Three word phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are one of the most important parts of English vocabulary. They are usually idiomatic, and it can take a long time for English learners to start using them with accuracy and confidence. When I teach phrasal verbs, such as wake up, put on, take off, and try on, students often ask the same questions:

«Is this one transitive or intransitive?»

«Can I separate it?»

«Is this the only meaning?»

These are all good questions, and they are especially frequent when we study 2-word phrasal verbs. With that in mind, 3-word phrasal verbs are actually easier to teach and understand.


There are two reasons:

  1. All 3-word phrasal verbs are transitive. They all end with a preposition, which means they all need an object. («I’m looking forward to going home today.»)

  2. Most 3-word phrasal verbs are inseparable. They almost always keep their form. («Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this.»)

With that in mind, let us look at 10 3-word phrasal verbs that you can start using with confidence today. Pay attention to the fact that 3-word phrasal verbs need an object, and that they are never separated. If you find this resource useful and you would like to learn more phrasal verbs, make sure to get a copy of 100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs. It is ideal for intermediate and advanced students.

Let’s learn and review some 3-word phrasal verbs!

1. Come up with (something)

to invent or create something (an idea, an excuse, a story, an invention, a plan, etc.)

«This is very creative. Did you come up with it by yourself?»

«Wow. This is great. How did you come up with it?»

«Sam is always coming up with excuses.»

2. Get along with (someone)

to be on friendly terms with someone; to have a good relationship with someone (British English: get on with someone

«We didn’t get along in school, but now he’s my best friend.»

«Do you get along with your sister?»

«We don’t get along.»* (You can use the 2-word phrasal verb «get along» in this way)

3. Get around to (something or someone)

to finally do something that you need to do; to do something you have not done because you have not had enough time to do it, or because you have been procrastinating

«Have you gotten around to doing the dishes yet?» «Not yet. I’ve been busy.»

«So, I finally got around to calling my cousin last night.»

«Don’t forget to send that email.» «Yeah, yeah, I’ll get around to it eventually.»

4. Put up with (something or someone)

to tolerate something or someone

«I can’t put up with her lies anymore.»

«Every morning on my way to work, I have to put up with at least 20 minutes of traffic.»

«He’s such a jerk. I don’t know why you put up with him.»

5. Look forward to (something)

to anticipate a future event; to be excited about a future event

«I’m looking forward to seeing you.»

«She’s really looking forward to the concert.»

«Are you ready for the meeting?» «I suppose so. I’m not looking forward to it.»

6. Look up to (someone)

to respect and admire someone; to see someone as a role model

«When I was a kid, I looked up to my uncle. He was so kind.»

«I can’t disappoint her. She looks up to me.»

«Whom did you look up to when you were young?» («Whom» is the object)

7. Look down on (someone or something)

to feel superior to someone else and to see them as lower than you; to not have respect for something or someone

«I used to look down on bands like Nirvana and Silverchair in the ’90s, but now I realize how influential they were.»

«You shouldn’t look down on other people. You never know what they have been through.»

«They have terrible opinions. They look down on poor people and immigrants.»

8. Live up to (something or someone)

to fulfill/match/meet one’s potential/expectations/hype/etc.

«That movie didn’t live up to my expectations.»

«He has lived up to his potential.»

«Everyone told me how amazing that restaurant was, but now that I’ve been there, I can say it didn’t live up to the hype.»

9. Keep up with (something or someone)

to maintain the same pace or stay at the same level as someone or something; to progress at the same speed as someone else

«You’re speaking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.»

«Run faster! Try to keep up!» (with the other runners)

«Our company is trying to keep up with the leaders in our industry.»

10. Make up for (something)

to compensate for doing something bad by doing something good; to atone for something; to do something as penance for a past mistake or hurtful action

«I’m so sorry, Lexi. I’ll make up for it. I promise.»

«You’ve been trying to make up for your past mistakes for a long time.»

«I made a mistake. I know that. I’ll make up for it, okay?»

How was that? Were the definitions clear enough and the examples helpful? I hope so. Remember, the best way to learn new vocabulary is to put it into a context that makes sense for you. If you would like to practice these phrasal verbs by creating your own original sentences, leave a comment.

Finally, if you enjoyed this resource and would like to learn more phrasal verbs, pick up a PDF, e-book, or physical copy of 100 Practical English Phrasal Verbs. I wrote it with English students and teachers in mind, which is why it has only high-frequency phrasal verbs, multiple definitions, and at least 4 example sentences for the most popular usage of each phrasal verb. Get it today and let me know if it helps you.

Until next time, I wish you success in your studies.

Cколько в английском языке three word phrasal verbs? Конечно, их меньше, чем two word, и всё же моя попытка составить о них некое представление провалилась, когда я дошла до глагола get — одного из самых употребительных английских фразовых глаголов. Их слишком много.

То, на что у меня хватило терпения, представляю в виде таблицы. Глаголы от A до D. Отобраны по алфавиту, не по частоте употребления.

Phrasal Verb Meaning Example Notes
 1 Break out of Escape Three dangerous Category A prisoners BROKE OUT OF Wandsworth Prison last night. Inseparable
 2 Break out in Sweat heavily, develop skin sores or irritation The measles caused me to BREAK OUT IN a rash. Inseparable
 3 Come down with Fall ill She CAME DOWN WITH a virus. Inseparable
 4 Add up to Have a certain result Trains delays are getting worse and with the high fares, it all ADDS UP TO misery for the commuters. Inseparable
 5 Add up to Come to a certain amount or figure The total costs ADD UP TO several million euros. Inseparable
 6 Back out of Fail to keep an agreement, arrangement She BACKED OUT OF the agreement at the last minute  Inseparable
 7 Back out of Exit a parking area in reverse gear She BACKED the Rolls OUT OF its parking space
 8 Bang on about Keep talking about something He’s always BANGING ON ABOUT football. Inseparable
 9 Be cut out for Be suitable, have the necessary qualities She’s not CUT OUT FOR this kind of work Inseparable
 10 Bear down on Move towards She spotted him on the other side of the room and BORE DOWN ON him. Inseparable
 11 Bear up under Cope with something difficult or stressful He’s BEARING UP UNDER the pressure. Inseparable
 12 Beaver away at Work hard doing something I have to BEAVER AWAY AT it or else I will fail the course. Inseparable
 13 Bend over backwards Do a lot to try to help or please someone I BENT OVER BACKWARDS for them and they didn’t even thank me. Intransitive
 14 Boil down to Amount to It all BOILS DOWN TO money at the end of the day. Inseparable
 15 Bone up on Study hard for a goal or reason I need to BONE UP ON my French grammar for the test. Inseparable
 16 Break out in Sweat heavily, develop skin sores or irritation. The measles caused me to BREAK OUT IN a rash. Inseparable
 17 Break out of Escape Three dangerous Category A prisoners BROKE OUT OF Wandsworth Prison last night. Inseparable
 18 Bring out in Cause a health problem or reaction It was the lobster that BROUGHT me OUT in this rash all over my body. Separable [obligatory]
 19 Carry on with Have an affair He’s been CARRYING ON WITH someone at work for years. Inseparable
 20 Cash in on Benefit or make money on something, especially if done unfairly The opposition party are CASHING IN ON the government’s unpopularity. Inseparable
 21 Cast about for Try to find something They’re CASTING ABOUT FOR support. Inseparable
 22 Cast around for Try to find something She was CASTING AROUND FOR people to help her. Inseparable
 23 Cast round for Try to find something He CAST ROUND FOR any sign of his things. Inseparable
 24 Catch up in Become involved, often against one’s will The tourists were CAUGHT UP IN the violence of the revolution. Inseparable
 25 Catch up on Do something that should have been done earlier I’m going home to CATCH UP ON my sleep. Inseparable
 26 Catch up on Reminisce with an old friend after not seeing them for a while I hadn’t seen her for years, so we spent the afternoon CATCHING UP ON old times. Inseparable
 27 Catch up with Do something that should have been done earlier I’m going home to CATCH UP WITH my sleep. Inseparable
 28 Catch up with Meet someone after a period of time and find out what they have been doing I CAUGHT UP WITH her at the conference. Inseparable
 29 Chalk up to Explain the reason for a problem They CHALKED the poor sales UP TO the lower numbers of tourists visiting this year. Separable [obligatory]
 30 Cheat out of Get money from someone under false pretences I hate him- he CHEATED me OUT OF ?100. Separable [obligatory]
 31 Check out of Settle up and pay before leaving a hotel Guests have to CHECK OUT OF the hotel before midday. Inseparable
 32 Chip away at Gradually reduce something to make it less powerful, effective, etc They have been CHIPPING AWAY AT his reputation ever since he took office. Inseparable
 33 Chow down on Eat something We’re going to CHOW DOWN ON that barbecued pork. Inseparable
 34 Clamp down on Restrict or try to stop something The government are CLAMPING DOWN ON antisocial behaviour. Inseparable
 35 Cling on to Try to keep something They CLUNG ON TO power despite the protests. Inseparable
 36 Close in on Get near someone The police were CLOSING IN ON the gang. Inseparable
 37 Close in upon Get near someone The police were CLOSING IN UPON the gang. Inseparable
 38 Come down on Criticise heavily The management really CAME DOWN ON him for losing the contract. Inseparable
 39 Come down to Amount to, be the most important aspect It all COMES DOWN TO a question of who tries hardest. Inseparable
 40 Come down upon Criticise, reprimand severely They will COME DOWN UPON us if we are late. Inseparable
 41 Come down with Fall ill She CAME DOWN WITH a virus. Inseparable
 42 Come forth with Provide information None of the witnesses CAME FORTH WITH an accurate description of the gang. Inseparable
 43 Come into use Start being used The computerised system CAME INTO USE at the end of last year. Intransitive
 44 Come off it I don’t believe what you’re saying; used as an imperative COME OFF IT; tell me the truth for goodness’ sake. Inseparable
 45 Come out in Have a rash or similar skin problem She CAME OUT IN a nasty rash after touching the poisonous plant by mistake. Inseparable
 46 Come out of Recover consciousness After three years, he CAME OUT OF the coma. Inseparable
 47 Come out with Make something available They have just COME OUT WITH a new version. Inseparable
 48 Come through with Provide something needed He didn’t COME THROUGH WITH the money and they went bust. Inseparable
 49 Come through with Provide something needed He didn’t COME THROUGH WITH the money and they went bust. Inseparable
 50 Come up against Encounter problems or difficulties They CAME UP AGAINST a lot of opposition to their plans for an out-of-town supermarket development. Inseparable
 51 Come up with Think of a solution, excuse, etc. Nobody could COME UP WITH a satisfactory explanation for the accident. Inseparable
 52 Contract out of Formally leave and agreement I CONTRACTED OUT OF the deal years ago. Inseparable
 53 Crack down on Use more authority than usual The police always CRACK DOWN ON drink-driving offences over the Christmas period. Inseparable
 54 Creep out on To do the same activity for a very long time He’s been CREEPING OUT ON that computer game all day. Inseparable
 55 Cut back on Reduce expenditure The government has decided to CUT BACK ON spending on the armed forces. Inseparable
 56 Cut down on Reduce Doctors advised her to CUT DOWN ON the amount of saturated fats in her diet. Inseparable
 57 Cut it out Stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour Will you two idiots CUT IT OUT and keep quiet. Separable [obligatory]
 58 Cut out on Let down, snub Although he’d promised to help, the star CUT OUT ON the charity when offered more money. Inseparable
 59 Dine out on Tell a story repeatedly that is well received I’ve DINED OUT ON the story of his accident. Inseparable
 60 Do away with Abolish, get rid of The United Kingdom DID AWAY WITH the death penalty in 1965. Inseparable
 61 Double up as Have a second function or purpose The display screen DOUBLES UP AS a solar panel. Inseparable
 62 Drill down through Get to the bottom of something, get detailed data They DRILLED DOWN THROUGH the information to find the truth. Inseparable
 63 Duck out of Avoid doing something He DUCKED OUT OF helping us last night. Inseparable
 64 End up with Get as a result of something He tried hard but ENDED UP WITH a poor grade. Inseparable
 65 Face up to Accept an unpleasant truth Many people find it hard to FACE UP TO the fact that they are getting old. Inseparable
 66 Fall back on Be able to use in an emergency It was good to have some money in the bank to FALL BACK ON when I lost my job. Inseparable
 67 Feel up to Feel capable of doing something I’m so tired. I don’t think I FEEL UP TO going out tonight. Inseparable
 68 Fill in for Substitute I was away for a few days, so they had to get someone to FILL IN FOR me. Inseparable
 69 Fill in on Give someone information I’m sorry I missed the meeting; could you FILL me IN ON what happened. Separable [obligatory]
 70 Finish up with Have or do something at the end or as the last of something We attended some workshops and FINISHED UP WITH the keynote speaker. Inseparable
 71 Fit in with Occur or happen in a way that shows that plans or ideas have not changed His rudeness yesterday FITS IN WITH what I have always thought of his behaviour. Inseparable
 72 Fit out with Provide someone with necessary equipment They didn’t FIT the troops OUT WITH the necessary protective gear. Separable [optional]
 73 Fob off on Make or persuade someone to accept something you don’t want I FOBBED the work ON the others. Separable [obligatory]
 74 Fob off onto Make or persuade someone to accept something you don’t want I FOBBED the fake note ONTO a shopkeeper. Separable [obligatory]
 75 Fob off with Make or persuade someone to accept something of lower quality than they wanted He FOBBED her OFF WITH some fake gold. Separable [optional]
 76 Fob off with Make or persuade someone to accept something of lower quality than they wanted He FOBBED her OFF WITH some fake gold. Separable [optional]
 77 Follow on from Be the part of something The film FOLLOWS ON from the original. Inseparable
 78 Gang up against Harass, bully (in a group) They GANGED UP AGAINST me because I wouldn’t accept their ideas. Inseparable
 79 Get across to Be convincing or make a good impression How can I GET ACROSS TO my audience? Inseparable
 80 Get ahead of Move in front of I work at home in the evening to GET AHEAD OF schedule. Inseparable
 81 Get along in Progress How are you GETTING ALONG IN the company. Inseparable

Если у коллег появится желание продолжить список, Вашему вниманию представляю словарь фразовых глаголов ЗДЕСЬ.

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

B2 First: three-word phrasal verbs

It’s hard to predict what phrasal verbs you might see in the B2 First exam, but here are some you should try to learn, to help your speaking, writing and use of English.

Look at the phrasal verbs and their definitions for a few minutes and try to remember as many as possible. Then click to hide the information and try to answer the questions.

Note: sb means somebody and sth means something.

Phrasal Verb Meaning
I really look up to him admire sb
He looks down on everybody. think you are better than sb
We have to put up with the cold weather. tolerate (you can’t do anything about it)
She came up with a really good plan. think of an idea
He comes across as a bit rude. appear to be
The thief got away with the robbery. not get caught
I always look forward to seeing him. be excited about a future event
I come down with a cold every winter. get sick (usually colds or flu)
I’ll never grow out of liking sweets. stop liking
You need to cut down on chocolate. do sth less
Slow down. I can’t keep up with you. do sth fast enough
He won’t own up to his mistakes. admit sth
I don’t get on with him. have a good relationship with sb
I often fall out with my sister. argue and stop being friends
You should make up with your ex-boyfriend. start being friends again after an argument
I think he’s going to break up with me. end a romantic relationship
You should stand up for yourself. defend yourself (verbally)
Oh dear. We’ve run out of bread. used all of something

Practice 1: multiple choice cloze (use of English part 1)

Choose the best word to complete the following sentences.

Practice 2: open cloze (use of English part 2)

The missing word could be the verb (e.g. bring/brought/bringing), or the particle (e.g. up).

Practice 3: more open cloze

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Do you know any three-word phrasal verbs? These can be tricky, because sometimes an extra word added to a two-word phrasal verb gives the whole expression a new meaning! These expressions are great to use in an English work environment. Whether you’re at work or in school you can use these phrasal verbs to help you get the job done, and to sound smarter while you do it! Take the quiz to make sure you understand these expressions, and subscribe to my channel for many more free English lessons with me and Mr. E!

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Hi, dear English students!  Are you struggling to remember phrasal verbs? As you know, phrasal verbs are made of a verb and a particle (preposition or an adverb). However, there is a small group of phrasal verbs that consist of a verb and two particles. They are known as three-part phrasal verbs. Well, here is a list of 27 three-part phrasal verbs in English along with their definitions and example sentences to help you raise your English on a higher level.

Check up on

Meaning: When someone is investigating and trying to find out what you are doing we can say that they are checking up on you, especially if they want to make sure that you’re doing what you said you’d be doing.

For example:

  • When we were kids, our mum would always check up on us at night to make sure we’re sleeping.
  • The police are checking up on what the Smiths have around their house hoping to find some clues about the burglars.
    Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Catch up with

Meaning: When you don’t see someone for some time you usually exchange the news with them when you meet again. 

For example:

  • Hi Lucy. Long time no see. I’m in a hurry but I promise to catch up with you later!
  • Now when the summer holiday is over, we are having a lot of catching up with our school friends.

Come down with

Meaning: If you come down with something, then it’s probably an illness.

For example:

  • I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to work today. I think I’m coming down with the flu.
  • My son has come down with a strange rash so I’m taking him to the doctor.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Come up with

Meaning: If you come up with something, you thought of something new such as an idea or a plan.

For example:

  • Hopefully, scientists will come up with a solution for climate change.
  • I’ve come up with a great idea for our marketing campaign.

Cut down on

Meaning: If you cut down on something, you reduce the amount of it.

For example:

  • If you want to lose weight you have to cut down on sugary foods.
  • You would have better marks at school if you cut down on playing video games.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Drop out of

Meaning: to leave an activity, school or similar before you have finished it.

For example:

  • Sara decided to drop out of college when she got pregnant.
  • The athlete dropped out of a marathon race because of an injury.

Feel up to

Meaning:  If you feel up to something, or more commonly don’t feel up to something, then you don’t have enough energy to do it.

For example:

  • I’m so tired. I don’t feel up to going out tonight. I’d rather stay at home and watch TV.
  • I suggest we visit grandma later today when she’s feeling up to having visitors.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Fit in with

Meaning: If you fit in with something or someone, then you match or harmonize with them.

For example:

  • Stuart fits in very well with other flatmates.
  • Mary and Paul got back home from abroad because they couldn’t fit in with the new environment.

Get along with

Meaning: If you get along with someone, then you have a friendly relationship.

For example:

  • Peter gets along with his nephew. They play golf and do all kinds of other activities together.
  • Miriam doesn’t get along with her boss. She’s thinking of getting a new job.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Get away with

Meaning: If you get away with something, then you manage to avoid being punished for something bad you did.

For example:

  • You must have paid for the parking spot. You couldn’t expect to get away with it without being fined.
  • I can’t believe that they broke the law and got away with it.

Get on with

Meaning: If you get on with someone, it means that you are on friendly terms.

For example:

  • I get on with my neighbours. They look after our cats and water the plants when we’re away.
  • Brian’s never got on with that boy. They had a fight, you know. 

Get rid of

Meaning: to throw away or remove something you no longer need.

For example:

  • We’re tidying up the attic. There are so many things I want to get rid of.
  • Why don’t you get rid of that old tennis racket? It’s totally useless.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Get round to

Meaning; to find time to do something.

For example:

  • I was going to clean the yard but I somehow never get round to it
  • Sorry, I was so busy today; I didn’t know how to get around to giving you a call.

Go in for

Meaning: If you go in for something, then you participate in an activity.

For example:

  • I went in for swimming all summer and now I feel very healthy.
  • Ryan is going in for an exam tomorrow.

Go through with

Meaning: to do something you had planned or promised to do despite difficulties.

For example:

  • Well, it was my idea to drive Tamsin to the airport so I guess I’ll have to go through with it despite the bad weather.
  • Anne decided not to marry James after all. She wasn’t sure about her feelings so she couldn’t go through with it.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Grow out of

Meaning: to stop doing something you used to because you are more mature.

For example:

  • Mary wanted to be an actress when she was a teenager but later on, she grew out of the idea and became a lawyer.
  • Most children grow out of their tantrums sooner or later.

Keep up with

Meaning: to try to stay on the same level with someone or something.

For example:

  • It isn’t easy to keep up with the technology nowadays because it is developing so fast.
  • Ryan was trying to walk faster in order to keep up with the rest of the people marching.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Live up to

Meaning: if you live up to something, then you do what you are expected or promised to do.

For example:

  • The book Mary read lived up to her expectations. She enjoyed every moment of reading it.
  • The food in the restaurant was too expensive and didn’t live up to our expectations.

Look down on

Meaning: If you look down on someone, you think that you are better than they are.

For example:

  • You should never look down on people who speak English with an accent. It means that they speak more than one language.
  • When he got promoted, Greg started looking down on his colleagues.

Look forward to

Meaning: if you look forward to something, it means that you’re excited about it and can’t wait for it to happen.

For example:

  • I’m looking forward to Christmas. All family will gather and we won’t be working.
  • I’m looking forward to your visit. We have a lot to catch up on.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Look up to

Meaning: if you look up to someone, you respect and admire them.

For example:

  • Lucy was an excellent student and many of her colleagues were looking up to her.
  • When I was little, I looked up to famous football players because I wanted to be one.

Own up to

Meaning: If you own up to something, you admit that you did something wrong.

For example:

  • He was suspected of breaking into the shop but he never owned up to it.
  • You should have the courage to own up to your mistake.

Put up with

Meaning: if you put up with something, then you are patient and tolerate something unpleasant.

For example:

  • How do you put up with your new neighbours? I’ve heard they are very loud.
  • I don’t understand how you can put up with your stressful job.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Run out of

Meaning: If you run out of something, you spent all the supplies.

For example:

  • I hope there is a gasoline station nearby because we’re running out of gasoline.
  • We’ve run out of coffee. Will you put it on the shopping list, please?

Stand up for

Meaning: If you stand up for something or someone, then you support them, especially when they are attacked.

For example:

  • My father taught me to always stand up for my friends and family.
  • You should learn to stand up for yourself.

Think back on

Meaning: If you think back on something, then you remember something from the past.

For example:

  • I always feel bittersweet when I think back on our childhood. Why can’t we live so carefree now?
  • I met Katie today which made me think back on our school days.
Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Walk out on

Meaning: to leave someone or something.

For example:

  • Sean’s father walked out on him and his mother when he was little. 
  • You can’t walk out on the project now. We’re in the middle of working on it.

Remember that three-part phrasal verbs, as a rule, end up on a preposition, which further on means that they have to be followed by a gerund rather than infinitive. 

  • The children never owned up to breaking the window, 
  • The children never owned up to break the window.

Also, most of them are inseparable, so you can’t say 

  • I came up a great idea with 


  • I came up with a great idea. 

Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

Three-part Phrasal Verbs in English

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See some three-word English phrasal verbs in action. Yes, three-words, not two!

Most phrasal verbs are made up verb and another small word – a particle.
But some phrasal verbs have three words – a verb and two particles.

In this video lesson you’ll learn nine common ones:
look forward to
get away with
come up with
get round to
feel up to
come down with
get out of
put up with
grow out of

We’ll show you how we use them in action, look at their meanings and also explore their grammar.

These English verbs are all inseparable and transitive, so the three words always stay in the same order and they’re always followed by a noun. And if you want to follow them with a verb? No problem. We’ll show you how to transform the verb into a gerund (a noun form of a verb).

We have some special phrasal verbs for you today. They’re made up of three words, not two.
We’ll show you what they mean and how to use them in action.
And there’s some important grammar that you should know.
Most phrasal verbs are made up of a verb, and another little word – a particle. So one verb, one particle.
But there’s a smaller group of phrasal verbs that have two particles, and we’re looking at some of those today.
So let’s jump straight in and see some in a conversation.
You’ll hear 3 phrasal verbs. Can you spot them?
What time is the marketing meeting?
3 o’clock. I’m looking forward to it.
Oh, I’m not.
I’ve come up with a list of 10 great ideas for social media posts. What about you?
I haven’t thought of anything.
Nothing at all?
Mmm, mmm
Ooo. That’s embarrassing.
Perhaps I could tell everyone I left my list at home.
That’s what you said last week.
OrI could say the dog ate my list.
That’s what you said the week before.
Do you think I could get away with it again?
Not a chance!
Not a chance means there’s no possibility. It can’t happen.
And the first phrasal verb you heard was look forward to.
I’m looking forward to the meeting.
This is such a useful verb. It means ‘be excited about something that’s going to happen’.
We use it when there’s something in the future that we think we’ll enjoy. So we could look forward to our summer holidays.
Or look forward to a party.
Or look forward to the weekend.
But lots of students find it tricky. Which sentence is correct here?
I’m looking forward the party.
I’m looking forward for the party.
I’m looking forward to the party.
It was the last one, of course.
OK. I’m looking forward to seeing the next verb.
Then here it is:
I’ve come up with 10 great ideas for social media posts.
Come up with means think of something. It could be an idea or a plan.
Or a solution to a problem. This verb’s about being creative.
And here’s another verb.
I could say that the dog ate my list. Do you think I could get away with it?
No! When we get away with something, we don’t get caught.
So it’s when someone does something bad or wrong, but they escape punishment or criticism.
Notice the structure of these verbs. There’s a verb and then two particles.
And they follow a rule. Keep the three words together.
So it’s a simple rule. Just don’t separate them and move them around.
For example, we look forward to a party, but we don’t look a party forward to.
And we get away with something, but we don’t get it away with.
You have to keep the words together and in the same order.
So they might look more complicated than other phrasal verbs because they have two particles but actually they’re simpler.
Just follow the rule.
Let’s see another conversation.
OK, this time you have to spot four phrasal verbs.
Have you shoveled the snow off the steps yet?
No, I haven’t got round to it yet.
Well don’t leave it too long. Someone might slip and fall.
Do I have to?
It’s your turn. I did it last time.
Oh, I don’t feel up to it.
What’s the matter?
I think I’m coming down with something.
Stop trying to get out of it.
Ah well. It was worth a try.
OK, the first verb there was get round to.
Have you shoveled the snow off the steps yet?
No, I haven’t got round to it yet.
It’s interesting because in American English we’d say it a little differently.
I haven’t gotten around to it yet.
The verb ‘get’ has different forms in the UK and US. For me it’s get, got, got.
And for me it’s get, got, gotten.
But the meaning’s the same.
We both use this verb when there’s something we’ve been planning or intending to do but we haven’t had time to do it.
Have you done your taxes yet?
No, I haven’t gotten around to it. I’ve been too busy.
Well, the deadline’s next week, so you’d better hurry up.
Oh no!
OK, here’s the next verb: feel up to.
Of course I’d love to shovel the steps, but I just don’t feel up to it!
If we don’t feel up to something then we don’t have the strength and energy to do it.
Are you coming to the gym?
I don’t feel up to it today. Maybe tomorrow?
I have a lot of days when I don’t feel up to going to the gym.
Yeah, you might not feel up to something if you’re feeling tired. Or if you’re ill or sick.
Which leads us to the next verb.
I think I’m coming down with something.
When we’re coming down with something, we’re starting to get sick.
So it means starting an illness – an indefinite Illness. We might not say exactly what’s wrong, but it’s not serious.
We might come down with a cold or the flu but we don’t come down with something really bad like cancer.
And here’s another verb you heard: get out of.
I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to get out of shoveling the steps and it won’t work!
If we try to get out of something we try to avoid doing it.
It’s probably something we’ve promised to do or we’re supposed to do, but we don’t want to do it.
Now, let’s look at these verbs again because there’s a pattern here.
Notice they’re all followed by something – by a noun.
There’s a grammatical term for this. They’re all transitive verbs because they’re always followed by an object.
In other words, they’re all things we do to something.
So if you’re starting to feel ill, you can’t just come down with. You have to come down with something. Perhaps a cold or the flu. But it’s something.
And we can’t just feel up to. We have to feel up to something, like feel up to going to the gym or feel up to going back to work after a vacation.
All the verbs we’re looking at today follow this pattern. See if you can spot two more.
That’s great. Thanks then, Frank. I made another sale. I made another sale!
I don’t know how I put up with you!
Why do you have to ring the bell every time you make a sale?
Oooo, are you jealous?
You need to face the fact that I’m a better salesperson than you.
You are so childish.
I made a sale. I made a sale.
Oh grow out of it.
The first one was ‘put up with’.
When we put up with someone or something it means we accept it, even though we don’t like it.
Vicki’s so difficult to live with, I don’t know how I put up with her!
But I’m very easy to live with.
So put up with means tolerate.
But in spoken English we don’t normally say tolerate. We might write it, but when we’re speaking we normally say put up with.
And the other verb you heard was grow out of.
This verb has a couple of different meanings.
When children grow and get bigger, they grow out of their clothes, so clothes they had before don’t fit them anymore.
But you heard the other meaning. We also use it to talk about things we stop doing as we get older.
For example, when I was young I used to suck my thumb
But you’ve grown out of it now, I hope.
Yes. It was a habit I had that I’ve stopped now.
And that’s the meaning you heard in the conversation.
I made a sale. I made a sale.
Oh grow out of it.
You wanted me to stop my childish habit.
Exactly. Now there’s one other thing can get tricky. Have a look at this sentence. Is it correct?
It’s wrong. Grow out of is a transitive verb so you have to follow it with a noun.
And that’s true for all the verbs we’ve looked at.
If you want to follow them with a verb instead, you can but you have to turn the verb into noun. Luckily, that’s easy.
And now ladies and gentlemen, I will turn a verb into a gerund.
So you just add -ing to the verb and it turns into a gerund. A gerund is a noun form of a verb.
So let’s see if you’ve got it. What’s wrong here? And can you correct it?
It’s easy eh? You just have to add -ing and turn the verb into a gerund.
Is that it then?
Yes, now you know all about these three-word phrasal verbs.
And if you’d like to learn more English with us, make sure you subscribe to our channel.
We’ll look forward to showing you more English in action.
Bye-bye now.

Some phrasal verbs have three parts. These are inseparable. Here is a list of the most common three-word phrasal verbs.

Break in on

To break in on is to interrupt (a conversation).

  • I was talking to Susie when James broke in on our conversation.

Catch up with = keep abreast

  • As I was holidaying I couldn’t catch up with the news.

Check up on = examine, investigate

  • He has agreed to check up on the condition of the holiday house from time to time.
  • We have employed a person to check up on the condition of our ancestral home from time to time.

Come up with

To come up with is to contribute a suggestion or money.

  • Can you come up with a better idea?

Cut down on = curtail, reduce

  • She must cut down on the money she is spending on cosmetics.

Drop out of = leave school

  • He dropped out of school before the end of the term.

Get along with = have a good relationship with

  • I find it hard to get along with my mother-in-law.

Get away with = escape punishment

  • He cheated on the exam and then tried to get away with it.

Get rid of = eliminate

  • We must get rid of corruption.

Keep up with = maintain pace with

  • Slow down! I can’t keep up with you.

Look forward to = anticipate with pleasure

  • I look forward to your next visit.

Look down on = despise

  • He looks down on his subordinates.

Look in on = visit somebody

  • We are going to look in on your father.

Look out for = be careful, anticipate

  • If you are on the road on a Saturday night, look out for drunk drivers.

Look up to = respect

  • We all look up to him.

Make sure of = verify

  • Make sure of the identity of every visitor before you let him in.

Put with up = tolerate

  • It is hard to put up with her little ways.

Run out of = exhaust supply

  • We are running out of oil.

Take care of = be responsible for, look after

  • She takes care of her younger siblings.

Talk back to = answer impolitely

  • The teacher was really upset with the boy who talked back to her.

Walk out on = abandon

  • Her husband walked out on her and their children.

It’s Phrasal Verb February! To “celebrate,” we are taking a look at three-word phrasal verbs that are commonly used in English.

What is a three-word phrasal verb? To understand, we must first look at “regular” (two-word) phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs most often follow this construction:

verb + particle


  • I decided to take up surfing while I studied in San Diego.
  • I followed up our meeting with a phone call.

However, phrasal verbs can also have THREE words. These phrasal verbs use the construction:

verb + particle + particle


  • He is taking care of his mother.

Today we are looking at some examples of common three-word phrasal verbs.

Common Three-word Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verb 1: LOOK FORWARD TO

Definition: to be excited about something that is going to happen.

Example: I am really looking forward to meeting my host family when I study at CISL.

Host Family

Phrasal Verb 2: PUT UP WITH 

Definition: tolerate; endure.

Example: I can’t put up with cold weather, so I’m studying English in CA during the winter. I know I’ll be warm!


Sunny skies in winter? I can put up with that. 🙂

Phrasal Verb 3: KEEP UP WITH 

Definition: move or progress at the same rate as something or someone else.

Example: In order to keep up with our CAE schedule, I study an hour each day.

Students Study Reading

Keeping up with your studies is easy if you dedicate a piece of time to studying daily.

Phrasal Verb 4: CUT DOWN ON 

Definition: to use less of something.

Example: I cut down on study time after school by studying during my break.

Girls Students Coffee Shop

I caught up with my old roommate over some tasty treats!

Phrasal Verb 5: CATCH UP WITH

Definition: to speak with a person after not speaking for a long time; to get the details of their life.

Example:  I caught up  with my old CISL roommate last night over Skype. It was so great to talk to her!


Things to look forward to in CA

What are some things to look forward to while you are studying in California? We have a list of some of the best things California has to offer.

Road Trip Ocean

Road trip, anyone?

#1: Weekend getaways!

San Francisco and San Diego are beautiful cities, but California has so much more to offer. Soak up some sun in Palm Springs, visit crazy Las Vegas, go wine tasting in Napa, see the stunning Grand Canyon, explore gorgeous Yosemite, or see some celebrities in LA.  There’s always something to do!

Girl Skateboard California Beach

The classic California skate culture is known worldwide and a big influence on lifestyle and fashion.

#2: Surfing, Skating, and Sun

Walk along the boardwalk and see everything typically Californian: the clothing styles, the surfers, the skaters, the laid-back people. What’s not to love? Join in on the fun with some surfing classes: click here to learn more.


#3: The Slang

Californians have a distinct way of talking, and you’ll soon start using some of the local slang. Click here to learn a little more about California slang.

In N Out double double

What’s the first thing a Californian does when he or she arrives home after a long trip? Go to In N Out.

#4: The Burgers

All burgers are not created equal. This is something every Californian knows! The West Coast is home to In N Out Burger, which has the best, most fresh burgers. The fresh ingredients (never frozen!) make the most delicious burgers. Click here to learn all about this burger joint.

Phrasal verbs are not always
composed of two words. Three-word phrasal verbs are composed of a
verb and two particles: the first particle is normally an adverb, and
the second a preposition. Like two-word phrasal verbs, three-word
phrasal verbs are either separable or nonseparable:

it’s been a long day, but do you
feel up to

playing tennis after

went in for

fishing when he was a kid. It was nice to meet you, and I
look forward to

seeing you again.

sorry I can’t say yes about the motorcycle, but I have to
go along with

your mother’s decision.

put up with

these love handles long enough

next week I’m getting liposuction.

Baker tried to

his ex-wife
out of

her share of the lottery prize.

talk down to

me like I’m some kind of idiot. Karen’s nervous about the job

just wants to

over with

so she can stop worrying about it.






feel up to

up to
feels up to

up to

up to

up to

feel up to
When you feel up to
doing something, you have the confidence
or energy to do it.

sorry to cancel, but I just don’t
feel up to

going dancing tonight.

top of the mountain is only
feet away

do you
feel up to


get over with

over with


gets over with

over with

over with

over with


over with
[always separated]
When you want to get
something over with,
it is because it is something unpleasant that you want to finish so
that you can stop worrying about it or dreading

fix both cavities
today, doctor; I just want to

over with.

think it’s better to

the exam
over with

first period than to be nervous about it all day long.

go along with

along with


goes along with

going along with

went along with

gone along with

go along with
When you agree with people or agree with what they are saying, you
go along with

understand your concern,
Linda, but I have to
go along with

Maria on this matter.

my opinion? I
go along with



go along with
When you obey
a rule or follow a decision, you
go along with

happy about the committee’s decision, but she
went along with

don’t care what the boss says

I’m not
going along with

any changes that will mean longer hours for less money.






go in for

in for


goes in for

in for

in for

in for

go in for
When you go in for
a certain activity, you like it and do it regularly.

goes in for

any kind of outdoor activity.

I was a kid I
went in for

football, but I don’t watch it much anymore.

look forward to

forward to


looks forward to

forward to

forward to

forward to

look forward to

When you look
forward to

something or look
forward to

doing something, you are
excited about something in the future because you enjoy it or because
it will benefit you in some way.

been four years since my brother went overseas. I’m
looking forward to

seeing him again.

look forward to

an opportunity to meet with you in person.

put up with

up with


puts up with

up with

up with

up with

put up with
When you put up with
something you do not like or are not happy about, you accept it and
do not try to change it.

neighbors have loud parties every night, but she doesn’t complain.
She just puts
up with


husband said, «I’ve
put up with

your brother long enough!»

screw out of

out of


screws out of screwing out of

out of

out of


out of
[informal] When
you get money or something valuable from people in a dishonest way,
you screw
them out of

con man


of my life savings.

sleazy son-in-law

out of

thousands of dollars.

talk down to

down to


talks down to

down to

down to

down to

talk down to
When you talk down
people, you use
a tone of voice or an attitude that shows you think they are less
intelligent, less educated, or from a lower level of society than


furious about the way he
talked down to


hates Jane because of the way she
talks down to



Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure
the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

Thanks for inviting me, but I don’t
________ ________ ________
card games.

I couldn’t
________ ________ ________
my husband’s smoking any longer.

I told him to choose between
cigarettes and me.

I’m sorry, but I think your plan is a big mistake, and I can’t
________ ________


Even though Mr. Watson is the richest man in town, he never
________ ________


It’s been only two weeks since the tragedy. I’m sure they don’t
________ ________

going to the party.

If that crook thinks he’s going to
________ me
________ ________

bucks, he’s crazy!

The whole family’s going to be here for Thanksgiving, and Mom is


I volunteered to give my speech first just so I could
________ it

Even if you don’t like the rules, you have to
________ ________ ________


answers to the questions using phrasal verbs from this section. Be
sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

Jerry’s brother-in-law talks to him like he’s an idiot. How does
Jerry’s brother-in-law talk to Jerry?

Nicole can’t work tomorrow, and she’s nervous about telling her boss.
What should Nicole do?

They paid
$5,000 too much
for their house because the salesman lied to them. What did the
salesman do to them?


Sally’s going to fly in an airplane for the first time, and she’s
very excited about it. How does Sally feel about flying in an

The winters in Minneapolis are terrible, but you can’t move or change
the weather. What do you have to do?

Erik just got out of the hospital, and he doesn’t feel strong enough
to go back to work. Why can’t Erik go back to work?

I thought the new policy was an excellent idea, and I agreed with it
100 percent. How
did I feel about the new policy?

EXERCISE 3c, Review
Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs
from Section
2. Be sure the
phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings,
review Section

come off

fall for

hear about

stay off

doze off

give in

pull through

throw up

Miguel told me he didn’t steal my TV, but I didn’t________________
his lies.

Jim is really sick, and he stayed home from school today. He
________ ________

twice last night.

After a few weeks, the gold on this cheap jewelry starts to
________ ________.

He kept nagging and nagging, and I finally
________ ________.

If that cat doesn’t learn to
________ ________
the table, it will have to go.

After Betty’s temperature got up to
105 degrees, we
started to think she might not

The meeting was so boring that I
________ ________.

_______ ________
a country where people use big stones for money.


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