To do lists templates in excel

The human mind is a powerful thing. 

But sometimes, it can suddenly blank out! 

Like forgetting to note down the grocery items missing in your pantry or the project changes your client wants by the end of the day. 

While our brain can do quite a lot, sometimes relying on our memory isn’t always the best way to keep track of our tasks. 

That’s why a to-do list in Excel can be helpful. 

It helps you break down your tasks into different sections on a single spreadsheet, which you can view at any time. 

In this article, we’ll cover the six steps to create a to-do list in Excel and also discuss a better alternative that can handle more complex requirements the easier way. 

Let’s roll!

ClickUp Customizable Checklists CTA

What Is a To Do List in Excel?

A to-do list in Microsoft Excel helps you organize your most essential tasks in a tabular form. It comes with rows and columns to add a new task, dates, and other specific notes.

Basically, it lets you assemble all your to-dos on a single spreadsheet. 

Whether you’re preparing a move-in checklist or a project task list, a to-do list in Excel can simplify your work process and store all your information. 

While there are other powerful apps for creating to-do lists, people use Excel because: 

  • It’s a part of the Microsoft Office Suite people are familiar with
  • It offers powerful conditional formatting rules and data validation for analysis and calculations
  • It includes an array of reporting tools like matrices, charts, and pivot tables, making it easier to customize the data

In fact, you can create Excel to-do lists for a wide range of activities, including project management, client onboarding, travel itinerary, inventory, and event management. 

Without further ado, let’s learn how to create a to-do list in Excel. 

6 Simple Steps To Make a To Do List in Excel

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to make a to-do list in Excel.

Step 1: Open a new Excel file

To open a new file, click on the Excel app, and you’ll find yourself at the Excel Home page. Double-click on the Blank Workbook to open a new Excel spreadsheet.

Blank workbook template in Excel

If you’re already on an Excel sheet and want to open a new file:

  • Click on the File tab, which will take you to the backstage view. Here you can create, save, open, print, and share documents
  • Select New, then click on Blank Workbook
Open a blank workbook in Excel

Want an even faster route?

Press Ctrl+N after opening Excel to create a Blank Workbook. 

Your new workbook is now ready for you. 

Step 2: Add column headers

In our Excel to-do list, we want to track tasks and keep an eye on the progress by adding the column headers: Date, Task Name, Target, Status, and Comments. You can enter the column headers across the top row of the spreadsheet. 

Add column headers in Excel workbook

These column headers will let anyone viewing your spreadsheet get the gist of all the information under it.  

Step 3: Enter the task details

Enter your task details under each column header to organize your information the way you want. 

In our to-do list table, we have collated all the relevant information we want to track:

  • Date: mentions the specific dates
  • Task Name: contains the name of our tasks
  • Target: the number of task items we aim to complete
  • Status: reflects our work progress 
How to fill out your Excel workbook

You can also fix the alignment of your table by selecting the cells you want and click on the icon for center alignment from the Home tab

Align text in Excel workbook

Step 4: Apply filters

Too many to-dos?

Use the Filter option in Excel to retrieve data that matches particular criteria. 

All you need to do is select any cell within the range of your data (A1-E11) > Select Data > then select Filter.

You’ll see drop-down lists appearing in the header of each column, as shown in the image below.

Dropdown options for workbook columns in Excel

Click on the drop-down arrow for the column you want to apply a filter.

Filtering columns in Excel

As shown in our to-do list table below, we want to apply the filter to the Status column, so we’ve selected the cell range of D1-D11.

Filtered and sorted columns in Excel

Then, in the Filter menu that appears, you can uncheck the boxes next to the data you don’t want to view and click OK. You can also quickly uncheck all by clicking on Select All.

Filter for what you want to see in Excel

In our to-do list, we want to view only the Open tasks, so we apply the filter for that data.

Filter for open tasks in Excel

After you save this Excel file, the filter will be there automatically the next time you open the file.

Step 5: Sort the data

You can use the Sort option in Excel to quickly visualize and understand your data better.

We want to sort the data in the Target column, so we’ll select the cell range C1-C11. Click on the Data tab and select Sort.

A Sort Warning dialog box will appear asking if you want to Expand the selection or Continue with the current selection. You can choose the latter option and click on Sort. 

Sorting warning in Excel

The Sort dialog box will open where you have to enter the:

  • The column you want to Sort by
  • Cell values you wish to Sort on
  • Order in which you want to sort the data

For our table, we have chosen the Target column and kept the order from smallest to largest. 

Sort columns by target value in Excel

Step 6: Edit and customize your to do list

You can edit fields, add columns, use colors and fonts to customize your to-do list the way you want.

Like in our table, we’ve highlighted the Status column so anybody viewing can quickly understand your task progress. 

Highlight columns to make them pop in Excel

And voila! ✨

We’ve created a simple Excel to-do list that can help you keep track of all your tasks.

Want to save more time? 

Create a template from your existing workbook to keep the same formatting options that you generally use while making your to-do lists.

Or you can use any to-do list Excel template to get started instantly. 

10 Excel To Do List Templates

Templates can help keep your workbooks consistent, especially when they’re related to a particular project or client. For example, a daily Excel to-do list template improves efficiency and enables you to complete your tasks sooner. 

Here are a few Excel to-do list templates that can help improve efficiency and save time:

1. Excel project management task list template

Project management task list template in Excel

Download this project management task list template.

2. Excel inventory list template

Inventory list template in Excel

Download these inventory list templates.

3. Excel action item list template

Action items list template in Excel

Download this action item list template. 

4. Excel simple to-do list template

Excel simple to-do lists template

Download this simple to-do list template.

5. Excel bill paying checklist template

Excel bill paying to-do list template

Download this bill paying checklist template.

6. Excel weekly assignment to-do list template

Excel weekly assignment to-do list template

Download this weekly assignment template.

7. Excel prioritized to-do list template

Excel prioritized to do list template

Download this prioritized to-do list template.

8. Excel homework to-do list template

Excel homework to-do list template

Download this homework to-do list template.

9. Excel to-do list with deadlines template

Excel to-do list with deadlines template

Download this to-do list with deadlines template.

10. Excel project task list template

Excel project task list template

Download this project task list template.

However, you can’t always find a template that will fulfill your specific needs. 

Additionally, data management in Excel is prone to human error. 

Each time a user copy-pastes information from one spreadsheet to another, there is a greater risk of new errors cropping up into successive reports. 

Before you commit to Excel to-do lists, here are some limitations to consider. 

3 Major Disadvantages of To Do Lists in Excel

Even though widely used, Excel spreadsheets aren’t always the best option for creating your to-do lists. 

Here are the three common disadvantages of using Excel for to-do lists:

1. Lack of ownership

When multiple individuals work on the same spreadsheet, you’re unable to tell who’s editing. 

You might end up repeating a task in vain if a person forgets to update the Work Status column in shared to-do lists after it’s done.

Additionally, people can easily alter task details, values, and other entries in the to-do lists (intentionally or unintentionally). You won’t know whom to hold accountable for the error or change! 

2. Inflexible templates

Not all of the Excel to-do templates you find online are reliable. Some of them are extremely difficult to manipulate or customize.

You’ll spend forever on the internet to find one that works for you.

3. Manual labor

Making to-do lists in Excel involves a significant amount of manual labor. 

It may take you quite some time to fill out your to-do items and create an organized system.

This doesn’t sit well with us because tons of project management tools can save you so much time and effort by creating and managing your to dos.

Moreover, the complexity increases with the increasing size of data in your Excel file. Naturally, you’d want a substitute to streamline your to-dos to track them and reduce the monotonous, manual work involved. 

And honestly, Excel is no to-do list app.

To manage to-dos, you need a tool that’s specifically designed for it.

Like ClickUp, one of the highest-rated productivity and project management software that lets you create and manage to-dos with ease.

Related Excel guides:

  • How to create a Kanban board in Excel
  • How to create a burndown chart in Excel
  • How to create a flowchart in Excel
  • How to make an org chart in Excel
  • How to create a dashboard in Excel

Create To Do Lists Effortlessly With ClickUp

ClickUp can help you create smart to-do lists to organize your tasks. 

From adding Due Dates to setting Priorities, ClickUp’s comprehensive features let you create and conquer all your to-dos!


One word: Checklists

ClickUp’s Checklists give you the perfect opportunity to organize your task information so you never miss even the smallest of details. 

All you need to do is click on Add beside To Do (you can find it within any ClickUp task), then select Checklist. You can name your Checklist and start adding the action items. Easy!

Checklists in ClickUp

Easily organize task information so you never miss a beat with Checklists in ClickUp

Checklists within ClickUp give your tasks a clear outline. Apart from noting down the essential details, you also get subtasks to break down your tasks further. 

You can also arrange and rearrange the checklist items with the easy drag-and-drop feature. 

Reorganize ClickUp Checklists

Reorganize your ClickUp Checklist by dragging and dropping your items

Worried about some tasks getting overlooked?

With ClickUp, you can add Assignees to your specific to-dos to see things through. 

Assign items in ClickUp Checklists

Manage items on your Checklist by assigning them to yourself or the team in ClickUp

It also lets you reuse your favorite Checklist Templates to scale your work efficiency. 

To choose a template:

  • Click Add from the To Do section of any task
  • Click Checklist to reveal your options
  • Choose a template and select Use Template
Checklist Templates in ClickUp

Use ClickUp’s Checklist Templates to stay efficient with different recurring tasks

Still hung up on Excel? That’s okay.

ClickUp’s Table view can help you move on.

But our Table view isn’t a mere matrix of rows and columns. 

You can visualize your data clearly and create Custom Fields to record almost anything from task progress to file attachments and 15+ other field types.

Moreover, you can easily import your ongoing project details into ClickUp with our Excel and CSV import options!

But wait, that’s not all!

Here are some other ClickUp features that’ll make you forget Excel in an instant:

  • Assign Task: assign tasks to one or Multiple Assignees to quicken your pace of work
  • Custom Tags: effectively organize your task details by adding Tags
  • Task Dependencies: help your teammates understand their to-dos concerning other tasks by setting Dependencies
  • Recurring Tasks: save your time and effort by streamlining repetitive to-dos
  • Google Calendar Sync: easily sync your Google Calendar events with the ClickUp Calendar view. Any updates in your Google Calendar will automatically reflect on ClickUp too
  • Smart Search: search Docs easily and other items that you’ve recently created, updated, or closed
  • Custom Statuses: denote the status of your tasks, so the team knows at which stage of the workflow they currently are
  • Notepad: jot down ideas quickly with our portable, digital Notepad
  • Embed view: declutter your screen and add the apps or websites alongside your tasks instead
  • Gantt Charts: track work progress, assignees, and dependencies with a simple drag and drop functionality (check out this Excel dependencies guide)

Tame Your To Do Lists With ClickUp

Excel may be a decent option for planning daily to-dos and simple task lists. However, when you work with multiple teammates and tasks, Excel might not be ideal for what you need. Collaboration isn’t easy, there’s too much manual labor, and no team accountability.

That’s why you need a robust to-do list tool to help you manage tasks, track deadlines, follow work progress, and foster team collaboration. 

Fortunately, ClickUp brings all of this to the table and so much more. 

You can create to-dos, set Reminders, track Goals, and view insightful Reports.

Switch to ClickUp for free and quit wasting all that brainpower on simple to-do lists! 

You start your day. Plan some tasks. Write it down somewhere and start working on it.

When it’s way past your work time, you think about that to-do list (stare at it if you have it written) and curse the world for not having enough time in the day.

Sounds familiar?

If you are nodding your heading in agreement, you – my friend, are suffering from an acute condition of expanding-to-do-list.

Well, I am neither a brain doctor nor a self-help guru. I can not help you in overcoming procrastination and getting your work done.


I can give you an Excel To Do List template that can handle your ever-expanding list (you will still have to make one and do all the work).

Jokes aside, I do believe it is helpful when you maintain a to-do list. I create one every morning, and on some lucky days, I also get the pleasure of checking off most (if not all) the items.

Excel To Do List Templates (Free Download)

Here are the four Excel To Do List templates you can download:

  1. A Simple printable Excel To-do List.
  2. To-do List with drop downs to mark a task as complete.
  3. To-do List where you can check a box to mark a task as complete.
  4. To-do List where you can simply double to mark the task as complete.

Excel To Do List Template #1 – Printable To Do List

This one is for people like me.

I like to print my to-do list and stick it right in front of my eyes and then work on the items on the list.

Here is a simple Excel template where you can fill the tasks and take a print-out. If you prefer writing the tasks yourselves, simply print it first and then fill in the tasks.

There is a separate column to mention date and comments (if any). If you don’t need it, delete these columns before printing.
A Printable Excel To Do List Template

Download simple printable to-do list templateDownload File

Excel To Do List Template #2 – With Drop Down List

If you prefer making and maintaining the To Do list in Excel itself, you are in for a treat.

Here is an Excel To Do List template where you can:

Excel To Do List Template Drop Down

Additional Notes:

  • The weights are given as follows (in the pic below). If you want to change the weights, you can easily do it by changing these values. In the download file, columns G to J are hidden. Unhide it to change the weights. Excel To Do List Template weights
  • To calculate progress using the progress bar, we calculate:
    • Total Score: Add all the weights for all the activities. For example, if there are 2 high priority tasks and 1 medium priority task, and 1 low priority task, the total score would be 14 (5+5+3+1).
    • Completed Score: Here we add all the weights for all the activities that are completed. For example, if out of 4 activities, 1 high priority activity has been completed, then the Completed Score would be 5.
    • % Completed: The value when we divide Completed Score with Total Score. For example, in the above case, it would be 35.7% (5/14).

Excel To Do List Template completion calculation

Download to-do list with drop-downsDownload File

Excel To Do List Template #3 – With Check Boxes

This template is exactly like the one with drop downs, with a minor difference – it has checkboxes instead of the drop-down.

You can mark the task as complete by checking the checkbox. If not checked, it is considered incomplete.

Here is how you can use this Excel To Do List Template:

Excel To Do List Template Check Box

NOTE: Be careful while adding deleting rows. Deleting a row does not delete the checkbox.

Download to-do list template with checkboxesDownload File

Excel To Do List Template #4 – Double-click Enabled

I find this version of the template the best of all.

It uses a small VBA code to enable the double click event where you can mark a task as completed by simply double-clicking on it. As soon as you double click on the cell, it automatically inserts a checkmark in that cell.

NOTE: Since this contains a VBA code, it should be saved in .XLS or .XLSM format.

Here is how you can use this Excel To-do List Template:

Excel To Do List Template Double Click

Download Excel Template To Do List #4 – Double Click EnabledDownload File

NOTE: Since this template contains a VBA code, when you open it, Excel will show a prompt to enable content. You need to enable it for this to work.

Excel To Do List Template enable content

So here are 4 Excel To-do list templates that I find useful and often use while planning my work.

Common Use Cases of Using these To-do list templates

While I have shown you the example of common daily tasks, you can use these to-do list templates in many different ways.

Here are some use cases that come to my mind:

  1. Project Management Checklist: Since a project can have many moving parts to it, creating a daily or even weekly/monthly to-do lists can help you keep a tab on all the important stuff.
  2. Client onboarding checklist: You can create a quick client onboarding checklist and hand it over to your sales/customer executives. This will make sure a client gets a seamless and complete onboarding experience.
  3. Grocery checklist: While it may sound weird to create one in Excel, I have seen people do this. This has become more useful now that we can order stuff groceries online in a few minutes.
  4. Event Management Checklist: Event management can get crazy and out of control if not planned well. A handy to-do list can save you (and others) a lot of time and money.
  5. Travel Itinerary and Packing checklist: I love to keep my traveling hassle-free by having a to-do list of stuff that needs to be done (bookings, visa, tickets, etc). You can also create a packing list to make sure you don’t leave important stuff behind.
  6. Blog Publishing Checklist: I have created a to-do list to make sure I don’t miss out on the important parts when publishing a blog post on this site. These tasks include doing grammar and spell-check, making sure titles are correct, images are present, tahs and categories are assigned, etc.

What goes into making the Excel TO DO List template?

There is no rocket science at play here. Simple Excel techniques come together to make it happen.

Here are the components that make these templates:

  • Conditional formatting (to highlight a row in green when a task is marked as completed).
  • Strikethrough Format (appears when a task is marked as completed).
  • Excel Drop-down Lists (to show the status in the drop-down).
  • Check Boxes (to mark a task as complete by checking it).
  • VBA (to enable double click event).
  • Excel Charting (to create the progress bar).

I hope these templates will help you become more productive and save some time.

I am sure you also have tons of To-do list success/failure stories and I would love to hear it.  I am waiting in the comment section 🙂

Other Excel Templates You Might Like:

  • To Do List template Integrated with Calendar in Excel
  • Task Prioritization Matrix Template in Excel
  • Shared Expense Calculator in Excel
  • Employee Timesheet Calculator
  • Vacation Itinerary and Packing List Template
  • How to Make an Interactive Calendar in Excel?

Download our free To Do List template to help you, your team, your family, or your organization. This template is already set up for auto filtering so that you can group the tasks by date, priority, status, etc. You also use the auto sort buttons to list the tasks in order by date, priority, etc. It is easy to print, so it’s nice for people who like to check off or scribble out tasks by hand.


You can also use this to do list for a team project. For example, you can use the Owner column for assigning a specific person a task, and then email the spreadsheet, or use it collaboratively to keep track of your tasks and due dates.

for Excel and Google Sheets

To Do List Template

«No installation, no macros — just a simple spreadsheet» — by


This printable To-Do List helps you get organized. It is highly customizable and requires only basic spreadsheet knowledge to edit or customize. It can be adapted for your personal use or used collaboratively in a team environment.

Update 1/9/17: When you select «Completed» from the Status column, a conditional formatting rule makes the font color in that row change to gray.

Related To-Do List Templates

Help Using the To Do List Template

The Vertex42™ To Do List template allows you the flexibility to use whatever codes, scales, or abbreviations you want for each of the columns. You can also delete one or more of the columns if you do not need it.

How to Use Autofilter and Sort in Excel

To edit the conditional formatting rules in this worksheet, go to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules and select «This Worksheet» from the drop-down. Learn more about conditional formatting.

In version 1.1.0, I added a few dynamic ranges that are used to populate the customizable drop down lists used for the Status and Priority columns. You can customize the items shown in those columns of the To Do List by editing the values in the Lists or Ref worksheet.

Status: You can enter values such as «Completed» or «In Progress» or abbreviations that you define yourself. You might also use this column to enter the percentage complete such as «50%» or «75%.» Note: If you change «Completed» to something else, you may also want to edit the conditional formatting rule in the table.

Priority: You might want to use a 3-, 5-, or 10-point numeric scale for this column, where 1 is the highest priority. Currently, the Priority column uses conditional formatting to highlight «High» red and «Low» blue.

PICK: This is an acronym that stands for Possible, Implement, Challenge, or Kill. See the PICK Chart page for more information about this useful lean six sigma technique. If you don’t need this column, just delete it.

Due Date: Enter values in date format. If the due date is earlier than today’s date, the conditional formatting condition will make the date red and display a red dot icon. If the due date is today, a yellow warning icon is shown. If you’d like the yellow warning icon to show up if a task is due within 3 days (including today), you can update the rule for the icons by going to Home > Conditional Formatting > Manage Rules. Choose the Icon Set rule and click on Edit Rule. Change the formula for the Green dot to =TODAY()+2.

Owner: The person assigned to this task, or the person responsible for seeing that this task is completed.

Project/Task: A short description of the task to be completed.

Notes: Add notes for more clarity or special instructions, comments about sub-tasks completed, problems, etc.

More To Do List Templates

  • Gantt Chart Template by — For larger, more complicated projects, a gantt chart can be a great tool for creating a task-based project schedule.
  • To Do List Templates by — Make sure to check out our other to do lists.


  1. How to Create a To-Do List in Excel
  2. 🤔 What Is a To-Do List in Excel?
  3. 🏗 How to Create an Excel To-Do List (Step-by-Step)
  4. Create a Blank Excel Workbook
  5. Organize Your List into Columns
  6. Enable Data Validation
  7. Add Checkboxes to Your Tasks
  8. 👎 Disadvantages of Using Excel For Managing Your To-Do Lists
  9. Excel Is Not a To-Do List App
  10. You Don’t Get Any Dedicated To-Do Tools
  11. Collaboration Is Not Exactly “Smooth”
  12. 🐑 Taskade—An Easier Alternative to Creating To-Do Lists in Excel
  13. 👋 Parting Words
  14. The Best To Do List Templates in Excel
  15. Basic To Do List Template
  16. Printable To Do List Template
  17. To Do List with Checkboxes Template
  18. To Do List with Drop-Downs Template
  19. Action Item List Template
  20. Group Project Task List Template
  21. Prioritized To Do List Template
  22. To Do List with Double-Click Enabled Template
  23. Business Trip Checklist Template
  24. How to Make a To Do List in Excel with Checkboxes
  25. Set Up Your To Do List in Excel
  26. Add Checkboxes to Your To Do List in Excel
  27. Set Conditional Formatting Rules to Your To Do List
  28. Common Uses for a To Do List Template
  29. Increase Accountability with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

How to Create a To-Do List in Excel

Love it or hate it, Excel is still an impressive piece of code. For over 30 years, spreadsheets have been the go-to tool for all kinds of projects, from not-so-exciting accounting & budgeting to AutoShape art or… flight simulators. But in today’s article, you’ll learn something different. Here’s how to create an Excel to-do list, complete with checkboxes, task sorting, and more.

Table of Contents

🤔 What Is a To-Do List in Excel?

We bet that creating an Excel to-do list wasn’t one of the “typical” use cases for the app Charles Simonyi—the brain behind Microsoft Excel—envisioned back in 1987.

But Excel’s columns, rows, and cells turn out to be a solid match for to-dos. Even if they’re not the most straightforward to set up. To make a to-do list in Excel you’ll need a few things:

  • ☑️ Form Controls to insert checkboxes into a sheet.
  • 🗂 Data Filtering to organize and filter tasks by their status.
  • 🔠 Data Validation to define data entry rules for cells.
  • 🎨 Conditional Formatting to change the appearance of cells.

All the components are here. All you need to do is figure out how to hack those features together (Dr. Frankenstein would approve). The good news is we’ve done the heavy lifting for you.

🏗 How to Create an Excel To-Do List (Step-by-Step)

Create a Blank Excel Workbook

Ok, this is an easy one. Your to-do needs a comfy space where it can grow long and lush. Here’s how to create a new Excel workbook with an empty sheet inside it:

  1. Open Excel and select Blank Workbook from the list
    • You can also use the ⌨️ ⌘/Ctrl + N shortcut.
  2. Right-click the default Sheet1 at the bottom if you want to Rename your spreadsheet.

Organize Your List into Columns

It’s time to organize your blank sheet into labeled columns. Adding task parameters is a great way to add context to to-dos. It’ll also let you sort tasks down the road.

You can format your to-do list manually or use the Format as Table option in the Home tab. But first, let’s add a few headers to those freshly minted columns. Here are a few ideas:

  1. ☀️ Date Added
  2. 🔠 Description
  3. 🗓 Due Date
  4. ⏰ Time
  5. 🚥 Status
  6. 🚩 Task Priority
  7. 🗂 Category
  8. 📝 Comments/Notes

With that out of the way, let’s add a touch of color. Select the rows and columns of your soon-to-be to-do, click Format as Table in the Home tab, and choose one of the available styles.

Experiment and add your own parameters but keep things low-key. After all, you don’t want to scroll through dozens of columns to complete a task, especially using a mobile version of Excel.

Trust us, it’s not fun.

Enable Data Validation

Data validation lets you define the type of data you can enter into a cell.

Limiting your choices may seem counterintuitive. But it’s actually much easier to fill in details like task status using simple drop-down lists. Follow the steps below to enable data validation:

  • Select all cells in the Status column
  • Go to the Data tab ➡ right-click Data Validation.
  • Under Allow, choose List from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the Source and click Ok to confirm.

Add Checkboxes to Your Tasks

What good is a to-do list if you can’t “check” ( or “tick”) completed tasks? We’ve already enabled the Developer tab in the previous steps so you can now add checkboxes to the spreadsheet.

  • Go to the Developer tab ➡ click ☑️ Checkbox.
  • Select the cell where you want to add the checkbox.
  • Resize the checkbox and place it in the center of a cell.
  • Drag the fill handle to duplicate the checkbox across all tasks.

👎 Disadvantages of Using Excel For Managing Your To-Do Lists

Excel Is Not a To-Do List App

Let’s make one thing clear.

It’s not that an Excel spreadsheet CAN’T act as an over-engineered to-do list. Quite the contrary. Excel is a powerful tool, but getting it to work requires a great deal of “figuring it out.”

Need a simple progress bar to check your progress?

Sorry, there’s none. Sure, you can insert a chart and come up with a witty formula to make it somewhat interactive. But the best online to-do apps let you track progress out of the box.

If you want to adapt an Excel spreadsheet to a task that’s not data entry, you need to hack together different features to get the results you’re after. And that’s not really “user-friendly.”

Of course, all that hacking and tinkering comes with a price.

Let’s say you’ve put together a few formulas and macros to power your to-do list. They seem to work just fine, so you get on with your work and forget all about them.

But the moment you start scaling your list, things get messy. The spreadsheet becomes laggy and unresponsive, formulas stop working, and you need to waste time figuring out what’s wrong. If you’ve ever used Excel, that scenario probably sounds all too familiar.

The bottom line is that Excel is NOT a to-do list app. It wasn’t designed to be one and doesn’t even have the basic functionality that’d make tracking tasks easier. And speaking of features…

You Don’t Get Any Dedicated To-Do Tools

Let’s start with reminders.

Excel spreadsheets don’t offer a straightforward way to set reminders out of the box. You can hack this functionality using Data Validation and other methods. But, as is the case with workarounds, it takes time and effort you should spend on getting work done.

Oh, and unless you’re an Excel pro, we wouldn’t put too much trust in those reminders anyway.

If you want to track tasks with multiple dependencies, you’re in for a ride. Unless you want to cram cells full of text, there’s no simple way to add sub-tasks to your to-do lists. Sorry not sorry.

It’s hard to imagine a to-do list that doesn’t use checkboxes or a variation of those.

Adding them to a spreadsheet? It’s possible, but you probably know by now that that’s a rather unintuitive process. That’s unless you love copying, pasting, and resizing. We don’t.

Of course, Excel is completely devoid of any advanced to-do features like drag & drop navigation, cross-linking, or a dedicated mobile app that’d let you easily—we can’t emphasize that enough—check tasks on the go. And it’s unlikely that things will change anytime soon.

Collaboration Is Not Exactly “Smooth”

Collaborative task management has proved its worth during the work-from-home experiment. And it’s still gaining traction as more teams are adopting a fully distributed or hybrid model.

While Excel does offer some collaborative features, they’re pretty limited.

You can’t assign tasks or tell what other people are working on in a straightforward way. There’s also no master view that’d make it easy to track team performance in a high-level overview.

A formula stopped working? Your teammate messed up conditional formatting?

It’s one thing when you make a mistake and your local spreadsheet crashes. But locking 10, 20, or 30 people out of a spreadsheet so you can fix a formula is a massive productivity killer.

And let’s not forget about Excel’s technical limitations. And there are quite a few

For once, Excel isn’t just one app that works across all devices. There are different apps for the web, desktop, and mobile, and not all of them support co-authoring. If you use a version that doesn’t, everybody else in the sheet will get locked out until you’re done with editing.

But hey, we’re not here to create problems but to find the right solutions. 🥳

🐑 Taskade—An Easier Alternative to Creating To-Do Lists in Excel

Creating a reliable to-do list for work and personal errands doesn’t have to be hard.

Erm… as long as you’re using the right tool for the job.

Taskade lets you plan, organize, and keep track of your to-dos the easy way. You don’t have to “hack” anything or create intricate formulas to stay on top of every task. With Taskade, everything works out of the box so you (and your team) can start getting work done in seconds.

Check this short video introduction to see how it works! 👇

But wait, that’s not all.

Taskade packs in a fine roundup of to-do features, including:

  • ⏰ Due dates and recurring tasks
  • 🦅 High-level overview of project status
  • ⌨️ Convenient keyboard shortcuts
  • 🔠 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • 🎨 Text and checklist formatting
  • ↕️ Task sorting and drag & drop navigation
  • 🔔 Customizable push notifications
  • 🔎 Global search, version history, and #hashtags
  • 🔗 File uploads, embeds, and attachments
  • And much more!

You can easily collaborate and chat with friends, family, and team members by inviting them directly to the Project. Taskade also features dynamic project views that let you instantly transform your list into a board, table, org chart, calendar, and even a mind map!

Taskade syncs your to-dos across all your devices without limits, even in the free plan. Our apps work natively on Mac, Windows, Linux, and mobile (iOS, Android). You can also access your to-dos in a web browser, just in case you somehow forget to bring all your devices for the trip.

“Is that all?” Nope, but we don’t want to bog you down with all the features Taskade offers.

Where’s the fun in that?

Sign up for a free Taskade account and explore the app for yourself. Our free tier includes a ton of options so you can get started quickly without silly limitations.

Oh, and don’t forget to bring your team on board!

👋 Parting Words

Can you create a project task list in Excel? Sure.

Should you? That’s a question you must answer yourself.

If you like to tinker with formulas and macros or spend hours setting things out, you’ll enjoy the process. But if you just want to get work done, you should use a dedicated to-do tool instead.

Before you go… Check these articles next to learn more about the power of lists!


The Best To Do List Templates in Excel

January 22, 2016

Whether you have to plan an event or manage a project, a to do list helps you set priorities and track your progress. By listing out all the necessary steps in one place, you can break down your goal in small, bite-sized chunks and organize your time accordingly.

In this article, you’ll find nine to do list templates in Excel. We’ll walk you through the steps to creating your own to do list with checkboxes in Excel and the most common uses for a to do list template.

We’ve also provided to do list templates in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-inspired work execution platform that makes managing to do lists more collaborative and real-time than Excel.

Basic To Do List Template

Download Basic To Do List Template

This basic to do list template can be customized to be a daily to do list, weekly to do list, or monthly to do list based on your desired time frame. You can write out your tasks, convey status, set priority, assign due dates and owners, and add notes for extra context.

Printable To Do List Template

Download Printable To Do List Template

If you’re running around planning an event or need to hang your task list on a wall, a printable version of your to do list is necessary. However, not all Excel to do list templates are printer-friendly (the rows will often print on multiple pieces of paper).

Be sure to look for a to do list template, like this one, that has been designed to print the whole to do list on one page. You can write in your tasks and due dates, and check the box when you’re done with a to do item.

To Do List with Checkboxes Template

Download To Do List with Checkboxes Template

Who doesn’t enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after checking a checkbox?

This to do list template includes dynamic checkboxes for each task and once you check a box, the strikethrough formatting will be applied to the task. This allows you to visually convey which tasks are completed and uncompleted at a glance.

To Do List with Drop-Downs Template

Download To Do List with Drop-Downs Template

If you need to add similar details (like status) for many tasks, drop-down lists save you from entering the same information over and over again.

This to do list template features drop-down lists for priority (you can choose from high, medium, and low) and status (complete, in progress, or not started). And, when you specify that a task has been complete, that row will automatically turn green.

Action Item List Template

Download Action Item List Template

Also known as a rolling action item list, this template tracks specific tasks that must be accomplished by a certain person. Action items typically arise from meetings and should always be clearly documented.

This action item list template has columns for you to track the date created, description, priority, assignee, due date, completion date, and notes for each task.

Group Project Task List Template

Download Group Project Task List Template

While a to do list traditionally includes the tasks only assigned to you, there will be times when you need to see what your colleagues are working on as well.

A group project task list, or group assigned to do list, allows everyone to see which tasks they need to complete and when. This template boosts accountability by assigning each task to a person (or multiple people) and adding due dates.

Prioritized To Do List Template

While it can reduce stress to write down all the tasks you need to accomplish in no particular order, sometimes you need to quickly see the most important to dos and the ones that can wait.

This prioritized to do list has drop-down columns, letting you organize tasks by high, medium, and low priority, or put the task on hold.

To Do List with Double-Click Enabled Template

This template features VBA code, or a Macro, allowing you to simply double-click on a cell and a checkmark will automatically be added to that cell. You can then create conditional formatting rules around that checkmark. For example, in this template, the row will turn green and will have strikethrough formatting when the checkmark is checked.

Note: When you open the file for this template, you must “Enable Macros” for the double-click code to work.

Business Trip Checklist Template

A to do list isn’t only helpful for project management. When you need to coordinate a business trip, a checklist ensures you have the right reservations, documents, and meetings before you get on the plane.

This business trip checklist includes tasks for international travel, meeting with clients and vendors, and notifying coworkers and clients of your departure.

How to Make a To Do List in Excel with Checkboxes

By leveraging the developer ribbon and adding some conditional formatting rules, you can create a to do list with checkboxes in Excel.

Here are the steps:

Set Up Your To Do List in Excel

  1. Add column headers to make up your to do list. You can add headers like tasks, priority, status, due date, owner, done/completed, or notes. For this example, make sure you have columns for “task” and “done” at the very least.
  2. Fill in your task and priority information.
  3. Highlight the column headers and in the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the center icon to center the text.

Add Checkboxes to Your To Do List in Excel

You first need to enable the developer ribbon in Excel. If you already have the developer ribbon, skip to step 3.

  1. Click File > Options and then select Customize Ribbon in the pop-up box.
  2. On the right side, under Main Tabs, check the box next to Developer and click Ok. You should now see a new developer tab in your Excel file.

  1. Click the Developer tab, click Insert, and select the checkbox icon in the Form Controls section.

  1. Click the cell where’d you’d like to add the checkbox. A checkbox with some text next to it will appear on your sheet.
  2. Right-click on the text to enable editing. You can either delete the text or add something else. Resize the box around the checkbox once you are done. You can now drag the checkbox to any cell you like.
  3. Once the checkbox is in a cell, click on the cell and drag the bottom right corner all the way down to auto-populate more checkboxes in the other rows.

Now you need to link each checkbox to a cell where it will display the check/uncheck status of the checkbox. The check/uncheck status will be represented by “True/False,” allowing you to create formulas and conditional formatting rules that react to the checkbox’s status.

  1. Add a second sheet to your Excel workbook by clicking the + icon on the bottom of the sheet. We’ll link to cells on this second sheet so the “True/False” status will be hidden.
  2. Go back to your first sheet and right-click on a checkbox and click Format Control.

  1. Click Unchecked and click the icon next to the Cell link field. Go to Sheet2 and click the cell that corresponds with the first task (if your first task is A2 on Sheet1, then you’ll link it to A2 on Sheet2).

When the checkbox is checked on Sheet1, the value changes to «True» on Sheet2.

9. Repeat steps 7-9 for all the other checkboxes.

Set Conditional Formatting Rules to Your To Do List

Now you can create conditional formatting rules based on the status of the checkbox. For example, you could change the font color to red for tasks that have not been checked or change the row color green for tasks that have been checked.

For this example, we’ll add strikethrough formatting to tasks with a checked checkbox.

  1. Highlight the first row with your task information, making sure not to highlight the checkbox. Then, in the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule.

  1. Under Select a Rule Type, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  2. Under Format values where this formula is true, you’ll enter your formula. For our sheet, we type =Sheet2!$A$2=TRUE. You’ll want to replace “$A$2” with your cell location on Sheet2 for the first task.

  1. Then, click Format and check the box for Strikethrough in the Effects group.
  2. Repeat steps 1-4 for all the other checkboxes, making sure to adjust your formula for each checkbox.

You can now customize the colors and fonts of your to do list.

Common Uses for a To Do List Template

You can use a basic to do list template to track almost anything. Here are some common uses:

  • Baby checklist: A newborn checklist will ensure you have everything on hand for the baby’s arrival. Include items for nursing, diapering, bathtime, bedtime, and the home (like toys, mobiles, night light, etc).
  • Back-to-school checklist: After a long summer break, get back into the groove with a back-to-school supplies checklist. Make a different list depending on the age of your kids (they’ll need different supplies for elementary, middle, and high school).
  • Camping checklist or backpacking checklist: You probably won’t forget your tent, but other items, like a change of socks, can slip through the cracks. Create a checklist to organize all the items you need for your next outdoor adventure, including food, gear, and clothing.
  • Grocery list: Throughout the week, jot down ingredients that you run out of or meals that you’d like to make the following week. Save time by organizing your list by sections of the grocery store. For example, group all produce items together.
  • Home inventory checklist: Organize everything house-related in one spot. Add weekly house cleaning, spring cleaning, maintenance, inventory, and other home projects to your checklist to make sure you’re keeping your house clean and safe every season.
  • Moving checklist: Stay on track before, during, and after your moving day. Your checklist can start as early as six weeks before your move, including things like planning a garage sale, ordering moving supplies, and notifying utility services of your move.
  • Packing checklist: While planning for your next trip, create a packing checklist to make sure you have everything you need before you leave your house. Make sure to include last-minute items like snacks, phone and computer chargers, and pajamas.
  • Travel checklist: After your suitcases are packed, you still have to navigate taxis, planes, and hotels. A travel checklist allows you to compile all important reservation and flight information in one place, so you always know where to go and when.
  • Wedding checklist and wedding planning checklist: A wedding planning checklist ensures that everyone knows what needs to get done, so you can relax and have fun on your special day. Be sure to create a separate day-of wedding checklist, covering the getting ready stage all the way to breakdown.

Increase Accountability with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change.

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed.

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.


All of us juggle multiple tasks, at home and work. Be it hopping from meeting to meeting, or getting our household chores in order, we don multiple hats, several roles, and an endless list of tasks.

Amidst the vast scheme of things, we often tend to lose track of time, or tasks and end up missing out on non-negotiables. How do we combat this never-ending journey of running behind time?

Here’s a simple solution: create easy, to-do lists that feel natural, easy to use, and clear, and update your tasks and progress as you go.

If balancing personal life itself is huge, at work, things enter a whole other realm of complication. When you work as a team, you’ll need to collaborate, share and complete tasks together. When doing so, it’s important to divide the group target into individual tasks and check them off one by one.

In such a situation, you need a simple tool that helps you collaborate seamlessly, track individual and team progress separately, automatically update status without constant intervention, send reminders and serve as a digital project manager for your team.

In this article, we shall go over two categories of to-do lists, excel to-do lists and Stackby’s and compare the efficiency of each.

Excel — the Common Go-to for To-do’s

An all-pervasive tool, Microsoft Excel is quite the favourite when it comes to tabulating any data. Having a wide range of utilities, Excel is often a household name for categorizing numbers and applying a wide range of functions to categorize your data.

Excel to-do list are preferred by individuals and organizations alike, as they do not need the internet to function, are simple to learn and do by almost anyone, and have an array of functionalities.

Steps to Create Excel To-Do Lists

Let’s take a look at how we can create simple yet effective to-do lists on Excel, in a few easy steps without many formulae.

#1 — Open a fresh Excel sheet

Open Microsoft Excel and create a new blank spreadsheet. If you want a pretty basic to-do list you can choose the blank spreadsheet.

Open a fresh Excel sheet

Excel sheet

#2 — Fill in the Data

Whatever tasks you need to populate on your to-do list, categorize them under the following heads:

  1. Serial Number (optional)
  2. Date(s) — based on your requirement, you can choose to have one column for date, or two columns of dates, having the date assigned and date completed.
  3. Particulars (which can be activities, tasks, or items)
  4. Importance (degree of priority, varying from highly urgent, urgent, moderate, slightly important to highly important)
  5. Status (or, the status of progress)

Fill in the Data

Input Data

Once you have finalized the headers, go ahead and populate values. You may choose to create a to-do list for the day, week, or month. More often than not, our human brain works better with bite-sized information, so, it is advisable to create a daily or weekly to-do list, instead of a monthly to-do list. Bring the data to a proper format, by drawing borders, color coding the headers, and aligning the data.

Data Filled

Let us start bringing the excel to-do list to life. Starting with the ‘Importance’ column, you need to choose a column away from the table and vertically list down the options you would like to have under the ‘Importance’ column.

To set multiple options that get highlighted based on the data you feed, you will need to trigger the ‘data validation’ function. Head to the ‘data’ tab under the quick access toolbar and select data validation. A drop-down box appears, asking you to choose further. Choose ‘data validation’ again. Once you select the option, a task box opens up.

In the box, under the settings tab, under validation criteria, you will see the first-row item as ‘Allow’. The field contains a drop-down box, which when clicked on, throws plenty of options for you to choose from.

From the choices, pick ‘list’. After, head to the second field and you will find ‘source’, which means you have to instruct excel to find the data to be listed.

Click on the blank field under ‘source’ and the cursor automatically turns into a selector.

Head over to the column in which you typed down the options you want under ‘Importance’.

Choose the range of options you have typed.

Once you are done, click on ‘OK’. Once the operation is complete, you can drag the first cell under ‘ Importance’ down, so as to apply the same functionality to all cells selected.

Up next, we have the ‘Status’ column to be taken care of. It is good practice to put a tick mark against our tasks so as to know that we have completed the task. It feels natural, and easy, and can be comprehended without much effort.

In order to get the ‘check/tick’ mark, you are required to click on the ‘Developers’ tab under the quick access toolbar. In the ‘developers’ tab, choose ‘Insert’ and then click on the down arrow. You will see a box with several icon dropdowns. Select the icon beneath the ‘form control’ header, showing the tick/check mark. When you click on the option, the tick mark will instantly be copied to your clipboard.

Head straight to the first cell under the ‘Status’ column. Paste the copied check mark on the cell and delete any text that appears alongside the check mark. Resize the pasted check mark to fit into your cell. In order to copy-paste the tick mark to other cells, simply click on the corner of the cell and drag it down.

#5 Link Your Cells

In order to link your cells to each other, especially the ones in the ‘Importance’ and ‘Status’ columns, head over to the first cell under ‘Status’, right-click, and choose ‘Format Content’.

Once you select the option, a box opens up with a field called ‘cell link’. Click on the blank field and your mouse turns to a tool for you to select. Go to the cell immediately outside the first cell under Status and press OK.

Now, you have linked two cells. Repeat the same for all rows. Now you have an interconnected to-do list.

#6 Sort and Filter

Fill in the tasks you want to complete and populate your excel to-do list. Once you are done, sort and filter the data to get better clarity on the real-time status of tasks.

10 Free Templates of Excel to-do Lists

Your Excel to-do lists don’t have to be simple or bland. Microsoft Excel offers multiple templates for you to get the right look and feel to get on with your set of tasks for the day.

The following are some of the in-built templates of Excel to-do lists, which you can use:

1. Project Stages Template:

Access this template for dividing your projects and tasks.

Project Stages Template

Project Stages Template

2. Project and Time Management Template

Drill down your project into multiple stages, activities, task groups, and tasks and measure actual time and cost against expectations for all your clients/team members using this template.

Project and Time Management

Project and Time Management

3. Team Progress Tracking Template

Assign tasks to your team members, delegate ownership of each task, and track their progress. Share your feedback or notes against their progress and measure team progress using this template.

Team Progress Tracking Template

Team Progress Tracking Template

4. Money Management Template

Make your money planning simpler using this template.

Money Management Template

5. Weekly Task Manager Template

Stay on top of your productivity with this weekly task manager template.

Weekly Task Manager

6. Timesheets Template

If you are running on an hourly billed project, tracking time is critical. Do it right with the time-task tracker here.



7. Performance Assessment (OKR) Template

Set goals and targets for your employees, or team members and measure progress using this OKR template.

Performance Assessment (OKR) Template

8. Weekly Study Tracker Template

Have loads of portions to study? Worry not. Schedule your syllabus right and manage your progress with this simple to-do list.

Weekly Study Tracker Template

9. Fitness Tracker Template

Has the new year, new me driven you to the gym? Keep up with your fitness routine with this simple tracker.

Fitness Tracker

Fitness Tracker

10. Learning Tracker:

Are you a lifelong learner with goals for self-study? Meet them with a meticulous tracker.

Learning Tracker

Limitations of Excel To-do Lists

Although Excel is a time-tested tool for creating to-do lists, it is not free from limitations and here are a few prominent ones:

Not Collaborative

How do work together using an Excel sheet? Each person downloads the sheet and it goes round-robin. No two people can collaborate on Excel which is vital for teams working concurrently. Given the volume of work and variety of projects, multiple persons need to access the to-do list and update it constantly, which doesn’t work well in Excel.

Lacks Flexibility

Customising Excel to-do lists to your needs can be a tedious task. It invites the use of several formulae and a lot of time to bring about customization.

Formula Driven

Long, heavy formulae for customizing your to-do lists and drawing up charts to view progress can become sticky when huge data is involved.


Only a person who knows Excel like the back of their palm can make changes, spot errors, or draw up inferences from the available to-do list or task data. Others need to wait for the Excel-proficient team member to view inferences.

Stackby — An easier alternative to managing to-do lists in Excel

Let’s do away with Excel for to-do lists. It’s time to haul in a flexible, easy-to-use application that has several in-built features to manage individual and group tasks with minimum effort and time. Introducing Stackby — a simple all-around work tool to view, add, edit and manage all individual and team tasks. A mini project manager is at your disposal.

To-do lists Template

With this simple, seamless template, you can now add your tasks with a click of a button, simply add sub-tasks as you want, and assign categories, priorities, statuses and team members.

You can also add attachments against a particular task, view tasks in various views/formats, and also set difficulty levels for each task.

You can add sub-tasks via checklists & track progress with progress column type, add reminders on each task, collaborate with your team and get things done — all in a single place.

You can get a holistic view of tasks in all areas of work and life and measure your progress by looking at the tasks you have completed in a master reporting dashboard, such as Stackby’s to-do list.

Task Lists Template

If more than one person, most likely a team is working on diverse projects, you will need to organize them to ensure no incomplete tasks or duplication of work or lapse of time limits. You need to hold each person accountable and also encourage them for their progress. Do it all and do it right with Stackby’s task lists.

With Stackby, you can ensure peak productivity and task ownership in your company,  by dividing any number of projects into bite-sized tasks, tagging the owner of each task, enabling others to view the owner of each task so as to bring accountability, assigning due dates and allow access for each team member to update status real-time.

You can also categorize each task into task buckets or groups, in order to improve the visibility and calculation of results. As task owners, you can attach photos or files corresponding to your task so those who have a dependency on your task know exactly where to pick it up.

Stackby’s range of task management lists, have an array of products such as employee task lists, team project management tool, to-do lists, and more to ensure you and your team can focus on the task at hand and not worry about tracking or measuring.

Sample Project Tracker Template in Stackby
All task & project management templates

To Wrap Up

Stackby UI is simple, easy to use, and can be used by almost anybody with or without technical knowledge. It is for anyone and everyone, whether you are an individual or a professional working in an organization, or a small business owner juggling different tasks and roles at the same time.

Take your to-do lists, planning or even organizing games to the next level with Stackby’s to-do lists.

37 Free to do List Templates For Excel, Word, PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets

Featured Bonus Content: Get 37 Free To Do List Templates for FREE! Click Here To Download It.

We live in a distracted world, making it extremely difficult for most people to stay organized or get things done at home or in the workplace. According to Statista, 46 percent of Americans spend five to six hours checking their phones every day.

With the proliferation of social media and other platforms, it’s easier to get carried away now more than ever.

This is where a to do list comes in. You can keep track of your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities with it. Likewise, you’ll find it easier to reinforce your thoughts. Hence, it will be harder to forget ideas that could be important.

Having a to do list could also serve as a  motivation for individuals and businesses. It allows you to specify what you want to achieve at a specific time and tick them off once done. 

For instance, if as a business consultant you have a goal of appearing on thirty podcasts in a year, you could break this task into an easily achievable to do list of pitching and getting featured on at least two to three podcast shows in a month. Doing this keeps you motivated and forces you to achieve your goal.

In this in-depth post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about to do lists. We’ll also give you access to 37 free, editable, and downloadable to do list templates for Excel, Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and PDF.

Let’s get started.

Chapter One: What is a to do List and Why Do You Need One?

Chapter Two: to do List Templates for Excel

Chapter Three: to do List Templates for Word

Chapter Four: to do List Templates in PDF

Chapter Five: to do List Templates for Google Docs

Chapter Six: Google Sheets to do List Templates

Chapter Seven: How to Create a to do List in Excel, Word, and Google Sheets

Chapter Eight: How to Use the to do List Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

Chapter Nine: To do List Templates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Chapter Ten: Manage Your Team Tasks Effectively Using SweetProcess!

Chapter One: What is a to do List and Why Do You Need One?

What is a to do List and Why Do You Need One?

It’s easy to forget things when working on a project. To avoid this, you need a to do list to increase your productivity, prioritize your tasks, and efficiently manage your time. 

Aside from that, a to do list forces you to prioritize your tasks wisely in order of their usefulness. That way, you’ll focus your time and energy on high-value activities, making you more productive and helpful to your team.

What is a to do list?

A to do list is an essential document for keeping track of business activities. It is a set of prioritized task lists to achieve your daily goals from top to bottom. It helps you keep track of all your projects, including how and when to do them. 

It’s a vital productivity tool that helps you achieve clarity and focus.

When to use a to do list

After deciding what you want to achieve, the next step is to make a to do list to execute the plan. Doing this helps you prioritize your activities better and puts you on track to achieve them. 

For instance, a daily to do list should be enough if you have a few hours to complete a task. 

But if your responsibility is enormous and project-inclined, then you’ll have to plan and prioritize using a weekly to do list. 

With a to do list, you’ll be more organized and efficient with your deliverables. Also, you’ll be less stressed and always remember the next step of each project. 

When not to use a to do list

While it is acceptable to have a to do list, there are some activities where having one isn’t necessary. This is because to do lists are not time-bound. That means you can’t assign specified deadlines to each activity.  When this happens, you defeat the strategy of managing your time.

For example, if you can’t estimate the number of hours required to accomplish a task, you won’t be able to carve a learning curve for improvements. 

Also, if you find yourself avoiding or procrastinating on a particular task, a to do list might not give you the motivation you need to finish it. 

How to make your to do list effective

to do lists are effective in helping you get things done. However, to make your to do list effective, you must divide the list into two sections: to dos and not to dos, respectively.

Daily to dos are tasks that you improve on a daily or regular basis. For example, this daily assignment could be to follow a 15-minute workout regimen or go for an hour-long walk at noon. Your not to dos, however, are those tasks you don’t do, no matter what. You try as much as possible to prevent them from getting into your to do list.

Separating your tasks into to dos and not to dos also helps you set limits on each of them. That way, you can achieve your goal of focusing on the most important things to complete each day. 

If you have a narrow list of tasks that are gradually growing into complex ones, the best approach is to break each complex bit into a simpler form, then spread their execution over a few days.

For every little task that you mark as done, be sure to celebrate those small wins as that can be motivating.

What’s the difference between a to do list and a process?

to do lists and process flows are similar but different.

A process deals with the behavior of a current element being done, which is the series of steps and decisions involved in achieving a task. This may occur once, recurrently, or periodically. A to do list is a list of tasks you want to complete or the actions that you need to perform to achieve a goal. 

Chapter Two: to do List Templates for Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet tool that comes as part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Spreadsheets are rows and columns of numbers that may be changed numerically using simple and advanced arithmetic operations and functions. 

In this chapter, we’ve compiled some free to do lists templates in Excel format, which you can download, tweak and use to achieve productivity.

  1. Monthly to do List Template
monthly to do list template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The monthly to do list template itemizes and executes your monthly activities. It provides you with a simple way to accomplish your critical tasks from the top of your list to the least important things at the bottom. It ensures that all of your chores are put down in one spot, and you don’t overlook vital information. For instance, you could have monthly to dos covering your family, school, and personal life activities.

  1. Project to do List Template
Project to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The project to do list template allows you to complete all your project tasks within a specific time frame and allows you to efficiently manage deadlines in work-related goals. In addition, it will enable you to group each activity by the team and express how goals are achieved. It also makes it easy for you to differentiate project components.

  1. Cute to do List Template
Cute to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The cute to do list template allows you to keep track of fewer responsibilities and prepares you to achieve your tasks with less stress. For instance, if you’re planning a birthday party for your spouse, this template has ready-made activities to prioritize.

  1. Daily to do List Template
Daily to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The daily to do list template provides a reminder of what you need to work on and steps to achieve it each day. It places specific priorities on top so that you can achieve those first. Also, it doesn’t differentiate between simple and complex tasks as this trains your brain to only focus on achievements and complete the tasks you’ve set for the day.  

  1. Event to do List Template
Event to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The event to do list template helps you to plan your events. It allows you to brainstorm the necessary ingredients of a successful event by providing the venue, date, event theme, menu, and the vendors to supply the food. With it, your event will take place without any hitch, and the participants will have a fantastic time since everything will be taken care of. 

  1. Homework to do List Template
Homework to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The homework to do list template helps you have clarity on how to manage your homework. With it, you can divide your enormous chores into smaller and manageable chunks that you can quickly achieve.

  1. Baby Shower to do List Template
Baby Shower to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The baby shower to do list template shows you the pre- and post-baby shower activities to implement successful baby shower events. Though this event could last two to three hours, it helps you use that time wisely.

For instance, as visitors come, they are served food and beverages and encouraged to interact. However, the actual baby shower activity begins approximately 30 to 45 minutes after all of the guests have arrived and had a chance to enjoy food and drinks. 

  1. Conference to do List Template
Conference to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The conference to do list template helps you to plan your conference efficiently. It includes a list of duties that you and your team must do before, during, and after a conference. In addition, it will assist you in keeping your team on the same page by highlighting important dates and items that you don’t want to overlook.

  1. Weekly to do List Template
Weekly to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The weekly to do list template provides you with a list of chores to complete in one week. It is presented in a daily format detailing the list of “done” tasks, tasks that you’ve yet to accomplish, and the tasks that are not to do. These critical activities help you stay focused and complete the most important things.

  1. Wedding to do List Template
Wedding to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The wedding to do list template itemizes all the activities in a wedding, from planning the events to rehearsing processional music, floral planning, bridal procession, menu, and the officiant’s welcome delivery. It helps you tick off important moments in time. It also includes the introduction of guests, readings, addresses by the officiant, and couple activities like exchanging vows, rings, and kisses.

  1.  Simple to do List Template
Simple to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The simple to do list template presents activities in an easy and informed style. With columns such as task, priority, status, start date, due date, and percentage of tasks completed, this template enables you to manage your daily chores in a simple and basic manner. 

  1.  Exercise Planner to do List Template
Exercise Planner to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The exercise planner to do list template helps you access a “roadmap” to exercise. It begins with recording your initial height, weight, chest, and body fat. Then it indicates taking records of the number of warm-ups, push-ups, and cardio that you do at every workout. It also has a goal-planning feature that enhances your likelihood of adhering to the routine and achieving significant results.

  1.  Marketing to do List Template
Marketing to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The marketing to do template allows you to create the steps to achieve your marketing goals. It includes the tasks needed, your team members, the tasks required of each of them, the deadline for their work delivery, and more. 

Chapter Three: to do List Templates for Word

Microsoft Word documents are great for creating to do templates from scratch. Here are some editable and downloadable to do templates for Microsoft Word. You can download and tweak them to your needs.

  1. OneNote to do List Template
OneNote to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

This OneNote to do list template shows a simple to do list on OneNote. It includes column headers like tasks, the priority, a brief description of the task, who’s in charge of executing it, and the progress flow. It brings context information for clarity and helps you retrieve activities faster during the search.

  1.  Students to do List Template
Students to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The student to do list template helps students to plan their day-to-day activities. This includes navigating the academic and extra-curricular activities in a school day and managing them efficiently. It also allows students to recall the details of their everyday living, like grocery lists and calendars.

  1. Blank to do List Template
Blank to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

This blank to do list template provides you with a blank sheet to accomplish your most critical chores. With this template, you’re able to add tasks and ensure that you don’t overlook anything vital.

  1.  Weekly Staff Meeting to do List Template
Weekly Staff Meeting to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The weekly staff to do list presents a sequence of responsibilities that should happen during team meetings. This template is often handled or assigned by the line manager. It provides you with information on what needs to be done, why it needs to be done, and how to go about fulfilling them.

Chapter Four: to do List Templates in PDF

These to do templates in PDF can be easily downloaded anytime and used anywhere. Here are some that you can tweak and use for your organization.

  1. Prioritized Task to do List Template
Prioritized Task to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The prioritized to do list template displays tasks by their priority. This allows you to document your tasks by top, secondary and tertiary, and provides a simple strategy to achieve them. In addition, this template creates a sequence for your tasks so you know what requires your immediate attention and what can wait.

  1. Family to do List Template
Family to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The family to do list template helps families organize their responsibilities and tasks. It assists parents in including their children in regular household activities and instilling the practice of taking on responsibilities in them.

  1. Printable to do List Template
Printable to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The printable to do list template helps you organize your projects efficiently and in a printable format. It allows you to note each entry’s priority, due date, what to do, who to contact, steps in progress, and done fields. 

  1.  Periodical to do List Template
Periodical to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The periodical to do list template details everything you need to accomplish within a certain period. It allows you to put the most critical chores at the top so that you can achieve them fast before your set period elapses. 

  1. Company to do List Template
Company to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The company to do list template presents the activities that an organization needs to follow to succeed. It includes business apps that allow you to monitor and manage your tasks in a list format. If you’re a business owner with much on your plate, this template should be your everyday go-to.

  1. Household to do List Template
Household to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The household to do list template puts you in a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual frame of mind to carry out your household chores. This includes all people who contribute to the home, be it paid or unpaid. It recognizes the cross-household exchange of work and its changing character across the life cycle. 

  1. Sample to do List Template
Sample to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The sample to do list template provides you with a basic sample of how a to do list should be. It includes the tasks that need to be done or desires to do and how to accomplish them.

  1. Agenda to do List Template
Agenda to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The agenda to do list template allows you to prepare your specific meeting schedule using various methods. It will enable you to organize what you need to accomplish and maintain specific control of your daily activities. Also, it helps you to include the most crucial jobs you must perform and complete right away, and how to organize your tasks.

  1. Pregnancy to do List Template
Pregnancy to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The pregnancy to do list template provides you with the activities to note before, during, and after pregnancy. This could include conducting tests, investigating your health insurance, making prenatal appointments, packing your hospital bag, and choosing a caregiver. 

  1. Yearly to do List Template
Yearly to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

This yearly to do list template allows you to put your annual goals on a map and outline how you will accomplish them one after the other. In addition, it ensures that you organize the sequence in which you’ll complete your tasks by prioritizing them, so you know what requires immediate attention and what can wait.

  1. Business to do List Template
Business to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The business to do list template presents you with the tasks that need to be done so that you can move your business forward. It includes how you can create digital solutions to monitor and manage your chores in a list format. Also, it provides a framework to manage your human resources, facilities, and funds.

Chapter Five: to do List Templates for Google Docs

Google Docs lets you create good to do list templates. Instead of starting by creating and formatting your tables by yourself, these templates can help you get started without hassle. Here are some editable and downloadable to do list templates for Google Docs.

  1. Advanced to do List Template
Advanced to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

This advanced to do list template provides a step further than the regular to dos. It recognizes that you won’t be able to do an infinite amount of tasks each day. Hence, it helps you make plans to do one huge item, three medium things, and five tiny things in a reasonable amount of time, so you’re able to fit all your daily tasks into those big blocks.

  1. Notion to do List Template
Notion to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

This notion to do list template is an excellent to do list, available on the Notion digital solutions platform. It allows you to create, modify, and archive items in various forms, including a regular list, a kanban board, and even a calendar.

  1. Restaurant to do List Template
Restaurant to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The restaurant to do list template lets you concentrate your team on what’s vital to your restaurant business, whether you run one location or hundreds. Following this template will ensure that your standards are followed, and your team can have streamlined day-to-day duties and procedures. Also, this will help you to reduce your labor costs and save time.

  1. Weekend to do List Template
Weekend to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The weekend to do list template helps you plan your weekend for work or fun. It lets you choose what you want to do so that you don’t wake up on Monday morning feeling that you’ve wasted your weekend. For instance, if you choose a cozy and enjoyable weekend, you could watch the recent Netflix romantic comedy, bake a batch of cookies and savor every bite, do some learning or get some chores done while listening to your favorite podcasts.

  1. Asana to do List Template
Asana to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The Asana to do list template provides you with a simple to do that meets the needs of your team. Available on Asana, these templates help you create actionable to dos that may be completed on your own or as a component of larger projects.

  1. Executive Assistant to do List Template
Executive Assistant to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The executive assistant to do list template helps administrative assistants to plan their daily tasks. Attending to tasks as they come could be distracting. This allows you to prepare to answer phones, screen guests, make travel arrangements, write reports, file and organize papers, record meeting minutes, and complete basic bookkeeping activities without much hassle.

  1. Day Planner to do List Template
Day Planner to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The day planner to do list template helps you organize each occasion, appointment, errand, and task that you may have in a day. This is to help you to identify what to anticipate so you don’t run out of time. It also allows you to set definite due dates and deadlines for everything to keep you on track and allow you to spend time with your family.

Chapter Six: Google Sheets to do List Templates

Google Sheets allows you to create helpful to do lists easily. You don’t need to start creating tables; the spreadsheet does that automatically. 

Here are some editable and downloadable to do list templates for Google Sheets.

  1. Task Tracker to do List Template
Task Tracker to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The task tracker to do list template helps you (or your team) create a prioritized list of actions for completing a project. It comprises particular tasks allocated to a more significant task and when to complete it. These lists are often produced at the outset of a project and have been agreed upon by the entire team and the stakeholders.

  1. Construction to do List Template
Construction to do List Template

Click here to download the To Do List Template

The construction to do list templates helps you, as a site supervisor, to create, verify, examine, and inspect all the tasks forming a whole project. This way, you can create a methodology for moving the project forward. It is also a fantastic tool for optimizing and organizing a project in various ways.

Chapter Seven: How to Create a to do List in Excel, Word, and Google Sheets

How to Create a to do List in Excel

Excel is a laid-out grid Microsoft Office tool for creating to do lists. It allows you to include conditional formats and pivot tables, which can help you create reports that include charts and metrics and alter data. 

Here is how to create a to do list in Excel.

Step 1. Open a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by clicking on “Blank Workbook.”

clicking on Blank Workbook

Step 2. Create column headings on the spreadsheet as shown below.

Create column headings on the spreadsheet

Make new column headers in a new Excel spreadsheet and make them in bold.

  • Name of task
  • Status
  • Deadline
  • Note

You could add other columns, such as budget, owner, tools, etc.

Step 3. Fill in task specifics

Fill in task specifics

Fill in the blanks with your tasks, status, and deadline.

For example, you could write the following information in the task column:

  • Check the Slack channel for tasks
  • Write long-form content
  • Create monthly financial reports 

Also, make sure that you fill out the tasks and status fields for the filter to work. 

Step 4. Add filters to your list

Add filters to your list

To add a filter to your status column, select the status column, then click on data on the menu bar of the spreadsheet. 

After that, click filter and add your task process to the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet will automatically save the process, and the filter will be available the next time you access it.

Step 5. Use the filter to sort your tasks.

Use the filter to sort your tasks

On your status column, you’ll see an inverted arrow. Here, you can arrange your tasks by status by clicking the arrow. In addition, you can select or deselect options to view the list.

Here’s a video tutorial that shows you how to create a fully functional to do list using Microsoft Excel.

How to Make a to do List in Word

Microsoft Word is a popular commercial word processor created by Microsoft. It is included in the Microsoft Office productivity package, although it is also available as a standalone application.

You can also create a to do list on Microsoft Word. 

Here is precisely how to do so:

Step 1. Open a new Microsoft Word document by clicking on New. 

Open a new Microsoft Word document

Open a new Microsoft Word document and click on a new, blank document. Then click on Create in the bottom right part of the page.

Step 2. Add a title to your to do list.

Add a title to your to do list.

Click on insert, text, then draw the text box. In the text box, give the to do list a title. For example, you could simply write “to do List.”  

Step 3. Insert a table

Insert a table

To create a table, click on insert from the menu bar. Then use the grid box to create it.

Step 4. Design your table

Design your table

To give your table a better look, click on the table, then design the table from the menu bar. Next, choose from the table design lists.

Step 5. Label your table

Label your table

The next step is to label each column of your table in the following format:

  • Tasks
  • Priority
  • Start date
  • Deadline
  • By whom
  • In progress
  • Done 

This way, you’ll fill in the tasks and related information to create an efficient to do list.

Below is a video tutorial that walks you through how to do this:

How to Create a to do List Using Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet tool that is included with Google’s free, web-based Google Workspace suite. It’s perfect to create to do lists similar to Microsoft Excel. 

Here is the step-by-step process for creating a to do list on Google Sheets.

Step 1. Open a blank Google Sheet spreadsheet

Open a blank Google Sheet spreadsheet

Go to Google spreadsheet, then click on Blank

Step 2. Label the columns headers

Label the columns headers

Label your to do lists column headers as Progress, Date, and Tasks.

Step 3. Add data validation to the progress column

Add data validation to the progress column

To add validation to the progress column, click on Data, then Data validation. 

Step 4. Complete the data validation setting

Complete the data validation setting

After clicking on the Data validation in step 3 above, the Data validation dialog box comes up. First, set the criteria to List of items, then fill in the text box by the side with these words: Not Done, In Progress, and Done. 

Step 5. Fill in your tasks as appropriate

Fill in your tasks as appropriate

After the validation settings, you’ll see that the data validation criteria (Done, In Progress, and Not Done) will appear automatically on the progress column, and you can enter the date and tasks.

This video tutorial below shows you exactly how to create a to do list in Google Sheets.

Chapter Eight: How to Use the to do List Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Use the to do List Template: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this chapter, you’ll learn the steps to follow to use a to do list template effectively. Here they are: 

Step 1: Figure out the specific task you need to get done

The first thing is to figure out the task you need to complete. Once you can itemize this, you’ll break them down into details and put them into days, weeks, or months, depending on how you want them achieved.  

For instance, if you want to transcribe 20 TedX videos, your first task could be to search for all the videos. Then you transcribe them one after the other before publishing. 

Step 2:  Choose a template that works best for you

Like the ones listed above, you can choose from the list of templates and identify which one works best for you. These easy-to-use documents are available in Word document files, Excel spreadsheets, PDF, Google Docs and Google Sheets. Choose the one that works best for you and make your tasks and projects easy. 

Step 3: Set your priorities right

When using a to do list template, the number one rule is to set your priorities right. Hence, you should prioritize your tasks based on their importance. The start and due dates should be included as well.

Step 4: Keep track of your tasks

It is crucial that you keep track of your project and continually update the status as you gradually execute each task. 

Step 5: Check the boxes

After completing every task, make sure you check the boxes and tag them as “done.” This is required to show you where you lag and what needs to be done.

Chapter Nine: to do List Templates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

to do List Templates Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about to do list templates.

Does Google have a to do list app?

Yes, it does. It’s called Google Tasks.

Google Tasks is a simple to do list that offers all the features you’ll need to be productive and stay on top of your most critical tasks. It includes checklists, subtasks, and mobile notifications. In terms of both form and purpose, Google Tasks are as simple as it gets. 

This helps you reduce procrastination. For instance, when you launch the app, you’ll see a list of tasks, and you can either examine a current task in greater detail or create a new one.

How do you plan tasks?

Using a to do list is an easy way to plan your task. To do this efficiently, here are some tips for planning tasks.

  1. Make sure you write out your plan every day. 

This is the utmost and oldest time management trick in the book. It is vital if you want to be productive. Make a list of the most crucial tasks you need to complete. The act of writing your plan clears your mind, allowing you to focus on other things rather than attempting to remember what you want to do.

  1. Every day, plan at the same time. 

When you plan at the same time every day, you establish a habit. Your mind is conditioned to do the same any day. Good habits can help you stay on track, and you’ve got the option of planning your day the night before or first thing in the morning.

  1. Get a to-do list. 

Now that you have everything you want to do, put them all on a to do list, then include deadlines or any other notifications that keep you in check. Also, know that you can set tasks as done, in progress, and undone. 

  1. Refer back to your list often. 

Regularly check on your list of tasks. This will help you manage your time and keep you more organized.

What is the best to do list?

There are many to do list templates, and they offer nearly the same features. To choose the best one for your business, look for one that fits your business goals, is easy to use, and is efficient.

How many items should you put on your to do list?

Depending on the number of things you want to accomplish, you should add all the items to the list and prioritize them. However, your items can be three and above.

Is there a to do list template in Word?

Yes, there is. 

It is called a Microsoft Office to do list. 

This tool allows you to organize your tasks easily. It also lets you note each entry’s priority, due date, what to do, who to contact, actions in progress, and completed fields. You can also use the to do list template as it is or change the style and colors to suit your needs.

Can you use Excel for the to do list?

Yes, you can. This is because Excel has grid layouts that simplify the to do list prioritization. It also has features that allow making a to do list efficient and achievable.

How do I make my to do list?

A to do list is a simple document to arrange activities and execute 

them. Below are the steps to make your to do list:

  1. Choose the proper checklist app to create the list.
  1. Make more than one list to cover business, life, and other aspects.
  1. Write down your tasks as soon as you think about them.
  1. Include due dates to keep track of your activities.
  1. Revise your to do lists daily.
  1. Limit yourself to 3 to 5 tasks daily. By having such limited tasks, you are likely to finish them.
  1. Always see your to do list as a task and not goals and objectives, and add it as such.
  1. Make your to do list easy to glance through at once by spacing it well. 

What is the best way to organize a to do list?

There are many ways to organize your to do list. These include:

  1. Personalize your method to fit your business goals and objectives.
  1. Have control over your day by listing what you do the night before or early in the morning.
  1. Place your tasks in priority.
  1. Separate all categories by dividing your to do list into sections and pages in the long term or short term. It could also be a business, work, or family to do list.
  1. Do not forget to have your list scheduled at different time frames to keep it on track.

Chapter Ten: Manage Your Team Tasks Effectively Using SweetProcess

You can assign and manage to do lists and tasks for your team members using SweetProcess.

To create a to do list in SweetProcess, you can simply create a procedure for completing a specific task or project in your organization.

Here is how to create a procedure (which can also be a to do list) for your team members in the software.

From your SweetProcess dashboard, click on “Create Procedure” in the top right-hand corner.

Create Procedure on SweetProcess

Once you do, a new window will pop up, where you can name the procedure.

Let’s say you want to create a daily to do list for your in-house content marketers. The items on the list may include:

  • Interview customers.
  • Write content for the company’s blog.
  • Design images for promoting blog posts.
  • Create content for different social media platforms.
  • Engage with customers and prospects in the Facebook group.

You can add each of these items to the to do list as steps in the procedure.

add to-do list in sweetprocess

After adding all the items to the to do list, here’s what it looks like.

sweetprocess to-do list view

After creating the to do list on SweetProcess, you can use the tool to assign it to employees and manage how they use it.

To do this, the first thing you must do is to navigate to the Tasks column on your dashboard and click on “Assign Task.”

Assign task in sweetprocess

You can choose the specific procedure you want to assign to your teammates from the new window that opens up.

the specific procedure you want to assign to your teammates

The next step is to select the teammate to assign the to do list and the frequency of the task (once, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).

select the teammate to assign the to do list

After assigning the to do list, it looks like this on the employee’s dashboard.

sweetprocess employee’s dashboard

As you can see, after completing each task, they can mark it as completed.

You can also monitor the progress of the daily tasks by your employees. In the example below, you can see that none of the tasks has started.

monitor the progress of the daily tasks

Below are examples of companies using SweetProcess to effectively manage their teams’ tasks.

Business Success Consulting Group is a B2B consultancy dedicated to identifying, creating, documenting, and implementing processes, procedures, and policies for companies across various industries. 

They help clients improve profitability and efficiency, get teams on the same page, train effectively, and reduce employee turnover. 

Adi Klevit, the co-founder and CEO of the Business Success Consulting Group, says business owners often express feeling overwhelmed when systematizing their business.

They ask questions such as “Where do I start?”, “Where do I find the time?”, “How do I tackle it?” and “How do I get leadership and staff on board with the initiative?”

She also said, “After all, you don’t want to spend valuable resources creating procedures that aren’t going to be implemented,” and added,

“It takes know-how and ability to create clear and easy-to-follow procedures.”

In the past, some of her clients attempted to document procedures themselves but just never got around to it. 

Some had managed to create binders or documents, but they weren’t being utilized within the company. Adi then observed several common themes as to why businesses failed to be appropriately systematized.

Furthermore, Adi found out that clients spent hundreds of hours implementing systems themselves, often unsuccessfully.

But Adi does not look at the hundreds of hours lost, but rather the lost potential revenue and profit from not having solid systems in place.

She noted: “I have my clients calculate missed opportunities due to poor existing systems. I have them work out the potential revenue that will result from the growth and expansion as well as the lost revenue from a dissatisfied customer or lost bids that could have been prevented from systems. Those are often eye-opening numbers.”

As a consultant, Adi introduced her clients to SweetProcess as a go-to solution. She first came across it when she searched for document management software for a client. When asked whether she was skeptical of the solution, she noted that she was “very impressed” and  also added, “As someone who writes procedures for a living, I was very excited to find this tool.”

Another organization, Neon Buddha, is an original work-to-weekend female clothing brand. 

Established about twenty years ago by Sébastien Sirois, the proudly Canadian company creates a synergy between travel, adventure, and fashion. Travelers can be stylish aboard long flights or train rides en route to their destinations. When they are not in transit, they can go about their daily engagements in an array of designs suitable for different occasions.

At the moment, it has 15 employees. As a fashion brand, Neon Buddha’s workflow involves several processes from idea conception to production and marketing. To service these different aspects, they created a myriad of standard operating procedures (SOPs).

“We are always looking to have as many SOPs as possible. If you want your business to be efficient, having many SOPs for every part is important,” Jonathan Harvey, the chief operating officer, explains.

Having been in business for about twenty years, Neon Buddha understands the ropes of the fashion business. However, its lack of organizational system clogged its operations. After discovering SweetProcess, the organization accelerated its performance in the following ways: 

  • They had easy process documentation.

Dealing with tons of SOPs is a handful. There is a tendency for things to slip through the cracks. It gets even worse when you have to manage them manually, as in the case of Neon Buddha, who documented their business processes in Word documents and Excel sheets. One of their challenges in using these tools was the painstaking task of creating a new layout from scratch for every new process added to the list. 

Jonathan stated that “The layout was always an issue. When you want to add SOPs, you basically have to start everything from scratch over and over. The layout was never perfect.”

With SweetProcess, the company is now able to document its processes easily. They can create new processes without breaking a sweat, thanks to its easy-to-use features.

  • They also had remote access and user-rights controls.

Accessibility comes after documentation in the business process. Are the documents readily available? In a fast-paced industry like fashion, there is no room for delay. When workers cannot access information about tasks on the go, the production chain is halted. The longer the waiting game lingers, the more resources are wasted.

  •  They facilitated collaboration among teams.

Business processes mainly function in a chain. Individual processes make up the workflow, combining inputs from multiple employees. Everyone has to be efficient to tick off items on an organization’s to do list. This is impossible when employees do not have equal working opportunities for projects. 

With the SweetProcess collaborative tools, Jonathan and his team can work together on projects, making valuable inputs toward achieving set goals. As a result, Neon Buddha is now better positioned to scale up quickly and efficiently, establishing its presence worldwide. 

According to Jonathan, “It’s easier for us to scale quickly so we can have people all across the globe. We have employees in the Philippines, Thailand, the United States, and Canada. For us, it’s easier to scale quickly and efficiently with SweetProcess.”

You too can get started with a 14-day free trial of SweetProcess to create and manage to do lists at your organization. The best part? You do not need to add your credit card details to use the software for free.


to do lists get you started on the right foot each day and help you focus on your most critical tasks. With it, you can improve your productivity and achieve your personal and business goals every single day.

With a tool like SweetProcess, you can manage your team’s to do list tasks better. This helps you to know exactly who is responsible for some specific tasks and when they’re expected to complete them. That way, your team will become more organized and productive.

In this post, you’ve learned about to do lists and why it’s critical to use templates instead of creating them from scratch.

We also showed you 37 to do list templates that you can download, tweak, and use for your organization.

Want to choose the to do list templates that are best to use for your company? Click here to download the templates relevant to your industry and get ahead of thousands of businesses that must build them themselves from scratch.

Get 37 Free To Do List Templates for FREE!

Get Your Free Systemization Checklist

Systemize Checklist

5 Essential Steps To Getting a Task Out of Your Head and Into a System So
You Can Scale and Grow Your Business!

Stop being the bottleneck in your company

Lovers of list-making will find lots of options among our collection of customizable list design templates. From shopping lists and reading lists to wish lists and bucket lists, there’s a list template perfect for you to customize for your project.

list photo

Get your lists down with customizable templates

Who doesn’t love a list? Lists can keep you organized, or help you collect your ideas, or propel you forward on a plan. Take your list making to the next level with easy-to-use templates that you can customize for your exact listing needs. Use lists to keep track of your favorite hobbies and interests so you never run out of supplies or miss an opportunity to explore. Or deploy your favorite list template to keep track of who’s naughty and who’s nice when it comes time for celebrating an occasion. From brainstorming your next big idea to organizing your busy life, you can make the perfect list for you when you start with a customizable template.

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