To alter any word

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Shorten is a Premium Feature

Make any sentence shorter with the Shorten operator.


Expand is a Premium Feature

Make any sentence longer with the Expand operator.


Simplify Tone is a Premium Feature

This tone would focus on paraphrasing and making the text easier to understand for a general audience

Bypass AI

is Premium Feature

Evade AI detection and create unique content with the Bypass AI operator.


Creative tone is a premium feature

Paraphrases text with the most inventiveness and
expression with Creative tone operator.


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Paste (Ctrl + V) your article below then click Submit to watch this article rewriter do it’s thing!

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Word Changer is a free online tool by SEO Tools Centre which would help you easily change words for paragraphs, essays, articles or any kind of piece of writing that you want. This tool offers the best content rewording performance that would allow you to paraphrase formal business as well as academic documents with ease.        

What is the World’s Best Essay Word Changer?

Expressing an existing idea in a new way can get quite overwhelming sometimes. When rewriting a piece of content, you can always do better by using unique words and structuring your content in a way that feels appealing to the reader.

SEO Tools Centre Word Changer

But this also gives rise to a problem. What if you can’t come up with new words to reword the piece of writing? Or worse, what if you have a lot of different synonyms for a word and you can’t get yourself to choose one?

This is where the Word Changer Online comes to rescue!

Through its intelligent design, this software will come up with just the right words for your essay or article that you can use to take the effectiveness of that piece of writing to a whole new level.

This tool carefully analyzes the context of your writing, understands what it is about and then comes up with words and phrases that can be used in the place of the original content.

This tool will prove to be a huge time saver for you, especially when you are on a deadline and you have to reword a lot of content in that limited time.     

Paragraph Word Changer That’s Easy to Use

This tool delivers excellent rewording performance, better than most free online paraphrasing tools. And it does it in a more intuitive way than other tools.

You’d find this tool to be simple to use. All the features of this tool are displayed in a clear ways so that even if you are a new users and you’ve never used the article rewriting tool before; this essay changer will make the job entirely easy for you.   

Best Tool for Students

Preparing academic documents like essays, thesis, reports and papers is quite challenging. Your entire learning experience as well as your academic future also depends on these documents to some extent. You want to do everything that you can to create the best piece of writing that gets you’re the grade that you want.

Essay Changer Online can prove to be quite useful for students. They can use this tool to learn about different ways they can write the same piece of content. This will get the students to learn about different types of writings and would help them build their writing skills. Not to mention the time students will be saving by rewording documents with this amazingly powerful tool.          

Write SEO Friendly Content in a Natural Way

Content is a crucial need for every online business. Written content is what google bases its website ranking on. Coming up with new content is not always easy. And if you are not consistently coming up with new content, your website ranking is bound to go down.

With the essay changer tool, you’d be able to rewrite existing content in the fastest way possible. This tool works a lot like plagiarism remover and allows you to come up with unique content that is SEO friendly as well as feels natural to the reader.   

How does this SEOToolsCentre’s Word Reworder Work?

This tool works a lot like an online thesaurus, but the fact that it can reword an entire essay in a short amount of time, and this is what makes it stand out from the rest of the rewording tools online. This tool is powerful and efficient. It understands how natural writing works and it uses the same rewriting tone as used by humans.

This tool is Ai based and it keeps learning new ways to be better. The more you use this tool, the better it would get at rewording the content for you.    

How to use SEOToolsCentre’s Word’s Changer Tool?

  • First, select the words replacer tool

How to change word online step 1

  • Copy and paste the text that you want to rewrite in this tool.

  • Select the your required language.

  • Hit Enter or click on the given spin button to start processing.

  • Wait for a few minutes and replace your favourite suggestions.

  • Copy and use the converted text any way you want or download the text file format.

  •  You may click the Try New Document to change for the words for another document.

Word Changer Tool Best Features

Free, Fast and Simple Word Changer: This tool delivers super-fast performance in record time. It is faster than most of the free text changer tools that you can find out there. It is simple and comes with easy navigation experience. 

Ai Based Writing Assistant: The word changer is Artificial Intelligence based so its paraphrasing performance would be better than most of the tools that you find out there. It would convert and rewrite your essays in a more effective way.     

Plagiarism Changer for All Types of Content: You can use this tool to rewrite sentences and remove plagiarism from it. Whether it is web content or an academic piece of writing, this tool will make the process of removing plagiarism simpler and easy for you.  

Web App That Works on Cloud Servers: The word changer works in the web browser. It won’t use your local system resources. You are just going to need a web browser like chrome for using this software. 

Supported by All Mainstream Web Browsers: This word changer works on all web browsers like Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and so much more. You can even use this rewording tool on your mobile device.  

STC Word Changer’s FAQs

What is word changer and how does it work?

A word changer is a paraphrasing tool that allows you to reword a piece of writing with ease. With this tool, the user can rewrite any kind of content that they want. It works like an online thesaurus but can convert large lengths of content easily.

Why use the Word Changer Tool?

When you are having a hard time rewording a piece of writing, add it into this tool and it will take care of the rest. This tool helps students as well as digital marketers come up with fresh and plagiarism free content using an existing piece of writing.      

What is the best word changer online?

The Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre is the best tool that you can find for paraphrasing and rewriting essays, articles, reports, thesis etc. This tool is free and works in a fast and efficient way.   

How can I reword an academic article into an interesting book?

You can reword an academic article using the free Word Changer by SEO Tools Centre. This tool will maintain the formatting of the content and will help you reword academic article using rich and rare words.

How to change the words in an essay with ease?

You can use this Word Changer tool for changing words in an essay. This tool makes the process of rewriting much easier and simpler for its users.   

Do not add, remove or alter any components of this product.


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Never remove, obscure or alter any legal notices displayed in or along with a respective Product.


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Удалять, скрывать или изменять любые предусмотренные правом уведомления, отображаемые в том или ином Продукте,


PSLive reserves the right to cancel or alter any Event or Tournament at its sole and absolute discretion.


context icon

PSLive сохраняет за собой право отменять или изменять любые События и Турниры по своему собственному усмотрению.


Compelled, or fraudulently induced the testator to make his will,

or to make or alter any testamentary disposition; or.


context icon

Вынудило или обманным путем заставило завещателя составить свое завещание или

сделать или изменить любое завещательное распоряжение; или.


Do not attempt to disassemble or alter any part of the phone, the charger(s) or the battery-pack.


context icon

Не пытайтесь разобрать или заменить какую-либо деталь телефона, зарядного устройства( устройств) или комплекта батарей.


Neither the relationship between the parties nor the trade practice should alter any of these conditions.

context icon

Ни взаимоотношения между сторонами, ни торговая практика не должны изменять какие-либо из этих условий.

Because it is not subject to the type of legal restraints imposed on the legislatures of countries with formal written constitutions, Parliament is free to legislate as it pleases: to make,


context icon

Поскольку полномочия Парламента не имеют тех правовых ограничений, которые накладываются на законодательные органы стран с формальными писаными конституциями, он волен осуществлять законодательную власть по своему усмотрению: принимать,


The United States likewise views


unlawful intrusion or

attempt to disrupt or alter any aspect of its national information systems as a potential

danger to its critical national infrastructure and thus as a threat to its national interests.


context icon

Соединенные Штаты также полагают,



незаконное вмешательство или попытка нарушить или изменить любой аспект их национальных информационных систем представляют

собой потенциальную опасность для основных объектов их национальной инфраструктуры, а значит и угрозу их национальным интересам.


The User acknowledges and

accepts that ActivTrades may from time to time alter any aspect of the Web Site,



of the services or products provided through the Web Site, as it thinks fit and without notice to the User.


context icon

Пользователь осознает и принимает

факт, что ActivTrades может время от времени изменять любую часть веб- сайта или


услуги или продукты, предоставляемые через данный веб- сайт, если считает это нормальным и не объявляет об этом Пользователю.


You agree that you shall not remove, obscure, or alter any proprietary rights notices(including copyright and trade mark notices)

which may be affixed to or contained within the Services.

context icon

Вы соглашаетесь с тем, что не будете удалять, скрывать или изменять какие-либо уведомления о правах собственности( в том числе уведомления об авторских правах и

торговых марках), которые могут быть получены вместе с Услугами или с их помощью.

Because Residence Hall must maintain an accurate inventory of hall furnishings, and to prevent possible damage,

residents are not permitted to remove or alter any furniture, fixtures

or bedding in their room or public areas without prior permission from a RH staff member.


context icon

Поскольку общежитию необходимо иметь точный инвентарь имеющейся мебели, а также предотвращать возможный ущерб,

проживающим не разрешается убирать или вносить какие-либо изменения в мебель, светильники или постельные принадлежности,

находящиеся в их комнате, а также в общественных местах общежития без разрешения на то сотрудника общежития.


Seller shall not alter any of the Goods, except as directed in writing by Buyer,

but Buyer shall have the right from time to time during the execution of the Contract by notice in writing to direct Seller to add to or to omit, or otherwise vary the Goods.


context icon

Продавец не должен изменять какие-либо из Товаров, за исключением действий, обусловленных письменными инструкциями

со стороны Покупателя, однако у Покупателя есть право время от времени в течение исполнения Контракта давать Продавцу указания в письменном виде на добавление, исключение или


изменение Товаров.


Because it is not subject to the type of legal restraints imposed on the legislatures of countries with formal written constitutions, Parliament is virtually free to legislate as it pleases: generally to make,

unmake, or alter any law; to legalise past illegalities

and to make void and punishable what was lawful when done and thus reverse the decisions of the ordinary courts; and to overturn established conventions or turn a convention into binding law.


context icon

Поскольку полномочия Парламента не имеют тех правовых ограничений, которые накладываются на законодательные органы стран с формальными писаными конституциями, он фактически волен осуществлять законодательную власть по своему усмотрению: в целом принимать,

что ранее было незаконным; делать недействительным и наказуемым то, что было законным в момент совершения, и тем самым отменять решения обычных судов; а также лишать силы установившиеся обычаи или превращать обычай в имеющий обязательную силу закон.


Because it is not subject to the type of legal restraints imposed on the legislatures of countries with formal written constitutions, Parliament is virtually free to legislate as it pleases: generally to make,

unmake, or alter any law; to legalize past illegalities

and to make void and punishable what was lawful when done and thus reverse the decisions of the ordinary courts; and to overturn established conventions or turn a convention into binding law.


context icon

Поскольку полномочия парламента не имеют юридических ограничений, которые характерны для законодательных органов стран с официальными писаными конституциями, он фактически волен осуществлять законодательную власть, как ему угодно: в целом принимать,

что ранее было незаконным, и лишать юридической силы и делать наказуемым то, что было законным в момент совершения, и таким образом менять на противоположные решения рядовых судов; а также лишать силы установившиеся обычаи или превращать обычай в имеющий обязательную силу закон.


He must obtain a written permission from the client to present information about him/her(verbally

or in writing) to third parties and/or carefully alters any identifying data.


context icon

Он должен получить письменное разрешение клиента для предоставления( в письменном или устном виде)

информации о нем третьим лицам и/ или тщательно изменят все идентифицирующие данные.


Liskov’s notion of a behavioural subtype defines a notion of substitutability for objects; that is, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T in a program may

be replaced with objects of type S without altering any of the desirable properties of that program e.g. correctness.

context icon

Идея Лисков о« подтипе» дает определение понятия замещения- если S является подтипом T, тогда объекты типа T в программе могут

быть замещены объектами типа S без каких-либо изменений желательных свойств этой программы например, корректность.

The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation cannot alter any of this.


context icon

Йоханнесбургский план выполнения решений не может изменить эти положения.


The preamplifier and amp itself will alter any raw sound you put through it.


Do not remove or alter any labels or stencil markings on the packaging.


context icon

Запрещается снимать или изменять этикетки и трафаретную маркировку на упаковке.


We reserve the right to alter any particulars such as fees at the discretion of the company.


You must not remove, dismantle or alter any part of the seat folding mechanism or brakes.


context icon

Не снимайте, не разбирайте и не меняйте никакие части складного механизма или тормозов.


You must not remove, dismantle or alter any part of the seat folding mechanism or brakes.


context icon

Не снимайте, не разбирайте и не меняйте никакие части складного механизма или.


Don’t remove, obscure, or alter any legal notices displayed in or along with our Services.


context icon

Вы не можете удалять, скрывать или изменять юридические уведомления, отображаемые в наших Услугах.


You must not remove, dismantle or alter any part of the seat folding mechanism or brakes.


The amendments do not alter any provisions contained in decision 2/CP.17

and hence do not require approval by the COP.


context icon

Принятые изменения не меняют какие-либо положения, содержащиеся в решении 2/ CP. 17,

и поэтому не требуется их утверждения со стороны КС.


If we alter any code, if we delete HTML files,

if we try to disable the bomb remotely… boom!

context icon

или попробуем удаленно отключить бомбу… бах!

By doing so the attacker gained full control about the kernel memory space and

was able to alter any value in memory.


context icon

Таким образом нападающий получил полный контроль над пространством памяти ядра и


You may not mirror, modify or otherwise alter any files in this website for rebroadcast,

or print the information contained therein, without written permission from Caterpillar.

context icon

Вы не имеете права зеркально отображать, модифицировать или изменять другим способом файлы на этом веб-

сайте для ретрансляции, а также печатать находящуюся на этом веб- сайте информацию без письменного разрешения компании Caterpillar.

And again, transposing a song for this purpose does not alter any fundamental qualities

or characteristics of the song but merely assists the ability of those unfamiliar with the technicalities of music in making a comparison.

context icon

С другой стороны, преобразование песни с этой целью не изменяет любые фундаментадльные качества или характеристики песни,

просто помогает тем, кто плохо разбирается в музыке, сделать сравнения».

You may not remove or alter


copyright notices or other proprietary notices on any copies of the Software.


context icon

Запрещается удалять или изменять уведомления об авторских правах или другие проприетарные уведомления на любой копии ПО.


Available in these languages

How to Paraphrase Your Content?


Access Paraphrasing Tool

Visit RewriteGuru over the web and access its paraphrasing tool.


Upload Content

Paste the content or click the upload button to upload your file directly.

Save Time

Choose Mode & Language

Select the paraphrasing mode and language from the dropdown menus.


Click Button

Click on the Paraphrase Text button to get the unique content instantly.

Grammar Check
5 Million Users

Grammar Check
200 Countries

Grammar Check
1.5 Million

Reasons To Use Sentence Rephraser


Sentence Dictionary

Sentence rephraser enables newbies to create grammatically strong content like a pro! The mode provides you with the best suitable sentence choices. Its capability of working like a professional writer makes sentence rephraser a perfect mode. The uploaded text is scanned and rephrased with suitable replacements that uplift its readability and engagement. The final rephrase sentence generated by this mode will be enriched with strong vocabulary that emphasizes elaborating the contextual meaning of the text.


Semantic Rephrasing

The AI- based sentence rephraser modifies sentences with appropriate word replacements while keeping the actual meaning of the text. You no longer need to bring structural changes to your content on your own. Paraphrase tool rephrase the sentence in a way that modifies the sentence structure besides altering the word choice to make the uploaded text look fresh and unique.


Smarter Writing

This rephrase sentence online mode enhances clarity in the content and provides you with a new version of your text in different styles. Any unnecessary and irrelevant text will be discarded to make the content clear and unambiguous. The rephrased text created by this mode will surely be magnetic and hold power to engage targeted readers.


Avoid Human Errors

Generate high-quality and flawless textual content with sentence rephraser. The AI technology not only rephrase the sentence but also ensures the accuracy and preciseness of the text without neglecting a minor error that may get unnoticed by humans. The existence of errors can destroy all your efforts. With the help of this mode, you can maintain your content quality and make it read-worthy.

5 Modes of paraphrasing

Take your content to the next level with this smart paraphrasing tool. You will find 5 different modes for rephrasing your text. Each one of them is explained below.

Different levels of Rephrasing

Each mode works with a different algorithm and provides different results. All of them are highlighted separately for the better understanding of the user.


AI Rephraser

  • Human level rephrasing
  • Intelligently changes sentence structure
  • Maintains readability and context of the text
  • Read more about this mode.


Sentence Rephraser

  • Select any sentence from your text
  • Multiple options for a single sentence will be provided
  • Choose the best wording according to your choice
  • Read more about this mode.


Smart Replace

  • In Smart Replace 70 to 75% of words are replaced with their synonyms
  • A list of all possible synonyms will be provided for each word
  • Users can alter any word if it doesn’t seem suitable


Ultra Replace

  • Works exactly like Smart Replace
  • Percentage of word swapping is maximum
  • It changes approximately 90% of the words


Replace Manually

  • No word will be replaced automatically
  • Synonyms will be provided
  • User will manually change each word

How to Define Paraphrasing?

Many people confuse paraphrasing with changing some words with their synonyms or rearranging the sentences’ structures. However, the actual meaning of paraphrasing is to express any information in your own words while maintaining the original meaning of the source text. The detailed origin and history of Paraphrase can be read on Wikipedia. However, here is a simple example of this methodology.


Our main objective is to provide a platform that assists writers and SEO executives in rewriting already written pieces of text. The advanced algorithms of this service give a fresh and unique touch to your articles and leave no sign of plagiarism.

573/ 1000 words


Our main intention is to deliver a medium that assists authors and SEO managers in rewriting previously written pieces of text. The state-of-the-art algorithms of this utility return a new and exceptional suggestion to your essays and allow no traces of plagiarism.

573/ 1000 words

Working and Key

Features of Paraphrasing Tool

The professional paraphrasing tool offered on RewriteGuru is based on AI technology. This tool’s functionality is high level due to its advanced features. So how does this tool stand out from others available in the market? Let’s delve into it!

Paraphrasing Tool by RewriteGuru

Many times we desire to come up with the text for our audience that’s already available somewhere over the web. As we know, copying the exact same words from another source will be considered plagiarism, and it must be avoided at any cost. Instead of copy-pasting the text, you can opt to use the rephrase tool by RewriteGuru. This online service will allow you to get your hands on plagiarism-free text without going through any hassle. There are several online platforms offering the paraphrasing utility, but none of them would be able to match the extraordinary features provided on this rephraser. Some of the top features you can enjoy with this web-based utility are as follows:

Content Image

Convenient Interface

Convenient Interface

Our online paraphrasing tool has a user-friendly interface that allows users to rephrase their articles without seeking anyone’s assistance. You don’t need to take professional guidance for using this facility, as it lets you conduct this task in a couple of clicks.

24x7 Accessibility

24/7 Accessibility

The users won’t have to face any kind of restrictions with our sentence rephraser. You can easily access this web-based tool from your device at any time of the day. The round the clock availability of this online service makes it an easily accessible utility for all the users in need of unique content.

Multilingual Support

Multilingual Support

The usability of this tool isn’t limited to paraphrasing English content only, as it supports other languages as well. You can use this online service for paraphrasing text in different languages, including Spanish,French, Italian, Russian.

Grammar Checking

Grammar Checking

Many people have concerns with rephrasing tools that they leave grammatical mistakes while paraphrasing their uploaded text. You won’t face such a hassle on our platform, as it also allows you to check grammar and rectify the mistakes existing in your content.

Copyright Checking

Copyright Checking

Paraphrasing is of no use until it ensures the removal of duplication from your uploaded content. Our copyright checker of this rephrase utility gives you the freedom to check whether the paraphrased material is matching your previous content or any other web content or not.

Built In Word Counter

Built-in Word Counter

As a content writer or student, you might have faced the limitation on the number of words that must exist in the required content. For figuring out whether your text is more than the required number of words, you can find the answer within this online tool. The paraphrasing tool on RewriteGuru has a built-in word counter that shows accurate results within no time.

Save Files

Unlimited Free Paraphrasing

As mentioned before, this rephrase platform hasn’t imposed any kind of restriction on its users. The same is the case with the usability of this tool, as it can be used as many times as you desire. Moreover, there are no charges associated with its usage, no matter how many articles you paraphrase with it.

Similarity Check

Similarity Check

Similarity check is an artificial intelligence based feature, which is added to give the user a clear idea of which synonym is most suitable for replacing the original word. This algorithm compares each synonym separately with the original word and gives a relevancy percentage. The similarity check function of this rephrase tool will facilitate the user completely and decision making will be speedy.

Content Image

The 4 R’s of Paraphrasing

Without knowing the actual meaning of the message being conveyed in an article, you cannot rephrase it into your own words. Therefore, the first R of paraphrasing represents reading. After reading and understanding the core elements of the content, you can move forward towards the next step.

Four R's

Big R

Without knowing the actual meaning of the message being conveyed in an article, you cannot rephrase it into your own words. Therefore, the first R of paraphrasing represents reading. After reading and understanding the core elements of the content, you can move forward towards the next step.

Once you’ve finished reading the content thoroughly, you must have understood it completely. So now, you need to rephrase the sentences of the text in your own words. Restating or paraphrasing doesn’t mean just changing some words with their synonyms. You can use different structures and explain the same content in a different way and better vocabulary.

Your job isn’t completed after rephrasing the text, as rechecking is also a crucial aspect of paraphrasing. As a human, you can miss out on several points in the paraphrased version of the original article. It’s your job to figure out the left-out points because it’s crucial to cover all aspects while rephrasing any content.

Paraphrasing someone’s content will help you publish duplication-free content, but you should still give credits to the actual author. It wouldn’t be necessary to credit yourself if you have paraphrased your own article. However, you must cite the source from where you have taken the idea to avoid any legal consequences.

Who Can Gain Benefit from
Our Paraphrasing Tool?

Deep Spinning


Sometimes, the webmasters have to upload text urgently on the site, but they face difficulty with the unavailability of the writer. This situation can be tackled with the help of an online paraphrasing tool. This utility will help them generate new content from the already available text on any other source in a matter of seconds.

Easy to Use


The students have to prepare assignments on a daily basis, and it restricts them from focusing on preparing for quizzes and exams. The students can also generate their required text with the help of a sentence rephraser and save an ample amount of time.

Deep Spinning


The lives of freelance writers are too hectic, as they have to take care of several projects at a single time. This worry of freelancers can be resolved with the help of the paraphrasing online tool available at RewriteGuru. With the help of this tool, they can create engaging textual files from the already available files without facing the issue of plagiarism.

Easy to Use


As a researcher, you will have to conduct both primary and secondary research. It’s obvious that you will have to create the analysis of primary research on your own. But for secondary research, you can take help from already published reports and make them go through a paraphraser to create your own analysis instantaneously.

What Users Say


This amazing paraphraser is really a life saver for me. It’s so easy to alter any content in it without any hassle. Highly recommended!!


I’ve gone through many paraphrasing websites but the quality that is provided by RewriteGuru is unmatchable. The procedure is so simple but still they respond immediately in case of any problem.


The best thing about this paraphrasing tool is that it provides multilingual paraphrasing, 3 different modes & grammar checker. What else can anyone need? The all in one solution for content based issues.

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изменять, изменяться, менять, меняться, переделывать, вносить изменения, перешить


- изменять, переделывать, менять

to alter one’s way of living /mode of life/ — менять образ жизни
to alter the course — изменять направление /курс/
to alter one’s mind — арх. передумать, принять другое решение
to alter radically [slightly] — менять коренным образом [слегка]
that alters matters /the case/ — это меняет дело

- видоизменять, вносить изменения

to alter a decree [a will] — внести изменения в декрет [в завещание]
to alter clothes — переделывать платье
to alter quantitatively [markedly, intangibly] — изменять количественно [заметно, неощутимо]

- изменяться

to alter for the better [the worse] — измениться к лучшему [к худшему]
to alter subtly [considerably, appreciably] — неуловимо [значительно, заметно] изменяться
Moscow has altered a great deal since 1945 — Москва очень изменилась с 1945 г.
he has considerably altered since his illness — он сильно сдал после болезни

- муз. альтерировать
- эвф. холостить, кастрировать (животных)

Мои примеры


an alter ego — второе «я»  
to alter a coat — перешить пальто  
to alter a trade mark — внести изменение в (зарегистрированный) товарный знак  
to alter prices without notice — менять цену без уведомления  
to alter the course for … — изменять курс на…  
to alter a decision — изменять решение  
alter a decision — изменять решение  
alter a firm — переименовать фирму  
to alter the heading — менять курс  
to alter radically — менять коренным образом  

Примеры с переводом

Moscow has altered a great deal since 1945

Москва очень изменилась с 1945 г.

You cannot alter your nature.

Свою природу не изменишь.

Alcohol can alter a person’s mood.

Алкоголь может изменить настроение человека.

This dress needs to be altered

Это платье должно быть перешито.

I urged him to alter his ways.

Я уговаривал его изменить свои привычки.

The city has altered very much since 1990.

Город сильно изменился с 1990 года.

I’ll need to have the dress altered before the wedding.

Мне нужно, чтобы платье перешили до свадьбы.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…by any standard, the new shopping mall will be an elephant and one that is certain to alter the retail landscape…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

alt  — высокий звук
alterable  — изменяемый
alterant  — способный вызывать изменения
altering  — меняющий, меняющийся
altered  — изменять, изменяться, менять, меняться, переделывать, вносить изменения, перешить
alterity  — разница, различие, отличие, несхожесть

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: alter
he/she/it: alters
ing ф. (present participle): altering
2-я ф. (past tense): altered
3-я ф. (past participle): altered

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