This word means different

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

означает разные вещи

имеет разное значение

означает разное

означает различные вещи

имеет разные значения

означать разные вещи

по-разному понимается

понимают по-разному

имеет различное значение

значит разные вещи

For each person and his or her disability, this means different things.

One difficulty is that drought means different things in different regions.

Одна из трудностей заключается в том, что засуха означает разные вещи в разных регионах.

Well, marriage means different things to different people.

It is also a somewhat ambiguous one since «ally» means different things to different people.

Оно также несколько двусмысленно, поскольку понятие «союзник» имеет разное значение для разных людей.

He also highlighted that seeking emergency medical treatment means different things for different drugs.

Он также отметил, что обращение за медицинской помощью означает разное для разных наркотиков.

Although the three statements have similarities, their variations suggest that technology transfer means different things to different people.

Несмотря на схожесть трех определений, различия в них говорят о том, что трансфер технологий означает разное для разных людей.

It is worth bearing in mind that volatility means different things to different people — and it can take time for markets to settle down.

Стоит помнить, что волатильность означает разные вещи для разных людей — и может потребоваться время, чтобы рынки успокоились.

Be wary of the term «fully managed» as this means different things to different hosts.

Будьте осторожны с термином «полностью управляемый», поскольку это означает разные вещи для разных хостов.

Public participation also means different things in different countries;

Кроме того, в различных странах термин «участие общественности» означает разные вещи;

Though «regular» means different things to different people, conditions like depression and hypothyroidism can slow down the body’s normal processes.

Хотя регулярное опорожнение означает разные вещи для разных людей, такие причины как депрессия и гипотиреоз, могут замедлить нормальные процессы организма и вызвать запор.

In fact, it means different things to everyone: compromise, honesty, single-mindedness, loyalty, and so on.

На самом деле, для каждого человека это означает разные вещи: преданность, честность, эксклюзивность, лояльность…

Obviously, luxury is a free expression since it means different things to different buyers.

Конечно, роскошь — это неопределенный термин, потому что он означает разные вещи для разных покупателей.

One difficulty in talking about class is that the word means different things to different people.

Одна из сложностей при обсуждении класса возникает из-за того, что для разных людей это слово означает разные вещи.

First, the term horsepower is outright confusing since it means different things to different people.

Во-первых, термин «лошадиная сила» совершенно путается, поскольку это означает разные вещи для разных людей.

Status means different things to different people and isn’t just met through paid work.

Статус означает разные вещи, — и эта потребность не удовлетворяется одним лишь наличием оплачиваемой работы.

The word health means different things to different people, depending on the situation.

Само слово «здоровье» означает разные вещи для разных людей, в зависимости от ситуации.

But, measuring that ROI means different things to different people, and isn’t necessarily a linear metric.

Но измерение этой рентабельности означает разные вещи для разных людей и не обязательно является линейной метрикой.

In more detailed terms, Security of supply means different things to different entities depending on the perspective one looks at it from.

В частности, безопасность поставок означает разные вещи для разных объектов в зависимости от перспективы, с которой он рассматривается.

The internet really means different things for different people.

Artem: «Monitoring» means different things, of course, in different situations.

Артем: В разных ситуациях «мониторинг», конечно, означает разное.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 116. Точных совпадений: 116. Затраченное время: 187 мс


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Sometimes students can get a bit confused with the words: (a) different, another, (the) other and (the) next. Try the first exercise, then we’ll take a look at the differences, with some more exercises and a story.

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Exercise 1 — Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

My friend Rachel and I wanted to visit one of our (1) friends, who lived in (2) part of town. Where she lives is quite (3) from our part of town, lots of trees and parks and so on.

So anyway, we walked down to the bottom of the street and waited at the pedestrian crossing, as the bus stop was on (4) side of the road. It was one of these crossings where there are (5) lights for pedestrians and cyclists. But just as we were about to cross the road, we saw our bus, the 27, come up the road, stop and move off again.

‘Don’t worry’, I said, as we crossed the road, ‘there’ll be (6) along soon’. When we got to the bus stop, there were a couple of (7) people, who hadn’t got on the 27, so presumably they were waiting for a (8) bus.

But when we looked at the timetable we saw that (9) 27 wasn’t for (10) fifteen minutes. ‘Why don’t we get a (11) bus? There’s a 31 in five minutes’, suggested Rachel. ‘But none of (12) buses go anywhere near where we want to go.’ I answered, ‘We’ll just have to wait for (13) 27′.

‘I can’t be bothered waiting here for the (14) fifteen minutes’, said Rachel, ‘How far is it to (15) bus stop?’ — ‘There’s (16) about half a mile up the road’, I answered. ‘So let’s walk to (17) stop then, it’s better than waiting here’.

So we set off up the hill. After a only couple of minutes, Rachel asked, ‘How much further?’ ‘Just (18) couple of hundred yards’, I said, and for (19) few minutes neither of us spoke, as it really was quite a steep hill. Finally we arrived at the bus stop. ‘At last’, sighed Rachel. And in the far distance we could see our bus, stopped at (20) bus stop. All we had to do was wait (21) couple of minutes, and we’d be on our way.

Random Idea English

different (adjective)

The word different stresses that two or more people or things are not the same It is the opposite of similar. It can be used with a preposition when making comparisons, or it can come before or after a noun. Notice the use of different prepositions in British English (BrE) and American English (AmE). This is the usage my (British) dictionary gives:

  • She is quite different from her sister. (Both BrE and AmE)
  • This is very different to what I was told earlier. (BrE)
  • He is different than I remember. (AmE)

The use of from is most common in both branches of English, and is the only one that all authorities accept as correct. The use of the other two prepositions is the subject of much debate on language websites. (Many American authorities do not accept than as being correct). So as a learner, if you use from, you’ll keep everyone happy. But recognise that native speakers might use one of the other two, especially informally.

The use of than seems to be more acceptable, both to the British and to some American authorities when it is used with a clause. Compare these two sentences:

  • The town is very different now than it was twenty years ago.
  • The town is very different now from what it was twenty years ago.
  • The town is very different now to what it was twenty years ago.

Random Idea English

other (determiner, adjective)

This has several uses:

  1. To talk about people or things that are additional to those already mentioned:
    There were Tom and Harry and some other people I didn’t know.
  2. To talk about the second of two people or things:
    The bus stop was on the other side of the street.
  3. To talk about the remaining people or things in a group:
    I’ll have to wear these shoes. All my other ones are dirty.
  4. To talk about the opposite direction:
    We saw a bus coming the other way.

Note 1 — In uses 2 and 3, we use the, my, your etc before other. In the last use we use the.

Note 2 — Sometimes we use (the) other(s) as pronouns.

  • The bus is about to go. Where on earth are the others? (i.e. the other people)
  • I’ll have to wear this tie. None of the others match this shirt. (i.e. the other ones)
  • Her children seem to be rather tidier than some others I could mention! (i.e. the child(ren) this person is talking to)

another (determiner)

The word another is simply an + other. It can be used:

  1. To talk about an extra person or thing:
    There’ll be another bus in a few minutes.
  2. Or one extra group or quantity of people or things:
    The bus stop is just another hundred yards.
  3. It can also be used to mean a different person or thing:
    We could go another day, instead.
  4. And to mean a person or thing of a very similar type:
    This is going to be another of your stories, isn’t it?

Note 1 — Sometimes there is little or no difference between another … and a different …

  • We could try another bus.
  • We could try a different bus.

Note 2 — We can also use another as a pronoun.

  • These biscuits are great. Can I have another.
  • If you don’t like this room, we could ask for another.

Exercise 3 — Fill the gaps with other(s), the other(s) or another.

1. Do you know who I saw day? Mark. You know, Mark Jones.
2. Would you like cup of coffee?
3. There are only two cakes left. I’ll have this one and you can have .
4. I know Pete of course, but who are all those people?
5. That’s enough for today. We’ll finish it some day.
6. In that last sentence we could have also said ‘ day’.
7. We were out hill-walking with some friends from college.
8. ‘Where are ?’ ‘It’s OK, they’re not far behind.’
9. ‘Come on you people, it’s just mile to the top.’
10. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than .
11. Don’t worry darling, we’ll just be in the room.
12. We’ll put this table on the side of the room.
13. ‘Do you know the one about …’ ‘Oh no! Not of your corny jokes.’
14. We’re going in the wrong direction. We need to go way.
15. These shoes are too small. Have you got any ones in the same style.

One another, each other, themselves

Notice the difference between one another /each other and themselves:

  • Sandy taught Pierre to speak Danish.
  • Pierre taught Sandy to speak French.
  • They taught each other (or one another) to speak their respective languages.

  • Sandy taught herself to speak Russian.
  • Pierre taught himself to speak German.
  • They each taught themselves to speak another language.

Each other and one another are used more or less interchangeably.

Random Idea English

various (adjective)

This means several different

  • This phone comes in various colours.
  • We can do this in various ways.
  • She was attracted to the job for various reasons.

Note — In the first two examples we could probably just say different instead of various. But if we did that in the last example, the meaning would change, so if we wanted to say different, we would need to add several

  • She was attracted to the job for several different reasons.

next (determiner, adjective)

The word next, usually used after the, is used to talk about somebody or something coming immediately after somebody or something else, especially when they are part of a sequence.

  • When’s the next bus?
  • Let’s walk to the next bus stop.
  • The next five minutes were the longest wait in my life.
  • One moment the sun’s shining, (the) next thing (you know) it’s pouring with rain.
  • Be more careful (the) next time.
  • We’re in the next room. (e.g. in a hotel)

Note 1 — We very often use next to talk about time — next week etc. But be careful. Firstly we often use this … to refer to days in the current week, and next … to refer to days in the following week. Let’s say today is Monday 1st January. So I might say this Thursday to mean Thursday 4th January. Now if somebody (on Monday) says,’See you next Friday, it’s not always clear whether they mean Friday 5th January or Friday 12th January (i.e. Friday of next week). If you’re not sure, just ask. We often do.

Note 2 — Secondly there’s a difference between next week, month etc, and the next week, month etc. Next week is the following calendar week, i.e. Monday-Sunday or whatever. But the next week is the next seven days from today. The same difference exists between last week, year etc, and the last week, year etc.

  • I’m moving to France next year. (2012 — this is 2011)
  • I hope to move to France within the next year. (Within the next 12 months)
  • We went to Spain last year. (2010)
  • We‘ve been to Spain three times in the last year. (In the last 12 months)

Note 3 — See how this affects the tense you use with (the) last …

Putting it all together

Before you start, make sure you know what these words mean. Click on the words to automatically look them up in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. This will also paste the word into the dictionary feature at the top the right. So you can check with another dictionary if you wish.

Exercise 4a Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

1. We’re going on an expedition to the hills week. I hope it’s not like the last time, when a few of us decided to go youth-hostelling in the Highlands for the weekend. When we arrived at the village, the hostel was full and they told us there wasn’t for twenty miles. Eventually we found a couple of Bed-and-Breakfasts. There were only two in the village. Four of us got rooms in one, and managed to find somewhere in .
2. The owners of our one were Danish, and breakfast was certainly from anything I’d had before — open rye bread sandwiches with kinds of toppings. And three kinds of cheese. After that I couldn’t have eaten thing.
3. But the rest of the day was not going to be quite so perfect. We spent the twenty minutes waiting for before we could start up the hill. Eventually we moved off. The first two miles took us gently through a forest, but the with two the track started to get a bit steep. And then the mist came down and we soon got lost. In the mist, one mountain track doesn’t look very from . And although I knew how to use a map and compass, some of weren’t so competent. Or particularly confident in my skills, I think.

Exercise 4b Fill the gaps using the words in the box.

1. ‘I’ve got an idea’, said one of them. ‘The stream we come to, we’ll follow it down the hill, and that will take us down to the valley.’ ‘Has anyone got any ideas?’, I asked. Nobody had. But before we could find a stream, the mist suddenly cleared and the sun came out. This put a perspective on things, and we started up the hill again. After an hour so we reached the top of the first peak. Only three peaks to do, I said. We were doing a ridge walk, you see. Well, were happier now, and we reached two peaks quite quickly.
2. But the last one proved a bit of a challenge. There was a narrow path along the ridge, leading to the peak. On one side there was a sheer drop to the valley below, on a grassy slope, unbroken for some 500 metres. ‘I don’t think I can do that.’ someone said. ‘Nor can I’, voice was heard to say. ‘But it’s only two hundred metres along that path and we’re at the peak, and after that it’s all plain sailing.’ But to no avail. I suppose people have ideas about what’s safe and what’s not safe. And in the mountains, you can’t really be too careful.
3. So of course we had to turn round, and trudge back in direction, back the way we had come. And for hour or so, nobody spoke until we saw, coming the other way, group of walkers, who we naturally said ‘Good day’ to. After that the mood lightened and I said, ‘OK, today was a bit of a disaster, but I’m sure there’ll be .’ Well day it poured with rain all day, so that wasn’t going to be one of them. And that’s why we’re off again week. But to a village this time. And we’ve booked rooms. That’s thing I learned from that weekend.

Random Idea English


  • 1 — 1. other, 2. another, 3. different, 4. the other, 5. different, 6. another one, 7. other, 8. different, 9. the next, 10. different, 11. the other, 12. the next, 13. next, 14. the next, 15. another one, 16. the next, 17. another, 18. the next, 19. the other, 20. another
  • 2a — 1. c, 2. d, 3. e, 4. b, 5. f, 6. a
  • 2b — 1. d, 2. e, 3. f, 4. a, 5. 6. b, c
  • 3 — 1. the other, 2. another, 3. the other, 4. other, 5. other, 6. another, 7. other, 8. the others, 9. another, 10. others, 11. other, 12. other, 13. another, 14. the other, 15. other
  • 4a — 1 another, 2 the others, 3 the other, 4 different, 5 various, 6 different, 7 another, 8 next, 9 the others, 10 the next, 11 different, 12 another, 13 the others
  • 4b — 1 other, 2 different, 3 another, 4 the others, 5 the next, 6 the other, 7 another, 8 another, 9 different, 10 different, 11 the other, 12 the next, 13 another, 14 others, 15 next, 16 next, 17 different, 18 another

Random Idea English

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  • Top Definitions
  • Synonyms
  • Quiz
  • Related Content
  • When To Use
  • Examples
  • British
  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ dif-er-uhnt, dif-ruhnt ]

/ ˈdɪf ər ənt, ˈdɪf rənt /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


not alike in character or quality; distinct in nature; dissimilar: The two brothers are very different even though they’re identical twins.

not identical; separate or distinct: When I asked for directions, three people gave me three different answers.

various; several: Different people told me the same story.

not ordinary; unusual: I know my new hat is a bit different, but I thought I’d try it out.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of different

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin different- (stem of differēns ), present participle of differre “to scatter, disperse”; see differ, -ent

usage note for different

Although it is frequently claimed that different should be followed only by from, not by than, in actual usage both words occur and have for at least 300 years. From is more common today in introducing a phrase, but than is also used: New York speech is different from (or than ) that of Chicago. Than is used to introduce a clause: The stream followed a different course than the map showed. In sentences of this type, from is sometimes used instead of than; when it is, more words are necessary: a different course from the one the map showed. Regardless of the sentence construction, both from and than are standard after different in all varieties of spoken and written American English. In British English to frequently follows different : The early illustrations are very different to the later ones. The use of different in the sense “unusual” is well established in all but the most formal American English: The décor in the new restaurant is really different.


dif·fer·ent·ly, adverbdif·fer·ent·ness, nounun·dif·fer·ent, adjective

Words nearby different

diff, diffeomorphism, differ, difference, difference threshold, different, different as night and day, differentia, differentiable, differentiable manifold, differential Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What are other ways to say different?

Things that are different from one another are not alike in character or quality. How does different compare to synonyms various, distinct, and diverse? Find out on

Words related to different

contrasting, disparate, distant, distinct, distinctive, divergent, diverse, offbeat, other, particular, peculiar, various, bizarre, extraordinary, original, rare, special, specific, strange, unconventional

How to use different in a sentence

  • Apart from reaching your potential customers, you can display ads in a variety of formats and multiply the outcomes from different angles using these advanced ad channels.

  • That’s gone and will always be gone no matter how many times I watch a replay or different variation of that replay.

  • That’s when Washington won its third Super Bowl under Joe Gibbs, doing so with a different quarterback each time.

  • It’s a whole different game from high school, and then you’re just making that jump.

  • That doesn’t diminish their suffering — everyone is struggling in a different way — but Bufka encourages them to try to look at all they have.

  • I was drawn to The Class for different reasons—chiefly, the pipe dream of achieving a tighter and tauter backside.

  • Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance is a different sound for you.

  • He captures all the different issues a president deals with and moves from one to the next.

  • When he was first incarcerated, he says some sort of paperwork snafu had him imprisoned under two different, but similar, names.

  • Paying for things is a lot different than it used to be, too.

  • Fourteen genera, representing about 19 species, of Mallophaga are reported for 20 different species of bird hosts.

  • Whether they had ever, at different times, pleaded for or against the same cause, and cited precedents to prove contrary opinions?

  • “But the laws of Poloeland and those of Flatland are different,” said Amalatok, starting another objection.

  • Had not this Indian plant been discovered, the whole history of some portions of America would have been far different.

  • It had been many a moon since we took different roads, but MacRae hadn’t changed that I could see.

British Dictionary definitions for different


/ (ˈdɪfərənt, ˈdɪfrənt) /


partly or completely unlike

not identical or the same; otherhe always wears a different tie

out of the ordinary; unusual

Derived forms of different

differently, adverbdifferentness, noun

usage for different

The constructions different from, different to, and different than are all found in the works of writers of English during the past. Nowadays, however, the most widely acceptable preposition to use after different is from . Different to is common in British English, but is considered by some people to be incorrect, or less acceptable. Different than is a standard construction in American English, and has the advantage of conciseness when a clause or phrase follows, as in this result is only slightly different than in the US . As, however, this idiom is not regarded as totally acceptable in British usage, it is preferable either to use different from: this result is only slightly different from that obtained in the US or to rephrase the sentence: this result differs only slightly from that in the US

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with different

In addition to the idioms beginning with different

  • different as night and day
  • different strokes for different folks

also see:

  • horse of a different color
  • kettle of fish, different
  • march to a different drummer
  • sing a different tune
  • wear another (different) hat

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

How is the word different different from other adjectives like it?

Some common synonyms of different are disparate, divergent, diverse, and various. While all these words mean «unlike in kind or character,» different may imply little more than separateness but it may also imply contrast or contrariness.

When could disparate be used to replace different?

The words disparate and different are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, disparate emphasizes incongruity or incompatibility.

disparate notions of freedom

When can divergent be used instead of different?

Although the words divergent and different have much in common, divergent implies movement away from each other and unlikelihood of ultimate meeting or reconciliation.

went on to pursue divergent careers

In what contexts can diverse take the place of different?

In some situations, the words diverse and different are roughly equivalent. However, diverse implies both distinctness and marked contrast.

such diverse interests as dancing and football

Where would various be a reasonable alternative to different?

While in some cases nearly identical to different, various stresses the number of sorts or kinds.

No, they are not fully interchangeable. Perhaps the best way to illustrate is to ring all the changes on the various words of your list and the different examples you give us to explore their distinctions:

1) A person of diverse interests can talk on many subjects.

A person of various interests can talk on many subjects.

This is a valid substitution; it differs from the «diverse» version only in that «diverse» implies and stresses a greater range and variability in the interests. The person with «various» interests may be able to talk on many subjects, but the person with «diverse» interests can talk on many subjects which have surprisingly little to do with one another.

A person of different interests can talk on many subjects.

Used this way, it is somewhat non-idiomatic, raising the question «different from what?» «Different» doesn’t imply «many», merely «not the same».

A person of distinct interests can talk on many subjects.

Similarly, «distinct» does not imply «many», merely «clearly distinguishable (from each other)». But used this way, it doesn’t mean that either; it would be read as an alternative definition which leaves out the «from each other»: «marked» or «notable». Thus this sentence, which is also somewhat non-idiomatic, interestingly suggests something quite distinct from the previous: it’s not the number of interests that allows a person to talk on many subjects, but how readily you can distinguish his interests as his.

A person of disparate interests can talk on many subjects.

«Disparate» implies «far apart (in some characteristic)». It implies even more strongly than «diverse» that we’re referring to someone who has many interests, but it goes even further. It describes the interests not merely a many, but as having nothing to do with one another. It would actually succeed in communicating that the interests were «distinct» (in the first sense) in the way using «distinct» wouldn’t. This sentence says that someone who has many interests which are non-overlapping can talk on many subjects.

2) We have looked at various houses, but have decided to buy this one.

We have looked at diverse houses, but have decided to buy this one.

The houses we looked at were in a wide variety of styles.

We have looked at different houses, but have decided to buy this one.

Identical meaning to the original.

We have looked at distinct houses, but have decided to buy this one.

Nonsensical. Houses are typically readily distinguishable from each other and everything else.

We have looked at disparate houses, but have decided to buy this one.

Not very idiomatic. We looked at houses which had nothing in common — we have no idea why the agent showed them to us, she seemed to be picking them at random, so we’re firing her and getting a new one.

3) The department store sells many different things.

The department store sells many diverse things.

It’s remarkable the breadth of the department store’s inventory.

The department store sells many various things.

Almost identical to the original, but doesn’t emphasize the variety of things sold as much as «different».

The department store sells many distinct things.


The department store sells many disparate things.

The store has the most random and ecclectic inventory of any store I’ve been in.

4) The criminal was charged with two distinct offenses, one being murder, the other bribery.

The criminal was charged with two diverse offenses, one being murder, the other bribery.

Nonsensical. If there’s only two, how can they be diverse? Diverse implies a group of things across a range.

The criminal was charged with two various offenses, one being murder, the other bribery.

Nonsensical. Again, this word implies «many», and if there’s only two, it doesn’t make sense.

The criminal was charged with two different offenses, one being murder, the other bribery.

Perfectly fine, but unlike the original, doesn’t emphasize that the two charges are being distinguished from one another. Perhaps in the «different» formulation, they were two separate criminal instances, a month apart. But in «distinct», there’s the implication that he could have been charged under a single criminal statute, but the state decided to break it down into these two. Perhaps murder + bribery is a bad example: consider,

After the star witness was found beaten into a coma, the criminal was charged with two distinct offenses, one being attempted murder, the other witness intimidation.

The criminal was charged with two disparate offenses, one being murder, the other bribery.

In the criminal justice system, when evaluating offenders for likelihood to reoffend, one thing which is noted is «criminal versatility», which refers to the diversity of types of crimes for which the inmate has been sentenced over his or her criminal career; inmates with high levels of criminal versatility are more likely to reoffend.

That is the only circumstance I know of in which the disparateness of a criminal’s crimes might be under discussion. «Yeah, he’s only had three arrests, but for one of them, he was charged with two quite disparate offenses, one being murder, the other bribery. So there’s more evidence of criminal versatility in his case than it seems at first blush.»

5) Don’t confuse these disparate concepts.

Don’t confuse these diverse concepts.

There’s a lot of these concepts and they cover a lot of ground.

Don’t confuse these various concepts.

There’s a lot of these concepts. Try to keep track.

Don’t confuse these different concepts.

They may look the same, so I understand how you might confuse them, but actually these concepts aren’t the same, so don’t confuse them.

Don’t confuse these distinct concepts.

These concepts quite clearly do not overlap, so you really don’t have an excuse for getting confused by them.

I hope that helps!

attachment, apparatus, arrangement, assembly, device, element, facility, machine, gear, mean, project, rig, setup, station, structure, system, technology, unit, widget

* * *



1. () apparatus, arrangement device, equipment, facility, means, gear

2. () arrangement, design

благодаря́ тако́му устро́йству … — by this arrangement, …

устро́йство авари́йной сигнализа́ции — alarm (device)

автоно́мное устро́йство — self-contained unit

автосцепно́е устро́йство — automatic coupler equipment

амортизи́рующее устро́йство — shock absorber

анало́говое устро́йство — analog device

анало́говое, вычисли́тельное устро́йство — analog computing device

анте́нное устро́йство () — scanner (assembly)

ба́зовое устро́йство () — mainframe

балансиро́вочное устро́йство — balancer

блоки́рующее устро́йство — interlock

бры́згальное устро́йство — spraying device

буквопеча́тающее устро́йство —


character printing device;


alphabetic printer

букси́рное устро́йство — towing arrangement, towing gear

бу́ферное устро́йство — buffer (unit)

валоповоро́тное устро́йство — barring [jacking, shaft-turning] gear

устро́йство вво́да —


input device, input unit, input reader; () card reader

устро́йство вво́да-вы́вода


— input-output [I/ O] device

взве́шивающее устро́йство — weigher

видеоконтро́льное устро́йство [ВКУ] — picture monitor

водозабо́рное устро́йство — water intake

водозабо́рное, высоконапо́рное устро́йство — high-pressure water intake

водозабо́рное, низконапо́рное устро́йство — low-pressure water intake

водоотво́дное устро́йство — drainage facility

воздухоспускно́е устро́йство — air bleeder

встря́хивающее устро́йство () — rapping gear

входно́е устро́йство — input device, input unit

устро́йство вы́вода —


output device, output unit; () output writer; () output printer; () (output) card punch

выводно́е устро́йство


— sheet delivery apparatus, delivery unit

выпрямля́ющее устро́йство — rectifier (unit)

вытяжно́е устро́йство — exhaust system

вычисли́тельное устро́йство — computer, computing device

вычисли́тельное, навигацио́нное устро́йство — navigation [flight] computer

газоочистно́е устро́йство — gas-cleaning system, gas scrubber

грузоподъё́мное устро́йство — hoisting apparatus, hoisting gear

дальноме́рное устро́йство — distance-measuring device; ranging unit

декоди́рующее устро́йство — decoder

декомпрессио́нное устро́йство — decompressor

демпфи́рующее устро́йство — damping device, damper;



устро́йство для маркиро́вки проводо́в — wire-marking machine

дози́рующее устро́йство — metering device; () measuring equipment

дрена́жное устро́йство — drain(age) system

забо́рное устро́йство — intake

загру́зочное устро́йство — charging device

задаю́щее устро́йство


— reference-input element, reference-input unit, control-point setting device

устро́йство заде́ржки — delay device

зажи́мное устро́йство — clamping [holding] device

заземля́ющее устро́йство — earthing [grounding] connection

запомина́ющее устро́йство —


storage, memory;



выводи́ть из запомина́ющего устро́йства — retrieve from storage [from memory]

засыла́ть в запомина́ющее устро́йство — transfer to [enter into] storage [memory]

обраща́ться к запомина́ющему устро́йству — access, storage [memory]

запомина́ющее, автоно́мное устро́йство — off-line storage, off-line memory

запомина́ющее, ана́логовое устро́йство — analog storage, analog memory

запомина́ющее, ассоциати́вное устро́йство — associative [content-addressable] memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство без разруше́ния информа́ции (при счи́тывании) — nondestructive (read-out) storage, NDRO storage, nondestructive memory

запомина́ющее, бу́ферное устро́йство — buffer storage, buffer memory

запомина́ющее, быстроде́йствующее устро́йство — quick-access [rapid-access] storage, quick-access [rapid-access] memory

запомина́ющее, вне́шнее устро́йство [ВЗУ] — external storage, external memory

запомина́ющее, вну́треннее устро́йство — internal storage, internal memory

запомина́ющее, вспомога́тельное устро́йство — auxiliary storage, auxiliary memory

запомина́ющее, динами́ческое устро́йство — dynamic storage, dynamic memory

запомина́ющее, долговре́менное устро́йство — permanent storage, permanent memory

запомина́ющее, магни́тное устро́йство — magnetic storage, magnetic memory

запомина́ющее, магнитострикцио́нное устро́йство — magnetostrictive (delay-line) storage, magnetostrictive (delay-line) memory

запомина́ющее, ма́тричное устро́йство — matrix storage, matrix memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на бараба́нах — drum storage

запомина́ющее устро́йство на ди́сках — disk storage, disk memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на ле́нтах — tape storage, tape memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на магни́тных ка́ртах — magnetic card storage, magnetic card memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на магни́тных плё́нках — magnetic-film storage, magnetic-film memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на магни́тных серде́чниках — magnetic-core storage, magnetic-core memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на перфоле́нтах — punch tape storage

запомина́ющее устро́йство на три́ггерах — flip-flop storage, flip-flop memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на ферри́товых серде́чниках — (ferrite) core storage, (ferrite) core memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство на электроннолучевы́х тру́бках — cathode-ray tube memory, cathode-ray tube storage

запомина́ющее, односторо́ннее устро́йство — read-only memory, ROM

запомина́ющее, операти́вное устро́йство — on-line storage, on-line memory

запомина́ющее, опти́ческое устро́йство — optical storage, optical memory

запомина́ющее, оптоэлектро́нное устро́йство — optoelectronic (data) storage, optoelectronic (data) memory

запомина́ющее, после́довательное устро́йство — serial(-access) storage, serial(-access) memory

запомина́ющее, постоя́нное устро́йство — permanent [fixed] storage, permanent [fixed] memory

запомина́ющее, рабо́чее устро́йство — working storage, working memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с бы́строй вы́боркой — quick-access [rapid-access] memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с нестира́емой за́писью — nonerasable storage, nonerasable memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство со стира́емой за́писью — erasable storage, erasable memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с поразря́дной вы́боркой — bit-organized memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с произво́льной вы́боркой — random access storage, random access memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с прямо́й вы́боркой () — word-organized [word-selection] storage, word-organized [word-selection] memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с разруше́нием информа́ции — volatile storage, volatile memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство с совпаде́нием то́ков — coincident-current storage, coincident-current memory

запомина́ющее устро́йство стати́ческого ти́па — static storage

запомина́ющее устро́йство с центра́льным проце́ссором — on-line storage, on-line memory

запомина́ющее, три́ггерное устро́йство — flip-flop storage, flip-flop memory

запомина́ющее, цикли́ческое устро́йство — circulating [cyclic] storage, circulating [cyclic] memory

запомина́ющее, электроннолучево́е устро́йство — cathode-ray tube memory

заря́дное устро́йство — charging unit, charger

заря́дное, аккумуля́торное устро́йство — battery charger

защи́тное устро́йство — protection device; () safe-guard

звукозапи́сывающее устро́йство — sound recorder

золосмывно́е устро́йство — ash sluicing device

золотопромы́вочное устро́йство — gold washer

золоулови́тельное устро́йство — fly-ash collector

измери́тельное устро́йство — measuring device

индика́торное устро́йство


— display unit, indicator (unit), (radar) scope

интегри́рующее устро́йство — integrator

ка́бельное устро́йство — cable (hauling) gear

кернова́тельное устро́йство


— catcher, (split-ring) core lifter, spring lifter, core gripper

коди́рующее устро́йство — coding device, (en)coder

колошнико́вое устро́йство — (blast-furnace) top arrangement

колошнико́вое, загру́зочное устро́йство — top charging gear

контро́льное устро́йство — monitor (ing device)

концево́е, ка́бельное устро́йство — cable termination

копирова́льное устро́йство () — pantograph

корректи́рующее устро́йство



compensator, compensating device, compensating network, equalizer

предусма́тривать корректи́рующее устро́йство, напр. в цепи́ — use [place] a compensator around, e. g., a circuit



error correcting device

кра́новое устро́йство () — crown block

ле́ерное устро́йство


— life lines, life rails

лентопротя́жное устро́йство — tape transport, tape-moving device

логи́ческое устро́йство — logic unit

микрофо́нно-телефо́нное устро́йство — microphone-earphone device

мно́жительно-дели́тельное устро́йство — multiplication-division unit

мно́жительное устро́йство — multiplier unit

модели́рующее устро́йство — simulator

модели́рующее устро́йство в и́стинном масшта́бе вре́мени — real-time simulator

набо́рное устро́йство () — selector mechanism

нагру́зочное устро́йство — loading device

нажимно́е устро́йство () — screw-down mechanism

намо́точное устро́йство — coiler, winding machine

натяжно́е устро́йство — ()


bridle, bridling equipment; () tensioning device; () take-up

натяжно́е, винтово́е устро́йство — () screw take-up; () screw tensioner

натяжно́е устро́йство цепно́й переда́чи — chain tightener

устро́йство обега́ющего контро́ля — data logger

устро́йство обрабо́тки да́нных — data processor

устро́йство обрабо́тки информа́ции — data-processing unit

оконе́чное устро́йство — terminal

оповести́тельное устро́йство — annunciator

опу́дривающее устро́йство


— duster, powdering device

ороси́тельное устро́йство — spraying device, spraying system

освети́тельное устро́йство — lighting unit

отклоня́ющее устро́йство — deflector; () deflection yoke

паропромы́вочное устро́йство — steam washer, steam scrubber

перегово́рное устро́йство — intercom, intercommunication(s) system, interphone system

перегово́рное, самолё́тное устро́йство — (aircraft) intercommunication [interphone] system

перезапи́сывающее устро́йство — transcriber

переключа́ющее устро́йство — switching device

переключа́ющее устро́йство регулиро́вки напряже́ния под нагру́зкой — on-load tap-changer

петлево́е устро́йство


— looper

печа́тающее устро́йство — printer

печа́тающее, автоно́мное устро́йство — off-line printer

печа́тающее устро́йство бараба́нного ти́па — drum-type printer

печа́тающее, бу́квенно-цифрово́е устро́йство — alpha(nu)merical printer

печа́тающее, выходно́е устро́йство — output printer

печа́тающее устро́йство колё́сного ти́па — wheel printer

печа́тающее, ма́тричное устро́йство — wire-matrix impact printer

печа́тающее, неавтоно́мное устро́йство — on-line printer

печа́тающее, операти́вное устро́йство () — on-line printer

печа́тающее, постро́чно устро́йство — line [line-at-a-time] printer

печа́тающее, ротацио́нное устро́йство — on-the-fly printer

печа́тающее, цепно́е устро́йство — chain printer

печа́тающее, цифрово́е устро́йство — numeric(al) printer

печа́тающее, шта́нговое устро́йство — bar printer

печа́тающее, электромехани́ческое устро́йство — electromechanical printer

печа́тающее, электро́нное устро́йство — electronic printer

печа́тающее, электростати́ческое устро́йство — electrostatic printer

пита́ющее устро́йство — feeding device, feeder

погру́зочно-разгру́зочные устро́йства — handling facilities

подъё́мное устро́йство — hoisting equipment, hoisting gear

предохрани́тельное устро́йство () — (safe) guard

приводно́е устро́йство — drive

противообледени́тельное устро́йство — () anti-icing device; () de-icer

противопомпа́жное устро́йство — antisurge device

противоуго́нное устро́йство — anti-theft device

пусково́е устро́йство — starting device, starter

путевы́е устро́йства — wayside apparatus, track arrangement

радиопередаю́щее устро́йство — radio transmitter

радиоприё́мное устро́йство — radio receiver

развё́ртывающее устро́йство — scanner, scanning system

развё́ртывающее устро́йство бараба́нного ти́па () — drum-type scanner

развё́ртывающее устро́йство плоскостно́го ти́па () — flat-bed scanner

развё́ртывающее устро́йство ти́па «бегу́щий луч» () — flying-spot scanner

разгру́зочное устро́йство — unloading installation, discharging device

раскатно́е устро́йство

устро́йство распознава́ния зна́ков — character recognition machine

устро́йство распознава́ния о́бразов — pattern recognition machine

распы́ливающее устро́йство — sprayer unit

расто́почное устро́йство — lighting-up equipment

устро́йство регистра́ции произво́дственных да́нных — process data logger

регули́рующее устро́йство — regulator [governor] device

резе́рвное устро́йство — stand-by facility, back-up device

рыбозащи́тное устро́йство — fish protection structure

рыбопропускно́е устро́йство — fish pass

устро́йство СДЦ с однокра́тным вычита́нием — single(-subtraction) canceller

сма́зочное устро́йство — lubricator

смеси́тельное устро́йство — mixing device, mixer

согласу́ющее устро́йство — matching device

спусково́е устро́йство



launching arrangement

сра́внивающее устро́йство — comparator

ста́лкивающее устро́йство () — tripper

станцио́нные устро́йства — station accomodation, station facilities

стира́ющее устро́йство — eraser

сто́порное устро́йство () — stopper-rod device

сужа́ющее устро́йство


— restriction, contraction

сумми́рующее устро́йство — () summer, summator; () adder

сцепно́е устро́йство — coupler

счё́тно-реша́ющее устро́йство — computing device, computer

счё́тно-реша́ющее, навигацио́нное устро́йство — navigation computer

счи́тывающее устро́йство


— reader, reading machine

счи́тывающее, алфави́тно-цифрово́е устро́йство — alphanumeric reader

счи́тывающее, опти́ческое устро́йство — optical reader

счи́тывающее устро́йство, рабо́тающее с бума́жным носи́телем — paper reader

счи́тывающее, фотоэлектри́ческое устро́йство — photoelectric reader

счи́тывающее, электромехани́ческое устро́йство — electromechanical reader

телеизмери́тельное устро́йство — telemetering device

тормозно́е устро́йство () — arresting [checking] arrangement

транскоди́рующее устро́йство — transcoder

тягодутьево́е устро́йство — draft system

тя́нущее устро́йство () — draw-out equipment

устро́йство ультразвуково́й сва́рки — ultrasonic welding [bonding] machine

уплотни́тельное устро́йство — sealing device

устро́йство управле́ния — control unit

устро́йство устано́вки нуля́ () — origin-shift device

устано́вочное устро́йство — adjusting device, adjuster

фазосдвига́ющее устро́йство — phase shifter

фокуси́рующее устро́йство — focuser

фотопеча́тающее устро́йство — photoprinter

хрони́рующее устро́йство — timer, synchronizer

цепенатяжно́е устро́йство — chain tightener

цифрово́е устро́йство — digital device

чита́ющее устро́йство ()


— reader, reading machine

шварто́вное устро́йство — mooring gear, mooring arrangement

шлю́почное устро́йство () — boat(-handling) gear

электро́нное устро́йство — electronic device

электропрои́грывающее устро́йство () — turntable

я́корное устро́йство — anchor(-handling) gear

я́корно-шварто́вное устро́йство — ground tackle

1.то, что дизайн?
слово дизайн означает разные вещи для разных людей.одно определение, данное дизайнер ричард сеймур «сделать жизнь лучше для людей».

2.то, что дизайнеры?
ученые могут изобрести технологии, производители могут сделать продукты, инженеры могут сделать их работу и продавцы могут продать их.однако только дизайнеры могут объединить все эти вещи.дизайнеры очередь идея во что — то, что является желательным, коммерчески успешных и повышает ценность жизни людей.

3.важным элементом дизайна.
хороший дизайн начинается с потребностями пользователей.хороший дизайн выполняет.дизайн не должна быть новой, различных или впечатляющие, чтобы быть успешной на рынке, но она должна удовлетворять потребности.тем не менее,верно также и то, что нередко приводит к методам разработки инновационных продуктов и услуг.

4.неверные представления о дизайне.»многие люди заблуждения о дизайне.журналы зачастую используют слово дизайн, когда они означают стиля и моды.например, когда они показывают тостер или открывашка, которые хорошо спланирована, приводит к тому, что люди думают, что дизайн — это только о том, как это выглядит.дизайн также о том, что происходит.в действительности, как продукт выглядит — то, что происходит в конце продукт процесса развития.

5.ограничения на дизайнеров.
дизайнеров, в отличие от артистов, не только за свои творческие чувства.они работают в коммерческой среде, которая означает, что многие вопросы для обсуждения.дизайнеры должны задать себе вопросы, такие, как:»это продукт действительно хотел?»,» как это отличается от всего остального на рынке?»,» это выполнять надо?»,» это будет слишком дорого производить?»и» это безопасно?»

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