This word means that a house is not connected to any other

Accommodation & Home Vocabulary 

home vocabulary is a must because ‘your home’ is one of the five topics in Part
1 of the IELTS Speaking test that you could be asked about. You may also need
to talk about homes or different types of accommodation in Speaking Parts 2 and
3 and the topic could come up in the Writing, Reading or Listening
sections of the exam as well.

So, let’s make sure you’re well prepared.

Here are a few things you could be asked about:

  • What your home is like
  • Your favourite room or aspect
    of your home
  • What you’d like to change
  • Your ideal home
  • Someone else’s home you’ve visited
  • The advantages/disadvantages of renting/buying
  • Environmentally friendly homes
  • Homes of the future

This page includes over 100
common words and phrases related to accommodation and homes. I’ve added an
explanation for each one and a sample sentence to show it in context. This will
help you to learn how to use it correctly.

Don’t try to learn them all.
Look at my suggestions below as to the best way to use this comprehensive list
of home vocabulary.

Also check out my Buildings & Architecure Vocabulary page for related words.

Relaxing at home.

To ensure that you’re ready to answer any accommodation or home-related questions, I’ve included four things here:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic of homes
  • Sample answers
  • A list of common home
    vocabulary with definitions & sample sentences
  • Links to online reading and listening

You’ll find PDF downloads of
both the questions and sample answers and the accommodation and home vocabulary
list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the
Speaking test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of
possible questions on this topic. They give the best opportunity for me to
demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style
questions and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I’ve
highlighted keywords and phrases in bold.

You’ll find these words and
phrases, and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. The list also
includes explanations and sample sentences and there’s an audio to listen to
the pronunciation.

The home vocabulary list
contains words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of
the page, I’ve added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that
will help you to improve both your accommodation and home vocabulary and your
reading and listening skills.

Speaking Test Questions and Answers

Common accommodation and home vocabulary
is highlighted in bold.

Part 1

1) What kind of property do you live in?

My home is a semi-detached bungalow.

2) How long have you lived there?

I moved in on my 21st birthday and I’m nearly 25 now so I’ve been there for almost four years.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

and selling a house is very stressful and I said that I would never do it again
after last time. Besides, I love my home so
think I will stay there forever. 

4) Is there anything about your house you would like to

Not really. I have thought about doing a loft conversion to
give me another bedroom for when friends come to stay but that’s all.

5) What’s the difference between where you live now and your last home?

I used to live
in an apartment by the sea. It had a wonderful view but no garden. Now I have a large
surrounded by a high hedge, and a
patio where I like to sit in the sun. I’m very happy to have a garden again.

Semi-detached houses.

Part 2

Describe a home you have
visited that you really liked. 

You should say: 

  • where it was
  • whose house or
    apartment it was
  • what it was

and explain why you liked

few years ago I saw a photo in the window of an estate agent of a fabulous property
in a village quite near to where I live. It was my idea of a dream home so I just had to have a look
around it. I felt a bit bad about doing this as I knew I couldn’t afford the house. I’ve never done anything like it
before, or since.

house itself was quite modern. It had three bedrooms, separate kitchen and dining rooms
and a spacious lounge. It was mostly
carpeted and the large windows let
in plenty of natural light. There
was also a utility room and a double
garage. It was actually a fairly
ordinary house but would have made a
lovely home and it certainly felt cosy.

the windows had wonderful views over the surrounding countryside which is
something I would make a priority if I was house-hunting
for real. The owners said that they often saw deer out on the hillsides.

this was very nice, but I haven’t told you about the best part of the property yet, the garden. That’s what had attracted me in the photo. It was amazing
and exactly what I would love to own. For a start, it was huge. There was a
large area of lawn, several pretty
flower beds and a terrace sheltered
by a fence. Even better than that was
the stream running through the garden
into a big pond with ducks on it. I wish I had that in my garden. You crossed the stream via a little wooden bridge that led
to a small field that was also part of the property.
It was perfect.

location of the house was also ideal.
It was down a small lane on the outskirts of the village. I know the village
well and it’s a close-knit community,
something else that would be important to me if I was thinking of moving house. While the area is beautiful countryside,
the beach is only 15 minutes away so it has the best of both worlds.

glad I visited the property. One day
I’ll buy a home like it but for now,
I’ll just keep dreaming.

Many people’s idea of a dream home is a modern house by the ocean.

Part 3

1) What are the
advantages of living in a house compared to an apartment?

I’d say
that the biggest advantage is that you don’t have people living above and below
you as you do in a flat. Noisy neighbours can be a real problem if you
live in an apartment block.

Secondly, most
apartments don’t have a garden, although some do have a communal
outdoor that all the residents share. That was what I missed most when I lived
in a block of flats. It was the main reason I decided to move to a house.

Finally, a
house feels more like a home of your own, even if you rent it, as you
aren’t sharing any part of the building with other people.

2) Do you think that everyone would like to live in a larger

Certainly not. In my opinion, it’s
mainly people with young families who want a more spacious home. As their family grows, they like to have a separate bedroom for each child and more than
one bathroom. Because it’s so
expensive to buy and sell a property,
many people add an extension rather
than buying a larger house.

Once the children have left home,
many parents downsize as they no
longer need so many rooms. They often use the money they make from buying a
smaller property to help their
children get a mortgage and buy a home of their own.

Also, many retired people move from
a two-storey house to a bungalow so they don’t have any stairs
to climb as they get older. Modern bungalows
are cosy and cheap to heat so there’s
a saving on utility bills as well.
This is important when you’re living on a pension.

In conclusion, although many of us
would like a nicer home, I don’t think size is the most important thing for a
lot of people.

3) What do you think living spaces
will be like in the future?

That’s not something I’ve ever thought about but I would
guess that more people will live in high-rises
because some places in the world are running out of space for building new houses.

I saw a programme on TV recently where someone had designed
a small apartment where the furniture folded away so you could
quickly change the same space from a living
to a dining room and then
into a bedroom. The kitchen appliances were hidden in cupboards so were shut away until you
needed to use them. It was amazing and I think this sort of accommodation could
become common in the future.

However, in places with more land available I don’t think
there will be much change in the near future. Perhaps in fifty years, people
will be living in space but I can’t imagine what their accommodation would look like.

Cities like Hong Kong have many high-rise apartments as there is very little space to build accommodation.

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

Download PDF Now

Accommodation & Home Vocabulary

* Important

  • Do not try
    and learn this list of accommodation and home vocabulary.
  • Identify
    the vocabulary you find useful for answering practise questions about this topic.
  • Record
    these in your vocabulary notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend that you create
your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You will find many
other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how to learn
vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for

Top 6 Types of IELTS
Vocabulary & Topic Word Lists

Accommodation & Home Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Home Vocabulary Set 1: Key definitions

house – building where
people (usually one family) live

— Our house is
near the park.

home – place where
someone lives, where they feel they belong

— It’s nice to come home
in the evening and spend time with my family.

accommodation – a building or set
of rooms where someone lives or stays

— Oti started looking for accommodation as soon as her university place was confirmed.

a property
– building and the land it is built on

— Our present house is too small now that we have children
so we are looking for a new property.

single storey – with
only a ground floor level

— My elderly parents are buying a single storey house as they find it difficult to climb the stairs.

– with two floors levels

— Sanjay found a lovely two-storey
property to rent close to his workplace.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 2: Types of home

detached house
– a house that is not connected to any other houses

We’d love to buy one of the new detached
being built near the lake but they’re out of our price range.

semi-detached house
– a house that is joined to another house on one side

— Meena lived in a semi-detached
and could sometimes hear her neighbours arguing through the adjoining

terraced house
(UK) / row house (US) – a
house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides

— Having a property either side of us means that our terraced house stays warm in winter.

– a house built in a row but larger in size than a terraced house, often having
more than two storeys

Townhouses are
popular with families as they often have extra bedrooms in the attic.

bungalow  a house with only one storey; built all on one level

— Many people move to a bungalow
when they retire so they don’t have to climb the stair as they get older.

– a small house, usually located in the countryside

— For lots of people, a cottage
in the countryside is their idea of a dream home.

flat / apartment
a set of
rooms for living in that are part of a larger building and are usually all on
one floor

— It was a
big day when their son left home and moved into his own flat.

fully-furnished flat / apartment
– one that you rent with furniture already in it

— The young couple didn’t have much money so looked for a fully-furnished apartment to rent when
they got married.

studio flat / apartment
– a small flat that has one main room for living, eating and sleeping in

— Hilda had the choice of three studio flats in the converted property and chose the one with pink

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

bedsit – a rented room that has a bed, table, chairs, and somewhere to cook in it but a shared bathroom

— The bedsit is small but has everything I need to create a little home for myself.

condominium (condo) – a building or complex of buildings containing a number of individually owned apartments or houses

— Manuel decided that if he got the big promotion, he would buy a condo down by the river.

apartment block / high-rise – an apartment building with at least 10 floors

— There is little space for housing in my city and most people live in a high-rise.

block of flats / tower block – a tall building with flats on many levels

— They are clearing some of the old terraced houses in our town and replacing them with blocks of flats.

penthouse – an expensive flat at the top of a tall building in a fashionable area of a city

mansion – a large, impressive house

— If we were rich, I would buy a penthouse in London overlooking the River Thames but my husband would prefer a mansion on the coast.

villa – a large, often luxurious house in the country or near the sea, especially in southern Europe, and often rented out for holidays

— We stayed in a fabulous villa when we visited Greece. It even had its own swimming pool.

student digs –  student accommodation, often in a shared house

— I was apprehensive about moving into student digs but I’m enjoying it and get on well with my housemates.

hall of residence – a college or university building where students live in flats

— Shishka lived in a hall of residence for her first year at university then rented a house with some friends.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 3: Location

residential area
– area in which most of the buildings are houses

— Our town is growing rapidly with several new residential areas currently being

suburb a residential area on the edge of
towns or cities

Nearly all my colleagues at work live in the suburbs and commute by train each day.

on the outskirts
– the areas that form the outer edge of a town, city or village, that are furthest
away from the centre

— It’s great living on
the outskirts
. It’s easy to get into the city but we are also close to the

– near the centre of a town or city, especially the business or shopping areas

— I’m looking for a flat downtown so I don’t have to commute far to work.

housing estate
– a large group of houses built at the same time and in the same style

— In the UK, most new homes are built on housing estates.

within walking distance
– not very far; close enough to reach by walking

— We chose to live here because it’s within
walking distance
of the school.

close-knit community
– a neighbourhood where people are helpful and supportive

— This is a close-knit
and there’s always someone to turn to if you need help.

to live on campus
– to live on the university or college grounds

— I like living on
as I don’t have far to go to lectures or the student’s union bar.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 4: Rooms

bedroom – room used for sleeping in

I’ve painted my bedroom yellow as it
makes me feel cheerful when I wake up.

living room / lounge
/ sitting room

room used for relaxing

In the evenings I chill out in the living
with a book or watch a bit of TV.

bathroom – room with a bath and/or shower and
often a toilet

With five people in my family, we have to queue for the bathroom in the morning.

kitchen – room where food is prepared and
cooked, and sometimes eaten

The kitchen is my favourite room in
the house because I love cooking.

dining room – room in which meals are eaten

I usually eat my breakfast in the kitchen but we always have family meals in
the dining room.

study – a room for doing paperwork and
studying in

Kamal spent all day in the study
working on his essay.

hall / hallway – open area inside the main entrance
which leads to other rooms and usually the stairs

Having a large hallway is so useful
if you have a baby as there’s plenty of space to store the buggy.

landing – area at the top of the stairs

I’m always telling the kids off for leaving their toys on the landing in case someone trips over them
and falls down the stairs.

utility room – room used for storage and equipment
such as the washing machine, freezer, etc.

It’s a rule in our house that all muddy boots are left in the utility room.

basement / cellar – room below ground level used for
storage and sometimes for accommodation

The children are so excited that our new house has a basement as we’ve promised to turn it into a playroom for them.

porch – a
covered shelter protecting the front entrance of a building

I’m so grateful for the porch on a
wet day when I have to stop and wipe the dog’s feet before going indoors.

conservatory – a
room with a glass roof and walls, attached to a house at one side

— It
was Klaus and Meena’s dream to build a conservatory on the side of their house
as somewhere to relax in the sun.

attic / loft – space in the roof used for storage
and often converted into accommodation

Margit regretted putting so much junk up in the attic now that she had to clear it out ready for the builders to
start work on the loft conversion.

pantry / larder – small, cold room used for storing

We had a proper larder when I was
young but nowadays, most people keep food in the fridge, freezer or a cupboard.

balcony – a
platform enclosed by a wall or bars on the outside of a building, with access
from an upper-floor window or door

— My dream home would have a balcony overlooking the sea.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 5: Owning and renting

to rent – to pay money to the owner of a property to
be allowed to live there

— One day I hope to own
my own home but for now, I can only afford to rent.

to rent out / let out
– to allow someone to live in your property for a fee

— I inherited my mum’s
bungalow when she died and I’ve decided to rent it out.

rented accommodationa property for which a
person pays a fixed amount to live in it to the person who owns it

Being a university town, Exeter has lots of rented accommodation for the students.

landlord / landlady
– the owner of a building or room that is rented out to others

— I have an excellent landlord
who always fixes things quickly when something needs repairing.

– someone who rents a flat or house from the person who owns it

— The people renting Adil’s flat gave notice last week so
he’s looking for new tenants.

to give notice
– to inform someone that you will be leaving or that they are required to leave

— We gave the
landlord the required 30-day’s notice
that we would be moving out of the flat.

to put down a deposit
– to make an initial payment as part of a rental agreement or to secure a

The landlord said that once we’d put down the deposit of £200, the flat was ours.

– the contract a tenant signs when renting a property

— We gave him the £200 deposit immediately and agreed that
we’d visit the office later to sign the

short-term rental / lease
a rental agreement that lasts for a short time, usually 3 — 6 months

— The flat was only available on a short-term lease as the landlord wanted to sell it.

– to force tenants to leave a property if they fail to pay the rent or they
behave unacceptably

— The tenants in the flat above us used to play loud music
all night long but thankfully the landlady evicted

rented property with all furniture included

As a student, I didn’t have any money to buy furniture so always rented fully-furnished accommodation.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

estate agent (UK) / real estate agent (US) – someone whose job it is to help people buy and sell property. Some deal with rentals as well.

— Tuyen told the estate agent what sort of property she was looking for and he gave her the details of ten houses she might be interested in looking at.

to get on the property ladder –  to buy a low priced property with the aim of buying another bigger or more expensive one later in life

— They were fed up with paying high rents and longed to get on the property ladder and invest in a home of their own.

mortgage – a large loan given to buys a house or flat

— Julio was delighted when his mortgage application was accepted and he could go ahead with his house purchase.

to take out a mortgage – to borrow money from the bank in order to buy a house

— Taking out a mortgage is a big commitment and most homeowners spend all their working life paying it off.

first-time buyer – someone buying a property for the first time

— The developer converted the old house into four apartments that would be affordable to first-time buyers.

repossess – to take back possession of something, especially a property when mortgage payments have not been made

— Luther lost his job and couldn’t pay his mortgage so the bank repossessed it.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 6: Inside a home

(all the) mod cons
– appliances in the home that make it easy to do jobs like washing, cooking,
cleaning, etc.

The furnished apartment I’m interested in renting has all the mod cons, including a dishwasher and tumble drier which
many rentals don’t have.

– a
device, machine or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one, that does
a specific job in the home, such as a cooker or washing machine

— It must have been
such hard work for my grandmother running a home without all the time-saving appliances we have today.

fitted kitchen
– a kitchen with the cupboards and units designed to fit the space exactly and then
fixed in place

— My new fitted
has built-in appliances which make so much better use of the space.

built-in wardrobe
– a wardrobe that is part of a room and fixed to the wall

— I didn’t need to buy much bedroom furniture for my first
flat as it had built-in wardrobes.

carpeted the
floors have carpet on them

— Some people like bare floorboards in their home but I prefer
the rooms to be carpeted.

– items in a home that make it comfortable and functional to live in such as
chairs, tables, beds, etc.

— Wolfgang and Angelika went to town to choose some furniture for their new extension.

– gas, electricity, water

— On top of the rental fee, they had to pay for the utilities as well.

– having a lot of space inside

— Sally loved her friend’s new home, especially the spacious kitchen.

– giving
a feeling of warmth, comfort and relaxation

— Old cottages have really thick walls which makes them cool
in summer but cosy in winter.

natural light light
from the sun

— I hate houses that are dark inside and like my home to be
full of natural light.

elevator (US) / lift
(UK) – a ​box-like compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people
or things to different levels in a building

-Vadim often walked up the stairs to his tenth-floor flat
but took the lift if he was carrying

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 7: Outside a home

– area of grass or other vegetation beside a house and  belonging to the property

— I would hate to live in a house without a garden as I love to grow my own

– an area of grass that is cut short, especially in someone’s garden

— Our garden is mostly lawn
with some flower borders and a vegetable patch.

– a ​small ​space ​surrounded by ​walls at the back of a ​house, usually with a
hard ​surface (US – an enclosed area covered with grass)

— The kids are out playing in the backyard.

/ patio
– paved area close to the house for relaxing, eating, etc

— In the summer we enjoy relaxing on the patio and often set up the barbeque

– a line of bushes or small trees growing close together around a garden or

The property had a high hedge
which gave it good privacy from the neighbours.

– a flat upright structure made of wood or wire that surrounds a garden or
other area of land

— We had to put up a new fence at the side of the house as the old one blew down in a gale.

shed – small wooden
building in a garden usually used for storing garden tools

— I don’t like going into the shed to get tools out as there
are large spiders in there.

– building intended for storing a car, usually attached to the side of a house

— Most people in the UK use their garage for storage and don’t have room for the car.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 8: Improving a property

to convert
– to change the form of something

— Our plan is to convert
the garage into a study.

– to turn the loft/attic into
living accommodation

— Doing a loft conversion will mean that each of the children will be able to
have a bedroom of their own.

add an extension
– to build an extra room onto a

— Many people add an extension as their family grows rather than buying a larger

to redecorate
– to paint one or more rooms again or put new wallpaper on the walls

— The colour scheme in their new house was dull and
old-fashioned so they redecorated
before they moved in.

to do up a property
– to repair and update an old property

Jai couldn’t afford the smart new houses he looked at so he decided to buy an
old property and do it up.

to renovate
– to restore to a good state of repair

— The property has been empty for several years but we’re planning to renovate it and turn
it back into a nice home.

to paper the walls
– to put up wallpaper

— My friend is a decorator and is going to help me paper the walls in my new flat.

to tile the bathroom
– to cover a wall with tiles to make it water resistant

— We’ve nearly finished the new extension and just need to tile the bathroom.

lick of paint
– a small amount of paint; one
layer of paint

— There was very little that needed
doing before we move into the house but we gave the walls a lick of paint to
brighten them up.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Home Vocabulary Set 9: Other vocabulary

dream home
– a home you regard as perfect

— My dream home
would be a cottage by the sea.

– based on up to date styles

— Most modern
houses are very similar to look at and have small rooms and not much storage

– looking for a property to live in

— We’ve been house-hunting
for three months but can’t find anything that really suits us.

house-warming party
– a party to celebrate moving into a new home

— I’m going to a colleague’s house-warming party on Saturday and can’t wait to look around her
new home.

to have a place of your own
– to have your own home and not have to share it with anyone else

— I love living at home with my family but I’m 21 now and have
a good job so I feel it’s time to find a
place of my own

to move in – to begin to live in a property

— Niko was impressed with the
recently renovated hall of residence and couldn’t wait to move in.

to move out – to stop living in a particular

— Veronica broke up with her
boyfriend and moved out of their

downsize – to reduce in size; to buy a
smaller house

— Many parents downsize when their children have left home as they don’t need such
a large house.

to feel homesick  to feel unhappy
because you are away from home and are missing your family, friends, and home
very much

— For the first few months at
university, Dalia felt very homesick
but she began to feel better once she started to make new friends.

there’s no place like home an expression that means your
home is a special place

— I do enjoy travelling the world and visiting amazing
places but there’s no place like home.

next door – the property next to yours

— A new family has just moved into the house next door.

 a view – what you can see from a particular place

— The thing I remember most about my grandmother’s house was
the lovely view of the mountains.

Home Vocabulary Pronunciation

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of home vocabulary.

Download PDF Now

Ways to Improve Your Home Vocabulary

One of the best
ways to improve your home vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube
videos and listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some
online resources I recommend.

Accommodation & Home Articles

Our Property

The Guardian — Property

Rightmove — Renting & other articles

of the best reading resources is property listings. Google property for sale
and read property listings on the websites that come up. They’ll contain much
of the homes vocabulary we’ve been studying.

TED Talks

I love TED Talks. They are short videos
with a powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for
improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

Search TED Talks — Homes to help you improve your home vocabulary.

All Topic Vocabulary

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автор: dasha134095


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1) a detached house

2) a mobile home

3) a terraced house

4) a semi-detached house

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There is no place like home. It may be big,

It may be small

But wherever you go Home is the best place of all It may be quiet or noisy,

But wherever you go

Home is the best place of all

It may be quiet or noisy,

It may be dark or bright.

It may be dark or bright.

But home is the place where everything is all right

But home is the place where everything is all right

April, 2 2 nd   Classwork Types of houses in Britain

April, 2 2 nd Classwork

Types of houses in Britain

Types of houses in Britain Основные типы домов в Англии:

Types of houses in Britain

Основные типы домов в Англии:

1) Detached House  (a house not joined to another house) -  отдельный , стоящий  особняком.

1) Detached House (a house not joined to another house) отдельный , стоящий особняком.

A Detached house is a house which is not connected on any side with any other buildings. Особняк

A Detached house is a house which is not connected on any side with any other buildings.


2) Semi-detached (two houses joined together) - два  дома  стоящих  рядом, двухквартирный дом

2) Semi-detached (two houses joined together) — два дома стоящих рядом, двухквартирный дом

A semi-detached house is a house that is one of a pair of joined by one shared wall houses.

A semi-detached house is a house that is one of a pair of joined by one shared wall houses.

3) A  Terraced house (several houses joined together) несколько  домов  вместе , таунхаус

3) A Terraced house (several houses joined together) несколько домов вместе , таунхаус

4) Block of f lats - многоквартирный дом.

4) Block of f lats — многоквартирный дом.

A block of flats is a large building divided into separate parts.

A block of flats is a large building divided into separate parts.

5) A bungalow is a house which has got only one floor. ( одноэтажный дом )

5) A bungalow is a house which has got only one floor. ( одноэтажный дом )

6) A country house is a large traditional house in the countryside. ( деревенский домик)

6) A country house is a large traditional house in the countryside. ( деревенский домик)

7) A penthouse  is an apartment that is on one of the highest floors.

7) A penthouse is an apartment that is on one of the highest floors.

9) A cottage - дача

9) A cottage дача

10) A villa – вилла

10) A villa – вилла

Conclusion :  There are many types of houses in Britain.

Conclusion : There are many types of houses in Britain.

They range from the traditional thatched cottages to modern blocks of flats in the cities.

They range from the traditional thatched cottages to modern blocks of flats in the cities.

Houses are often described by the type of building they are.

Houses are often described by the type of building they are.

People in Britain prefer houses to flats.The British respect privacy and independence.An average Englishman likes to live in his own house.

People in Britain prefer houses to flats.The British respect privacy and independence.An average Englishman likes to live in his own house.

 Этому дому более 600 лет!

Этому дому более 600 лет!

Дома, построенные во времена Тюдоров известны своим «чёрно-белым» эффектом.

  • Дома, построенные во времена Тюдоров известны своим «чёрно-белым» эффектом.

Одно из самых интересных явлений в Великобритании – это давать названия домам. Halls --- усадьба, поместье; замок, здание, принадлежащее какой-л. гильдии, братству купцов. Houses -- дом, жилище; здание . Manors  --(феодальное) поместье 2) особняк; главный дом поместья . Lodges --  квартира, резиденция, место проживания директора колледжа (в Кембриджском университете) . Castles ---замок, дворец; большой дом (напоминающий замок) .

Одно из самых интересных явлений в Великобритании – это давать названия домам.

  • Halls — усадьба, поместье; замок, здание, принадлежащее какой-л. гильдии, братству купцов.
  • Houses — дом, жилище; здание .
  • Manors —(феодальное) поместье 2) особняк; главный дом поместья .
  • Lodges — квартира, резиденция, место проживания директора колледжа (в Кембриджском университете) .
  • Castles —замок, дворец; большой дом (напоминающий замок) .

Самые распространенные названия домов в Великобритании : Животные и птицы: Dolphin Cottage - дельфиновый коттедж.  Fox Hollow  – дупло лисы. Деревья: The willows - ива.  Treetops- верхушки деревьев. Растения  и  цветы: Honeysuckle Cottage-  жимолостный  коттедж. Rose Cottage- розовый коттедж.

Самые распространенные названия домов в Великобритании :

Животные и птицы:

Dolphin Cottage дельфиновый коттедж.

Fox Hollow – дупло лисы.


The willows ива.

Treetops- верхушки деревьев.

Растения и цветы:

Honeysuckle Cottage- жимолостный коттедж.

Rose Cottage- розовый коттедж.

Местоположение  и  вид : Hill side- косогор.  Sunny side- солнечная сторона.  Исторические: The Granary- зернохранилище. The Old School House- старая школа. Сказки  и  фовориты:  Pippins- Пеппи. The Nest- гнездо.

Местоположение и вид :

  • Hill side- косогор.
  • Sunny side- солнечная сторона.
  • Исторические:
  • The Granary- зернохранилище.
  • The Old School House- старая школа.
  • Сказки и фовориты:
  • Pippins- Пеппи.
  • The Nest- гнездо.

Let’s talk about different types of houses

There are different types of houses. People can live in a detached house ,which is a house that is not joined to any other. It could be  a mansion which is a very large expensive house,  a bungalow[‘bʌŋgələu]( a house which has only one floor), a cottage (a house in the country usually with a garden) . Some people live   in a semi-detached house, which is two houses joined together,  others  live in   a flat in a block of flats .

Each type of housing   has its own advantages and disadvantages . Living in a detached house gives you privacy but  all repairs in the house should be made by the owner and you need more time to clean the house.  To my mind those people, who prefer to live in a cottage adore nature: they want to wake up to songs of birds, to enjoy beautiful landscapes, to breathe fresh air or in other words they want to have a calm and measured rhythm of life. Usually such people keep the poultry and the cattle. One of the  advantages of living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers, lay out an orchard[‘ɔːʧəd] фруктовый сад, etc. You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a tool shed(сарай для инструментов)  or an arbour[‘ɑːbə] беседка.   The greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn’t a problem for you. That’s why I think living in a cottage is the best option for farmers and retired people.

The largest part of population in this country lives in blocks of flats.  Living in a block of flats is the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. A flat can be a studio unit, a one-bedroom, two-bedroom or three-bedroom unit. It is easy to clean and maintain but your neighbours  can make a lot of noise when they, for example, hammer or drill the wall, or when they organize a party.   As for me I live in a …

They say that the room in which you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think of this idea? Does the place where a person lives reflect his her personality? Why (not)

I fully agree that the room you live in reflects your character and personality, because,  for instance, if the room is messy you can see that  person is  not organized ,untidy.  Of course, you can learn a lot about the person’s hobbies, interests. For example, if you see shelves full of books you can say that the person is intelligent, well-read as he is fond of reading .If you see any posters you can understand what actors or singers the person is crazy about.

( ,более сложный вариант)

I fully agree that the room you live in reflects your character and personality. When you look around someone’s room and pay attention to the way they decorated it you can gain an insight into their lives. First and foremost you can tell from someone’s home what their hobbies and interests are, as well as their general tastes. In other words, if someone has a lot of films you can say that they enjoy movies, while if they have a set of weights this tells you that they like working out and staying in shape. If you see shelves full of books you can say that they  are intelligent, well-read as they are fond of reading .If you see any posters you can understand what actors or singers someone  is crazy about.  If the room is messy you can see that the  person is  not organized ,untidy or laid-back.He could be too busy to tidy up or he could suffer from an addiction or depression. If, on the contrary,  the room  is extremely  clean  then this could suggest a person who is obsessed with cleanness ,with so much attention to detail that it annoys  other people.

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можно посмотреть ответы на вопросы

Tell me about the house/ flat you live in.

Your friend wants to decorate his/ her new flat. Give him/ her some advice how to furnish it.

 Does the place where a person lives reflect his/ her personality? Why (not)?

What questions will you ask your friend who is going to move about his/ her new home?

Asked by: Immanuel McKenzie

Score: 4.9/5
(37 votes)

Detached (house, home, or dwelling) means that the building does not share wall with other houses. This excludes duplexes, threeplexes, fourplexes, or linked houses, as well as all row houses and most especially tower blocks which can hold hundreds of families in a single building.

What defines a detached house?

A detached house is a stand-alone residential structure that does not share outside walls with another house or building.

What is the meaning of semi-detached house?

Semi-detached meaning

A semi-detached house is a single-family home that shares one common wall with one other home. This means you’ll only share a small portion of the house with another family. … The two homes that share a wall in semi-detached housing are also often mirror images of each other.

What is an English detached house?

detached house in British English

(dɪˈtætʃt haʊs) noun. British. a house that is not joined to any other house. a large detached house surrounded by a garden.

What is the difference between a detached and semi-detached house?

A detached home is a stand-alone, one-family residence, while a semi-detached house is one that is joined to another by a common wall that they share.

27 related questions found

What are the 5 types of houses?

What are the different types of houses?

  • Single Family Detached House.
  • Apartment.
  • Bungalow.
  • Cabin.
  • Carriage/Coach House.
  • Castle.
  • Cave House.
  • Chalet.

Is a semi-detached house good?

These houses are excellent alternatives to traditional homes and constructed in rows with similar designs and sizes. Semi-detached houses mirror one another and provide an adequate level of privacy even when you share a wall with two houses. Semi-detached built with comparable designs and sizes sharing one common wall.

Is a maisonette a house?

The name maisonette originates from the French word “maison” (pronounced may-zon), which means “house” in English. A “maisonette” would be the diminutive, a small house or maisonette. Alternatively, a maisonette can be considered as a house on stilts, above an office, a store or even above another maisonette.

What is the difference between detached and bungalow?

Bungalows are normally single-storey structures which are detached from other nearby homes. One of the easiest ways to differentiate between a bungalow and a detached house is the fact that bungalows tend to be much smaller.

What is a single-family home detached?

Detached Single-Family Home is a free standing dwelling that is intended to house only one family.

Is semi-detached better than townhouse?

A semi-detached home is a single-family home that is built to share one common wall with the home beside it. For many homebuyers, this is a preferable choice over a townhome because not only does each home have its own entrance and surrounding land, but there is also more privacy with only one connected wall.

Is semi-detached better than terraced?

Terraced homes are usually cheaper to buy than detached or semi-detached properties in the same area. They are usually more energy-efficient, as they are enclosed by other properties and so retain heat well. One of the principal downsides with terraced properties is noise.

How are semi-detached houses connected?

In a semi-detached house, your home is at least partially attached to another. When you live in a semi-detached house, your home will share at least one wall with another person’s home. … The fourth wall, where it’s attached to the neighboring duplex, that’s where you put all your stuff that doesn’t need outside light.

Are link detached houses noisy?

Although a link detached house will be less noisy than a semi-detached house, it will be noisier than a detached house. Some living in a link detached house may convert their garage, the link between the houses, into a kitchen or a living room. … You can find out about the costs of soundproofing a house here.

What is a large detached house called?

Single family home (Detached)

A single family home, often called a detached house, is an alone standing medium size house. There aren’t any other buildings touching a single family house. Single family homes are most common outside of the city in areas called “suburbs”.

What do you call a house that is attached to another house?

A duplex house plan has two living units attached to each other, either next to each other as townhouses, condominiums or above each other like apartments.

What is the meaning of detached bungalow?

a house that is not joined to any other house.

Is a bungalow detached?

A subset of detached and semi-detached houses is the bungalow, a house built on a single storey without a staircase (though it may still have an attic accessible via a ladder).

What do you mean by detached?

1 : standing by itself : separate, unconnected especially : not sharing any wall with another building a house with a detached garage.

Is a maisonette a flat or a house?

A maisonette would traditionally refer to a self-contained flat with its own front door directly off the street, most commonly over two floors. This distinguishes it from flats on one floor only, which are typically accessed via a shared entrance and internal common parts.

Are maisonettes big?

Although maisonettes are not quite the size of the average house, they have many similarities… you get the privacy of a house, only without the price tag. You can do as you please in your outdoor area, which would be in the form of a private garden.

What is the difference between a bungalow and a maisonette?

Now a bungalow is residential house occupying one floor while a maisonette is a residential house that occupies 2 floors, levels or storeys. A bungalow spread horizontally while a maisonette spreads vertically. The common assumption is that building a maisonette is more expensive than building a bungalow.

Why are semi-detached more expensive?

‘This is largely due to a number of factors. They bridge the gap between first-time buyers and second or third rung buyers. They provide the additional space needed for the next stages of life, without the price premium that a detached property will often command,’ he explains.

Is there a cavity wall between semi-detached houses?

If you live in a terraced or semi-detached house, then you will share at least one wall with a neighbour. … If your house has cavity walls, then your party wall may also have a cavity. Sometimes these cavities are sealed, and so air doesn’t circulate through them.

What should I look for when buying a detached house?

8 Critical Things to Check Before Buying a Home

  • Check That All Appliances Work. …
  • Bring a Phone Charger to Test the Outlets. …
  • Take a Peek at the Electrical Panel. …
  • Open and Close All Windows and Doors. …
  • Test Toilets, Sinks, Showers, and Baths. …
  • Scout Out Areas of Potential Leakage. …
  • Pay Close Attention to Basement Walls.

There many different types of houses that you should know about prior to buying a house and selling your old house. You should consider each houses’ characteristics and see which best suits you and your family before committing to a decision about what type of property you would like to buy. The types of houses vary in size, design and value. So, what types of houses are there in the UK?

1.      Flats:

These types of houses are most popular in more urban/city-like areas such as London and Birmingham. This is because they save a lot of space and provide accommodation for many people within a single building. A block of flats has multiple flats within it, depending on the height and overall size of the building. This type of property is ideal for a smaller family, single person or someone on a lower income.

(Copyright: I Wei Huang/

2.      2-Level Flats:

A different type of flat that exists in the UK is the 2-level flat (also known as a maisonette or duplex flat). These are types of flats which contain two floors within one household, meaning that they have a built-in staircase and their overall living space is split into two levels rather than just on the one, like in a typical flat.

(Copyright: foamfoto/

3.      Studio Flats:

Another property type is the studio flat. This sort of flat combines a kitchen, bedroom and living space in one large open space. A studio flat would be ideal for a single person or a couple as there is usually not enough room for a whole family and the space is not separated by any rooms.


4.      Converted Flats:

This is not your typical ‘flat’. It is characteristically an older, larger house which has been split into two houses – the top floor and ground floor (also known as a ‘period conversion’). Converted flats aren’t always split into two, depending on the initial size of the house, they can be divided into several households. Residing in this kind of property can be extremely noisy. This is because the house was originally built for a whole family and so is not made as soundproof like newer ‘blocks’ of flats would be.

(Copyright: Ron Ellis/

5.      Detached Houses:

Also included in our list of the different types of houses is the detached house. Detached houses are single houses which are not connected to another house or building and consequently, these houses are viewed as more private. This type of house, more often than not, has both a large front and back garden as well as a driveway, as its space is not restricted by other buildings nearby. These properties are usually extremely expensive but are a common choice for those with larger families.

(Copyright: Ewelina Wachala/

6.      Semi-detached Houses:

Another house type that is similar to the popular ‘detached house’, is the semi-detached. Semi-detached houses are simply coupled together via a wall on only one side. This saves more space on the given road. These types of houses are often much cheaper than the detached houses due to the house not being as private.

(Copyright: Ewelina Wachala/

7.      Terraced Houses:

This property type is attached, on both sides, to other houses. A terrace house is on a row of comparable houses attached to one another by their side walls. These are very popular type of houses in the UK and are especially prevalent in larger cities with denser populations making them a common source of accommodation for the working-class centuries ago. This particular property type saves a lot of space (not as much as a block of flats) and if you’re looking to buy a house, a terraced house tends to be on the lower scale of the price range.

(Copyright: Nick Xiao/

8.      End of Terrace House:

It’s easy to guess what type of house this is. Correct – the end of a line of terraced houses. This has very similar properties and features to a semi-detached house. This type of house only shares a wall on one side and not on the other.

(Copyright: Ron Ellis/

9.      Cottages:

These property types are often seen in more rural areas; on farms and in the countryside. A cottage is a small house, typically quite old-fashioned. These sorts of houses can have either one or two storeys, with the second level usually being smaller than the ground level. This type of property has very thick, strong walls which succeed in enduring the cold in the winter months. In addition, this type of house can often be used as a holiday/summer home for families who wish to spend time in a more rural, natural area – away from the busy cities.

(Copyright: Patryk Kosmider/

10.  Bungalows:

This type of home is quite unique. It is a single-storey house and is also detached from other houses. It is a shorter-looking house due to a lack of a second or third level. However, occasionally, bungalows have a room or two based in the ‘roof’. The origin of the word ‘bungalow’ comes from the word ‘baṅglā’ which means ‘belonging to Bengal’. This is because bungalows were first built for Europeans who settled in Bengal in the 17th century.

(Copyright: Ewelina Wachala/

11.  Mansions:

A mansion is the largest house of them all. This house is also the most expensive out of all the different types of houses in the UK. This is usually a place full of rich residents. The typical mansion consists of multiple large rooms, many floors and a huge garden, composed of many acres of land. If you’re lucky enough to own a mansion, you will most probably have a pool, if not two (indoor and outdoor).

(Copyright: Roschetzky Photography/

These are the main different types of houses found in the UK. Choosing the right property type can be a difficult process as there and pros and cons to all kinds of housing. However, it is important to be familiar with all the different types of houses, so you can make a well-informed decision about what your next house should be. If you’re looking to sell any of these types of houses, FastSaleHomes buy any house!

(Feature Image Copyright: Vectors Bang/

Материал для устного высказывания по теме «Accommodation. Types of houses in the UK.»

10 класс, Unit 1.

There are four basic [ʹbeısık] types of housing in the UK: detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses and flats.

A semi-detached house is the most popular type of housing in the UK. Then come detached and terraced.

A semi-detached house is two houses joined together. A semi-detached house gives its owner enough privacy even if one wall is shared by the two houses. The disadvantage is that the owner is responsible for the upkeep of his side of the house and cannot plan repairs or renovations without considering the twin house.

A detached house stands alone and is not joined to any other house. Cottages, bungalows and mansions are detached houses. The advantage of a detached house is that the free space around it belongs to the family. The disadvantage is that all repairs in the house should be made by the owner.

Terraced houses are several houses joined together. Such houses are cheaper than semi-detached but there is typically no yard or garden that comes with a unit. As two walls are shared, there is less privacy too.

As for flats in blocks of flats, people in Britain prefer renting to buying them. Renting means that you are not the owner of your flat. You can’t make repairs or renovations to suit your needs. The advantage of renting a flat is that you are not responsible for it. You can leave it anytime if you feel like moving house.

Types of houses Advantages Disadvantages
Detached  Privacy, free space Repairs are made by the owner
Semi-detached  Enough privacy Cannot plan repairs or renovations
Terraced  Cheaper No yard or garden, less privacy
Flats Not responsible for   Can’t make repairs to suit your needs

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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

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