To end a friendship word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

It can still be very difficult to end a friendship.

It’s not easy to end a friendship.

A very peculiar way to end a friendship.

Fundamentally, you don’t need a checklist of legit and non-legit reasons to end a friendship.

В целом, вам не нужен контрольный список законных и незаконных причин, чтобы закончить дружбу.

There are of course many ways to end a friendship.

What circumstances might make a person decide to end a friendship?

How to end a friendship that can’t be fixed

Which made me think: when the time comes to end a friendship, what’s the best way to do it so that the other person is able to move on quicker and not feel so broken?

Что заставило меня задуматься: когда придет время заканчивать дружбу, как лучше всего это сделать, чтобы другой человек мог двигаться быстрее и не чувствовать себя таким разбитым?

It’s not easy to end a friendship.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 9. Точных совпадений: 9. Затраченное время: 71 мс

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Ending a friendship through a letter can be difficult and painful. There may be a lot of words that you want to express, but you want to make sure that you get your point across. You may be feeling emotional and uncertain of what you should write. If you want to end a friendship through a letter, this article will provide you with simple, basis steps and help ease the process.

  1. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 1


    Ask yourself why you want to end the friendship. Terminating a friendship can be a painful, difficult process, especially if you are close with one another. Before cutting ties with your friend, set aside your emotions and consider your reasons for leaving them. Be sure that you have valid ones before continuing on. Writing a hurtful letter to your friend in a fit of anger or grief may cause you to regret it later, so it’s best to evaluate the situation while you’re calm.[1]

    • If you have trouble deciding whether it’s best to end the friendship, you may want to consult others since this is an important decision. Trusted family members are a good choice. If you decide to ask your friends for advice, make sure that they don’t have a relationship with the friend you’re thinking of breaking up with.
  2. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 2


    Consider their feelings. Reading the letter and coping with the loss may be hard for your friend. Even if they may not care about losing the friendship, they have feelings as well, so be sure not to write any hurtful or unnecessary remarks in your letter. Being mature about ending the friendship is important; otherwise, your friend may resent you because of your words and may attempt to get revenge in the future. If you have trouble keeping your feelings separate from your letter, it may help to write an emotional letter filled with everything you want to say before tearing it up.


  3. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 3


    Start positive. Even if your friendship has come to the point where you must end it, there probably are some happy memories that you have shared with your friend. Although you should avoid going too deep into them, list a few positive traits about your friend to let them know that you do care about them. For instance, you could say, «Your kindness was the first thing that caught my attention» or «You have always been supportive of me.» This will soften the blow and help your friend understand that you don’t mean to hurt them.

  4. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 4


    State that you want to end the friendship. After listing the positive, you should quickly bring the letter to the main focus, which is the termination of your relationship. Clearly state that you wish to cut off ties, and make sure to emphasize whether this is temporary or permanent. Although you don’t have to be blunt, you should be sure that your intention is clear. If you’re afraid of hurting your friend’s feelings — especially if they’re sensitive — you could write something along the lines of, «We’ve had a wonderful friendship that has taught me many lessons. But lately, I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that it’s best to end this friendship.»

  5. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 5


    Be clear. Once you have stated that you want to end the friendship, bring up your reasons to back up your argument. Consider the points you want to make. To avoid confusing your friend or not correctly conveying your message, clearly state your reasons for leaving and explain why without beating around the bush. Make sure that they are valid and straight to the point, but try not to be too hurtful. Using the words «I feel that» can help you communicate your thoughts without hurting your friend’s feelings. For instance, if you think that your friend has been a bad influence on you, one of the reasons you could write is, «I feel that you have been frequently pressuring me to drink alcohol, despite my firm protests.» Your purpose is to explain why you’re ending the friendship and tell them about your feelings, not upset them.

    • Avoid using accusatory sentences — such as «You have been a terrible influence» — as this will hurt your friend and may enrage them.
  6. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 6


    Bring up significant events. There may have been moments where your friendship was strained, leading you up to this point. To back up your reasons for leaving, you may want to briefly summarize those events where your friend made you uncomfortable and gave you a reason to end the friendship. This will prove that your points are valid and that you aren’t simply accusing your friend without any proof to support your arguments. An example would be, «There were several times at Nora’s party that you pushed me to drink alcohol even though I told you stop.» While recalling events, it may be easy to lose control of your emotions, but make sure to stay on focus and keep your letter on topic.

  7. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 7


    Apologize. If you have made any negative contributions to your friendship, it may be wise to acknowledge any major faults or mistakes before apologizing for them. Make it clear that you accept responsibility for those incidents. That way, your friend won’t feel as if you’re attempting to push all of the blame onto them. You should also add that you’re sorry that it has come to the point where you’re cutting off ties. This may remind your friend that you care about them and that you don’t want to do this.[2]

  8. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 8


    Bring the letter to a conclusion.[3]
    After you have communicated your message and reasons, it’s time to end the letter. State your wish to end the friendship once again. Ask them not to contact you or attempt to rebuild your relationship; otherwise, this will hinder the process of cutting off ties and make it harder for the two of you. Let them know that you still care for them but that you feel it’s best that you both go your separate ways.

    • If you wish to talk to your friend in person before separating, you should add that at the end of your letter. It may be wise to meet with them one last time to bring things to a close and give your friend a chance to respond. You may also want to bring a trusted relative or friend with you in case things go wrong. However, if your friend has anger issues or you fear that they may harm you, it’s best to discourage any contact and refuse to see them.
  9. Image titled Write a Letter to End a Friendship Step 9


    Reread the letter. After you have written it out, carefully go through it to make sure that you haven’t made any mistakes.[4]
    Be sure that you have clearly stated your points and that you have said all the words that you want to tell your friend. Once you are satisfied with the letter, seal it in an envelope before mailing or handing it to your friend.

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  • Question

    How do you break off a friendship respectfully in person?

    Jessica George, MA, CHt

    Jessica George is a Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Professional Master Life Coach, and Co-Founder of Evolve Therapy Coaching based in Glendale, California. With more than 20 years of experience, she specializes in hybrid therapy and coaching services, couples counseling, and clinical hypnotherapy. Jessica holds a Bachelor’s degree from The University of California, Santa Barbara and an MA in Counseling Psychology and Talk Therapy from Ryokan College. Jessica is trained in the Imago technique and the Gottman method for couples therapy. She also earned a Professional Life-Coach Certification from The Fowler Academy and an Infinite Possibilities Relationship Certification. She is a member of the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners (IBCP).

    Jessica George, MA, CHt

    Certified Professional Master Life Coach

    Expert Answer

    If something bad has happened that requires you to end the relationship, you can quietly slip out and stop contacting or connecting with them. If you see them in social situations, simply smile and say hello without engaging.

  • Question

    How do I write a letter to tell someone that I feel left out?

    Community Answer

    Ideally, you should talk to the person face-to-face about this. If you really can’t, just write down how you’re feeling, and mention exactly when you felt left out and why. Ask them if could please make an effort to include you more in the future.

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  • Talking to your friend in person may be better than sending a letter.[5]


  • Your friend may not take the letter well and become upset. If this occurs, it may be best to speak to them on a later occasion to prevent them from harm you or themselves.



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    Carolyn Gladden

    Nov 20, 2019

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It isn’t always necessary to send a text to end a friendship. If you and a pal have drifted apart, you’ll probably reach out less and less often until it gets to the point where you no longer speak. This is the natural progression of many friendships as people get older, grow, and change — and that’s OK.

There are, however, quite a few circumstances where you may want to break up with a friend so that you can truly move on. In situations where a friendship is no longer in your best interests, it can be tempting to ghost or send an insincere text like, “Hey, I’m super busy but I would love to hang out when things calm down,” says mental health counselor Bernie Crowl, MHC-LP. But if you truly can’t see yourself getting together again, figuring out what texts to send to end a friendship is tough, but can ultimately spare their feelings.

You might also want to end a friendship over text if the person is toxic or draining to be around. Do they pick fights? Bring you down? Or have they betrayed your trust? “Texting can be used as an effective tool for creating a safe boundary as it reduces the ways in which the person can try to manipulate you,” says trauma-informed therapist Dr. Amelia Kelley. “By not being in person, or even on the phone, you can remain more grounded and choose how much of the interaction to participate in.” Once you end the friendship, you can block them and move on.

While it’s never easy to call off a friendship, sometimes it’s for the best. If you’re not sure where to start, these therapist-approved texts can help you break up with your old friend.


“I appreciate the invite, but my interests have shifted in the past few years and I just feel like we’ve drifted apart.”

Let an old friend know that your interests have changed, especially if they’re pressuring you to go out.

Let’s say that one of your old party friends is really excited to get back into the bars now that they’re vaccinated, but you’ve come to appreciate quiet nights at home or have decided that you no longer want to drink. If they keep pressuring you to go out, Crowl recommends sending a text like this one to let them know where you stand.


“It’s hard to say this but I have to be honest and put myself first and not continue this friendship.”

If this friend doesn’t build you up like they used to — or if they actively tear you down — don’t hesitate to send this type of text. You don’t have to go into detail, especially if the other person doesn’t mean any harm. According to licensed behavioral therapist Sherese Ezelle, LMHC, you can still gently let them know that you won’t be available to hang out going forward.


“Due to recent conflict, I’m choosing to end this friendship.”

A text breakup like this one makes the most sense following a betrayal or big argument. If you’re feeling hurt or drained, send it and be done. “They may ask for further clarification but it is truly your choice whether or not you want to share anything further,” Kelley says. “No is a complete sentence and a boundary does not have to be justified.”


“I feel like this friendship isn’t healthy for me.”

If you don’t want to go into the details, Kelley says this text may be a good choice. “Again, you’re being clear and concise,” she says. “There is no need to justify why the relationship is hurting you unless you want to share those feelings.” If the friend gives you a hard time or doesn’t respect your boundaries, hit “block”.


“I want to be completely transparent. I’ve been feeling angry since we saw each other. This tends to happen when we spend time together, so I can no longer engage in this friendship.”

Here’s a similar text that’ll help explain where you’re at, says mental health therapist Emily Griffin, MA, LCPC. If the friend keeps pressing you to hang out, you may want to send it as a firm way to call things off once and for all.

The last thing you want is to lead someone on, Griffin says, especially if the person doesn’t realize that they’re tough to hang out with. While you don’t have to list all of their flaws, you can certainly share how you feel and why you need to back away.


“I need space from our friendship. Distance will help both of us understand who and what is important to us.»

According to Dr. Easton Gaines, a licensed psychologist, it’s as important to define a friendship as it is to define a relationship. “Knowing how you feel and why you feel that way is paramount,” she tells Bustle. “What is your friend doing or not doing that is bothering you? How is this making you feel? Are you saddened, offended, frustrated?”

Send this text and then take some time to assess. If you do decide to move on, allow yourself to experience any tough emotions that arise. “It is likely that you have been reeling over this decision for quite some time,” Gaines says. “Once processed, which may be helpful with professional guidance, you will have a better appreciation for your limits and essentials.”


“I haven’t heard from you in forever and it really hurt my feelings.”

Sometimes folks have a good reason for going silent. If your friend has been busy dealing with their life, you may find that you’re able to give them space until they’re ready to reach out again. (Remember, think about how you’d want to be treated.)

That said, it’s also completely valid to feel hurt by a friend’s ongoing silence, especially if they left you hanging without explanation. In that case, Ezelle recommends sending a text like this one: “Not talking to you during this time really hurt my feelings, and I feel like in our friendship we should both be important.” Then let them know you’ll be focusing on your own needs going forward.


“We’ve both grown so much, but not together.”

Here’s another gentle way to let a friend know you want to go your separate ways. Ezelle says this is a simple, to-the-point way of calling off a friendship that’ll allow you to move on without leaving your friend to wonder what happened.


“Life has changed so much for me. I’ve done some self-reflecting and I think stepping back out into the world will look different for me.”

According to psychotherapist Lillyana Morales, LMHC, this is a great text to send when you want to shift who you interact with. If you’ve spent some time working on yourself — perhaps by going to therapy — you may realize that some old friendships no longer align with the new you.

You may want to follow up with a longer explanation, Morales says, like this one: “I wanted to reach out to let you know that I thought of you, and if I haven’t said it in a while — I’ve appreciated all of history and memories we’ve created. I feel [emotion word]. I hope as you navigate these next chapters, you’ll find a sense of [happiness, joy, contentment, satisfaction, etc.].”


“I care about you but being in this relationship is not something I’m able to focus on right now.”

VioletaStoimenova/E+/Getty Images

If your circumstances have changed, Ezelle suggests sending this text as a way to let an old pal know you’ll be focusing your attention elsewhere.

You don’t have to rub it in or explicitly say you’ve moved on, but you should let them know you won’t be available going forward, especially if you know for sure that you won’t ever see them again.


“I feel like you don’t value me as a friend.”

According to licensed clinical professional counselor Shawnessa Devonish, LCPC, NCC, this text is the ideal way to cut things off with a friend who’s repeatedly let you down. While many friendships are reparable, especially if you have a heart-to-heart conversation, it’s often best to let go of connections that make you feel bad.

“In general, you may want to end a friendship if you experience intense feelings of betrayal or rejection as a result of their actions,” Devonish tells Bustle. “Due to this, it may be best to end the friendship, even if it is through text, to prevent yourself from developing any severe abandonment wounds.”


“I need to spare myself further discomfort.”

If this person is truly toxic, make sure you word the text in a way that can’t be misinterpreted. Relationship expert Sameera Sullivan suggests sending a message like this one: “I am mentally drained and have decided to spare myself from more discomfort by distancing myself from you. The decision has already been made, so please know that nothing can convince me otherwise at this point. Please don’t reach out again.»


«I’ve tried to have this conversation in person many times. But it’s clear you aren’t hearing me. I don’t want to be friends anymore.»

Relationship therapist Jordan Pickell, MCP RCC recommends this text if the friend isn’t listening or if they keep crossing boundaries. “Maybe you’ve tried to talk about your differences face-to-face and they aren’t hearing you, so you’ve decided to switch modes of communication,” she tells Bustle. In this scenario, a text may help them understand.


“I appreciate your patience, but I’m not ready to be around others just yet. I just need a little space. I hope you understand.”

If you’re going through a rough patch in your life, send a text like this one to let a friend know where you stand. “Be upfront and honest with your feelings,” says counselor Brianna Wolf, noting it’ll help them fully understand why you’ve been MIA so they can give you the space and support you need.

While it might feel as if you want to call off the friendship, you may feel a lot better once you take some time to yourself. That’s why there’s no need to be black and white about every connection. Instead, let the friend know you need time to figure things out, then see how you feel in the future.


“I’m down for coffee.”

StefaNikolic/E+/Getty Images

You may also decide that you’d like to remain friends, just not in the same capacity. “Sometimes a friendship breakup is about changing the level of intimacy,” Pickell says. “Maybe you’re OK to attend the same gatherings, but you don’t want a one-on-one relationship anymore. Maybe you are open to a relationship in the future. It’s helpful to be clear about that.”


Bernie Crowl, MHC-LP, mental health counselor

Dr. Amelia Kelley, trauma-informed therapist

Sherese Ezelle, LMHC, licensed behavioral therapist

Emily Griffin, MA, LCPC, mental health therapist

Dr. Easton Gaines, licensed psychologist

Lillyana Morales, LMHC, psychotherapist

Shawnessa Devonish, LCPC, NCC, licensed clinical professional counselor

Sameera Sullivan, relationship therapist

Jordan Pickell, MCP RCC, relationship therapist

Brianna Wolf, counselor

This article was originally published on May 2, 2021

Xavier da Silva

  • #1

Hello everyone,

I’ve been looking for a verb meaning to «end a frienship«,»to end a relationship that isn’t a sexual/romantic one«,»to end a relationship with your mother, brother, friends, etc«.I found the verb «to drop«, which I used in the contexts below, could you please check these sentences for me?

==>My best friend dropped me and I still don’t know why.
==>The way things are, I’ll have to drop my brother.
==>Why did you drop me?
==>She dropped her mother as they were about to kill each other.

Thank you in advance!

  • Cagey

    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #2

    Hello everyone,

    I’ve been looking for a verb meaning to «end a frienship«,»to end a relationship that isn’t a sexual/romantic one«,»to end a relationship with your mother, brother, friends, etc«.I found the verb «to drop«, which I used in the contexts below, could you please check these sentences for me?

    ==>My best friend dropped me and I still don’t know why. :tick:
    ==>The way things are, I’ll have to drop my brother. :cross:
    ==>Why did you drop me? :tick:
    ==>She dropped her mother as they were about to kill each other. :cross:

    Thank you in advance!

    In my experience, we «drop» friends, and other voluntary relationships. Thus, your first and third sentences seem fine to me.

    However, we don’t «drop» family members, because those relationships are not voluntary, and cannot be ended in that sense. We are far more likely to say that we «stopped speaking to our mother/brother/sister». Possibly we would say we «cut off» our family.

    One phrase that would work with both family and informal relationships is «stop speaking to». I am sure there are others.

    Xavier da Silva

    • #3


    Thank you very much!



    • #4

    I completely agree with Cagey, from a British point of view. (And thanks, Cagey, for explaining to me why I only liked 50% of Xavier’s examples: We pick up friends and so can equally well drop them. Family members we’re just


    born with:D)

    Xavier da Silva

    • #5


    But as a British native speaker, you would say «He cut off his mother, brother, etc»,meaning «he no longer has a relationship with them»?Is it possible?

    Thank you,


    • #6

    If I was given the ‘naked’ sentence I’ll have to cut my brother off, I’d


    it meant «I’ll have to change my will so that my brother got nothing».
    That use of cut off (= ‘cease to have friendly relations with’) seems a bit on the dated side to me, Xavier. Like Cagey, I’d probably say stop talking to … or no longer have anything to do with … or, rather more grandly, sever all ties with.

    Xavier da Silva

    • #7

    Thank you very much,


    Was the decision to leave yours or your friend’s? Just fate? Separating from a friend can be difficult to handle either way. Some even say ending a friendship can be as difficult as ending a romantic relationship. Worse than a breakup.(1)

    Understanding friendship breakups can help you move forward and ease your pain.

    Friendship breakups can feel so badly because we don’t know what to say writes clinical therapist Miriam Kirmayer, who specializes in young adult and adult friendships.

    “Whatever the reason is for the dissolution of a friendship, the common thread is that we often don’t know if we should have a conversation with that friend. And if we do decide to address it, it’s hard to know what to say,” she adds.

    Sometimes the cause of friendship breakups is a factor that is beyond you and your friend’s control. It may be due to distance or an opportunity for growth. Or, you and your friend simply have chosen different life paths or styles. You can’t find the words to bridge the gap.

    “We don’t want to express our needs and have them rejected,” Kirmayer explains. We tend to keep our feelings bottled up instead of being more precise in what we want and what we are expecting. The consequence is we feel the friendship isn’t working. We allow it to end naturally.

    A friendship doesn’t have the same option as a romantic relationship where the possibility exists to stay friends. Ending a friendship has nowhere else to go.

    Friendship breakups can be confusing. They can be unexpected, too. That’s why they can hurt so much.

    Here are some suggested ways to cope after separating from a friend:
    ⦁ Acceptance. The reason for the friendship breakup may simply be beyond you and your friend’s control. Sustaining friendship, for instance, can be hard if separated by great distances. Accept you got to walk your journey on your own and then meet new friends along the way.
    ⦁ Evolve. Though you may have been used to dealing with your daily struggles with your pal by your side, realize this could be the time for you to grow and become the person you want to be.
    ⦁ Saying farewell to a friend and wishing them well is all right and it can help ease up the pain. You can say it’s not a total goodbye. And that you are hoping to see your friend again. (2) Despite the uncertainty of that, a grain of hope can do wonders.

    Farewell Quotes for Friends

    Life is complicated, and circumstances sometimes can be cruel. Distance shouldn’t ruin true friendship. Send one of these quotes:

    • The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we’ve lived a thousand lives before this one and in each of them we’ve found each other. And maybe each time, we’ve been forced apart for the same reasons. That means that this goodbye is both a goodbye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come.
    • Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    • Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    • Friends are like stars even when you can’t see them you know they’re always there.
    • A memory lasts forever, never will it die… true friends stay together and never say goodbye…
    • We only part to meet again.
    • Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.
    • You have been a friend through thick and thin, in joys and sorrows you have been by my side. I shall be so lonely once you leave…farewell dearest friend.
    • Saying goodbye doesn’t mean anything. It’s the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.
    • I believe that the best friends would not say goodbye to each other. Therefore, accept this farewell message as a mere formality. Farewell my friend!
    • Even though you are going away you will still be a core part of my everyday life. First I used to hang out with you all the time, and now I will miss you all the time. Goodbye.
    • How lucky I am to have known someone who was so hard to say goodbye to.

    And Our Expert Says…

    Karen Salmansohn

    Bestselling author
    “Friends Forever“

    How to keep a friendship thriving – even when a friend is moving far away

    1. Recall some of your favorite fun times you shared with your friend. Let them know that even though they’re leaving your city, these memories will be permanently parked in your heart.
    2. Brainstorm up some fun ways you can stay connected. For example, you might plan to do regular “morning Zoom coffees” instead of your usual coffee shop meet ups. Or maybe you can watch your favorite Netflix show together – while on the phone.

    Do you remember the song from “The Road to El Dorado?” Elton John sings friends never say goodbye. Remain in touch and preserve your friendship.

    • Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.
    • This is not a goodbye, my darling, this is a thank you. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy, thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. Thank you for the memories I will cherish forever.
    • You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart.
    • Please don’t forget me and all the things we did.
    • Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.
    • So for now I say goodbye to this chapter of my life and I look forward to what comes next.
    • I feel sick, I feel low, I feel depressed and I feel sad – when I think about how I will miss you real bad. I feel miserable, I feel unwell, I feel down and I feel lonely – when I think about how life will be without my bestie. Goodbye.
    • I am looking forward to not keeping in touch with you! So long!
    • The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again.
    • You are going to get many good things in life; but in that treasure, keep a place for friends like us. Cheers to your new life.
    • Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. My dear, you are in my heart. Predestined separation promises a future meeting.
    • It is amazing to see how strangers became best friends within a short period of time. I hope the two friends would not become strangers in the future.

    Quotes about Friends Leaving

    Warm and sincere quotes about departing friends can make your separation less painful. Personalize one of these sayings:

    • I don’t like goodbyes so let’s just say see you soon…
    • If there ever comes a day where we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever. – Winnie the Pooh
    • True friends don’t say goodbye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.”
    • It is easy to become friends, difficult to remain friends and hardest to say goodbye to a friend. Sorry, but I cannot do the hardest part.
    • We started with a simple hello but ended with a complicated goodbye.
    • With the wind in our hair and the sun in our eyes, we cherished our friendship as life’s greatest prize. Now that you are going away my life will cease, I will blissfully drown in all the beautiful memories. Goodbye.
    • Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would I’d never leave. – A.A. Milne
    • As I saw the morning star come up over the mountains, I realized that life is simply a collection of memories. But memories are like starlight – they live on forever.
    • There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. – Mahatma Gandhi
    • Thank God for all the means by which we can stay in touch. I say goodbye only with the belief that we will never really be far.
    • Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
    • I would have never said hello to you many years ago, if I knew that saying goodbye would be so traumatic. Bye buddy, I will miss you.

    Short Leaving Verses Friends

    These short leaving texts can feel heartfelt. We never should leave our old friends behind.

    • You and I will meet again, When we’re least expecting it, One day in some far off place, I will recognize your face, I won’t say goodbye my friend, For you and will meet again. – Tom Petty
    • True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.
    • Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.
    • Don’t worry, my friend, we are moving apart, but our friendship is deep rooted in my heart I have to take one path while you pursue another but we will meet soon let’s promise each other. Farewell.
    • Goodbye, don’t cry! We won’t!
    • My heart is aching and I need to say good bye
      But I’ll be there for you forever and ever
      Whenever you need me, just give me a sign
      Cuz true friends don’t know the word “never”.
    • You and I will meet again,
      When we’re least expecting it,
      One day in some far off place,
      I will recognize your face,
      I won’t say goodbye my friend,
      For you and I will meet again.
    • Don’t worry, my friend we are moving apart,
      But our friendship is deep rooted in my heart
      I have to take one path,
      While you pursue another
      But we will meet soon,
      Let’s promise each other.
    • Some people come into our lives
      and leave footprints on our hearts
      and we are never ever the same.
    • We’ll meet again.
      Don’t know where.
      Don’t know when.
      But I know we’ll meet again
      some sunny day.
    • I’m not telling you “goodbye”
      “See you soon” is better.
      True friends are hard to find
      And you are mine forever.

    Goodbye Letter to a Friend

    A letter can be the best way to express what you feel deep in your soul. Writing a letter allows you not to miss anything when you tell your friend goodbye.

    • Our friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Talking to you made me smile and meeting you set me free. I can’t believe that fate is taking you away and ripping us apart. I just want to say that I will miss you from the bottom of my heart. Goodbye.
    • Promise me. You won’t forget our laughs. Our jokes. Our smiles. Our conversations. Our plans. Our tears. Our memories. Our experiences. Our friendship.
    • Life and destiny can steal my best friend away from me but nothing can take away the precious memories. Goodbye my friend.
    • Who will tolerate my annoying antics, who will calm me down when I am angry. Who will listen to my daily rants, who will make sure I am always happy. Who will I harass with my banter, who will I hang out with every day. I am sad and totally devastated, as my bestie goes away. Goodbye.
    • All the beautiful memories that we have made together as friends will be cherished and fondly remembered. I guess we have a lot to keep ourselves busy with until we meet again. Goodbye my friend.
    • True friends don’t say good-bye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.
    • We have known each other our whole lives and now we will go our separate ways. Some will remember and some will forget each other, but we will always have a part of each other inside us.
    • The times we spent together are filled with happy moments.
      Should I ever feel down, I can just tap them from my heart.
      I can’t wait for the time we will meet again. Farewell.
    • I am sending this goodbye message to you to test our friendship. Let us promise that we would keep in touch and maintain our beautiful relationship for the rest of life. Goodbye my dear!
    • Everything in my life was perfect, until it all suddenly came crashing down. I may smile while saying goodbye but your absence will put on my face, a permanent frown. Goodbye.
    • It doesn’t matter if you have five friends or five hundred friends. When it all comes down to it, popularity means nothing. All that matters is that you know those five will be there holding your hand, as the five Hundred walk by. I will miss you, my friend! Goodbye!
    • It is easy to become friends, difficult to remain friends and hardest to say goodbye to a friend. Sorry, but I cannot do the hardest part.

    Best Friend Moving Away Quotes

    Separation does not mean “the end.” You always have a chance to meet your bestie again. Here are some words to ease that separation:

    • Memories last forever, never do they die. Friends stay together, never say goodbye. – Melina Campos
    • When a friend leaves you, you move on. When a best friend leaves you, part of you is gone.
    • When best friends say goodbye to each other, what they are really saying is ‘Hold that thought, I will be back soon’ So I will hold my thought until you return to hear the rest.
    • True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, with the knowledge that you might never see him again. But you know he’ll be in your mind and heart forever.
    • Since true friends never really say goodbye to each other, please treat this goodbye message as a mere formality and delete is as soon as you have read it.
    • Our lives would be boring without your presence. Therefore, your departure would make all of us feel sad. Good bye, dear friend.
    • There are no goodbyes, wherever you’ll be, you’ll be in my heart.
    • They say that every good thing must come to an end. Today, as our association ends today, I promise to be there for you whenever you need me. Farewell and have a good life.
    • I thank you for your part in my journey. Goodbye!
    • Every goodbye brings a new hello.
    • Every meeting led to a parting, and so it would, as long as life was mortal. In every meeting, there was some of the sorrow of parting, but in everything partying there was some of the joy of meeting as well.
    • While seeing you off I may have a smile on my face, but after you leave I will be in a lonely place. My facade might be cheerful and happy, but deep down inside I will be suffering in agony. Goodbye.

    Parting Words for Friends

    Sometimes it’s hard to find the right parting words that will express your feelings. Forget the distance barrier and use some of these paragraphs:

    • If you cry when we part we’ll never see each other again, but if we do not cry we’ll remember forever the days of sunlight and laughter, and be brought together in our memories.
    • Look for the rainbow in every storm, fly like an angel, good-bye my friend. I know you’re gone, you said you’re gone, but I can still feel you here.
    • Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We’ll take the best, forget the rest, and someday, will find that these are the best of times.
    • Every song ends, but is that any reason to not enjoy the music?
    • Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye?
    • Goodbye is not forever. If it is, then it should be bad bye instead of good.
    • Good friends are truly hard to find difficult to leave and impossible to forget.
    • Life is short, make the most of it. Give your best input in all you do and you shall win every game. Farewell…lots of love and good wishes.
    • The absence of a friend is going to make me feel lonely and frustrated. There is nothing good about goodbye… it makes me feel lonely and suffocated.
    • If I met you a couple of years back, I would never say hello to you. I will miss you buddy and goodbye to you.
    • The tasks that we do make us memorable. You have also given us such sweet memories that will bring a smile to our face always. Farewell and keep in touch.

    Saying Goodbye to Your Best Friend

    Using some of these quotes will show your best friend that even though the pain is severe, his or her friendship has been a gift.

    • There will always be people you love and miss, and you will always be that person for someone else. You’ll want to hold on forever and never let go. But the thing is, you can’t say hello again if you haven’t said goodbye.
    • Saying goodbye is tough… but still not as painful as desperately hoping that destiny will bring us back together again. Farewell.
    • I thank you for your part in my journey.
    • When I say that bidding you farewell is easy, take it as a compliment. Because it shows how blindly I trust you when you say that you will come back soon. Bye, my friend.
    • Can miles truly separate you from friends…. If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there? – Richard Bach
    • How can I say goodbye to a friend who I can’t live without? I will suffer in silence but my heart will scream and shout.
    • You’ll be in my heart.
    • Goodbye is the hardest thing to say to someone who means the world to you, especially when goodbye isn’t what you want.
    • Fights, girlfriends, boyfriends, arguments, lies – Nothing has ever come between our strong friendship. So a few hundred miles is not going to make any difference either. We are friends forever. Goodbye.
    • We’ve shared our happiness and we’ve shared our fears. We’ve shared so many things throughout the years. And when the times were hard we were by each other’s side. You were there to make me laugh when I cried.
    • Yesterday brought the beginning, tomorrow brings the end, though somewhere in the middle we became the best of friends.
    • The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.

    Farewell Message to a Friend

    Find the strength to be happy for her or him with one of these messages:

    • Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    • Just like how you don’t forget the tune when a song fades out and stops playing, I will never forget the priceless memories of our friendship even though you are going away. Goodbye.
    • When best friends say goodbye to each other, what they are really saying is ‘Hold that thought, I will be back soon’ So I will hold my thought until you return to hear the rest. Bon voyage.
    • Our friendship has taken me on a magical journey which will never come to an end. Even though you are going away, we will never stop being friends. Goodbye.
    • A goodbye says “God be with you”. As I say goodbye to you, I sincerely pray that God may himself be along your side and hold your hand everywhere you go.
    • True friends don’t say good-bye, they just take extended leaves of absences from each other.
    • You better start sending me sweet good morning messages every morning. Otherwise, I would miss you and it would drive me mad. Farewell.
    • This goodbye is just a test of our friendship. Let’s promise each other that distance and time won’t come in the way of our beautiful relationship. Goodbye.
    • Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.
    • Oh, I can’t wait to see you again.
    • Even if we can’t be together in the end, I’m glad that you were a part of my life.
    • Just like how you don’t forget the tune when a song fades out and stops playing, I will never forget the priceless memories of our friendship even though you are going away. Goodbye.

    Quotes about Friends Moving Away

    Parting doesn’t have to be the end. Say it like this:

    • Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
    • Can miles truly separate you from friends. If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
    • No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.
    • Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.
    • What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.
    • Goodbyes breed a sort of distaste for whomever you say goodbye to; this hurts, you feel, this must not happen again.
    • A goodbye is not painful unless you are never ever going to say hello again.
    • Goodbyes are nothing compared to the togetherness that fills the soul.
    • The tender friendships one gives up, on parting, leave their bite on the heart, but also a curious feeling of a treasure somewhere buried. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • I feel that I’ve lost my sense of humor today. It’s the time for us to say goodbye to someone who made every single day seem like a treat. Farewell my friend.
    • The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.
    • Distance means so little when friendship means so much.

    We Will Miss You Quotes

    Don’t keep silent. Tell your friend how you will feel when she or he leaves. Here are some ways to say it:

    • Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.
    • Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad cuz I miss you I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
    • I miss everything about you. Can’t believe that I still want you. And after all the things we’ve been through.
    • Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
    • Now that you are going, we will have a neat and clean premises were we can walk without having to step on books and toothbrushes. But you shall be missed.
    • When the sun says goodbye to earth, it leaves a beautiful sunset as a gift. When friends say goodbye to each other, they leave mementos of everlasting and priceless memories. Goodbye my friend, I will miss you.
    • I remember all the moments we shared together my friend and I hope such days would come back again. I will miss you pal!
    • A friend is someone who reaches out for your hand and touches your heart. І will miss you so much!
    • May God help you in all your endeavours, and always bring success to your doorstep. I will miss you!
    • There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. I already miss you.
    • My heart is breaking into pieces as I see you leave. I hope you are happy that you have made me cry. You have no idea how much I am going to miss you. My life will sink into loneliness with this goodbye.
    • We started here together and now we’re leaving the same way. The funny thing is you never appreciate what you had yesterday until it is gone today.

    Bye Bye Cards and Images for Friends

    Take a look at these cool bye-bye cards. Feel free to share these images on Twitter or Facebook:









    1. Breit, C. (2018, September 24). Why Ending a Friendship Can Be Worse Than a Breakup. Time; Time.
    2. Smykowski, J. (2017, July 30). Working Through Tough Emotions: Saying Goodbye To A Friend | BetterHelp. Betterhelp.Com.


    English doesn’t have a common word or term for a friendship breaking up, like it does for a romantic relationship breaking up (eg. divorce, break up, split up, separate).

    A fall out is the noun that most commonly comes to mind.

    fall out noun to have an ​argument or ​disagreement that ​ends a ​relationship:

    Joan and I had a fall out over money and we’re no longer friends.

    You can use fell out as a verb.

    Joan and I fell out over money and we’re no longer friends.

    You could simply say stopped being friends.

    Joan and I had a dispute about money and we’re no longer friends.

    Joan and I had a dispute about money and we’re no longer on speaking terms.

    Joan and I had a dispute about money and we’ve stopped being friends.

    Asked by: Eleazar Mueller MD

    Score: 4.3/5
    (31 votes)

    How To End A Friendship Amicably

    1. Communicate Honestly And Effectively. …
    2. Gradually Cease Communication. …
    3. End The Friendship In Writing. …
    4. After Ending The Friendship. …
    5. Understand The Adverse Impacts Of Toxic Friendships. …
    6. Know When To Notify The Proper Authorities. …
    7. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help. …
    8. A Final Word.

    How do you end a friendship nicely?

    Break up with your friend in a firm, but gentle way. Tell them why you don’t want to be their friend and don’t be scared to express your feelings. If you need to break up with a friend, do it. If they only had one month to live, do not break up with them.

    How do you know it’s time to end a friendship?

    When it’s time to end your friendship

    They’re consistently negative toward you and tarnish your mood, or you feel an obligation to be friends with no real connection in this case. Their values no longer align with yours, and you can’t find a middle ground.

    What do you say to a friend that ends a friendship?

    9 Therapist-Approved Texts To End A Friendship

    • It’s Not You, It’s Me. …
    • It’s Not Me, It’s You. …
    • We Just Don’t Want The Same Things. …
    • We’ve Grown Apart (Part 1) …
    • We’ve Grown Apart (Part 2) …
    • We’ve Grown Apart (Part 3) …
    • You’ve Made Newer, Closer Friends. …
    • Get Heartfelt.

    How do you say goodbye to a friendship gracefully?

    How to Say Goodbye to a Friend

    1. 1 Pull back from the relationship gradually.
    2. 2 Take a break from the friendship.
    3. 3 End the friendship with an honest conversation.
    4. 4 Use “I” statements when ending a friendship.
    5. 5 Send an email or text if you don’t want to talk in person.

    17 related questions found

    What are the most common reasons for friendships to fall apart?

    Reasons for Ending a Friendship

    • Circumstances: Your lives have changed (no longer working together, going to the same school, etc.).
    • Distance: You’ve grown apart in terms of interests or commitments.
    • Lying: Your friend is deceitful.
    • Negativity: Your friend spends more time cutting you down than building you up.

    What do you do when a friendship ends badly?

    How to Get Over A Friendship Breakup

    1. Acknowledge your pain. First, know that your grief is normal. …
    2. Practice self-care. …
    3. Avoid rumination. …
    4. Exercise. …
    5. Talk to someone. …
    6. Read about others in your situation. …
    7. Try a new friend group. …
    8. Examine what went wrong in the friendship.

    How can you tell a fake friend?

    15 signs of a fake friend:

    1. They’re a fair-weather friend. …
    2. They aren’t there for you. …
    3. They always seem to need something from you. …
    4. They’re competitive with you. …
    5. They make you feel bad about yourself. …
    6. They don’t celebrate with you. …
    7. They drain your energy. …
    8. They talk about you behind your back.

    What is ghosting in friendship?

    Ghosting is essentially when a person cuts off all communication with their friends or the person they’re dating. They do this with zero warning or notice beforehand. They avoid your phone calls or texts, social media messages and posts, and even go as far as to avoid you in public.

    How do you know if someone doesn’t want to be your friend?

    A sign that someone doesn’t want to be your friend anymore is when they aren’t that type of friend, and they claim to always be busy and never have time for you. This shows they are more important to you than you are to them, and that it is a very one-sided relationship.

    How do you know if your friend is toxic?

    10 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship

    1. It’s All About Them And Their Problems. …
    2. They Don’t Respect You Nor Your Boundaries. …
    3. They’re Trying to Change You. …
    4. There’s Always Drama. …
    5. You Feel Uncomfortable Around Them. …
    6. They’re Unpredictable. …
    7. They Gossip Regularly. …
    8. 8 .

    What are some red flags of a bad friendship?

    7 red flags in friendships

    • They put you down. How often do you hear ‘You’re too sensitive, I was just kidding! …
    • You feel drained after communicating with them. …
    • They constantly complain. …
    • They try to own you. …
    • You’re walking on egg-shells around them. …
    • They devalue your problems. …
    • You have to justify your friendship to others.

    What is soft ghosting?

    Soft ghosting refers to someone ‘liking’ your last message or latest comment on their post on platforms like Facebook and Instagram where it’s possible to react to an interaction, but not actually replying and continuing the conversation. So, although they’re not ignoring you, they’re also offering no genuine response.

    What to do if a friend is ghosting you?

    20 Texts To Send A Friend That Ghosted You

    1. «Can you send me a quick text to let me know you’re OK?» …
    2. «I know you aren’t a fan of texting. …
    3. «I keep checking my phone to see if you’ve texted me. …
    4. «I had so much fun last time we hung out. …
    5. «I’ll be at the farmer’s market this Saturday.

    What do you do if your friend is ghosting you?

    4 Healthy Ways to Survive Being «Ghosted» by a Friend

    1. Don’t Confront. «I don’t like the word confront. …
    2. Don’t Take it Personally. People are wild cards. …
    3. Don’t Aggravate the Hurt. If you don’t know that old saying, «Out of sight, out of mind,» now is the time to embrace it. …
    4. Do Be Nice to Yourself and Move On.

    How do you know your friend is jealous of you?

    A jealous friend likely feels bad about themselves. Therefore, they are eager to downgrade the achievements of those around them. If you experience good news, your friend may look for something negative to say or a way to make you seem undeserving. … A jealous friend may say something like, «Don’t get ahead of yourself.

    How can you tell if someone is faking nice?

    5 ways to tell if someone is being fake nice

    1. Their vibe makes you feel instantly uncomfortable. …
    2. Their body language puts you on edge. …
    3. They insult you then pretend they’re joking (but they obviously aren’t!) …
    4. They don’t care what you have to say.

    How do you tell if someone is using you in a friendship?

    Here are 7 signs that you’re being taken advantage of in a friendship.

    1. They don’t listen to you, but always expect you to listen to them. …
    2. They only want to hang out when it’s convenient for them. …
    3. They’re constantly asking you to do favors for them. …
    4. They only reach out when they need help.

    Why did my friendship end?

    According to Bill, the most common cause of the hard break in a friendship is betrayal. This betrayal comes in two forms. The first is a betrayal of a shared understanding of what it means to live a good life. … When there is a direct violation of that common understanding, the friendship often ends.

    How does losing a friend affect you?

    Our analysis shows that if you’re not socially active, the death of a friend can make the impact of the bereavement worse. As your social circle shrinks, you become less resilient to grief because you lose a key source of emotional support from your social network.

    Is it normal for friends to drift apart?

    5. You’re Holding Things Back. A great friendship relies on being vulnerable with one another. So it’s natural for someone to drift away from a friend if they hold things back and just have a surface-level relationship.

    Can you revive a dead friendship?

    Fortunately, you can revive a dying friendship by reaching out to your friend and showing them you care. If you’ve had a fight with your friend, apologize for your role in the fight and talk things out. Additionally, help your friendship grow by making new memories with your friend and learning to compromise.

    Is ghosting immature?

    «Ghosting usually reflects immaturity and psychological fragility on the part of the ghoster,» she says. While it makes sense that you would want an explanation or even confirmation that things are over, Durvasula says there’s little benefit to trying to get an answer. … «Ghosting is a coward’s move,» Durvasula says.

    Why is ghosting soft?

    Essentially, soft ghosting is a softer version of ghosting. People who feel guilty about completely cutting off, often use this technique. So this mean they might not ask you to hang out with them or just respond with emojis to show they haven’t shunned you.

    How do you tell if someone is ghosting you?

    These are the 5 ways you can tell if someone is about to GHOST…

    1. You start getting one word replies. This an early sign of getting ghosted by someone. …
    2. Late replies. Another sign to look at while texting is late replies. …
    3. Disappearing for hours. …
    4. Bails on you. …
    5. Starts acting distant.

    It can be difficult when you realize that it’s time to end a friendship. Whether the relationship isn’t providing anything positive for your life or has just become toxic, deciding to move on may feel heart-wrenching and uncomfortable, but it is necessary.

    So how do you go about doing it respectfully and gracefully, without hurting anyone’s feelings or making the situation worse?

    According to experts, here are ways to end a friendship and navigate the process with care:

    Throughout our lives, we continually make new connections and develop relationships with those around us. Some of those relationships stay pretty surface level, while others may find a long-term, more permanent place in our lives as dear friends. 

    Related: 55+ Qualities of a Good Friend

    But what happens when that friendship takes a turn, and instead of being an enriching relationship in your life, it becomes more of a toxic energy-sucking kind of friendship?

    This can be a challenging situation, especially if you are an empath or people pleaser, but the bottom line is if a friendship has reached the point of feeling exhausting, frustrating, or imbalanced, it could likely be time to take action to protect your emotional and mental health.

    Sit with your emotions and clearly articulate what isn’t working

    What isn’t working? Initially, I recommend sitting with your thoughts and emotions about this friendship and clearly articulating to yourself what isn’t working. 

    The reason I suggest this is that you need to be fully clear on what specifically isn’t working to effectively and honestly communicate this to your friend. 

    You can’t expect to explain something you are unclear about. Your perspective is your truth, and in some cases, friends in our lives don’t actually realize they are behaving in a way that is taking a toll on the friendship, or they could be aware of their behavior but don’t realize the effect it’s having on you specifically. 

    That is their perspective and has nothing to do with what you need. Should you choose to try to communicate your feelings with them and try to repair the relationship into a mutually beneficial one, being very clear on what isn’t working for you will be critical. 

    Please know a conversation like this may not offer any resolution if your friend is not open to receiving this kind of communication.

    Don’t simply “ghost” and disappear into the background

    Ultimately if you decide that it is in your best interest to end the friendship, there is a golden rule in how you could go about this, which I will share with you shortly. 

    I will, however, strongly recommend that you don’t simply “ghost” this person, cut off communication, and disappear into the background. That leaves an open emotional wound for both people, which is also a very passive-aggressive action that, as a coach, is never a very healthy route to take.

    Set a healthy boundary, state it, and stick to it

    When the time has come to end the friendship, you need to keep in mind that your number one priority is to protect your emotional and mental health. 

    Bottomline: ending a friendship is simply you setting a healthy boundary based upon what you know does and does not support what is best for you. It is literally your duty to filter out what is not for the greatest good in your life, and if a friendship is one of those things, it’s likely time to end it.

    Cutting ties with things in your life can be difficult, and I have an entire chapter dedicated just to this subject in my book. Cutting ties with things like bad habits or unhealthy patterns is usually you dealing with just yourself, but cutting ties with a friend can be really hard as another human being is involved. 

    There can be feelings of guilt, shame, fear, or anxiety, but if you go back to the exercise I described earlier about writing down and clearly articulating what isn’t working for you in this friendship, that is where you can start to see that the emotion of it needs to be set aside. 

    Easier said than done, and sometimes the help of a counselor, therapist, coach, or trusted advisor can help you detach from the emotion of it and look at only the facts. The facts show that this friendship doesn’t pour into you, but it actually sucks the energy out of you. 

    In ending a friendship, you should communicate this with the other person. It’s important to set your boundary, state it, and stick to it. 

    Related: How to Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Respect Boundaries

    This is one of the greatest ways you can honor yourself, protect your mental/ emotional health, and make space in your life for the things and people that do actually pour into you.

    Be appropriately honest

    There is only one golden rule when it comes to ending a friendship the healthy way. The best phrase to describe the golden rule is: Be appropriately honest.

    You are not doing your friend any favors by sugarcoating the situation. If anything, sugarcoating the reasons you are creating a healthy distance from them will cause added confusion. 

    Being forthcoming and very clear in communicating why the friendship is no longer working for you will provide a clear picture for your friend of where you stand and what you will and won’t put up with. 

    You should not bash them or demean them or speak in a condescending tone or push any kind of a “guilt trip” onto them, but empower yourself to speak with polite honesty. 

    Additionally, do not expect your conversation to spark any kind of change within them. You cannot change others, and this conversation should never come with the pretense or mindset of the hope of getting them to change. This isn’t about changing a person; it’s about changing a situation.

    Have a face-to-face discussion

    I always encourage a face-to-face discussion rather than a written delivery of the message. This supports healthy communication and avoids that passive-aggressive path. 

    Prepare yourself as your friend may not take this well, but remember their reaction is not your problem, and it’s not your fault. That might sound harsh, but you are doing what is best for you in this situation. 

    You cannot live your life for the peace and contentment of everyone else because when you do that, you end up creating a storm inside of yourself.

    Learn to let go of things gracefully

    Ending a friendship can be hard, but with time, it can also bring great peace. Often, we don’t fully realize the taxing effects of a toxic friendship until it’s no longer a part of our lives. 

    Learning to let go of things gracefully in our lives is one of the most beneficial life skills you could refine.

    Related: The 9 Best Books on Forgiveness and Letting Go

    So be brave, honor yourself and your boundaries and lean into the empowerment of understanding that you and only you can decide what is and is not supporting the kind of energy you want surrounding you. 

    If a certain friendship does not fall into the category of positive support, give yourself permission to let it go gracefully.

    Express how you feel and the things you want or need in a friendship

    Friendships can be both a source of support and stress. When friendships are mutually beneficial, they are supportive and enhance your life, making it a little easier. When friendships are one-sided, they add to your stress level, especially if there is conflict. 

    In addition, close friendships can serve as confidants and help us through difficult situations that our spouses/partners might not otherwise understand. These shared experiences can help us feel less alone, and knowing we have someone who is always there for us, can be very therapeutic. 

    We have different relationships with our friends than our families, and we often feel more comfortable sharing more intimate details with our friends. 

    When friendships end, it can be devastating. No matter the reason or who is responsible for ending the friendship, the resulting feelings can be experienced as a deep sense of grief and loss: sadness, regret, and disappointment. 

    Anxiety can increase. We must create new support systems and perhaps even redefine who we are outside of this friendship. When your friendship with someone starts to change, it’s helpful to consider if it’s worth continuing. 

    Ask yourself the following questions:

    1. “What am I getting out of my friendship?”
    2. “Is it a one-sided relationship, or is it mutually beneficial?”
    3. “How do I feel when I spend time with this friend?”
    4. “Does this friend have my best interests at heart?”
    5. “Do I feel safe and trust this friend?”

    If your answers are not positive toward this friendship, you may need to reconsider the relationship. 

    Whether or not you discuss ending your relationship with a friend depends on how close you are and how well you can communicate with each other. 

    If you have been friends for a long time and think you can be honest with your friend, try discussing your friendship. Express how you feel and the things you want or need in a friendship. If they did something to hurt your feelings, let them know! If you still feel like you need some separation, ask for some time. 

    Introduce the discussion by saying things like:

    • “We have been friends for a while now, and I wanted to talk to you about our relationship.”
    • “Do you have a few minutes to talk? It feels as though we have grown apart a little, and I wanted to talk about it.” 
    • “Our friendship is really important to me, so I want to share how you hurt my feelings the other day.”
    • “Are you happy with our friendship?”
    • “Are you ok? It seems as though something is bothering you.” 

    The loss of a friendship may affect how we feel about ourselves. We can perceive the breakup as a rejection and begin to feel insecure. We may experience fear that our secrets will be revealed. 

    The loss of a friendship can create confusion as we may experience relief that the conflict no longer exists yet disappointment that we have lost someone with whom we shared memories. 

    It’s important to recognize that your feelings surrounding the friendship are valid. Understand that you may need more time to process the loss. Try not to judge yourself for your reaction to the breakup or feel silly because it’s “just a friend“—a loss is a loss, no matter what kind.

    If you don’t feel you can express your true emotions, or if your relationship isn’t one where emotions are easily discussed, a conversation may not be necessary. Try to: 

    • Increase the distance between you and your friend
    • Delay responses to texts
    • Make plans with friends who are more aligned with you

    While the end of a friendship will take different forms depending on the friendship itself, there are some universal steps that you can take to help you through the difficulty of ending a friendship.

    Recognize your role in the friendship

    In other words, do not blame shift. When you blame shift, you are giving away your power; if you blame the other person entirely for the difficult relationship, then only they can fix the problem. 

    Related: Why Do We Blame Others for Our Failures, Mistakes, and Problems?

    Instead, when you accept your role in the relationship, then you are also accepting that you have the power and solution to write the narrative to define how the relationship will end.

    Do not bring others into the breakup

    It is easy to fall into the trap of rallying to get others on your side, especially if you share several mutual friends. Don’t make it ugly. 

    If you talk poorly about your friend or share secrets they told you in confidence when the relationship was good, you’ll lose the trust of other friends. It is a surefire way to end up losing friends that you want to hold onto.

    Recognize your difficult experience with the friend is yours alone

    Each shared mutual friend has their own unique relationship and experience, which may be very different from your own. Be prepared to honor their relationship, realizing their continued friendship has nothing to do with you.

    Think of the person you are breaking up with as both your teacher and your student

    Focus on what you learned from the relationship and perhaps what you were there to teach them. 

    Focusing on why you two came into one another’s lives and the benefits you received can help put the friendship into perspective and give you the grace and gratitude needed to get through the friendship breakup without falling into the blame game. 

    This focus can also take away some of the stings that come with ending a friendship.

    Remember, you can’t unring a bell

    While your friendship is coming to an end, don’t say or do something that could hurt your reputation. Don’t do something out of character that will soil your good name.

    Recognize that friendships do come to an end

    Very few friendships last a lifetime, and that is okay. Friendships ebb and flow, and we all grow and change at different rates. 

    Give yourself time to grieve. Friendship breakups can be as difficult as romantic breakups. Sometimes healing takes time, so don’t forget to give yourself the grace of time to heal.

    Today’s society has made ending a friendship as simple as hitting the “block” button on our phones and social media apps. Unfortunately, this process is almost a little too easy. 

    Related: How Social Media Affects Relationships

    Simply blocking someone creates a situation where both parties may end up emotionally wounded or much worse (depending on the nature of the friendship). 

    Instead, I recommend evaluating the friendship and taking these specific steps if and when you’ve decided to end things.

    Ask yourself why you want or need to end the friendship

    This will help you figure out how to go about ending the relationship properly.

    • Is the friend consuming too much of your time? 
    • Are their emotional or social needs impeding your personal growth? 
    • Do they ignore or walk all over the boundaries you set? 
    • When you stand up for yourself, are they aggressive, irritable, or annoyed?
    • Has the friend tried to push their values or beliefs onto you or tried to make you sacrifice important parts of your identity?
    • Has this friend severely betrayed your trust or friendship in any way, such as flirting, sleeping with your spouse, or stealing from you? 

    By asking yourself these questions, you can identify any major risks you’ll face when you end the friendship. This is important because psychopaths and people with narcissistic personality disorder can suddenly become violent, unhinged, and hyper-reactive when you attempt to break contact with them unexpectedly.

    Related: Narcissist Versus Sociopath Versus Psychopath: What’s the Difference?

    Consider any physical, digital, or financial ties to the friend

    Next, you’ll want to evaluate what material items you share with the friend you’ll be ending contact with. 

    • Do they have access to your Netflix or Amazon account? 
    • Do they have a key to your house or apartment? 
    • Do they know where you keep the spare key? 
    • Do you share any financial obligations with them? 
    • Do you have any outstanding debt to pay them or vice versa? 
    • Do you have any future ticketed events planned, such as a trip or concert? 
    • Do you share login credentials to any Facebook pages, groups, or TikTok accounts as administrators? 

    Get a list together that includes anything and everything material that you share with them and cover your bases before you end the friendship. 

    Do not alert the friend to what you are doing or your plans to end the friendship yet. If they ask, try to brush them off with a brief yet reasonable and realistic excuse.

    Think about the personal details you’ve shared with them

    What does this person know about you, and could they use the information to harm you in any way?

    When we end friendships with narcissists and psychopaths, it’s common for them to put all the intel we’ve given them throughout the relationship to work. You may discover they suddenly attend classes at your school, work out at your gym, or have become best friends with your sister. 

    If you’re concerned they may use things you’ve said to them against you once you’ve officially ended contact, consider slowly pulling back from them and figuring out a way to make the other party decide that the friendship is no longer serving them.

    Consider your personal emotional ties to them

    Think about what you get out of the friendship. An extremely emotionally needy friend may be annoying, but you might feel bored once their constant texts or messages no longer roll in throughout the day. 

    How will you feel once you are no longer speaking to them? What kind of gaps will this create in your social life, and how will you fill them?

    Decide how to end things officially

    Every friendship is unique, and there’s no one best way to end yours. I recommend thinking about how the other party will react. 

    Narcissists and psychopaths typically react with aggression, often violent, when you end contact with them. Unfortunately, it is often harder to identify narcissistic and psychopathic traits in platonic friendships since these individuals direct most of their abuse toward their romantic partners or immediate family members. 

    Related: 60+ Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist

    Someone who “seems nice” but is just a little too emotionally needy could suddenly take on a Jekyll and Hyde-type personality, should you have the audacity to end contact with them.

    In most cases, you might find it’s in everyone’s best interest just to let the relationship fizzle out. You can always take specific steps to make yourself an unattractive friend to the other party without doing anything too drastic. 

    If “no contact” is the only option, this could be your instinct telling you that they will react aggressively. In this case, it’s probably best to just hit the block button and deal with things in your own way without giving the other party an explanation. 

    When you give narcissists and psychopaths an explanation for ending things, they will only use the opportunity to gaslight you, insult your boundaries, degrade your character, and strike back with low-blow insults. It’s not worth it. 

    Making new friends is one of life’s greatest joys, as we all appreciate having people we can rely on and share experiences with. However, sometimes friendships come to an end for a variety of reasons. 

    Ending a friendship can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that moving on from relationships that are no longer beneficial or healthy for you is okay. 

    The following are some tips to aid in ending a friendship in a respectful and healthy way:

    Acknowledge the situation

    Before ending a friendship, it is important to acknowledge that the relationship has come to an end. This can be done by having an honest conversation with yourself and, if possible, your friend about why you feel the need to end the friendship.

    Be respectful throughout the process

    Ending a friendship can be difficult, so it is important to remain respectful throughout the process. Avoid name-calling or other disrespectful behavior and instead focus on expressing your feelings calmly and collected.

    Communicate openly

    Communication is key. Be clear and concise, avoid being overly emotional, and listen to your friend’s perspective. This will help ensure both parties understand the situation and can move forward.

    Give yourself time

    Ending a friendship can be emotionally taxing, so giving yourself time to process the situation is essential. Take time for yourself and focus on self-care activities such as journaling and meditation. Give time for reflection and grieving, a natural part of the process.

    Move on and focus on the positive aspects of your life

    Once the friendship has ended, it is vital to move on and focus on the positive aspects of your life. This can be done by spending time with supportive family and friends, engaging in activities that bring you joy, and focusing on personal growth.

    Seek professional help if needed

    If you find yourself struggling to cope with the end of a friendship, it’s essential to seek professional help. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance during this difficult time. 

    Related: How to Know if You Need to See a Therapist

    With the added help, you can develop healthy coping skills and learn to move forward, embracing the changes that come with the end of a friendship.

    Aura Priscel De Los Santos

    Aura Priscel De Los Santos

    Clinical Psychologist | Specialist, Health Canal

    Ending a friendship is never easy, but there comes a point where friendship is not the same, where there have been situations that lead to an end. 

    Here are some ways how you can end a friendship: 

    Cut off communication with the other person

    There are times when the person doesn’t need to explain why the friendship has ended, and simply cutting off communication is enough. 

    A person can understand that trying to explain their reasons to the other person will generate a bigger problem, and as a way to avoid it, they simply stop talking and cut all ties that link the friendship. 

    Sometimes it is not necessary to explain the decisions that are made; each person has the right to make the decisions that they consider to be the healthiest for their well-being.

    Clearly explain the reasons you are ending the friendship

    Some people need to explain why they want to end their friendship with someone since they see it as a way to close a cycle.

    Some of these reasons may be: 

    • You no longer have any type of interest in common
    • The friendship has become so toxic that you have to distance yourself for a certain (or indeterminate) time
    • There has been such a great physical distance that you do not have time to share physically, and you almost do not communicate through digital media
    • You have discovered something they have done

    No matter the reason, the main thing is to clearly express why the friendship has to end.

    Try not to make the environment hostile

    In the process of ending the friendship, try not to make the environment hostile. Ending a friendship is not easy, but when the decision is made, it is best to try not to get upset, say words that may directly offend the other person, and have a healthy closure. 

    When explaining to the other person why you decide to end the friendship, do it calmly and without argument. Highlight that during the time you were friends, you had wonderful times and that it is time for the cycle to close since everything has a beginning and an end. 

    Let the other person express themselves and end the conversation by wishing them well.

    Grieve the loss of friendship

    In the current climate of strange, post-Covid-lockdown reality, ending friendships, whether they be short-lived or life-long, is a difficult and unfortunate decision. Our social and family connections have become more vital in maintaining our mental health and providing support and love in these difficult times. 

    However, there comes a time in certain friendships or relationships where a forward trajectory is not possible. 

    My own experience with this phenomenon occurred this past year after a lifelong friend, my college roommate, in fact, decided to continually lie to me about her toxic relationship with her husband.

    For background, I have known this person since I was 18 years old. I am now 59. We have maintained a friendship through the years. 

    However, when she married this particular person, any and every argument, disagreement, or falling-out we had over the years related to that toxic relationship and her continued decision to remain in a very unhealthy, verbally violent, and degrading situation. 

    Related: Why Do People Stay In Toxic Relationships?

    Several years in a row, she requested that I be ready to help her move out of her home with her young daughter while this toxic spouse was away at a conference. And each of these several occasions resulted in the same thing: her not moving out and using my time and emotional investment as pawns to explain why she had changed her mind. 

    Other incidences involved his violent and verbal abuse of her in public places and their home when I was visiting. While one can assume the worst in these situations, there comes a point when continued support of wishy-washy behavior plays an emotional toll. 

    These two toxic individuals are also professionals with high-paying jobs, so there was absolutely no reason for her not to leave other than because of her own insecurities and issues. 

    This life-long friend finally served up “the straw that broke the camel’s back” when she recently, and finally, claimed that she had filed for divorce and was moving to a town five hours away, only for me to find out that the abusive spouse had moved with her to that town after they sold their home. 

    I am still unclear as to whether or not she lied to me about actually filing for divorce. I have been asked to rush over to their home to appease her sobbing daughter, who had barricaded herself in a bedroom away from the toxic father while my friend was at an evening business meeting. 

    I have listened to her repeatedly tell me that he threatens to commit suicide if she files for divorce. I have been there over and over to help, but those days are now over.

    Being a good friend means knowing the truth

    I am a loyal friend. I will bend over backward for those I love and for friends that have supported me in my life. However, the one part of friendship in which there is no room for continued breach is that of lying and hiding behind those lies to create a false reality and appearance that everything is fine. 

    Related: How to Tell If Someone Is Lying to You 

    To drag loyal friends into drama and dishonest behavior over and over again should never be tolerated. When I found out how many lies I had actually been told over the years, I ended the friendship. This was not an easy task. 

    However, I had been fooled long enough. While I empathize with this “battered woman syndrome” and understand the psychological effects of her continued decision not to leave, years of this friend’s claims that she was going to seek help and remove herself and her daughter from the violence and toxicity eventually fell on my deaf ears. 

    I decided to write her a very diplomatic email and wished her good luck. It was simple and to the point, but I had had enough.

    I can honestly say that I do grieve this friendship for the over 40 years of laughs, travel, support, and family milestones. I grieve for her as well because her choice to appear in the world as fine, as something she is not, is her downfall. 

    No matter how much money, career accolades, or type of car one drives for status purposes, what lies beneath is the truth, and sometimes the truth is a toxic, negative disease that permeates under the surface until it festers into the death of one’s spirit.

    Decisions to end friendships open new doors

    While my final email to her to wish her well was a genuine goodbye, I am now focused on old and new friends who shine a light on my goodness while they allow me to do the same for them. 

    We are all flawed individuals; we all have baggage, quirks, and bad habits. However, to abuse a friendship for years through lies and deceit should never be tolerated. Perhaps I was in denial that she would treat me this way after all we’d been through together. I was naive to believe her but had known her to be so different years ago.

    One thing that life will show you as we get older is that true colors eventually be revealed. Was she changed by staying in the toxic relationship? Absolutely. Could I have done anything more than I had already done to help her? No.

    So as it stands today, I have one less lifelong friend, but I know that my decision to end the relationship was based on my belief that what I give out in this world is genuine and not a manipulative tactic to create false realities. 

    It has been difficult, but I am proud of the fact that I am certainly honoring my limits and preserving my emotional well-being.

    I pray for this once cherished friend and know I did everything I could to be there for her for decades. Onward and upward we go!

    Base it on the gravity of the situation

    I always advise people to conduct any confrontations in person so as to get maximum closure from the event. However, that’s not always a good idea. 

    When you realize that the friendship is messed up beyond repair and don’t have any intention of hearing out the other person since their explanation will not help, it may be better to distance yourself entirely and end that friendship with a text. It’ll help keep you aloof and won’t drain you.

    Need some inspiration? Don’t worry; I understand just how stressful this kind of situation can be. Instead of thinking of and overthinking your response, here are a few samples you can add to any text chain based on the severity of your situation:

    Example 1

    “I’d really like to get this off my chest in one go, and I want to discuss (describe the experience) with you. I need you to acknowledge that these actions are most definitely not okay, which ultimately led me to decide that I don’t want to continue this friendship.”

    Example 2: 

    “It might not be what you wanted to hear, but it’s important for you to understand that I am mentally drained and have decided to spare myself from more discomfort by distancing myself from you. The decision has already been made, so please know that nothing can convince me at this point.”

    Remember, keep it short and simple—for your own sanity.

    AJ Silberman-Moffitt

    AJ Silberman-Moffitt

    Senior Editor, Tandem

    Many things change as we grow up and go from being children to adults. Your wardrobe style, your palette, and your living accommodations are just some things that are probably different now than when you were young. 

    Another thing that happens is that some of our friends when we were growing up seem to fade into oblivion. Maybe you no longer have things in common, or they could have moved out of state. 

    Whatever the reason, losing our childhood friends is common, and it’s something most people can easily deal with. But what happens when you are an adult and want to end a friendship? 

    At this time, you might want to be a child again. You wish the person could just fade out of your life. Since, most likely, this isn’t possible, how can you end a friendship?

    Limit how much you communicate

    Maybe you would talk to or text this person every day in the past. Now that you have reasons to no longer remain friends with them, try limiting the amount of time you spend communicating with them. 

    Hopefully, they will notice you aren’t as active in their life as you once were, and eventually, they might take the hint.

    Limit the time you spend with them

    If you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t need to give the person a reason why you don’t want to hang out with them as much. Instead, tell them that you will be busy with work or are working on a project and don’t have much free time. 

    Once you have taken some time away, you might even realize it was just what you needed.

    Be direct and tell them

    This can be the most difficult way to end a friendship. Even if you know this is the right thing to do, that doesn’t mean you won’t feel guilty about it or that the other person might try to make you feel bad. But telling them is the best way to know that the other person understands that you no longer want to stay friends. 

    When you are telling them, meet at a coffee shop or another public place. You don’t want to be somewhere you might start feeling trapped. Also, use “I” statements instead of being accusatory. Try to make it more about you and less about them. 

    Most importantly, be as calm and composed as possible. If you are in a public space, you don’t want to draw too much attention that might make one or both of you uncomfortable.

    If you have a toxic friendship, this is one that most likely needs to end immediately. There is no reason to stay friends with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself. 

    What if you’ve just realized that you no longer have things in common or don’t enjoy spending time with them? There is nothing wrong with this. Just as romantic relationships can dwindle, platonic ones can as well. 

    You might be sad once your friendship is over, but many other people in the world are looking to make new friends. You might be lucky enough to find one when the time is right.

    How To End A Friendship Gracefully: 15 Healthy Ways To Do It

    Image: Shutterstock

    Friends are your biggest support system. However, some friendships turn toxic, which takes a toll on your mental and physical well-being. If you want to know how to end a friendship, this post is for you.

    A good friend is your biggest supporter, cheerleader, and critic. They stand by you through thick and thin and lift you up when you feel low. However, not all your friends have the purest of intentions. Some people maintain friendship with you because they need something from you and don’t support you when you need them. So it is important to identify such friends and cut them off from your life. In this post, we talk about how to end a friendship respectfully.

    8 Reasons To End A Friendship

    Breaking a friendship can be heartbreaking, but sometimes, you may have to go through the tough task. Here are a few reasons why you may have to end a friendship.

    1. They betrayed you

    The person repeatedly betrayed your trust and has not made amends. They have lied to you and have gone behind your back many times and they have not done anything to change.

    protip_icon Point to consider

    When a person betrays you repeatedly, it means they do not care about you or value your company. This equates them with an enemy instead of a friend.

    2. They bring negativity to your life

    Your friend does not leave any opportunity to bring you down. They constantly complain about something or the other, choosing to find fault in everything you do. They do not accept accountability for where they are at in life, and they want you to adapt their negative outlook.

    3. They take advantage of you

    They are fake friends

    Image: IStock

    Your friend constantly asks for your help but is nowhere to be seen when you need them. They are fake friends who borrow things from you and do not return them. They ask you to do their work but never do anything for you in return. The relationship is not based on mutuality.

    4. They don’t keep your secrets

    Your friend constantly reveals the information you have shared with them in confidence. Even if you tell them to stop, they continue to gossip about your life’s secrets and do not hold your best interests or any interest in helping you feel safe.

    protip_icon Do remember

    A person who does not respect you has no problem sharing your personal information with others. And what meaning does a relationship have if there is no respect?

    5. They never have time for you

    Your friend constantly ditches you for other people by giving you flimsy excuses. They are not too keen to spend time with you and break dates multiple times. It is a one-sided friendship where you are always vying for their time and attention.

    6. They don’t respect boundaries

    Your friend repeatedly pushes you to do things you are uncomfortable with. They don’t respect your schedule and expect you to drop everything to spend time with them. They deliberately bring up topics that you do not want to discuss. Your best interests are not considered, and so, you do not feel safe around them.

    7. They begin to conflict with your values

    You two do not have similar values anymore. Their values have begun to conflict with yours. To continue being friends with them, you will have to change yourself or lie to them, and it will not feel good for you to be around them.

    8. They don’t make you feel positive

    You feel depleted

    Image: IStock

    Your lives have taken different paths. Whenever you meet them, they bring negative vibes, and you feel awkward. You feel depleted and negative after spending time with them, and they drain your energy.

    If you think ending a friendship by meeting in person is a better idea than writing a letter, sending an email or texting, here are a few tips for proper closure.

    1. Plan what you are going to say

    Before meeting your friend in person to end the relationship, carefully plan what you want to say. Keep in mind the specific issues or incidents you want to address. Preparing in advance will help you share your reality while not forgetting what you wish to say – even if you are agitated. However, let your friend have their say too. Don’t overwhelm them by talking continuously. Let it be a healthy discussion.

    2. Avoid blame games or bad language

    Blaming your friend or hurling insults can make the situation go out of hand. To handle it gracefully, put forward your point of view calmly without using any foul language. Using “I feel” statements will help you share how they have affected you without overly criticizing them. Even if your friend raises their voice or insults you, maintain your cool. Quarrels can make it difficult for you to have a proper discussion and diminish the possibility of ending the friendship peacefully.

    3. Focus on your feelings, not their faults

    Instead of focusing on your friend’s mistakes, weave the conversation around your feelings. If you accuse them and hold them accountable for everything, they might become defensive. Use “I” or “We” rather than “You.”

    You can tell them that you are not happy with the way things are going between you. However, avoid making unspecific and rude comments. Instead, communicate the impact of their behavior on you. For instance, you can say, “I was hurt when you couldn’t make time for me during my tough time last year.”

    4. Communicate clearly

    Communicate clearly, how to end a friendship

    Image: IStock

    Is this the end of the friendship or just a break? If it is a break, how long will it be? Are you completely cutting off contact, or will you exchange pleasantries sometimes? If you come across each other, what should be the right approach? Communicate all these clearly so that there is no confusion or problem in the future.

    5. Share the load

    Your main objective is to end the friendship on an amicable and healthy note. If you hold them solely responsible for everything wrong, it will only complicate the matter. Instead, share the responsibility by using a few “we” statements. For example, say, “Lately, we haven’t seen eye to eye on a lot of things.” Don’t say, “You are always ready for a fight.”

    6. Avoid going round in circles

    If you want to end the friendship quickly and painlessly, avoid discussing incidents of the past. A long, drawn-out conversation may take you off the track.  If your friend is a toxic person, they might try to argue and pull you down or manipulate you to change your mind. They may also try to put the blame on you. Once you have made up your mind, be firm about your stance on ending the friendship.

    protip_icon Quick tip

    You may get emotional when breaking a friendship. However, remind yourself that letting go of the wrong person will make way for the true friend in your life.

    7. Wish them the best for the future

    If they were a good friend, they deserve kind treatment. They once meant something to you, so make it easier for them. Be the bigger person and sincerely wish them well for the future. Acknowledge the good times you have shared and end on a positive note so that both of you will feel better when you look back at your relationship.

    Here are a few other ways to end a friendship smoothly and gracefully.

    8. Let the friendship come to its natural end

    Instead of ending the friendship abruptly, let it fade away gradually over time. You won’t have to explain anything or hurt their feelings. Distance yourself by reducing the overall communication or not answering their calls and responding to their texts immediately. Decrease the frequency of calls and face-to-face meetings too.

    9. Take some time out

    If the friend was dear to you, it might not be easy to end the friendship. Sometimes, a little time apart can serve as a “cooling off” period. However, sometimes, the distance might open your eyes to the fact that the friendship has run its course. The timeout can simplify the task of ending the friendship. Maybe your friend will glide into the separation, and the bitterness can be avoided.

    10. Cut off contact completely

    While it is good to end a friendship amicably, it might not always be possible. If your friend is mentally or physically abusive, controlling, obsessive, or has threatened your safety, then a discussion might not be an option. Block them on your phone and all your social media handles. Also, inform your mutual friends about the toxic situation.

    11. Maintain distance from them

    Once you have communicated that you want to end the friendship, you can distance yourself from them. If you work together, study in the same college/school, or are in the same group, moving away from them completely may not be possible. However, you can minimize the interactions with them. During your group meetings, it is best to reduce direct communication with them. If you work together, keep your interactions strictly professional. If they try to start an argument or harass you, tell them to stop politely but firmly.

    How To End A Friendship By Text?

    Express your pain

    Image: IStock

    If your friend turns violent or sentimental, text them to resolve the matter subtly.

    12. Convey your discomfort by texting, We are not on the same page anymore”

    If the two of you have different values that constantly lead to disagreements, text them something like, “While we have had fun times together, my beliefs and interests are different to yours at this stage, ”or “Our lives are on diverse paths, and we have grown apart.” If they ask for specifics, you can give a prominent and latest example.

    13. Express your pain with, Our friendship is fractured beyond repair

    If they have broken your trust and spoken ill about you, be upfront about it. Text them about how you felt rather than harping about how bad they are. Avoid getting into too many details. It is okay to touch upon their latest indiscretion if required, but don’t use any loaded words.

    For instance, you may text, “I am truly hurt that you chose to lie to me repeatedly and gossip about me behind my back.” “A healthy friendship is based on mutual trust and respect. I don’t think our relationship can ever recover from this.”

    14. Text you have grown apart, We don’t connect so well

    If you have drifted apart and feel that your friendship has become an obligation, you may end it by saying, “We were great friends, however, I don’t feel the connection anymore” or“ This is not an easy decision, but I don’t see the point in forcibly stretching this relationship anymore. Let’s go our separate ways.”

    15. Communicate your need with a text, “My well-being is my priority”

    You may want to end the friendship because the person constantly humiliates you and brings you down. In such a scenario, let them know that the friendship negatively affects you by texting, “I need to focus on my emotional wellbeing and rebuild my confidence. Our friendship is taking a toll on me, and it is not healthy for me to continue it any further. I wish you well for your future.” While there might be some disparaging remarks and insults from their end, avoid getting into an argument and let it go – take the high road.

    1. How do you know a friend doesn’t care about you?

    A friend who does not care about you, avoids meeting you by frequently canceling plans, does not include you in their inner social circle, seems distant, always blames you for everything, is not with you in your tough times, and does not feel happy about your accomplishments. If you have such a friend, you should distance yourself from them.

    2. Are female friendships more fragile?

    Female friendships can be more fragile than male friendships. However, it is believed that women discuss their vulnerabilities and fears with their close friends more than men. Therefore, women’s friendships are more intense and fragile.

    How to end a friendship? There is no easy way for it, as friendship breakups do hurt. However, if you decide to part ways, there should be a strong reason, and it’s bound to be upsetting and mournful. It’s natural that you will feel a rush of negative emotions to reach the end, but it’s important not to be engrossed in the bitterness of the situation. So, properly plan what to communicate. Also, remember that time heals everything, and it might bring a better future.

    Infographic: Words To Be Used When Ending A Friendship

    It is often said that friends are our chosen families who support us in all phases of our life. However, sometimes, the friendship might end due to unfortunate circumstances or misunderstandings. Ending a good friendship is difficult, and one must handle it carefully to avoid lasting bitterness. This infographic helps you to choose the right words for ending a friendship.

    what should you say when ending a friendship (infographic)

    Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

    Download Infographic in PDF version

    Key Pointers

    • When your friend takes advantage of you, and you feel betrayed, it could be a valid reason to end the friendship.
    • Before taking a step further, plan well about what you want to convey.
    • Avoid miscommunication and inappropriate language. Instead, focus on how they made you feel.

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    Are you facing hesitation in deciding how to end your friendship with an old friend? Well, there can be numerous reasons for ending a friendship but it’s never an easy decision. Here are some handy tips to end a toxic friendship, if it’s not worthy of respect and gratitude.

    Often in life, friendships come to an end. May be your friend is behaving in a worst possible manner or you’ve grown quite apart to stay in touch. Some strong differences of opinions and thoughts, ideas and beliefs, and inapt behavior―all can lead to an end of a friendship.

    Ending a Friendship on Good Terms
    Ending a friendship is one of the most difficult decisions one has to ever take. But compromising your self respect and being friends with someone is demeaning the value of friendship. Ending your friendship on good terms is a sign of maturity and reflects your gratitude for the times you were together with your friend. Remember, just because you’ll end your friendship, doesn’t mean you’ll be enemies. It just means you both will respect the boundaries drawn for each other.

    Be Firm
    You have to be sure of your decision as to why you want to end the friendship. You simply can’t avoid the situation just because you feel that you both may be hurt. More so, if you’ve been friends for long time, you’ve got to talk and discuss the issue with your friend.

    Appropriate Location and Timing
    Don’t underestimate the value of your friendship. Hence, don’t pop up this question in public or where you both are uncomfortable. Set aside some specific time and place to discuss this issue. You should have enough time to discuss the issue properly. You can voice over your concern to your friend and tell what all has been going wrong. Don’t play blame game. Convey the flaws in his/her action and behavior that hurt you.

    Honesty Pays
    Loyalty, honesty, and care makes a good friend. Hence, no matter what you’re feeling, neglected or abused, convey it to your friend honestly. The premise of a friendship is honesty. Don’t compromise on that.

    Be Concise
    Don’t beat about the bush and tell a simple thing in flowery words. Neither imply the possibility of renewing your bond nor end it like you’re allies in world war. End it with full respect.

    Humility Works
    Humility is the hallmark of a matured person. Don’t exaggerate the faults of your friend. Be humble and make him/her understand that his/her mistakes are genuine and you really have been hurt.

    Get Over it, Move on
    Once it ends, it’s never the same. Don’t start to appear weak and just to know whereabouts of your friend, keep texting or calling him/her. After everything is over, you gotta give space to each other. Don’t expect anything from your friend or call or email him/her.

    Talk About Your Thoughts
    Some pain is always there, no matter what. Your friend was a part of your life. However, you had to say him/her goodbye because there was no option other than this. It happens that you may feel the urge to talk to someone and share how you’re feeling. Sharing our thoughts takes off the burden from mind and heart. Talk to someone who is close to you and you’ll feel better.

    These were some tips on how to end a friendship. Remember, friendship is a beautiful relationship and is valuable in our lives. The importance of friends and meaning of friendship goes beyond any explanations. But the issue is, you can’t compromise your individual respect just for a friendship which is hurting you at every step. In such cases, ending the friendship seems to be the only solution.

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