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This sounds nice, but we are looking at resources and environmental constraints.
Это мило звучит, но мы смотрим на ресурсы и экологические ограничения.
This sounds nice and sensible, but there’s just one problem: IT DOESN’T WORK.
Конечно, это хорошо звучит и выглядит на бумаге, однако есть одна проблема — это не работает.
This sounds nice, but standing behind these fine words is the enormous amount of everyday work that must be done to address housing and utility problems, provide urban amenities and develop the social sphere.
Это звучит красиво, но за этими красивыми словами — большая ежедневная и достаточно будничная работа, связанная с решением проблем жилищно-коммунального хозяйства, с благоустройством, с развитием социальной сферы.
Given the constant fluctuations of different currencies, this sounds nice.
«Kryon, this sounds nice, but what are you going to do with overpopulation when a civilization never gets old?»
«Крайон, это звучит замечательно, но что ты будешь делать с перенаселенностью, если цивилизация никогда не стареет?»
Другие результаты
While this might sound nice on the surface, it’s often a flag for a dysfunctional work environment.
Хотя это может показаться приятным на поверхности, это часто является флагом для нездоровой рабочей среды.
So this all sounds nice, stories are great.
This doesn’t sound nice and fluffy.
While this sentiment sounds nice, it means that children who are born into poverty and face structurally racist housing, criminal justice and education systems will never have equal opportunity.
Хотя это отлично звучит, в результате люди, рожденные в бедности и сталкивающиеся со структурным расизмом в образовании, в жилищной сфере и в уголовном правосудии, не получают равных возможностей.
While this sounds very nice on paper or verbally, you need to check that everything you are being offered has been practically achieved by someone in the past.
Хотя это звучит очень хорошо на бумаге, вам нужно проверить, что все, что они предлагают вам, выполняется, по крайней мере, в прошлом.
This sounds like a nice love story starting doesn’t it?
And also, this name sounds so nice in other languages.
You might have read through all of this and thought it sounds nice on paper, but wondered how it works in practice.
Возможно, вы прочитали все это и подумали, что на бумаге это звучит хорошо, но вы удивляетесь, как это работает на практике.
This soup sounds really really nice.
This sounds all very nice, but how can we achieve this if the NAA does not want us waking up and any effort towards ascension will be met with stern opposition?
Всё это хорошо звучит, но как нам добиться этого, если НИП не желает, чтобы мы пробудились, и любые усилия на пути к вознесению встречаются отчаянным сопротивлением?
When companies decided to make computerized appliances that would connect over the internet to the manufacturer’s server, and therefore could easily snoop on their users, they realized that this would not sound very nice.
Когда компании решили сделать компьютеризованую технику, которая соединялась бы по интернеру с сервером производителя и, следовательно, могла легко подглядывать за своими пользователями, они сознавали, что это звучало бы не очень здорово.
In the end, however, this also sounds very nice, if not utopian, because the freed-up time should fill people in the beautiful, new world of work with what they like to do and do best.
В конце концов, однако, это также звучит очень хорошо, если не утопия, потому что высвободившееся время должно заполнить людей в красивом, новом мире работы с тем, что они хотели бы сделать и сделать лучше всего.
All sounds nice except for one main issue.
Она вроде бы всем хороша, кроме одного важного аргумента.
I think a Victorian Christmas sounds nice.
А по-моему Рождество в викторианском стиле — это здорово.
I generally just do stuff that sounds nice.
По большому счету, я просто пишу вещи, которые приятно звучат.
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sounds nice — перевод на русский
Oh, that sounds nice, dear.
О, звучит мило, дорогой.
— sounds nice.
— Звучит мило.
Oh, that sounds nice.
Звучит мило.
Well,that sounds nice.
Ну, это звучит мило.
Sounds nice and counterproductive.
Звучит мило, но непродуктивно.
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Sounds nice and structured.
Звучит неплохо и структурировано.
— Sounds nice.
— Звучит неплохо.
Maybe you should say it is, because «London style» sounds nice.
Лучше, ты бы сказала, что всё так, потому что «лондонский стиль» звучит неплохо.
— Sounds nice.
— Звучит неплохо
That sounds nice.
— Звучит неплохо.
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That sounds nice
Звучит здорово.
That sounds nice, but Pakistan doesn’t wish to exist in a global community with criminals.
Звучит здорово, Г-н Президент, но народ Пакистана не желает существовать в мировом сообществе вместе с преступниками.
That sounds nice, really nice.
Звучит здорово, действительно здорово.
Sounds nice, but I’d have to ask my wife.
Звучит здорово, но мне надо посоветоваться с женой.
Sounds nice.
Звучит здорово.
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Sounded nice.
Звучит хорошо.
Sounds nice…
Звучит хорошо.
Yeah, sure, that sounds nice.
Да, конечно, это звучит хорошо.
That sounds nice.
Звучит хорошо — Вы, ребята, готовы?
It sounds nice.
Звучит хорошо.
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Nap time… that sounds nice.
Тихий час, это здорово.
Mmm. Sounds nice.
Ммм, здорово.
That sounds nice.
Оу, это здорово.
— That sounds nice.
— Здорово.
Oh, that sounds nice!
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Maine sounds nice.
Мэн — звучит заманчиво.
— Hmm, sounds nice.
— Звучит заманчиво.
Yeah, that sounds nice.
Звучит заманчиво.
Planning my parisian vacation. It sounds nice, but I am a mother,
Звучит заманчиво, но я мать.
Sounds nice.
— Звучит заманчиво.
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She sounds nice.
Она поступила мило.
Yeah, that sounds nice.
Да, мило.
Well, that sounds nice, but I can’t imagine how you’d prove that.
Всё это мило, но я не представляю, как это доказать.
It sounds nice.
А по-моему, мило.
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— Julie loves to sing. It sounds nice. — Here you go.
— Джули любит петь Звучит отлично.
Me neither. it sounds nice.
Я тоже. Звучит отлично.
That sounds nice.
Звучит отлично.
Sounds nice.
Звучит отлично.
Yeah, sounds nice.
Да, звучит отлично.
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— Sounds nice.
— Звучит красиво.
Sounds nice.
Звучит красиво.
It sounds nice and easy.
Это звучит красиво и легко.
But even if that sounds nice, it’s not so good.
И даже если это звучит красиво, это не так уж хорошо.
It sounds nice and all, but the real question is can you work with her?
Звучит красиво, но главный вопрос в том, сможете ли вы работать с ней?
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That sounds nice. Oh, yeah.
— Хорошая идея.
Splitting it two ways sounds nice, but is it safe?
Разбиться на группы хорошая идея, но безопасно ли это?
Hey. That sounds nice.
— Хорошая идея.
Doesn’t that sound nice?
Разве не хорошая идея?
Yeah, that sounds nice.
Да, хорошая идея.
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Перевод по словам
— sounds [noun]
noun: звук, шум, тон, смысл, плавательный пузырь, зонд, щуп, катетер, узкий пролив, значение
verb: звучать, казаться, зондировать, произносить, издавать звук, звонить, давать сигнал, выстукивать, стараться выяснить, выслушивать
- utter sounds — издавать звуки
- this all sounds — это все звуки
- everyday sounds — повседневные звуки
- sounds strange — звучит странно
- many sounds — много звуков
- sounds not — звуки не
- sounds have — звуки имеют
- i know how this sounds — Я знаю, как это звучит
- sounds like a lot — звучит как много
- than it sounds — чем это звучит
— nice [adjective]
adjective: хороший, приятный, красивый, славный, милый, добрый, вкусный, любезный, изящный, элегантный
- have e nice day — есть е хороший день
- we thought it would be nice — мы думали, что было бы неплохо
- isn’t it nice — это не приятно
- nice body — красивое тело
- surprisingly nice — удивительно хорошо
- nice model — хорошая модель
- it must be nice to have — это должно быть приятно иметь
- a nice thing to say — хорошая вещь, чтобы сказать,
- am not a nice person — Я не хороший человек
- nice and big — красивый и большой
Предложения с «sounds nice»
I was like, yeah, that sounds nice. I hear that exists. Err… |
Я, типа: да, я слышала, что такое существует |
And they gave me my own teepee to sleep in… which sounds nice. |
И они выделили мне вигвам, чтобы поспать… Что, конечно, звучит классно. |
What we ourselves have considered issues for Japanese- that’s things like the food tasting good- that the taiko drum sounds nice and that the shinto temples are beautiful. |
У нас есть общепринятые для японцев понятия — как, скажем, вкусная еда, То, что барабан тайко благозвучен, а синтоистские храмы красивы. |
I think a Victorian Christmas sounds nice. |
А по — моему Рождество в викторианском стиле — это здорово. |
Sounds nice, but I’d have to ask my wife. |
Звучит здорово, но мне надо посоветоваться с женой. |
He sounds like… a nice person. |
Судя по голосу… Похоже, он очень хороший человек. |
And I know that doesn’t make me sound like a nice person. |
И я знаю, что это не красит меня как хорошего человека. |
National Assembly: They create the Committee of Public Safety, which sounds like a very nice committee. |
Национальное Собрание: Оно формирует Комитет Общественной Безопасности, судя по звучанию, довольно неплохой комитет. |
Also it has sound, savestates, zipped roms, joystick support and many other nice features. |
Кроме того, он имеет поддержку джойстиков, звука, zip архивов, оригинальный графический интерфейс и множество других приятных особенностей. |
Well, nice as that sounds, I’m on very strict orders now. |
Звучит хорошо, но сейчас я под строгим надзором. |
Our collective challenge is to translate a nice-sounding slogan into reality. |
Наша коллективная задача – сделать этот прекрасно звучащий лозунг реальностью. |
A pair, by the sound, said he. Yes, he continued, glancing out of the window. A nice little brougham and a pair of beauties. A hundred and fifty guineas apiece. |
Судя по звуку, парный экипаж… Да, — продолжал он, выглянув в окно, — изящная маленькая карета и пара рысаков… по сто пятьдесят гиней каждый. |
That sounds good, nice word, decimate. |
Хорошее слово, проредить. |
And I know it sounds frivolous, but I thought it might be nice to get my hair done. |
И, я знаю, прозвучит легкомысленно, но я подумала, было бы хорошо заняться причёской. |
She sounded like-well, a little common and countrified but nice and warm hearted. |
А эта хоть и выражалась простовато, по — деревенски, но речь ее звучала приятно и чувствовалось, что она добрая. |
It’s not exactly a nice porterhouse, but I promise it’s better than it sounds. |
Да, это не бифштекс, но, поверь, на вкус лучше, чем на слух. |
She sounds quite nice, said Jane graciously. |
Весьма лестная характеристика, — снисходительно заметила Джейн. |
They’re nice, they’re soft, and they’re furry, and they make a pleasant sound. |
Они приятные, мягкие, пушистые и издают приятный звук. |
Donna’s been nice enough to invite us to stay the weekend, and frankly, that sounds better than continuing this wild-goose chase. |
Донна любезно пригласила нас остаться на выходные, и, откровенно, это звучит лучше, чем искать то, не знаю что. |
Or at least some coconuts to bang together for a nice sound effect. |
Или хотя — бы пустых кокосов, чтобы стучать и создавать звуковой эффект. |
Two chef’s tasting menus, couple of nice bottles of Pinot… Doesn’t sound like business to me. |
Два эксклюзивных меню от шеф — повара, парочка бутылок Пино… как по мне, не похоже на дело. |
I know this sounds nuts, but it’s kind of nice to have someone else in the house who knows the truth about who we are. |
Я знаю, что это звучит безумно, но отчасти это хорошо, когда в доме есть кто — то еще, кто знает правду о том, кем мы являемся. |
Doesn’t a nice, big, ice-cold cup of soda sound good? |
Что скажешь на счет большого стакана вкусной, холодной газировки? |
Like you said, the sound of typing is really nice |
Как ты и говорил, звук стука пальцами по клавишам и правда очень приятный |
It is now a nice sound for the Venetians, later for the pigeons, look. |
Это неприятный звук для венецианцев. Посмотрите на голубей! |
‘ It sounds very nice,’ I said politely. |
Звучит очень мило, — сказала я. |
I think it sounded nice either way. |
Думаю, прозвучало забавно в любом случае. |
Nice name, I thought – Boney, Boney, Boney… Boney M. Boney, Boney, Boney M. Nice sound. |
Милое имя, подумал я — Бони, Бони, Бони… Бони М. Бони, Бони, Бони М. Хороший звук. |
The sound’s first North American ambassador, Baltimore DJ Joe Nice helped kickstart its spread into the continent. |
Первый североамериканский посол звука, Балтиморский ди — джей Джо Ницца помог начать его распространение на континенте. |
I am to the point where a cuppa sounds awfully nice. |
Я предлагаю, чтобы чистая стоимость была добавлена к этому шаблону. |
Звучит приятная медитативная музыка, способствующая максимальной релаксации.
The main thing is that each time it sounds nice, beautiful and unusually good.
It sounds nice music, scented candles lit on the masseuse wearing semitransparent negligee,
and maybe she would prefer to stay in stockings and underwear.
Звучит приятная музыка, зажжены ароматические свечи, на массажистке надет полупрозрачный пеньюар, а
может быть она предпочтет остаться в чулках и нижнем белье.
This whole floating platform, which is installed pumps, underwater lights and a projection point from
which to spray the fountain is not only projected a laser image, but it sounds nice, dynamic and- depending on the jet fountain- music.
Это целая плавучая платформа, на которую установлено насосное оборудование, подводные фонари и проекционный пункт,
с которого на брызги фонтана не только проецируется лазерное изображение, но и звучит приятная, динамичная- в зависимости от движения струй фонтана- музыка.
I came up here because I wanted to tell you I thought it sounded nice, that’s all.
He chose Charles Gray partly because Charles was the name of his maternal grandfather, partly because he had a close friend named Charles,
Псевдоним Чарльз Грей он выбрал отчасти потому, что Чарльзом звали его деда по материнской линии, отчасти потому, что у него был близкий друг по имени Чарльз,
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We hear different sounds all the time. But how do we actually say them as words?
There are many different words for sounds. Let’s look at 42 sound words in English (plus some useful idioms with sound words).
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1. Sounds of things hitting things
The sound of something heavy falling and hitting the ground.
I don’t know why she’s dropping a brick from a high chair.
But it does make a fun sound.
The sound of a short, heavy hit.
This can also be used as a verb:
“She whacked him in the head with the pillow.”
The sound of someone hitting something (or someone) with an open hand.
You’ll hear this word a lot in idioms:
A slap in the face is used when someone has done something bad to you (given you something you don’t want or not given you something that you do want, for example), usually unfairly.
“I did all of the work for the project and then Sam gets the promotion — not fair. What a slap in the face!”
A slap on the wrist is when someone gets punished — but very, very lightly. Much less than they deserve:
“You heard about Hexon Oil? They polluted every lake in the country and only got a $2000 fine. It was barely a slap on the wrist, really.”
A slap-up meal is basically a massive meal — the kind of meal you have when you really don’t want to think about your weight or your health. Just enjoy it!
“I’ve sold the house! I’m taking you all out for a slap-up meal at Mrs Miggins’ pie shop!”
A slapdash job or slapdash work is work done really badly. I remember waiting in a cafe at Sofia airport, and these Austrian guys found it quite funny that there was just one plug socket in the whole cafe. And it was halfway up the wall. The designer definitely did a slapdash job:
“Don’t get that builder. He did such a slapdash job on our house that the roof fell in.”
OK, so “knock” is the sound that you make when you arrive at your friend’s house and hit their door with your hand.
There’s also the phrase “don’t knock it.”
It basically means “don’t criticise it.”
“Banana and crisp sandwiches are actually really good! Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!”
Stay away! It’s a rattlesnake. And it’s rattling its tail.
As a verb, “rattle” can also mean “disturb.”
Think about classic action heroes.
They can fall out of planes, jump off the edges of mountains, survive car crashes, helicopter crashes and bike crashes; they can be forced to swim underwater for five minutes and then run 200 metres over burning coals.
And after that, they’re just fine, right?
That’s because nothing rattles them. Nothing!
The sound of something wet hitting something else.
Like when you throw eggs or rotten tomatoes at the visiting politician.
Or a water balloon at your friend.
This is one of those words that sounds like it sounds, if you know what I mean.
It’s a heavy, dull sound.
A noisy, metallic sound.
This is like clang’s baby brother.
It’s a small, sharp sound — usually made when metal or glass touches something.
A light tapping sound.
We usually use it to describe rain:
“I love sleeping through storms, don’t you! The patter of rain on the roof and knowing you’re safe and sound in bed.”
When I was a kid (and for too long afterwards — she still does this when I visit) my mother would greet me when I came downstairs in the morning with:
“You’re awake! I thought I heard the patter of tiny feet!”
“Mum — I’m 37 years old.”
Clang is noisy and unpleasant, right?
Now imagine lots of clangs. That’s clatter.
The sound of something breaking into a million pieces. Usually violently.
“Smashing” can also mean “excellent”:
“She did such a smashing job that we hired her full time.”
We usually use this to describe closing a door very loudly.
But we can use it for other similar situations.
You can slam the phone down (if you’re using a non-mobile phone, like the retro kid you are).
You can also slam a glass on the table. (Think tequila shots.)
If someone slams the door in your face, they basically decide not to help you or give you information that you need.
“I called the helpline about it, but they refused to help. Completely slammed the door in my face.”
You can also just “slam” something. It means “give a very, very negative review.”
“The New York Times completely slammed his new book. But I thought it was pretty good.”
2. Mechanical sounds
When I lived in Istanbul, I would play a game.
I would try to count to five without hearing a single car honk its horn.
I never got past three seconds.
Also — it was a terrible game. But I was bored.
A continuous sound — usually quiet, often calming.
We almost always think of clocks and watches when we hear the word “tick.”
It’s that tiny, short sound.
So it wouldn’t surprise you to hear that we can use the phrase “time is ticking” to mean “hurry up!”
“Let’s get started! Time’s ticking.”
If you’re a bit angry (not furious — just a bit), then you can say that you’re “ticked off.”
“To be honest, I’m a bit ticked off. I didn’t expect you to tell everyone about what I told you. It was private.”
“In a tick” can also mean “in a minute,” “in a second,” “in a moment” or just “soon.”
“Take a seat. I’ll be with you in a tick.”
A small, sharp sound.
Think about a light switch.
Or this annoying guy and his annoying pen.
When you click with someone, you immediately get on well. You start talking and it feels as if you’ve always been friends.
“I’ve been friends with Gudrun for 20 years. We clicked as soon as we met.”
A loud noise! Usually sudden.
This is most closely associated with guns. But the building site next to my house also produces a lot of bangs.
If you go out with a bang, you finish or leave something in a super-dramatic way.
“Wow! His last day of work and he throws coffee in the boss’s face! Talk about going out with a bang!”
When someone bangs on about something, they talk for ages about it while successfully boring the life out of whoever has the bad luck to listen to them.
“If you could just stop banging on about your new computer for a minute, I’d like to talk to you about what happened last weekend.”
The sound of something vibrating.
When we talk about the buzz of a place, we’re talking about that special energy it has.
Some cities (like Vienna) have a real buzz, while some cities (like Swindon) don’t.
“What I miss about Istanbul most is the buzz. And the food. But mostly the buzz.”
You can also buzz someone in when you’re at home, and someone wants to get into the building. It saves you from having to walk all the way downstairs to let them in.
“Hey! I’m outside your flat now. Can you buzz me in?”
Finally, you can give someone a buzz. It just means “give them a quick call.”
“Let’s have that drink on Friday. Just give me a buzz, and I’ll let you know where I am.”
3. Electronic sounds
This is the sound of a very small bell.
Think of a typewriter or a hotel reception desk.
A ping will last for a long time (piiiinnnggggg). But a blip is very, very short.
Think of a radar in those films with too many submarines in.
A blip sounds quite nice, but a beep can get very annoying very quickly.
I don’t know how people working as supermarket cashiers don’t go crazy. Do they still hear the beeps when they go to sleep at night?
4. Organic sounds
A sudden breaking sound — think of the sound of wood breaking.
I guess because it’s quite an unpredictable sound, we can also use “snap” as a verb to mean “suddenly get angry.” When you snap, it’s probably a result of lots of things building up.
“It was when her kid put his school tie in the toaster that she finally snapped.”
It also has a second meaning.
Have you ever tried to talk to someone, and instead of saying “Hi!” or “Good to see you!” or “Nice hair,” they just angrily shout at you — completely unpredictable and sudden?
Then they snapped at you.
“I wouldn’t talk to him right now, if I were you. I just asked him if he was OK, and he snapped at me.”
You can also just say “snap” when someone else has something that you have. It could be a plan, an interest, or something physical, like a T-shirt.
“No way! Snap! I’ve got the exact same phone.”
Finally, there’s a snap election.
It’s a general election that the prime minister or president suddenly announces — usually because they think they’ll win. All of a sudden, we’re voting. Again!
“She said she wouldn’t call a snap election. Then she did.”
It’s like a loud snap.
If you want to celebrate, you can do so in style — by cracking open a bottle of champagne:
“You got the job?! Awesome — let’s crack open a bottle, yeah?”
If you drink too much of it, you might find EVERYTHING funny and just crack up all the time. It means suddenly start laughing. A lot. Until your face hurts.
“I told him my idea, and he just cracked up. I didn’t think it was that funny.”
Lots of small cracks.
Fire and fireworks crackle. And not much else.
A tiny, little, mini explosion sound.
Because it’s such a short sound, we use it in phrasal verbs to describe something quick.
You can pop out (go outside — but only for a bit):
“I’m just popping out for some fresh air. See you in a few minutes.”
Or you can pop in somewhere (visit — but only for a bit):
“When you’re in town, why not pop in for a coffee?”
The sound of food cooking.
There are basically only two things that rustle.
Leaves (especially dry, autumn leaves) and paper.
To rustle something up means to make a quick meal — like a sandwich or some toast.
“You haven’t eaten? Give me two minutes — I’ll rustle something up.”
A continuous, deep sound.
Think of thunder.
Or your stomach when you’re really hungry.
5. Water sounds
That nice sound of bubbles popping. Think about sparkling water or champagne.
You just need to say this word to understand what it means.
Go on, say it. Feels good, doesn’t it?
It’s basically the sound of walking in mud.
This is the sound of bubbles being created.
Imagine lying down in the green grass next to a beautiful stream.
What can you hear?
The gurgle of the stream of course.
And the lion. Look out for the lion.
If gurgle is a series of sounds, then glug is a single one of those sounds.
Think of how you sound when you’re drinking water quickly.
“Drip” looks like “drop,” right?
Well, “drip” is the sound that a drop makes when it hits something.
The sound of something hitting water (or any liquid).
Think of the sound of kids in the bath.
Or the sound at the end of a water slide.
If you feel like spending a little more money than you should, then you splash out.
“Yeah, it’s a bit pricey. But it’s my birthday. I’m gonna splash out.”
This is the sound of liquid flowing very slowly.
Don’t step on the rat’s tail. He’ll squeal really loudly.
Also, it’s not nice. Leave the rat alone, you monster.
A squeak is a small, high-pitched sound.
Think of the sound of a mouse.
Or an old bed.
Or a door that needs oil.
I once had a pair of shoes that squeaked a lot.
You can also use the phrase “a squeak out of someone” to describe any sound coming out of their mouth at all. It’s usually used in the negative.
“Right. He’s coming. I don’t want to hear a squeak out of either of you until he’s gone. I’ll do the talking.”
OK. Repeat after me:
Good — you’ve just made a hiss.
This is another word that sounds like it sounds. (These words are called onomatopoeia, by the way.)
It’s a bit like a mixture between a hiss and a rustle.
When you open that old, heavy wooden door.
Or decide to take your kids to a playground that was built in the ‘50s.
Then expect to hear a lot of loud, high-pitched sounds of wood and metal rubbing together.
A lot of creaks.
The sound of something hard or sharp rubbing against something else.
We use this a lot as a verb.
You might have to scrape ice off your car on winter mornings.
Or scrape the pancake off the pan after you’ve burned it.
Or scrape chewing gum off the table. Seriously, why do people do that?
There’s also the idiom “to scrape the bottom of the barrel.”
We use it when we’ve almost completely run out of options, and all we have are the worst choices.
“Is this the best we can do? We’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I mean some of them don’t even have faces.”
Congratulations! You now know 42 sound words in English (plus some new idioms).
So let’s practice:
- Have you splashed out on something recently (like a slap-up meal or clothes)?
- What ticks you off the most?
- Can you remember cracking up over something that wasn’t funny? What was it?
Answer in the comments!
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- This sounds nice, but in reality, the only way to win in when your manager is abusive is to walk away.
- Although this sounds nice, it does nothing.
- This sounds nice, almost like a dream, but all this parallelization stuff seems hardto accomplish.
- Caw this sounds nice.
- While this sounds nice, it is actually well beyond nice, it might be revolutionary.
- This sounds nice when you live in the boonies.
- This sounds nice and refreshing!
- Although this sounds nice there is no evidence to suggest its truth.
- The music and vocal fit together very nice and this track sounds very radio friendly.
- First off all, this sounds like it could be a great transaction, nice work!
- For people in duplexes or adjoined housing, this can work very effectively to keep out the sounds of noisy neighbors while also keeping the house nice and warm.
- Sounds nice, but how does this bill of rights actually protect you?
- Rights of boundaries and asking for consent is the considerate of those differences with this sounds very nice guy!
- While this all sounds rather complicated, Celery does a good job making it quite easy for us via nice programming abstractions.
- This quote from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare sounds nice, and it is true from one angle.
- Partly, it sounds like this med isn’t furnishing so nice to you.
- Now, you may be thinking that this sounds a little overkill with the nicey nice stuff.
- While it would be nice if this could be answered simply by saying that it is a royalty and not a tax, what some special interest groups and politicians are asking for sounds far more like an unaccount
- This is a great piece of equipment, not only for beginners, but for anybody who wants a cool keyboard that has lots of nice sounds, but still is pretty affordable.
- This song will also work well on a dancefloor, pumping out those deep and nice sounds.
- I started with some nice, jazzy «travelling music» on 2200 and finished with screaming alarm sounds and deep beats’n’bass at 0600. this track was my therapy.
- Sure this all sounds nice, but how do you go about that?
- Eating glass without pain sounds like a very nice metaphor of this attempt.
- This literary device can be used just for the purpose of creating a catchy tune that sounds nice to hear or to emphasize an important point.
- This luxurious title sounds nice and dandy, but how do you get there?
- This call is deceptive, and tough, providing a nice camouflage and accurate mallard sounds.
- This recipe sounds so yummy, and a nice change from eggs and yogurt to get her day started.
- We took this name, because it sounds good and looks nice on pics
We want to write good and individual code, like every writer should try to produce.
- While some people think this word sounds scary or cruel, it is actually the most humane and nice way for cattle to be turned into food that we later enjoy.
- If this sounds familiar, read The nice Girl Syndrome.
- Mixing acoustic Yes-like sounds with a little gospel feel, this is one of the nice surprises of the disc.
Similar words: This Can Be Thought As, This Instant, Third Eye, This Letter Is To Express My Interest, This Story Starts With, This Article Intends, This Means That Because, This Criticism Of Content, This Is A Reminder, This Is Obviously Not Possible, This Paper Will Investigate, Thing Mentioned Above, This Ables You, This Kind Of Message, Thing Word, Thin Dimensions, Thinking He Heard, This Is Clearly Not The Case, This Report Clarified, This Number Is Deceptive
Разные лексические группы глаголов употребляются в разных типах конструкций.
(1). Глаголы взаимного действия употребляются с подлежащим в форме множественного числа и, в отличие от их русских соответствий, не используют взаимных местоимений (one another, each other). К ним относятся: to agree, to argue, to coincide, to combine, to communicate, to compete, to correspond, to disagree, to embrace, to fight, to mix, to kiss, to marry, to meet, to quarrel, to struggle:
They agreed — Они согласились друг с другом.
(2). Глаголы возвратного значения указывают на то, что действие обращено на подлежащее. Их русские соответствия имеют форму на -ся, однако в английском языке возвратные местоимения не употребляются. К ним относятся: to dress — одеваться, to shave — бриться, to wash — умываться, to upset — опрокидываться.
(3). Ряд английских глаголов имеет как возвратное, так и невозвратное значение. Возвратное значение таких глаголов представляет действие, которое и произведено неким лицом, и одновременно на него же направлено; оно передается конструкцией с возвратным местоимением oneself: to forget smb и to forget oneself — забыть кого-либо и забываться. К таким глаголам относятся: to amuse, to blame, to cut, to dry, to enjoy, to express, to help, to hurt, to introduce, to kill, to prepare, to restrict, to teach, to forget, to repeat, to justify, to defend:
Don’t try to justify yourself — Не пытайтесь оправдываться/оправдать себя.
Русские соответствия этих глаголов имеют форму на -ся.
(4). Возвратное значение ряда глаголов представляет действие, которое произведено одним лицом, а направлено на другое; оно передается конструкцией get, или be, или feel + Participle II, или формой Passive. К ним относятся: to confuse, to embarrass, to hurt, to frighten, to surprise:
He felt hurt — Он чувствовал себя обиженным/он обиделся.
Русские соответствия этих глаголов имеют форму на -ся.
(5). Глаголы суждения, мнения, вводящие отрицательную мысль, передают отрицание в главном предложении, в отличие от их русских соответствий. К ним относятся: to believe, to think, to suppose.
I don’t believe he will come — Я думаю, он не придет.
В кратких репликах употребляются с наречием so и отрицанием not:
Do you believe he will come? I don’t think so.
(6). Некоторые глаголы употребляются обязательно с обстоятельствами. К ним относятся: to die, to sleep, to go:
He died at home.
I like to sleep in the open.
(7). Некоторые глаголы не употребляются без прямого дополнения. Если по смыслу прямое дополнение отсутствует, то используется местоимение it. К ним относятся: to like, to repeat, to open, to dislike:
I keep repeating it all the time — Я без конца об этом говорю.
(8). Ряд глаголов требует конструкции smb to do smth. К ним относятся: to advise, to allow, to ask, to cause, to order, to tell: He told me to take the message.
(9). Группа глаголов требует обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to независимо от его места в предложении. К таким глаголам относятся: to describe, to explain, to prove:
I would like to describe the scene to you.
(10). Некоторые глаголы требуют двух дополнений — smb, smth. К ним относятся: to allow, to ask, to award, to give, to deny, to envy, to forgive, to tell:
It was decided to award the brave soldier a medal.
(11). Некоторые глаголы требуют обязательного косвенного дополнения с предлогом to или for. К ним относятся: to build, to book, to buy, to cook, to cut, to fetch, to find, to fix, to get, to guarantee, to keep, to make, to mix, to order, to paint, to pick, to pour, to prepare, to reserve, to save, to bring, to leave, to deny, to sing, to take, to write, to read:
to write a letter to a friend.
(12). Глаголы становления to become, to get, to grow, to turn, to go обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным или Participle II: to turn grey, to grow dark, to get tired.
(13). Глаголы тактильных ощущений to smell, to feel, to taste, а также глагол to sound обычно употребляются с последующим прилагательным: it smells/tastes bitter; it sounds nice.
(14). Ряд глаголов использует не все словоизменительные формы. К ним относятся глаголы, не употребляющиеся в форме Continuous: to see, to hear; глаголы, не имеющие форм пассива: to get, to seem.
(15). Некоторые глаголы сочетаются с последующим глаголом только в форме герундия: to mind, to finish.
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15 авг. 2018
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Well that either your idea sounds nice but is not rational. Or your idea sounds nice like a daydream. Or the idea really does sound nice literaly.
Английский (британский вариант)
Английский (британский вариант)
They like the idea you have presented to them. I do think ‘sounds’ can throw off people learning English because it shouldn’t technically make sense, but just know that in sentences where people say ‘___sounds___’ when not describing a physical sound, They mean ‘___is___’ Or ‘___is___but’ depending on how it’s said. (The ___ show other words). In other words, your idea is nice.
Thank you, everyone. I understand.
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В чем разница между I think your thought is correct. и I think your think is correct. ?
@kanamoto The second one would be:
I think your thinking is correct.
Then they are both the same.
Что значит Hold that thought.?
(idiomatic, in imperative form) Used to acknowledge that one’s attention needs to be diverted from what a speaker was saying
Что значит I randomly thought about you.?
@Emily_O22 it means that you didn’t mean to think about someone but you still did. Or you didn’t intent to think about them
Что значит And i think you should be something?
I don’t know the song lyrics, so I might have the wrong context, but it might mean that you should be some kind of professional (like a docto…
В чем разница между We will put your suggestion into consideration. и Your suggestion is under co…
The first phrase is saying it will happen or will be done, whereas in the second, it has already been done.
Что значит Hold that thought.?
It means the person saying this is doubtful about the idea/thought. He/she would like to pause the conversation.
В чем разница между I would be glad. и I shall be glad. ?
We don’t use “I shall be glad”
“ I would be glad/ happy to help you with your English.” -
Что значит This is quite a mind-blowing point, I like the idea.?
Mind-blowing me as spectacular or unbelievable. Something that you would never have thought of. Generally it’s a positive term.
В чем разница между I think that it’ll be better for you. и I’m thinking that it’ll be better fo…
@Global_person No difference in meaning, slight difference in tone. The latter is slightly less direct and also quite informal/idiomatic.
Что значит Or so you think.?
Or so you think = that’s your opinion
(An/ the) brilliant idea came to my mind.
So it will be an or the?
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- Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? When you get an idea in your brain like a light…
Что значит 1. what does cream pie means? is it slang?
2. when this word is suitable in use «pupp…
- Что значит cupine ? it has to do with pork something?
- Что значит sub , dom , vanilla , switch ?
- Что значит scran?
- Что значит breedable?
- Что значит Будь что будет ?
- Что значит Раз на раз?
- Что значит Я убит на кайфах ?
- Что значит Стоять за кем. Это значение— поддержать кого? ?
Что значит Стоять на своем месте. Как мне понять?
Например:Если бы не было Пушкина, русская поэ…
Что значит A-No, it was my fault for asking in the first place.
B-Well, if there’s any life or d… -
Что значит Ты вообще кто такой
? - Что значит Будь что будет ?
- Что значит Всем привет! Я делаю анкету про русские глаголы для дипломной работы, буду очень благо…
- Что значит Раз на раз?
Previous question/ Next question
- Как сказать на Упрощенный китайский (Китай)? talking again about internet, i think…
- Что значит I am sorry if I seen like I’ve been less active than usual or if any if you miss talki…
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Yes, it means it has a nice sound. Specifically, it refers to the clear resounding sound of a bell without any cracks or faults (or indeed a crystal drinking glass: the clear ring speaks of its purity).
The difference between this and «a nice sound» is that it’s metaphor, and people like to use metaphor and other figures of speech to spice up their language (and often, in the case of cliches, out of convention and laziness).
It also is a reference to solid silver coins, as opposed to counterfeit coins made of baser metal. True coins ring clearly and nicely when dropped on a hard surface, while false coins make a duller sound.