To be interested in a sentence for each word

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1 There’s a talk on Italian art-are you interested ?

2 What are you interested in?

3 Gere became interested in Buddhism in the 1970s.

4 He is interested in mystic rites and ceremonies.

5 He’s very interested in nuclear physics.

6 We shall be interested in receiving your comments.

7 Why bother asking if you’re not really interested?

8 My hobby is chess. Are you interested in learning?

9 We shall be interested in hearing your comments.

10 What are your interested in?

11 I’m not interested in all this scientific malarkey.

12 She is always interested in space science.

13 He wasn’t interested in growing flowers in the garden.

14 I’ve always been interested in music.

15 We’re interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.

16 He was a great deal interested in music.

17 Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?

18 She got very interested in politics.

19 I’m not interested in sport.

20 What kind of things are u interested in?

21 The more I hear,( the more interested I become.

22 Politics has never interested me.

23 We would be interested to learn…

24 I’m not interested in a romantic relationship.

25 I’m not terribly interested in politics.

26 I thought she might be interested in Paula’s proposal.

27 I’m very interested in history.

28 I am interested in anything pertaining to folklore.

29 Let’s be honest, she’s only interested in Mike because of his money.

30 She wouldn’t tell me how much it cost — not that I was really interested.

More similar words: interest, lose interest, interfere, interfere in, interfere with, for the rest, integrated, western, yesterday, painter, stereotype, interval, internal, interact, Internet, interior, enter into, interview, interpret, interrupt, in terms of, intercede, cholesterol, at intervals, interaction, intervention, intermittent, esterification, international, interpretation. 

We use prepositions before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show time, direction, place or location, spatial relationships, or to introduce an object. So, do we say “interested in” or “interested on” in English?

“Interested in” is used to indicate the interest (or eagerness) of someone in the subject they want to know more about or the action they wish to perform. The preposition of location or time “in” functions to indicate a state of being that someone is metaphorically “inside of.” Less often, we can use the expression “interested to” followed by a verb of perception. “Interested on” is never correct.

This is one of several combinations of adjectives and prepositions in English that you’ll need to memorize. Read on to further understand the adjective and preposition combinations and what other prepositions we may use in conjunction with the adjective “interested.”

Prepositions are relationship words, and they answer questions concerning where, what, who, and when (source). The British Council of English notes there are some adjectives that go with specific prepositions, and there are no strict grammar rules that dictate which preposition we use with which adjective (source).

Prepositions and Collocations

Preposition collocations are two words — usually a preposition and a noun, verb, or adjective that go together and simply sound correct to a native English speaker. Some can be very difficult to justify, so you’ll need to memorize them as their combination does not change (source). 

There are many cases in the English language where we combine an adjective with a preposition, and “interested in” is one of them (source). Here are a few of the most common combinations of adjectives with the preposition “in”: 

  • Giovanni is interested in classic Italian art. 
  • The teacher was very disappointed in the behavior of her class.
  • She was highly skilled in hockey and soccer.
  • Jeremy is very involved in volunteer work.

Unlike some phrasal verbs, preposition collocations are set, and we cannot insert the object between the adjective and the preposition.

For more on word combinations with prepositions, check out “Appreciation of or for: When to Use Each Preposition in Conjunction with Appreciation.”

How Do You Use “Interested in” in a Sentence?

One such adjective and preposition combination is “interested in,” which is the most common combination for the adjective “interested.”

Let’s take a look at this example:

  • Sally is interested in the project

The preposition “in” connects the subject with the object of the preposition, indicating what has Sally’s interest. The same applies to the following examples where the object (noun) follows the preposition.

  • John is interested in astronomy, so he bought a telescope.
  • The politician’s son was not the least bit interested in politics.

We can also follow “interested in” with a verb that acts like a noun, which we call a “gerund.”

  • I am interested in exploring Mexico.

Prepositions of Location: “In”

Still, what is the rationale for using the preposition “in” with “interested”? The preposition “in” is a positive preposition of location — one of two types that express spatial relations. 

Prepositions of location appear with verbs that describe states or conditions, and one of the prepositions of location that sometimes cause difficulty is “in.”

Spatial (Physical) Prepositions

The preposition “in” indicates that an object lies within the boundaries of an area or within the confines of a volume (source). For example: 

  • My house is in Cape Town  
  • I am in South Africa. 

In these two sentences, the preposition locates the house within a geographical area and the person speaking within a country. Both sentences answer the question of where.

  • There are four rooms in the house and a beautiful fireplace in the bedroom. 

In this sentence, the preposition indicates objects within the confines of a definite volume. It shows two things — the rooms are within the confines of the house, and the object (fireplace) is within the bedroom. 

Time Prepositions

The preposition “in” also functions to describe a lengthy unit of time, such as days, weeks, months, years, or seasons. For example: 

  • The market will be held in the summer. 
  • The United States declared independence in 1776. 

Metaphorical Time and Location Prepositions 

One of the more complicated uses of prepositions is metaphorical prepositions, where we use them to show location or time in metaphorical circumstances. 

Many often think of abstract situations and moods like being in love or pain as something that a person is metaphorically “inside of,” so we often use the preposition “in” for those situations.

The Writing Center for the University of Nevada, Reno, notes that a good way to understand metaphorical prepositions is to think of abstract ideas such as love, states of being, danger, difficulties, or words as being a physical box (source). 

In the following examples, imagine each abstract noun as being a physical box that people can climb into, step out of, or walk through.

  • I am in a bad mood. 
  • Tom and Jane are in love. 
  • He cannot express himself in words.
  • He was the leading researcher in the field of biochemistry. 

“Are You Interested in” Meaning

We can conclude, then, that when someone asks, “are you interested in” something, they’re asking about your condition or state of being. They’re using the preposition in the abstract or metaphorical sense to ask whether you are excited to know more about something, learn more about it, or spend time doing it.

When Do We Use “In” and “On”? 

We can use the prepositions “in” and “on” with nouns to indicate spatial location. However, when we perceive something as a flat surface, then we use  the preposition “on.” When referring to the volume or area of an enclosed space, we use the preposition “in.”

See the examples in the table below to get a better understanding: 

Type of Space Location Sentence with Preposition Explanation
Flat Surface Field  The boys were playing football on the field.  The field is a flat surface without any fences.  
Flat Surface Basketball Court  There were six players on the basketball court.  The court is an open space that is not enclosed — though it might be in an auditorium.
Enclosed Area Boxing Ring The boxers went ten rounds in the ring.  The boxing ring is an enclosed space. 
Enclosed Area Field The cows were grazing in the field.  The field is an area with fences — it is enclosed. 

For more on the prepositions “in” and “on,” check out our article, “In the Website or on the Website: Using the Right Preposition.”

Do We Say “Interested in” or “Interested on” Buying?

Since we’re using an adjective referring to our state of being when we talk about the desire to buy something, we always say “interested in” instead of “interested on.” For example: 

  • I am interested in buying some property. 
  • I am interested in buying your car. 

However, we might use a phrasal verb like “plan on” with “buying” (source).

  • I plan on buying some property.

Do We Say Interested In or Interested By?

What if something causes you to be interested? Would it be correct to say, “I was interested by it”? No, it would not. However, we could say we were intrigued by something (source).

I was intrigued by her comments yesterday.

This is another collocation you’ll need to memorize.

Interested In vs. Interested To

There is one other preposition that we can use after “Interested.” We can use “Interested to” when “to” functions as part of an infinitive verb — a verb in its “to form.”  Infinitive verbs can function as subjects, objects, or adjectives.


Id be interested to know whether recycling makes a difference to the environment. 

Im interested to see how that turns out.

“Interested to” can function only with verbs of perception and “knowing,” such as “hear,” “see,” “learn,” “read,” “know,” “find out,” etc.  

I am interested to know why she committed the crime.

When someone uses “interested to” in a sentence of the past tense, the expression indicates they have already learned about something and found it interesting.

I was interested to hear that Jake had divorced Sarah.

When we use “interested” with a verb that is not a verb of perception, “interested in” is the only correct option.

Correct:     I am interested in reading.

Incorrect:     I am interested to reading. 

Phrasal Verb: “Interest in” 

While “interested in” is a preposition collocation with an adjective, “interest in” is a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and an adverb or preposition, or both, and they’re idiomatic (source). 

This phrasal verb means to attempt to interest someone in something. It can be about a particular subject or an attempt to persuade someone to buy, do, or eat something (source).

Unlike collocations, phrasal verbs can be separable or inseparable. If a phrasal verb is separable, you can separate the two words by placing the direct object in the middle. “Interest in” is a separable phrasal verb that we can therefore separate by placing the direct object in the middle. 


  • Can I interest you in our latest vintages? 

Interested vs. Interesting

It’s common for English learners to mix up the adjectives “interested’ and “interesting” when they say, “I am interesting” instead of “I am interested.” Saying, “I am interesting” sounds a tad narcissistic.

The adjective “interested” indicates that someone shows interest in something or wants to learn more about something. The adjective “interesting” means that something arouses curiosity or interest or holds or catches attention — the opposite of boring. This article was written for

In other words, “interested” describes a feeling of wanting to learn more about something or someone. In contrast, “interesting” describes the thing that makes someone feel that way. You feel interested in something because that thing is interesting (source). 

Consider the following examples that demonstrate how we use  “interesting”: 

  • It was a very interesting book — it kept me in suspense from start to finish. 
  • It was interesting to hear what Tom had to say about the book. 

Notice how the sentences use “interesting” with the preposition “to” plus the infinitive. 


  • It was interesting to meet so many new people at the conference.
  • The documentary was interesting to watch.

Now compare this to how we’ve used “interested”: 

  • Thomas was interested in geography.
  • If you are interested in working in a bank, you should study finance.
  • Are you interested in meeting me for lunch later?

What Does It Mean to Be Interested?

The word “interested” is an adjective that describes showing interest in something and giving it your attention. If you find interest in something, you find it exciting and want to know more about it, or you want to engage in a certain action (source). 

The following examples indicate wanting or not wanting to know more about something.

  • I am very interested in archeology.
  • We would be interested to hear your thoughts on the lesson.
  • I am not particularly interested in history.

In the following examples, someone is asking whether someone wants to do something:

  • Are you interested in joining the art club?
  • There is a presentation on Russian dancing tonight if you are interested.

The adjective “interested” can also mean to be affected or involved — to be in a position to gain from a situation or be affected by it (source). 

  • Several interested parties were eager to get involved in the development. 

Final Thoughts

We have learned that we use the expression “interested in” as opposed to “interested on” as it is a common preposition collocation. It highlights a person’s eagerness to know more about a certain subject or to do something. 

We also discovered that we could use the preposition “to” with “interested” in combination with verbs of perception, like “know” and others.

Make sure you practice these collocations often to memorize them and increase your fluency.

D Vocabulary■ interest■ keep track of■ loan■ maintain■ minus■ nasty■ p перевод - D Vocabulary■ interest■ keep track of■ loan■ maintain■ minus■ nasty■ p русский как сказать

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D Vocabulary

■ interest
■ keep track of
■ loan
■ maintain
■ minus
■ nasty
■ part-time
■ rate
■ relationship
■ revenue

■ the short term
Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box.

1 I…………………..what I spend by writing everything down in a notebook.

2 There is a…………………..between the quality of a product and its cost.

3 Company’s total………………… all the money it receives from sales.

4………………… the next few weeks or months The long term may be the next years or decades.

Five…………………..three is two.

6 Factories have to…………………..their machines keep them working properly.

7 A…………………..worker works for only a few hours a day or a few days per week.

8 When someone or something is…………………… they aren’t nice at all.

9 If you borrow money from a bank, you have to pay it back with an extra charge which is called

10 When somebody lends money, they are giving a

11 The………………… which something happens is how fast it occurs


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


D словарь■ проценты■ держать за■ Кредит■ поддержание■ минус■ неприятный■ неполный рабочий день■ курс■ связь■ доход■■ короткий срокЗавершите каждое предложение слово или фразу из коробки.1 и.. трачу в письменном виде все вниз в записной книжке.2 существует а… между качеством продукта и его стоимость.3 компании в целом… это все деньги, которые он получает от продажи.4 является ближайшие несколько недель или месяцев, в долгосрочной перспективе может быть в ближайшие годы или десятилетия.Пять… три-два.6 фабрики должны… их машины держать их работает должным образом.7 A…worker работает всего несколько часов в день или несколько дней в неделю.8 когда кто-то или что-то это… они не приятно на всех.9 Если вы занимаете деньги из банка, вам придется оплатить его обратно с дополнительную плату, которая называется10 когда кто-то одалживает деньги, они дают11…, в котором что-то происходит, как быстро это происходит

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


D Словарь

■ интерес
■ отслеживать
■ кредит
■ поддерживать
■ минус
■ грязного
■ неполный рабочий день
■ Скорость
■ отношения
■ доходы

■ короткий срок
Complete каждое предложение со словом или фразой из коробки.

1 Я ………………….. то , что я провожу, записывая все вниз в записной книжке.

2 Существует ………………….. между качеством продукта и его стоимости.

Итого 3 компании ………………….. все деньги она получает от продаж.

4 ………………….. это в ближайшие несколько недель или месяцев Длительный срок может быть в ближайшие годы или десятилетия.

Пять ………………….. три два.

6 Заводы должны ………………….. их машины держать их работать должным образом.

7. ………………….. рабочий работает всего несколько часов в день или несколько дней в неделю.

8 Когда кто — то или что — то …………………… они не хороши вообще.

9 Если вы занимаете деньги у банка, вы должны оплатить его обратно за дополнительную плату , которая называется

10 Когда кто — то дает деньги, они дают более

11 ……………. ……. в котором что — то происходит, как быстро это происходит

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


d словарь■ интерес■ следитьв кредит■ поддерживатьв минусв.■ неполный рабочий день■ уровеньв отношениях■ доходы■в краткосрочной перспективеполное каждое предложение со слова или фразы из ящика.1 — я………………….. я потратил в письменном виде всё в блокнот.2 там………………….. между качеством продукта и его стоимость.3 в общей сложности компании………………….. все деньги он получает от продажи.4………………….. является несколько недель или месяцев долгосрочной перспективе может быть несколько лет или десятилетий.пять………………….. три — два.6 заводов нужно………………….. свои машины держать их работать должным образом.7 A………………….. работник работает лишь на несколько часов в день или несколько дней в неделю.8, когда кто — то или что — то:они не такие милые на всех.9, если ты занял деньги у банка, нужно, чтобы расплатиться с дополнительную плату, которая называется10, когда кто — то одалживает деньги, они дают11 165 — 180, на которых что — то происходит, заключается в том, как быстро это происходит

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • telecommunications
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  • кратко говоря. компилятор переводит прог
  • Ядра черепных нервов
  • apply update from sdcard
  • think of the style
  • кратко говоря. компилятор переводит прог
  • Я вернулась
  • Диагностика дислексии
  • Белый Шоколад
  • харашо пока
  • neighbour
  • Кормить
  • After the disappearance of the Cheshire
  • Фильмы о подростках
  • David Beckham is a sportsman.Football is
  • Dear Lyolik Shkiper,Thanks for your orde
  • David Beckham is a sportsman.Football is
  • Passed
  • My good friend said her wish was to have
  • Dear Lyolik Shkiper,Thanks for your orde
  • наименование
  • спасибо мои ангелам хранителям
  • Будь моей на всегда?

Adverbs in English sentences. Where do they belong?

usually где ставится в предложении

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or phrases. They often answer the question «How?» (How?). For example:

She sings beautifully.
She sings beautifully. (How does she sing? Beautifully.)
He runs very Fast.
He runs very fast. (How fast does he run? Very fast.)
I occasionally practice speaking English.
From time to time I practice conversational English. (How often do I practice? From time to time.)

The place occupied by an adverb in an English sentence depends on what type this adverb belongs to. It is in this aspect that we will understand in today’s English lesson.

1. Do not put an adverb between the verb and the object of its action

In the next sentence painted is a verb and the house — an object. carefullyas you might have guessed — this is an adverb.

I Carefully painted the house. = Correctly
I painted the house Carefully. = Correctly
I painted Carefully the house. = Wrong

Here’s another example. In this sentence read Is a verb, a book Is the object of action, and Sometimes — adverb.

I Sometimes read a book before bed. = Correctly
Sometimes I read a book before bed. = Correctly
I read a book before bed Sometimes. = Acceptable, but only in informal situations
I read Sometimes a book before bed. = Wrong

Front position: at the beginning of a sentence

suddenly the phone rank.
Suddenly the phone rang.

fortunately, no one was injured.
Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Maybe I’ll go for a walk.
Maybe I’ll go for a walk.

Mid position: next to the main verb

I always exercise before work.
I always do my exercises before work.

They have Completely forgotten about our appointment.
They completely forgot about our meeting.

He was probably late for the interview.
He was probably late for the interview.

She slowly began to recover from her illness.
She slowly began to recover from her illness.

End position: at the end of a sentence

You speak English well.
You speak English well.

Please sit there.
Please sit here.

They ate dinner quietly.
They dined quietly.

Mode of action adverbs

quickly, slowly, easily, happily, well, * badly, seriously

The position in the middle of the sentence makes the adverb less expressive:

He quickly corrected his mistake.
He quickly corrected his mistake.
She easily passed the test.
She passed the test easily.
We happily


Present simple — educational rules and examples

usually где ставится в предложении

The English language has an extensive system of tenses. One of the most commonly used variations is the present simple tense. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at everything related to this temporary form, including education, rules and examples of the present simple, as well as special use cases.

Definition and use

This time covers a fairly long period of time. It does not indicate the duration of the action or its completeness, for example, as a perfect time. Present Simple describes the process as such. So, the present simple rule says that this temporary form is used in the following cases:

1. When the speaker communicates about regularly repeated actions, habits, patterns. Often, such sentences are accompanied by satellite adverbs. These include: usually (usually), every month / day / week / (every month / day / week), always (always), seldom (rarely), often (often), daily (daily), etc.

Example: He always wakes up at 6 am — He always wakes up at 6 am.

I often visit my parents. — I often visit my parents.

They never go to clubs. — They never go to clubs.

2. Schedules and work schedules also use time in English, present simple.

The train arrives at 7 am — The train arrives at 7 am.

The theater works till 11 pm — The theater is open until 11 pm.

3. When all known truths, facts, statements, stereotypes are mentioned.

Example: Io is Jupiter’s satellite. — Io is a satellite of Jupiter.

Boys love cars. — Boys love cars.

Winter comes after autumn. — After autumn comes winter.

4. When mentioning the present action without linking it to a specific moment of speech.

For example: His grandpa lives in Australia. — His grandfather lives in Australia.

Lila learns chemistry. — Leela is studying chemistry.

5. When narrating. When the speaker is leading a story, communicating someone’s actions.

My husband wakes up at 5 am, has his breakfast, gets dressed, and goes to work. — My husband wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning, has breakfast, gets dressed and goes to work.

6. Present Indefinite time is also used to compose instructions, manuals, recipes (often in the imperative mood).

Take two eggs, add a glass of water, and cook it for 20 minutes. — Take two eggs, add a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes.

7. Commentators also use Present Simple in their speech.

Arshavin takes the ball and gets it to the box. — Arshavin takes the ball and sends it to the penalty area.

8. When mentioning planned events taking place in the future. In this case, such a temporary form is used contrary to the rules of the future tense to emphasize the planned action.

He arrives next week. — He’s coming next week.

9. Newspaper headlines are used instead of past tense to avoid bulky headlines

Russia Launches A New Satellite. — Russia is launching a new satellite.

Time Education Present Simple

The present indefinite time has one of the simplest forms of education. When using Present Indefinite, no one should have any difficulties. To understand everything about the formation of the present simple, let us single out 3 subparagraphs for a separate consideration of the affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms of this tense.


The affirmative form present simple has direct word order.

In the first place is the subject (Subject), followed by the predicate (Verb) in the desired form, the third place is taken by the additional members of the sentence.

When forming the affirmative form Present Simple, it is necessary to put the infinitive without the particle to (V1) in the desired form. The endings -s, -es are added to the 3rd person singular, that is, to he / she / it, as well as to all nouns that are replaced by these pronouns. For example,

I go to theater every month. — I go to the theater every month.


Present Simple marker words: definition, rules and examples

usually где ставится в предложении

“Time markers” are words that make it possible to determine that the sentence should use the present Simple temporal form. Let’s see how this works, taking the example of Present Simple marker words.

Present Simple time

One of the first topics when learning English grammar is Present Simple. This is the Simple Present Tense, which applies in the following cases:

  • to indicate a state, habitual, repetitive action;
  • to describe scientific facts, accepted statements, common truths, laws of nature;
  • when listing the following one after another actions;
  • practical guides, operating instructions, instructions;
  • various schedules (trains, buses, cinema sessions, etc.);
  • newspaper headlines;

The English language itself helps to understand all cases of using the temporary form of Present Simple. He may suggest special signals — time indicators.

What are time markers

The verbs in the sentence describe actions and events, and they unfold in time. Therefore, the verb itself is directly related to temporary circumstances: when the event took place, how long it lasted, by what moment it ended, etc.

Tense circumstances are not accidental in sentences: they serve as indicators for different verb forms. Such pointers are called temporary markers. For each time in the English language, its own set of indicators is allocated, including Present Simple markers.

If you master the verbal indicators, it is much easier to detect the use of this or that tense. Present Simple pointers will prompt you that in such a context it is the simple present that is used, and not, for example, Present Continuous.

But you should always be careful. Some markers can refer to multiple times. The choice in such cases comes only from the context and understanding of the essence of the situation. And there may be sentences in which there are no circumstances of the tense at all and an indication of the verb form. Therefore, in order to use Present Simple correctly and correctly interpret the indicator hints, it is necessary to master the values ​​of the present simple.

List of time markers

There are often more difficult situations. Sometimes we talk about events inherent in Present Simple. Sometimes we use Present Continuous and other times. It can be difficult to figure it out here, and temporary pointers make our life very much easier.

Basic temp pointers for Present Simple Tense (simple present tense)

always always
often often
usually usually
sometimes sometimes
never never

Without these pointers, nowhere. You definitely need to know them. Often we are also asked the question: «How often do you do it?» (How often do you do this?)

And here there are often variations — twice a week, three times a week, every day, etc. How to say it?

Temporary pointer table for Present Simple Tense (simple present tense)

every day Cada dia
every week every week
every month every month
Every year every year
two times a week twice a week
three times per week three times a week
four times a month four times a month
on weekends at weekends
on Mondays on Mondays
on Sundays on Sundays
rarely seldom

This is a more extensive list of temporary pointers. Very often students forget how to say the word «rarely» in English. Not everyone knows the words seldom and rarely. In this case, you can say sometimes and everything will be clear.

It is also important to pay attention to the differences between British and American English when we talk about temporary pointers. How do you say “on weekends” in English? UK version — at weekends. The American version is on weekends. That is, a different pretext is put.

So, for each time in the English language there are auxiliary words — clues that show what kind of temporary form we have in front of us. Present Simple is no exception, and has its own list of auxiliary words.

Examples of time markers

Sample sentences with adverbs of frequency in Present Simple:

  • He always gets up at 7 am — He always gets up at 7 am.
  • They are usually at home in the evening. “They’re usually at home in the evening.
  • Miranda and Greg often visit their grandmother. — Miranda and Greg often visit their grandmother.
  • She rarely meets her friends. — She rarely meets with friends.
  • We are hardly ever late for work. — We are almost never late for work.
  • I never borrow money from my friends. — I never borrow money from friends.

Usually adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb of the sentence, in particular:

  • I sometimes have a shower in the morning. — I sometimes take a shower in the morning.
  • Mark doesn’t always give his girlfriend flowers. — Mark does not always give flowers to his girlfriend.

However, there is one situation where this order of words is violated — when there is a verb to be in a sentence, adverbs of frequency are established after it, for example:

  • She is hardly ever worried. — She almost never worries.
  • Helen and Mike aren’t usually at work at this time. — Helen and Mike are usually not at work at this time.

As a rule, adverbs of frequency are placed before the main verb of a sentence, in particular:

  • I sometimes have a shower in the morning. — I sometimes take a shower in the morning.
  • Mark doesn’t always give his girlfriend flowers. — Mark does not always give flowers to his girlfriend.

However, there is one situation where this order of words is violated — when there is a verb to be in a sentence, adverbs of frequency are placed after it, in particular:

  • She is hardly ever worried. — She almost never worries.
  • Helen and Mike aren’t usually at work at this time. — Helen and Mike are usually not at work at this time.

Phrases expressing frequency — they are usually placed at the end of a sentence.

Phrases formed by the word every:

  • every + day / week / month / year
  • I go shopping every day. — I go shopping every day.
  • Scarlett watches a new film every week. — Scarlett watches a fresh movie every week.
  • She visits her mother-in-law every month. — She visits her mother-in-law every month.
  • Molly goes on holiday every year. — Molly goes on vacation every year.

Phrases formed using the words once and twice:

  • once + a week / month / year and twice + a week / month / year
  • We see each other once a month. — We see each other once a month.
  • Ivan has English lessons twice a week. — Ivan studies English twice a week.

Starting from 3 times or more, we use the word times: three times a month, four times a year

Charlotte’s daughter usually comes to see her about ten times a year. “Charlotte’s daughter usually visits her about ten times a year.


Adverbs in English: rules of education and place in a sentence with tables and translation

An adverb is a part of speech that answers the question «How?» and characterizes a verb, adjective or other adverb. There are different types of adverbs — manner of action (how), place (where), time (when), degree (to what extent), frequency (how often), opinions. Consider the rules for using adverbs in English.

Formation of adverbs in English

How are adverbs formed? By structure, adverbs can be divided into the following groups:

Simple Derivatives Composite Composite
long (long) slowly anyhow (in any way) at once (immediately)
enough (enough) wise (similarly) sometimes (sometimes) at last (finally)
then (then) forward nowhere (nowhere) so far (so far)

The most common way to form adverbs is by adding the -ly suffix to the adjective. Such adverbs usually have a similar meaning to them.

Adjective Adverb
bad badly (poorly)
Beautiful beautifully (beautiful)
carefully Carefully (attentively)
quick quickly (quickly)
quiet quietly (quiet)
soft gently (soft)

Consider the spelling change when adding the -ly suffix:

  • le changing to ly (gentle — gently)
  • y changing to ily (easy — easily)
  • ic changing to ically (automatic — automatically)
  • ue changing to uly (true — truly)
  • ll changing to eye (full — fully)

Other examples of suffixes: -ward (s), -long, -wise

  • clockwise
  • forward
  • headlong

Adverbs are exceptions

Some adverbs can be both adjectives and adverbs in different situations without adding suffixes:

  • It was a fast train. The train went fast.
  • He returned from a long journey. Will you stay here long?
  • The price is very low. The plane flew very low.
  • We have very little time. He reads very little.

Other examples of exceptions are hard, high, deep, last, late, near, wide, early, far, straight, right, wrong.

Most common exception: good — well.

Some adverbs have two forms — one without -ly and one with it. These forms have different meanings. Examples: hard / hardly, last / lastly, late / lately, near / nearly, high / highly.

Adjective Adverb without -ly Adverb with -ly
He is a hard worker He works hard I could hardly understand him (I could hardly understand him)
He returned in late autumn (He returned in late autumn) I went to bed late yesterday (I went to bed late yesterday) I haven’t seen him lately (I haven’t seen him lately)
He is studying the history of the Near East He lives quite near It is nearly 5 o’clock (Now almost 5 o’clock)
The house is very high The plane flew very high It is a highly developed state

Place and order of adverbs in a sentence

Where is the adverb in English? The position in the sentence depends on the type of adverb (read below), their number and other factors.

— before adjectives, other adverbs and participles The task was surprisingly simple.He walked very fast.We are extremely interested in their offer.
— usually after verbs He speaks slowly
— at the beginning of a sentence for emphasis Slowly, he entered the room. Now I understand what you mean
— when there are two or more adverbs in a sentence, they go in the following order: manner — place — time She spoke very well here last time
— if the sentence contains a verb of movement (go, come, leave etc.), the adverbs go in this order: place — manner — time She arrived here by train yesterday

Types of adverbs in English with lists

The following classification of adverbs is distinguished — the adverbs of the mode of action, time, frequency, place and direction, degree and opinion. Let’s consider all these groups in more detail.

Adverbs of manner

Such adverbs tell us how something is happening: well, badly, slowly, and so on.

  • How did John behave? He behaved badly.
  • Did you sleep well?
  • He came very quickly

We do not use adverbs after linking verbs to be, become, feel, get, look, seem. We use adjectives after them.

  • Sue felt happy
  • Nobody seemed amused
  • I am not sure

Mode adverbs appear before the main verb, after auxiliary verbs, or at the end of a sentence

  • They quickly returned
  • He was anxiously waiting for their reply
  • She smiled kindly

Adverbs of time

List of adverbs of the time: When (when), now (now), then (then, then) before (before, before) after (then, after), afterwards (subsequently), once (once), fair (just now, just), still (still), already / yet (already), yet (yet, yet), since (since), early (early), lately / recently (recently), suddenly (suddenly), soon (soon), long (for a long time), August (ago), today (today), Tomorrow (tomorrow), yesterday (yesterday) etc.

Tense adverbs usually appear at the end of a sentence. They can be placed in the first place for emphasis, in other words, to give the desired stylistic coloring:

  • I saw her yesterday
  • Still I can’t understand what happened then (still ahead for dramatic coloring)

Some monosyllabic adverbs of the tense (soon, now, then) come before the main verbs and after the auxiliary verbs:

  • I now understand what he means
  • She will soon come back home


  1. We say tonight (tonight / night), tomorrow night, last night (not “yesterday night”)
  2. Already and yet can mean already. At the same time, already is used only in statements, and yet in questions and negations.
  3. The preposition for can mean “during” and is used with adverbs of time: for a long time, for 10 years.

Adverbs of frequency

They answer the question «How often?» The most common ones are: always (always), generally, normally, normally (usually), frequently, frequently (often), seldom, rarely (rarely), Sometimes (sometimes), from time to time, occasionally (occasionally), never (never).

Where to put such adverbs? Frequency adverbs come after auxiliary verbs, but before the main semantic ones:

  • He has never visited us.
  • Paul is often barks.
  • He Sometimes comes here.

Generally, usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes can be at the beginning of a sentence to give a stylistic coloring:

  • I usually go to work by metro. — Usually, I go to work by metro.

Adverbs of place and direction

List of the main adverbs of place and direction: here (here), there (there, there), Where (where, where), somewhere, anywhere (somewhere, somewhere) nowhere (nowhere, nowhere) elsewhere (somewhere else) far away (far), near (close), inside (inside), outside (outside), above (above, above), below (below, below).

Such adverbs are usually placed at the end of a sentence:

  • How long are they going to stay here?

Somewhere, anywhere, nowhere


Frequency adverbs in English

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In this article, we will analyze the adverbs of frequency in the English language. 

These include adverbs of time, which provide the listener with additional information, showing the frequency of events.

These adverbs are important and should be part of the vocabulary of any English learner.

There are two types of frequency adverbs in English:

  • certain adverbs of frequency that clearly indicate the frequency, time frame;
  • indefinite adverbs of frequency that do not indicate specific terms.

Let’s take a closer look at them and learn how to use them.

Certain adverbs of frequency in English

Words that clearly describe the frequency with which events occur. Whether it’s week, month, time of day, day of the week:

  • once — once, once;
  • twice — twice;
  • three, four times — three, four times;
  • daily — daily;
  • monthly — monthly;
  • yearly / annually — annually.

Certain adverbs of frequency:

  • change the meaning of the verb (characterize it);
  • in most cases, they are placed at the beginning (separated by a comma) and at the end of a sentence;
  • ending in «-ly»: used only at the end of a sentence; can act as adjectives — daily meetings, yearly report.

I drink beer daily… — Every day I drink beer.

They eat rice once a week… “They eat rice once a week.

They play football four teams a week… — They play football four times a week.

Frequency adverbs with «every»


  • morning, evening, night — every morning (evening, night);
  • weekend — every weekend;
  • Saturday, Monday, ect. — every Saturday (Monday, etc.);
  • minute, hour, day, week, year — every minute (hour, day, week, year).

every morning, I drink tea. — Every morning I drink tea.

Every year , my parents go to the theater. — Every year my parents go to the theater.

My mother cooks Cada dia… — My mom cooks every day.

All the family every week go fishing. — Every week the whole family goes fishing.

Every Friday, they play poker until the night. “They play poker until nightfall every Friday.


Described Probability: 100%

They always go to the beach in the summer. — In the summer they always go to the beach.

My father is always very busy. — My father is always busy.


Described Probability: 90%

We usually get up at 10 am — We usually get up at 10 am.

Does Jane usually have lunch at home? «Does Jane usually have dinner at home?»


Translation: usually, as usual, usual

Described Probability: 80%

I Normally pay my rent. — I usually pay the rent.

He doesn’t Normally wear jeans. — He usually doesn’t wear jeans.

often, frequently

Described Probability: 60-70%

I often read before bed. — Before going to bed, I often read.

I Frequently exercise in the evenings. — I often exercise in the evenings.

Frequency adverbs in English describing events that occur from time to time


Place of an adverb in a sentence in English: before a verb or after?

The place of an adverb in a sentence in English is not fixed in many cases. The same adverb can be used at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. We will consider the basic patterns of the arrangement of adverbs in a sentence, the features of the use of individual adverbs.

Typically, an adverb occupies one of three positions in a sentence.

After the predicate and the complement, if any.

Let’s stay here… — Let’s stay here.

Before the subject.

Yesterday we had a good time. “We had a good time yesterday.

If the predicate consists of one verb, then “in the middle” is before the verb.

He Rarely talks to his neighbors. — He rarely talks to neighbors.

If the predicate has more than one word, then “in the middle” is after the auxiliary or modal verb.

You can never rely on him. — You never you can’t rely on him.

He is always late. — He always is late.

Some adverbs can appear before an auxiliary or modal verb.

He really is the person we were looking for. — He really and there is the person we were looking for.

He Surely can drive. — He definitely knows how to drive a car.

In an interrogative sentence, “middle” is between the subject and the main verb.

Do you often help people? — You often do you help people?

Consider in which cases the adverb is at the end of a sentence, at the beginning and in the middle.

Place of adverbs of mode of action

Mode of action adverbs such as slowly — slowly, fast, quickly — quickly, immediately — immediately, well — well, are at the end of the sentence.

You have done your work well. — You did the job good.

Hold the box carefully. — Keep the box carefully.

come back immediately. — Come back immediately.

Cats can sneak very slowly. — Cats are very good at sneaking slow.

Adverbs of place

Place adverbs such as here — here, there — there, also at the end of the sentence.

We will build a church here. — We will build here church.

His office is there. — His office there.

Place of adverbs of tense in a sentence

At the end of the sentence, adverbs indicating a specific time are used: now — now, now, tomorrow — tomorrow, yesterday — yesterday, etc. Do not confuse them with such adverbs as often — often, Rarely — rarely, always — always, never — never, indicating the frequency of action — they are also called adverbs of frequency (adverbs of frequency).

Don’t forget to return the books tomorrow. “Don’t forget to return the books tomorrow.

You will be safe now.Now you will be safe.

The same adverbs, especially if you need to emphasize them, are often used at the beginning of a sentence:

tomorrow we will put an end to it. — Tomorrow we will put an end to this.

Now you will tell me the truth. — Now you will tell me the truth.

Place of adverbs of frequency (always, never, etc.)

Frequency adverbs are a type of time adverb that indicates how often an action takes place: often — often, Sometimes — sometimes, always, ever — always, never — never, Rarely — rarely, usually — usually. They are located in the middle of the sentence.

I usually take a bus to work. — I usually take the bus to work.

You can always use my tools. “You can always use my tools.

Usually sometimes found at the beginning of a sentence.

usually, we have lunch together. “We usually have lunch together.

Please note that if the adverb of frequency indicates not an indefinite frequency (always, rarely), but a specific one (every day, on Sundays), it is usually used at the end of a sentence:

We go to the swimming pool on Sundays… — We go to the pool on Sundays.

He reads in English every day. — He reads in English every day.

Place of adverbs of measure and degree

Adverbs of measure and degree include words such as: really — really, very, very — very, extremely — extremely, quite — enough, fair — just, just now, Almost — almost. They are in the middle of the sentence.

Adverbs of measure and degree can be used with an adjective or other adverb in front of them.

  • Adverb before adjective:

The noise was too loud. — The noise was too loud.

It was extremely dangerous. — It was extremely dangerously.

  • Adverb before another adverb:

They can also characterize the actions and states expressed by the verb. Let me remind you that if there is one verb in a sentence, then “in the middle of the sentence” — before this verb.

If there is an auxiliary or modal verb, then “in the middle of a sentence” is after the modal or auxiliary verb.

Some reinforcing adverbs such as really — really, surely, certainly — exactly, of course, definitely — definitely, can come before an auxiliary or modal verb.

Exceptions — adverb enough (enough), it comes after the word being defined.


Adverbs in English (Adverbs)

The adverb is the part of speech that determines when, where, and how an action is taken. A feature of this part of speech is also that it is capable of transmitting signs of an adjective or other adverb. It is also important to remember that adverbs in English play the role of circumstances. Consider the formation of adverbs, give vivid examples and exceptions to the rules where they are put in a sentence, and also consider the degrees of comparison.

Adverbs in English: Basic Functions

It will be easy for beginner students who have just decided to study languages ​​to master this topic, since the adverb in English performs the same functions as in Russian, and is often placed in an identical position. Therefore, the language barrier will be overcome quickly and easily.

The most commonly used types of adverbs in tables =>


close near
long away far
inside inside
there there
everywhere everywhere
here here


late late
soon soon
early early
then then
today today
now now

On a note! When, where and why are relative adverbs. The tenses are used in any speech — business, colloquial, artistic and narrow-profile. Relative words can easily and simply explain any situation.

Action adverbs HOW (ADVERBS OF MANNER)

carefully Carefully
poorly badly
fast solid
simple / easy easily
complicated hard
loud loudly

Adverbs of measure and degree TO WHAT EXTENT (ADVERBS OF DEGREE)

rather rather
terribly terribly
almost Almost
too too
very very
really really

If you find it difficult to learn the words themselves and understand the adverbs and the rules that the table indicates, use them in sentences. By examples it is always easier to learn a rule, of all kinds.

Here are some examples:

The girl faced the difficult situation very bravely => The girl met a difficult situation very bravely. The adverb answers the question How? How?

My mom came home late because she didn’t manage to catch the bus => Mom came home late (when Mom came home, time was later) because she could not catch the bus. The adverb answers the question When? When?

The Professor explained the theory three times and extremely patiently => The professor explained the theory three times and very patiently. The adverb answers the question To what extent? To what extent?

These yummy mushrooms were everywhere => These delicious mushrooms were everywhere (everywhere). The adverb answers the question Where? Where?

Rules for the formation of an adverb in English

All adverbs in which the English language is rich are divided into 4 categories =>

  1. Simple (Simple Adverbs)


Frequency adverbs in English

Adverbs play an important role in communication, they describe the way, character, image of the performed action. When we want to indicate how often a particular action is performed, we use an adverb that expresses frequency. What adverbs of frequency exist, how they differ and how to use them in speech — read further in this article.

The adverb of frequency indicates how often an action is performed (which is more often
everything is represented by a verb). There are 6 main adverbs of frequency: always — always, usually (or normally) — usually, often — often, sometimes — sometimes, rarely — rarely, never — never. They differ in the degree of frequency with which the action they describe is performed. What are the differences, see the table below.

In addition to rarely, seldom can be used, but it is gradually falling out of use in modern English.

The place of the adverb of frequency in the sentence

As you can see from the table above, the main place for the adverb of frequency in a sentence is
between the subject and the predicate, between the subject of the action and the action. Below are a few more examples:

  • Sara always goes out on Saturday evenings. / Sarah always walks on Saturday nights.
  • her boyfriend usually picks her up and they drive into the city center. / Her boyfriend usually picks her up by car and they drive to the city center.
  • They often meet friends and have a drink together. / They often meet up with friends and go to a bar.
  • In the winter they Sometimes go to the cinema. / In winter they sometimes go to the movies.
  • They Rarely go in the summer because they prefer to stay outside. / In the summer they rarely go to the movies, as they prefer to stay in the fresh air.
  • They never get home before midnight. / They never do not return home until midnight.

An exception to this rule is the verb to be (to be)… In sentences with this verb, the adverb of frequency comes after the verb, as in these examples:

  • There are always lots of people in the city center on Saturday nights. / On Saturday evenings in the city center (available) always many people.
  • It’s often difficult to find a place to park. / (This is) often difficult to find a parking place.
  • But our friends are never on time so it doesn’t matter if we’re late. / But our friends (are) never [don’t come] on time, so it doesn’t matter if we’re late.

As is often the case in English, there are variations on this rule. For example,
you can put adverbs sometimes — sometimes and usually — usually at the beginning of a sentence:

  • Sometimes she does her homework with friends. / Sometimes she is doing her homework with friends.
  • Usually they study on their own. / Usually they do it on their own.

But, of course, the easiest way is to follow the basic rule and put all adverbs that express the frequency between the subject and the predicate, the subject of the action and the action.

Question form

To ask a question about how often an action is performed, it is usually used
How often design? — «How often?», For example:

  • how often do you watch films? / How often do you watch movies
  • how often does he play tennis? / How often he plays tennis?
  • how often do the trains arrive late? / How often Are the trains late?

But you can simply use the desired adverb of frequency between the subject and the semantic verb:

  • Do you often come here? / You often come here?
  • does she always work so hard? / She always working so hard?
  • do they ever pay on time? (For questions, use ‘ever’ instead of ‘never’)? / They at all someday (= as a synonym for «never») get paid on time?

If there is a modal verb in the sentence, the adverb of frequency is placed between it and the semantic (main) verb:

  • you must always try your best. / You should (you should) always try my best.
  • We can usually find a seat on our train. / We can usually find a seat on our train.
  • They should never be rude to customers. / They can not never be rude to customers.  

The same rule applies to auxiliary verbs: the adverb of frequency comes between
auxiliary and main (semantic) verbs:

  • I have never visited Turkey. / I AM never have not been to Turkey.
  • He’s always taking things from my desk. It’s really annoying. / He all time takes things from my desk. This is very annoying.
  • you had rarely arrived late at work until yesterday. / You rarely was late for work until yesterday.

Now you have learned what frequency adverbs are and how to use them.
Reinforce your new knowledge by answering the questions below using adverbs of frequency:

  • What do you usually do on Saturday nights? / What do you usually do on Saturday night?
  • How often do you see your best friend? / How often do you see your best friend / girlfriend?
  • Do you ever go to the theater? / Do you often go to the theater?
  • How often do you play sport or go to the gym? / How often do you exercise or go to the gym?
  • Do you ever watch films or TV programs in English? / Do you ever watch movies or TV programs in English?
  • What time do you usually go to bed? / When do you usually go to bed?
  • How often do you eat at a restaurant? / How often do you go to a restaurant?
  • Are you sometimes late for work or school? / Are you sometimes late for work or school?


Conditionals. Conditional clauses

conditionals Are conditional sentences in English.

There are two types of situations for conditional clauses: real и unrealistic.

1. Future tense (Future)

We are talking about a real situation in the future according to the following scheme: if then


If I have the money, I will buy a new car. — If I have money, I will buy a new car.

A real (quite possible) situation: after all, money can be earned, and the speaker sincerely believes in it. Because if I did not believe that I would formulate the phrase in a completely different way (but more on that below).
In Russian, it corresponds to the construction without using the particle «would».


In the English construction, despite the future tense, in the part of the sentence containing if, future auxiliaries DO NOT BECOME! This is the difference from the Russian design (if I have will money)

If I will have the money — WRONG!

2. Habitual actions

Habitual, repetitive actions.
In both parts of the sentence (both in the main and in the subordinate clause), the present tense is used (Present Indefinite).


Igor usually rides a bicycle to a shop if he has enough time. — Igor usually goes to the store by bike if he has enough time.

A familiar (daily) situation, also real. Described by the present tense.

3. Command (order)


Please e-mail me if you have a new fun picture. — Please email me if you find a cool new picture.

The real situation. Note again that in the part of the sentence with if (if you have a new fun picture) no future auxiliary.

1. Present or Future Time


If I had the time, I would go to the beach this weekend. — If I had time, I would go to the beach on the weekend.

Everything, the situation is UNREAL! In Russian, this corresponds to the construction “If only, if only” — that is, what is not in reality. And note that the unreal situation is described by the past tense (If I had the time), although we are talking about the future.


If I were the President, I would ordain just laws. — If I were president, I would issue fair laws.

The situation is unreal. Alas, I am not the president, so the laws remain as they are. Again, an analogue of the Russian construction «If only, but if only.» Please note that both in Russian and in English this construction is transmitted past tense (If I was). But in fact, we are talking about the present! If I were president NOW!

Important! In an unreal situation, the verb to be in the past tense will always be Were and never — was!
Therefore If I Were the President, not If I was the President!

If I / you / he / she / it / we / they Were


If today were Saturday, we could go to the beach. — If today was Saturday, we would go to the beach.

And again, an unrealistic situation — today is not Saturday, and the beach will have to wait.



UNIT 98. Adjectives ending in –ing and –ed (boring/
bored etc)


Many adjectives end in -ing and -ed, for example: boring
and bored. Study this
example situation:

Jane has been doing the same
job for a very long time. Every day she does exactly the same thing again
and again. She doesn’t enjoy her job any more and would like to do
something different.

Jane’s job is boring.

Jane is bored (with her job).

Somebody is bored if something (or
somebody else) is boring.
Or, if something is boring,
it makes you bored. So:

Jane is bored because her job is boring.

Jane’s job is boring, so Jane is bored. (not Jane is boring)

If a person is boring, this means that they
make other people bored:

George always talks about the
same things. He’s really boring.


Compare adjectives ending in -ing and —ed:

In these examples, the —ing adjective tells you
about the job.

I’m bored with my job

I’m not interested in my job any more.

I get very tired doing my job.

I’m not satisfied with my job.

My job makes me depressed. (etc.)

In these examples, the -ed adjective tells you how
somebody feels (about the job)

Compare these examples:


Julia thinks politics is interesting.

Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?


It was surprising that he passed the



The movie was disappointing. We expected
it to be much better.


The news was shocking.


Julia is interested in politics.

(not interesting in politics)

Are you interested in buying a car?

I’m trying to sell mine.


Everybody was surprised that he passed the


We were disappointed with the movie. We expected it to be much


I was shocked when I heard the news.



Complete the sentences for each
situation. Use the word in brackets+ —ing
or -ed.


The movie wasn’t as good as we
had expected. (disappoint


The movie was ____ disappointing. ______


We were _____ disappointed ______ with the


Donna teaches young children. It’s
a very hard job, but she enjoys it. (exhaust


She enjoys her job, but it’s
often ____________________.

At the end of a day’s work,
she is often ____________________.



It’s been raining all day. I
hate this weather. (depress


This weather is ____________________.

This weather makes me ____________________.

It’s silly to get ____________________
because of the weather.




Clare is going to Mexico next
month. She has never been there before. (excit…)


It will be an ____________________
experience for her.

Going to new places is
always ____________________.

She is really ____________________
about going to Mexico.




Choose the correct word.


I was disappointing /disappointed with the film.
I had expected it to be better.

(disappointed is correct)


Are you interesting /interested in football?


The new project sounds exciting /excited. I’m
looking forward to working on it.


It’s embarrassing /embarrassed when you have to ask people
for money.


Do you easily get embarrassing /embarrassed?


I had never expected to get
the job. I was really amazing /amazed
when I was offered it.


She has really learnt very
fast. She has made amazing /amazed


I didn’t find the situation
funny. I was not amusing /amused.


It was a really terrifying /terrified
experience. Everybody was very shocking


Why do you always look so boring /bored? Is your life
really so boring /bored?


He’s one of the most boring /bored people I’ve
ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting /interested.


Complete each sentence using a word
from the box.









surprising/ surprised


He works very hard. It’s not ____
surprising _____ that he’s always


I’ve got nothing to do. I’m


The teacher’s explanation was ________________.
Most of the students didn’t understand it.


The kitchen hadn’t been
cleaned for ages. It was really _____________

I don’t visit art galleries
very often. I’m not particularly _____________in art.

There’s no need to get _____________just
because I’m a few minutes late.

The lecture was _____________I
fell asleep.





I’ve been working very hard
all day and now I’m _____________

I’m starting a new job next
week. I’m very _____________ about it.

Steve is good at telling funny
stories. He can be very _____________.

Helen is a very _____________person.
She knows a lot, she’s travelled a lot and she’s done lots of different





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  • To be in love with yourself word
  • To be in love with someone word
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