Timing another word for

What is another word for timing?

439 synonyms found


[ tˈa͡ɪmɪŋ], [ tˈa‍ɪmɪŋ], [ t_ˈaɪ_m_ɪ_ŋ]

Related words: timing meaning, does timing matter, timing phasing, timing a song, what is timing in music, when does timing matter, how can I improve my timing, how to improve timing, the best way to improve your timing

Related questions:

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  • How do you tell what the best?
  • Table of Contents

    • n.

      act (noun)

      • timing.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • regulation,
      • regulating,
      • temporal order,
      • temporal arrangement.
    • v.

      compose (verb)

      • form,
      • knock off,
      • forge,
      • devise,
      • conceive,
      • make up,
      • clef,
      • coin a phrase,
      • put pen to paper,
      • cook up,
      • set up,
      • imagine,
      • cast,
      • originate,
      • design,
      • fudge together,
      • contrive,
      • pen,
      • produce,
      • score,
      • ghostwrite,
      • poetize,
      • script,
      • COMP,
      • dream up,
      • draw up,
      • put down,
      • bang out,
      • scribble,
      • author,
      • frame,
      • knock out,
      • set type,
      • turn out,
      • ghost,
      • fabricate,
      • note down,
      • invent,
      • indite,
      • orchestrate,
      • time,
      • push pencil,
      • formulate,
      • whip up,
      • write,
      • discover.

      measure (verb)

      • weigh,
      • rank,
      • mark out,
      • look over,
      • Mete,
      • adapt,
      • reckon,
      • size up,
      • align,
      • gradate,
      • adjust,
      • choose,
      • blend,
      • sound,
      • beat,
      • level,
      • assess,
      • stroke,
      • tailor,
      • peg,
      • average,
      • grade,
      • rate,
      • shade,
      • line,
      • value,
      • graduate,
      • demarcate,
      • eye,
      • mark,
      • survey,
      • scale,
      • read,
      • evaluate,
      • quantify,
      • delimit,
      • rhyme,
      • size,
      • even,
      • check out,
      • square,
      • dope out,
      • bound,
      • portion,
      • calibrate,
      • gauge,
      • caliper,
      • determine,
      • plumb,
      • fit,
      • pace off,
      • figure,
      • limit,
      • regulate,
      • estimate,
      • take account,
      • compute,
      • rule,
      • check,
      • appraise.

      precede (verb)

      • lead,
      • presage,
      • herald,
      • foreshadow,
      • go in advance,
      • predate,
      • preface,
      • head,
      • be ahead of,
      • have a head start,
      • light the way,
      • pace,
      • antedate,
      • introduce,
      • antecede,
      • usher,
      • outrank,
      • anticipate,
      • head up,
      • come first,
      • preexist,
      • pave the way,
      • guide,
      • scout,
      • pioneer,
      • harbinger,
      • run ahead,
      • go before,
      • take precedence,
      • in space,
      • ring in,
      • Forerun.

      regulate (verb)

      • handle,
      • moderate,
      • legislate,
      • monitor,
      • Methodize,
      • true,
      • direct,
      • arrange,
      • readjust,
      • order,
      • systematize,
      • improve,
      • rectify,
      • balance,
      • tune up,
      • run,
      • modulate,
      • shape up,
      • allocate,
      • correct,
      • dispose,
      • fix,
      • conduct,
      • supervise,
      • oversee,
      • tune,
      • settle,
      • administer,
      • put in order,
      • superintend,
      • set,
      • coordinate,
      • temper,
      • straighten up,
      • reconcile,
      • pull things together,
      • standardize,
      • govern,
      • classify.

      schedule (verb)

      • note,
      • card,
      • organize,
      • register,
      • appoint,
      • sew up,
      • engage,
      • list,
      • program,
      • slate,
      • get on line,
      • reserve,
      • line up,
      • book,
      • record,
      • pencil in,
      • write in one’s book,
      • catalog,
      • be due.
    • Other synonyms:

      • due date,
      • sunset provision,
      • timekeeping,
      • time limit,
      • expiration date,
      • deadline,
      • sell-by date.

      • closing date,
      • play date.

      • due.

      • grace.

      • on.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • dexterity,
      • andante tempo,
      • celerity,
      • union,
      • pointing,
      • anteriority,
      • Weathering,
      • virtuosity,
      • assimilation,
      • ragtime,
      • craft,
      • facility,
      • skill,
      • Instancing,
      • cunning,
      • upbeat,
      • dating,
      • congeniality,
      • capability,
      • aptness,
      • Horometry,
      • cleverness,
      • consistency,
      • Tiding,
      • staging,
      • snipping,
      • symmetry,
      • deftness,
      • precedency,
      • residence time,
      • unison,
      • approaching,
      • overlap,
      • clock,
      • pacing,
      • punctuality,
      • finesse,
      • adroitness,
      • harmonization,
      • equivalence,
      • Dexterousness,
      • tempo,
      • in transit,
      • presto,
      • precedence,
      • timeliness,
      • peace,
      • expertise,
      • simultaneousness,
      • savoir-faire,
      • tardiness,
      • Sentencing,
      • syncopation,
      • haste,
      • seamanship,
      • concordance,
      • compound time,
      • spark advance,
      • eagerness,
      • integration,
      • oneness,
      • recency,
      • accent,
      • Unisonance,
      • fitness,
      • coordination,
      • Terming,
      • rhythmic pattern,
      • readiness,
      • promptness,
      • Chancing,
      • Sniping,
      • conformity,
      • harmony,
      • unsuitable time,
      • rapport,
      • capacity,
      • chronoscopy,
      • technique,
      • adjustment,
      • largo,
      • Self-consistency,
      • Squaring,
      • Time Studies,
      • conformation,
      • efficiency,
      • triplet,
      • synchronism,
      • Phasing,
      • craftsmanship,
      • Pasting,
      • address,
      • reconciliation,
      • metre,
      • tact,
      • congruity,
      • Congruency,
      • style,
      • triple time,
      • coming,
      • development stage,
      • acceleration,
      • Coaptation,
      • throbbing,
      • parallelism,
      • marksmanship,
      • competence,
      • chorus,
      • stretching,
      • coursing,
      • measuring,
      • metering,
      • conformance,
      • correspondence,
      • properness,
      • alternator,
      • diplomacy,
      • agility,
      • agreement,
      • stinting,
      • duple time,
      • thesis,
      • clipping,
      • lateness,
      • workmanship,
      • Reconcilement,
      • seasonableness,
      • grip,
      • coincidence,
      • attunement,
      • cadence,
      • coherence,
      • command,
      • rubato,
      • tempo rubato,
      • throb,
      • consonance,
      • touring,
      • mastery,
      • adaptation,
      • scheduling,
      • Dextrousness,
      • savvy,
      • Rooming,
      • synchronization,
      • congruence,
      • cycling,
      • accord,
      • brake,
      • for,
      • skillfulness,
      • ABS,
      • rhythm,
      • mastership,
      • mistiming,
      • Arsis,
      • horsemanship,
      • affinity,
      • Whiling,
      • forwardness,
      • handiness,
      • promptitude,
      • quickness,
      • know-how,
      • cadency,
      • measure,
      • minuting,
      • futurity,
      • seasoning,
      • wizardry,
      • resource,
      • ability,
      • consort,
      • priority,
      • artfulness,
      • adeptness,
      • spacing,
      • rag,
      • ingenuity,
      • Seconding,
      • bad time,
      • artistry,
      • accommodation,
      • chronology,
      • cooperation,
      • precocity,
      • wit,
      • clocking,
      • prowess,
      • accordance,
      • intersection,
      • Occasioning,
      • uniformity,
      • aging,
      • resourcefulness,
      • brilliance,
      • control,
      • proficiency,
      • sync,
      • pastness,
      • accentuation,
      • turning,
      • tactfulness,
      • antecedence,
      • assent,
      • simple time,
      • andante,
      • horology,
      • dendrochronology,
      • concert,
      • earliness,
      • concord,
      • rightness,
      • rating,
      • lilt,
      • ingeniousness,
      • artisanship,
      • syncope,
      • limiting,
      • airmanship,
      • full speed,
      • pulse,
      • compatibility,
      • Spanning,
      • tally,
      • Bravura.

    How to use «Timing» in context?

    Timing is everything.

    Timing is what separates the champions from the also rans.

    It is what allows the best athlete in the world to win the race.

    Timing is everything, especially when it comes to sports.

    Timing is the key to making a perfect pitch, executing a play, or hitting the ball just right.

    In baseball, timing is the key to a hitter’s success.

    If a pitcher can control the timing of his pitches, he can easily frustrating the hitter and control the game.

    Paraphrases for Timing:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Verb, gerund or present participle
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
    • Independent

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, singular or mass
        data, programming, Phasing, Phenology.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
        aging, aligning, circulating, coinciding, deciding, determining, dividing, happening, leaving, spreading, synchronising, waiting, Aiming, Applying, Delivering, Experiencing, Noting, Phasing, Considering, allocating, Sourcing, syncing, synching.
      • Verb, past participle
        approved, set.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        stands, Comes, goes, inputs, arises, happens, feels.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        chronological, time-series.
      • Proper noun, singular
        clocking, synchronization, time, milestones, timelines.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        appropriateness, clock, clocking, desirability, frequency, indicative, interval, juncture, opportunity, pace, periodicity, propriety, punctuality, rhythm, sequence, staging, synchronicity, synchronization, synchrony, time, timer, Advisability, Time-table, sequencing, syncing, time-limit, time-line, time-scale, synching, timetabling.
      • Adverb
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
        blocking, clocking, minutes, timetabling.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present

    Hypernym for Timing:

    • n.

      • act
      • attribute
        lead, approach, futurity, untimeliness, tardiness, timeliness, presentness, earliness, lateness, nowness, simultaneity,pastness, punctuality, coming, simultaneousness, promptness, spark advance, seasonableness, unseasonableness, approaching.

    Hyponym for Timing:

    • n.

      • act
        regulating, regulation.
      • attribute
        temporal arrangement, temporal order.

    Princeton’s WordNet

    1. timingnoun

      the time when something happens

    2. timingnoun

      the regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect (as in music, theater, athletics, mechanics)

    Matched Categories

      • Regulation
      • Temporal Arrangement

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. List of paraphrases for «timing»:

      clocking, timetable, calendar, synchronization, schedule, time, chronology, synchronisation, timeline, sync, moment, date, synchrony, timeframe, indicative, scheduling, timeliness, synchronizing, periodicity, timescale, phenology, distribution, synchro, hkt

    How to pronounce timing?

    How to say timing in sign language?

    How to use timing in a sentence?

    1. Kenan Yavuz:

      We have a 65 percent stake in the company and sometimes consider a sale that would not bring the stake below 51 percent. The timing of a sale has not been decided but could be considered this year.

    2. Rajdeep Dasgupta:

      But the timing and mechanism of volatile delivery has been hotly debated, ours is the first scenario that can explain the timing and delivery in a way that is consistent with all of the geochemical evidence.

    3. Jessica Rosenworcel:

      The timing of this effort is absurd, the FCC has no business being the President’s speech police.

    4. Steve Vladeck:

      The real issue with potential litigation over congressional subpoenas isn’t the substance, but the timing, even if the courts ultimately side with Congress in all, or even many, of these disputes, it could take a while — and with Congress getting nothing in the interim.

    5. John Wolford:

      I was extremely excited to have that chance in a big game up in Seattle, i really wanted to play that whole thing and really show what I had to offer. Just bad timing, but you take these things in stride, and I’ll be ready for the next opportunity.


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    Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

    Are we missing a good synonym for timing?

    1. timing

    noun. [‘ˈtaɪmɪŋ’] the time when something happens.


    • lateness
    • middle
    • spark advance
    • simultaneity
    • unseasonableness
    • timeliness
    • temporal order
    • present
    • approaching
    • nowness
    • late
    • tardiness
    • punctuality
    • succeeding
    • simultaneousness
    • untimeliness
    • coming
    • lead
    • presentness
    • earliness
    • promptness
    • pastness
    • early
    • seasonableness
    • preceding
    • futurity
    • future
    • past
    • temporal arrangement


    • middle
    • unseasonableness
    • timeliness
    • present
    • late
    • tardiness
    • punctuality
    • succeeding
    • untimeliness
    • presentness
    • earliness
    • pastness
    • early
    • seasonableness
    • preceding
    • futurity
    • future
    • past

    Rhymes with Timing

    • priming
    • climbing
    • rhyming
    • liming
    • diming

    Sentences with timing

    1. Noun, singular or mass
    If your timing is precise, you’ll be able to use the walls to jump sideways.

    2. Verb, gerund or present participle
    Begin timing the blanching process once the water comes back to a boil.

    Quotes about timing

    1. Humor writing requires a rhythm and timing, as well as some kind of connection to the reader, and I think that’s how I tap into it.
    Kristan Higgins

    2. You learn timing on the road. You learn structure and how to read an audience. You learn so much about the business of laughter that you can’t learn on a set, because it’s all on you. Sometimes you bomb, and you know not to tell that joke again… You just hope people find the humor in the awkwardness.
    Marlon Wayans

    3. The real important things are kindness and a sense of humor. I’ve been fortunate to have dated and could have easily married women who have those qualities, and time and circumstances didn’t work out. Timing plays a big part.
    Hill Harper

    2. two-timing

    adjective. not faithful to a spouse or lover.


    • unfaithful
    • cheating


    • licit
    • unfaithfulness
    • trustworthy

    3. timing

    noun. [‘ˈtaɪmɪŋ’] the regulation of occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve a desired effect (as in music, theater, athletics, mechanics).


    • regulation
    • coordination


    • go
    • avoid
    • refrain

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    as in moment

    a particular point at which an event takes place

    remember that one time you tried to wash the dog in the sink


    as in experience

    an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand

    enjoys telling us about the times he had while he was in the army


    as in day

    an extent of time associated with a particular person or thing

    back in my parents’ time, families usually had only one car


    as in duration

    the period during which something exists, lasts, or is in progress

    how much time will the project take?

    Thesaurus Entries Near time

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    “Time.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/time. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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