This word is correct isn t here

Underline the correct word:

e. g. This blue car over there is their/theirs.



Their/Theirs house is very modern.


This little puppy isn’t our/ours.



Meg has got a new flat. Her/Our flat is spacious.


Tom and Sarah are my/mine friends



Is Ben yours/your brother?


What is his/hers address?


Are these books her/hers?


What’s yours/her phone number?


This camera isn’t mine/my.


Is this football his/her?

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Underline the correct word: e. g. This blue car over there is their/theirs. 2 3 Their/Theirs house is very modern. 30 This little puppy …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Underline the correct word: e. g. This blue car over there is their/theirs. 2 3 Their/Theirs house is very modern. 30 This little puppy isn’t our/ours. 2 6 Meg has got a new flat. Her/Our flat is spacious.


  • #1

Hello, everyone

What’s the correct tag to the following question?

There is nobody here in the village, _____?
A. isn’t there?
B. is there?

I don’t think «nobody» negates «is», so I choose A (isn’t it), am I right?

Thank you.

  • chamyto

    • #2

    Hello, everyone

    What’s the correct tag to the following question?

    There is nobody here in the village, _____?
    A. isn’t there?
    B. is there?

    I don’t think «nobody» negates «is», so I choose A (isn’t it), am I right?

    Thank you.

    But the verb is positive . I´d choose » isn´t there » .


    • #3

    If there is a rule, I would like to choose B, is it. Nobody implies negativity.


    • #5

    Re: But the verb is positive . I´d choose » isn´t there » .

    I am sorry for my typo, I did mean «isn’t there». (choice A)

    • #6

    What’s the correct tag to the following question?

    There is nobody here in the village, _____?
    A. isn’t there?
    B. is there?

    I don’t think «nobody» negates «is», so I choose A (isn’t it), am I right?

    No, it’s B.


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #7

    Re: But the verb is positive . I´d choose » isn´t there » .

    I am sorry for my typo, I did mean «isn’t there». (choice A)

    The verb is positive, but «nobody» makes the statement negative, as several people have said. That is why we would choose the positive tag, «is there?»

    • #8

    There’s nothing there, is there?
    Nobody saw me, did they?
    None of my friends are coming, are they?
    I never win, do I?

    All those, and similar, words turn the expression into a negative, and so have positive tags.

    • #9

    There’s nothing there, is there?
    Nobody saw me, did they?
    None of my friends are coming, are they?
    I never win, do I?

    All those, and similar, words turn the expression into a negative, and so have positive tags.

    Then, since words give a negative meaning to a sentence, the tag must be positive independently of the verb, am I right?


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #10

    Yes, that is right. When the person is asking for confirmation of a negative sentence, the tag will be positive.


    • #11

    In English, as soon as one word is negated, nothing else can be negated.
    Nobody negates the first clause; no further negating words are permissible in the sentence. I believe English is somewhat unique in this regard — only one negative word per sentence. (In contrast to other languages which often require everything to be negated).

    • #12

    In English, as soon as one word is negated, nothing else can be negated.
    Nobody negates the first clause; no further negating words are permissible in the sentence. I believe English is somewhat unique in this regard — only one negative word per sentence. (In contrast to other languages which often require everything to be negated).

    Then which one is the answer A or B? :)


    • #13

    B, for the reasons I posted previously. Isn’t = Is not. Not is a negating word and cannot be in the same sentence as nobody.

    • #14

    B, for the reasons I posted previously. Isn’t = Is not. Not is a negating word and cannot be in the same sentence as nobody.

    Thanks Mack!


    • #15

    B is the correct answer, along with the other similar examples offered by TT.

    Not is a negating word and cannot be in the same sentence as nobody.

    But this statement is rather too broad. For example, we could say about this forum:
    ‘There is nobody here who is not interested in language.’
    This says everyone here is interested in language. And we can add a question-tag to it:
    ‘There is nobody here who is not interested in language, is there?’
    In this case, even though the sentence is positive by implication, it is nevertheless seen as a sentence in negative form.
    Sentences such as ‘there is no alternative’ or ‘no one would do that’ are seen as negative in form (even though you might say they are strictly positive in form and negative in meaning).
    Because each of these is seen as a sentence in negative form, it takes a positive question-tag:
    ‘There is no alternative, is there?’ ‘No one would do that, would they?’

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012

    • #16

    Perhaps it will be clearer if you think that «There is nobody here in the village» = «There isn’t anybody here in the village».


    Put the verb into the correct form.
    1 Julie doesn’t drink (not/ drink) tea very often.
    2 What time
    (the banks / close) here?
    3 I’ve got a car, but I
    (not/use) it much.
    4 Where
    (Ricardo / come) from?’ ‘From Cuba.’
    5 ‘What
    (you / do)?’ I’m an electrician.’
    6 It
    (take) me an hour to get to work. How long
    (it /take) you?
    7 Look at this sentence. What
    (this word / mean)?
    8 David isn’t very fit. He
    (not/ do) any sport.

    Остались вопросы?

    Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

    В двух предыдущих статьях мы изучили правила употребления местоимений-прилагательных. Сейчас вы можете выполнить упражнения, и в конце сверится с ответами, чтобы лучше понять, как вы усвоили пройденный материал.

    Вспомнить пройденный материал вы можете по следующим ссылкам: much/many, a few/a little, few/little и затем приступайте к выполнению упражнений. Good luck!

    1. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

    1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.

    2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.

    3) How many / much time have we got left?

    4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.

    5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.

    6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

    7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.

    8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.

    2. Correct the mistakes. Исправь ошибки.

    1) There isn’t many milk in the fridge.

    2) How much tomatoes do you need?

    3) There’re a few people at the theatre. It’s almost empty.

    4) There is many juice in the cartoon.

    5) This dress doesn’t cost many money.

    6) How much tigers are there in the zoo?

    7) I would like a little biscuits to drink with tea.

    8) We’ve got few ham. We can’t make any hamburgers.

    3. Fill in many, much, a lot of. Вставь many, much, a lot of.

    1) How … sugar would you like?

    2) How … peppers have we got?

    3) I’ve got … new business ideas.

    4) There aren’t … benches in the yard.

    5) I saw … interesting films last week.

    6) How … is this dress?

    4. Choose the correct answer. Выбери правильный ответ.

    1) How … cheese should I buy?

    A much     B many    C lots of

    2) Could I have … more ice in my drink?

    A a few     B a little   C many

    3) Only … people know that he was a famous actor.

    A much     B a few     C a little

    4) I’ve got …. free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.

    A little       B much      C few

    5) She doesn’t eat … chocolate because she’s on a diet.

    A many     B a lot of     C much

    6) How … sweets are there in the bowl?

    A lots of     B few      C many

    5. Fill in a little, a few, little, few. Вставь a little, a few, little, few.

    1) What would you like in your tea? – Just …. sugar, please.

    2) I’ve only got … money, so I can’t afford to buy this jacket.

    3) There are still …tickets left for the concert next Monday. – Great. I’ll go and buy one.

    4) There’s …. wine in the bottle. Would you like some?

    5) Are there … chemists near here? Yes, …

    6) I eat … fish. I prefer meat.

    6. Answer the questions using a lot, many, much, a little, a few. Ответьте на вопросы, используя a lot, many, much, a little, a few.

    1) Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, …

    2) How much money do you need for your holiday? – Not …

    3) Would you like some coffee? – Just …

    4) Were there any people at the meeting? – Yes, …

    5) Is there any ham in the fridge? – Not …

    6) How many cucumbers do we need for the salad? – Not …

    Ответы на упражнения:

    1. Underline the correct word. Подчеркни правильное слово.

    1) They’re going away for a few / a little days.

    2) I think you’ve put too many / too much sugar in your tea.

    3) How many / much time have we got left?

    4) Do you know much / many foreign people? — No, I don’t. I know very few / a few.

    5) He’s got little / a little time. He can play football.

    6) We’ve got little / a little coffee. It’s not enough for all of us.

    7) There are a few / few sweets in the box. It’s almost empty.

    8) I’ve got few / a few apples. I can make some juice.

    2. Correct the mistakes. Исправь ошибки.

    1) There isn’t much milk in the fridge.

    2) How many tomatoes do you need?

    3) There’re few people at the theatre. It’s almost empty.

    4) There is a lot of juice in the cartoon.

    5) This dress doesn’t cost much money.

    6) How many tigers are there in the zoo?

    7) I would like a few biscuits to drink with tea.

    8) We’ve got little ham. We can’t make any hamburgers.

    3. Fill in many, much, a lot of. Вставь many, much, a lot of.

    1) How much sugar would you like?

    2) How many peppers have we got?

    3) I’ve got a lot of new business ideas.

    4) There aren’t many benches in the yard.

    5) I saw a lot of interesting films last week.

    6) How much is this dress?

    4. Choose the correct answer. Выбери правильный ответ.

    1) How much cheese should I buy?

    2) Could I have a little more ice in my drink?

    3) Only a few  people know that he was a famous actor.

    4) I’ve got little free time today. There’re a lot of businesses to do.

    5) She doesn’t eat much chocolate because she’s on a diet.

    6) How many sweets are there in the bowl?

    5. Fill in a little, a few, little, few. Вставь a little, a few, little, few.

    1) What would you like in your tea? – Just a little sugar, please.

    2) I’ve only got little money, so I can’t afford to buy this jacket.

    3) There are still a few tickets left for the concert next Monday. – Great. I’ll go and buy one.

    4) There’s a little wine in the bottle. Would you like some?

    5) Are there any chemists near here? Yes, a few.

    6) I eat few fish. I prefer meat.

    6. Answer the questions using a lot, many, much, a little, a few. Ответьте на вопросы, используя a lot, many, much, a little, a few.

    1) Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, a lot.

    2) How much money do you need for your holiday? – Not much.

    3) Would you like some coffee? – Just a little.

    4) Were there any people at the meeting? – Yes, a few.

    5) Is there any ham in the fridge? – Not much.

    6) How many cucumbers do we need for the salad? – Not many.

    Подпишитесь на новые статьи по почте!

    1. Упражнения на указательные местоимения для 2 класса
      1. Circle the correct word
      2. Choose the correct word
      3. Write this or these
      4. Перепишите предложения во множественном числе
      5. Впишите this или these
      6. Впишите that или those
      7. Puts the words into the correct order
    2. Задания на указательные местоимения для 3 и 4 класса
      1. Поставьте this, that, these или those
      2. Измените предложения с единственного числа на множественное
      3. Insert the correct word
      4. Insert this, that, these, those
    3. Упражнения с Demonstrative Pronouns для 5, 6 и 7 класса
      1. Поставьте слова в предложениях во множественное число
      2. Rewrite sentences according to the example
      3. Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those
    4. Скачать упражнения
    5. Заключение

    Многие студенты считают изучение английского языка сложным и непосильным, поэтому предпочитают отмалчиваться на последних партах. Однако, такая тема, как указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns), одна из тех, что способна доказать обратное. Несколько подвидов местоимений созданы именно для нашего удобства, а не осложнения жизни. Ведь вместо того, чтобы «битый час» объяснять какая именно ручка вам нужна, вы можете с легкостью назвать ее this или that, и вас поймут.

    Тема указательных местоимений особенно хороша тем, что сюда легко можно вписать физические активности и взаимодействие с предметами. А одним из лучших способов понять, а не переводить указательные местоимения, является именно визуальный.

    С переводом можно легко запутаться запоминая, что:

    • this — это;
    • that — то;
    • these — эти;
    • those — те.

    Намного легче взять 3 предмета, например яблоки, стаканы или ручки, и расположить 2 из них подальше от ребенка, а один поближе. Тот до которого можно дотянуться рукой будет this, а остальные those. Теперь необходимо поменять их расположение, два объекта должны лежать рядом с учеником, а последний подальше. Он-то и будет называться that, а оставшиеся — these.

    Попробуйте организовать подобную разминку с любыми предметами в классе. Если вы преподаете онлайн, то подобную активность легко адаптировать. Ученикам лишь нужно взять несколько предметов самостоятельно. Лучше, если это будут те объекты, названия которых они уже знают на английском.

    Теперь, когда школьники немного разобрались зачем вообще нужны demonstrative pronouns, самое время закрепить успех на выполнении упражнений. Мы подготовили для вас подборку заданий исходя из школьной программы для учеников с 2 по 7 класс. Используйте их, чтобы сделать ваши занятия интереснее и эффективнее.

    Упражнения на указательные местоимения для 2 класса

    Во втором классе детки только научились пользоваться личными местоимениями, а им уже предстоит произносить указательные. Лучшим объяснением смысла «новых знакомых» будет раскрытие небольшого секрета. Дети любят, когда им доверяют тайны. Для наглядности положите на стол свежие и несвежие фрукты, и спросите какие фрукты предпочли бы ребята. После проследив, что большая часть класса показывает пальцем на то или иное место, расскажите, что так делать неприлично, но зато есть другой способ, чтобы указать на предмет. Всего 4 слова: this, that, these, those.

    Как видите, даже такую простую тему можно преподнести интересно и загадочно. Используйте упражнения ниже для практики ваших студентов.

    Circle the correct word

    This/these socks.

    This/these sneakers.

    This/these jeans.

    This/these gloves.

    This/these sweater.

    This/these skirt.

    This/these t-shirt.

    This/these coat.

    This/these slippers.

    This/these trousers.

    Choose the correct word

    This/these jeans are blue.

    That/those dress is very beautiful.

    That/those trousers are nice.

    This/these shirt is new.

    This/those hat is my sister’s.

    That/those t-short is very big.

    Write this or these

    Take ___ shoes.

    Take ___ blouse.

    Don’t take ___ wallet.

    Don’t take ___ boots.

    Take ___ cap.

    Take ___ coat.

    Don’t take ___ trousers.

    Don’t take ___ jeans.

    Перепишите предложения во множественном числе

    Пример: This is a dog. These are dogs.

    That is a chair.

    This is a cat.

    That is a fly.

    This is his bag.

    That is her book.

    This is a horse.

    That is a girl.

    Впишите this или these

    ___ sauce isn’t tasty.

    ___ is my passport.

    ___ pictures belong to my parents.

    ___ ocean is the biggest in the world.

    ___ shoes are made in China.

    Впишите that или those

    ___ apples are green.

    ___ pencil is hers.

    ___ stickers are for me.

    ___ is our car.

    ___ cats fight every night.

    Puts the words into the correct order



    Red socks/are/these


    Задания на указательные местоимения для 3 и 4 класса

    3 класс уже может использовать базовые грамматические конструкции в речи почти без ошибок. А значит, пора уделить время повторению местоимений, употребление которых успешно вписалось в полноценные осмысленные предложения. Вы можете адаптировать упражнения в зависимости от уровня вашего класса, но мы постарались учесть всю базовую грамматику, которую желательно закрепить в речи и на письме.

    Поставьте this, that, these или those

    Could you pass me ___ a glass of milk behind you?

    ___ boots over there are quite expensive.

    ___ peaches are much sweeter that those ones.

    Look here! Do you like ___ necklace?

    Do you see ___ man in black over there?

    ___ jeans are very tight. I must take them off.

    How much are ___ candies in the shop-window?

    ___ building looks so small because it’s far away.

    ___ birds we saw in the forest were so nice.

    ___ bubble gum I am eating is my favourite.

    Измените предложения с единственного числа на множественное

    This woman is quite old.

    That is our friend.

    Pass me that tool, please. Is this your car?

    Look at this flower.

    This test is too difficult for me.

    Who is that girl near the shop?

    This top looks great.

    Whose phone is this?

    That glass is broken.

    This dress is dirty.

    That cake was tasty.

    This is a good flat.

    That is a new park in our town.

    This is a cup of tea for you.

    This is a nice gift for my son.

    This man is a dentist.

    That girl is my friend.

    This child is my brother.

    That sheep is small and white.

    This mouse is brave.

    This man is my boss.

    That woman is my sister.

    Insert the correct word

    This ___ is difficult.

    1. problems;
    2. task.

    These ___ are her friends.

    1. women;
    2. man.

    What are you doing ___ morning?

    1. that;
    2. this.

    Who’s ___ speaking?

    a) this;

    b) it.

    These are my jeans and ___ are yours.

    1. those;
    2. that.

    We are going to the mountains ___ winter.

    1. that;
    2. this.

    ___ man over there is a famous actor.

    1. That;
    2. These.

    Insert this, that, these, those

    When I heard about ___, I was looking after ___ children.

    Just pick one of ___.

    ___ is a laptop.

    ___ are new versions of ___ game.

    Suddenly I felt something soft and warm on my knees. ___ was a mouse.

    Whom was he talking with? ___ was a friend of his.

    Упражнения с Demonstrative Pronouns для 5, 6 и 7 класса

    5 класс средней школы вряд ли имеет проблемы с местоимениями, потому что за годы обучения они пользовались ими, и ни раз. Поэтому задания для отработки pronouns необходимы скорее для повторения. С каждой пройденной лексической и грамматической темой багаж знаний ребят растет, поэтому нужно умело обходиться с изученными структурами даже в незнакомом контексте. В дополнение, вы можете попросить 6 класс придумать собственные примеры с использованием указательных местоимений.

    Поставьте слова в предложениях во множественное число

    This is an animal.

    Is that also an animal? — No, it isn’t. That is a bird.

    Is that a good dog? — Yes, it is.

    Is that sheep big or small? — It is big.

    This is an orange and that is a box.

    Where is that wallet? — That is in the bag.

    What colour is this wardrobe? — This wardrobe is green.

    What is that box made of? — That box is made of wood.

    What is that boy? — That boy is a student.

    Is that woman a doctor? — No, she isn’t. — Who is she? — She is a babysitter.

    Is that boy at home? — Yes, he is.

    This flat has a balcony.

    This tower is quite old.

    This is a new neighborhood of Saint Petersburg.

    Rewrite sentences according to the example

    Example: Whose phone is this? (Charlie). This is Charlie’s phone.

    Whose pens are these? (the students)

    Whose notebook is this? (Maggy)

    Whose bags are these? (the workers)

    Whose tulips are these? (my grandmother)

    Whose dictionary is this? (my classmate)

    Whose trainers are these? (my brother)

    Whose letters are these? (Bruno)

    Whose cups are these? (the teacher)

    Whose glasses are these? (Mike)

    Whose footsteps are these? (the hunters)

    Whose cars are those? (the police)

    Fill in the gaps with this, that, these, those

    ___ students over there are waiting for the train.

    The day I first came to Brazil was wonderful. I will remember ___ day forever.

    ___ summer I’m not studying.

    I’m working as a manager ___ days.

    ___ days were hot!

    Do you remember ___ spring when we all went to Thailand?

    Hello! ___ is Mandy. Can I speak to Josh, please?

    ___ is a new temple and ___ one over there was built 900 years ago.

    Will you come over at five o’clock? She’ll be at home at ___ time.

    The winter of 1978 I spent in the country. I remember we had a lot of snow ___ year.

    ___ are my friends. They have just came back from Vietnam.

    Who was ___ boy I saw you with last week?

    Do you want to sit on ___ chair here or on ___ one over there?

    ___ candies you gave me last time were very tasty.

    Look at ___ bright air balloons in the sky!

    Damon and Bonny have decided to buy a car ___ year.

    ___ flowers over there were planted by the students of our school.

    ___ houses just in front of you were built last century.

    Hello, Mrs Won. ___ is Mr Jonson from Charli & Co speaking.

    I wanted to buy ___ woolen sweater last Saturday.

    You’d better take ___. The others we tried on don’t match your eyes.

    I couldn’t forget ___ beautiful girl I had met at school.

    Do you know ___ little girl? She says she has been lost in the shop.

    Can you reach ___ text books on the top shelf?

    Скачать упражнения

    Для вашего удобства мы собрали все вышеизложенные упражнения на Demonstrative Pronouns и разместили их по уровню сложности (для начинающих и продвинутых). По ссылкам ниже вы скачаете нужные задания и ответы к ним для определенного класса, сэкономив время на поиске материалов для урока.

    Задания для отработки указательных местоимений в формате DOCX:

    • 2 класс
    • 3 и 4 класс
    • 5, 6 и 7 класс


    Надеемся, что наша подборка упражнений поможет вам эффективно провести урок по английскому не ограничиваясь упражнениями «переведите текст». Однако, если вы действительно хотите с легкостью искать и готовить материал для своих занятий, то лучшим решением будет пройти онлайн-курс TEFL/TESOL.

    С его помощью вы научитесь выбирать подходящие учебники, адаптировать упражнения и находить общий язык со студентами любого возраста. А всего через несколько месяцев комфортного обучения, уже сможете претендовать на получение работы за рубежом. Международная квалификация профессионального преподавателя английского ждет вас. Используйте шанс приобрести онлайн-курс TEFL/TESOL со скидкой 50%.

    Если у вас остались вопросы по теме, мы будем рады ответить на них в комментариях.

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