Three word forms example

Three Form of Verb! In grammar, verbs are words that show action. Verbs can denote the action of an individual, or the action of a group of people. They can also be used to indicate an act, event or state.

What is verb?

Verbs are action words that make up the basis for a sentence. They can describe what a person does, what an object does, or what an event does. A good example of a verb is “run”. Other common verbs include “fall”, “play”, and “smile.”

What are the Forms of Verb?

English verbs come in several forms. For example, the verb sing can be: sing, sang, sung, singing or sings. This is a total of 5 forms. Not many, considering that some languages (French, for example) have more than 30 forms for an individual verb. English tenses may be quite complicated, but the forms that we use to make the tenses are actually very simple!

At school, students often learn by heart the basepast simple and past participle (sometimes called V1, V2, V3, meaning Verb 1, Verb 2, Verb 3) for irregular verbs.

Three Form of Verb List

1 Obtrude obtruded obtruded
2 Charge charged charged
3 bate abated abated
4 Allude alluded alluded
5 Jeer jeered jeered
6 prick pricked pricked
7 Carve carved carved
8 Pick picked picked
9 Entreat entreated entreated
10 Demolish demolished demolished
11 Imprison imprisoned imprisoned
12 Arrive arrived arrived
13 Allege alleged alleged
14 Beat beat beat/beaten
15 Post posted posted
16 Height heighted heightened
17 Noise noised noised
18 Become became become
19 Improve improved improved
20 Crow crowed crowed
21 Affect affected affected
22 Fulfill fulfilled fulfilled
23 pertain pertained pertained
24 Print printed printed
25 Found founded founded
26 Slay slew slain
27 Advocate advocated advocated
28 Gallop galloped galloped
29 Hear heard heard
30 Imprint imprinted imprinted
31 Bemoan bemoaned bemoaned
32 Cast cast cast
33 Differ differed differed
34 Mistrust mistrusted mistrusted
35 Freeze froze frozen
36 Adjure adjured adjured
37 Explain explained explained
38 Enrage enraged enraged
39 Gamble gambled gambled
40 Dream dreamt dreamt
41 Gain gained gained
42 Swear sworn sworn
43 Abuse abused abused
44 Grumble grumbled grumbled
45 Spit spat spat
46 Reap reaped reaped
47 Plunge plunged plunged
48 Devise devised devised
49 Pocket pocketed pocketed
50 Choose chose chosen


51 Dwell dwelt dwelt
52 Handcuff handcuffed handcuffed
53 Mount mounted mounted
54 Abridge abridged abridged
55 Interpose interposed interposed
56 Censure censured censured
57 Drink drank drunk
58 Alter altered altered
59 Reward rewarded rewarded
60 Progress progressed progressed
61 Initiate initiated initiated
62 Please pleased pleased
63 Alarm alarmed alarmed
64 Bask basked basked
65 bate abated abated
66 Induce induced induced
67 Attack attacked attacked
68 Contain contained contained
69 Shrink shrank shrunk
70 Sow sowed sowed
71 Pray prayed prayed
72 Misjudge misjudged misguided
73 Help helped hid helped
74 Cause caused caused
75 Shoot shot shot
76 Devote devoted devoted
77 Obviate obviated obviated
78 Address addressed addressed
79 Accompany accompanied accompanied
80 Bequeath bequeathed bequeathed
81 Account accounted accounted
82 Dare dared dared
83 Occur occurred occurred
84 Gull gulled gulled
85 Deface defaced defaced
86 Prescribe prescribed prescribed
87 Encourage encouraged encouraged
88 Civilize civilized civilized
89 Illumine illumined illumined
90 Adapt adapted adapted
91 Garden gardened gardened
92 Account accounted accounted
93 Shave shaved shaved
94 Plaster plastered plastered
95 Sink sank sunk
96 Pronounce pronounced pronounced
97 Minimize minimized minimized
98 hum hummed hummed
99 Compare compared compared
100 Dig dug dug

3 Forms of Verbs List

101 Mutter muttered muttered
102 Compel compelled compelled
103 Stick stuck stuck
104 Behold beheld beheld
105 Bid bade bidden
106 Astound astounded astounded
107 Bear bore born
108 Abuse abused abused
109 Obtain obtained obtained
110 Happen happened happened
111 Bestow bestowed bestowed
112 bide abode abode
113 Point pointed pointed
114 Admit admitted admitted
115 Revolve revolved revolved
116 Comfort comforted comforted
117 Smile smiled smiled
118 Molest molested molested
119 Plunder plundered plundered
120 Hanker hankered hankered
121 Awake awoke awoke
122 Accompany accompanied accompanied
123 Importune impounded importuned
124 Refrain refrained refrained
125 Beset beset beset
126 Poise poised poised
127 Practice practiced practiced
128 Gut gutted gutted
129 Strike struck struck
130 abase abased abased
131 Sing sang sung
132 Grind ground ground
133 Quash quashed quashed
134 Discourage discouraged discouraged
135 Oppose opposed opposed
136 Draw drew drawn
137 Prejudice prejudiced prejudiced
138 Doze dozed dozed
139 Slide slid slid
140 Mislay mislaid misjudged
141 Chastise chastised chastised
142 Balance balanced balanced
143 Pine pined pined
144 Anticipate anticipated anticipated
145 bullish abolished abolished
146 Heap heaped heaped
147 Believe believed believed
148 Examine examined examined
149 Preserve preserved preserved
150 Address addressed addressed

Verbs Form in English

151 Abridge abridged abridged
152 prey preyed preyed
153 Bake baked baked
154 Speak spoke spoken
155 Clean cleaned cleaned
156 Pluck plucked plucked
157 Hang hung hung
158 Shine shined shined/shone
159 Plate plated plated
160 perspire perspired perspire
161 Idolize idolized idolized
162 Deceive deceived deceived
163 Jangle jangled jangled
164 Prepare prepared prepared
165 Profane profaned profaned
166 Narrate narrated narrated
167 persist persisted persisted
168 Qualify qualified qualified
169 Imitate imitated imitated
170 permit permitted permitted
171 Prosper prospered prospered
172 Chide chide chide
173 Emigrate emigrated emigrated
174 Revel reveled reveled
175 Harness harnessed harnessed
176 Defame defamed defamed
177 Altercate altercated altercated
178 Embark embarked embarked
179 Besiege besieged besieged
180 Ride rode ridden
181 Banish banished banished
182 Glorify glorified glorified
183 Paralyze paralyzed paralyzed
184 Allege alleged alleged
185 Oppress oppressed oppressed
186 Postpone postponed postponed
187 Plug plugged plugged
188 pretend pretended pretended
189 Advise advised advised
190 Acclaim acclaimed acclaimed
191 Allude alluded alluded
192 bash abashed abashed
193 Adulate adulated adulated
194 Cling clung clung
195 Astonish astonished astonished
196 perturb perturbed perturbed
197 Destine destined destined
198 Steal stolen stolen
199 Accept accepted accepted
200 Show showed shown

Three Forms of Verb

201 Heal healed healed
202 Keep kept kept
203 Absent absented absented
204 Belch belched belched
205 Advance advanced advanced
206 Irnprecåte Imprecated imprecated
207 Arise arose arisen
208 Clap clapped clapped
209 Grow grew grown
210 Chance chanced chanced
211 Adjure adjured adjured
212 Accede acceded acceded
213 Destroy destroyed destroyed
214 Ratify ratified ratified
215 Advocate advocated advocated
216 Decline declined declined
217 bide abode abode
218 Object objected objected
219 Discipline disciplined disciplined
220 Ring rang rung
221 Advance advanced advanced
222 Acquire acquired acquired
223 Return returned returned
224 Behead beheaded beheaded
225 Inoculate inoculated inoculated
226 Acclaim acclaimed acclaimed
227 Announce announced announced
228 Abolish abolished abolished
229 Declare declared declared
230 Allure allured allured
231 Sting stung stung
232 Exchange exchanged exchanged
233 Color colored colored
234 persuade persuaded persuaded
235 Mingle mingled mingled
236 Pile piled piled
237 Behave behaved behaved
238 Rise rose risen
239 Stand stood stood
240 Bear bore borne
241 Pledge pledged pledged
242 Alter altered altered
243 Adulate adulated adulated
244 Divorce divorced divorced
245 Impose imposed imposed
246 Alarm alarmed alarmed
247 Derive derived derived
248 Pose posed posed
249 Absent absented absented
250 Inspect inspected inspected

Verb Forms List

251 Drive drove driven
252 Hail hailed hailed
253 Damage damaged damaged
254 Defile defiled defiled
255 Perform performed performed
256 Embezzle embezzled embezzled
257 Ravage ravaged ravaged
258 Reave raft raft
259 Despair despaired despaired
260 Disgrace disgraced disgraced
261 Open opened opened
262 Punish punished punished
263 Spring sprung sprung
264 Identify identified identified
265 Affect affected affected
266 Allure allured allured
267 Bind bound bound
268 Hang hanged hanged
269 Rain rained rained
270 Dine dined dined
271 Nurse nursed nursed
272 Animate animated animated
273 Equip equipped equipped
274 Quiver quivered quivered
275 Shake shook shaken
276 Accept accepted accepted
277 Emphasize emphasized emphasized
278 Quell quelled quelled
279 Obey obeyed obeyed
280 Inflate inflated inflated
281 Carry carried carried
282 Consider considered considered
283 Disguise disguised disguised
284 Harm harmed harmed
285 Jump jumped jumped
286 Enlist enlisted enlisted
287 perfume perfumed performed
288 Impeach impeached impeached
289 Preach preached preached
290 Hurt hurt hurt
291 Produce produced produced
292 Play played played
293 Forbear forbore forborne
294 Haggle haggled haggled
295 Admit admitted admitted
296 Kneel knelt knelt
297 Begin began begun
298 bash abashed abashed
299 Inlay inlaid inlaid
300 Choke choked choked

Verbs Form in English

301 Reconcile reconciled reconciled
302 Ponder pondered pondered
303 Revenge revenged revenged
304 Afforest afforested afforested
305 Cheat cheated cheated
306 Check checked checked
307 Harbor harbored harbored
308 Spin span spun
309 Beg begged begged
310 Resemble resembled resembled
311 Accede acceded acceded
312 Chase chased chased
313 held held held
314 Altercate altercated altercated
315 abase abased abased
316 Bark barked barked
317 Bathe bathed bathed
318 Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed
319 Forget forgot forgotten
320 Adapt adapted adapted
321 Immolate immolated immolated
322 Enchant enchanted enchanted
323 Afforest afforested afforested
324 Advise advised advised
325 Rave raved raved
326 Acquire acquired acquired

Infographics- Three Forms of Verb List

Three Forms of Verb List 1

Three Forms of Verb List 2

Three Forms of Verb List 3

three form of verb
three form of verb
three form of verb
forms of verb in english
three form of verb
three form of verb
forms of verb
Three forms of verb

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About The Author

Each line in this poem is made up of three words.  The last two words become the first two words in the next line. In the poem, try to progress through the images so a story is told.  Choose an event to write about and complete your poem in about 10-15 lines.

Christmas Eve Night

by: Edna Soave

white, snow,

sleeping, children,

children, wait,

wait, santa,

wait, santa,

sleigh, presents,

presents, under,

under, tree,

under, tree,

tree, jingle,

awake, kids,

awake, kids,

kids, open,

open, gifts,

merry, christmas

Learn English Grammar: Lesson 8 – Word Forms

Sometimes you can look at a word and guess its part of speech. For example, if a word ends in -tion or -ation, it is probably a noun.

  • Ex: (a) The teacher’s selection of questions is usually good.
  • Ex: (b) The action of the police was very rapid.
  • Ex: (c) The teacher will give us an examination

If you want to use these three words as verbs instead of nouns, you must change the word form. The verb forms are select, act, and examine.

  • Incorrect:  (d) The teacher selections good questions.
  • Correct: (e) The teacher selects good questions.

Why is (d) wrong? Why is (e) correct?

The answer is that you must use a verb form, not a noun form.

Here are four examples of useful word formation patterns:

  • verb + -(a)tion -> noun       select -> selection
  • verb + -able -> adjective      chew -> chewable
  • verb + -ment -> noun announce -> announcement
  • adjective + -ly adverb slow slowly

Learn English Grammar: Lesson 9,10 – Noun Basics, Count Nouns

Types of Word Formation Processes

Compounding forms a word out of two or more root morphemes. The words are called compounds or compound words.

In Linguistics, compounds can be either native or borrowed.

Native English roots are typically free morphemes, so that means native compounds are made out of independent words that can occur by themselves. Examples:

mailman (composed of free root mail and free root man)
mail carrier
dog house
fireplug (a regional word for ‘fire hydrant’)
fire hydrant
dry run
cup holder
pick-up truck

Some compounds have a preposition as one of the component words as in the last 2 examples.

In Greek and Latin, in contrast to English, roots do not typically stand alone. So compounds are composed of bound roots. Compounds formed in English from borrowed Latin and Greek morphemes preserve this characteristic. Examples include photograph, iatrogenic, and many thousands of other classical words.

Note that compounds are written in various ways in English: with a space between the elements; with a hyphen between the elements; or simply with the two roots run together with no separation. The way the word is written does not affect its status as a compound. Over time, the convention for writing compounds can change, usually in the direction from separate words (e.g. email used to be written with a hyphen. In the 19th century, today and tomorrow were sometimes still written to-day and to-morrow. The to originally was the preposition to with an older meaning ‘at [a particular period of time]’. Clock work changed to clock-work and finally to one word with no break (clockwork). If you read older literature you might see some compound words that are now written as one word appearing with unfamiliar spaces or hyphens between the components.

Another thing to note about compounds is that they can combine words of different parts of speech. The list above shows mostly noun-noun compounds, which is probably the most common part of speech combination, but there are others, such as adjective-noun (dry run, blackbird, hard drive), verb-noun (pick-pocket, cut-purse, lick-spittle) and even verb-particle (where ‘particle’ means a word basically designating spatial expression that functions to complete a literal or metaphorical path), as in run-through, hold-over. Sometimes these compounds are different in the part of speech of the whole compound vs. the part of speech of its components. Note that the last two are actually nouns, despite their components.

Some compounds have more than two component words. These are formed by successively combining words into compounds, e.g. pick-up truck, formed from pick-up and truck , where the first component, pick-up is itself a compound formed from pick and up. Other examples are ice-cream cone, no-fault insurance and even more complex compounds like top-rack dishwasher safe.

There are a number of subtypes of compounds that do not have to do with part of speech, but rather the sound characteristics of the words. These subtypes are not mutually exclusive.

Rhyming compounds (subtype of compounds)
These words are compounded from two rhyming words. Examples:

There are words that are formally very similar to rhyming compounds, but are not quite compounds in English because the second element is not really a word—it is just a nonsense item added to a root word to form a rhyme. Examples:

This formation process is associated in English with child talk (and talk addressed to children), technically called hypocoristic language. Examples:

Henny Penny
Georgie Porgie

Another word type that looks a bit like rhyming compounds comprises words that are formed of two elements that almost match, but differ in their vowels. Again, the second element is typically a nonsense form:

Derivation Derivation is the creation of words by modification of a root without the addition of other roots. Often the effect is a change in part of speech.

Affixation (Subtype of Derivation)
The most common type of derivation is the addition of one or more affixes to a root, as in the word derivation itself. This process is called affixation, a term which covers both prefixation and suffixation.

Blending is one of the most beloved of word formation processes in English. It is especially creative in that speakers take two words and merge them based not on morpheme structure but on sound structure. The resulting words are called blends.

Usually in word formation we combine roots or affixes along their edges: one morpheme comes to an end before the next one starts. For example, we form derivation out of the sequence of morphemes de+riv+at(e)+ion. One morpheme follows the next and each one has identifiable boundaries. The morphemes do not overlap.

But in blending, part of one word is stitched onto another word, without any regard for where one morpheme ends and another begins. For example, the word swooshtika ‘Nike swoosh as a logo symbolizing corporate power and hegemony’ was formed from swoosh and swastika. The swoosh part remains whole and recognizable in the blend, but the tika part is not a morpheme, either in the word swastika or in the blend. The blend is a perfect merger of form, and also of content. The meaning contains an implicit analogy between the swastika and the swoosh, and thus conceptually blends them into one new kind of thing having properties of both, but also combined properties of neither source. Other examples include glitterati (blending glitter and literati) ‘Hollywood social set’, mockumentary (mock and documentary) ‘spoof documentary’.

The earliest blends in English only go back to the 19th century, with wordplay coinages by Lewis Carroll in Jabberwocky. For example, he introduced to the language slithy, formed from lithe and slimy, and galumph, (from gallop and triumph. Interestingly galumph has survived as a word in English, but it now seems to mean ‘walk in a stomping, ungainly way’.

Some blends that have been around for quite a while include brunch (breakfast and lunch), motel (motor hotel), electrocute (electric and execute), smog (smoke and fog) and cheeseburger (cheese and hamburger). These go back to the first half of the twentieth century. Others, such as stagflation (stagnation and inflation), spork (spoon and fork), and carjacking (car and hijacking) arose since the 1970s.

Here are some more recent blends I have run across:

mocktail (mock and cocktail) ‘cocktail with no alcohol’
splog (spam and blog) ‘fake blog designed to attract hits and raise Google-ranking’
Britpoperati (Britpop and literati) ‘those knowledgable about current British pop music’

Clipping Clipping is a type of abbreviation of a word in which one part is ‘clipped’ off the rest, and the remaining word now means essentially the same thing as what the whole word means or meant. For example, the word rifle is a fairly modern clipping of an earlier compound rifle gun, meaning a gun with a rifled barrel. (Rifled means having a spiral groove causing the bullet to spin, and thus making it more accurate.) Another clipping is burger, formed by clipping off the beginning of the word hamburger. (This clipping could only come about once hamburg+er was reanalyzed as ham+burger.)

Acronyms are formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase and making a word out of it. Acronyms provide a way of turning a phrase into a word. The classical acronym is also pronounced as a word. Scuba was formed from self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. The word snafu was originally WW2 army slang for Situation Normal All Fucked Up. Acronyms were being used more and more by military bureaucrats, and soldiers coined snafu in an apparent parody of this overused device. Sometimes an acronym uses not just the first letter, but the first syllable of a component word, for example radar, RAdio Detection And Ranging and sonar, SOund Navigation and Ranging. Radar forms an analogical model for both sonar and lidar, a technology that measures distance to a target and and maps its surface by bouncing a laser off it. There is some evidence that lidar was not coined as an acronym, but instead as a blend of light and radar. Based on the word itself, either etymology appears to work, so many speakers assume that lidar is an acronym rather than a blend.

A German example that strings together the initial syllables of the words in the phrase, is Gestapo , from GEheime STAats POlizei ‘Sectret State Police’. Another is Stasi, from STAats SIcherheit ‘State Security’. Acronyms are a subtype of initialism. Initialisms also include words made from the initial letters of a Phrase but NOT pronounced as a normal word — it is instead pronounced as a string of letters. Organzation names aroften initialisms of his type. Examples:

NOW (National Organization of Women)
US or U.S., USA or U.S.A. (United States)
UN or U.N. (United Nations)
IMF (International Monetary Fund)

Some organizations ARE pronounced as a word: UNICEF
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

The last example incorporates a meaning into the word that fits the nature of the organization. Sometimes this type is called a Reverse Acronym or a Backronym.

These can be thought of as a special case of acronyms.

Memos, email, and text messaging (text-speak) are modes of communication that give rise to both clippings and acronyms, since these word formation methods are designed to abbreviate. Some acronyms:

NB — Nota bene, literally ‘note well’. Used by scholars making notes on texts. (A large number of other scholarly acronyms from Latin are used, probably most invented in the medieval period or Renaissance, not originally in Latin)
BRB — be right back (from 1980s, 90s)
FYI — for your information (from mid 20th century)
LOL — laughing out loud (early 21st century) — now pronounced either /lol/ or /el o el/; has spawned compounds like Lolcats).
ROFL — rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO — rolling on the floor laughing my ass off

Sometimes speakers unconsciously change the morphological boundaries of a word, creating a new morph or making an old one unrecognizable. This happened in hamburger, which was originally Hamburger steak ‘chopped and formed steak in the Hamburg style, then hamburger (hamburg + er), then ham + burger

Folk etymology
A popular idea of a word’s origin that is not in accordance with its real origin.

Many folk etymologies are cases of reanalysis in which the word is not only reanalysis but it changes under the influence of the new understanding of its morphemes. The result is that speakers think it has a different origin than it does.

Sometimes speakers take an existing word as a model and form other words using some of its morphemes as a fixed part, and changing one of them to something new, with an analogically similar meaning. Cheeseburger was formed on the analogy of hamburger, replacing a perceived morpheme ham with cheese. carjack and skyjack were also formed by analogy.

Novel creation
In novel creation, a speaker or writer forms a word without starting from other morphemes. It is as if the word if formed out of ‘whole cloth’, without reusing any parts.

Some examples of now-conventionalized words that were novel creations include blimp, googol (the mathematical term), bling, and possibly slang, which emerged in the last 200 years with no obvious etymology. Some novel creations seem to display ‘sound symbolism’, in which a word’s phonological form suggests its meaning in some way. For example, the sound of the word bling seems to evoke heavy jewelry making noise. Another novel creation whose sound seems to relate to its meaning is badonkadonk, ‘female rear end’, a reduplicated word which can remind English speakers of the repetitive movement of the rear end while walking.

Creative respelling
Sometimes words are formed by simply changing the spelling of a word that the speaker wants to relate to the new word. Product names often involve creative respelling, such as Mr. Kleen. © Suzanne Kemmer

Word Forms

Recognize meanings of noun, verb, adjective and adverb forms

Multiple Word Forms vs. Limited Word Forms

Imagination is an example of a noun with verb, adjective and adverb word forms. All share the meaning «the forming of images in the mind that are not actually present». Additional word definitions vary slightly and keep close to the central meaning.

His writing was


Revolution is an example of a word that has some but not all four word forms. Notice that the adjective and adverb forms have meanings that depart from «rebellion to authority» and take on a meaning closer to «rebellion of mind or feeling».

The singer sang about social

revolted. revolt (V) «rebelled «

revolutionary. (innovative, rebellious)

revolting¹. (disgusting or rebellious)

—none— «in a revolutionary manner»

imagination (N) — the natural ability of imagining, or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses; the word can be both a count noun (He had quite an imagination! ) when speaking specifically and a noncount noun (He had imagination.) when speaking in general.

rebel (N) — go against or take action against a social convention (the usual way of doing things) or a government or institution

revolt (V) — (1) rebel or break away from authority; (2) turn away in mental rebellion, disgust; (3) rebel in feeling; (4) feel horror. (at) He revolted at seeing their brutality.

¹revolting (Adj) — (1) disgusting, repulsive, distasteful, awful; (2) rebellious They are revolting. (unclear meaning)

revolution (N) — (1) an overthrow of a government, a rebellion; (2) a radical change in society and the social structure; (3) a sudden, complete or marked change in something; (4) completion of a circular movement, one turn.

revolutionary (Adj) — (1) a sudden complete change; (2) radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles; (3) related to a country’s revolution (period); (3) revolving, turning around like a record

«John Lennon» by Charles LeBlanc licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0 (size changed and «poster» filter applied)

Word Form Entry into English

Source of word and the addition of other forms

Word Forms

Historically, a word entered the English language, or was borrowed, primarily as one form—a noun, a verb or an adjective. In time, additional forms were added to the original word so that it could function in other ways. The table below includes words and their approximate entry dates as well as additional word forms and their appearance dates.

There is no formal or exact way of knowing which suffix to add when changing a word from one form to another. The methods of adding suffix forms vary. Some patterns exist, depending on whether the origin of the word is M >uninterested, disinterested and not interested.

A word may not have all four word forms. For example, the noun fun is w >fun (1675-85) and funny (1750-60). But usage of fun as a verb is rare and as an adverb is non-existent.

A word may have two similar forms that co-exist. For example, a word may enter English or be borrowed more than once. The noun chief (leader) entered into usage in M >chef (head cook) from French in 1835-45.

A word may be newly coined (made up) and not yet have other forms. For example, the word selfie is w >twerk can be used as a verb, but can one say a twerk (noun), twerky (adjective) or twerkily (adverb)?

Bright Hub Education

Word Formation

Word formation occurs when compounding, clipping or blending existing words to create new words. Below we will cover the definition of these terms and give you several examples of each.

Compounding Words

Compounding words are formed when two or more lexemes combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen. For example:

  • noun-noun compound: note + book → notebook
  • adjective-noun compound: blue + berry → blueberry
  • verb-noun compound: work + room → workroom
  • noun-verb compound: breast + feed → breastfeed
  • verb-verb compound: stir + fry → stir-fry
  • adjective-verb compound: high + light → highlight
  • verb-preposition compound: break + up → breakup
  • preposition-verb compound: out + run → outrun
  • adjective-adjective compound: bitter + sweet → bittersweet
  • preposition-preposition compound: in + to → into

Compounds may be compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word is determined by combining the meanings of the parts, or non-compositional, meaning that the meaning of the new word cannot be determined by combining the meanings of the parts. For example, a blueberry is a berry that is blue. However, a breakup is not a relationship that was severed into pieces in an upward direction.

Compound nouns should not be confused with nouns modified by adjectives, verbs, and other nouns. For example, the adjective black of the noun phrase black bird is different from the adjective black of the compound noun blackbird in that black of black bird functions as a noun phrase modifier while the black of blackbird is an inseparable part of the noun: a black bird also refers to any bird that is black in color while a blackbird is a specific type of bird.

Clipping Words

Clipping is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. Clipping differs from back-formation in that the new word retains the meaning of the original word. For example:

  • advertisement – ad
  • alligator – gator
  • examination – exam
  • gasoline – gas
  • gymnasium – gym
  • influenza – flu

The four types of clipping are back clipping, fore-clipping, m >gas from gasoline. Fore-clipping is removing the beginning of a word as in gator from alligator. M >flu from influenza. Complex clipping is removing multiple parts from multiple words as in sitcom from situation comedy.

Blending Words

Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. Below are examples of blending words.

  • advertisement + entertainment → advertainment
  • biographical + picture → biopic
  • breakfast + lunch → brunch
  • chuckle + snort → chortle
  • cybernetic + organism → cyborg
  • guess + estimate → guesstimate
  • hazardous + material → hazmat
  • motor + hotel → motel
  • prim + sissy → prissy
  • simultaneous + broadcast → simulcast
  • smoke + fog → smog
  • Spanish + English → Spanglish
  • spoon + fork → spork
  • telephone + marathon → telethon
  • web + seminar → webinar

Blended words are also referred to as portmanteaus.

Word Formation Sample Downloads

For more complete lists of English words formed through compounding, clipping, and blending, please download the following free printable vocabulary lists:

Learning Vocabulary With Word Forms

How to Use Word Forms to Improve and Broaden Your English Vocabulary

  • TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
  • M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
  • B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music

There are a wide variety of techniques used to learn vocabulary in English. This learning vocabulary technique focuses on using word forms as a way to broaden your English vocabulary. The great thing about word forms is that you can learn a number of words with just one basic definition. In other words, word forms relate to a specific meaning. Of course, not all of the definitions are the same. However, the definitions are often closely related.

Start off by quickly reviewing the eight parts of speech in English:


Not all eight parts of speech will have a form of each word. Sometimes, there are only noun and verb forms. Other times, a word will have related adjectives and adverbs. Here are some examples:

Noun: student
Verb: to study
Adjective: studious, studied, studying
Adverb: studiously

Some words will have more variations. Take the word care:

Noun: care, caregiver, caretaker, carefulness
Verb: to care
Adjective: careful, careless, carefree, careworn
Adverb: carefully, carelessly

Other words will be especially rich because of compounds. Compound words are words made up by taking two words and putting them together to create other words! Take a look at words derived from power:

Noun: power, brainpower, candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, powerboat, powerhouse, powerlessness, powerlifting, powerpc, powerpoint, superpower, willpower
Verb: to power, to empower, to overpower
Adjective: empowered, empowering, overpowered, overpowering, powerable, powered, powerful, powerless
Adverb: powerfully, powerlessly, overpoweringly

Not all words have so many compound word possibilities. However, there are some words that are used to construct numerous compound words. Here’s a (very) short list to get you started:

Exercises for Using Your Words in Context

Exercise 1: Write a Paragraph

Once you’ve made a list of a few words, the next step will be to give yourself the opportunity to put the words you’ve studied into context. There are a number of ways to do this, but one exercise I especially like is to write an extended paragraph. Let’s take a look at power again. Here’s a paragraph I’ve written to help me practice and remember words created with power:

Writing a paragraph is a powerful way to help you remember words. Of course, it takes plenty of brainpower. However, by writing out such a paragraph you will empower yourself to use this words. For example, you might find creating a paragraph in powerpoint on a PowerPC takes a lot of willpower. In the end, you won’t feel overpowered by all these words, you’ll feel empowered. No longer will you stand there powerlessly when confronted with words such as candlepower, firepower, horsepower, hydropower, because you’ll know that they are all different types of power used to power our overpowering society.

I’ll be the first to admit that writing out a paragraph, or even trying to read such a paragraph from memory might seem crazy. It certainly isn’t good writing style! However, by taking the time to try to fit as many words made up with a target word you’ll be creating all sorts of related context to your word list. This exercise will help you imagine what type of uses can be found for all these related words. Best of all, the exercise will help you ‘map’ the words in your brain!

Exercise 2: Write Sentences

An easier exercise is to write out individual sentences for each word in your list. It’s not as challenging, but it’s certainly an effective way to practice the vocabulary you’ve taken the time to learn.

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Last updated at March 31, 2023 by

There are 3 forms of verb

  • Present
  • Past
  • Past Participle

Three forms of verb.jpg

Important Verbs and their Different Forms

All verb forms are same

Present Past
Past Participle
cost cost cost
cast cast cast
hit hit hit
hurt hurt hurt
shut shut shut
upset upset upset

All 3 forms are different



Past Participle
go went gone
ring rang rung
blow blew blown
do did done
ride rode ridden
drink drank drunk
lie lay lain

Second and Third Form are Same



Past Participle
tell told told
taste tasted tasted
stay stayed stayed
shine shone shone
rain rained rained
print printed printed
buy bought bought

In Second and third form  we add ‘ed’



Past Participle
carry carried carried
cause caused caused
absorb absorbed absorbed
add added added
tax taxed taxed
treat treated treated
walk walked walked
work worked worked
ask asked asked
box boxed boxed

In third form we add ‘en’



Past Participle
break broke broken
fall fell fallen



choose chose chosen
give gave given
speak spoke spoken
bite bit bitten

Why do we need to learn 3 forms of verb? 

We need to learn this to understand Tenses


Second form of run is ran

  • He runs fast everyday

    (This is Simple Present Tense where we use First form of Verb ‘run’)

  • He ran fast yesterday

    (This is Simple Past Tense where we use Second form of Verb ‘ran’)


learn tenses

in Detail

are two basic types of means with the help of which grammatical forms
are built: synthetical and analytical. Synthetical (synthetic)
grammatical forms are built by means of the morphemic composition of
the word. This includes the morphemic means, which were described in
the previous unit: outer inflexion with the help of adding
grammatical suffixes to the stems of the words, e.g.: cat — cats;
inner inflexion, or vowel interchange inside the root, e.g.: goose —
geese; and suppletivity, when different roots are combined within the
same paradigm, e.g.: go – went. Analytical grammatical forms are
built by the combination of the notional word with auxiliary words,
e.g.: come — have come. Analytical forms consist of two words which
together express one grammatical meaning; in other words, they are
grammatically idiomatic: the meaning of the grammatical form is not
immediately dependent on the meanings of its parts. Analytical
grammatical forms are intermediary between words and
word-combinations. Some analytical forms are closer to a word,
because the two parts are inseparable in their grammatical
idiomatism; for example, the forms of the perfect aspect: come — have
come. The components of some other analytical forms are more
independent semantically, and they are less idiomatic grammatically;
for example, the degrees of comparison: beautiful — more beautiful –
most beautiful. Such combinations of an auxiliary component and a
basic component are treated by some linguists as free
word-combinations, but as they are correlative members of grammatical
paradigms and express some specific grammatical meaning, they should
be recognized as analytical grammatical forms too. Some lexical means
regularly involved in the expression of common grammatical meanings
can also be regarded as marginal cases of suppletivity or specific
analytical forms, e.g.: the use of quantifiers with uncountable nouns
or repetition groups – a bit of joy, the last two items of news,
thousands and thousands, etc.

grammatical forms are prevalent in English; modern English is an
analytical type of language.

of word-form derivation

fall under two main headings:

those limited to changes in the body of the word, without having

to auxiliary words (synthetic types),

those implying the use of auxiliary words (analytical types).

there are a few special cases of different forms of a word

derived from altogether different stems.



number of morphemes used for deriving word-forms in Modern

is very small (much smaller than either in German or in Russian,


is the ending -s
three variants of pronunciation and

endings -en
one or two words each, viz. oxen,


is the ending -‘s,
with the same three variants of pronunciation as

the plural ending, used to form what is generally termed the genitive
case of


adjectives, there are the endings -er
the degrees of


verbs, there is the ending -s
the third person singular

indicative, with the same three variants of pronunciation noted above

nouns, the ending -d
the past tense of certain verbs (with three

of pronunciation, again), the ending -d
the second participle

certain verbs, the ending -n
the second participle of certain other

and the ending -ing
the first participle and also for the gerund.

the total number of morphemes used to derive forms of words is

or twelve, which is much less than the number found in languages

a mainly synthetical structure.

should also be noted that most of these endings are mono-semantic,

the sense that they denote only one grammatical category and not two

(or more) at a time, as is the case in synthetic languages. For

the plural -s
only the category of plural number, and

nothing to do with any other grammatical category, such as case.


alternations are a way of expressing grammatical categories which

in changing a sound inside the root. This method appears in Modern

for example, in nouns, as when the root vowel [au] of mouse

into [aı] in mice,

method is much more extensively used in verbs, such as write


sing — sang

meet — met

On the whole,

alternation does play some part among the means of expressing

categories, though its part in Modern English has been much

as compared to Old English.


consist in using a word (devoid of any lexical meaning of its

to express some grammatical category of another word.

can be no doubt in Modern English about the analytical character of

formations as, e. g., has

verbs have,
no lexical meaning of their own in

cases. The lexical meaning of the formation resides in the participle

following the verb have,
doubt has been expressed

the formations shall
is a view that shall

a lexical meaning.

the existence of analytical forms of the English verb cannot be

the existence of such forms in adjectives and adverbs is not

universally recognised. The question whether such formations as

vivid, the most vivid,
again, more

not analytical forms of degrees of comparison of vivid

We can only say here that if these formations are recognised as

forms of degrees of comparison, the words more

numbered among the analytical means of morphology.

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