This word in english тест 12


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    1. ____this word in English?
    a) How do you call;
    b) How do you say;
    c) What do you say;
    d) How is called.
    2. What______at the cinema tonight?
    a) is played;
    b) is on;
    c) is playing;
    d) are they play.
    3. Here are your shoes. I_____them.
    a) have just cleaned;
    b) have just been cleaned;
    c) did just clean;
    d) just cleaned.
    4. I hope you know that you_______come with me if you dont want to.
    a) cant;
    b) mustnt;
    c) dont have to;
    d) dont need.
    5. ._______ No, her eyes are sore, thats why they are so red.
    a) Has Sue crying?
    b) Did Sue cry?
    c) Had Sue cried?
    d) Has Sue been crying?.
    6. How long______your friend? » Since 2000.
    a) have you known;
    b) did you know;
    c) have you been knowing;
    d) do you know.
    7. He asked me if I_______to swim across the river.
    a) was able;
    b) be able;
    c) could;
    d) am able.
    8. I was just wondering if she_______about the tragedy.
    a) had told;
    b) has told;
    c) told;
    d) had been told.
    9. Im glad to hear that at least todays_______cheerful.
    e) news is;
    f) news are;
    g) the news is;
    h) the news are.
    10. ________wanted to see you yesterday.
    e) One of my friend;
    f) One my friend;
    g) A friend of mine;
    h) A friend of me.
    11. She said she had met my friend two weeks before,
    e) Has;
    f) Did;
    g) Hadnt;
    h) Didnt.
    12. He used_______cigarettes, but he doesnt any more.
    e) smoke;
    f) to smoking;
    g) smoking;
    h) to smoke.
    13. Id have collected the money if he______asked me.
    e) has;
    f) had;
    g) would have
    14. While everyone else______, she_____quietly in the kitchen,
    e) laughed cryed;
    f) was laughing was crying;
    g) was laughed cried;
    h) laughed- was cried.
    15. She will have_____ free time from now on.
    e) many;
    f) lot of;
    g) few;
    h) no,
    16. He wanted to buy 4_______eggs and 3 ,
    e) dozens hundreds sheeps;
    f) dozens hundred sheeps;
    g) dozen hundred sheep;
    h) dozen hundreds sheeps.
    17. The problem is_______, than I thought.
    i) much worse;
    j) much more worse;
    k) much more bad;
    l) much worst.
    18. Shell call us________.
    i) 11 oclock in this morning;
    j) at 11 oclock this morning;
    k) on 11 oclock this morning;
    l) on this morning at 11 oclock.
    19. Is he married or________?
    i) alone;
    j) lonely;
    k) single;
    l) free.
    20. What are you going to do when you
    i) finished;
    j) ended;
    k) leave;
    l) complete.

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    1 ответ

    2019-03-16 05:46:02

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    1. ____this word in English?

    A) How do you call ; b) How do you say ; c) What do you say ; d) How is called.

    2. What______at the cinema tonight?

    A) is played ; b) is on ; c) is playing ; d) are they play.

    3. Here are your shoes.


    A) have just cleaned ; b) have just been cleaned ; c) did just clean ; d) just cleaned.

    4. I hope you know that you_______come with me if you don’t want to.

    A) can’t ; b) mustn’t ; c) don’t have to ; d) don’t need.

    5. “.

    _______” “No, her eyes are sore, that’s why they are so red.

    ” a) Has Sue crying?

    B) Did Sue cry?

    C) Had Sue cried?

    D) Has Sue been crying.

    6. “How long______your friend?

    » “Since 2000.

    ” a) have you known ; b) did you know ; c) have you been knowing ; d) do you know.

    7. He asked me if I_______to swim across the river.

    A) was able ; b) be able ; c) could ; d) am able.

    8. I was just wondering if she_______about the tragedy.

    A) had told ; b) has told ; c) told ; d) had been told.

    9. I’m glad to hear that at least today’s_______cheerful.

    E) news is ; f) news are ; g) the news is ; h) the news are.

    10. ________wanted to see you yesterday.

    E) One of my friend ; f) One my friend ; g) A friend of mine ; h) A friend of me.

    11. “She said she had met my friend two weeks before, ” “ e) Has ; f) Did ; g) Hadn’t ; h) Didn’t.

    12. He used_______cigarettes, but he doesn’t any more.

    E) smoke ; f) to smoking ; g) smoking ; h) to smoke.

    13. I’d have collected the money if he______asked me.

    E) has ; f) had ; g) would have 14.

    While everyone else______, she_____quietly in the kitchen, e) laughed — cryed ; f) was laughing — was crying ; g) was laughed — cried ; h) laughed — was cried.

    15. She will have_____ free time from now on.

    E) many ; f) lot of ; g) few ; h) no, 16.

    He wanted to buy 4_______eggs and 3 , e) dozens — hundreds sheeps ; f) dozens — hundred sheeps ; g) dozen — hundred sheep ; h) dozen — hundreds sheeps.

    17. The problem is_______, than I thought.

    I) much worse ; j) much more worse ; k) much more bad ; l) much worst.

    18. She’ll call us________.

    I) 11 o’clock in this morning ; j) at 11 o’clock this morning ; k) on 11 o’clock this morning ; l) on this morning at 11 o’clock.

    19. Is he married or________?

    I) alone ; j) lonely ; k) single ; l) free.

    20. What are you going to do when you i) finished ; j) ended ; k) leave ; l) complete.

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    тест / test №12. The world’s best friend is you

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    ГДЗ решение к заданию № Test №12. The world’s best friend is you Английский язык 8 класс контрольно-измерительные материалы Лысакова Л.В. ВАКО 2018 ФГОС бесплатно на гдз.мода!

    For questions 1- 8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

    The london eye

    It took seven years and the expertise of hundreds of people from across Europe to turn the dream into a (1) … .British Airways London Eye was conceived and designed by David Marks and Julia Barfield. The husband and wife team first attracted (2) … in 1989 when they won an engineering competition to design a Bridge of the Future. The (3) … was for a single span across the Grand Canyon based on the (4) … principle of a dinosaur spine. Later, they designed an (5) … multi-facetted project for the World Sea Centre in the Bay of Toulon featuring the Aquasphere, an imaginative and (6) … aquarium in the sea. Recent projects include an award-winning watersports centre in Liverpool built within Queen’s Dock, an aviation museum in Riyadh and the (7) … transformation of Stoke Newington Reservoir in North London. David Marks and Julia Barfield are both (8) … of the British Airways London Eye. British Airways London Eye is operated and managed by Europe’s leading operators, The Tussaunds Group.

    [start-answers-block type=1 columns=2 textTransform=none]

    [answer=»REALITY» label=»REAL»]

    [answer=»ATTENTION» label=»ATTEND»]

    [answer=»PROPOSAL» label=»PROPOSE»]

    [answer=»STRUCTURAL» label=»STRUCTURE»]

    [answer=»INNOVATIVE» label=»INNOVATE»]

    [answer=»DRAMATIC» label=»DRAMA»]

    [answer=»ENVIRONMENTAL» label=»ENVIRONMENT»]

    [answer=»DIRECTORS» label=»DIRECT»]



    GAP 1 (REALITY) … dream into a reality. British Airways London Eye was conceived and designed … 
    ITY => SUFFIX (IN NOUNS) the quality or state of. (PURITY/STABILITY/COMPLEXITY)
    Root Words
    1). I was glad to get back to reality after hearing the ghost story. REAL + ITY => NOUN
    2). That’s a really nice car. REAL + LY => ADVERB
    3). You won’t get your things into the van — be realistic! REALIST + IC => ADJECTIVE

    GAP 2 (ATTENTION) … first attracted attention in 1989 when they won an engineering competition to … 
    Root Words
    1). Her attendance at university was poor because she was often ill. ATTEND + ANCE => NOUN
    2). John is a flight attendant. ATTEND + ANT => NOUN
    3). My sister and I will both attend the wedding. ATTEND => VERB

    GAP 3 (PROPOSAL) … Future. The proposal was for a single span across the Grand Canyon based … 
    AL => SUFFIX (IN NOUNS) a process or state of. (REFUSAL/SURVIVAL/WITHDRAWAL)
    Root Words
    1). Janet received two proposals. PROPOS + AL => NOUN
    2). It really looks like an alternative proposition. PROPOS + ITION => NOUN
    3). They propose to build a new factory. PROPOSE => VERB

    GAP 4 (STRUCTURAL) … based on the structural principle of a dinosaur spine. Later, they designed an …
    Root Words
    1). The construction is structurally sound. STRUCTURAL + LY => ADVERB
    2). Hurricanes have caused structural damage to hundreds of buildings. STRUCTUR + AL => ADJECTIVE
    3). Her essay needs a good structure. STRUCTURE => NOUN

    GAP 5 (INNOVATIVE) … designed an innovative multi-facetted project for the World Sea Centre in the … 
    IVE => SUFFIX (IN ADJECTIVES) tending to; having the nature of. (EXPLOSIVE/ACTIVE/DESCRIPTIVE)
    Root Words
    1). The headmaster made some innovations. INNOVAT + ION => NOUN
    2). He is considered to be a great innovator in his field. INNOVAT + OR => NOUN
    3). This case study analyses the innovative approach taken by Youth Centre. INNOVAT + IVE => ADJECTIVE

    GAP 6 (DRAMATIC) … imaginative and dramatic aquarium in the sea. Recent projects include an award-winning … 
    Root Words
    1). She studied drama at college. DRAMA => NOUN
    2). Her life changed dramatically when her husband died. DRAMATIC + LY => ADVERB
    3). Don’t dramatize honey! He’ll be here soon. DRAMAT + ISE => VERB

    GAP 7 (ENVIRONMENTAL) … Riyadh and the environmental transformation of Stoke Newington Reservoir in North … 
    Root Words
    1). Pollution is very bad for environment. ENVIRONMENT => NOUN
    2). When did the environmental movement begin in Sweden? ENVIRONMENT + AL => ADJECTIVE
    3). An environmentalist is a person who speaks out about natural environment. ENVIRONMENTAL + IST => NOUN

    GAP 8 (DIRECTORS) … Barfield are both directors. The French people had been deeply moved by the … 
    OR => SUFFIX (IN NOUNS) a person or thing that. (CONDUCTOR/REDACTOR/ACTOR)
    Root Words
    1). What direction did she go? DIRECT + ION => NOUN
    2). I will be here directly. DIRECT + LY => ADVERB
    3). He drove direct to the office. DIRECT => ADJECTIVE

    Комплексный лексико-грамматический тест 12 для среднего и средне-продвинутого уровня английского языка. Задания с ответами.

    Задание 1


    Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

    An American was travelling in Switzerland. Once he was taken by a local man to the hills. The man shouted, “Hello!” and after about five minutes the echo came back. “You can’t have that in America, can you?” said the Swiss. “Yes, we can,” replied the American. “At my house in the hills, every night before I go to bed, I put my head out of the door and shout, ‘It’s time to get up.’ Nine hours later the echo wakes me up.”


    1. How long did it take the echo in Switzerland to come back?
    2. Did the American tell the truth?

    Вопрос 1. How long did it take the echo in Switzerland to come back?
    Ответ: It took the echo 5 minutes to come back.

    Вопрос 2. Did the American tell the truth?
    Ответ: No, he didn’t.

    Задание 2


    Поставьте вопрос к выделенному члену предложения.

    Once he was taken by a local man to the hills.

    Once he was taken by a local man to the hills.

    By whom was he once taken to the hills?

    Задание 3


    Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

    There (1 — be) many ways of (2 — get) to know people and their country. One way (3 — be) to get a job there.
    My friend and I (4 — think) it (5 — look) just what we (6 — dream) of for the summer holiday in England. We (7 — can) improve our English, and it not (8 — cost) us anything, and we probably (9 — make) enough money (10— have) a week or two in London at the end.
    In June we (11 — set) off for Sonnybrook Fruit Farm in East Anglia. We (12 — find) the farm building, but there (13 — be) no one about. We (14 — knock) on the door of the farmhouse, it (15— open) by a woman. We (16 — explain) to her what we (17 — come) for. Then we (18 — take) to a low white building which (19 — be) our accommodation. We (20 — be) to pay 20 pounds per week for this and food. There (21 — be) other students too, from different countries. They (22 — tell) us a lot of things. They (23 — say) there (24 — be) not enough work for everyone, and you (25 — have) to be up early if you (26 — want) to work.
    The next day we (27 — come) to the farmyard by 7. That day we (28 — be) lucky. We (29 — send) to pick strawberries. Some of the others who (30 — pick) strawberries before (31 — tell) us what to do. We (32 — start) working. After I (33 — work) for five minutes I (34 – get) a backache, but I (35 – keep) on (36 – work). We (37 – work) hard till twelve when we (38 — have) an hour off for lunch. By that time I (39 — pick) thirteen boxes and my friend (40 — do) fourteen.

    There are many ways of getting to know people and their country. One way is to get a job there.
    My friend and I thought it would look just what we dreamed of for the summer holiday in England. We could improve our English, and it not would cost us anything, and we probably would make enough money to have a week or two in London at the end.
    In June we set off for Sonnybrook Fruit Farm in East Anglia. We found the farm building, but there was no one about. We knocked on the door of the farmhouse, it was opened by a woman. We explained to her what we had come for. Then we were taken to a low white building which was our accommodation. We were to pay 20 pounds per week for this and food. There were other students too, from different countries. They told us a lot of things. They said there was not enough work for everyone, and you had to be up early if you wanted to work.
    The next day we came to the farmyard by 7. That day we were lucky. We were sent to pick strawberries. Some of the others who had picked strawberries before told us what to do. We started working. After I had worked for five minutes I got a backache, but I kept on working. We had worked hard till twelve when we had an hour off for lunch. By that time I had picked thirteen boxes and my friend had done fourteen.

    Задание 4


    Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. I must … this work today.
    a) make, b) do, c) be making, d) be doing.

    2. How … times did you call me?
    a) much, b) many, c) little, d) few.

    3. It’s quiet today, … no wind.
    a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

    4. This test is … difficult for me to do.
    a) too, b) enough, c) even, d) still.

    5. Shall I give you … more tea?
    a) some, b) any, c) no, d) much.

    6. He was … injured in the accident.
    a) bad, b) badly, c) very, d) strongly.

    7. What did he … ?
    a) speak, b) talk, c) say, d) tell.

    8. Do you remember when you went to the theatre … ?
    a) last, b) last time, c) at last, d) for the last time.

    9. Mary doesn’t leam Spanish, … ?
    a) does it, b) doesn’t it, c) doesn’t she, d) does she.

    10. Can you tell me what time … ?
    a) is it, b) it is, c) is there, d) there is.

    11. The more you do now, the … will be left for tomorrow.
    a) more, b)-much, c) less, d) little.

    12. Why … I ask anybody for help, I can do it myself.
    a) can, b) could, c) have, d) should.

    13. By the end of the next week they … all the exams.
    a) have passed, b) had passed, c) will have passed, d) will pass.

    14. Everybody … the film is interesting.
    a) say, b) says, c) said, d) have said.

    15. We were sorry we … the bus.
    a) miss, b) missed, c) have missed, d) had missed.

    16. We have not decided yet when we … into the new flat.
    a) move, b) moved, c) will move, d) would move.

    17. Ted suggested … the party at his place.
    a) holding, b) to hold, c) having held, d) being held.

    18. There are heavy clouds in the sky, it … to rain soon.
    a) is unlikely, b) is sure, c) is possible, d) seems.

    19. All the books … .
    a) have sold, b) sold, c) have been sold, d) had been.

    20. I’d like him … a success.
    a) to be, b) to have been, c) being, d) will be.

    1. I must … this work today.
    a) make, b) do, c) be making, d) be doing.

    2. How … times did you call me?
    a) much, b) many, c) little, d) few.

    3. It’s quiet today, … no wind.
    a) it is, b) there is, c) it was, d) there was.

    4. This test is … difficult for me to do.
    a) too, b) enough, c) even, d) still.

    5. Shall I give you … more tea?
    a) some, b) any, c) no, d) much.

    6. He was … injured in the accident.
    a) bad, b) badly, c) very, d) strongly.

    7. What did he … ?
    a) speak, b) talk, c) say, d) tell.

    8. Do you remember when you went to the theatre … ?
    a) last, b) last time, c) at last, d) for the last time.

    9. Mary doesn’t leam Spanish, … ?
    a) does it, b) doesn’t it, c) doesn’t she, d) does she.

    10. Can you tell me what time … ?
    a) is it, b) it is, c) is there, d) there is.

    11. The more you do now, the … will be left for tomorrow.
    a) more, b)-much, c) less, d) little.

    12. Why … I ask anybody for help, I can do it myself.
    a) can, b) could, c) have, d) should.

    13. By the end of the next week they … all the exams.
    a) have passed, b) had passed, c) will have passed, d) will pass.

    14. Everybody … the film is interesting.
    a) say, b) says, c) said, d) have said.

    15. We were sorry we … the bus.
    a) miss, b) missed, c) have missed, d) had missed.

    16. We have not decided yet when we … into the new flat.
    a) move, b) moved, c) will move, d) would move.

    17. Ted suggested … the party at his place.
    a) holding, b) to hold, c) having held, d) being held.

    18. There are heavy clouds in the sky, it … to rain soon.
    a) is unlikely, b) is sure, c) is possible, d) seems.

    19. All the books … .
    a) have sold, b) sold, c) have been sold, d) had been.

    20. I’d like him … a success.
    a) to be, b) to have been, c) being, d) will be.

    Задание 5


    Переведите на английский язык.

    1. — Что ты читаешь? — Я читаю интересную статью в сегодняшней газете.
    2. В нашей школе французский не преподают.
    3. Я тебе звонил сегодня несколько раз.
    4. В какой институт ты собираешься поступать?
    5. Когда я была маленькой, я думала, что хлеб растет на деревьях.

    1. — Что ты читаешь? — Я читаю интересную статью в сегодняшней газете.
    What are you reading? — I am reading an interesting article in today’s paper.

    2. В нашей школе французский не преподают.
    French isn’t taught in our school.

    3. Я тебе звонил сегодня несколько раз.
    I have phoned you several times today.

    4. В какой институт ты собираешься поступать?
    What institute are you going to enter?

    5. Когда я была маленькой, я думала, что хлеб растет на деревьях.
    When I was a little girl, I thought that bread grew in the trees.

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