To be happy with yourself word

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быть счастливым с самим собой

быть довольны собой

будешь счастлива сама с собой

будете счастливы

Будьте счастливы с собой

Будьте счастливы с самой собой

No matter what you look like the key is to be happy with yourself.

Meditation means the capacity to be joyously alone, the capacity to be happy with yourself, the capacity to keep company with yourself.

Медитация означает способность быть радостным в одиночестве, способность быть счастливым с самим собой, способность быть в компании с самим собой.

This does not mean that You should become complacent or lose motivation to improve, it only means to be happy with Yourself and Your playing as You continue to improve and move forward as a guitar player and musician.

Это не значит, что Вы должны зазнаваться или терять стимул к дальнейшему развитию, но Вы должны быть довольны собой и своей игрой и продолжать совершенствоваться и двигаться вперёд как гитарист и как музыкант.

You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.

Вы должны быть довольны собой, прежде чем сможете быть счастливыми с кем-либо еще.

I will be happy when I find the love of my life — (You must be happy with yourself first in order to be happy with someone else, they will not magically complete you)

Я буду счастлив, когда найду любовь всей своей жизни (чтобы быть счастливыми с кем-то другим, вы прежде всего должны быть довольны собой; никто волшебным образом не станет вашей половинкой просто так).

When you really feel like toxic people are not affecting you anymore, you will really manage to be happy with yourself and that is what really ability to be with oneself despite the circumstances…

Когда вы действительно чувствуете, что ядовитые люди больше не влияют на вас, вам действительно удастся быть счастливым с самим собой, и это то, что действительно имеет значение.

Be happy with yourself and the rest won’t matter.

Be happy with yourself regardless of what you end up accomplishing.

Learning to be happy with yourself will support you in projecting self-confidence to others and living a happy life.

Be happy with yourself at whatever stage of your experience you are…

Just try to be happy with yourself and the things that you do.

You deserve to be happy with yourself and celebrate the body you have.

You will not be happy with yourself.

You won’t be happy with yourself.

You’ll be happy with yourself and how you can control your life.

But you should be happy with yourself when you’re alone.

To be happy with another you must be happy with yourself.

Be happy with yourself and with what you do.

The goal is to be happy with yourself and where you are.

First and foremost, you need to be happy with yourself.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Предложения с «happy with yourself»

I told her, Gaby, if you’re not happy with yourself , you can’t expect others to be happy with you.

Я ей сказала — Гэби, если ты сама собой недовольна, …то не жди, что тобой будут довольны все остальные.

It could also happen because you haven’t assigned a license to yourself or your users.

Кроме того, это может произойти потому, что вы еще не назначили лицензию себе или пользователям.

In the meantime, while weв ™re waiting for all these things to happen , hereв ™s what you can do for yourself .

Тем временем, пока мы пребываем в ожидании, когда же все это случится, вот, что вы можете сделать для себя сами.

Stop being so sure of yourselves or you’ll cause the biggest bungle ever to happen in this country.

Перестаньте быть так уверенными в себе! Это приведет к неслыханной катастрофе.

You yourself know, anything can happen up on those moors.

Сам знаешь, на пустошах что угодно случится может.

Can anything bad happen if you completely freeze yourself and then unfreeze yourself three weeks later?

Может ли что — то плохое случиться, если ты заморозил себя полностью, и разморозили тебя только через 3 недели?

Look, I think it’s great you found yourself a little hobby, and I’m sure, on paper, flooding New York City with ghosts seemed like a great idea, but we happen to like the world the way it is.

Отлично, что у тебя есть хобби, но я тебе точно говорю: Хотя наводнить город призраками тебе может казаться классной идеей, но нам этот мир нравится таким, какой он есть.

Did you happen to mention that to anybody before you put yourself in a life-threatening situation?

Ты хоть кому — то об этом сказала, перед тем как рисковать своей жизнью?

Maman, maman, dear maman, you mustn’t be frightened if I break both my legs. It may so easily happen to me; you say yourself that I ride so recklessly every day.

Мама, мама, милая ма, вы не пугайтесь, если я в самом деле обе ноги сломаю; со мной это так может случиться, сами же говорите, что я каждый день скачу верхом сломя голову.

And if you happen to get out of here alive, you will only continue to die. You will continue to oppress the slaves in your father’s salt factory and to be a slave yourself .

И, если, случайно, выйдешь отсюда живой, ты лишь продолжишь умирать, продолжишь угнетать рабов на соляных заводах своего отца.

Well, you said yourself that if anything did happen , it must have happened in broad daylight.

Ты же сам сказал, если что — то и случилось, то случилось днем.

You repeat this to yourself while you marvel that such a thing could happen in the year of grace before last.

Вы повторяете это себе, не переставая удивляться, каким образом такое приключение в наш век могло случиться.

So you say that it is not that which will happen to yourself but that which may happen to the woman and the girl and to the others that you think of.

Значит, ты думаешь не о том, что будет с тобой, а о том, что будет с женщиной, с девушкой и с остальными, — ты это хочешь сказать?

Could you honestly live with yourself if you let something happen to clark?

Неужели ты сможешь спокойно жить дальше, если что — то случится с Кларком?

Just, you know, forget it. It won’t happen just because you keep repeating yourself .

Просто, знаешь, забудь об этом. Это не произойдет только потому, что вы продолжаете повторяться.

Besides, you said yourself , he messed up, your man, killed some random geriatric in the sticks who happened to have the surname.

Потом ты сам сказал, чувак облажался. Убил первого попавшегося старикана, который случайно оказался однофамильцем.

Whatever happened to proving yourself ?

Что угодно, лишь бы показать себя?

She does not say a word about what happened on Sunday, and is convinced that you will overcome everything yourself by merely making your appearance.

О воскресном случае молчит и уверена, что вы всё сами победите одним появлением.

Ah, here, see for yourself , I happened to procure a courtesy sample.

Можете взглянуть сами. Мне удалось раздобыть бесплатный образец.

I also happened to participate in a tiger hunt, at which I sat under a baldachin on the back of a big, wise white elephant… in a word, you all know this well yourselves .

Пришлось мне также участвовать на охоте на тигра, причем я сидела под балдахином на спине большого умного белого слона… словом, вы это хорошо сами знаете.

There, you see for yourself , this has happened twice already; and then it’ll go on and on…

Вот, сам видишь, это уже случилось дважды, а потом и пойдет, и пойдет…

You hold yourself responsible for everything, including what happened to T.J. and the baby.

Вы считаете себя ответственным за все, включая то, что случилось с Ти Джей и ребенком.

The most sensible question that I have yet been asked! Well, you shall hear for yourself how it all happened .

Ну, вот эта умнее всех спросила, а то: ах да ах!

You are unable to remember real events and you persuade yourself that you remember other events which never happened .

Вы не в состоянии вспомнить подлинные события и убедили себя, что помните то, чего никогда не было.

You were out there where it happened yourself not long ago.

Ты недавно побывал там, где произошло убийство.

Let me guess, something terrible happened to him and you’ve never forgiven yourself .

Дай — ка угадаю, с ним случилось что — то ужасное и ты так и не простила себя.

You can see for yourself what has happened in the last couple of days.

Вы сами видите, что произошло за последние пару дней.

I don’t know if it’s haunted or like a space-time rift happening , but trust me, do yourself a favor, sit in the back corner.

Я не знаю, призраки это или какая — то расщелина в космическом пространстве, но поверь мне, ради самого себя, сиди в дальнем углу.

You won’t even know it’s happening most of the time yourself .

Ты по большей части даже замечать не будешь, что это происходит.

But what happens if you shortchange yourself on sleep?

Но что случается при регулярном недосыпе?

But when it happens , the next morning, you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back on the horse.

Но когда это происходит, на следующее утро, ты должен собраться, отряхнуться, и снова забраться на коня.

This is what happens when you venture to build for yourself , with some half-baked idiot of an architect!

Вот что происходит, когда рискуешь строить дом, наняв архитектора — недоучку, к тому же идиота!

‘Cause you find yourself a guy with soulful eyes, who just happens to work at the repair shop.

Потому что ты находишь парня с проникновенными глазами, который, абсолютно случайно, работает в ремонтной мастерской.

I knew you would sense it, I wanted to tell you let yourself off mysteries, Margarita, and tell me what happens

Я так и знала, что ты заметишь, хотела сама рассказать. Оставь свою таинственность, Маргарита и рассказывай.

What happens when you interrogate yourself ?

Что происходит, когда ты начинаешь допрашивать самого себя?

But, see, that’s what happens when a talented brother like yourself … don’t have a real place to shine.

Но, видишь ли, именно это и происходит, когда талантливому брату вроде тебя… негде блеснуть по — настоящему.

No matter what happens , take care of yourself .

Независимо от того, что произойдет, береги себя.

Just give yourself a ride, see what happens .

Ну давай, прокатись с ветерком, посмотрим, что будет.

Make contacts, establish goals within yourselves and endeavour to make the world around you a happier one.

Но я также считаю, что если мы будем делать шаг за шагом, изо дня в день, то мы так или иначе добьемся успеха.

So almost everywhere we look we see that giving money away makes you happier than keeping it for yourself .

Так что куда ни глянь, всюду мы видим, что люди счастливее, когда они отдают деньги, чем когда оставляют их себе.

Compose yourself and get dressed, we must go to the Duchesse de Grandlieu; happily for you, you are not the only person compromised.

Дело касается вашей чести… Придите в себя, оденьтесь, поедемте к герцогине де Г ранлье, ведь, к счастью, опорочены не только вы.

And for the achievement of the definite purpose in your life you have to do your best, probably refuse or overcome something in yourself , undergo a period of failures and always hope, that the happiness exists, that it is achievable.

И для достижения заветной цели в жизни необходимо приложить много усилий, возможно,отказаться от чего — то, что — то в себе преодолеть, претерпеть полосу неудач и всегда верить, что счастье все — таки существует, что оно достижимо.

I close with all good wishes for die welfare and happiness of your daughter and yourself .

Я кончаю письмо самыми наилучшими пожеланиями счастья и благополучия тебе и твоей дочери.

Seek happiness in tranquillity and avoid ambition, even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries.

Ищите счастья в покое и бойтесь честолюбия; бойтесь даже невинного, по видимости, стремления отличиться в научных открытиях.

Try to recapture the happiness within yourself .

Попытайтесь возродить в себе ощущение счастья.

Your willingness to sacrifice yourself for others is a great strength for sure. But when it comes to your own happiness , it’s a weakness.

Твоё стремление принести себя в жертву ради других конечно большая сила, но когда речь идет о твоём счастье, она становится твоей самой большой слабостью.

Tell me yourself what will give you true happiness and peace to your soul.

Скажите мне вы сами, что даст вам истинное счастье и спокойствие вашей души.

Would you reproach yourself the interest you ought to take in it?-How can you dread so virtuous a sentiment, and what happiness can be greater than to experience it?

Упрекнете ли себя за участие, которое могли к нему проявить? Какого зла можно опасаться от столь чистого чувства и неужто не сладостно его вкусить?

What I’m saying is, the important thing is to make yourself feel happy .

я хочу сказать, надо самому счастье свое обеспечивать.

Well, you pulled out your mirror, Took a look at yourself and just let out This huge, happy , totally unrestrained laugh.

И, ты достала свое зеркальце, посмотрела на себя и так счастливо, громко, несдержанно рассмеялась.

You see, when you’re a good girl and play with the other children don’t go moping and dreaming by yourself your daddy wants to do everything he can to make you happy .

Понимаешь, когда ты ведешь себя хорошо и играешь с другими детьми когда ты не киснешь и не витаешь где — то в облаках твой папочка готов сделать все что угодно, чтобы сделать тебя счастливой.

You renounce your happy acts of temerity on many occasions; and thus, without any principle to direct you, give yourself up to caprice, or rather chance.

Вы отказываетесь от удачливой дерзости, и вот теперь уже действуете безо всяких правил, положившись на волю случая, или, вернее, прихоти.

And every time you thought of your daughter, you consoled yourself with the hope that she… that she was happy . But she had not begun life afresh.

Каждый раз, когда вы думали о своей дочери, вы утешали себя надеждой на то, что она счастлива, но ведь она не могла начать свою жизнь заново, нет.

You see, when you’re a good girl and play with the other children don’t go moping and dreaming by yourself your daddy wants to do everything he can to make you happy .

Понимаешь, когда ты ведешь себя хорошо и играешь с другими детьми когда ты не киснешь и не витаешь где — то в облаках твой папочка готов сделать все что угодно, чтобы сделать тебя счастливой.

You little know in what a happy moment for yourselves you partook of my cream tarts!

И в какую счастливую для себя минуту, вы согласились отведать моих пирожных с кремом!

If you’re not happy , go fish them yourself !

Если вы недовольны , ловите его сами.

He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves .

Он был бы только счастлив передать вам груз принятия решений.

They are happy for you to lose yourself and all that this world has to offer so that you stay unaware and intoxicated with their mindless chatter.

Они хотят что бы вы растворились в этом мире оставались в незнании набитые их глупой болтовней

As I was saying, you’re all here because you’re interested in transformation, and you’re asking yourself , Do I feel happy ?

Как я и говорил, вы пришли сюда, потому что хотите преображения. И вы спрашиваете себя Счастлив ли я?

Well, do you consider yourself a happy person?

Вы считаете себя счастливым человеком?

Quotes tagged as «be-happy-with-yourself»
Showing 1-18 of 18

Ray   Smith

“As she drove, she surprised herself with a sudden laugh. How blind, infinitely blind, she had been to think that men’s inability to see her forty-eight-year-old self was a regret or, worse, a failing on her own part. No, what it really was was a blessing, for that inability had separated the wheat from the chaff. The spotlight was indeed always there but only for someone perceptive enough, brave enough, mature enough to see it still shining above her head.”

The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

“Be happy about your own life and you’ll be amazed at just how much more beautiful you’ll find it to be.”

TemitOpe Ibrahim

Karen  Gibbs

“Everything will change in your life when you finally learn that you deserve SO MUCH BETTER”

Karen Gibbs

Germany Kent

“Whether you choose to move on from your struggles and enjoy life or waddle in your misery, life will continue.”

Germany Kent

Germany Kent

“7 Rules to a Happy Life:

1. Be humble
2. Don’t worry
3. Don’t settle for less
4. Mind your business
5. Work hard
6. Play hard
7. Be nice”

Germany Kent

Germany Kent

“Be positive. Stay happy and don’t let the negativity of the world get you down.”

Germany Kent

“the severe pain and the great trials we go through teach us the real essence of great joy”

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“If there is a reason to be sorrowful, then there is a reason to be happy. You have only one lifetime, don’t live your life in sorrow! Be happy! Be happy no matter what, and only mind the lessons life teaches each day!”

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Debasish Mridha

“A flower doesn’t expect love. She is happy with herself. If she gets love, she celebrates.”

Debasish Mridha

“The most beautiful thing about life is this; regardless of how ugly life might seem be, once there is breath, life is beautiful!”

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Anoir Ou-chad

“How could I ever be lonely when I am with my own best self?”

Anoir Ou-Chad

“I beg you. With all my heart and soul, I beg you. Please be happy. The truth is, there are no scales to balance, we can all be happy. I beg you, please be happy, your story exists, instead of the billions upon billions upon billions of other stories that could have been lived. Through whatever means, even though it can be hard, or even close to impossible, be happy, somehow, be happy.”

Michael James Payne,

Scales of Happiness

Germany Kent

“Learn to be happy for others without always wanting to step into their shoes.”

Germany Kent

Germany Kent

“Be happy for other people. You have the same opportunity to make your life great.”

Germany Kent

Germany Kent

“Get right up in front of the mirror today and SMILE at your cute self.”

Germany Kent

“Happiness is your internal pursuit! It’s an inside job. If you are looking for external factors, your happiness will only be temporary. Enjoy the present moment, enjoy the simple things in life, enjoy now!”

Rohit Sharma (@rohit_sha)

Nitin Namdeo

“Choose just one reason to be happy every morning and you will be happy all day long.”

Nitin Namdeo

In 2002 I played in a band. There were three of us. I played guitar. Rob was a drummer, and the vocalist used a microphone and pink pills.

ecstasy pills

The vocalist offered me ecstasy at nearly every gig. He used to say, “Relax, get a kick, be yourself. It’s the easiest way to find happiness, connect with yourself.” For a major fact, I wanted to try. Out of curiosity, and because of lack of happiness. In those days, I felt only tiny joy. It was hiding somewhere inside me. Anyway, I refused. Why? Pills help you find a connection with the pills or their dealers, BUT NOT WITH YOURSELF! Here we got to the main problem. You see, many of the tools to reach happiness point outward, not at yourself. Therefore, I propose to delve into this question. Oh yes, this article will help you to understand how real happiness works and how to find joy in yourself!

What does it mean to be happy with yourself?

Let’s do a fun mini-research. Ask passers-by what the following expression means to them, “How to be happy with yourself?” Could you guess what the answers will be?

One person would say: “Hey, everything here is as simple as one plus one. When I want to find happiness within myself, I spend time with myself every day in the evenings! I smoke a cigarette and open a beer! This is how I spend time with myself.”

Another character will mutter, “Mhhhh… When I want to relax, I play pool, golf.”

And if we asked this question to the Fast & Furious guys, they would have avoided the question by offering you to participate in a race.

The main problem is that these guys’ responses relate to spending time on hobbies, not themselves. Because if you’re emptying a glass of beer on Friday night, it means you’re spending time for a) your belly growth (when I drank beer, my belly grew a lot), b) glass and a beer (better to spend time with your significant other). Or, if you’re watching a show on Saturday, you’re spending your time on the show. If you are fishing, you spend your time on a fishing rod.

The same thing happens with all the entertainment we receive from society, including strip bars, Hollywood movies. These “pleasure tools” help you relax, but by spending your time on a movie, you build a bond with the actor on stage, not with yourself. However, only those who delve into themselves find true, stable, and social happiness. LET’S FACE IT, the wisest are those who have devoted the most time to themselves. Don’t you believe me? Then ask a wise person if they have seen the iconic Annabelle horror movie or the last part of the Fast & Furious. I doubt they saw these movies. After all, they took time for themselves, not for external entertainment and…

“Alex, you’re talking nonsense! I feel great fishing; it relaxes me!” one of the interlocutors will contradict me. I have an answer for them. Are you ready? You see, I used to like fishing myself. But I realized that it was not an intense way to relax. Not only that, I had to watch how local fishermen spend their time with alcohol.  

A bunch of fishermen will definitely attack me. They will show me a text found on the internet, “Fishing allows you to form special bonds with family and friends. Adventures on the water bring people together in several ways. When you share the thrill of a first catch or the stunning scenery of a new waterway, you form bonds with your fishing buddies that can last a lifetime.”

Yes, sometimes fishing can bring you together. However, I very rarely see one family fishing. As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen one like this. Not true? As you drive through fishermen’s favorite locations, you’ll see that 99% of fishermen are male.

On the other hand, what to do for some Peter who wants to experience not only happiness every day but also something stronger like joy? Does this mean Peter should be fishing every day? And if he lived in New York, would he have to go to the lake every morning? Do you know how much fishing tackle costs? Fishing rod, bots, and other 50 items… You will have to lay over $ 3,000. That’s why I don’t think fishing is a wise way. Because you will only be trying to buy happiness again…

There are some laws of nature. I will list a few:

Happiness law No. 1. When you buy happiness, it’s always synthetic. Happiness can only be natural when paid for in the value of effort (time invested in meditation, in yourself).

Happiness law No. 2. Synthetic happiness has bad side effects; natural happiness doesn’t.

The laws just mentioned are applied everywhere and always. They cannot be reprogrammed. These laws are perfect, installed in the foundations of the universe.

I know what I’m saying. I used to go to Mcdonalds (every day) once. It gave me pleasure and a bit of happiness. But then, I always felt guilty. Because bought happiness always has side effects. That’s why I gained weight. I was trying to bribe happiness. However, for some reason, I didn’t feel guilty after the meditation session I did at home, disconnected from the world. Do you understand what I mean?

I’m sure you understand me, but many would object. I suggest these people look at their hobbies through the eyes of critics. I propose to align the fishing rod with the guitar, golf putter. All these things are a kind of game consoles that help you escape from yourself, from bad thoughts. Let’s call it escapism. Or we can call it a hobby that enables you to relax a bit; we should use clever tools to achieve dense, saturated, wide-format happiness.

The wisest way to be happy with yourself

If you ask yourself, “How to be happy with me?” or “How to find happiness in myself?” pay attention to the words “myself” and “me.” This means you have to use yourself as a tool. In this case, you should only devote time to yourself, your mind. 

Close your eyes and feel happiness like this guy:


I know it’s complicated. After all, we are surrounded by too many stimuli. Therefore, it should be done slowly.

1. Give yourself a break from social media and your telephone. 

Not for a month, but for at least 15 minutes.

2. Use emotional fitness!

When you exercise, your focus is on exercising your body. It’s amazing, but when it comes to searching for happiness, we should focus on emotions. In other words, I offer emotional fitness

What is emotional fitness?
Emotional fitness is an important part of life. It helps you stay positive and happy in the face of challenges, whether personal or professional growth opportunities that may cause stress for some people with no emotional toolkit to draw on during these times. Emotions have been shown as a significant way we motivate ourselves; when everything seems bleak—bad relationships around us at work/home, etc. By being sad over past failures and looking forward expectantly into what could go right soon, there’s always hope! Research has found out how emotions like satisfaction can help increase your chances at success through improved self-confidence, leading to feeling better about yourself overall by becoming more confident.

3. Spend more time under the sun.

Being in nature doesn’t guarantee happiness, but it can help. I know what I’m saying. There were times when I tried to find time for myself whenever I came to the forest, to the lake, but I failed. Eventually, bad thoughts would steal my attention back then. I was thinking about my ex, about jealousy and… As a result, I had to do a lot to learn to focus my thoughts on positivity. But I did it outside under the sun. The sun has incredible power. Use it. Speed ​​up processes! If you spend time with yourself in a room between the four walls, it will be harder for you to reach your goal. Links to the research results are presented below the article. (See Resources.)

4. Use my article which tickles the happiness topic.

I wrote a detailed article about ten habits that will lead you to an answer. Of course, some tips will be connected to external tools to achieve happiness; however, I suggest using them only because they will help you move to the next level. In other words, my advice will be a ladder to a new level, where you will be able to create your own rules for achieving happiness—rules that will not depend on external factors! Read my article, “How to be happy: 10 habits to add to your routine.”


Regain article Being happy with yourself
wikiHow article Find happiness within yourself
Change your life forever article Learning to be happy with yourself
YouTube video: How to be happy with yourself
Research publication Benefits of sunlight: A bright spot for human health

.. .being yourself,
in a world that is
constantly trying
to change you.
for more visit


non helpful

being curself, gou put
something beauti ul into
the world that was not
there before.
•Edwin Elliot •


non helpful



non helpful

If others don’t like it,
then let them be.
Happiness is a choice.
Life isn’t about
pleasing everybody.


non helpful

is foun
when you stop
yauroeqto ather


non helpful

—’The greatest
Discovery yourself&’ ‘Be May y ill
)’Visf1 you a ‘Happy Wednesday
is discovering
Out & •flöcfiing Mearts
——who you are…
The second
greatest is being
happy with what
you fincf..u


non helpful

If others don’t like it,
then let them be.
Happiness is a choice.
Life isn’t about
pleasing everybody.


non helpful

10 Ways to Move on
I allow yourself to be happy
2 bo wnfld€nt frust yourself
3 welcoroé ha oe * go Wliiq It
4/ be courageous * take a ask
5 Pitch uilt
know that you deserve best
ake a dwgon * follow it through
8 smile in floe face of adversity
q enough


non helpful

RULE 0139
remember that being you,
is enough


non helpful



non helpful

10 Ways to Move on
I allow yourself to be
2 be confident trust yourself
3 welcome change
00 willa it
4 be courageous take a risk
5 Ditch uillf
know that you deserve best
ake a decision follow it through
smile in the face adversity
me ber that good enough


non helpful

«No matter
what you
look like,
I thin-k the key is to
be happy
yourself. »
— Adele (on 60 Minutes)


non helpful

Change is sometimes
needed to better
yourself, love yourself
and truly be happy.
ever stop wor ing on
st you can be.
ice long endeavor.
Angelique Laforest Tremblay


non helpful



non helpful

with those
who make
you happy «s


non helpful

Be happy. Be yourself.
If others don’t like it, then
let them be.
Life isn’ 9bout
everybo y
n kow
16quot m


non helpful



non helpful

If others don’t like it,
then let them be.
Happiness is a choice.
Life isn’t about
pleasing everybody.


non helpful
You cant make yourself happy
bringing misery to other people.


non helpful



non helpful

Don’t be afraid to be yourself, don’t
ge being you for anyone, if they
‘t Ilkerou for who you are then
on t in your life.
You are you and you can’t be


non helpful



non helpful


non helpful

Beauty is about living your life and
being happy with yourself inside
and out. Not worrying about
what people think of you.


non helpful

See the good In every situat n
Make the best of everything
Involve yourself In fun activities
Love yourself unconditionally
Enjoy all the little miracles In life
Words to Jnsperc by «c


non helpful

If others don’t like it,
then let them be.
Happiness is a choice.
Life isn’t about
pleasing everybody.


non helpful

Courage is being yourself
everyday in a world
that tells you to be someone else,


non helpful

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