To carry back definition word

  • 1

    carry-back зачет потерь при уплате налога за прошлый период carry-back покрытие убытков за счет прибыли в прошлом периоде loss carry-back зачет потерь при уплате налога за прошлый год tax loss carry-back зачет потерь при уплате налога за прошлый период

    English-Russian short dictionary > carry-back

  • 2
    carry back

    carry back напоминать кому-л. прошлое

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > carry back

  • 3
    carry back

    1. III

    2. XXI1

    carry back smth., smb. /smth., smb. back/ to smth. the incident carried me carry back back to my happy school-days этот случай и т. д. напомнил мне о том счастливом времени /заставил меня мысленно перенестись в то счастливое время/, когда я учился в школе и т. д.; that carries me back to my youth это возвращает меня мысленно в дни моей юности; carry one’s thoughts back to that day вернуться мысленно к тому дню, вспоминать тот день

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > carry back

  • 4
    carry back




    переносить на прошлые периоды


    , переносить в прошлое


    You can carry back losses to prior years. — Вы можете перенести убытки на прошлые годы.

    Before that, a taxpayer could carry back losses up to three years and carry forward losses up to 15 years. — До этого налогоплательщик мог перенести убытки на прошлые периоды (но не далее, чем на три года) и на будущие периоды (но не далее, чем на 15 лет).



    * * *

    /vi, phrasal/ засчитать потери при уплате налога за прошлый период

    /vi/ засчитать потери при уплате налога за прошлый период

    /vi/ засчитывать потери при уплате налога за прошлый период

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > carry back

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carry-back

  • 6

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > carry-back

  • 7

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > carry-back

  • 8
    carry back

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry back

  • 9
    carry back

    Специализированный англо-русский словарь бухгалтерских терминов > carry back

  • 10
    carry back

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carry back

  • 11

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > carry-back

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry-back

  • 13
    carry back

    напоминать кому-либо прошлое

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > carry back

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > carry-back

  • 15
    carry-back tax treatment

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry-back tax treatment

  • 16
    carry-back tax

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > carry-back tax

  • 17
    carry-back tax

    возвратный налог

    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > carry-back tax

  • 18
    carry back to a remote past

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry back to a remote past

  • 19
    carry-back period

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry-back period

  • 20
    carry-back tax

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > carry-back tax


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • carry-back — The name given to the method provided under federal tax law that allows a taxpayer to apply net operating losses incurred during one year to the recomputation of income tax owed to the government for three preceding taxable years. Dictionary from …   Law dictionary

  • carry back — ● carry back nom masculin invariable (anglais carry back, report en arrière) Technique comptable permettant aux sociétés dont les résultats sont déficitaires de reporter leurs pertes sur un certain nombre d années passées, dégageant ainsi un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • carry back — index recover Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Carry Back — Thoroughbred racehorse infobox horsename = Carry Back caption = sire = Saggy grandsire = Swing and Sway dam = Joppy damsire = Star Blen sex = Stallion foaled = 1958 country = United States flagicon|USA colour = Brown breeder = Mrs. Katherine… …   Wikipedia

  • carry back — verb deduct a loss or an unused credit from taxable income for a prior period • Hypernyms: ↑subtract, ↑deduct, ↑take off • Verb Frames: Somebody s something * * * transitive verb : to deduct (a loss or an unused credit) from taxable income of a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • carry-back — A provision in the tax law which allows a taxpayer to apply a net operating loss in one year to the three immediately preceding tax years, beginning with the earliest year. A net operating loss must be carried back unless the taxpayer elects to… …   Black’s law dictionary

  • carry-back — A provision in the tax law which allows a taxpayer to apply a net operating loss in one year to the three immediately preceding tax years, beginning with the earliest year. A net operating loss must be carried back unless the taxpayer elects to… …   Black’s law dictionary

  • Carry Back Stakes — Horseraces infobox class = Grade II horse race = Carry Back Stakes caption = location = Calder Race Course Miami Gardens, Florida inaugurated = 1975 race type = Thoroughbred Flat racing website = [… …   Wikipedia

  • carry-back — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) : a loss sustained or a portion of a credit not used in a given period that may be deducted from taxable income of a prior period showed operating losses in 1946 despite heavy tax carry backs allowed by the government… …   Useful english dictionary

  • carry back — v. (B) he carried the books back to her …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Carry Back — ⇡ Verlustrücktrag …   Lexikon der Economics

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Carry back

y  *

Убрать слово из словаря

амер.  |ˈkærɪ ˈbæk|

брит.  |ˈkærɪ ˈbæk|

Russian  English 

напоминать кому-л. прошлое


- производить зачет потерь при уплате налога за прошлый период

Мои примеры


carry back — производить зачёт потерь при уплате налога за прошлый период; напоминать  

Дополнение / ошибка   Добавить пример

В других словарях:  Мультитран  Webster  FreeDictionary  Forvo 

Главная  Упражнения  Личный кабинет  Размер шрифта

Справка  Oтзывы, предложения, вопросы
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      vb   , -ries, -rying, -ried   mainly tr  

1    also intr   to take or bear (something) from one place to another  
to carry a baby in one’s arms     

2    to transfer for consideration; take  
he carried his complaints to her superior     

3    to have on one’s person  
he always carries a watch     

4    also intr   to be transmitted or serve as a medium for transmitting  
sound carries best over water     

5    to contain or be capable of containing  
the jug carries water     

6    to bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure, or responsibility of  
her efforts carry the whole production     

7    to have as an attribute or result  
this crime carries a heavy penalty     

8    to bring or communicate  
to carry news     

9    also intr   to be pregnant with (young)  
she is carrying her third child     

10    to bear (the head, body, etc.) in a specified manner  
she carried her head high     

11    to conduct or bear (oneself) in a specified manner  
she carried herself well in a difficult situation     

12    to continue or extend  
the war was carried into enemy territory     

13    to cause to move or go  
desire for riches carried him to the city     

14    to influence, esp. by emotional appeal  
his words carried the crowd     

15    to secure the passage of (a bill, motion, etc.)  

17    to obtain victory for (a candidate or measure) in an election  

18      (Chiefly U.S.)   to win a plurality or majority of votes in (a district, legislative body, etc.)  
the candidate carried 40 states     

19    to capture  
our troops carried the town     

20    (of communications media) to include as the content  
this newspaper carries no book reviews     

21      (Also (esp. U.S.))
carry over     (Book-keeping)   to transfer (an item) to another account, esp. to transfer to the following year’s account instead of writing off against profit and loss  
to carry a loss     

22      (Maths)   to transfer (a number) from one column of figures to the next, as from units to tens in multiplication and addition  

23    (of a shop, trader, etc.) to keep in stock  
to carry confectionery     

24    to support (a musical part or melody) against the other parts  

25    to sustain (livestock)  
this land will carry twelve ewes to the acre     

26    to maintain (livestock) in good health but without increasing their weight or obtaining any products from them  

27    intr   (of a ball, projectile, etc.) to travel through the air or reach a specified point  
his first drive carried to the green     

28      (Sport, esp. golf)   (of a ball) to travel beyond  
the drive carried the trees     

29    intr   (of a gun) to have a range as specified  
this rifle carries for 1200 yards     

30    to retain contact with and pursue (a line of scent)  

31    intr   (of ground) to be in such a condition that scent lies well upon it  

32      (Ice hockey)   to move (the puck) forwards, keeping it against the blade of the stick  

33    Informal   to imbibe (alcoholic drink) without showing ill effects  

34    intr  
Slang   to have drugs on one’s person  

carry all before (one)   to win unanimous support or approval for (oneself)  

carry a tune   to be able to sing in tune  

carry the can (for)  
Informal   to take the responsibility for some misdemeanour, etc. (on behalf of)  

carry the day   to win a contest or competition; succeed  
      n   pl   , -ries  

40      (U.S. and Canadian)   a portion of land over which a boat must be portaged  

41    the range of a firearm or its projectile  

42    the distance travelled by a ball, etc., esp. (in golf) the distance from where the ball is struck to where it first touches the ground  
     (C14 carien, from Old Northern French carier to move by vehicle, from car, from Latin carrum transport wagon; see car)  

carry away  
      vb   tr, adv  

2    usually passive   to cause (a person) to lose self-control  

3    usually passive   to delight or enrapture  
he was carried away by the music     

carry back     (Tax accounting)  

1    tr, adv   to apply (a legally permitted credit, esp. an operating loss) to the taxable income of previous years in order to ease the overall tax burden  


carry forward  
      vb   tr, adv  

1      (Book-keeping)   to transfer (a balance) to the next page, column, etc.  

2      (Tax accounting)   to apply (a legally permitted credit, esp. an operating loss) to the taxable income of following years to ease the overall tax burden,   (Also)
carry over  


3      (Also called)
carry-over     (Tax accounting)   an amount carried forward  

carry off  
      vb   tr, adv  

2    to win  
he carried off all the prizes     

3    to manage or handle (a situation) successfully  
he carried off the introductions well     

4    to cause to die  
he was carried off by pneumonia     

carry on  
      vb   adv  

1    intr   to continue or persevere  
we must carry on in spite of our difficulties     

2    tr   to manage or conduct  
to carry on a business     

3    intr; often foll by: with  
Informal   to have an affair  

4    intr  
Informal   to cause a fuss or commotion  


5    Informal     (chiefly Brit)   a fuss or commotion  

carry out  
      vb   tr, adv  

1    to perform or cause to be implemented  
I wish he could afford to carry out his plan     

2    to bring to completion; accomplish  

  carry-out     (Chiefly Scot)  

3    alcohol bought at a pub or off-licence for consumption elsewhere  

a    hot cooked food bought at a shop or restaurant for consumption elsewhere  

b    a shop or restaurant that sells such food  
we’ll get something from the Chinese carry-out     

c    (as modifier)  
a carry-out shop     

carry over  
      vb   tr, adv  

2      (Book-keeping, tax accounting)      another term for     
  carry forward  

3    (on the London Stock Exchange) to postpone (payment or settlement) until the next account day  


4    something left over for future use, esp. goods to be sold  

5      (Book-keeping)   a sum or balance carried forward  

6       another name for     

7      (Tax accounting)      another name for     

carry through  
      vb   tr, adv  

2    to enable to endure (hardship, trouble, etc.); support  


1    sold or operated on a basis of cash payment for merchandise that is not delivered but removed by the purchaser  

2    a wholesale store, esp. for groceries, that operates on this basis  

3    an operation on a commodities futures market in which spot goods are purchased and sold at a profit on a futures contract  

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It has been reported that Nyan Lin was then carried back to the camp on a stretcher, and eventually taken to the local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Сообщалось, что затем Ньян Лин был принесен в лагерь на носилках и в конечном счете доставлен в местный госпиталь, где было сообщено о его смерти.

The surface of coral is highly sensitive, and will now be exposed to major damage from all sorts of silt and debris carried back by water receding from flooded land.
Поверхность кораллов очень чувствительна, и теперь она подвергнется главному вреду от всевозможного ила и мусора, принесенных назад водой, отступающей с затопленных земель.

The same wind that carries them back would bring us thither?»
Тот же ветер, уносящий их вдаль, приносит нас в их земли».

Whereas physical and legal circumstances in which international bus and coach drivers and operators work make it impossible to check travel documents, multilateral agreements and control authorities continue to delegate control tasks to the latter and impose obligations to carry back passengers without valid papers.
Хотя физические и правовые обстоятельства, в которых работают водители и операторы международных автобусов и автобусов дальнего следования, не дают возможности проверять проездные документы, все же многосторонние соглашения и контрольные органы продолжают передавать им функции контроля и возлагают на них обязательство по обеспечению обратного проезда пассажиров, не имеющих должным образом оформленных документов.

Actually you take any object coated with fig juice and the ants will carry them back to the nest.
Можете дать им любой объект, покрытый соком инжира, и они отнесут его в муравейник.


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carry (one) back

To cause one to think of or remember someone or something from one’s past. Wow, that lullaby just carries me back to my childhood.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

carry someone back (to some time)

to return someone, mentally, to a former time; to remind someone of an earlier time. This carries me back to the times of knights and jousting. This article about the Sixties really carries me back.

carry something back

to take something back to where it came from. Did you bring this here? If so, carry it back. Please carry back the empty box after you take out all the books.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • carry (one) back
  • be/go back to square one
  • echo back to
  • echo back to (something)
  • back over
  • back over (someone or something)
  • back to square one
  • come back and see us
  • comeback
  • come back

References in periodicals archive

The carry back provision will allow your contribution to benefit from tax relief at 40 per cent.

United States, the court had allowed the surviving corporation in a merger to carry back excess profits credits against the pre-merger income of the constituent corporations.(31) In that case, the court had based its analysis on the nature of a statutory merger, indicating that the surviving corporation represented the continuation of the pre-merger rights and obligations of the merged corporation, citing Stanton Brewery and Metropolitan Edison.

The taxpayer failed to carry back the 1963 NOL to the three preceding years (the applicable carryback period at that time was three years) and instead carried the NOL forward and attempted to claim a deduction on the 1968 return.

«Carry back allows an individual to elect to have a pension contribution paid in the current tax year to be treated as though it was paid in the previous tax year.

Of course, a taxpayer that can carry back an NOL, but does not wish to do so, must make a timely election to waive the entire carryback period under IRC Sec.

* Eligible small businesses that have already elected to carry back 2008 losses under ARRA are permitted to carry back losses from 2009 under WHBAA (for a noneligible small business, an election may be made for only one tax year); and

Part of their appeal has been the fact they have a valuable feature, namely carry back, that enables the individual to open up the previous tax year and make a pension contribution that will receive tax relief at the individual’s marginal rate in that year.

Owner George Steinbrenner won two of the four big races on the day at Calder, with Dream Supreme taking the Grade 3 Princess Rooney Handicap for fillies and mares and Illusioned winning the Carry Back Stakes for three-year-olds.

Remember that Historic Newspapers carry back issues of The Mirror which make ideal birthday or anniversary presents.

The rules governing the assessment statute of limitation vary depending on the form used by a taxpayer to carry back a loss.

Under the Internal Revenue Code, taxpayers may carry back these losses and get a tax refund or carry them forward and reduce their future tax liability.

* A corporation that generates a net operating loss or net capital loss during the short period cannot carry back the loss, but generally must carry it forward in accordance with Secs.

In British Car Auctions, two members of an affiliated group, both dual residents in the United States and the United Kingdom, incurred losses that the taxpayer attempted to carry back to a prior taxable year for the U.S.

Finally, Merlo advanced several «policy and legal considerations,» arguing that, under equity principles, he should be allowed to carry back his AMT capital loss to reduce his AMTI, because applying the Secs.

They filed a joint Form 1045, «Application for Tentative Refund,» to carry back the remaining unused $800,000 net operating loss (NOL) from 1983 to 1981 and 1982.

Idioms browser

  • carry (something) into effect
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  • carry (something) to extremes
  • carry (something) to the/(one’s) grave
  • carry (something) too far
  • carry (something) with (one)
  • carry a big stick
  • carry a millstone (around (one’s) neck)
  • carry a rope in (one’s) pocket
  • carry a secret to (one’s)/the grave
  • carry a secret to the grave
  • carry a torch
  • carry a torch for
  • carry a torch for (one)
  • carry a torch for somebody
  • carry a torch for someone
  • carry a tune
  • carry about
  • carry all before (one)
  • carry all before you
  • carry along
  • carry an amount of weight
  • carry around
  • carry authority
  • carry away
  • carry back
  • carry coals
  • carry coals to Newcastle
  • carry conviction
  • carry dead weight
  • carry down
  • carry excess baggage
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • carry forward
  • carry in(to) (some place)
  • carry into some place
  • carry nothing about (someone or something)
  • carry off
  • carry on
  • carry on somehow
  • carry on with (one’s) life
  • carry on with (someone)
  • carry on with (something)
  • carry on without
  • carry on without (someone or something)
  • carry onto
  • carry out
  • carry over
  • carry over from
  • carry over to
  • carry over to/until (some day or time)

Full browser

  • carry a torch for you
  • carry a tune
  • carry about
  • carry all before
  • carry all before
  • carry all before
  • carry all before
  • carry all before
  • carry all before (one)
  • carry all before her
  • carry all before him
  • carry all before me
  • carry all before one
  • carry all before somebody
  • carry all before them
  • carry all before us
  • carry all before you
  • carry along
  • carry along with
  • Carry Amelia Moore Nation
  • Carry Amelia Moore Nation
  • carry an amount of weight
  • Carry arms
  • carry around
  • carry authority
  • carry away
  • carry away
  • carry away
  • carry away
  • carry away
  • carry back
  • Carry Backs
  • Carry Backs
  • carry bat
  • carry bat
  • carry bat
  • carry bat
  • Carry bit
  • Carry bit
  • Carry bit
  • carry coals
  • carry coals to Newcastle
  • carry coals to Newcastle
  • Carry Completion Sensing Adder
  • Carry Concealed Deadly Weapons
  • carry conviction
  • Carry Cost
  • Carry Cost
  • Carry Costs
  • Carry Costs
  • carry cross
  • carry dead weight
  • Carry digit
  • Carry digit
  • Carry digit
  • carry down
  • carry excess baggage
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • Carry flag
  • Carry flag
  • carry forward

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Carry back is a verb and can also act as a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb carry back in English.


Definition of carry back in the English dictionary

The definition of carry back in the dictionary is to apply to the taxable income of previous years in order to ease the overall tax burden. Other definition of carry back is an amount carried back.




I carry back

you carry back

he/she/it carries back

we carry back

you carry back

they carry back

Present continuous

I am carrying back

you are carrying back

he/she/it is carrying back

we are carrying back

you are carrying back

they are carrying back

Present perfect

I have carried back

you have carried back

he/she/it has carried back

we have carried back

you have carried back

they have carried back

Present perfect continuous

I have been carrying back

you have been carrying back

he/she/it has been carrying back

we have been carrying back

you have been carrying back

they have been carrying back

Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.



I carried back

you carried back

he/she/it carried back

we carried back

you carried back

they carried back

Past continuous

I was carrying back

you were carrying back

he/she/it was carrying back

we were carrying back

you were carrying back

they were carrying back

Past perfect

I had carried back

you had carried back

he/she/it had carried back

we had carried back

you had carried back

they had carried back

Past perfect continuous

I had been carrying back

you had been carrying back

he/she/it had been carrying back

we had been carrying back

you had been carrying back

they had been carrying back

Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,



I will carry back

you will carry back

he/she/it will carry back

we will carry back

you will carry back

they will carry back

Future continuous

I will be carrying back

you will be carrying back

he/she/it will be carrying back

we will be carrying back

you will be carrying back

they will be carrying back

Future perfect

I will have carried back

you will have carried back

he/she/it will have carried back

we will have carried back

you will have carried back

they will have carried back

Future perfect continuous

I will have been carrying back

you will have been carrying back

he/she/it will have been carrying back

we will have been carrying back

you will have been carrying back

they will have been carrying back

The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.



I would carry back

you would carry back

he/she/it would carry back

we would carry back

you would carry back

they would carry back

Conditional continuous

I would be carrying back

you would be carrying back

he/she/it would be carrying back

we would be carrying back

you would be carrying back

they would be carrying back

Conditional perfect

I would have carry back

you would have carry back

he/she/it would have carry back

we would have carry back

you would have carry back

they would have carry back

Conditional perfect continuous

I would have been carrying back

you would have been carrying back

he/she/it would have been carrying back

we would have been carrying back

you would have been carrying back

they would have been carrying back

Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.



you carry back
we let´s carry back
you carry back

The imperative is used to form commands or requests.


Past participle

carried back

Present Participle

carrying back

Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.

Synonyms and antonyms of carry back in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «carry back» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of carry back to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of carry back from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «carry back» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

llevar de nuevo

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

वापस ले

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

تنفيذ العودة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

нести обратно

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

levar de volta

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

ফিরে বহন

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Bawa balik

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

Rücken tragen

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

다시 수행

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Nindakake maneh

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

mang lại

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

திரும்பிச் செல்லுங்கள்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

परत आणा

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

geri taşı

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

portare indietro

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

nieść z powrotem

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

нести назад

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

transporta înapoi

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

φέρει πίσω

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

voer terug

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

föra tillbaka

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

bære tilbake

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of carry back


The term «carry back» is regularly used and occupies the 57.845 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.


The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «carry back» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of carry back

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «carry back».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «carry back» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «carry back» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about carry back


Discover the use of carry back in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to carry back and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

It’s too bad Carry Back didn’t sire more like Sharp Gary. «Carry Back was just an
average stallion, but he got worse- than-average mares,» said Price. «I was my
own worst enemy there. In the first place, I took any mare that came along,
instead …


German Tax and Business Law

[112-131] Loss carry-back and loss carry-forward Losses which cannot be used
fora horizontal offset or for a vertical offset, pursuant tos.l0d EStG maybe used for
a loss carry-back or for a loss carry-forward to other tax years. The possibility of a


The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

The mount of the loss that offsets U.S. surce income must be added to the
ixpayer’s overall foreign loss account, .ii addition to an overall foreign loss ccourit
resulting from the carry back f a net operating loss incurred by a axpayer in a …

Internal Revenue Service, 2002

enough. running. to. give. Price. renewed. hope. «I. thought. we’d finish in the
money.» Down the stretch they charged, and the leaders were beginning to run
out of gas. And here came Carry Back, ridden by Johnny Sellers. One by one
Carry …


The Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes: A …

Carry Back was sixth in the field ofnine, but trailed by only six lengths, much less
ofa deficit than he’d had to make up in the Derby. Although Carry Back was
reducing his deficit, it didn’t appear he would catch Globemaster when he
reached …


Way back, Carry Back wins Derby

1 1961 729627 Time Inc ca-print-mag-life_inc_default GGKEY0WL2S673TLC
ISSN 00243019 ISSN 00243019 ISSN00243019
LOGICAL_SERIAL1168684103302644245. MAKING THE BIG MOVE in the
stretch, Carry Back (No. 10) comes on …


Seidman’s Legislative History of Federal Income and Excess …

(1) Net operating loss carry-back.— 7/ for any taxable year, beginning after
December 31, 1941, the taxpayer has a net operating loss, such net operating
loss shall be a net operating loss carry-back for each of the two preceding
taxable years, …

Jacob Stewart Seidman, 2003


Business taxpayer information publications

Generally, you must carry back the entire amount of the NOL to the 2 tax years
before the NOL year (the carryback period), and then carry forward any
remaining NOL for up to 20 years after the NOL year (the carryforward period).
You can …

United States. Internal Revenue Service, 2000


Corporate Loss Utilisation through Aggressive Tax Planning

Considerations against the introduction of carry-back rules may be related to
governments’ administrative and budgetary concerns. Indeed, a loss carry-back
requires reopening a taxpayer’s’ assessment or tax return for prior tax periods.


Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed Companies 2013/14

Twelve-month. carry-back. against. total. profits. 4.37 Where the current year
trading losses cannot be fully deducted against the profits of the current period,
any remaining loss can generally be carried back under CTA 2010, s 37(3)(b)
against …


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term carry back is used in the context of the following news items.

Ballet Diva Smooth as Silk in Cassidy

Grupo 7 also won the next race on the Summit of Speed card when Grand Bili denied Barbados in the $150,000 G3 Carry Back Stakes. «Horse Racing Nation, Jul 15»

Grand Bili Upsets Barbados in Carry Back

One of the least experienced horses in the Carry Back Stakes (gr. III) (VIDEO) field at Gulfstream Park July 5 pulled off the upset when Grand … «, Jul 15»

Merry Meadow Returns to Winning Ways in Princess Rooney

… consecutive stakes victories Sunday, also winning the Miesque’s Approval and Carry Back (G3) with Grand Tito and Grand Bili, respectively. «Horse Racing Nation, Jul 15»

Take off with a slice of the south

The aim is to provide the traveller a “taste of the south. A story or a memory that they can carry back with them,” G.V. Sanjay Reddy, the M.D. of … «The Hindu, Jul 15»

Arizona’s Trier, Miller bring home gold

… five-minute period and went on to win 79-71 in Greece, giving Miller and UA freshman Allonzo Trier gold medals to carry back to Tucson. «Arizona Daily Star, Jul 15»

Hat trick for jockey Javier Castellano at Gulfstream Park

… and I love Gulfstream Park,” said Castellano, who also won the $75,000 Miesque’s Approval Stakes and the $150,000 Carry Back Stakes. «Miami Herald, Jul 15»

Heavy school bags will end up children with slouched backs …

… said, “Today’s kids are burdened with heavy school bags which they have to carry back and forth to school. These bags puts huge pressure … «Free press journal, Jul 15»

Barbados Makes Much Awaited Return Sunday

Suzanne Stables’ Barbados is set for a long-awaited return to action and Gulfstream Park in Sunday’s $150,000 Carry Back Stakes (G3) on the … «Horse Racing Nation, Jul 15»

Urtheoneeyelove Wins Betsy Ross Handicap

Four graded stakes will be included in the six-race sequence of all stakes: the $150,000 Azalea (G3), the $150,000 Carry Back (G3), the … «Horse Racing Nation, Jul 15»

Water-point ‘bank machines’ improve Kenyan capital’s slums

… beside one of the new machines, as long lines of women waited to fill cans full of water, heavy loads they must then carry back home. «Taipei Times, Jul 15»


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Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Перевод и значение CARRY BACK в английском и русском языках

напоминать кому-л. прошлое

Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

     English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

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