To follow a trend word

follow trends

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Do not follow a trend because trends are transient.

Also it’s not sensible to follow a trend that you didn’t set.

Earlier, we used to follow a trend of buying car spares from the physical store or our local garage and maintenance centers.

Раньше мы следили за тенденцией покупки автозапчастей в физическом магазине или в наших местных гаражах и центрах технического обслуживания.

The decision to follow a trend must depend on the needs of your users and your business.

Необходимость следования тренду зависит от нужд ваших клиентов или вашего бизнеса.

But there are other arguments, more typical of historicism, which follow a trend of thought that will by now be familiar to the reader.

Имеются и другие, более типичные для историцизма аргументы, следующие направлению мысли, которое уже знакомо читателю.

Andropov began to follow a trend of replacing elderly officials with considerably younger replacements.

Андропов начал замену пожилых советских бюрократов значительно более молодыми.

Such actions follow a trend of Russian commanders imposing order among the rebels in recent days.

Это было сделано по желанию российских командующих, наводящих суровый порядок среди повстанцев в последние дни.

While some people avoid them like the plague in the name of «individualism», it doesn’t mean you’re not being yourself when you choose to follow a trend.

Некоторые люди избегают этого как чумы, боясь потерять свою индивидуальность, но это не означает, что вы перестаете быть собой, когда решаете следовать какой-либо тенденции.

The latest development in Brazil seems to follow a trend around the world of government authorities listening to people who are willing to fight for rights involving their liberty of conscience and belief.

По всей видимости, последние события в Бразилии распространяются по всему миру, когда государственные органы прислушиваются к людям, которые готовы бороться за права, связанные с их свободой совести и убеждений.

He is one of artists that follow a trend which art theorists call «Siberian neomythologism» (archeo-art).

Он вошел в группу художников, направление которых получило определение теоретиков искусства как «сибирский неомифологизм» (архео-арт).

Against this backdrop the easiest thing for Russia would be to follow a trend that is in fashion today and to «pivot to Asia», especially since it is there that the bigger part of my country’s territory lies.

На таком фоне России было бы легче всего поддаться модному сейчас тренду и совершить «разворот на Восток», тем более что бóльшая часть территории моей страны расположена как раз на азиатском континенте.

The decision to follow a trend must depend on the needs of your users and your business; not just what other cool sites are doing!

Решение последовать тренду должно исходить из нужд ваших пользователей и вашего бизнеса, а не потому, что «о, так делают классные сайты».

According to one theory, at any given time, 5% of stocks follow a trend.

My guess is that not only do they want to not follow a trend, but they are also looking at the performance and speed of their site (see trend #10 later in this article) as a reason to ditch the large images.

Я думаю, дизайнеры не просто не хотели повторять этот тренд, а учитывали производительность и скорость загрузки их сайта (тренд Nº10 статьи), как причину избежать большие изображения.

Most people want to follow a trend.

Stocks usually follow a trend line.

The position of the Special Rapporteur, which induced him to amend somewhat the order in which he proposed to take up the questions raised in connection with the matter entrusted to him, does not spring from any desire to follow a trend.

Позиция Специального докладчика, в результате которой он несколько изменил порядок, в котором планировал рассматривать вопросы, связанные с порученной ему темой, не является данью моде.

Другие результаты

The violence we have seen over the past four years follows a trend.

Google’s action follows a trend in high-tech companies.

In general, the lunar history of impact cratering follows a trend of decreasing crater size with time.

В общем, лунная история кратеров при ударе следует тенденции уменьшения размера кратеров со временем.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 21687. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 577 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1
    идти вслед за сложившейся тенденцией

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > идти вслед за сложившейся тенденцией

  • 2
    следовать за сложившейся тенденцией

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > следовать за сложившейся тенденцией

  • 3

    Следить за — to follow, to observe, to police (+ noun); to keep track of (за ходом чего-либо)

    A simpler alternative could be to use mixed dichalcogenides and follow the motion of one within the other via X-ray fluorescence.

    At its simplest level, trend monitoring merely allows the operator to keep track of the directly observed readings.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > следить

  • 4
    плыть по течению

    [plyt’ po t’echeniyu]
    To go down stream.
    To do or think as most people do; to allow one’s actions and principles to be guided solely by the prevailing trend; to be carried away by the course of events.
    To go/ swim with the stream/ current; to follow the crowd.

    Русские фразеологизмы в картинках (русско-английский словарь) > плыть по течению

  • 5

    1) General subject: feelings ran high , follow an upward trend, grow up, mount , passions ran high , redouble, rise, run high , steepen, double, grow, go up , ramp up , be up , roll in , heighten, escalate

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > возрастать

  • 6


    1) direction; current, school; course


    по направлению к полюсу, экватору — poleward, equatorward

    2) trend; tendency; tenor

    3) sector

    4) order, warrant; directive; assignment

    Русско-английский словарь по общей лексике > направление

См. также в других словарях:

  • The Dave Clark Five — Dave Clark Five The Ed Sullivan Show appearance, 1966. From left: Denis Payton, Dave Clark, Mike Smith, Rick Huxley, and Lenny Davidson. Background information Origin Tottenham …   Wikipedia

  • follow — [ˈfɒləʊ ǁ ˈfɑːloʊ] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to come or happen afterwards: • The company s decision to diversify follows a sharp decline in demand for its products. • As the recession worsened, further closures followed. 2.… …   Financial and business terms

  • trend — [ trend ] noun count *** a gradual change or development that produces a particular result: trend toward/to: We ve seen a trend toward more violent movies this year. trend in: the latest trends in popular music an upward/downward trend: Today s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • The Urantia Book —   Cover of the …   Wikipedia

  • The Incarnation —     The Incarnation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Incarnation     I. The Fact of the Incarnation     (1) The Divine Person of Jesus Christ     A. Old Testament Proofs     B. New Testament Proofs     C. Witness of Tradition     (2) The Human… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Life and Times of Juniper Lee — Title card. Left to right: Monroe, Juniper and Ray Ray. Genre Animated series, Adventure, Action, Fantasy, comedy, Created by Judd Winic …   Wikipedia

  • The Damoiselle — The Damoiselle, or the New Ordinary is a Caroline era stage play, a comedy by Richard Brome that was first published in the 1653 Brome collection Five New Plays , issued by Humphrey Moseley, Richard Marriot, and Thomas Dring.Date and… …   Wikipedia

  • The Irish (in Countries Other Than Ireland) —     The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Irish (in countries other than Ireland)     I. IN THE UNITED STATES     Who were the first Irish to land on the American continent and the time of their arrival are …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past — North American box art Developer(s) Nintendo EAD Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • The Rescuers — Original theatrical release poster Directed by Wolfgang Reitherman John Lounsbery Art Stevens Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • The Black Crowes — in 2008 Background information Origin Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. Genre …   Wikipedia




interface has recently been modified,


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Из-за проведенной недавно модификации

средств сопряжения Группа утратила возможность отслеживать тенденцию за последние годы.


In their works, they follow the trend of blurring


boundaries between different kinds and genres of art.


We hope that


drafters of


two resolutions before us will in future follow the trend set in these other resolutions.


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Мы надеемся на то, что авторы двух представленных нам резолюций последуют в будущем тенденции, заданной в этих других резолюциях.


Despite a number of new and expanded mandates,


programme budget for 2014-2015 proposed by


Secretary-General did not follow the trend of exponential increases.


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Несмотря на ряд новых и расширенных текущих мандатов,

в предложенном Генеральным секретарем бюджете по программам на 2014- 2015 годы не прослеживается тенденция к экспоненциональному росту.



Group has strengthened its position in


Ukrainian B2B segment by supplying around 80% of sugar produced to large industrial companies.


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усилила свою позицию в сегменте продаж промышленным потребителям, поставив им около 80% произведенного сахара.


In connection with promotion of this method of selection of candidates,

all from large to small companies began to follow the trend and set


process is quite formal interviews unusual

and unexpected questions or cases.


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В связи с популяризацией данного метода отбора кандидатов,

все от больших до маленьких компаний стали следовать тенденции и задавать в процессе довольно формальных собеседований необычные и

неожиданные вопросы или кейсы.


Moreover, in


area of traditional product lines small and

medium-sized enterprises are investing in order to follow the trend of»forum shopping»,

whereby manufacturers buy inputs such as yarn, fabric and accessories from


most cost-effective suppliers instead of manufacturing them in-house.


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Кроме того, в производстве традиционных товаров малые и

средние предприятия активно инвестируют средства, следуя тенденции» поиска удобных каналов»,

в рамках которой производители покупают такое сырье, как пряжа, волокна и аксессуары, у наиболее эффективных поставщиков, а не производят их сами.



other expense items are less sensitive to annual general price escalation: professional fees and management costs correspond on


one hand to contracts already entered into and on


other to



costs of


Office of


Capital Master Plan, which follow the trend of salary increases;

office swing space costs consist mainly of rent, which is negotiated for a short period of time and is not subject to revision.


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Остальные статьи расходов не столь восприимчивы к общему ежегодному повышению цен: расходы на оплату профессиональных услуг и расходы на управление зависят, с одной стороны, от уже заключенных контрактов, а с другой—

от расходов по персоналу Управления генерального плана капитального ремонта, которые следуют динамике роста заработной платы;

расходы на подменные служебные помещения в основном представляют собой арендную плату, которая согласовывается на непродолжительный период и не подлежит пересмотру.


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Согласно прогнозам,


Many people who follow the trends of a healthy lifestyle, tend to move to»proper» food.


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Многие люди, которые следуют тенденциям здорового образа жизни, стремятся переходить на« правильное» питание.


In 2011,


cost of credit resources for Russian borrowers followed the trend prevailing in international financial markets.


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В 2011 году стоимость кредитных ресурсов для российских заемщиков следовала тенденции, сложившейся на международных финансовых рынках.



volatility increase led to refreshment of highs/lows and


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Рост волатильности приводит к обновлению максимумов/ минимумов и


Developers strictly follow the trends in society and offer exactly


product that


user wants




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Разработчики строго следят за веяньями в обществе и предлагают именно тот продукт, который пользователь жаждет больше всего.



group has a special charm, it follows the trend of modern music and fills


hall with vivid emotions.


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Группа отличается особым шармом, следует тенденция современной музыки и наполняет зал живыми эмоциями.


Average selling prices followed the trend of billet FOB Black Sea quotations,

which also dropped by 3% y-o-y.


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которые также снизились на 3% по сравнению с прошлым годом.


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A girl in trendy sneakers follows the trends and does not miss a single fashionable novelty.


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Девушка в ультрамодных сникерсах явно следит за трендами и не упускает ни одной модной новинки.


They are developed by an experienced team, which follows the trends and demands of


world market.


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Над ними трудится опытная команда разработчиков, которая внимательно следит за тенденциями и запросами мирового рынка.



average cash declaration amount increased after 2008.


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после 2008 года средняя сумма декларации выросла.


PARKER introduced an innovative way of writing- Parker 5th Technology.


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PARKER представил инновационный способ письма- Parker 5th Technology.


Therefore, our company is continually investing in new conference facilities and follows the trends of


congress industry.


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Поэтому наша компания постоянно инвестирует в новые конгрессные содержания и следит за тенденциями конгрессной индустрии.


our designers have created a fence, which perfectly suits today’s fashion.


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создали ограждение, которое идеально вписывается в сегодняшнюю моду.


  • #1


I will appreciate it if one answer this question:

What is the difference between «to follow an increasing trend» and «to have an increasing trend»?
for instance,
The climate temperature has an increasing trend.
The climate temperature follows an increasing trend.

Which one is more common?


  • DonnyB


    Moderator Emeritus

    English UK Southern Standard English

    • #2

    Of the two you’ve got there, I prefer «follows» to «has».

    However, had I been writing that sentence, I’d have used «shows». :)

    • #3

    Of the two you’ve got there, I prefer «follows» to «has».

    However, had I been writing that sentence, I’d have used «shows». :)

    thank you DonnyB:)

    suzi br

    • #4

    I agree that using «follow» with trend seems a little odd in this context. I associate «following trends» with fashion, which is not a helpful connotation here.

    sound shift

    • #5

    However, had I been writing that sentence, I’d have used «shows». :)



    Обновлено на

    15 авг. 2018

    • Русский
    • Английский (американский вариант)

    • Испанский

    • Чешский

    Вопрос про Английский (американский вариант)

    Which of these phrases is not an expression?

    Follow a trend
    Begin a trend
    Start a trend
    Look a trend

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    • Английский (американский вариант)

    I’ve never heard someone say ‘Look a trend.’

    Begin a trend and start a trend mean the same thing, so you can use both but I’ve only heard people say ‘Start a trend’

    • Английский (американский вариант)

    I’ve only ever heard START a trend, and never LOOK a trend.

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    С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


    Which of these phrases is not an expression?

Follow a trend
Begin a trend
Start a trend
Look a trend

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      This means that fashion trends are short. They don’t last long. But style, as in personal preference, is more permanent.

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      @VancyWan exponential growth / decay

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      or even used in normal …

    • Any phrases/expressions to describe situations like this?


      One phrase that comes to mind is “which came first: the chicken or the egg.“.

    • That’s style is becoming a fashion / trend here.

      What’s a common way of saying this ph…


      «That style is becoming a trend here» would be most common and natural sounded~

    • Which word doesn’t belong in this group?
      educate, bring up, look after, raise


      @kalisbxx hmmmm i would say educate

    • Which one is the antonyms of each?
      stylish/ trendy / unfashionable/ old-fashioned


      Stylish and unfashionable are antonyms
      Trendy and old-fashioned are antonyms

    • What type of phrase is ( in a hurry )?


      In a hurry would be an adjective since the phrase describes something. For example, if I said «the woman was tall and in a hurry», both tall …

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      What does this phrase mean?

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      What’s the catch here??

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      Where do you study?

      Thank you.

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      Известнa ли эта профессия в России?

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    Other forms: trends; trending; trended

    A trend is what’s hip or popular at a certain point in time. While a trend usually refers to a certain style in fashion or entertainment, there could be a trend toward warmer temperatures (if people are following trends associated with global warming).

    A trend simply reflects what seems to be going around at any given time. A trend can be in any area and doesn’t only reflect fashion, pop culture and entertainment. There can also be a trend in the stock market to be bullish or bearish, depending on economic indicators, or a political trend reflecting a nation’s current mood. Some trends are fun, some fabulous, some appalling, but however long they last, you can be sure there will always be a new trend coming along to replace the old.

    Definitions of trend

    1. noun

      a general tendency to change (as of opinion)

      “not openly liberal but that is the
      trend of the book”


      drift, movement

      see moresee less


      evolutionary trend

      a general direction of evolutionary change


      a figurative movement toward some attraction


      an evolutionary trend to be born earlier so that development is cut off at an earlier stage and juvenile characteristics are retained in adults of the species

      type of:

      disposition, inclination, tendency

      an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others

    2. noun

      a general direction in which something tends to move

      trend of the stock market”



    3. noun

      the popular taste at a given time

      “he followed current


      style, vogue

      see moresee less


      show 8 types…
      hide 8 types…
      New Look

      a style of women’s clothing created by Christian Dior in 1947; involved a tight bodice and narrow waist and a flowing pleated skirt


      the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior


      a popular trend that attracts growing support

      cult of personality

      intense devotion to a particular person


      the style in which a garment is cut

      haute couture, high fashion, high style

      trend-setting fashions

      craze, cult, fad, furor, furore, rage

      an interest followed with exaggerated zeal


      a fashion reminiscent of the past

      type of:

      appreciation, discernment, perceptiveness, taste

      delicate discrimination (especially of aesthetic values)

    4. noun

      general line of orientation

      “the northeastern
      trend of the coast”



    5. verb

      turn sharply; change direction abruptly


      curve, cut, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, veer

      see moresee less


      peel off

      leave a formation


      swerve off course momentarily

      type of:


      change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘trend’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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    CodyCross answers

    Below you will find the CodyCross — Crossword Answers. CodyCross is without doubt one of the best word games we have played lately.
    A new game that is developed by Fanatee who is also known for creating the popular games like Letter Zap and Letroca Word Race.
    The concept of the game is very interesting as Cody has landed on planet Earth and needs your help to cross while discovering mysteries.
    It will challenge your knowledge and skills in solving crossword puzzles in a new way.
    As you find new word the letters will start popping up to help you find the the rest of the words.

    Please make sure to check all the levels below and try to match with your correct level. If you still can’t figure it out please comment below and will try to help you out.

    Answers updated 29/03/2023

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    Wild West — Group 428 — Puzzle 2

    To follow a trend is to «jump on the __»


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