This word means with oxygen

The term aerobic actually means “with oxygen ” which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move. Benefits of aerobic exercise. Improves cardiovascular conditioning.

In 1786 the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier coined a term for the element oxygen (oxygène in French). He used Greek words for the coinage: oxy- means “sharp ” and -gen means “producing.” Oxygen was called the “sharp-producing” element because it was thought to be essential for making acids.

aerobic. Word that means “requires oxygen”: Only $47.88/year.

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for aerate like: ventilate aerify oxygenise wind charge breath oxygenize activate air-out cross-ventilate and fluidize.

See also what is no zone

Is oxygenate a real word?

verb (used with object) ox·y·gen·at·ed ox·y·gen·at·ing. to treat combine or enrich with oxygen: to oxygenate the blood.

What is the origin of the word oxygen?

Origin of the name

The name comes from the Greek ‘oxy genes’ meaning acid forming.

Which term means with oxygen quizlet?

The term aerobic means “with oxygen”. … The ability of the heart blood vessels blood and respiratory systems to supply fuel especially oxygen to the muscles and the ability of the muscles to utilize fuel to allow sustained exercise.

What word could you use to best describe O2?

Explanation: The formula for a molecule of oxygen gas is O2 . It is a diatomic element meaning it is composed of two atoms of oxygen covalently bonded.

What is oxygen antonym?

What is the opposite of oxygen?

water aqua
H20 H2O
liquid rain
rainwater saliva
seawater tears

Which word means in the absence of oxygen?

anaerobic Add to list Share. Anaerobic means “without oxygen.” Anaerobic bacteria unlike humans don’t need oxygen to survive.

What term means without oxygen?

The word anaerobic indicates “without oxygen.” The term has many uses in medicine. Anaerobic bacteria are germs that can survive and grow where there is no oxygen. … Anaerobic is the opposite of aerobic.

What does word aerobic means?

Definition of aerobic

1 : living active or occurring only in the presence of oxygen aerobic respiration. 2 : of relating to or induced by aerobes aerobic fermentation.

What does De aerated mean?

transitive verb. : to remove air or gas from.

What placate means?

: to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease.

What is aeration of lungs?

[ār″a´shun] 1. the exchange of carbon dioxide for oxygen by the blood in the lungs. 2.

What is a synonym for oxygenated?

Past tense for to treat or infuse with oxygen. aerated. oxygenized.

How do you oxygenate blood?

You can increase the amount of oxygen in your blood naturally. Some ways include: Open windows or get outside to breathe fresh air. Something as simple as opening your windows or going for a short walk increases the amount of oxygen that your body brings in which increases overall blood oxygen level.

How do you oxygenate wine?

Sometimes oxygen is desirable and sometimes it’s not. After you open a bottle you may want to help the wine “breathe” by swirling it in the glass or decanting it to expose it to oxygen which will help develop the bouquet soften the taste and let the wine open up.

Who named oxygen?

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier

The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. In 1775-1780 he interpreted the various roles of oxygen in combustion and respiration which had been accepted up to that time.

See also what political influences shaped the governments of the british colonies

What is the Latin name of oxygen?


Term Hydrogen Definition Symbol: H Latin: Hydrogenium
Term Oxygen Definition Symbol: O Latin: Oxygenium
Term Sulfur Definition Symbol: S Latin: Sulphur
Term Selenium Definition Symbol: Se Latin: Selenium
Term Tellurium Definition Symbol: Te Latin: Tellurium

Is oxygen Greek or Latin?

Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. Its name derives from the Greek roots ὀξύς and -γόνος because at the time of naming it was mistakenly thought that all acids required oxygen in their composition.

What does Fitt mean?

frequency intensity time and type

FITT (frequency intensity time and type) is one way to remember the general guidelines for what should be included in a fitness plan.

How often you exercise is called?

Frequency: refers to the frequency of exercise undertaken or how often you exercise. Intensity: refers to the intensity of exercise undertaken or how hard you exercise.

What is an example of aerobic activity?

Examples of aerobic exercise include swimming laps running or cycling. Anaerobic exercises involve quick bursts of energy and are performed at maximum effort for a short time. Examples include jumping sprinting or heavy weight lifting.

What type of bond is O2?

double bond
The O2 Lewis structure has a double bond between two oxygen atoms. According to the octet rule oxygen atoms need to bond twice. The O2 molecule is diatomic meaning that two atoms of the same element are connected in a pair.

What is the Tagalog of oxygen?

Translation for word Oxygen in Tagalog is : oksiheno.

Is air a oxygen?

Air is mostly gas

See also what causes local winds

So what is air exactly? It’s a mixture of different gases. The air in Earth’s atmosphere is made up of approximately 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen. Air also has small amounts of lots of other gases too such as carbon dioxide neon and hydrogen.

Is air and oxygen the same thing?

Oxygen vs Air

Oxygen and air are often used interchangeably but they are actually something different. Oxygen itself is a pure element while air as we know is a mixture of several elements. Air is a main component of the earth and has a healthy blend of elements that helps human life to sustain.

Does the word aerobic means without oxygen?

Aerobic means ‘with air’ and refers to the body producing energy with the use of oxygen. … Anaerobic means ‘without air’ and refers to the body producing energy without oxygen. This is typically exercise that is performed at a higher intensity.

Is anaerobically a word?

(of an organism or tissue) living in the absence of air or free oxygen. pertaining to or caused by the absence of oxygen.

Is synergistically a word?

adj. 1. Of or relating to synergy: a synergistic effect.

What is oxygen in trees?

Trees release oxygen when they use energy from sunlight to make glucose from carbon dioxide and water. Like all plants trees also use oxygen when they split glucose back down to release energy to power their metabolisms.

Which term means excessive or increased breathing?

Tachypnea is the term that your health care provider uses to describe your breathing if it is too fast especially if you have fast shallow breathing from a lung disease or other medical cause. The term hyperventilation is usually used if you are taking rapid deep breaths.

Oxygen | Meaning of oxygen

What is the meaning of the word OXYGEN?

Oxygen’s surprisingly complex journey through your body – Enda Butler

What If The World Lost OXYGEN for 5 seconds? | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz


the smallest unit of living matter.

What is a cell?


An animal without a backbone.

What is a invertebrate?


The living and nonliving things in an environment, and all their interactions.

What is an ecosystem?


Substances that your body needs for growth and development.

What is nutrients?


Solid rock that makes up the Moon’s and Earth’s outermost layer.

What is the crust?


A living thing that carries out five basic life functions on its own.

What is an organism?


An animal with a backbone.

What is an vertebrate?


The home of an organism.

What is habitat.


Are measurements of how much energy food contains.

What are calories?


A sudden shaking of rock that makes up the Earth’s crust.

What is an earthquake?


A process in plants that use energy from sunlight to make from sunlight to make food from water and carbon dioxide.

What is photosynthesis?


The organ system made up of muscles that move bones.

What is the muscular system?


An organism, such as a plant,that makes food.

What is a producer?


This word means with oxygen?

What is aerobic?


A process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces.

What is weathering?


One of the cells in a fern plant that grows into a new organism.

What is a spore?


A life cycle including four stages of growth: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

What is metamorphosis?


A trait or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment.

What is an adaptation?


These kind of cells divide faster then regular cells.

What are cancer cells?


The removing of weathered rock.

What is erosion


A undeveloped plant with stored food sealed in a protective covering.

What is a seed?


The passing of traits from parent to offspring?

What is heredity?


It is said of a kind of organism that no longer alive on Earth.

What is extinct.


A disease in which cell division becomes uncontrolled.

What is cancer?


A violent, swirling storm with string winds and heavy rains.

What is a hurricane?

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Похожие слова: with oxygen

  • excess of oxygen — избыток кислорода
  • pure oxygen — чистый кислород
  • lack of oxygen to the brain — недостаток кислорода в мозг
  • oxygen inhaler — кислородный ингалятор
  • She tripped over her oxygen tank — Она споткнулась о кислородный баллон
  • oxygen propane — кислород пропана
  • of oxygen uptake — поглощения кислорода
  • consume oxygen — потребляют кислород
  • active oxygen atom — активный атом кислорода
  • saturated with oxygen — насыщенный кислородом
  • low oxygen conditions — низкие кислородные условия
  • dissolved oxygen measurement — растворенный кислород Измерение
  • maximal oxygen uptake — максимальное потребление кислорода
  • clean oxygen — чистый кислород
  • give oxygen — дать кислород
  • Синонимы & Антонимы: не найдено

    Примеры предложений: with oxygen

    Oxygen isotope ratios in fossilized bone are sometimes used to determine the temperature at which the bone was deposited, as the ratio between certain isotopes correlates with temperature.

    Соотношение изотопов кислорода в окаменелой кости иногда используется для определения температуры, при которой была отложена кость, поскольку соотношение между определенными изотопами коррелирует с температурой.

    Creatures that live in the sub — abyss require adaptations to cope with the naturally low oxygen levels.

    Существа, живущие в суб-бездне, нуждаются в адаптации, чтобы справиться с естественным низким уровнем кислорода.

    Along with Lisa King, Carano served as a mentor to aspiring fighters in the 2007 Oxygen reality series Fight Girls.

    Наряду с Лизой Кинг Карано служила наставником начинающих бойцов в реалити-шоу Oxygen 2007 года Fight Girls.

    Danish oil is a hard drying oil, meaning it can polymerize into a solid form when it reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere.

    Датское масло — твердое высыхающее масло, что означает, что оно может полимеризоваться в твердую форму, когда оно вступает в реакцию с кислородом в атмосфере.

    The process was developed in 1948 by Robert Durrer, using a refinement of the Bessemer converter where blowing of air is replaced with blowing oxygen .

    Этот процесс был разработан в 1948 году Робертом Даррером с использованием усовершенствованного конвертера Бессемера, в котором продувка воздухом заменена продувкой кислородом.

    In January 2014, Oxygen renewed the series for a second season with the original cast returning.

    В январе 2014 года «Кислород» продлил сериал на второй сезон с возвращением оригинального состава.

    In September 2014 Merck halted the clinical development of two drug candidates in development with Oxygen Biotherapeutics.

    В сентябре 2014 года компания Merck остановила клиническую разработку двух лекарственных препаратов-кандидатов в составе кислородной биотерапии.

    In a water molecule, the hydrogen atoms form a 104.5° angle with the oxygen atom.

    В молекуле воды атомы водорода образуют угол 104,5 ° с атомом кислорода.

    Here, one molecule of methane reacts with two molecules of oxygen gas to yield one molecule of carbon dioxide and two molecules of water.

    Здесь одна молекула метана реагирует с двумя молекулами газообразного кислорода с образованием одной молекулы диоксида углерода и двух молекул воды.

    The third cause of this extinction event that can be attributed to northern Pangaea is the beginnings of anoxic ocean environments, or oceans with very low oxygen concentrations.

    Третья причина этого вымирания, которое можно отнести к северу Пангеи, — это зарождение бескислородной океанской среды или океанов с очень низкой концентрацией кислорода.

    In addition, if additional oxygen is allowed to interact with the olive paste during the extraction process, the acidity level will increase further.

    Кроме того, если во время процесса экстракции позволить дополнительному кислороду взаимодействовать с оливковой пастой, уровень кислотности еще больше возрастет.

    One drawback to this approach is that oxygen is consumed during the measurement with a rate equal to the diffusion in the sensor.

    Одним из недостатков такого подхода является то, что кислород расходуется во время измерения со скоростью, равной диффузии в датчике.

    He published his first scientific paper, about carbon dioxide and oxygen metabolism in plants, with Dehérain in 1874.

    Он опубликовал свою первую научную работу, посвященную метаболизму углекислого газа и кислорода в растениях, вместе с Деэреном в 1874 году.

    In the most common use of the word, this means electrochemical oxidation of metal in reaction with an oxidant such as oxygen or sulfates.

    В наиболее распространенном использовании этого слова это означает электрохимическое окисление металла в реакции с окислителем, таким как кислород или сульфаты.

    This pattern is consistent with what is known about the effects of hypoxia, a shortage but not total absence of oxygen .

    Эта картина согласуется с тем, что известно о последствиях гипоксии — нехватки, но не полного отсутствия кислорода.

    In May 1800 he with Anthony Carlisle discovered electrolysis, the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen by voltaic current.

    В мае 1800 года он вместе с Энтони Карлайлом открыл электролиз, разложение воды на водород и кислород под действием электрического тока.

    During gasification, the coal is mixed with oxygen and steam while also being heated and pressurized.

    Во время газификации уголь смешивается с кислородом и паром, а также нагревается и находится под давлением.

    The oxygen — 16 definition was replaced with one based on carbon — 12 during the 1960s.

    Определение кислорода-16 было заменено на определение, основанное на углероде-12 в 1960-х годах.

    Atmospheric pressure reduces with altitude and with it, the amount of oxygen .

    Атмосферное давление уменьшается с высотой, а вместе с ней и количество кислорода.

    Tampering with or modifying the signal that the oxygen sensor sends to the engine computer can be detrimental to emissions control and can even damage the vehicle.

    Подделка или изменение сигнала, который кислородный датчик посылает в компьютер двигателя, может нанести ущерб контролю за выбросами и даже повредить автомобиль.

    A balloon is a flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas, such as helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen , and air.

    Воздушный шар представляет собой гибкий мешок, который можно надувать газом, например гелием, водородом, закисью азота, кислородом и воздухом.

    The oxygen affinity with hemoglobin on red blood cell surfaces enhances this bonding ability.

    Сродство кислорода с гемоглобином на поверхности эритроцитов усиливает эту связывающую способность.

    It was reported on 1 August 2011, that molecular oxygen had been definitively confirmed in space with the Herschel Space Telescope, the second time scientists have found the molecule in space.

    1 августа 2011 года сообщалось, что молекулярный кислород был окончательно подтвержден в космосе с помощью космического телескопа Гершеля, и ученые во второй раз обнаружили молекулу в космосе.

    As with most Grignard reagents, methylmagnesium chloride is highly solvated by ether solvents via coordination from two oxygen atoms to give a tetrahedrally bonded magnesium center.

    Как и большинство реагентов Гриньяра, хлорид метилмагния сильно сольватируется эфирными растворителями за счет координации двух атомов кислорода с образованием тетраэдрически связанного магниевого центра.

    Medical oxygen masks are held in place by medical personnel or the user by hand, or they may be fitted with a lightweight elastic headband so the mask can be removed quickly.

    Медицинские кислородные маски удерживаются на месте медицинским персоналом или пользователем вручную, или они могут быть оснащены легким эластичным оголовьем, чтобы маску можно было быстро снять.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    On the other hand, a home oxygen concentrator does provide you with oxygen therapy just for as long as you need.

    С другой стороны, домашний кислородный концентратор обеспечивает кислородную терапию столько времени, сколько вам нужно.

    The small, yellow masks that supply you with oxygen do just that, but not in the way most people think.

    Маленькие, жёлтые маски, которые дают вам кислород делают это, но не так, как думает большинство людей.

    Providing you with oxygen, feeding you, and, from the sound of it, controlling your nervous system.

    Обеспечивали вас кислородом, кормили вас, удаляли отходы и, судя по всему, полностью контролировали вашу нервную систему.

    Другие результаты

    Either you climb with oxygen or without.

    If you have eight, you‘re dealing with oxygen.

    When you split water molecules, you end up with oxygen and hydrogen, critical components for breathable air and rocket fuel.

    «Когда вы разделяете молекулы воды, вы получаете кислород и водород, основные компоненты воздуха и ракетного топлива.

    When you inhaled you filled the alveolus with oxygen-rich air.

    When you combine methane with oxygen, the products are carbon dioxide, water and energy in the form of heat and light.

    Когда вы объединяете метан с кислородом, продукты — это углекислый газ, вода и энергия в форме тепла и света.

    If your doctor recommends that you fly with additional oxygen, check the airline’s oxygen policy.

    You need something to light it with and you need oxygen.

    And when that comes into contact with oxygenyou may want to put those on for this — creates a chemical reaction that is, well… the bomb.

    Затем, когда он вступает в контакт с кислородом возможно, вы захотите надеть их… получается химическая реакция, которая является бомбой

    There are two primary myths about keeping plants in indoor spaces: one is that you get more oxygen with a houseplant around, and the other is that the plant helps clean the air.

    Существует два основных мифа о хранении растений в закрытых помещениях: во-первых, вы получаете больше кислорода, а другой состоит в том, что растения помогают очищать воздух.

    Triplet P680 may react with oxygen to produce harmful singlet oxygen.

    Триплет П680 может вступать в реакцию с кислородом и образовывать высоко реакционноспособный синглетный кислород.

    Luciferin reacts with oxygen to create light.

    Другими словами, люциферин создает химическую реакцию с кислородом, чтобы произвести свет.

    When the substance is saturated with oxygen, it can be compared to an oxygen tank, containing pure oxygen under pressure.

    As an alternative, isoflurane may be used with oxygen or with oxygen-base mixture.

    Water helps iron react with oxygen by breaking up the oxygen molecule.

    However, in the process of generating energy by «burning» nutrients with oxygen, certain «rogue» oxygen molecules are created as inevitable byproducts.

    Однако в процессе генерации энергии путем «сжигания» питательных веществ кислородом некоторые молекулы кислорода создаются как неизбежные побочные продукты.

    The word aerobic means ‘with oxygen‘, and refers to the use of oxygen for the body’s metabolic processes.

    Слово аэробный «означает» с кислородом, и относится к использованию кислорода для обменных процессов в организме.

    It is proved that during running oxygen and organs are saturated with oxygen, the cardiovascular system is trained.

    Доказано, что во время бега происходит насыщение кислородом органов и тканей, тренируется сердечно-сосудистая система.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    oxygen — перевод на русский


    They’ll replace our lost oxygen!

    Это она заменит нам потерянный кислород!

    Oxygen is good for you, isn’t it Doctor?

    — Но кислород тебе поможет, правда, доктор?

    Oxygen all set?

    Кислород готов?

    We can get him some oxygen and help him breathe.

    Мы можем дать ему кислород и помочь ему дышать.

    If the Higgins’ oxygen burns up her little lungs let her seek some stuffiness that suits her.

    Если мой кислород сжигает ее легкие, пускай живет в духоте!

    Показать ещё примеры для «кислород»…

    Get on oxygen!

    Берите кислородные маски.

    I have a much freer life and unusual space and oxygen privileges and better rations and even a vegetable garden, but… Lots of women would like to be in your place, Carol.

    » мен€ больше свободного времени и замечательное место и кислородные привилегии и лучший рацион и даже свой зелЄный садик, но -— ћногие женщины хотели-бы оказатьс€ на твоЄм месте, эрол.

    In the event of sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will be released.

    В случае декомпрессии кабины, кислородные маски будут выпущены из передней панели ваших сидений. 1010 01:16:59,989 -— 01:17:02,277 — Привет.

    Pass out oxygen masks as needed men off duty to their bunks.

    Раздать кислородные маски. Всем, кто не занят, лечь.

    «Hey, we have seatbelts and oxygen masks.»

    «Эй, у нас есть ремни безопасности и кислородные маски.»

    Показать ещё примеры для «кислородные»…

    Get out of my way, son. You’re using my oxygen. You know what I mean?

    Отвали, малыш, не порти воздух, он мне нужен.

    We can’t go on like this, these people need oxygen.

    Так не может продолжаться. Людям нужен воздух.

    I need some oxygen.

    Мне нужен воздух.

    Because oxygen needs space.

    Потому что воздух занимает определенное место.

    This last payment is like oxygen for us.

    Последняя выплата нужна нам, как воздух.

    Показать ещё примеры для «воздух»…

    Over 25,000, if one of us leaves the flight deck, the other one must go on oxygen.

    На высоте 25 тысяч, если один из нас выходит из кабины, другой должен надеть кислородную маску.

    Hold the oxygen mask firmly against your face.

    Крепко прижмите кислородную маску к Вашему лицу.

    So you put that oxygen back on, Mr. Sullivan, before I even think about letting you out of here.

    Так что, надевайте свою кислородную маску обратно, Мр. Салливан. до того, как я решу отпустить вас.

    Start oxygen, give him two milligrams of morphine and prep him for surgery.

    Кислородную маску, 2 миллиграмма морфия и готовьте его к операции.

    Luca, hand me the oxygen mask behind you.

    Лука, дайте мне кислородную маску, она за тобой.

    Показать ещё примеры для «кислородную маску»…

    Medically, phisiologically speaking that if you can cut off your air supply, the oxygen to your brain just at the moment you’re about to have an orgasm, the orgasm is about I don’t know!

    ..если ты перекроешь доступ кислорода к своему мозгу, …пр€мо в тот момент когда у теб€ начинаетс€ оргазм, то оргазм будет.. ..€ не знаю.. —кажем в 500 раз лучше!

    — Parasite in his bloodstream choking his oxygen. Asteroid, nitroglycerine.

    Паразит перекрыл доступ кислорода в кровь.

    He cut off all the oxygen to his brain, Which sent a distress signal to his heart, Slowing it down.

    Он перекрыл доступ кислорода к своему мозгу, а тот, в свою очередь, послал сигнал сердцу о том, чтобы оно замедлило биение.

    Now… now, it’s important that you keep her on oxygen and monitor her breathing until you land.

    Теперь обеспечьте ей доступ кислорода и следите за дыханием, пока не приземлитесь.

    Mam, when you was in labour with Micky, was he deprived of oxygen at any point?

    Мам, когда ты была беременна Микки, ты случайно на какое — то время не перекрыла ему доступ кислорода к мозгу?

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    This is the OR floor’s main oxygen line.

    На этаже, где находится ваша операционная проходит основная линия подачи кислорода.

    The main oxygen line runs directly under this room.

    Основная линия подачи кислорода проходит прямо под этой операционной.

    Four minutes until oxygen system shutdown.

    Четыре минуты до отключения подачи кислорода.

    One minute until oxygen system shutdown.

    Одна минута до отключения подачи кислорода.

    Oxygen system shutdown deactivated.

    Система подачи кислорода включена.

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    It’s all right, even though oxygen is flowing, the bag may not inflate.

    Ничего страшного, кислород поступает, даже если баллон не надувается!

    Oxygen goes into her chest, comes out here.

    Кислород поступает в грудную клетку и выходит здесь.

    Feel your chest relaxing and the oxygen coming to your womb.

    Почувствуйте, как ваша грудная клетка расслабляется и кислород поступает к матке.

    There’s been no oxygen to his brain for almost 40 minutes.

    Как же повреждения мозга? Кислород не поступал уже 40 минут.

    Debra’s brain was deprived of oxygen for a period of time.

    Какое-то время кислород не поступал в мозг Дебры.

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    Well, Ted Horlick, the gardiner, he helps to carry the oxygen.

    Здесь бывает Тэд Хорлик, садовник, он носит кислородный баллон.

    He took the oxygen tank, and then he went downstairs.

    Взял кислородный баллон, и спустился вниз.

    Tell her to bring oxygen and a mask and get Penhale.

    Скажи, чтобы принесла кислородный баллон и маску, и вызови Пенхейла.

    Jacob! Get me an oxygen unit.

    ѕринеси мне кислородный баллон.

    — Jacob, get me an oxygen unit, now.

    ƒжейкоб, принеси мне кислородный баллон, живо.

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    We’re going below tolerable oxygen limits.

    Уровень кислорода снижается. Скоро он будет ниже допустимого предела.

    Since we’re on internal life support, we can adjust the CO2 and lower the oxygen levels.

    Так как мы сейчас на внутреннем жизнеобеспечении и энергии, мы можем увеличить уровень CO2 и понизить уровень кислорода.

    The oxygen levels were already dropping when all the sensors died.

    Уровень кислорода падал до того, как отказали все датчики.

    The oxygen levels are….

    Уровень кислорода….

    Sam suffered from hypoxia due to lack of oxygen, which led to cardiac arrest.

    Сэм перенес гипоксию, уровень кислорода снизился, — … и это привело к остановке сердца.

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    The fire is rapidly consuming oxygen in that area.

    г жытиа апояяожа то онуцомо цягцояа се аутг тгм пеяиовг.

    Deprive the fire of its oxygen.

    сбгсе тгм жытиа ле то онуцомо.

    Without oxygen they’d never survive.

    выяис онуцомо дем ха епибиысоум.

    — Cassie, get the other oxygen.

    — йасси, жеяе йаи то акко онуцомо.

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    • кислород
    • кислородные
    • воздух
    • кислородную маску
    • доступ кислорода
    • подачи кислорода
    • кислород поступает
    • кислородный баллон
    • уровень кислорода
    • онуцомо



    Subjects>Sciences>Natural Sciences

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    ∙ 11y ago

    Best Answer


    this is another word for oxygen, well really it is not classed as a word but a scientific element — O

    but if you are looking for a word then use the most common one — air.

    hope this helped

    — e

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    ∙ 11y ago

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    Q: What is a different word that means oxygen?

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    What vocabulary word means no oxygen?


    What is the word that means reacts with oxygen to produce rust?


    How is cellular respiration different from anaerobic?

    Cellular respiration involves oxygen.
    Anaerobic means an absence of oxygen.

    Do some bacteria die of exposed to oxygen?

    Some bacteria do die if exposed to oxygen. These bacteria are
    called anaerophiles. The word means lover of no oxygen.

    What is missing that makes fermentation anaerobic?

    For fermentation to take place, oxygen needs to be completely
    absent. The word anaerobic means without oxygen. So the missing
    thing that makes fermentation anaerobic is oxygen.

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    Prefixes of oxygen

    Suffixes of oxygen

    • oxygenate

      • verb impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen
        oxygenise; aerate; oxygenize.
        • oxygenate blood

      • More ‘oxygenate’ Meaning
      • oxygenated Associated Words
      • oxygenated Prefix/Suffix Words
      • oxygenated Related Words
    • oxygenation

      • noun the process of providing or combining or treating with oxygen
        • the oxygenation of the blood

      • More ‘oxygenation’ Meaning
      • oxygenation Idioms/Phrases
      • oxygenation Associated Words
      • oxygenation Prefix/Suffix Words
      • oxygenation Related Words
    • oxygen

      • noun a nonmetallic bivalent element that is normally a colorless odorless tasteless nonflammable diatomic gas; constitutes 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume; the most abundant element in the earth’s crust
        O; atomic number 8.

      • More ‘oxygen’ Meaning
      • oxygens Associated Words
      • oxygens Related Words
    • oxygenate

      • verb impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen
        oxygenise; aerate; oxygenize.
        • oxygenate blood

      • More ‘oxygenate’ Meaning
      • oxygenate Associated Words
      • oxygenate Prefix/Suffix Words
      • oxygenate Related Words
    • oxygenase

      • noun an oxidoreductase that catalyzes the incorporation of molecular oxygen

      • More ‘oxygenase’ Meaning
      • oxygenase Associated Words
      • oxygenase Prefix/Suffix Words
      • oxygenase Related Words
    • oxygenate

      • verb impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen
        oxygenise; aerate; oxygenize.
        • oxygenate blood

      • More ‘oxygenate’ Meaning
      • oxygenates Associated Words
      • oxygenates Related Words
    • oxygenate

      • verb impregnate, combine, or supply with oxygen
        oxygenise; aerate; oxygenize.
        • oxygenate blood

      • More ‘oxygenate’ Meaning
      • oxygenating Associated Words
      • oxygenating Related Words
    • oxygenase

      • noun an oxidoreductase that catalyzes the incorporation of molecular oxygen

      • More ‘oxygenase’ Meaning
      • oxygenases Prefix/Suffix Words
      • oxygenases Related Words

    Derived words of oxygen

    • cyclooxygenase

      • noun either of two related enzymes that control the production of prostaglandins and are blocked by aspirin

      • More ‘cyclooxygenase’ Meaning
      • cyclooxygenase Idioms/Phrases
      • cyclooxygenase Associated Words
      • cyclooxygenase Prefix/Suffix Words
      • cyclooxygenase Related Words
    • deoxygenate

      • verb remove oxygen from (water)

      • More ‘deoxygenate’ Meaning
      • deoxygenated Associated Words
      • deoxygenated Related Words
    • unoxygenated

      • adjective satellite (used of blood) not supplied with oxygen

      • More ‘unoxygenated’ Meaning
      • unoxygenated Associated Words
      • unoxygenated Related Words


    About Prefix and Suffix Words

    This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `oxygen`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

    While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `oxygen`, some are not.

    You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

    often attributive


    : a chemical element that constitutes 21 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, that is capable of combining with all elements except some noble gases, that is active in physiological processes of almost all known organisms, and that is involved especially in combustion see Chemical Elements Table


    : something that sustains or fuels

    disagreement is the true oxygen of these magazinesJoseph Epstein

    Example Sentences

    Recent Examples on the Web

    The club’s very public courtship of Beckham consumed a lot of oxygen in the final weeks of the 2022 regular season.

    Sportsday Staff, Dallas News, 9 Apr. 2023

    Solar panels and wind turbines take up a lot of the oxygen in conversations about clean energy solutions.

    Sammy Roth, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2023

    One instrument returned results at temperatures that seemed inconsistent with biological life; in another case, concentrations of oxygen spiked far too quickly to resemble respiration.

    Marissa Grunes, Discover Magazine, 6 Apr. 2023

    Schiavo collapsed in 1990 from full cardiac arrest that deprived her brain of oxygen.

    Tim Dillon, USA Today, 31 Mar. 2023

    In some cases, scientists say climate change may be leading to more algal blooms and other events that starve fish of oxygen.

    Rachel Pannett, Washington Post, 29 Mar. 2023

    Burning carbs produces more carbon dioxide, relative to the consumption of oxygen, than burning fat does, allowing the device to quantify changes in CO2 production to estimate a metabolic state, according to Ulrike Kuehl, Lumen Nutritionist.

    People Staff, Peoplemag, 16 Mar. 2023

    Smother the fire to deprive it of oxygen.

    Terry Baddoo, USA TODAY, 14 Mar. 2023

    Earth was still very much a greenhouse world, with high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but relatively lower amounts of oxygen than today.

    Riley Black, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘oxygen.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    French oxygène, from Greek oxys, adjective, acidic, literally, sharp + French -gène -gen; akin to Latin acer sharp — more at edge

    First Known Use

    1788, in the meaning defined at sense 1

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of oxygen was
    in 1788

    Dictionary Entries Near oxygen

    Cite this Entry

    “Oxygen.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on oxygen

    Last Updated:
    13 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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