)
4. (always)
5. (right now)
6. (in the winter)
7. (never)

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7 Grammar Practice. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Напишите предложение для каждого слова / фразы.
1. (на данный момент)
2. (по воскресеньям)
3. (летом)
4. (всегда)
5. (прямо сейчас)
6. (зимой)
7. (никогда)

1. (at the moment) I am doing my homework at the moment.
2. (on Sundays) We go swimming in the swimming pool on Sundays.
3. (in the summer) We go camping in the summer.
4. (always) I always help my mother in the kitchen.
5. (right now) My sister is having a picnic right now.
6. (in the winter) My dad goes skiing in the winter.
7. (never) My sister never walks our dog.

Перевод ответа
1. (в данный момент) Я сейчас делаю домашнее задание.
2. (по воскресеньям) По воскресеньям купаемся в бассейне.
3. (летом) Летом ходим в походы.
4. (всегда) Я всегда помогаю маме на кухне.
5. (прямо сейчас) Моя сестра сейчас на пикнике.
6. (зимой) Папа зимой катается на лыжах.
7. (никогда) Моя сестра никогда не выгуливает нашу собаку.

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