To not take seriously word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

не принимать всерьез

не принимает всерьез

не воспринимает всерьез

не воспринимают всерьез

не воспринимали всерьез

не воспринял всерьез

не принимают всерьез

не воспринимают серьезно

несерьезно относятся

не воспринимал всерьез

не воспринимаем всерьез

не относятся серьезно

не берем серьезно

не принял всерьез

If the above (second) point is true, then the concerned instructor should not take seriously those comments.

Если выше (вторая) точка является истиной, то соответствующие инструктор должен не принимать всерьез эти замечания.

Nine-month-old child does not take seriously the word «no» — for him, the whole house seems big magic game.

Девятимесячный ребенок не принимает всерьез слово «нет» — для него весь дом представляется большой волшебной игрой.

We do not take seriously those who adopted this resolution by mutilating history and law.

People count on an authoritative leader and do not take seriously those who seem soft to them.

Люди рассчитывают на авторитарного руководителя и не воспринимают серьезно тех, кто кажется им мягким.

The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you.

Latvian legionnaires did not take seriously wounded prisoners, killing them on the spot.

The authorities, they said, «do not take seriously» the threats to physical security brought to their attention.

По их словам, власти «не принимают всерьез» доведенные до них факты существования угрозы физической безопасности перемещенных лиц.

Data breaches have too high a cost to not take seriously.

There are lots of health issues which people do not take seriously.

Without a willingness to depart and to change we do not take seriously our current existence.

Many students do not take seriously a writing an essay postponing it on the last day before deadline.

Многие студенты несерьезно подходят к ее написанию, откладывая это на последний день перед сдачей.

For example, we can simply not take seriously the things that he said.

Do not take seriously any game strategies.

Then socialite did not take seriously the words of experts.

The police does not take seriously their complaints.

It’s like depression that many seem to not take seriously.

However, he did not take seriously her complaints.

A 20-year-old girl suffered from severe headaches and numbness of limbs, which she did not take seriously.

20-летняя девушка столкнулась с сильными головными болями и онемением конечностей, которые не восприняла всерьез.

No with such a man we will not take seriously.

The artist with his characteristic skepticism did not take seriously the praise.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Translation examples

  • не принимать всерьез

Most line Ministries have not developed gender mainstreaming strategies and their senior leadership does not understand or take seriously the need to address gender disparities in policy development and implementation.

218. Большинство отраслевых министерств не разработали стратегий целенаправленного учета гендерных факторов, и при разработке и осуществлении политики их высшее руководство не понимает или не принимает всерьез необходимость устранения неравноправия мужчин и женщин.

46. The United States violated Puerto Rico’s right to sovereignty and independence and showed no sign of respecting or taking seriously either the repeated demands of the Special Committee in its resolutions or those made in statements by governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

46. Соединенные Штаты ущемляют право Пуэрто-Рико на суверенитет и независимость; они совершенно не уважают и не принимают всерьез во внимание неоднократные требования Специального комитета, содержащиеся в его резолюциях, или требования, содержащиеся в заявлениях правительственных и неправительственных организаций.

Most line Ministries are yet to develop gender mainstreaming strategies, and certain cases exist where people do not understand nor take seriously the need to address gender disparities in policy development and implementation.

152. Большинству отраслевых министерств еще предстоит разработать стратегии включения гендерной проблематики в основные направления деятельности, и имеется ряд примеров, когда люди не понимают или не принимают всерьез необходимость ликвидации гендерного неравенства в области разработки и осуществления политики.

I’m writing a legal essay and the sentence is

For example, a young person’s reluctance to seek redress, and that youth are often not taken seriously, their words often not repeated in court rooms.

I was thinking about putting ignored in its place but it didn’t seem to fit. I typed ignored and overlooked both into online thesauruses but still nothing appropriate.

Barmar's user avatar


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asked May 24, 2015 at 7:14

Tylah's user avatar


I’d argue that you see «not take seriously» in enough important news sources to think it’s not completely informal.

If you want something different, how about:

not heeded


to pay careful attention to somebody’s advice or warning

answered May 24, 2015 at 7:29

Catija's user avatar


3,52718 silver badges26 bronze badges


You might say not given due consideration.

Longman’s dictionary suggests the following sample usage:

After due consideration, I have decided to tender my resignation.

In many contexts «due consideration» would be a formal version of «take seriously»

answered May 24, 2015 at 7:39

virmaior's user avatar


2,63917 silver badges22 bronze badges

Following Catija’s advice, I nominate «not being addressed».

It is the perfect register for this kind of writing, i.e., social-workerese, aka hot air.

answered May 24, 2015 at 7:36

David Pugh's user avatar

David PughDavid Pugh

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Luck matters a lot in demo contests,


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Удача решает многое в демо- соревнованиях, поэтому

радуйтесь, когда вы выигрываете, а в случае проигрыша не берите его близко к сердцу.


Use these for moral support, but when they give you advice,

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Используйте эти для нравственной поддержки, но когда они дают вам консультацию,

than other command officers and officer to act as parking meters, which will


like anything to our protagonist.


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чем у других офицеров командного и офицера выступать в качестве стоянки метров, что


будет ничего к нашему герою нравится.


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What is a word for not taking yourself too seriously?

If a person is being facetious, they’re intentionally being unserious, typically for a humorous effect, or perhaps to tease someone. When this happens, the person who made the comments might apologize by saying, “Sorry, I was just being facetious.” Translation: “Don’t take what I said seriously.”

What is a synonym for not serious?

Similar words for not serious: facetious (adjective) frivolous (adjective) idle (adjective) other relevant words (adjective)

What do you call someone who takes himself too seriously?

The word “blackletter” is traditionally the word most associated with someone or something that takes an overly serious (therefore rigid) adherence to rules. There are other words that articulate the same idea. He takes a blackletter view of the rules.

What does it mean to not be serious?

—used to express disbelief about what someone said “I’m joining the army.” “You can’t be serious.”

What is the opposite of a serious person?

“marriage is a serious matter” Antonyms: dizzy, light, light-headed, empty-headed, flyaway, scatterbrained, giddy, lightheaded, head-in-the-clouds, nonintellectual, unimportant, flighty, light-minded, idle, flippant, airheaded, featherbrained, silly, trivial, noncrucial, easy, noncritical, frivolous.

How do you take someone seriously?

14 Brilliant Ways to Get People to Take You More Seriously

  1. Always be informed.
  2. Add value.
  3. Be truthful and genuine.
  4. Keep your word.
  5. Be clear and concise.
  6. Stand for success.
  7. Be relatable.
  8. Dress well.

What does I can’t take you seriously mean?

Not to take someone seriously means to not believe a word they say or what they do. If, by any chance, you might start to believe that they’re credible, you deliberately avoid letting them know. 325 views.

How can I appear more seriously?

To be successful in almost any field demands that you are taken seriously, and engaging in these habits is the best way to get there:

  1. Arrive early.
  2. Be confident.
  3. Stay quiet until you have something good to say.
  4. Pay attention to your body language.
  5. Prepare more than you think you need to.
  6. Read the news.
  7. Remain humble.

What does seriously mean?

1 : in a sincere manner : earnestly speaking seriously. 2 : to a serious extent : severely, extremely seriously injured.

How can I stop being so serious all the time?

Here are some quick tips to live by when you want to stop taking yourself so seriously:

  • Have a goal for each day. This gives you something to look forward to.
  • Begin each day with gratitude.
  • Let go of grudges.
  • Live in the present.
  • If you make a mistake, learn from it.
  • Pursue your interests and dreams.

How do you get a guy to take you seriously?

Use your body language.

  1. Stand up straight and tall. Do not slouch.
  2. Give a firm handshake, a weak or sloppy one can make the other person think you are not confident.
  3. Show power by keeping your limbs open and taking up more space. Avoid fidgeting, which can make you appear nervous or uncomfortable.

How do you know a guy doesn’t take you seriously?

These Signs Mean He’s Not Serious About You:

  • You’re not a priority to him.
  • He doesn’t want to know your “story”
  • He bails on you … often.
  • He doesn’t open up to you.
  • He doesn’t make future plans with you/avoids talking about the future.
  • He doesn’t want to make it “official”
  • He’s not there for you.

How do you get him to think about you all the time?

  1. Sexual texts. “I can’t stop thinking about you running your hands all over me like you did last night.”
  2. Open up the conversation for him.
  3. Remind him of the memories you have had together.
  4. Show him praise and affection.
  5. Don’t be too serious all the time.
  6. Send him photos you know will make him smile or laugh.

Does silence make a man miss you?

Yes, silence makes a man miss you, especially if he started taking you for granted or lost interest after you chased him. The fear of loss can make any man re-evaluate his actions which is why silence is so effective.

What does silence mean to a man?

Being silent prevents this sense of loss of our masculinity. The male feels he cannot win or might not get heard. We might feel we have less vocabulary, or that we might lose the argument. We might get angry and do something we should not do.

Will he come back if I don’t contact him?

Yes, no contact to get him back works because he’ll become curious about what you’re up to and become attracted to how happy you look. He’ll recognize that you’re living a life that he would love to be a part of.

What does it mean if a guy never texts you first but always replies?

What does it mean if a guy never texts you first but always replies? If he never texts first but always replies, he may be an introvert. He may long for a conversation with you but doesn’t know how to start one. To show a guy you like him and want him to initiate texts from now on, try asking him about it.

Why did he stop texting first?

He’s unsure about his feelings for you He doesn’t want to open up to you because he’s afraid you’ll take advantage of him like someone else in his past might have done to him. That is why he will try not to text you first because if he does, it will make him even more confused and uncomfortable.

Is it normal for a guy not to text everyday?

The guy may not be texting you every chance he gets free, but he may text you at least once in the day if he likes you. Just remember he has a life, a job, or maybe school and can’t always text as often as you may be able to with your life. Just because he doesn’t respond right away doesn’t mean he’s lost interest.

What to do when he stops calling and texting?

Follow these tips on what to do when he stops calling and texting you.

  1. Stop yourself from bombarding him with messages.
  2. Follow the 3-day rule.
  3. If possible, reach out in person.
  4. Be careful about who you complain to.
  5. Avoid writing about it on social media.
  6. Don’t wait around for him.
  7. Move on and cut your losses.

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