To my dearest friend spoken word

Published by Igor Oro 7 years ago


  • 1 credits

One of the most difficult pieces I’ve ever written, and probably the one that I’ve spent the most time perfecting. I sincerely hope you enjoy. Stay safe, everyone.
— Igor
(Music: Gatlin Elms «For We Never Knew Beauty»)

#audio #spoken #word #poetry #poem #ryehighproductions

Duration: 3:51
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Farewell Messages for Friend: A friend is there for us in every step of our lives, and we share all our happiness and sorrow with them. Bidding farewell to a close friend is one of the hardest moments in our lives. So if you have a friend who is leaving or moving away, let him/her know how much your friendship means to you and how much you will miss your companion! Send your bestie a farewell message from the list below so that he/she never forgets you and the beautiful friendship you shared!

Farewell, my friend. I will miss you every day. Keep in touch!

May this farewell be the start of a new life for you. Goodbye, my friend!

Goodbyes cannot tear us apart because we’re connected in heart. I’ll miss you!


Farewell my friend. Don’t be sad! Keep smiling until we meet next time.

Let us promise each other to never get the distance between us. Farewell, buddy!

No matter how far we are from each other, we will always stay the best of friends! Best wishes for your life ahead, my friend!

You have been a blessing in my life and nothing will be the same without you anymore, dear friend! Goodbye and best wishes for you!

It breaks my heart to bid you goodbye, but I am happy that you are starting a new life. Take care.

I will always cherish all those moments we spent together, all those laughter we shared, all those stories we told. Farewell, my friend!

You have not just been a friend to me, you have been a family, a home, a shoulder to cry on. I’ll miss you! Goodbye and good luck!

goodbye message to friend

Farewell, friend, I wish you success and happiness in this new chapter of life.

Adios, friend! We may not meet every day, but you will always be in my thoughts!

I have to say goodbye to you now but always keep in mind that we will meet again soon. You will always be in my heart!

My heart refuses to say goodbye, but I guess this is how it must be. I’ll always cherish our memories together. Goodbye!

I must bid you farewell to see you again, my friend.

To my dearest buddy and companion, I wish you a very happy farewell.

The only happy thing about your farewell is that I know you will come back with presents for me.


Our friendship has taken me on a magical journey that will never come to an end. Even though you are going away, we will never stop being friends. Goodbye.

I will force myself to say the word goodbye, but my heart will never mean it. Goodbye.

If lovers can be in long-distance relationships with each other, why can’t we be in a long-distance friendship? Goodbye and cheers.

The only reason I am happy saying goodbye is that I know that life will find a way to bring us back together again. Farewell.

I genuinely hope that my presence will continue to be felt in this next chapter of your life. Happy Farewell!

I don’t want to bid you farewell because I know I will see you again soon. Take care!

Bidding farewell to a friend is like bidding farewell to half of your soul. Take care until we see each other again.

I will miss having you around. Goodbye, buddy. See you soon.

farewell wishes for friend

Someday we shall meet again. Until then, farewell. Stay in touch.

I never thought saying goodbye would hurt this much. Be safe wherever you go. Goodbye dear friend!

The warmth of your friendship kept me alive all these years. Only if you knew how hard it is for me to say goodbye to you!

It’s hard to accept that the crossroads of destiny is making us part. I will miss you! Take care.

You’ve given me some of my happiest memories. I will remember you for as long as I live. Goodbye!

Goodbye Messages For Friend

Only God knows how I wish I could make you stay for some days more. But it’s time to say goodbye to you, my friend. My best wishes will always be with you!

Life is a journey that lets you befriend many people on your way. But only a few are capable of staying in your heart forever. Goodbye, my friend!

It doesn’t matter where life takes us, you and I both know that we will meet again and make some wonderful memories. Till then, goodbye my dear friend!

I cannot wait to see you again. I will miss you, my friend. Goodbye for now.

Always remember my dear friend that no distance is big enough to resist us from meeting again. Go where life must take you. My prayers will always be with you!

It may seem to you that we are drifting away like feathers in the air, but our heart knows we are only coming closer. Have a safe journey dear friend!

Goodbye Messages for Friends

There will never be a goodbye for us. Because we both know there is no force greater in this world than the one that forged our friendship. See you again!

Going to new place is a part of life. You’ll meet new friends and make new memories but I’m sure I’ll always be in your thoughts. Goodbye, my friend!

Here is your best amigo wishing you a farewell. Have a safe journey and when you reach there let me know how you feel. Keep in touch. Goodbye!

My heart is breaking but I know it’s not the last goodbye. I will be waiting to meet you again dear friend. Till then, goodbye!

When I say goodbye to you, just know that I have forced myself to say that. My heart will never allow me to see you leave.

May our friendship never die, and the good old memories never fade from our hearts. Goodbye.

I cannot say goodbye to you because true friends like us always stay connected by the heart. See you very soon, my friend.

You were a friend like no other. Even though we shall not have adventures like before, the fingerprints of our past adventures will stay alive forevermore. You are, and will always be, my irreplaceable friend.

Goodbye Message for Best Friend

Best friend, I wish you all the best in life. Until the next time, take care.

No one can take your place and no one can ever be my best friend but you. Goodbye, dear best friend. Don’t ever forget me!

I have spent the most beautiful years of my life with you. No matter how far you go, you will always be right there in my heart. Goodbye my bestie!

Saying goodbye to you is like saying goodbye to happiness. I wish I could skip this part of my life. Goodbye Dear! Be safe always.

Saying goodbye to a friend like is the hardest thing to do. My heart aches in pain. Before you leave, promise me my friend, that we’ll meet again.

Goodbye, best friend. Don’t even consider replacing me.

farewell quotes for best friend

Dear best friend, it is an inescapable truth that you’ll no longer be around. Take good care of yourself.

Best friend, you are, and you will always continue to be an important part of my life. I love you more than Pooh loves honey. Good luck with your new life and forget me not.

Life had planned different roadmaps for us, and I guess that’s why we have to part ways. Take care of yourself, best friend. Please, keep in touch!

Taking you for granted, sometimes I’ve made you do things you didn’t want to. But all I want you to remember is that no one can be my best friend except you. Goodbye.

It’s difficult for me to go a day without speaking with you, and now I’ve got to get used to it. I’ll miss you the most.

You’re not only my best friend; you’re also my soulmate. Adios, I’ll miss you.

Having to say goodbye to my friend is the most challenging thing I’ve ever had to do. Keep yourself safe.

Read: Miss You Messages and Quotes for Friends

Farewell Messages for Friend at Last Day of College

Every morning, I’ll miss seeing everyone’s happy faces. But especially yours. Goodbye mate.

On our last day together, I’d like to express my gratitude to you for making every day at college a little easier.

Everyone’s memories will live on in my heart for the rest of my life. Each one of you will be missed. Goodbye friends!

Farewell Messages for Friend at Last Day of College

Our time of togetherness may have come to an end, but the memories we created together will live on forever. I hope you never stop smiling.

I never imagined I’d want to relive my college years again. But if I could, I would start again with you.

We went to college with a smile on our faces and are now leaving with tears in our eyes. Goodbye.

On our last day together, I want to wish everyone a very bright and prosperous future.

I hope to see everyone present today smiling and laughing in the future, just as they are right now. Stay well, bye!

Farewell Messages for Friend Going Abroad

I wish you a pleasant and safe journey overseas. Take care and keep in touch!

Best regards for your new life in a foreign land. You will be missed greatly. Goodbye!

I’m thrilled that you’ll be starting a new life in a foreign country. You will, nevertheless, be missed here. Stay safe.

I wish you luck in your new county and pray that all of your goals come true. Until then, take care of yourself.

I hope you find new life in the new land. Wishing you the best and an easy adjustment. Stay safe.

Read More: Farewell Message To A Friend Going Abroad

Farewell Messages For Friend – Going Away

Life and destiny can steal my best friend away from me but nothing can take away the precious memories. Goodbye, my friend.

I would have never said hello to you many years ago if I knew that saying goodbye would be so traumatic. Bye, buddy, I will miss you.

I never knew that saying just one word could make me feel so blue until I said GOODBYE to a special friend like you.

farewell message to friend

It is easy to become friends, difficult to remain friends, and hardest to say goodbye to a friend. Sorry, but I cannot do the hardest part.

Sorry, for all the times I may have unknowingly hurt your feelings and caused you pain. Goodbye my friend, until we meet again.

I thought 160 characters would be too less for a goodbye tweet on Twitter. But the thought of living without my best friend has left me speechless. Goodbye.

Everything in my life was perfect until it all suddenly came crashing down. I may smile while saying goodbye but your absence will put on my face a permanent frown. Goodbye.

Even though you are going away you will still be a core part of my everyday life. First I used to hang out with you all the time, and now I will miss you. Goodbye.

When I say that bidding you farewell is easy, take it as a compliment. Because it shows how blindly I trust you when you say that you will come back soon. Bye, my friend.

All the beautiful memories that we have made together as friends will be cherished and fondly remembered. I guess we have a lot to keep ourselves busy with until we meet again. Goodbye my friend.

Funny Goodbye Message To a friend

Adios amigo. Thanks for everything else. I’ll miss discussing about cute girls in school.

You’re like a narcissistic football player. You’re always thinking about your own goal. And now that you’re leaving, I really feel like kicking your balls. Take care, bud!

I have had painful breakups in my life, but letting go feels so liberating. I guess it’s because you were always a pain in the ass. Take care of your sorry ass.

Farewell, my friend. I shall miss talking about our mutual dislike for boys.

In these final hours, I would like to let you know that you have a lot in common with bankers, my friend. It’s because I owe you a lot. Take care of yourself!

I kind of feel like making you hold a stick. But, even then, it’s not possible to make you stick around. Take care. Goodbye!

My relationship with you, my friend is like a traffic signal. All this while, the signal was red, but now it’s turned green. It’s time for you to walk the road to greatness. Goodbye!

Read: Funny Farewell Messages

Long Goodbye Messages For Friends

My heart is breaking into pieces as I see you leave. I hope you are happy that you have made me cry. You have no idea how much I am going to miss you. My life will sink into loneliness with this goodbye.

Just like how you don’t forget the tune when a song fades out and stops playing, I will never forget the priceless memories of our friendship even though you are going away. Goodbye.

Long Goodbye Messages For Friends

Fights, girlfriends, boyfriends, arguments, lies – Nothing has ever come between our strong friendship. So a few hundred miles is not going to make any difference either. We are friends forever. Goodbye.

While seeing you off I may have a smile on my face, but after you leave I will be in a lonely place. My facade might be cheerful and happy, but I will be suffering in agony deep down inside. Goodbye.

When the sun says goodbye to earth, it leaves a beautiful sunset as a gift. When friends say goodbye to each other, they leave mementos of everlasting and priceless memories. Goodbye, my friend, I will miss you.

With the wind in our hair and the sun in our eyes, we cherished our friendship as life’s greatest prize. Now that you are going away my life will cease, I will blissfully drown in all the beautiful memories. Goodbye.

I feel sick, low, depressed, and sad when I think about how I will miss you real bad. I feel miserable, I feel unwell, I feel down and I feel lonely – when I think about how life will be without my bestie. Goodbye.

Our friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Talking to you made me smile and meeting you set me free. I can’t believe that fate is taking you away and ripping us apart. I just want to say that I will miss you from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye.

Today I take a moment to thank Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Jan Koum, Brian Acton, Evan Spiegel, Robert Murphy, and Steve Jobs. Without them, we wouldn’t have Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat and FaceTime. How else would I have possibly kept in touch with you? Goodbye.

Read More: Long Distance Friendship Messages

Farewell Quotes For Friends

“You and I will meet again, When we’re least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won’t say goodbye my friend, For you and I will meet again.” – Tom Petty

“So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good.” – Helen Keller

“Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.” – Trey Parker

“Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” – Richard Bach

“It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell

“Goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone who means the world to you, especially when goodbye isn’t what you want.” – Unknown

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne

“Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” – J.M. Barrie

“You’ve changed me forever. And I’ll never forget you.” – Kiera Cass

“Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Remember me and smile, for it’s better to forget than to remember me and cry.” – Dr. Seuss

Also Read: Heartfelt Farewell Wishes

Friends come in the shape of blessings into our lives and make our lives cheerful and memorable. We make thousands of memories with our friends every day, so letting a constant friend move away takes a heavy emotional toll on us. Saying goodbye or sending goodbye messages to a friend is very hard when they mean a lot to you. It could be tougher when you don’t know if you’re ever going to meet again or not. You might be depressed about your best friend’s farewell and only memories of your beloved friend are left behind. Don’t be so upset, the distance of thousand miles can’t reduce the bond of true friendship. Give your friend a great farewell and send inspirational wishes, sad and funny farewell quotes or heartfelt goodbye messages. Choose a message from the samples above and let your friend know that your friendship is forever!

Last updated on April 26, 2022

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In a touching gesture,

this year’s queen is posthumously awarded to my dear friend Regina Crane.

context icon

И трогательный жест, в

этом году звание королевы- посмертно присвоено моей дорогой подруге, Регине Крейн.

Would one of you gentleman mind just making sure this gold pen finds its way back to my dear friend.

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for the dedication with which he conducted the historic fiftieth session.


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Мне хотелось бы также воздать должное моему хорошему другу, г-ну Диогу Фрейташу ду Амаралу,

за то, как самоотверженно он вел историческую пятидесятую сессию.


Let me conclude this article by expressing how grateful I am


the trustees and staff of Urantia Foundation,

especially to my dear friend Tamara for finding time



to my

emails and



many questions.

context icon

Позвольте мне закончить эту статью, выразив свою благодарность опекунам и сотрудникам Фонда Урантия,

особенно моему дорогому другу Тамаре за то, что нашла время, чтобы ответить на


электронные письма и



многие вопросы.

Perhaps the only criticism that I could make to my dear friend, Ambassador Camilo Reyes,

is that, at the moment we succeeded him in the presidency, he forgot


give us the magic wand that makes possible a solution


all the problems.


context icon

то это, вероятно, в том, что, когда мы сменяли его на посту Председателя, он запамятовал передать нам ту волшебную палочку, которая позволяет разрешить все проблемы.


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winner of this year’s Betar Prize for his Collected Stories.

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завоевавшего в этом году премию Бетара


свою» Коллекцию историй.

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I will release the podium to my Dear Associate and Friend, Machiventa Melchizedek.


To you, Mr. President, my dear friend, falls the task of spearheading that enterprise.


Mr. LANDMAN(Netherlands): Mr. President, with your permission, allow me



associate myself with your word of welcome to the new Ambassador of Slovakia, my dear friend Ambassador Pinter,

whom I happen


know very well because of our joint cooperation in a previous assignment.


context icon

Г-н ЛАНДМАН( Нидерланды)( перевод с английского): Г-н Председатель,

позвольте прежде всего мне присоединиться к вашим словам приветствия в адрес нового посла Словакии, моего хорошего друга посла Пинтера,

которого я очень хорошо знаю благодаря нашей совместной работе на прежнем поприще.


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Ladies, I would like you all


meet my dear friend, Caroline Channing.

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Gabe, on your way


help my dear friend Jim, could you be a gentleman and take Mother home?

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Гейб, на вашем пути для справки, мой дорогой друг Джим, не мог бы ты, как джентльмен, проводить маму до дома?

You tell Aibileen the next time she wants


write about my dear friend Elizabeth.

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with whom I had a very productive meeting this morning.


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с которым сегодня утром я провел плодотворную встречу.


My, my

lords, ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce to you my dear friend, the saviour of English magic,

the magician of Hanover Square, Mr Norrell!

context icon

Милорды, дамы и господа, позвольте представить вам моего дорогого друга, спасителя английской магии, волшебника

с Ганновер- сквер, мистера Норрелла!

Mr. Fall(Senegal)(spoke in French): I am delighted


see my dear friend once again in the presidential seat just as I take the floor.


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Г-н Фаль( Сенегал)( говорит по-французски): Мне очень приятно вновь видеть моего дорогого друга на посту Председателя, когда я выступаю.


First of all, I would like


congratulate my dear friend, President Ilham Aliyev

and all the people of Azerbaijan on his reelection as head of state.


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В первую очередь, позвольте мне поздравить моего дорогого друга, господина Президента Ильхама Алиева

и азербайджанский народ с его переизбранием на пост главы государства.


Now I’m proud


welcome up here my dear friend, Bill Anderson, and




him, as a token of this occasion.

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А сейчас я рад приветствовать здесь моего доброго друга,. Билла Андерсона. И преподнести ему, как принято в таких случаях.

Результатов: 220,
Время: 0.0239





Sympathy Cards About a Friend

Words of sympathy in a card to someone grieving is a heartfelt gesture that is sure to be appreciated. Here are some words of sympathy on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 1

«You have my deepest sympathy on your loss. He/She was one of my dearest friends and will be sorely missed.»

Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 2

«Please accept my sincere sympathy on your loss. I counted him/her among my closest friends. I will miss him/her greatly.»

Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 3

«I have lost a dear friend. He/she will be in my thoughts always. I share your grief.»

Sympathy Cards About a Friend Sample 4

«It was a joy to know him/her. We had become very good friends and we enjoyed each others company. You have my deepest sympathy.»

Sympathy Letters About a Friend

A letter of sympathy is a great way to let the grieving know how much you care. What follows are some sample letters of sympathy on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 1

Dear Bill,

You must know how deeply saddened I was over your loss. Your wife and I were the dearest friends and I dare say she was like a sister to me. I will miss her very much.

I could always rely on her whenever I needed help, whether with a project or some mundane chore that she was always so willing to help me with. I came to trust her judgment and wisdom as well and her advice was always so well thought out and helpful.

She was a great gal and I know our lives will never be the same without her. I could never find a better and more caring friend.

She has left us with so many wonderful memories. I will cherish them forever.

In Deep Sorrow,

Betty Smith

Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 2

Dear Mr. Hanson:

I am so very sorry about your loss. Your son had become a good friend to me in recent months and his passing is a terrible tragedy for all of us who knew him. You and your family have my deepest sympathy.

I know that he came from a good family and that you loved him very much, as he did you. He always spoke in the most glowing terms of how much his family meant to him.

Your son was an inspiration to me. I admired all those wonderful qualities that made him the special person that he was. He had intelligence, wit, charm and a caring heart that made him a great friend.

I will always be thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know him better and to call him a friend. I will cherish his memory for years to come.

The poet Yeats once wrote «Count where man’s glory most begins and ends, and say my glory is I had such friends.»

In Sympathy,

Peter Blanchfield

Sympathy Letters About a Friend Example 3

Dear Rita:

I was so sorry to hear of the passing of my good friend. He was a wonderful man and he was a great friend as well. I share in your grief at our sad loss.

I will never forget all that he did for me and my family when I was out of work with my illness. From mowing the lawn, to doing odd jobs around my house, to running errands, he was a godsend. I could never had made it through that difficult time without him.

I never heard an ill word spoken of him. He was kind, compassionate, and a true gentleman. Sadly there are few people like that in the world today.

I hope that in the weeks and months ahead that I will be able to return the favor of all that he did for me by being of some assistance to you and your family. I could never repay all that he did for me, but I would at least like to do what little I can and in doing so, honor his memory.

Please extend my sympathy to your entire family and let them know how much we share their pain at this sad time.

In Friendship & Sorrow,

John McCambley

Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend

Emails are a quick and efficient way to send a message of sympathy. Here are some examples of emails to send on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 1

Subject: With Deep Sympathy

I am so sorry about your loss. I have lost one of my dearest friends whom I was very fond of. I will miss him/her greatly and he/she will be in my thoughts and prayers always. Please know how much I share your grief. It is a sad time for all of us. -Mary Beth Clark

Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 2

Subject: With Sincere Sympathy

I just wanted you to know how deeply saddened I was on your loss. You know how very close he/she and I were. I was proud to call him/her my friend and I will miss him/her very much. We have lost one of the kindest and gentlest people I have ever had the privilege to know. I am feeling your pain and sorrow at this difficult time. You have my sincere sympathy. -Margaret Dunn

Sympathy Messages in Emails About a Friend Sample 3

Subject: Your Terrible Loss

I was so very sad and sorry to hear of my good friend’s passing. He/She was a great person and a cherished friend. I will cherish my great memories of our time together. I will never forget all the wonderful times we spent together. You have my heartfelt sympathy. -Louis Jones

Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend

Text messages are a fast and easy way to deliver your message of sympathy on the loss of a friend. Here are some sample texts that could be used at this sad time …

Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 1

I was so sorry to hear the sad news. I have lost a great and dear friend. My sympathy to you and your family. -Mable

Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 2

I was shocked to hear the sad news. You know how very good friends we were. My heartfelt sympathy to you all. -John

Words of Sympathy Text Messages About a Friend Example 3

I can’t believe my friend is gone. He/She was a very special person. You have my sincere sympathy. -Joyce

Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend

Words of faith are very comforting at a time of loss. These words of faith can be incorporated into your message of sympathy on a friend’s passing …

Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 1

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas,

I just had to let you know how deeply saddened I am to hear of your daughter’s passing. She was a very special person and we had become very close friends, as I’m sure you know.

I truly believe that she was a gift from God that came into my life at exactly the time I needed her most. She changed my life completely and I owe everything I am today to the positive influence she had on my life.

The Bible says that «Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.» I pray that God will bless all of us and give us the strength to carry on without her.

I will say a special prayer each day in her memory in thanks for having had the opportunity to know her and count her among my closest friends. I will pray also for you and your family that you have the strength to carry on.

God Bless You and thank you for sharing your daughter with me. I feel truly blessed.

In Faith & Sympathy,

Ruth Kline

Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 2


I was so very sorry to hear of your wife’s passing. We have both suffered a terrible loss. She was such a sweet and caring person and I was very proud to call her my friend.

Our faith is certainly tested at times like this. I know it is difficult to understand a loss like this, but we need to be mindful of the true blessing that she was to us. That should give us the strength to continue on in faith knowing that she would want us to honor her memory in this way.

I pray that God’s choicest blessings will be bestowed on you and your wonderful family. May God grant you the peace and strength to carry on in faith.

God Bless.

In Faith & Sorrow,

Mary Francis

Sympathy Words of Faith About a Friend Sample 3


Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother. She was my dearest friend and a sweet person. We will all miss her dearly.

God gave me a wonderful friend in your mom. She was the one person whom I could trust with any confidence and her advice and guidance helped me in so many ways.

I will thank God every day for having given me this wonderful person to be my dearest and closest friend.

I pray that God will give you and I the strength to carry on without her.

In Friendship & Faith,

Martha Waite

Sympathy Verses About a Friend

Sympathy verses are a great way to add a nice touch to a message of sympathy. These sample verses can be used in expressing your thoughts on a friend who has passed …

Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 1

We have many people in our lives
Family, neighbors and friends
But no one knows us quite as well
Or shares our deepest secrets
Like a life-long friend

Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 2

When we meet someone who shares our joys
Who knows when we are up or down
Who shows they care in so many ways
And never lets us down
That is who we can call our friend

Sympathy Verses About a Friend Example 3

Friends are a gift from God
They bring us joy and happiness
And help us in times of need
That’s why I can truly say
How glad I am I had this friend

Sympathy Sayings About a Friend

Here are some sayings that can be included in a message of sympathy to someone on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 1

«One of the saddest moments is when you hear of the loss of a friend.»

Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 2

«Friendship does not end at death. It is eternal.»

Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 3

«How fortunate it is to have a friend from youth until we die.»

Sympathy Sayings About a Friend Sample 4

«A friend is forever.»

Sympathy Poems About a Friend

A poem can be included with your message of sympathy to enhance the delivery of your message. These poems may be useful when sending your sympathy to someone on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Poems About a Friend Example 1

Death, To The Dead for Evermore

By Robert Louis Stevenson

Death, to the dead for evermore
A King, a God, the last, the best of friends-
Whene’er this mortal journey ends
Death, like a host, comes smiling to the door;
Smiling, he greets us, on that tranquil shore
Where neither piping bird nor peeping dawn
Disturbs the eternal sleep,
But in the stillness far withdrawn
Our dreamless rest for evermore we keep.

For as from open windows forth we peep
Upon the night-time star beset
And with dews forever wet;
So from this garish life the spirit peers;
And lo! as a sleeping city death outspread,
Where breathe the sleepers evenly; and lo!
After the loud wars, triumphs, trumpets, tears
And clamour of man’s passion, Death appears
And we must rise and go.

Soon are eyes tired with sunshine; soon the ears
Weary of utterance, seeing all is said;
Soon, racked by hopes and fears,
The all-pondering, all contriving head,
Weary with all things, wearier of the years;
And our sad spirits turn toward the dead,
And the tired child, the body longs for bed.

Sympathy Poems About a Friend Example 2

Feeling the Loss of Him

By Raymond A. Foss

Standing, walking, coming through the line
greeting you, for a moment, sharing
but a snapshot, a burst, of what I was feeling,
so small compared to the enormity
the reality of your loss,
Feeling so small, standing in the line,
before I approached you,
Thinking of what his loss
means to me, to so many,
as written in the paper
Murmured in the court, on the phone
without practioners
Reading so many stories,
so many telling words
The loves he touched, changed
for the better, truly.
Of his help to me
guidance and rebuttal,
chastised and cajoled
Feeling the loss of him
so acutely, still.

Sympathy Quotes About a Friend

Quotations add an extra touch to your sincere message of sympathy. Here are some quotes that you might want to use in a sympathy message on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 1

«Death ends a life, not a relationship.» -Robert Benchley

Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 2

«Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.» -Richard Bach

Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 3

«Farewell. God knows when we shall meet again.» -William Shakespeare

Sympathy Quotes About a Friend Sample 4

«But fate ordains that dearest friends must part.» -Edward Young

Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths

Adding a few words to a wreath to mark the passing of a friend is a nice way to express your heartfelt sympathy …

Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 1

«Friend ′O Mine»

Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 2

«Friends Forever»

Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 3

«My Dear Friend»

Sympathy Words About a Friend for Wreaths Example 4

«In Sympathy Dear Friend»

Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend

Adding a few words to a flower delivery card adds a personal touch to your gesture of sympathy. Here are some words that can be used for this purpose on the loss of a friend …

Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 1

«With deepest sympathy on the loss of my dear friend.»

Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 2

«I share your grief in the loss of my dear friend.»

Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 3

«I will miss him/her dearly.»

Sympathy Words to Write in a Flower Delivery Card for a Friend Sample 4

«With heartfelt sympathy on the loss of my friend.»

Phrases To Avoid

Knowing the right thing to say at the time of passing of a friend is important, and so is knowing what not to say at this sorrowful time. Here are some phrases to avoid …

Phrases To Avoid Example 1

«It was God’s will.»

Phrases To Avoid Example 2

«He/She would have only suffered if he/she lived any longer.»

Phrases To Avoid Example 3

«I think he/she was on borrowed time.»

Phrases To Avoid Example 4

«I think he/she wanted to die.»

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