Three word sentences age

Synonym: mature, ripen, time of life. Similar words: wage, page, rage, cage, eager, agent, New Age, image. Meaning: [eɪdʒ]  n. 1. how long something has existed 2. an era of history having some distinctive feature 3. a time in life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises 4. a late time of life 5. a prolonged period of time. v. 1. begin to seem older; get older 2. grow old or older 3. make older. 

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1. The golden age is before us, not behind us. 

2. Youth looks forward and age backward. 

3. The age of miracles is past. 

4. Idle young, needy age [old].

5. Reckless youth makes rueful age.

6. What youth is used to, age remembers. 

7. Economy is the easy chair of old age

8. Wine and judgement mature with age

9. An idle youth, a needy age

10. A lazy youth, a lousy age

11. Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle, old age a regret. 

12. For age and want save while you may; no morning sun lasts a whole day. 

13. Rear sons for help in old age; and store up grains against famine. 

14. At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit ; and at forty, the judgment. 

15. Her age disqualified her for the job.

16. He must be getting near retiring age.

17. The children average seven years of age.

18. That species disappeared in the Ice Age.

19. The age difference was a complication to the rela-tionship.

20. It was difficult to tell his exact age.

21. Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult.

22. To make good use of should have in youth the experience of advanced years,and in old age the vigor of youth. 

23. Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age

24. The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age

25. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young,[] it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

26. In youth the hours are golden in mature years they are silver, in old age they are leaden. 

27. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

28. The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age

29. One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name. 

30. It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not, whatever be his age

More similar words: wage, page, rage, cage, eager, agent, New Age, image, for ages, manage, garage, a stage, agenda, engage, agency, damage, hostage, garbage, teenage, rampage, managed, cottage, heritage, storage, package, manager, passage, imagery, coverage, engage in. 

Painting large paintings.  Painted tiny paintings. Wallpaper flowery
collages. Great Soho studio.  Met cool
people. Mourned a relationship. Lasted many years. Ended in sorrow. Killed with
pain. Loved the studio. Enjoying the space. Attacking the surfaces. Needed
great attention. Felt largely ignored. Confused about creativity.  Made great friend. She moved away.  Felt betrayed first. I was incorrect. Great
friendships endure. Even with marriage. Deceived by distance. Worked corporate
office.  Learned about textiles. Enjoyed quality
furniture. Never cared before. Too much money.  Quality does count. Living downtown alone.
Needing to search. Crazy for love. Longing for companionship. Entertaining two
cats. Lived with me. Many, many years. Was I cruel? One cat died. Having great
times. Travelling the west.  Communing
with nature. Dating several men. Sleeping around some.  Hated dating scene. Had first hangover. Had
last hangover.  Tequila, vodka headache.
Never threw up. Slept with someone. One ugly penis. His bad complexion. He
used me. I used him! Needed a break. Flew to Denver. Drove over Rockies. Treacherous,
slick roadways. Tiny weak car. Drove too much. Got too tired. Felt great
excitement . Discovered red rocks. Amazed by landscape. Never thought possible.
Drove through Moab. Enjoyed Monument Valley. Valley of the Gods. Goose Neck
view. Stood Four Corners. Needles Overlook canyon. Inspired many paintings.
Listened to Enya. Driving down switchbacks. Panic and fear. Proud of
accomplishment. Followed the map. Hiking in desert. Stopped abstract painting.
Didn’t work out. Started grad school. Packed up paintings. Gave them away.
Forgot about that. Moving toward future. Began psychoanalytic training .
Finished it all. Started second training. Loved the work. Work at clinic.
Worked with kids. Started private practice. Got first office. Hated crazy
landlord. Learned to budget. Figured out friends.  Parents moved south. Cater waiter jobs. Back
rooms  Met. Secret passages, MOMA. Set
tables correctly. Served from left. Collect from right. Crushes gay men. Not
sure why. Hate friends wedding. Felt I couldn’t. Didn’t understand why. Not
sure how. East Village apartment. Had no closet. Lots of hair.  Lots of dust. Across from mosque.  Call to prayer. Two times daily.  Sick cow sound. Wish I understood. Never
understood Ramadan. Rugs on street. 11th and 1st.  Men kneeling east. Blocking the street. Near
Tompkins Square. Visit Brooklyn friends. Some had babies. Some got married.
Some got divorced. Some moved away. Some all above.  I felt strange. Biological time clock. Tick
tick tick. Hated my period. What’s it for? Travelled to NE. Had a boyfriend. He
didn’t click. I tried hard. Wished for magic. Never did work. Hard break up. On
Nantucket pier.  Felt so dumb. Never
spoke again. Mailed a box.  Stuff left
behind. An Italian dish. Wish him well. Feared broken heart. Once again
tangled. Not the case. I got lucky. Met nice person. Deserve this luck? Why so
soon? He was desperate. So was I. We fit together. Got super lucky. A good egg.
Move in together. He wanted kids. I was 40. So we tried. I got pregnant. I had
baby. Love of life.  Things move fast.
Tick tock tick. Never can  trust. The
truth hurts. Anger rules all. No, fear does. Follows you around. Never passes
fairly.  Life not fair. Waiting for
death. Other shoe drops. Eventually finding out. No short cuts. Luck is lucky.
Fear is temporary. Child grows fast. Contains lessons learned. To learn
someday. Hidden in hair. Falls behind couch. Crawls under fridge. Eats away
lining. Mites eating wool. Destroy all sweaters. Time for Bloomingdale’s.
Waiting for sales. New white sheets.  High
thread count. Don’t stain sheets. Red ruins white. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

A typical 2-year-old can say about 50 words and speak in two- and three-word sentences.

Среднестатистический 2-летний ребенок может сказать около 50 слов и говорить предложениями из двух-трех слов.

Другие результаты

By a year old he would say two and three word sentences.

В год и два месяца он мог произнести фразу из трех слов.

It’s a three-word sentence that fills me with hope every time I read it.

Есть З слова, которые вселяют в меня надежду всякий раз, когда я их читаю.

It can’t be said in two or three word sentences.

О ней невозможно рассказать в двух — трех словах.

making a three-word sentence, but, honestly,

Her conversation has never changed from her two or three words sentence, and there was no adjectives she added, just factual information only.

Её реплики почти не отличались друг от друга за исключением двух-трех слов, она не добавляла никаких прилагательных — только факты.

The commitment to another through these three words is a sought after goal for many individuals-and when those words are first uttered, they may carry more weight than any other three-word sentence you’ve made to date.

Приверженность другому через эти три слова является желанной целью для многих людей — и когда эти слова впервые произносятся, они могут иметь больший вес, чем любое другое.

These weren’t two or three words but full sentences.

For AI, all three words in the sentence are absent in the dictionary of the Russian language.

At 4.5 years old a quarter of children could form short (two-three word) sentences, 50% at age 5 and almost all at age 10.

25? % детей могут говорить короткие предложения к 4,5 годам, 50? % — к 5,5 годам и почти все к 10 годам.

If your child is «quiet,» but is capable of putting together two- or three-word phrases and sentences when needed, such as «Me big boy!» that may very well be a function of his personality.

Если ваш ребенок тихий, но способен составить фразу или предложение из двух или трех слов, например «Я большой мальчик!», возможно, его немногословность является его личностной особенностью.

The pupil, though he fail to understand two or three words in a sentence, may comprehend the delicate shades of thought or its relation to what went before.

Ученик, не понимая двух-трех слов в фразе, может понимать тонкий оттенок мысли или отношение ее к предыдущему.

You managed to string three words together in a sentence.

While undressing it occurred to me that if I had added certain three words to the final sentence of the last paragraph, the sense of the whole paragraph would have been strengthened.

Когда я раздевался, мне пришло в голову, что если в последнем предложении последнего абзаца я бы добавил три определённых слова, то это бы лучше передавало смысл всего абзаца.

You can also use the three words in the same sentence, as in

Можно использовать те же фразы, что и в личном письме, например

At age three, a communication milestone might be saying three— or four-word sentences.

could not form sentences of three— or four-word sentences,

If you can not explain in simple words in three sentences, why people need your product, you have no value proposition and, consequently, you have no business.

Если вы не можете объяснить простыми словами в трех предложениях, почему людям нужен ваш товар, у вас нет ценного далее

Uses two-three word sentences frequently

In a sentence or two, Eric describes jazz with three words: for adults only.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 32. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 120 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1 late twenties   2 early twenties   3 30–35   4 30 (or so)



Interviewer   In your opinion, when is the best age for young people to leave home?

Woman   Well, it obviously depends on the circumstances. But I wouldn’t advise young people to be in a hurry to leave home. The advantage of living with your parents, even when you’re working, is that you can save money. It can benefit your parents too, as you can pay them rent and also help out with housework, and so on. But I would say that your late twenties would be a good time to leave home.


Interviewer   What’s the best age to learn to drive, do you think?

Girl   Well, my brother learned to drive as soon as he could, at the age of seventeen. But he couldn’t afford a car until he was 21. When he finally bought one, he’d forgotten a lot of what he’d been taught and had to have more lessons before he felt confident to drive. So, I’d say wait till you are in your early twenties, when you can afford a car.


Interviewer   What’s the best age to start a family, in your opinion?

Boy   I think most couples wait a few years before they start a family, and I think that’s quite sensible – it’s important to settle down first and have a nice home. And most people find themselves in the situation when they’re between about 30 and 35.


Interviewer   In your opinion, what’s the best age to buy a house or flat?

Girl   Most young couples in the UK want to own their own home and they usually try to do this when they are about 30 or so, and they are settled in their careers. And I think that’s about the right age. Before that, they don’t usually have enough money.

2. Сопоставьте. Некоторые слова могут использоваться несколько раз. Напишите предложения с шестью комбинациями слов.

1. Оптимистичное — d) мнение

2. Век — f) общения

3. Электронная — a) технология

4. Находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения — e) животные

5. Серьезные — b) заболевания

6. Космические — c) открытия


1. That boy always has an optimistic opinion (У этого мальчика всегда есть оптимистическое мнение)

2. We live in the age of communications, don’t we? (Мы живем в век общения, не так ли?)

3. In the nearest future all the human resources should be forced into development of electronic technology (В ближайшее время все человеческие ресурсы должны быть вынуждены развивать электронную технологию).

4. Endangered animals should be saved carefully (Животные, находящиеся под угрозой исчезновения, должны быть сохранены тщательно).

5. In future there will be no serious diseases (В будущем серьезных заболеваний не будет).

6. In future students will have a new subject in school — space discoveries (В будущем у студентов будет новый предмет – Открытия в космосе).

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