This word means really good

this word means really good and it also begins with g перевод - this word means really good and it also begins with g русский как сказать

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this word means really good and it also begins with g


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


это слово означает на самом деле хорошо, и это также начинается с г

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Это слово означает действительно хорошо и он также начинается с g

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Это слово означает действительно хорошо и он также начинается с g

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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really good — перевод на русский

It works real good.

Работает хорошо, только тихо.

In all seriousness, this is really good.

Серьезно, это хорошо.

I hear you’re taking real good care of the baby of the family…

Слышал, вы хорошо заботитесь о моем брате.

It sounds really good.

Оно хорошо звучит.

— You know my mama real good?

— Ты хорошо знал мою маму?

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— It’s really good.

Очень хорошо.

Good. Real good.

Очень хорошо.

— You look real good.

Очень хорошо выглядишь.

— Yeah, you look real good.

— Ага, очень хорошо выглядишь.

— Listen, you’re doing a real good job.

— Слушай, очень хорошо работаешь.

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Gee, that’s really good.

Ну и дела, это действительно хорошо.

—_BAR_t’s looking really good.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Это выглядит действительно хорошо.

— Yes, really good.

— Да, действительно хорошо.

Really good, by the way.

Действительно хорошо, между прочим.

I felt really good.

По факту, я чувствовала себя действительно хорошо.

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Real good, Boiler. That’s what I’m looking for.

Отлично Бойлер.

This is really good.


It’s really good.

Да, отлично.

And it looks real good on college applications.

И отлично для заявления в колледж.

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Yes, you can yell real good.

Кричите вы здорово.

Really good to see you again, Pop.

Как здорово увидеть тебя опять, Пап.

You fixed us all real good, didn’t you?

Ты нас всех здорово подставил, а?

The barfing was really good.

Как все заблевали, здорово.

Come on. It was really good!

Это же было здорово!

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— This tastes real good.

Очень вкусно!

This is really good.

Это очень вкусно.

Here you are, it’s real good.

Угощайтесь, очень вкусно.

It was really good.

Было очень вкусно.

Real good. Thanks.

Очень вкусно, спасибо.

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This is really good, Marge.

Это классно.

That’s why all of us are really good tennis players.

Поэтому все мы классно играем в теннис.

You’re looking real good, baby.

Ты классно выглядишь, детка.

«Debra Debra, real good looking, never want to try her cooking.»

«Дебра, Дебра, выглядешь классно, ее стряпню кушать опасно.»

Mr. Rosso, you look really good.

Мистер Россо, классно выглядите.

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This is already really good. It’s impressive.

Уже неплохо, впечатляет.

I hear you are doing real good.

Я слышал, у вас неплохо идут дела.

It looks good. It looks real good.

Выглядят неплохо.

Real good. We want all your money.

Неплохо, но нам нужны все ваши денежки.

Oh, looking real good, yeah.


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Really good, finally! Thanks !


Well, you look great. Υou look really good.

Ты замечательно выглядишь.

I just wanted to tell you that next year… you don’t need my help ’cause you done real good.

Я хотел сказать вам, что в следующем году вам не понадобится моя помощь. Потому что вы и так замечательно справляетесь. Спасибо.

Well, i think it looks really good.

Ну, я думаю, это выглядит замечательно.

I thought that was real good.

Ты играла замечательно.

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Haha, you’re really good at it!

Ха-ха, хорошо получается!

I’m real good at it.

У меня хорошо получается.

You’re really good at it.

У вас хорошо получается.


— У тебя хорошо получается.

You’re real good at kickin’ ’em when they’re down, aren’t you?

— У тебя хорошо получается издеваться над такими, да?

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Then that means I’m really good.

It just means I’m really good at pretending.

I mean, I’m just now getting really good at shoe shining.

Does that mean I’m not really this good looking?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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  • #1

Good morning, I was doing my homeworks putting normal vocabulary into more formal vocabulary. I have a problem with the following words Really good cause I don’t know how to transform it. Could anyone help me please? Thanks.

  • e2efour

    • #2

    Welcome to the forum, pejcm01! :)

    I think you mean «really good because …».
    But before we can comment on a phrase like this, we ask you to give us a sentence with it and, if possible, some context in which you would say it.

    • #3

    Sorry I forgot that. That’s the sentence that i need to put in a formal way: The study is a really good example of the way sociologists collect their data.


    • #4

    I don’t see how really good can be thought of as informal.
    The only way I can think of changing this phrase is to write The study is an excellent example …
    Surely you are not being asked to write something like extremely good instead?

    • #5

    The heading of the exercise says Use more formal alternatives to the words in bold. Make any necessary grammatical changes.

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    Welcome back English learners! This blog is going to discuss the difference between real and really. The word real refers to something that is considered true.

    Most of the time, this word is an adjective. Meaning, it describes a noun.

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    Here are some helpful examples:

    • The YouTube video was not fake, it was real. (It was a truthful, non-edited video.)
    • The following story was based on real life events. (These events happened in someone’s life.)
    • There is a real gorilla outside right now. (This is NOT someone in a gorilla suit.)

    The word real could also be used as an adverb. An adverb describes a verb or an adjective. When real is used as an adverb, the definition means extremely.

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    For example:

    • She did a real nice job fixing the car. (I am extremely pleased with the work on the car).
    • The word really is an adverb and an interjection.

    When you use the word really as an adverb (describing the verb or adjective) then it doesn’t matter if you use real or really. It comes down to personal choice.

    Really has the definition of meaning actually, truly, without a doubt or even in reality.

    It might be easier to know some synonyms of the word really to help remember when to use it. (Synonym are words that have the same definition.)

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    The following are synonyms of really

    Absolutely, actually, certainly, easily, genuinely, honestly, indeed, legitimately, literally, surely, truly, undoubtedly, unquestionably and well.

    Here are some examples of the word really used in sentences:

    • Bob is so much in love that he can’t see that she really doesn’t like him. (I used an adverb that means truly.)
    • I really can’t tell the difference between Mom’s cake and my sister’s cake. They taste identical.

    If you are able to replace the word really with most of the synonyms; then you are using the word correctly.

    There are some sentences where both real and really can be used.

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    For example:

    • The ice cream in Italy is really good.
    • The word good is an adjective and I need a word that describes this adjective. I can only use an adverb. Really works here.

    BUT, I could also say:

    • The ice cream in Italy is real good. The word good is a friend of everyone and allows both real and really to describe it.

    The word really can also be used as in interjection. An interjection is a part of speech that expresses emotion.

    Really expresses surprise or doubt.

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    For example:

    You won’t believe this, but Mary just had her baby!


    You must be careful with how you say really when using it as an interjection.

    If you say really and you use an intonation that goes from low to high, native English speakers will understand that you believe them.

    Intonation is the way you sing and change the pitch in your voice. Like when you sing words, the notes change.

    When you start with lower notes (or a lower pitch) and end with a higher note (higher pitch) when saying the word “really” it means you believe the person or the thing that was said.

    On the other hand, if you end with a lower pitch when saying really it means that you do NOT believe the person or what was said.

    An easier way to remember this is the following:

    Really = high notes = I believe you

    Really = low notes = I do NOT believe you (you need to convince me!)

    Great job! Keep practicing to master the difference between real and really.

    It will take some time before you can remember these rules. So come back to this post to help refresh your memory!

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    19   Yuri qualified and then immediately found a really good job.   than

            No ……………………………………… he found a really good job.

    20   Women don’t often get promoted in some industries.   do

            Rarely ……………………………………… in some industries.

    21   I never realised that Tony was the head of Fizzyco.   realise

            Little ……………………………………… that Tony was the head of Fizzyco.

    22   I didn’t know about the meeting until Tracy rang.   did

            Not until ……………………………………… about the meeting.

    23   I think you will benefit from getting a new job.   good

            I think it will be ……………………………………… a new job.

    24   The two companies finally agreed the deal.   reached

            The two companies finally ……………………………………… the deal.

    25   Customers of the bank are never allowed into the basement area.   circumstances

            Under ……………………………………… customers of the bank allowed into the basement area.

    26   I didn’t think of a good answer to the interview’s question until later.   did

            Only ……………………………………… a good answer to the interviewer’s question.

    27   It was such a boring job that no one wanted to do it.   was

            Such ……………………………………… that no one wanted to do it.

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