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Q: This word is used in many sports you might be familiar with one with obstecals?
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Пояснительная записка
рекомендации и материалы к изучению темы включают подбор лексического материала
по теме «Спорт» и имеют следующие разделы:
с лексикой.
вводится определенное количество новой лексики
даются упражнения на :
— освоение
лексического материала
— тренировку
лексического материала
— закрепление
лексического материала
предлагаются упражнения на активизацию и использование лексики в
различных видах
речевой деятельности:
чтении, переводе, письме, говорении.
для аудирования
тексты для аудирования снабжены:
подготовительными упражнениями в аудировании, направленными на снятие
лексических трудностей текста, подлежащего восприятию на слух.
б) заданиями,
направленными на контроль понимания содержания аудируемого текста.
для чтения
тексты, объединенные данной тематикой, различаются по степени сложности и
а) простые тексты
б) частично адаптированные
в) тексты не
адаптированного характера
содержат задания на:
извлечение полной
информации (чтение с использованием словаря)
извлечение основной
информации (без использования словаря)
извлечение частичной
информации (без использования словаря)
разделен на разделы в зависимости от объекта усвоения и от доминирующего вида
формируемой речевой деятельности учеников.
деление условно, так как работа над текстом (чтение, аудирование) предполагает
решение некоторых устно-речевых задач, так же как и работа над лексикой,
которая может включать, кроме того и повторение определенного грамматического
материала и т. д..
каждого раздела можно разделить на обязательный, который обеспечивает базовый
уровень владения лексикой по теме, и факультативный, который дается отдельным ученикам
или группе учащихся для более углубленной работы над предметным содержанием
материала в разделы по деятельностной доминанте дает свободу ученику и учителю,
позволяет осуществлять выбор материала и сочетать его по своему усмотрению.
словарь по теме «Спорт», который включает в себя основную лексику предыдущих
этапов обучения и большое количество новой лексики.
с лексикой:
При работе с лексикой
следует придавать значение ее систематизации, группируя ее по различным
принципам (семантический, словообразовательный, грамматический, лексической
При обучении
аудированию предлагаются подготовительные упражнения в аудировании, направленные
на снятие лексических трудностей текста, подлежащего восприятию на слух. Эти
задания предполагают ознакомление с приведенными там лексическими единицами и
иногда с их переводом.
Как цель обучения
чтение предполагает овладение следующими действиями:
опознание известных
языковых единиц; слов, словосочетаний, целых предложений;
установление новых
смысловых связей этих единиц;
догадка о значении
неизвестных лексических единиц (по словообразовательным компонентам, общности с
родным языком, по контексту);
поиск значения слова в
словаре, использование комментария; выделение основных фактов и т. д.
На этой основе
происходит понимание текста и принятие смыслового решения:
а) интересно /
б) что было известно
/ что ново
в) что нужно
запомнить, принять к сведению / что не нужно
г) желательно
действовать так же (следовать примеру, заимствовать опыт) или нет и т. Для
выявления понимания текста используется письмо, либо устная речь (говорение)
Обучение говорению
осуществляется по следующим направлениям:
коммуникативных задач в диалогической и монологической формах.
коммуникативных задач на базе аудирования и чтения
Эти направления
находят свою реализацию в предлагаемых упражнениях имеющихся разделов.
Студенты учатся
делать выписки из прочитанного текста. Это задания на поиск информации и ее
фиксацию, на составление тезисов для устного высказывания.
того, запись новой лексики в тетради, письменное выполнение лексических и
грамматических упражнений. Контроль техники письма и орфографических навыков
предусмотрены в заданиях и тестах . Студентам предлагаются тексты с пропусками
слов, необходимостью выбрать верную грамматическую форму слова, необходимостью
выбрать одно из слов синонимического ряда и т. д.
Материалы к изучению темы «Спорт» содержат
большое количество заданий, которые невозможно выполнить без партнёра или
партнёров, они предполагают работу в парах или малых группах. Имеются задания,
предполагающие “информационное неравенство” участников; задания организованного
ролевого общения в жизненных ситуациях; задания для спонтанного общения, когда
учебная ситуация переходит в естественную, что соответствует новым методическим
подходам при обучении иностранному языку.
материалы обеспечивают практическую направленность всего учебного процесса и
обеспечивают реальные возможности для применения учащимися полученных знании и
These sports and games
are less common:
Archery [ a:tSqrI]
Mountaineering [ mauntI nIqrIN]‘
Surfing and windsurfing
Sailing / yachting [ jLtI:N]
Water polo [ pqulqu]
Water skiing
Martial [ ma:Sl] arts:
Aikido [aI kI:dqu]
Karate [kq ra:tI]
Judo [ Gu:dqu]
Taekwondo [ taIkwPn dqu]
Sports are participated
indoors (indoor sports) and outdoors (outdoor sports). Here are some names of
special places for practicing sport or doing physical exercise:
A gym
A ring
A stadium
An ice rink
A fitness centre
A track (a racetrack)
A swimming pool
A football field
Sports grounds
Other people who are
important in sport are:
A coach
An instructor [ InstrAktq]
A judge or a referee [ refq rI:]
Athlets compete either
individually or in teams and crews (in sailing and rowing).
We can speak about:
national team
An Olympic team
A school team, etc.
Guess what sports and
games are described here:
the sport of fighting with fists;
the sport of riding in a small
boat with sails;
the sport of one who swims;
the sport of playing a type of
football with an oval ball
a game of two people who use
rackets, a small soft ball and low net;
the sport of moving through the
water in a boat without sails
the sport of going on a horseback;
a game played by two teams of 6
players each that is played on an ice field;
an outdoor game, popular in
Britain played in summer with a small ball by two teams of 11 players each,
usually dressed in white.
Раздел 1
Some of the
popular sports are:
Раздел 1
How many
names of sports can you find in this wordsearch? The words may appear in any
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Key: baseball, cricket, bowls, darts,
archery, golf, tennis, judo, windsurfing.
Look through
the list above and say:
the names of which
sports you didn’t know before;
which of these sports
in your view are
the most dangerous
the least dangerous
the most exotic
the most common
the best for keeping
the most attractive for
you and why
Study the
information from this table and make sentences, using the construction more
/ less … then
Interesting |
golf |
fishing |
Expensive |
horse riding |
tennis |
Boring |
cricket |
weightlifting |
Dangerous |
chess |
football |
Enjoyable |
jogging |
Fishing |
Difficult |
table tennis |
tennis |
beautiful |
figure skating |
wind Surfing |
useful |
fencing |
gymnastics |
common |
archery |
basketball |
I think golf is more
interesting than fishing
Items of
and swimsuit
A sports jacket
A waterproof
A tracksuit
Knee-length socks
Mittens and gloves
A T-shirt and
Раздел 1
Equipment – what you hold in your hand
Golf – club
Squash/ tennis/
badminton – racket
Darts – dart
Archery – bow
table-tennis – bat
Hockey – stick
Snooker / pool
/billiards – cue
Rowing – oar
Fishing – rod/
which sports need special equipment or doesn’t need any equipment
Name one
other piece of equipment necessary to play these sports apart from the item
given, as in the example. What special clothing, if any, is worn for each
Example: golf:
clubs, balls
1 archery: bow,
2 badminton:
racket, ……………
3 hockey:
4 baseball: bat,
5 darts:
Key: 1 arrows, 2 shuttlecock 3 ball 4
ball 5 dartboard
Clothing :
1 Archers
usually wear special gloves, and probably a cap to shade their
2 Usually sweat-shirt
and shorts or tennis – skirt, with tennis style shoes, possibly sweat-bands
Hockey-players usually wear shorts or a short tennis-skirt, but also protective
gloves, shin-pads too and possibly a safety-helmet.
4 Baseball
players often wear caps, plus protective clothing (special gloves,
shin-pads, etc.).
5 No special
clothes, since the game is usually played informally in pubs and clubs.
Sports are
participated indoors (indoor sports) and outdoors (outdoor sports). Here are
some names of special places for practicing sport or doing physical exercise
A gym
A court
A course
A field
A ring
A stadium
An ice rink
A fitness centre
A track (a
A swimming pool
A football field
Sports grounds
Раздел 1
People who
are important in sport are:
A coach
An instructor [ InstrAktq]
A judge or a
referee [
refq rI:]
Which of the two?
Referee or
Both referee and
umpire are judges. Referee is used in connection with basketball, boxing,
football, hockey, rugby, wrestling. Umpire is used in connection with
badminton, baseball, cricket, swimming, tennis and volleyball
compete either individually or in teams and crews (in sailing and rowing).
We can speak
A national team
An Olympic team
A school team,
Guess what
sports and games are described here:
the sport of fighting
with fists;
the sport of riding in
a small boat with sails;
the sport of one who
the sport of playing a
type of football with an oval ball
a game of two people
who use rackets, a small soft ball and low net;
the sport of moving
through the water in a boat without sails
the sport of going on a
a game played by two
teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field;
an outdoor game, popular
in Britain played in summer with a small ball by two teams of 11 players each,
usually dressed in white.
People who do particular sports
—er can be used for many sports, e.g. footballer,
swimmer, windsurfer, high-jumper, cricketer, golfer, etc.
Player is often necessary, e.g. tennis-player,
snooker-player, darts-player; we can also say football-player, cricket-player.
Some names must be
learnt separately, e.g. canoeist, cyclist, mountaineer, jockey, archer,
What do you
call a person who…?
1 does the long
2 rides horses in
3 drives cars in
4 throws the
discus / javelin?
5 does gymnastics?
6 plays hockey?
7 Plays football?
8 does the
If you go in
for sport you:
train for a
competition (match, game)
compete in a
take part in a
tournament [
set / break records
score points and
win or lose (in)
the competition
win a prize / a
draw the game
Раздел 1
Verbs and
their collocations in the context of sport
Our team won /
lost by three goals / points.
She broke the
Olympic record last year.
He holds the
record for the 100 metres breast-stroke.
Liverpool beat
Hamburg 4-2 yesterday.
The team have
never been defeated. (more formal than beat)
How many goals
/ points have you scored this season?
I think I’ll take
up bowls next spring and give up golf.
Fill in the
gaps with suitable verbs.
Were many records
……………at the Olympics?
We’ve been …… many
times we deserve to be bottom of the league!
Congratulations! How
many points did you ……by?
You should ………jogging.
That would help you lose weight.
Who ………….the world
record for the 1000 metres? Is it a Russian?
I only ever once ………a
goal, and that was sheer luck.
Key: 1 — broken, 2 — beaten /
defeated, 3 — win, 4 — take up, 5 — holds, 6 — scored
Here are the
verbs connected with the topic ”SPORT”
but they
have several meanings. Try to give your translation of the following word
Win – won – won
the game /competition /
battle / war. выиграть, победить
respect / fame
hearts /
audience завоевать
Lose – lost – lost
game проиграть, потерпеть
the key / temper /
control / weight / way потерять
Run – ran – run
away / fast /
slowly бежать
the country /
hotel управлять, владеть
the road runs / the
river runs etc. Идет, бежит, течет, уменьшается
Break – broke –
1) the
record ставить рекорд
2) the
cup / the leg / heart разбить, сломать
3) the law / the rule .
нарушить/ прекратить .прервать
Catch – caught –
the ball /
cold ловит, поймать
bus /
train успеть
the sound / smell
/ уловить / почувствовать
the idea /
meaning понять
Draw — drew – drawn
a picture рисовать
game сыграть вничью
the rubber
draws тянуть, тащить
Раздел 1
Give the best
1. The home team
has won.
He is sure to win
They won by chance.
She lost diamond ring
before wedding
Children got lost in
the woods.
He lost his job.
It is dangerous to go
fishing.. The ice is breaking.
He fall down and broke
his glasses.
The cat caught the
mouse/ bird/
The police caught the
criminal/ spy/ thief
She is always loosing
her things and documents.
Children got lost in
the forest
He lost his job.
The book in the shop
window caught my eye.
It was difficult to
catch the idea
Did you catch the
meaning of a word?
We were caught in the
He was caught by the
The weather is breaking
A chimney must draw
Rubber draws
He won the election by
the majority of voices.
He won the hearts of
The plane was quickly
loosing speed.
All is lost.
They broke
negotiations.(peace talks)
It was late. She drew
the curtains and went to bed.
The carriage was drawn
by horses
They drew the car to
the petrol station.
May the best man win.
He is sure to
There is not a moment
to lose.
The army lost heavily
The book lost in
He fell in love and
lost his head / mind / sense
The clock (watch) is
He caught a strange
He caught the smell of
Put in the missing letters
p t |
c p |
ak p t |
p c |
p y |
r n |
u p |
w m |
which of
these sports are more popular in
Great Britain
Put the suitable
word into the gaps.
happy, upset,
puzzled, angry, depressed.
1. The girl got
a lot of presents for her birthday. She was ………………..
The student can’t
answer the question. He is ……………..
The boy has broken the
window. His father is ……………… with him.
Our football team has
lost. We are …………….
He didn’t pass the
exam. He is …………….
Do you like sport?
2) What
is your favourite sport?
3) Why
do many people go in for sport?
4) What
sport is the most useful?
5) Can
you call yourself a fan?
6) What
are the most important international competitions?
7) What
is the idea of Olympic Games?
is the symbol of Olympic Games?
The Olympic games
The original Olympic Games began
around 800 BC in Ancient Greece and continued until they were
abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in AD 393. The first modern Olympics
took place in Athens in 1896, and since then, more than a dozen
different countries have staged the Summer Olympics. The cities
of Paris, London, Berlin and Los Angeles have hosted the Olympics twice.
In 1956, Australia became the
first country outside Europe and America to stage the Olympics, while Mexico
was the first Latin American country to have the Olympics, in 1968.
Many of the great athletes in the world
have taken part in the Olympic Games, but no one has equalled
the achievements of the great Finnish athlete, Paavo Nurmi, who between 1920
and 1928 won nine gold and silver medals.
The Olympic Games have seen many
tragedies and triumphs. For example, in the maraphon of 1908, the little
Italian, Dorando Peitri five times in the last part of the race, but
came first – only to be disqualified because spectators helped him over
the finishing line. And in 1936, the famous black American athlete Jesse Ovens
broke six world records in a single day!
From the first modern Olympics in Athens, when only
fourteen countries participated the Olympics have grown to
include over 140 countries. Gold, silver and bronze medals have gone to
over 8,000 men and women.
Раздел 2
Listen to the text and say why the boys thought
that the old gentleman had won the cat.
You’ve Won!
An old gentleman was very
unhappy about young boys who lived near him. They were always noisy, played the
guitar loudly and sang strange songs. The old gentleman thought they had very
bad manners and didn’t know the difference between right and wrong.
One day he was taking a walk in the park
near his home when he saw some young boys standing around a small cat. The old
man went up to the boys and asked them what was happening. One of the boys said
to him: «We are having a competition. We’re telling lies and the one who
tells the biggest one will keep this cat.»
The old gentleman thought that was a good
opportunity to teach the boys good manners and to give them a useful lesson.
So, he said to them: «I’ve never told a lie in my life!» When the
boys heard these words they shouted: «You’ve won! You can take the
Listen to the text and say why a short answer is
called a laconic answer.
A Laconic Answer
The Lacons lived in that part of Southern
Greece which was called Laconia. The people who lived there were very brave.
They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody
knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their
country and never spoke long. «The shorter the better,» was their
rule. «Never use more words than you need,» was another rule. And
nowadays as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic
answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.
In Northern Greece there was a land called
Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very
brave, but he wanted to become king of all Greece. So, he collected a great
army and soon he became master of all Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered.
Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the brave Lacons. The letter
said: «If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and
ruin your great city.»
A few days later an answer was brought back
to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and
that was ‘If’
Now answer
the following questions:
was Laconia situated?
were the rules of the people who lived in Laconia?
kind of life did the Lacons have?
Who ruled
was Macedonia situated?
did King Philip want?
did he write to the Lacons in his letter?
answer did he get?
A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.
course • court • pitch • ring • rink • track
1 We used to go skating at the ice ……………… every Saturday.
2 Keith had never seen such a large golf ……………… until he went to Scotland.
3 We all met at the basketball ……………… at half past three.
4 It’s called a boxing ………………, but it’s actually square!
5 For the 800 metres race, you have to run round the ……………… twice.
6 The football match had to be called off because the ……………… was flooded.
7 Our team ……………… until half time, but in the second half the other team ……………… three goals, and so they ……………… us. But it was a great match!
bat • stick • rod • racket
8 Adrian got a new fishing ……………… for his birthday.
9 Can I borrow your tennis ………………?
10 Why are hockey ……………… such a strange shape?
11 I’d spend hours putting linseed oil on my cricket ……………… to keep the wood strong.
1 rink 2 course 3 court 4 ring 5 track 6 pitch
7 was winning/scored/beat 8 rod 9 racket
10 sticks 11 bat(s)
B. Circle the correct word or phrase.
1 The umpire / referee blew the whistle and the most important football match I’ve ever played began.
2 We used to play rugby in the winter term, football in the spring term, and we’d do athletics / sport and swimming in the summer term.
3 Do you fancy a game / play of cards?
4 I only do magic tricks for fun. I’ve never thought of becoming an amateur / a professional magician.
5 The play was so boring, we walked out during half time / the interval.
6 Coventry City equalled /drew 3-3 with Sunderland in the match last Saturday.
7 Spectators / Viewers who watched last week’s programme will remember we were looking at the history of baseball.
8 We got through to the final / finale, but then lost to Cirencester.
9 Most people prefer films which have a happy end / ending.
10 Would all opponents / competitors please make their way to the starting line?
1 referee 2 athletics 3 game 4 professional
5 the interval 6 drew 7 Viewers 8 final
9 ending 10 competitors
C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1 I don’t know how you can stand getting up so early to go to the pool. put
I don’t know how you can …………………………………… up so early to go to the pool.
2 I’ve finally started sorting out my postcard collection. round
I’ve finally …………………………………… sorting out my postcard collection.
3 What did you do at the weekend? get
What did you …………………………………… at the weekend?
4 I’m not so keen on skiing now I’ve discovered snowboarding. gone
I’ve …………………………………… since I discovered snowboarding.
5 Why do you continue to have riding lessons if you can’t afford them? on
Why do you …………………………………… riding lessons if you can’t afford them?
6 We can’t delay the match any longer. put
We can’t …………………………………… any longer.
1 put up with getting
2 got round to
3 get up to
4 gone off skiing
5 carry on having
6 put (off) the match (off)
D. Write one word in each gap.
1 Tony never used to want to join ……………… with the other kids in the playground.
2 Look ………………! There’s a car coming!
3 Simone’s ……………… to wearing a helmet whenever she goes cycling.
4 I was thinking of taking ……………… scuba diving until I found out how expensive the equipment is.
5 They were knocked ……………… in the semi-final.
6 Maybe we should bring the meeting ……………… to this Tuesday instead of having it in two weeks’ time.
7 Becca had to pull ……………… of the race when she sprained her ankle.
8 Melissa doesn’t ……………… in for adventure sports.
1 in 2 out 3 taken 4 up 5 out 6 forward 7 out 8 go
E. Choose the correct answer.
1 Why don’t you …………… a go? It’s not difficult!
A make B have
C do D set
2 Carl wasn’t very good at mountain climbing as he’s afraid of …………… .
A highs B highness
C heights D height
3 There’s little …………… of our getting into the final.
A opportunity
B chance
C luck D fortune
4 Rachel is mad …………… the Eurovision Song Contest.
A from B against
C for D about
5 Just …………… your best – that’s all anyone can ask of you.
A do B make
C be D have
6 It’s …………… time you learned to swim.
A big B tall
C high D far
7 Grandma …………… a lot of pleasure from gardening.
A does B has
C makes D gets
8 …………… your time – don’t rush.
A Tell B Find
C Spend D Take
9 Each player takes it …………… turn to roll the dice.
A on B in
C at D to
10 Time …………… so quickly when you’re doing something enjoyable.
A takes B spends
C passes D finds
11 Our new coach is popular …………… the whole team.
A for B to
C by D with
12 She’d …………… hours lying on her bed, reading.
A spend B take
C make D pass
13 He’d been planning to leave the team the …………… time, and hadn’t told anyone.
A complete B whole
C total D full
14 I’m not siding …………… her because she’s my sister, but because she’s right.
A from B for
C to D with
1 E 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 D
8 D 9 B 10 C 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 D
F. Match to make sentences.
1 I’m not very fond
2 She’s interested
3 You should concentrate
4 I used to find it difficult
5 Let’s listen
6 We stopped
7 The bad weather stopped us
A in playing for the school team.
B to find enough time to have any hobbies.
C to try to find the golf balls we’d lost.
D of playing in goal.
E from finishing the game.
F to what the coach thinks first.
G on getting fit.
1 D 2 A 3 G 4 B 5 F 6 C 7 E
G. Water has damaged part of this text about sport at school. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.
Sport at school
I used to wear glasses when I was at school, and so I (1) ……………… sport very difficult. I wanted to be involved (2) ……………… school sports competitions, and I loved the idea of teams competing (3) ……………… each other, but being on the rugby team, for example, (4) ……………… having to take off my glasses, and that meant (5) ……………… I couldn’t see! And it’s difficult (6) ……………… catch a ball when you can’t see it! So, I wasn’t very good and the captains always (7) ……………… sure that I wasn’t on their team. This meant I (8) ……………… free to do other activities, like being on the debating team, and actually I preferred to (9) ……………… things I was good at doing (10) ……………… than have everyone laugh at me.
1 found 2 in 3 against/with 4 involved/meant
5 that 6 to 7 made 8 was 9 do 10 rather
H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
1 I need to buy a new pair of ……………………. (TRAIN).
2 Ellie used to ……………………. (PRACTICE) for hours to learn to juggle properly.
3 That was the most ……………………. (INTEREST) book I’ve ever read. I can’t wait for the sequel!
4 Would you describe yourself as a ……………………. (COMPETE) person?
5 Many professional basketball players earn a ……………………. (FORTUNE) these days.
6 F.A. stands for Football ……………………. (ASSOCIATE).
7 The gold, silver and bronze ……………………. (MEDAL) took their places on the podium for the presentation ceremony.
8 In Britain, the money parents give their children is often called pocket money. In America, it’s often called an ……………………. (ALLOW).
9 I’m afraid the swimming pool is closed at the moment as they’re carrying out some essential ……………………. (MAINTAIN).
1 trainers 2 practise 3 interesting 4 competitive
5 fortune 6 Association 7 medallists 8 allowance
9 maintenance
I. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
A snooker player speaks
When I first started playing snooker, I had no real (1) ……………………. (KNOW) of the rules. I just thought it looked an (2) ……………………. (ENJOY) game. Also, I didn’t need to buy any expensive (3) ……………………. (EQUIP) because the snooker hall near my house had tables and cues. I spent (4) ……………………. (PRACTICAL) all the free time I had practising, and then decided to enter a (5) ……………………. (COMPETE). It was great fun! My (6) ……………………. (OPPOSE) was someone who’d been playing for years. Of course, he beat me, but the fact that I’d (7) ……………………. (LOSE) didn’t put me off at all. And, (8) ……………………. (FORTUNE), my game improved enough for me to become a professional snooker player three years ago.
1 knowledge 2 enjoyable 3 equipment
4 practically 5 competition 6 opponent
7 lost 8 fortunately
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Автор: Бурта Данута Михайловна
Учебное заведение: ГУО «Средняя школа №14 г.Солигорска»
Краткое описание работы: Present Simple Passive
Дата публикации: 2020-05-22
Упражнение 3 . Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
- I … (like / am liked) this place.
- What books by Charles Dickens … (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?
- Who … (protects / is protected) animals?
- This city … (is visited / visited) by many people.
- Who … (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?
- Our house … (made /is made) of wood.
- Our holiday … (is begun / begins) next week.
- Pupils … (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.
- The holiday … (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.
Упражнение 5. Put the passive sentences in order.
- in a lot of schools / are / used / Computers
- of plastic / made / are / CDs
- seen / The information / on a screen/can be
- are / very quickly / The answers / calculated
- played / The game / is / on a computer
- with a modem / are / sent / E-mails
- is / on a disk / Information / stored
- sent / Text messages / are / using mobile phones
- to get information / used / is / The Internet
Упражнение 6. Respond to the situations with a negative sentence using the words and word combinations in brackets.
Cars are made at this factory, (bicycles)
— But bicycles are not made at this factory.
- Bread is sold in this shop, (milk)
- Our house is built of wood, (their house)
- My books are kept on the shelf. exercise-books )
- My younger sister is usually given fruit and milk for supper, (my elder brother)
- Apples are grown in Belarus, (oranges)
- Glass is made of sand, (paper)
- My dresses are made by my mother, (jackets)
- Films are watched by many people, (sports programmes)
- This apple-tree is planted by me. (that cherry-tree)
- All the words are always learnt by the pupils. (rules)
Упражнение 8. Ask for more information about the sentences using the words in brackets.
The children are left after the lessons.(why)
— Why are the children left after the lessons?
- The game is won by our school team, (what game)
- The map is brought from England, (when)
- My books are not kept on the shelf, (why)
- School meetings are held every month, (where)
- The glass is filled with something, (what)
- Hockey is usually played by boys, (when)
- Oranges are not grown in Belarus, (why)
- The dinner is not yet served, (why)
- New rules are explained at the lesson, (by whom)
Упражнение 3.
1 like, 2 are translated, 3 protects, 4 is visited, 5 is given, 6 is made, 7 begins, 8 are given, 9 is celebrated
Упражнение 5.
- Computers are used in a lot of schools.
- CDs are made of plastic.
- The information can be seen on the screen.
- The answers are calculated very quickly.
- The game is played on a computer
- E-mails are sent with a modem.
- Information is stored on a disk.
- Text messages are sent using mobile phones
- The Internet is used to get information.
Упражнение 6.
- But milk is not sold in this shop.
- But their house is not built of wood.
- But my exercise-books are not kept on the shelf.
- But my elder brother is not usually given fruit and milk for supper.
- But oranges are not grown in Belarus.
- But paper is not made of sand.
- But my jackets are not made by my mother.
- But sports programmes are not watched by many people.
- But that cherry-tree is not planted by me.
- But all the rules are not always learnt by the pupils.
Упражнение 8.
- What game is won by our school team?
- When is the map brought from England?
- Why are my books not kept on the shelf?
- Where are school meetings held every month?
- What is filled with something?
- When is hockey usually played by boys?
- Why are oranges not grown in Belarus?
- Why is the dinner not served yet?
- By whom are new rules explained at the lesson?
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7e. Writing Skills — Навыки письма
6. Find the correct linking words/phrases. — Найдите корректное слово-связку/фразу.
1. One point in favour of/Some people claim that banning violent TV programmes is that viewers may begin to identify themselves with the aggressive characters. Consequently/ On the other hand, they may become violent themselves. — Один аргумент за запрещение телевизионных программ, наполненных насилием, это то, что зрители могут начать идентифицировать себя с агрессивными персонажами. Следовательно, они сами могут стать жестокими.
2. The main advantage of/Many people are against young people travelling in groups at night is that they are a lot safer. As a result/However, fewer youngsters will become victims of street crime. — Главное преимущество того, что молодые люди ходят ночью группами в том, что так им намного безопаснее. Как результат, меньше молодых людей станут жертвами уличных преступлений.
3. Some people believe that/This is why motorcycles should be banned from motorways because they are too dangerous. In particular/In this way, the number of deaths due to motorcycle accidents is extremely high. — Некоторые считают, что мотоциклы следует запретить на автомагистралях, поскольку они слишком опасны. В частности, число погибших в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий с участием мотоциклов чрезвычайно велико.
7. Read the sentences (1-2) and find the phrases that are used to express an opinion. What is the writer’s opinion in the essay in Ex. 2? Which phrase is used to express it? — Прочитайте предложения (1-2) и найдите фразы, которые используются, чтобы выразить мнение. Какое мнение автора в эссе в упражнении 2? Какие фразы используются, чтобы выразить его?
1. I am totally opposed to installing CCTV cameras in every school and workplace. — Я категорически против установки камер видеонаблюдения в каждой школе и производственном помещении.
2. I am very much in support of banning smoking in all public places. — Я абсолютно согласен с запретом курения в общественных местах.
Дополнительный ответ:
That the phrase «I strongly believe» is used to express the writer’s opinion in the essay in Ex.2. It helps to express the opinion that parents should decide which games children play and that violent games shouldn’t be banned. — Что фраза «Я твердо верю» используется для выражения мнения автора в эссе в упражнении 2. Эта фраза помогает выразить мнение, что родители должны решать, в какие игры играть детям, и что жестокие игры не должны быть запрещены.
8. Read the rubric and find the key words. What do you have to write and in what style? What are the two sides of the argument? — Прочитайте рубрику и найдите ключевые слова. Что вам нужно написать и в каком стиле? Каковы две стороны аргументации?
Your school newspaper has asked for essays discussing the arguments for and against banning violent sports. Write your essay (180-220 words). — Ваша школьная газета попросила написать эссе, в котором обсуждались бы аргументы за и против запрещения жестоких видов спорта. Напишите эссе (180-220 слов)
Ключевые слова: essays, for and against arguments, banning violent sports
I have to write an essay. It should be written in a formal style. One side of the argument states that violent sports are unacceptable and should be banned. The other side states that the existence of these sports can be justified; therefore they should not be banned. — Я должен написать эссе. Оно должно быть написано в официальном стиле. С одной стороны, утверждается, что жестокие виды спорта неприемлемы и должны быть запрещены. С другой стороны утверждается, что существование таких видов спорта может быть оправдано; поэтому их не следует запрещать.
9А. Match the arguments against banning violent sports with the arguments for. — Сопоставьте аргументы против запрещения жестоких видов спорта с аргументами за их запрещение.
1. People who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or death. — c) Safety standards can be improved. — Лица, принимающие участие в жестоких видах спорта, рискуют получить серьезные увечья или погибнуть. — Стандарты безопасности могут быть улучшены.
2. Playing violent sports makes people more aggressive. — a) Violent sports are an outlet for aggression. — Занятия жестокими видами спорта делают людей более агрессивными. — Жестокие виды спорта служат для выплеска агрессии.
3. Violent sports do not uphold moral standards. — b) Violent sports are purely contests of strength and will. — Жестокие виды спорта не отвечают моральным нормам. — Жестокие виды спорта являются исключительно состязанием силы и воли.
9В. Match the justifications/examples (I-VI) to arguments 1-3 (for) and arguments a-c (against). — Сопоставьте подтверждения/примеры (I-VI) с аргументами 1-3 (за) и аргументами а-с (против).
I) Aggressive behaviour learnt on-field carries over to conflicts outside the world of sport. — Агрессивное поведение, которое культивируется на поле, приводит к конфликтам за пределами спорта.
II) They are barbaric and express the worst side of human nature. — Они варварские и выражают худшую сторону человеческой природы.
III) Testing yourself in this way is vital to a person’s all-round development. — Испытание самого себя таким способом жизненно важно для всестороннего развития человека.
IV) They are a healthy way to let off steam. — Это здоровый способ выпустить пар.
V) More protective clothing can be used. — Может быть использовано больше защитной амуниции.
VI) Many young boxers are seriously injured every year. — Многие молодые боксеры ежегодно получают серьезные травмы.
Ответ: Вам нужно сопоставить пункты, обозначенные римскими цифрами с пунктами из предыдущего упражнения, обозначенными арабскими цифрами и буквами.
Arguments for — Аргументы за запрет
People who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or death. — Лица, принимающие участие в жестоких видах спорта, рискуют получить серьезные увечья или погибнуть.
VI) Many young boxers are seriously injured every year. — Многие молодые боксеры ежегодно получают серьезные травмы.
Playing violent sports makes people more aggressive. — Занятия жестокими видами спорта делают людей более агрессивными
I) Aggressive behaviour learnt on-field carries over to conflicts outside the world of sport. — Агрессивное поведение, которое культивируется на поле, приводит к конфликтам за пределами спорта.
Violent sports do not uphold moral standards. — Жестокие виды спорта не отвечают моральным нормам.
II) They are barbaric and express the worst side of human nature. — Они варварские и выражают худшую сторону человеческой природы.
Arguments against — Аргументы против запрета.
a) Violent sports are an outlet for aggression. — Жестокие виды спорта служат для выплеска агрессии.
IV) They are a healthy way to let off steam. — Это здоровый способ выпустить пар.
b) Violent sports are purely contests of strength and will. — Жестокие виды спорта являются исключительно состязанием силы и воли.
III) Testing yourself in this way is vital to a person’s all-round development. — Испытание самого себя таким способом жизненно важно для всестороннего развития человека.
c) Safety standards can be improved. — Стандарты безопасности могут быть улучшены.
V) More protective clothing can be used. — Может быть использовано больше защитной амуниции.
10. Use your answers from Ex. 9 and the plan below to write your essay (180-220 words). Make sure you start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence. — Используйте свои ответы из упражнения 9 и план, чтобы написать эссе (180-220 слов). Убедитесь, что вы начинаете каждый абзац основной части текста с ключевого предложения.
Возможный ответ:
Many sports can be considered violent. But almost all of them are extremely popular all over the world. Should violent sports be banned or are they a necessary part of human nature?
Firstly, violent sports can have a direct effect on health. People who take part in violent sports risk serious injury or death. For example, many young boxers are seriously injured every year. On the other hand, all contact sports are strongly regulated and have high safety standards that can be further improved. In particular, more protective clothing can be used.
Secondly, violent sports are linked to people behaviour issues. Some critics believe that playing violent sports makes people more aggressive. Consequently, aggressive behaviour learnt on-field carries over to conflicts outside the world of sport. In contrast, others reckon violent sports are an outlet for aggression. Playing them people can easily let off steam without great negative consequences.
Finally, every kind of sport has its own history and moral aspects. People in favour of banning say that violent sports do not uphold moral standards. These kinds of sport are barbaric and express the worst side of human nature. However, there are other opinions that state violent sports are purely contests of strength and will. And nothing more. Back in ancient Greece, when, for example, boxing became an Olympic sport, people believed that testing themselves in this way was vital to a person’s all-round development.
All in all, there are arguments both for and against the banning of violent sports. I strongly believe that there are no «violent» sports but only «tough» sports. And that is the difference. No one boxer, football or hockey player has the aim to hurt the opponent but only to compete, exceed and win. Tough sports don’t express the worst side of human nature but natural human merits such as speed, endurance, strength, agility, skill level and physicality. That is why I am totally opposed to banning tough sports.
Многие виды спорта считаются жестокими. Но почти все они безумно популярны во всем миру. Следует ли запретить жестокие виды спорта или они являются неотъемлемой частью человеческой природы?
Во-первых, жестокие виды спорта могут оказывать непосредственное воздействие на здоровье. Люди, участвующие в жестоких видах спорта, рискуют получить серьезные травмы или умереть. Например, многие молодые боксеры ежегодно получают серьёзные травмы. С другой стороны, все контактные виды спорта строго регламентированы и имеют высокие стандарты безопасности, которые могут быть еще больше улучшены. В частности, можно использовать еще больше защитной амуниции.
Во-вторых, жестокие виды спорта связаны с вопросами поведения людей. Некоторые критики считают, что занятия жестокими видами спорта делают людей более агрессивными. Следовательно, агрессивное поведение, которое культивируется на поле, приводит к конфликтам за пределами спорта. Напротив, другие считают, что жестокие виды спорта служат для выплеска агрессии. Играя в них, люди могут легко выпустить пар без больших негативных последствий.
Наконец, каждый вид спорта имеет свою собственную историю и моральные аспекты. Люди, выступающие за запрет, говорят, что жестокие виды спорта не отвечают моральным нормам. Эти виды спорта являются варварскими и отражают наихудшую сторону человеческой природы. Однако существуют и другие мнения о том, что жестокие виды спорта — это просто борьба за силу и волю. И ничего больше. В Древней Греции, когда, например, бокс стал олимпийским видом спорта, люди считали, что испытание себя таким образом имеет жизненно важное значение для всестороннего развития человека.
В целом имеются аргументы как за, так и против запрещения жестоких видов спорта. Я твердо верю, что нет «жестоких» видов спорта, но есть только «жесткие» виды спорта. И в этом как раз и разница. Ни один боксер, футболист или хоккеист не ставит перед собой цели причинить вред противнику, а только соревноваться, превзойти и победить. Жесткие виды спорта выражают не худшие проявления человеческой природы, но естественные человеческие качества, такие как скорость, выносливость, сила, ловкость, уровень мастерства и физическую мощь. Вот почему я категорически против запрета жестких видов спорта.
1. Complete the sports venues with the words below. Then use six of them to label the photos.
basketball bowling boxing court football golf
ice room studio swimming track wall
1 ……………………… alley
2 ……………………… course
3 athletics ………………………
4 ……………………… rink
5 tennis ………………………
6 ……………………… ring
7 ……………………… court
8 dance ………………………
9 climbing ………………………
10 ……………………… pitch
11 weights ………………………
12 ……………………… pool
1 bowling 2 golf 3 track 4 ice 5 court 6 boxing
7 basketball 8 studio 9 wall 10 football 11 room
12 swimming
a weights room b bowling alley c golf course
d climbing wall e athletics track f ice rink
2. Match the words to make more compound nouns. Use each word only once.
1 mountain
2 flood
3 main
4 sea
5 tennis
6 safety
7 tower
a road
b block
c net
d range
e player
f shore
g lights
1 d 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 e 6 c 7 b
3. Complete the table with compound nouns from exercise 1 and 2. Write two in column A, three in column B and four in column C.
A adjective + noun |
B -ing form + noun |
…………………………… …………………………… |
…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… |
C noun + noun |
………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… |
A adjective + noun main road
B -ing form + noun (any three of:) bowling alley, boxing ring, climbing wall, swimming pool
C noun + noun (any four of:) golf course, athletics track, ice rink, tennis court, basketball court, dance studio, football pitch, weights room, mountain range, floodlights, sea shore, tennis player, safety net, tower block
4. Complete the compound adjectives in the sentences with the words below.
25 air full open sound well
1 It’s an amazing house. There’s a ………………………-sized bowling alley in the basement!
2 There’s also a new ………………………-air swimming pool in the garden.
3 Is it healthy to spend all day in ………………………-conditioned offices?
4 The gym has a ………………………-equipped weights room.
5 She reached the top of the ………………………-metre climbing wall in less than a minute.
6 They record the podcasts in a ………………………proof room.
1 full 2 open 3 air 4 well 5 25 6 sound
Many compound adjectives are not in the dictionary because they are formed from other words. When you come across a new compound adjective, you need to work out the meaning by look at the words which form it.
a three-wheeled motorbike = a motorbike with three wheels
a well-drawn picture = a picture which has been drawn well
5. Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the second part of each sentence with an explanation.
1 A three-headed monster is a monster with three heads.
2 A man-eating lion is a lion ……………………………………….
3 A million-dollar apartment is an apartment ……………………………………….
4 A five-storey house is a house ……………………………………….
5 A well-prepared students is a student ……………………………………….
2 which eats men 3 which costs a million dollars
4 with five storeys 5 who has prepared well
Extra exercises
1. Complete the sentences with compound nouns.
1 Do you have to be a member of the club to play on their golf ……………………………?
2 The new world champion ran around the athletics …………………………… as the crowd stood up and cheered.
3 The main …………………………… to the stadium is closed to traffic on the days when there’s a match.
4 Last Saturday, we played a few games at the bowling …………………………… before going out for dinner.
5 We don’t often go skiing as the nearest mountain …………………………… is over 300 km away.
6 They’re building a new ice ……………………………, so we’ll be able to go skating in the future.
7 The match has been cancelled because the football …………………………… is flooded.
1 course 2 track 3 road 4 alley 5 range
6 rink 7 pitch
2. Match the words in A and B to form compound adjectives. Then complete the sentences.
A air open six solar sound well
B air conditioned equipped heated lane proof
1 On Friday mornings, there’s an …………………………… market in the square, where you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables.
2 It was a relief to enter the …………………………… building after walking around in the heat outside.
3 There’s always a lot of traffic on the …………………………… motorway leading to the city centre.
4 The band are looking for a …………………………… room where they can practise without disturbing anyong.
5 The hotel has a …………………………… gym with a wide range of different machines.
6 The water in their …………………………… swimming pool never goes below a certain temperature.
1 open-air 2 air-conditioned 3 six-lane
4 soundproof 5 well-equipped 6 solar-heated
3. Replace the underlined words with the words below.
agree choice like overall prefer to settled
1 I think karting is a better option because it looks more fun.
2 In general, the first activity would be better.
3 I quite fancy the first activity. ……………………………………….
4 We need to make a decision together. ……………………………………….
5 That’s decided then. ……………………………………….
6 I’d rather go climbing than kayaking. ……………………………………….
1 choice 2 Overall 3 like 4 agree 5 settled 6 prefer to