This word is very difficult


1) He was sitting ________ in his seat on the train (comfortably).
2) He was acting in a very __________ way (childish).
3) This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it’s __________ (unpronounceable).
4) He’s lost his book again. I don’t know where he has ________ it this time (placed).
5) You shouldn’t have done that! It was very ___________ of you (unthoughtful).
6) He didn’t pass his exam. He was __________ for the second time. (unsuccessful)
7) Some of the shanty towns are dreadfully____________ (crowded).
8) The team that he supported were able to win the __________ (championship).
9) There is a very high ____________ that they will be late (likelyhood).
10) I couldn’t find any ______________ in his theory. (weakness)
11) He wants to be a ________________ when he grows up. (mathematician)
12) You need to be a highly trained _____________ to understand this report. (economist)
13) She arrived late at work because she had ____________. (overslept)
14) The road was too narrow, so they had to _________ it. (widen)
15) They had to ____________ the lion before they could catch it. (tranquilise)
16) He needed to _____________ the temperature. (regulate)
17) I think that you should ___________. It may not be the best thing to do. (reconsider)
18) There was a three-hour __________ because of the strike. (stoppage)
19) You need a____________ of motivation, organization and revision to learn English. (combination)
20) I try not to go to the supermarket at 5pm because it’s ____________. (unpracticable)

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b Complete the missing words.
1 Will the company make a p
this year?
2 Thes for their new advertising campaign is «You’ll never
find a better one.»
3 He works for a m company with offices in Asia and Europe.
4 We are planning to 1 our new product in September.
5 The bank has br
all over the country.
e didn’t
c Complete the sentences with one word.
1 He set
a new company that makes software.
2 Our local grocery store was taken by a big supermarket chain.
3 They missed the last bus, so I ended driving them home.
4 There are many different kinds of pasta, such fettucine.
5 Many English words come from French, example, royal
d Complete the sentences using the bold word and a prefix.
This word is very difficult to say. I always it. pronounce
2 After I graduate from college, I want to get a
3 The city was completely
after the war. built
4 We are really
We can hardly survive on
our salary
5 The actress wrote her
after she retired. biography
on ten million

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

It can be said in just three words, but for people who have never heard them, these are very difficult words to understand.

Этот принцип можно сформулировать всего в трех словах, но людям, которые никогда о нем не слышали, очень трудно понять его.

A good keyword search, also called Keyword Research, is essential for any SEO project since positioning in irrelevant or very difficult words can be time lost.

Хороший поиск по ключевым словам, также называемый Keyword Research, необходим в любом SEO-проекте, поскольку позиционирование в нерелевантных или очень сложных словах может быть потеряно во времени.

Другие результаты

It’s going to be very difficult getting the word out to cancel at such short notice.

Questioner: It is very difficult to abandon words.

It’s very difficult to find words to explain it all.

«Сложно подобрать слова, чтобы все это описать».

Moreover, when an entire paragraph or note had to be translated, this could be very difficult because one word had several meanings.

Более того, если нужно было перевести целый абзац или заметку, это могло оказаться очень сложным, так как у каждого слова есть несколько значений.

Diving on this site are very difficult to describe in words, it is something incredible.

Погружения на этом сайте очень трудно описать словами, это что-то невероятное.

This subject is very subtle, and some aspects of it are very difficult to put into words.

It is very difficult to explain in words to a child the value of patience and the importance of it.

It is very difficult to put into words the impact this experience had on me.

It’s very difficult to distinguish individual words in the stream of speech.

Они с трудом различают слова в речевом потоке.

Four-sided pyramid, is a miracle of nature, which is very difficult to describe in words.

It is very difficult to put into words, so we put it into photographs.

Об этом очень сложно рассказать словами, поэтому мы сделали это фотоработами.

Mysterious it is, powerful, very difficult to articulate in words.

It is very difficult to find a word when only part of it is in your viewing range.

Очень трудно на них ответить однозначно, поскольку в Вашем изложении только часть картинки.

Sometimes, what seems off can be very difficult to describe in words.

Иногда бывает трудно найти то, что сложно описать словами.

RD: It is very difficult to express in words.

It’s very difficult to put into words the visual concept.

Very difficult to put into words how this lady is.

Очень сложно описать словами, какие именно признаки характерны для настоящей леди.

Examples: I have often thought about the fact that the most important life concepts are very difficult to explain in words.

Например: Я не раз задумывался о том, что самые важные жизненные понятия очень трудно бывает объяснить словами.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 34368. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 362 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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adjective прилагательное

















  1. трудный

    very difficult
    очень трудный

    extremely difficult task
    чрезвычайно трудная задача

    make difficult decisions
    принимать трудные решения

    ask difficult questions
    задавать трудные вопросы

    difficult financial position
    трудное материальное положение

    difficult period of transition
    трудный переходный период

    difficult weather conditions
    сложные погодные условия

    solution to difficult problems
    решение сложных проблем

    difficult economic situation
    тяжелая экономическая ситуация

    difficult life
    нелегкая жизнь

  2. трудоемкий

  3. труднопроходимый

    difficult terrain
    труднопроходимая местность

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений difficult на 1 миллион слов: 82.

Примеры предложений

It’s quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.
Довольно сложно выучить французский за 2—3 года.

It is difficult for foreign students to speak English well.
Иностранным студентам трудно разговаривать по-английски хорошо.

That’ll be very difficult to do.
Это будет очень сложно сделать.

Is English more difficult than Japanese?
Английский сложнее японского?

How difficult can it be?
Насколько сложно это может быть?

It is difficult to understand why you want to go.
Сложно понять, почему вы хотите поехать.

It is clever of her to solve such a difficult problem.
Умно с её стороны решить такую сложную проблему.

The problem was so difficult that I could not solve it.
Задача была настолько сложной, что я не смог её решить.

All the questions were difficult to answer.
На все вопросы было сложно ответить.

This novel is difficult to understand.
Понять этот роман трудно.

She said she had a difficult day.
Она сказала, что у неё был трудный день.

I wish you would tell me what I ought to do in this difficult situation.
Я бы хотел, чтобы ты сказал мне, что мне делать в такой сложной ситуации.

That’s a problem difficult to solve.
Это проблема, которую трудно решить.

The president is difficult to approach.
К президенту трудно подойти.

What’s the most difficult thing about karate?
Что самое сложное в карате?

I don’t know how to get along with those difficult people.
Я не знаю, как ладить с этими трудными людьми.

It’s difficult to peel chestnuts.
Каштаны трудно чистить.

It wasn’t difficult to understand.
Это было несложно понять.

We found it difficult to walk in the deep snow.
Мы поняли, что идти по глубокому снегу тяжело.

Even having understood, it is a difficult theory to explain.
Даже если эту теорию понять, её сложно объяснить.

It must have been very difficult for Tom.
Это, должно быть, было очень трудно для Тома.

I’m at my wit’s end with this difficult problem.
Едва ли я смогу сделать что-то ещё с этой сложной задачей.

It is especially difficult for people like me.
Это особенно трудно для таких людей, как я.

Tom won’t be difficult to find.
Найти Тома будет нетрудно.

That word is very difficult to translate.
Это слово очень трудно перевести.

It’s not difficult for me.
Мне это не сложно.

It wasn’t difficult to do that.
Сделать это было несложно.

This was more difficult than I thought it would be.
Это было сложнее, чем я думала.

Is French more difficult than English?
Французский сложнее, чем английский?

This is a difficult mission.
Это сложная миссия.

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И потом это очень сложно, требует времени, а времени у современного человека все меньше.


and they miss having the Start Menu from Windows 7 and previous versions of Windows.


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и они избегали иметь меню Пуск Windows 7 и предыдущих версий Windows.


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and they become the reincarnation of Alexander the Great or Charlemagne or….

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Об этом очень трудно говорить, потому что люди немедленно обращают


в мыльную оперу

и начинают судить о перевоплощении Александра Македонского или Карла Великого или….

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Я понимаю, что это очень трудно для вас, но сейчас вы должны будете создать новый дом.

and requires detailed information from facilities on past releases.


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кроме того, требуется подробная информация от предприятий в отношении прошлых выбросов.


This is very difficult, so»people have no time, energy, or attention to spare for anything else, especially politics.».

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Это очень непросто, и потому» на все другое, прежде всего на политику, нет ни времени, ни сил, ни внимания».

As for the upcoming races, the guys from»Kolss-BDC»-

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Что касается предстоящих гонок, то ребята из» Kolss- BDC»-

Although in some settings there exists a continuum of care between HIV-treatment sites and community-based organizations,

lack of political will and resources, lack of capacity of community groups, and a lack of understanding between community groups and health-care workers.


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Хотя в некоторых местах обеспечивается непрерывное предоставление услуг по линии лечебных центров для инфицированных

ВИЧ и общинных организаций, на практике это очень сложно обеспечить из-за действия ряда факторов,

включая отсутствие политической воли и ресурсов, отсутствие потенциала общинных групп и отсутствие понимания между общинными группами и медицинскими работниками.


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covered with resin and then cut apart slice by slice.


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Раньше сделать это было очень трудно«,- рассказывает Маасс,-» детали приходилось покрывать смолой,

а затем разрезать слой за слоем.


adequate quantities


later found.

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При том ограниченном количественно материале, с которым он имел дело, это было очень сложно, но правильность определенного им положения марок в марочном листе подтвердилась позже,



найдено достаточное их количество.

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Пиклз, я знаю, что это тяжело, Но нам нужно начать составлять твое завещание.

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Понимаю, что для вас это сложно, и я знаю, что несколько поколений Штайнбрук охраняли орхидею.

more powerful than you


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Я знаю, что это трудно но ты должен понять, что есть люди сильнее тебя.

Results: 6989,
Time: 0.038





When speaking English you sometimes come across some words that make you think if you are actually pronouncing them correctly. Well, there are certainly a couple of words that pop up into my head right now. If you cannot think of any at the moment, here are a few words that are likely to have interrupted you in a conversation in the past. Which one of them is your favourite most difficult English word to pronounce?

7. Rural

This word could arguably be further down the list, but I wanted to give you a start with a word that makes everyone stop and say the word over and over again. Somehow you also always have the urge to show that you are convinced you are able to pronounce it. I don’t know why. Well, of course, you then you have to prove it, no question.

6. Sixth

In sixth, is the word “sixth.” Written it never seems as such a difficult word, but when your mouth gets to the word “sixth” your tongue just naturally refuses to perfectly pronounce this word. But don’t worry, nobody’s perfect.

5. Sesquipedalian

Originating from 17th century Latin and originally meaning ‘a foot and a half long’, this word literally stands for ‘long-winded’ words, such as Sesquipedalian. And one would think it would mean something really mysterious and fascinating. But no, just ‘long.’

4. Phenomenon

Some words are just a phenomenon when it comes to reading and writing. You get so tangled up with letters that you have to start over and say it again very slowly to not get confused. Phenonmenon is one of them. No, wait, ‘P-H-E-N-O-M-E-N-O-N’. There we go!

3. Onomatopoeia

Referring to words that are similar to sounds or noises, these words are often used for “boom” or “buzz.” Although the imitated words are usually very short, the word onomatopoeia is weirdly long and difficult to pronounce. Just looking at the word makes me stutter. But just like everything else, practice makes perfect.

2. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

For every Mary Poppins fan this word is easier to pronounce than the word ‘pronounce’ itself, especially with a lot more wit. The easiest way to practice this word is either by singing or by breaking it up into small parts. You will see, after a bit of practice you will be able to express something ‘extraordinarily good’ in a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious manner. Another reason to watch Mary Poppins again!

1. Worcestershire

Without any doubt this is one of the most tongue twisting single words out there. It will make you feel small and untalented, or it will make you laugh until you cry, one of them. Historically being a county of west central England, it is also a unique sauce for food and drink (yes, also drinks), sometimes also called ‘Worcester sauce’.

To give you a little hint on how to pronounce it, the first ‘R’ in the word is silent. It is still a difficult word, but if you are having difficulties with this one, you are definitely not alone, I am certain of that.

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She is a teacher. She is a good teacher. She is a teacher of our school. She is a teacher of English. Here is the teacher, ask her about the questions which interest you.

There is a word in the text which I cannot understand. There is a very difficult word, too, which I cannot pronounce. Here is the word I was looking up in the dictionary. This word is an adverb.

The first men were vegetarians.

Serfdom was abolished in Russia in the 19th century.

Columbus, who discovered America, was a native of Genoa.

Rome is an ancient town.

Ireland, Scotland and Wales are parts of the United Kingdom.

What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia? — The Pacific.

Last summer I visited Switzerland and Germany.

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. The Hague is a city of the Netherlands where that country’s government is based.

It was such a shock.

It’s high time to take a break.

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How to Say This is very difficult in Different LanguagesAdvertisement

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Please find below many ways to say This is very difficult in different languages. This is the translation of the word «This is very difficult» to over 100 other languages.

Saying This is very difficult in European Languages

Saying This is very difficult in Asian Languages

Saying This is very difficult in Middle-Eastern Languages

Saying This is very difficult in African Languages

Saying This is very difficult in Austronesian Languages

Saying This is very difficult in Other Foreign Languages


Saying This is very difficult in European Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Albanian Kjo është shumë e vështirë Edit
Basque Hau da, oso zaila Edit
Belarusian Гэта вельмі цяжка Edit
Bosnian To je veoma teško Edit
Bulgarian Това е много трудно Edit
Catalan Això és molt difícil Edit
Corsican Questu hè assai difficiule Edit
Croatian Ovo je vrlo teško Edit
Czech To je velmi obtížné Edit
Danish Dette er meget svært Edit
Dutch Dit is erg moeilijk Edit
Estonian See on väga raske Edit
Finnish Tämä on hyvin vaikeaa Edit
French C’est très difficile Edit
Frisian Dit is heul lestich Edit
Galician Isto é moi difícil Edit
German Das ist sehr schwierig Edit
Greek Αυτό είναι πολύ δύσκολο
[Aftó eínai polý dýskolo]
Hungarian Ez nagyon nehéz Edit
Icelandic Þetta er mjög erfitt Edit
Irish Tá sé seo an-deacair Edit
Italian Questo è molto difficile Edit
Latvian Tas ir ļoti grūti Edit
Lithuanian Tai labai sunku Edit
Luxembourgish Dëst ass ganz schwéier Edit
Macedonian Ова е многу тешко Edit
Maltese Dan huwa diffiċli ħafna Edit
Norwegian Dette er veldig vanskelig Edit
Polish To jest bardzo trudne Edit
Portuguese Isso é muito difícil Edit
Romanian Acest lucru este foarte dificil Edit
Russian Это очень сложно
[Eto ochen’ slozhno]
Scots Gaelic Tha seo gu math duilich Edit
Serbian То је веома тешко
[To je veoma teshko]
Slovak Je to veľmi ťažké Edit
Slovenian To je zelo težko Edit
Spanish Esto es muy difícil Edit
Swedish Detta är mycket svårt Edit
Tatar Бу бик авыр Edit
Ukrainian Це дуже важко
[Tse duzhe vazhko]
Welsh Mae hyn yn anodd iawn Edit
Yiddish דעם איז זייער שווער Edit

Saying This is very difficult in Asian Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Armenian Սա շատ դժվար է Edit
Azerbaijani Bu, çox çətin Edit
Bengali এটি খুবই কঠিন Edit
Chinese Simplified 这是非常困难的
[zhè shì fēicháng kùnnán de]
Chinese Traditional 這是非常困難的
[zhè shì fēicháng kùnnán de]
Georgian ეს არის ძალიან რთული Edit
Gujarati આ ખૂબ જ મુશ્કેલ છે Edit
Hindi यह बहुत मुश्किल है Edit
Hmong Qhov no yog heev nyuaj Edit
Japanese これは非常に難しい Edit
Kannada ಈ ತುಂಬಾ ಕಷ್ಟ Edit
Kazakh Бұл өте қиын Edit
Khmer នេះគឺជាការលំបាកខ្លាំងណាស់ Edit
Korean 이것은 매우 어렵다.
[igeos-eun maeu eolyeobda.]
Kyrgyz Бул абдан кыйын Edit
Lao ນີ້ແມ່ນມີຄວາມຫຍຸ້ງຍາກຫຼາຍ Edit
Malayalam ഇത് വളരെ പ്രയാസമാണ് Edit
Marathi हे फार अवघड आहे Edit
Mongolian Энэ нь маш хэцүү байдаг Edit
Myanmar (Burmese) ဤသည်အလွန်ခက်ခဲသည် Edit
Nepali यो धेरै गाह्रो छ Edit
Odia ଏହା ବହୁତ କଷ୍ଟକର | Edit
Pashto دا خورا سخت دی Edit
Punjabi ਇਹ ਬਹੁਤ ਮੁਸ਼ਕਲ ਹੈ Edit
Sindhi هي تمام مشڪل آهي Edit
Sinhala මෙය ඉතා දුෂ්කර Edit
Tajik Ин хеле душвор аст Edit
Tamil இது மிகவும் கடினம் Edit
Telugu ఈ చాలా కష్టం Edit
Thai นี่เป็นเรื่องยากมาก Edit
Turkish Bu çok zor Edit
Turkmen Bu gaty kyn Edit
Urdu یہ بہت مشکل ہے Edit
Uyghur بۇ ناھايىتى قىيىن Edit
Uzbek Bu juda qiyin Edit
Vietnamese Điều này rất khó Edit

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Saying This is very difficult in Middle-Eastern Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Arabic هذا أمر صعب جدا
[hadha ‘amr saeb jiddaan]
Hebrew זה קשה מאוד Edit
Kurdish (Kurmanji) Ev pir dijwar e Edit
Persian این بسیار دشوار است Edit

Saying This is very difficult in African Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Afrikaans Dit is baie moeilik Edit
Amharic ይህ በጣም ከባድ ነው Edit
Chichewa Izi ndi zovuta Edit
Hausa Wannan shi ne da wuya sosai Edit
Igbo Nke a bụ nnọọ ike Edit
Kinyarwanda Ibi biragoye cyane Edit
Sesotho Sena ke e thata haholo Edit
Shona Izvi zvakaoma kwazvo Edit
Somali Tani waa mid aad u adag Edit
Swahili Hii ni vigumu sana Edit
Xhosa Inzima kakhulu le nto Edit
Yoruba Eleyi jẹ gidigidi soro Edit
Zulu Lokhu kunzima kakhulu Edit

Saying This is very difficult in Austronesian Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Cebuano Kini mao ang lisud kaayo Edit
Filipino Ito ay napakahirap Edit
Hawaiian He paʻakikī loa kēia Edit
Indonesian Ini sangat sulit Edit
Javanese Iki banget angel Edit
Malagasy Izany no tena sarotra Edit
Malay Ini adalah sangat sukar Edit
Maori Ko te tino uaua tenei Edit
Samoan E faigata tele lenei mea Edit
Sundanese Ieu sesah pisan Edit

Saying This is very difficult in Other Foreign Languages

Language Ways to say This is very difficult
Esperanto Tio estas tre malfacila Edit
Haitian Creole Sa a se trè difisil Edit
Latin Hoc est difficillimum Edit

Dictionary Entries near This is very difficult

  • This is the best book ever
  • This is the best film ever
  • This is the best game ever
  • This is very difficult
  • This is very easy
  • This is very important
  • this morning

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«This is very difficult in Different Languages.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • This word is used with uncountable nouns
  • This word is used in many sports
  • This word is used for absolutely different things kiwi
  • This word is out of line
  • This word is on fire