This word has something to do with water

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I think it has something to do with water.

I figured out it has something to do with water.

We figured out it has something to do with water.

The reason behind the name has something to do with water.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Water is a fundamental element of life, and its importance is reflected in the countless ways we use it in our daily lives. It has been a source of inspiration for poets, artists, and writers for centuries, and it is also a common subject of idiomatic expressions in many languages.

These water idioms offer a unique and creative way of expressing thoughts and emotions related to various aspects of life, from relationships to business to personal growth.

In this post, we will explore some of the most intriguing and widely used water idioms, delving into their meanings and origins, and discovering the valuable insights they offer.

water idioms

Water Idioms

To Be In Deep Water

  • Meaning: To be in a situation that is beyond your abilities to resolve; to be in trouble.
  • Example In A Sentence: Peter found himself in deep water with the bank when he couldn’t make his loan payment. He had to borrow money from his parents to get him out of that mess.

To Blow Something Out Of The Water

  • Meaning: To completely ruin something or to defeat someone.
  • Example In A Sentence: At the tennis match, Andy completely blew Hank out of the water. I’d be surprised if he agreed to play him again.

To Be Like Oil And Water

  • Meaning: to be unable or unwilling to get along with each other due to personality differences etc.
  • Example In A Sentence: I wish that my boyfriend got along better with my best friend Sara, but the two of them are like oil and water.

To Cast One’s Bread Upon The Water

  • Meaning: to do go things without seeking a reward; to be generous.
  • Example In A Sentence: He left his well-paying job to cast his bread upon the water and take care of his sick father.

A Fish Out Of Water

  • Meaning: used to describe someone who is uncomfortable in a new situation or environment.
  • Example In A Sentence: He felt like a fish out of water at his new school. Fortunately, it didn’t take him long to make new friends and adapt to his new environment.

Can Talk Under Water

  • Meaning: (Australian English) someone that is very talkative.
  • Example In A Sentence: I saw Steve at the party, but I tried to avoid him because he could talk underwater.
as a duck takes to water - water idioms

As A Duck Takes To Water

  • Meaning: to naturally be able to do something; to do something easily/smoothly.
  • Example In A Sentence: My son took to driving like a duck takes to water. There is no doubt in my mind that he will pass his driving test today.

Dead In The Water

  • Meaning: unable to move; inoperable
  • Example In A Sentence: After the pandemic, many local businesses were dead in the water. Fortunately, some were able to move forward but a large majority were not.

To Dip One’s Toe In The Water

  • Meaning: To try a new experience for the first time. Usually done slowly because the person is not sure they will like it or that they will be successful.
  • Example In A Sentence: I would like to dip my toes in the water and see how the new product would work in this market.

To Have Just One Oar In The Water

  • Meaning: To not think clearly about a certain situation.
  • Example In A Sentence: I think he is crazy! He only has one oar in the water if he thinks that his plan is going to work.

To Get One’s Head Above Water

  • Meaning: to get out of a stressful situation, usually related to a lot of work.
  • Example In A Sentence: There is a ton of paperwork on my desk, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get my head above water. Do you think Stephen could help me?
water idioms - bubble water

Bubble Water

  • Meaning: champagne
  • Example In A Sentence: Shelby celebrated her new venture with a bottle of bubble water.

To Be In Low Water

  • Meaning: Having very little money.
  • Example In A Sentence: I can’t go to the movies tonight, I am in low water. Could we reschedule for next Friday? I get paid then.

To Hold Water

  • Meaning: to be reasonable, sound, or valid, usually when talking about a statement, theory, etc.
  • Example In A Sentence: His story about how he lost the car just doesn’t hold water.

To Muddy The Waters

  • Meaning: to provide information that only makes the situation more confusing.
  • Example In A Sentence: Rather than explaining the problem clearly he muddied the waters by bringing in unnecessary information.

To Plow Water

  • Meaning: To waste one’s time on something.
  • Example In A Sentence: You are plowing water if you think you can convince her to come with us. She is not one to change her mind.

To Pour Cold Water On Something

  • Meaning: to discourage someone from doing something.
  • Example In A Sentence: The news of the hurricane really pours cold water on our plans to go to the Bahamas.

Test The Waters

  • Meaning #1: to try something to see if you like it.
  • Example In A Sentence: He told me to test the waters first before making a big investment.
  • Meaning #2: to get the opinion of others about a product before bringing it to market.
  • Example In A Sentence: Before we invest a lot of money in this prototype, let’s test the waters.

A Long Drink Of Water

  • Meaning: a boring or uninteresting person.
  • Example In A Sentence: What did you think of Jessica’s new boyfriend? He sure is a long drink of water. He just sat there all night not saying a thing.

To Pour Oil On Troubled Waters

  • Meaning: to calm down a tense situation. To calm someone down.
  • Example In A Sentence: Tom poured oil on troubled waters before the situation got worse and they said something they would regret.
unchartered waters - water idioms

To Be In Unchartered Waters

  • Meaning: a situation that could be difficult or dangerous because it is new to you.
  • Example In A Sentence: I tried to fix my car but then I realized that I was in unchartered waters and it would be better to have a mechanic look at it.

To Be Water Off A Duck’s Back

  • Meaning: used to say that one’s words or criticism have no effect on somebody.
  • Example In A Sentence: They said some really mean things about his presentation, but it was like water off a duck’s back. It didn’t bother him at all. He knows he did a good job.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water

  • Meaning: family is more important than any other relationship.
  • Example In A Sentence: Don’t be afraid to ask us for help, you are family. Remember blood is thicker than water. Therefore, we will always be here for you.

To Carry Someone’s Water

  • Meaning: to support someone without being critical about it.
  • Example In A Sentence: He likes to be around people who will carry his water.

Milk And Water

  • Meaning: Something that is feeble or weak.
  • Example In A Sentence: These ideas are nothing but milk and water, we need to come up with something better. What ideas does Phoebe have?

water under the bridge, water idioms

Water Under The Bridge

  • Meaning: a prior issue with someone has been resolved and you no longer want to argue about it. It can also mean that so much time has passed that you no longer want to make it an issue.
  • Example In A Sentence: I think George is still mad that he wasn’t invited to the wedding, but he says it is water under the bridge.

Additional Reading: 11 Useful Bridge Idioms – Meaning & Examples

To Pay The Water Bill

  • Meaning: (slang) to go to the bathroom; to urinate.
  • Example In A Sentence: Excuse me, but I have to go pay the water bill.

To Walk On Water

  • Meaning: to do something that is impossible.
  • Example In A Sentence: Unless Ryan can walk on water, I don’t think we are going to get this project down in time.

Carry Fire In One Hand And Water In The Other

  • Meaning: to deceive someone
  • Example In A Sentence: I think Karen carries fire in one hand and water in the other because she says nice things to me, but she talks about me behind my back.
dull as dishwater - idioms about water

Dull As Dishwater

  • Meaning: something that is extremely boring.
  • Example In A Sentence: She told me the book was as dull as dishwater, but I read it anyway.

To Be In Hot Water

  • Meaning: to be in trouble.
  • Example In A Sentence: He is going to be in hot water when his parents find out that he skipped school today to watch a movie.

Watering Hole

  • Meaning: (slang) bar
  • Example In A Sentence: After work do you want to go to the watering hole and grab a beer?

To Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater

  • Meaning: to throw out something valuable with something that is not valuable.
  • Example In A Sentence: Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I am sure we can salvage it.

To Be In Troubled Waters

  • Meaning: to be in a rough situation.
  • Example In A Sentence: I know that you may feel like you are in some troubled waters right now, but I am sure things will calm down eventually.

To Spend Money Like Water

  • Meaning: to spend a lot of money.
  • Example In A Sentence: I hope he saves the money grandma gave him. He spends money like water.

In conclusion, water idioms serve as a reflection of the diverse ways in which water is viewed and valued across cultures.

From the power of the ocean to the purity of a mountain spring, water provides us with a wealth of metaphorical language to express a range of human experiences and emotions.

Whether used to convey strength, resilience, purity, or uncertainty, these idiomatic expressions have the power to move and inspire us. By understanding and appreciating these idioms, we gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world and the role it plays in shaping our language and culture.

Moreover, we gain a valuable tool for expressing ourselves and connecting with others in a more meaningful way.

There you have it! 35 useful water idioms. Which one is your favorite? Please share your comments in the section below.

If you enjoy this post, you may also enjoy our Idiom Of The Day page. There we post a different idiom every day. Check it out!


Задание №12099.
Чтение. ОГЭ по английскому

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1 — 8 и текстами A — G. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Tasty, sweet and full of water
2. We have to do something
3. Vital for human life and health
4. Good for fun
5. They do a lot for our planet
6. Sometimes it means a problem
7. The advantages of bottled water
8. Water fact file

A. Water is essential for life on the Earth. All animals, plants and humans need water to survive. Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O. It has three different states, liquid, solid and gas, depending on the temperature. The earth works as a closed system and it rarely loses or gains extra matter. The same water that existed on the planet millions of years ago is still here today.

B. It is believed that 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water. Even the bones contain 31 percent of water. A person can live without food for about a month, but less than a week without water. Lack of water can be responsible for heart attacks, depression and fatigue. While the daily recommended amount of water is eight cups per day, not all of this water must be consumed in liquid form. Nearly all food or drink provides some water to the body.

C. The oceans cover over three quarters of our planet and hold 97 percent of the planet’s water. The three largest oceans on the Earth are the Pacific Ocean (the largest one), the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean. The smallest is the Arctic Ocean. Due to the oceans, the Earth is a unique place and it looks wonderful from space. The oceans are also the lifeblood of the Earth. They produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere, and absorb the carbon from it.

D. Water suitable for drinking is a major problem in poorer areas of the world. A lot of people do not have access to clean natural or bottled water and over 3 million people die every year from water related diseases. Pollution poisons the most important resource for our life. It’s high time we took steps to cut down the negative effects of water pollution. Some strict protection measures should be taken to stop turning the Earth into a ‘dirty blue planet’.

E. Water gives people the opportunity not only to live, but to work and relax too! People enjoy themselves at seaside resorts or on cruise trips. Water sports are a very popular recreational activity nowadays. These include swimming, surfing and waterskiing. Ice and snow are necessary for ice skating, ice hockey, skiing and snowboarding.

F. A watermelon contains about 6 percent of sugar and 92 percent of water. The high water content of watermelons makes them ideal as a refreshing summer food. They keep people healthy, their skin fresh, and they can clean the kidneys of toxins. There are more than 1200 kinds of watermelon that come in various weights, shapes, sizes and colours. Watermelons can be red, orange, yellow and even white.

G. Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions with the word water have unpleasant meanings. The old expression to be in hot water is one of them. Hot water was used five-hundred years ago to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castle. This certainly does not happen any more but when we are in hot water, we are in trouble, serious or not so serious.


Заголовок 8 (Water fact file. — Файл фактов о воде) соответствует содержанию текста A: «Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is…»

Заголовок 3 (Vital for human life and health. — Жизненно важен для жизни и здоровья человека) соответствует содержанию текста B: «… but less than a week without water.»

Заголовок 5 (They do a lot for our planet. — Они много делают для нашей планеты) соответствует содержанию текста C: «They produce more than half of the oxygen in the atmosphere…»

Заголовок 2 (We have to do something. — Мы должны что-то делать) соответствует содержанию текста D: «A lot of people do not have access to clean natural or bottled water…»

Заголовок 4 (Good for fun. — Хорошо для развлечения) соответствует содержанию текста E: «People enjoy themselves at seaside resorts or on cruise trips.»

Заголовок 1 (Tasty, sweet and full of water. — Вкусный, сладкий и полный воды) соответствует содержанию текста F: «A watermelon contains about 6 percent of sugar and 92 percent of water.»

Заголовок 6 (Sometimes it means a problem. — Иногда это означает проблему) соответствует содержанию текста G: «Hot water was used five-hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.»

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Тест с похожими заданиями

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  4. по английскому языку



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Чернь 2020


  • Пояснительная записка

  • Употребление so/such/too/enough

  • Употребление make/do

  • Употребление have/take

  • Употребление say/tell/talk/speak

  • Употребление look/glance/stare/scan/skim/see/watch

  • Употребление cruise/voyage/journey/travel/trip/ tour/excursion/outing

  • Употребление pitch/field/court/course/ring/rink/ judge/referee/umpire

  • Употребление prescription/recipe/human/humane/treat/cure/heal

  • Употребление sincere, honest, outspoken; sensible/sensitive; annoyed/anxious/frustrated/nervous

  • Употребление affect/effect; ensure/insure/make sure; property/ownership/possessions/belongings

  • Употребление remember /remind/revision/review; accident/incident/occasion/occurrence

  • Употребление lend/borrow; receipt/cheque/cash/change; spend/waste

  • Употребление wage/salary/income/royalty; commission/perks/bonuses; staff/team/crew

  • Употребление valuable/invaluable/valueless/priceless skills/qualities/experience/qualifications

  • Употреблениеdiscover/detect/invent/explore/develop/ investigation/research/survey

  • Употребление electric/electrical/eligible/illegible/technical/technological/technology/techniques

  • Употребление historic/historical/prehistoric;economic/economical/economy/economics;


  • Употребление pitch/voice/vocal; classic/classical/convenient/comfortable/suitable

  • Употребление opportunity/possibility/collect/pick/gather; specially/especially

  • Употребление audience/viewer/spectator/cast/refuse/deny/ been in/been to/gone to

  • Употребление lone/lonely/alone; suit/fit/match/room/space

  • Ответы


Знание семантических особенностей лексических единиц и лексико-грамматических структур и умение использовать их в нужном контексте является важным условием для создания грамотного речевого высказывания на иностранном языке. Создание методической разработки продиктовано тем, что часто изучающие английский язык делают досадные ошибки в устной или письменной речи из-за незнания тонкостей в употреблении близких по значению слов или устойчивых словосочетаний, опираясь лишь на информацию, полученную из русско-английского словаря. Так, при переводе одного и того же слова с русского языка на английский в словаре предлагается несколько вариантов и требуется знать, какой из них следует использовать. Выбор нужного значения зависит от контекста, в котором употребляется интересующее нас слово,грамматических ограничений и требует знания особенностей употребления синонимичных слов и словосочетаний.

Учебно-методическая разработка предназначена для студентов всех специальностей и является дополнительным материалом к урокам английского языка.

Употребление so/such/too/enough


so + прилагательное/наречие

so + many/much/few/little + существительное

such (a/an) + существительное

such (a/an) + прилагательное + существительное

such + a lot of + существительное

Артикль a/an используется с исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе.

She is so beautiful!

I’ve got so many friends!

He is such a bore!

My Mum is such a wonderful cook!

We’ve spent such a lot of money.

За предложением с so/such может следовать придаточное предложение с союзом that:

It was such a nice day that we decided to go for a walk.


too + прилагательное/наречие +(for sb/sth) + to+V

(not) + прилагательное/наречие +enough + (for smb) + to+V (not) enough + существительное +

(for sb/sth) + to+V

He is too young to watch this film.

He isn’t old enough to watch this film.

There isn’t enough time for us to do this work properly.

1. Вставьте so, such, such a, too или enough.

1. He’s difficult to understand because he speaks_________quickly.

2. Jack isn’t tall __________to play basketball.

3. I like Tom and Ann. They’re ________nice people

4. It was a great holiday. We had __________good time.

5. This test is_________ easy for me. I would like a more difficult one.

6. I was surprised that he looked_________ well after serious illness.

7. The weather is ________bad today for having a picnic.

8. Everything is___________ expensive these days, isn’t it?

9. I can get lost in this city because I don’t know it well__________.

10. I have to go. I didn’t realise it was__________ late.

11. He always looks good. He wears ________nice clothes.

12. It was_________ boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.

13. I couldn’t believe the news. It was _______shock for me.

14. There wasn’t ___________air in the room so I opened the window.

15. They’ve got ___________much money, they don’t know what to do with it.

2. Вставьте so, such, such a, too или enough.

1. I didn’t realise you lived ____________long way from the city center.

2. The food at the restaurant was __________awful. I’ve never eaten tasteless food.

3. I think she works _________hard for her age. She looks tired all the time.

4. The weather is __________lovely today! I didn’t expect it to be nice day.

5. I can’t decide what to do. It’s _________difficult problem and we’ve got little time to solve it.

6. It’s ________hot here that I can’t breathe! Can’t we open a window?

7. There weren’t ___________people to begin a meeting.

8. We ate________ delicious food. However, the portions were big for me.

9. Mary is ____________beautiful! She’s got lovely hair!

10. We had to pay___________ high price for our hotel in London that we didn’t have_______ money to spend on presents.

Употребление make/do

Перед тем как приступить к выполнению упражнений, запомните слова, с которыми сочетаются глаголы make и do.


a crossword

a favour

a job

a lot of damage

a service

a subject at school

a translation

an examination

an exercise

an experiment







one’s best/worst

one’s duty

one’s hair/teeth

one’s homework




someone a good turn

sth for a living

the housework

the shopping

the washing;up

a bargain

a cake/pizza

a choice

a complaint

a compliment

a contribution to

a decision

a difference

a discovery

a fool of

a fortune

a guess

a living

a loss

a mess

a mistake

a phone call

a profit

a promise

a request

a reservation

a suggestion

a speech

a trip/journey

a will

an appointment

an arrangement

an attempt

an effort

an example of smb

an exception

an excuse (for)

an impression

an offer


ends meet

friends (with sb)

fun of sb/sth

marks on the wall

matters/things worse



one’s way back/home





time (for)

the bed

(the best) use of

the most/best (of sth)

the/some coffee


up one’s mind

way for

yourself at home

3. Вставьте глаголы do и make в правильной форме.

1. Don’t forget to _______your teeth before you go to bed.

2. Exercise can _______a big difference to your health.

3. He finds it difficult to_______ friends.

4. I hate__________ housework.

5. I’d like to___________ an appointment with Doctor Evans, please.

6. I’ve __________a complaint to the police about the noise.

7. __________certain that we have enough juice for the party.

8. You _________the washing up and I’ll do the drying.

9. Many students are finding it difficult to ends_________ meet.

10. Scientists are planning to ________experiments to test the effectiveness of the new drug.

11. She had to __________some very difficult decisions.

12. What do you_________ for a living?

13. _______yourself at home while I go and find those photographs.

14. Neat clothes usually__________ a good impression on people.

15. Try not to___________much noise when you go upstairs.

4. Прочитайте текст о влиянии техники на подростков и вставьте глаголы do и make в правильной форме.

Many experts point out that technology has put new emphasis on writing. Nowadays teens are increasingly using their mobiles and computers for communicating. They use a new form of their language, which affects their writing abilities. Special research, which has been (1)recently, shows that teens who regularly use text messaging (2) more mistakes in writing. Technology makes teens lazy. Many teenagers rely on technology to do all their work and some of them can’t even

(3) simple maths without a calculator. Another bad effect of using technology is addiction. Computer addicts don’t (4) their homework properly and neglect their everyday duties. To avoid this, parents ought to (5) sure that social networking and chatting happen after homework is over, or at timed intervals.

Excessive computer use can result in obesity since fats are not removed from the body. Parents don’t always (6) an effort to promote more physical activitiesfor their children, and teens sink deeper into the life of physical inactivity. To (7) matters worse, radiation from mobile phones, TV and computer screens

(8) harm to teens’ health leading to serious diseases. That is why it (9) sense for parents to limit the time teens spend using technology and increase the time for sports activities. We shouldn’t reject technology.

We should know how to (10) the best use of it.

Употребление have/take




(an) experience

a chat

a dance

a dream

a drink

a headache/toothache

a lesson

a meal

a meeting

a party/celebration

a picnic

a quarrel

a say

a smoke

a talk

a try/a go

a word

an accident

an argument

an effect on sb

an operation

confidence in

difficulty in

dinner/lunch, etc.


no idea (of)

no intention of

no respect for

something to eat

trouble with

a decision

a deep/long breath

a message

a photo(graph)/a picture

a pill

a risk

a taxi

a test/an exam


advantage of

an exam

care (of)


no notice of

one’s medicine


part in




pride in

smb’s advice

sth for granted

sth into account

take one’s chance

the bus/train/metro, etc.

the lead

the trouble



interest in

a seat

a bath/

a shower

a break

a chance

a guess

a holiday

a look (at)

a nap

a rest/

а break

a swim

a walk

control of

control over

responsibility (for)


5. Вставьте глаголы have и take в правильнойформе.

1. Mr. Jackson, can I ______a word with you, please. It’s very important.

2. Could you _______care of my hamster while I’m on holiday, please?

3. My parents’ divorce _________a big effect on me.

4. They were always together so I just _____________it for granted that they were married.

5. Choosing a future career, we should _________into account our preferences and abilities.

6. I’m absolutely free today. Let’s _________dinner together.

7. James _________an accident at work and had to go to hospital.

8. I _______no trouble finding the address on the Internet.

9.We____________ great pride in Russia’s scientific achievements.

10. We were late for the train so we _________a taxi.

11. It’s a pity that my father ________-no notice of my hobby.

12. Unfortunately, many tourists __________no respect for the countries they visit.

13. Susan ______a deep breath and started to speak.

14. Last year I ___________part in different competitions.

15. The 2014 Winter Olympics ___________place in Russia.

6. Прочитайте текст об экологических проблемах и вставьте глаголы have или take в правильной форме.

Green woods with animals, insects, mushrooms, berries and fresh water with fish in it is something we (1)

for granted today. Nevertheless, natural resources are not endless, and if we don’t (2) action now, soon we will (3) difficulty finding blueberries in the forest or a glass of clean water to drink. Scientists are still (4)

an argument, being unable to point out the main threats to the environment. Now it’s time we (5) a decision! We want everyone to (6) part in protecting our environment. By (7) advantage of our knowledge

and our experiences we’ll steadily improve our environmental work. First of all, we should (8) control of factories and plants that pour their waste into rivers and lakes. They must (9) responsibility for treating the waste they produce. Secondly, we must (10) measures to stop the destruction of our environment. Most people (11) no idea how many trees are cut down annually to make furniture or paper. However, deforestation may (12) a negative effect on the climate of our planet. Furthermore, people (13) no respect for animals killing them for their meat, skin or fur. If we (14) no notice of all these violent actions and misuse our natural resources, we will finally (15) trouble living on Earth!

Употребление say/tell/talk/speak


В прямой речи: Tom said, ‘This is great!’

В косвенной речи (said that): Tom said (that) he might be late.

В устойчивых словосочетаниях: say your prayers, say yes/no, say a few words, say something (nothing, etc.),the letter says, the newspaper says, the clock says, the

label says, people say …, let’s just say (that)…, have sth to say


В косвенной речи (told somebody): Tom told his friend that he would visit London.

В устойчивых словосочетаниях: tell sb about sth, tell sb to do sth, tell sb (that), tell the twins apart, tell a mile off, tell tales, tell a story, tell a joke, tell the truth, tell a lie


To talk about означает «обсуждать что-то в неформальной обстановке»: We talked about our school for hours.

Говорить, произносить слова: How do babies learn to talk?

В устойчивых словосочетаниях: talk to/with sb, talk sense, talk nonsense/rubbish


Говорить на каком;либо языке: to speak English, to speak French

Говорить громко/тихо/четко: to speak loudly/quietly She spoke the words as clearly she I could.

В разговоре по телефону: ‘Hello, may I speak to Mr.Langdon?’ ‘Yes, speaking.’

To speak about something употребляется в более формальном контексте (to give a talk on sth): The mayor will be speaking at their graduation ceremony.

В устойчивых словосочетаниях: speak to/with sb;

generally/strictly speaking, speak for itself, speak for yourself, speaking of …, to be on speaking terms speak

Говорить на какомлибо языке: to speak English, to speak French

Говорить громко/тихо/четко: to speak loudly/quietly

She spoke the words as clearly she I could.

В разговоре по телефону: ‘Hello, may I speak to Mr.Langdon?’ ‘Yes, speaking.’

To speak about something употребляется в более формальном контексте (to give a talk on sth): The mayor will be speaking at their graduation ceremony.

В устойчивых словосочетаниях: speak to/with sb;generally/strictly speaking, speak for itself, speak for yourself, speaking of …, to be on speaking terms

7. Вставьте глаголы say, tell, speak или talk в правильной форме.

1. When Jack saw me yesterday, he______ ‘You look great!’

2. Generally __________, it’s quite a good hospital.

3. He ________us the answer an hour ago.

4. I’m going to___________ something to the neighbours about the noise.

5. The teacher was very upset by our misbehaviour and__________ to us angrily.

6. You do sense sometimes, __________James.

7. The clock __________it’s five past ten.

8. It’s impossible to ___________the twins apart.

9. Simon to his mother_____________ on the phone every week.

10. Do we always have to____________ the truth?

8. Вставьте глаголы say, tell, speak или talk в правильной форме.

1. The policeman__________ me to follow him to the nearest police station, which wasn’t very far.

2. She___________ goodbye to her parents and left.

3. I’ve never__________ a lie in my whole life.

4. If you aren’t in a hurry, let’s __________about your future marriage.

5. The lecturer is going to__________ about the modern novel.

6. Could you____________ us a few words about yourself?

7. Look! The label __________it was produced in France.

8. At the age of 10, Julia ___________already three foreign languages.

9. ‘Close the door,’ _____________my father angrily. He didn’t want me to bother him.

10. My sister could _____________already when she was two.

Употребление look/glance/stare/scan/skim/see/watch


посмотреть на что;л./кого;л. (look at sth/sb):

David looked at his watch.


‘You look gorgeous!’ said my sister.

быть похожим на кого;либо (to look like sb):

Jane looks like her mother. She has got the same hair and eyes.


бросить взгляд, взглянуть мельком, бегло просмореть:

Robin glanced around the cafe.

Can you glance through my report, please?


пристально глядеть, уставиться; вглядываться:

Don’t stare at people like that, it’s rude.


бегло просматривать чтолибо:

I’ve only had time to skim over the plans for the new buildings.


внимательно осматривать с целью поиска:

She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul.


видеть, увидеть:

I can’t see very well so I have to wear glasses.


смотреть, наблюдать:

She watched the children playing football.

9.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Глаголы необходимо поставить в правильную форму.

glance stare look skim scan see (2) watch

1. Susanna___________ quickly at her watch. She was going to be late.

2. Cats _________in the dark better than people.

3. When I called Jack yesterday, he was still __________TV.

4. I’ve only __________his letter; I haven’t read it carefully yet.

5. I’m sure I have never____________ this man before.

6. Chuck sat quietly for hours _____________into the distance, thinking of what might have been.

7. You _____________worried today! Has anything happened?

8. Dave ____________the horizon for any sign of the boat.

Употребление historic/historical/prehistoric;economic/economical/economy/economics;




имеющий историческое значение, исторически

важный, знаменательный

historic speech/visit, historic

day/date, a historic place/


collection of historic aircraft

Our victory is a historic event for all mankind.


исторически установленный; относящийся к истории, связанный с историей

historical film, historical novel, historical period,

historical science

The Abbey is a major historical monument.



prehistoric animals/carvings/




Используйте слово ‘economic’ для описания того,

что относится к

сфере экономики страны

economic activity/crisis/

development/ downturn/


reform/ slowdown/benefits

Economic growth is slowing down.


бережливый, расчетливый, экономичный, экономный

economical cars/ways/movement/person

It’s more economical to go by bus.



ресурсосберегающий, выгодный,дешевый

economy class, economy car,economy pack


народное хозяйство, экономика; бережливость,

расчет, экономия

a market/capitalist/planned/black economy

The gas was turned off for reasons of economy.


экономика как наука, экономическая политика

to study economics, an economics teacher

He studied economics at Glasgow University.





It’s an extremely effective cure for a headache.

She’s a very effective teacher.


работающий быстро, эффективно,



The city’s transport system is one of the most efficient in


We need someone really efficient who can organize the

office and make it run smoothly.

10. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

historic historical economy economics economic economical effective efficient

1. Any occurrence in the past is a _________event.

2. The hotel’s staff are friendly and __________.

3. The US has been the world’s largest national ____________since the 1890s.

4. What’s the most __________way of heating this building?

5. A __________event is an important occurrence that stands out in history.

6. My brother wants to enter the Higher School of ____________in Moscow.

7. Humour is often far more __________than shouting.

8. The country has been in a very poor___________ state in recent years.

Употребление cruise/voyage/journey/travel/trip/ tour/excursion/outing


круиз, путешествие

на корабле с посещением нескольких мест

She went on a cruise and

visited Greece, Italy and Spain.


плавание, длительное морское путешествие; космическое путешествие

a voyage across the Atlantic

a sea/ocean/round;the world voyage maiden voyage

(=the first voyage of a ship)

He was a young sailor on his first sea voyage.


поездка, путешествие из одного пункта в другой (обычно сухопутное и на

транспортном средстве/часто утомительное)

a long/safe/tiring journey; a

journey through time start/

set out on/set off on a


I love going on long


Have a safe journey!


путешествие (процесс)



travel agency/expenses/


We share a love of

literature, food and travel.

Travel broadens the mind.


путешествие (обычно недолгое), коротка поездка, экскурсия

a business/shopping/

wedding/school trip

around the world trip;

a day trip to Paris

Do you want to go on a school

trip to France?

The trip from York to

Newcastle takes about an hour by train.


длительное путешествие с целью осмотра достопримечательностей;

гастроли; спортивное турне; политическая поездка

a guided tour/ a tour guide;

a world/overseas tour;

a walking/coach/bus/

cycling tour

A bus took us on a

sightseeing tour of the city.

The Queen is making a two week tour of Australia.


организованная экскурсия в интересное место (обычно

группой людей)

a one day excursion to the Grand Canyon

Next week we’re going on an excursion to the Museum of Modern Art.


прогулка, короткая

групповая поездка

с развлекательной

целью, пикник

a pleasant family outing an outing to a bowling alley

11.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. При необходимости употребите существительные во множественном числе.

cruise voyage trip tour travel journey excursion outing

1. We went on a guided of the UK.

2. The first taken by the ocean liner

‘Queen Mary’ took place in 1936.

3. Foreign never really appealed to him

until he visited England.

4. The Australian Museum offers group

with professional guides.

5. She’s away on a business and won’t be

back until next week.

6. They used to go on family to the


7. Our parents wished us a safe as we

drove away.

8. My parents went on a/an around the Mediterranean.

Употребление pitch/field/court/course/ring/rink/ judge/referee/umpire


(Br) поле, площадка

a cricket/hockey/football/rugby


Supporters invaded the pitch.


(Am) поле, спортивная площадка (покрытая травой)

a baseball/football/rugby/soccer/

playing/ sports field

The England striker left the field with a knee injury.


корт (площадка для игры в теннис, баскетбол и т.д)

a tennis/squash/basketball/

volleyball court

The hotel has two tennis courts.


поле для гольфа, место проведения гонок

(скаковой круг на ипподроме,

гоночный круг, лыжня)

a golf course/cross country course

horses for courses

The country club has a golf course.

The race was run on the turf course.


арена цирка,

ринг (боксерский, для борьбы)

a boxing/wrestling ring

We manufacturer Boxing Rings and Wrestling Rings.


ледовый каток

a ice/ice hockey/skating/roller skating rink


судья (должностное лицо в суде); судья (тот,кто выносит

оценку), знаток,ценитель;

арбитр (на выставке, соревнованиях)

a British high court judge;

a US Supreme Court judge

a panel of judges

The judge sentenced him to five years in prison.

She’s such a bad judge of character.

All entries will be examined by a panel of judges.


судья в некоторых видах спортивных состязаний (футбол,рэгби); третейский судья, арбитр в споре рекомендатель,поручитель

The referee is the sole judge of the


Liverpool only lost the game

because the referee was biased.

A senior judge is acting as referee

in the pay dispute between the

trade union and management.

She gave her college tutor as her

referee to the interviewer.


судья в некоторых видах спортивных состязаний (теннис,

бейсбол, крикет)

He has been chosen as an umpire

for the next cricket test match.

12.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

pitch course court ring rink referee umpire judge

1. We’ve got a tennis near our country


2. In tennis a(n) is an on court official.

3. Hundreds of boxing fans crowded around the

with cameras in hands.

4. A High Court found him innocent.

5. What is the standard size of a football ?

6. This skating was built in 1948, making

it the oldest one in the state.

7. A golf consists of a series of holes.

8. A football match is presided over by a(n) ,

9.who has authority to make decisions about the game.

Употребление prescription/recipe/human/humane/treat/cure/heal


рецепт врача, предписание

a doctor’s prescription; a

prescription for sedatives

These drugs are only available on prescription.



рецепт; готовый

рецепт чего-либо,

верный способ сделать что-то

Do you know a good recipe

for whole meal bread?

be a recipe for disaster/trouble/success

Large; scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.



свойственный человеку

a human life/body/remains/being/error

The human body is composed of about 60% water.


гуманный, человечный; гуманитарный

The humane way of dealing

with a suffering animal is to kill it quickly.


проводить курс

лечения; обращаться

с кем-либо; обсуждать,

решать проблему

He is being treated for a rare

skin disease.

He treated his wife very


Please treat this matter as urgent.



In the past doctors couldn’t

cure tuberculosis/cure people of tuberculosis.


заживать (о ранах и травмах);

лечить после


вылечивать, исцелять нетрадиционными методами

The wounds were gradually

healing (up).

A broken heart takes a long

time to heal.

Vitamin K is needed for

healing cuts.

the healing properties of plants

13. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы в правильную форму.

prescription recipe human humane cure heal treat (2)

1. My parents…. us all the same when we were kids.

2. A brain is much bigger than that of a …chimpanzee.

3. Doctors have learned to…. many formerly fatal diseases.

4. Could you give me a… for your apple pie?

5. I don’t support the death penalty because it is not ….to kill people.

6. In this hospital patients are…. with a combination of medication and exercise.

7. The doctor gave me a ….for a new medicine.

8. My wound has already …

Употребление sincere, honest, outspoken; sensible/sensitive;annoyed/anxious/frustrated/nervous



искренний: искренний человек говорит и поступает так, как думает

Не is a modest and sincere


sincere apologies


честный, подлинный: честный человек никогда не

лжет и соблюдает законы

Most young people are

decent and honest.

honest opinion/answer/


the honest truth

to be honest with sb

to earn an honest living


искренний, откровенный, открытый:

откровенный человек, открыто высказывает свое мнение,

даже если другим это не нравиться

an outspoken critic of the


The outspoken activist

protested the budget cuts.


недовольный, раздосадованный, раздраженный

She was annoyed with the


He was annoyed at the way

she tried to take over the

whole meeting.

My parents were rather

annoyed (that) I hadn’t told

them about the accident.


беспокоящийся,озабоченный, потому что может случиться что-либо


сильно желающийсделать что-либо

an anxious glance

My mother always gets a bit

anxious if we are late.

The drought has made

farmers anxious about the


I’m anxious to get home to

open my presents.


расстроенный, не;

довольный из;за не;

возможности достичь желаемого;

отчаявшийся из-за

чего-либо; удрученный чем-либо;


frustrated at / with smth

He gets so frustrated at not

being able to do things for

himself any more.

Are you feeling frustrated

in your present job?

Frustrated writers often end

up in publishing.



(взволнованный и

слегка напуганный


нервный, относящийся к нервной


Do you feel/get nervous

during exams?

I was too nervous to speak.

I was very nervous about

driving again after the


He suffers from a nervous



благоразумный, разумный

It was sensible of her to put

off her holiday



ранимый, впечатлительный;

чуткий, восприимчивый

Laura is very sensitive to


He is very sensitive to the

needs of the disabled.

14.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

sincere honest outspoken annoyed frustrated nervous sensible sensitive

1. My sister has got a very …skin.

2. …people get into trouble because they speak before they think.

3. Some parents get very …at the inability to control their children.

4. I want to express my… apologies for what I said.

5. My parents were rather… that I hadn’t done my homework.

6. It’s a very way of dealing with this…problem.

7. Do you get… during exams?

8. To be …I don’t think it’s a good idea to invite my cousin to stay with us.

Употребление affect/effect; ensure/insure/make sure; property/ownership/possessions/belongings


наносить вред,

ущерб; оказывать воздействие, влиять; волновать, затрагивать

Both buildings were badly

affected by the fire.

The divorce affected every

aspect of her life.

I was deeply affected by the film.


результат, следствие, эффект;

влияние, воздействие

to have/produce an effect

I tried taking tablets for the

headache but they didn’t have

any effect.


обеспечивать, гарантировать

The airline is taking steps to

ensure safety on its aircraft.


страховать, застраховывать

The house is insured for two

million pounds against

accidental damage.

make sure

убедиться, удостовериться

Make sure you lock the door

when you go out.


имущество, собственность (вещи, земля, здания)

Personal/private property,

intellectual property

The notice said ‘Private

Property, Keep Off.’


собственность, владение, право


Do you have any proof of

ownership of/for this car?

Rates of home ownership have

remained relatively constant.


имущество, личные вещи

Please remember to take all

your personal possessions with

you when you leave the plane.

treasured/precious possession


имущество, личные вещи, пожитки

I put a few personal

belongings in a bag and left

the house for the last time.

15.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы в правильную форму.

property ownership possession belongings affect effect ensure insure make sure

1. The government must… the protection of endangered species.

2. Air pollution has a disastrous …on people’s health.

3. What is your most… treasured ?

4. I think I’ve locked the door but you’d better make…

5. British of this company was formally…recognized.

6. Industrial waste badly… our environment.

7. The sign said, ‘Private … No Trespassing.’

8. We have our house against flood damage.

9. He had few personal …

Употребление remember /remind/revision/review; accident/incident/occasion/occurrence


помнить, хранить

в памяти; вспоминать, припоминать;

не забыть сделать

что-либо; передавать привет кому-либо

I can remember people’s

faces, but not their names.

Did you remember to do the


Please remember me to your



напомнить, сделать напоминание (about sth/to do sth);(of) напоминать, быть похожим

Could you remind Paul

about dinner on Saturday?

Your hair and eyes remind

me of your mother.


обзор, обозрение;

критическая статья, рецензия на


Several aspects of

environmental policy are

currently under review.

The play got excellent

reviews when it was first



исправление, переработка;

повторение, подготовка к экзамену

He was forced to make

several revisions to his


She did no revision, but she

still got a very high mark at

the exam.


возможность, случай, шанс; происшествие, случай;

важное событие

We met on several occasions

to discuss the issue.

The coronation of a new king

is, of course, a historic



случай, происшествие (часто неприятное или необычное), инцидент



A teenager was seriously

injured in a shooting

incident on Saturday night.


несчастный случай, катастрофа,


She was injured in a car/

road accident

by accident = случайно


явление, случай;

частота, распространенность



Unfortunately, computer

errors are a common


The occurrence of cancer

increases with age.

16. Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, существительные во множественное число.

accident incident occasion occurrence review revision remember remind

1. I… buying this book. However, I can’t find it anywhere.

2. He was killed in a… car .

3. I had no to speak to him.

4. We have absolutely no time for… before our exams.

5. Street fights are an everyday …in this area of the city.

6. Please …me to buy this book when we are in the shop.

7. Every time I think of this funny , I can’t help laughing.

8. Roger writes film for the newspapers.

Употребление lend/borrow; receipt/cheque/cash/change; spend/waste


одалживать, давать взаймы

She lent the money to him.




брать что-либо на время

You could borrow some money

from your uncle.

He borrowed a novel from the




товарный, кассовый чек

Make sure you are given a receipt

for everything you buy.


банковский чек на получение


a bad cheque; to cash a cheque;

a cheque card

I wrote him a cheque for Ј50.

I don’t have any cash on me, so

could I pay with a/by cheque?


Наличные деньги

Do you want to pay in cash or by

credit card?


сдача; мелкие

деньги, мелочь

Here’s your change.

I’m sorry I haven’t got any change.


тратить, расходовать деньги;

проводить время


We’ve just spent Ј2 million on

improving our computer network.

He spent a weekend in London


тратить впустую; терять


She wastes money on gambling.

17.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы и существительные в правильную форму.

lend borrow receipt cheque cash change spend waste

1. It’s important to be able to… money wisely.

2. Sorry, I don’t have any cash now. Can I pay by…

3. Have you got… for a twenty dollar bill?

4. She really …money buying loads of clothes.

5. If you need money, I can… you $200.

6. Do you have any …on you?

7. He always paid by credit card and kept the… .

8. She used to money from her brother.

Употребление wage/salary/income/royalty; commission/perks/bonuses; staff/team/crew


сдельная заработная плата (рабочих, официантов), обычно выплачивается еженедельно

an hourly/daily/weekly wage

He gets/earns a good wage,

because he works for a fair


The smaller shops pay very low



жалованье, заработная плата (служащего); оклад

an annual salary of Ј20,000

His net monthly salary is Ј1,500.


доход, прибыль

(от выполненной

работы или капиталовложений)


taxable income

More help is needed for people on

low incomes.


авторский гонорар (писателям,




Royalties are paid to the patent

owner in exchange for a licence.


комиссия, комиссионное вознаграждение — форма оплаты труда

для тех, кто продает товар или услуги — процент от


Is she paid a regular wage or is it

on/by commission only?

She gets a 15% commission on

every machine she sells


льгота или привилегия, получаемые при определеной должности на работе (бесплатный автомобиль

или телефон);


A company car and a mobile

phone are some of the perks that

come with the job.

Having such easy access to some

of the best cinema and theatre is

one of the perks of living in



премия, награда,




Customers will receive a free tape

as a bonus with any order over


I love the job, and it’s an added

bonus that it’s so close to home.


выгода, польза,

прибыль; преимущество;

пенсия, пособие

The discovery of oil brought

many benefits to the town.


sickness/ disability benefit;

I’m on benefit at the moment.




команда как группа лиц,

выполняющих одну работу и действующих согласовано;


a basketball/hockey/cricket/

football team



a team of investigators/ editors


to work in a team

It was a real team effort;

everyone contributed something

to the success of the project.


судовая команда,

экипаж (корабля,самолета);

съемочная группа

an ambulance/lifeboat crew

a TV/film/camera crew

The aircraft has a crew of seven.


штат служащих в

организации; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры;


It is a small hospital with a staff

of just over a hundred.

He is on (= a member of) the

editorial staff of the magazine.

18.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. При необходимости поставьте существительные во множественное число.

wage salary commission perks bonuses team crew staff

1. Free meals are one of the… of this job.

2. Cruise ships resemble giant… floating hotels employing thousands of members.

3. …on sales is a traditional way for companies to pay their sales reps.

4. There is a good relationship between…and pupils at the school.

5. His monthly… is 500.

6. They are the worst… in baseball.

7. We receive annual… at the end of the year.

8. What’s the starting hourly… for a waiter at Olive Garden?

Употребление valuable/invaluable/valueless/priceless skills/qualities/experience/qualifications


ценный, дорогостоящий;

ценный, полезный

Gold is more valuable than silver.

It’s extremely valuable to know

foreign languages.


бесценный, неоценимый,


The new job will provide you with

invaluable experience.

Such data will prove invaluable

to/for researchers.


ничего не стоящий, не имеющий ценности,


We thought the chair was an

antique worth a lot of money, but

it turned out to be a valueless


His comments were so general as

to be nearly valueless.


бесценный, неоценимый

A priceless collection of vases

was destroyed.

Her knowledge and experience

would make her a priceless

(= extremely useful) asset to the



навыки, умения

The course helped me to gain

necessary speaking skills.




personal/leadership qualities

Do you possess the right personal

qualities to be a teacher?



диплом, аттестат, степень,


Simon left school with no




случай, событие;


get/gain experience in sth.

You don’t need any experience to

work here.

I had a bad experience in the last

place I worked.

19.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, существительные во множественное число.

valuable (2) invaluable valueless priceless skills qualities qualification experience

1. This collection of manuscripts is not very…

2. Ron had great writing …

3. I don’t want to sell this antique furniture. I think it’s … .

4. We decided not to buy that painting because it was absolutely… .

5. She has years of… in the computer industry.

6. The results of this research will be extremely…for medicine.

7. His personal… made him a strong leader.

8. The Internet is an… resource for students.

9. Gregory finished special courses and got recognized…in design.

Употреблениеdiscover/detect/invent/explore/develop/ investigation/research/survey


обнаружить, найти или выяснить

что-либо в первый раз

We had been looking for the

missing papers all morning and

finally discovered them in a



обнаружить, выявить, заметить

(то, что с трудом различимо)

to detect a target/ leak/ defect/


Financial experts have detected

signs that the economy is

beginning to improve.

I thought I detected a hint of

irony in her words.



создать что-то



The telephone was invented by

Alexander Graham Bell.

But I didn’t invent the story —

everything I told you is true.


исследовать, изучать;

пробовать, экспериментировать

The children have gone

exploring the island.

Let’s explore this issue/idea

more fully.



совершенствовать(ся), расти

This country is rapidly

developing its tourist industry.






a thorough investigation of the


Currently, the individuals who

might have caused the accident

are subject to/under



научное исследование, изучение,

исследовательская работа

scientific/medical research

a research student/assistant/


They are carrying out/

conducting/doing some

fascinating research into/on

the language of dolphins.


опрос, анкетирование, обзор,


A recent survey found/

revealed/showed that 58% of

people did not know where their

heart is.

to conduct/carry out/do a




орудие труда;



machine tools

a set of tools

Words are essential tools for

formulating and

communicating thoughts.


аппарат, прибор,



бытовые электроприборы

household/kitchen appliances

We stock a wide range of

domestic appliances, including

fridges and dishwashers.

domestic electric appliances




(о технической


kitchen gadgets

This expensive car is full of




оборудование, оснащение



electrical equipment

A computer is the most

important piece of equipment

you will buy.

20.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы в правильную форму.

discover invent explore develop investigation research tools appliances equipment

1. Our scientific laboratory has got the latest…. Now it is really modern.

2. The best way…. to the countryside is on foot.

3. This crime is still …under by the police.

4. Thomas Edison… the phonograph.

5. All household… are now on sale in this shop.

6. The island has its economy around…tourism.

7. The group carries out… in the field of geochemistry.

8. Everyone knows that Christopher Columbus…America.

9. You need contemporary gardening …to keep your garden in good condition.

Употребление electric/electrical/eligible/illegible/technical/technological/technology/techniques



работающий на

электричестве; используемый для переноса электричества; относящийся к электричеству; наэлектризованный,


an electric blanket/car/


an electric drill/razor/


an electric socket/plug/cable

an electric current

an electric performance

The atmosphere here tonight

is absolutely electric.



работающий на

электричестве; от;

носящийся к электричеству

electrical equipment/goods/


an electrical fuse/circuit/


an electrical engineer/


The fire was caused by an

electrical fault.


имеющий право;

годный, пригодный, подходящий;

Only people over 18 are

eligible to vote.

You might be eligible for a





His writing is almost illegible.


a technical problem/ hitch/


technical support/expert/



относящийся к




техничный, хорошо исполненный

The job requires someone with

specialized scientific and

technical knowledge.

In her performance as the

Snow Queen she showed great

technical brilliance.



относящийся к новым технологиям

technological progress/


Technological advances in

telecommunications will

reduce the need for many

people to travel to work.


технология; современная техника;

технические науки

high technology/information


Modern technology is

amazing, isn’t it?

What this country needs is a

Long term policy for

investment in science and



техника, технические приемы;

метод, методика,


acting/ dance/ relaxation




We have developed a new

technique for detecting


21.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

eligible illegible electric electrical technical technological technology techniques

1. The pianist gave an …performance.

2. Recent advances in medical …have saved countless lives.

3. We learned some… for relieving stress.

4. Are you for early retirement leave?

5. You can’t stop progress even if you want to do it.

6. …engineers design new and better electronics.

7. If you have any problems with your new computer, we offer 24 hour support.

8. Megan’s handwriting is absolutely… !

Употребление pitch/voice/vocal; classic/classical/convenient/comfortable/suitable




высота тона,


absolute/perfect pitch

She sings well since she’s got

perfect pitch.

The piano and organ were tuned

to the same pitch (= note).



способность петь,


in a low/deep/bored voice

a low;pitched/high;pitched


She has a loud/quiet/soft voice.

She lowered her voice to a



вокальная партия

в музыкальном


песня; вокал, пение

Who is on backing vocals?

The vocals are shared by two

members of the band.


классический, от;

носящийся к классическому стилю в музыке, литературе, живописи, образовании

the classical world

classical music/composers

classical art/literature/


Do you enjoy classical music or

pop music?



строгий, традиционный; высококачественный

He had all the classic symptoms

of flu.

She wore a classic navy suit.



удобный, не вызывающий затруднений, подходящий

Our local shop has very

convenient opening hours.

A bike’s a very convenient way

of getting around.



уютный, удобный, комфортабельный

a comfortable bed/sofa/shoes/


I don’t feel comfortable in high


Do sit down and make yourself



годный, подходящий, пригодный,

применимый, соответствующий

The film is suitable for children.

My mother doesn’t let me wear

short skirts to church — she

doesn’t think they’re suitable.

22.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения.

pitch voice vocal classical classic convenient comfortable suitable

1. Are you enough… in this chair?

2. Can I remove the… from a recording to make a Karaoke track?

3. If it’s …call me tomorrow before noon.

4. She plays the piano and she has absolute…

5. Hamlet is a …example of a tragedy.

6. These toys are not… for children under five.

7. I’ve got a cold and I think I’m losing my… I can’t talk at all.

8. I don’t mind listening to …music.

Употребление opportunity/possibility/collect/pick/gather; specially/especially


удобный случай,



шанс, возможность, перспектива

equal opportunities

I’d like to take this

opportunity to thank all of

you for coming.

I was never given the

opportunity of going to



вероятность, возможность того,

что что-либо произойдет;

возможность сделать


The forecast said that there’s

a possibility of snow tonight.

‘Have you decided what to

do?’ ‘No, I’m still

considering various



особенно (очень);

специально; нарочно

This is a specially good wine.

These coats are specially

treated to be water repellent.


особенно, в особенности

She’s not especially

interested in sport.

It was a very cold house,

especially in winter.


собирать руками,

снимать, срывать, поднимать;

отбирать, набирать в группу

The spent the summer

picking strawberries.

The following season he was

picked for the national team.



A lot of families collect

newspapers for recycling.

He collects stamps.


собирать (искать и находить), копить; собираться

Our report is based on

information gathered from

all parts of the country.

A crowd had gathered to hear

her speak.

23.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения и переведите их на русский язык. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы и существительные в правильную форму.

opportunity possibility collect pick gather specially especially

1. When did you start …stamps?

2. She has got a wheelchair that was made …for her.

3. One …for the weekend is to rent a car and go to the beach.

4. Football fans… around the TV in the corner of the bar and watched the match.

5. Young people, teenagers, enjoy extreme sports.

6. Modern machines can …the fruit from the trees.

7. People have more leisure… nowadays.

8. I went to several libraries to… information about my hobby.

Употребление audience/viewer/spectator/cast/refuse/deny/ been in/been to/gone to


публика, зрители

(в театре/ кино, на




как целевая ауди;



cold/responsive audience

The audience was/were

clearly delighted with the


The series has attracted

an audience of more than

10 million.


зритель, наблюдатель, свидетель;


А painting showing a woman

looking directly at the viewer.

Millions of viewers will be

glued to their sets for this



зритель, посетитель зрелищных

(спортивных) мероприятий

The final game attracted

a crowd of over 50,000



состав исполнителей (в спектакле,


Part of the film’s success lies

in the strength of the

supporting cast (= the actors

who are not playing the main



отвергать, отказаться сделать что-либо

On cold mornings the car

always refuses to start.


отрицать что сделал что-либо; отвергать, не признавать существования чего-либо;

отказать кому; либо в чём-либо

to deny categorically/flatly/


He denies committing fraud.

It is hard to deny that Bob is

a good man.

Her request for time off work

was denied.


been to

побывал где-либо и вернулся

My father has been to London

twice this year. I don’t think

he’ll go there again.


gone to

уехал куда-либо и ещё не вернулся

Mr. Smith has gone to

London. I think he’ll be back

in a week.


been in

находится где-либо в течение некоторого времени

Mr. Smith has already been in

London for three days.

24.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Поставьте, если необходимо, глаголы и существительные в правильную форму.

refuse deny audience viewer spectator cast been in been to gone to

1. After the final performance, the director threw a party for the… .

2. She is a regular… of the evening news.

3. My English pen friend has… Moscow for two days only so he hasn’t seen much yet.

4. The concert attracted a large… .

5. The postman was accused of stealing money from the post office but he… everything.

6. We can have a party tomorrow as my parents have… London on a business trip.

7. The lining the road cheered the racers on….

8. He offered to paint my house, but I …to hire him.

9. We have already… Great Britain. Let’s travel to the USA.

Употребление lone/lonely/alone; suit/fit/match/room/space


подходить, идти,

быть к лицу

This dress looks nice. It really

suits you!


быть впору, в самый раз, подходить по размеру

I like the suit, but the jacket

doesn’t fit me. It’s too big.


подходить по цвету и форме, гармонировать; подходить под пару

She wore a green dress and a hat

to match.

This glove matches the one that

was found at the crime scene.


один (одни), без

других людей; сам,

в одиночку, без посторонней помощи

She was all alone in a dark

forest. Was the killer acting alone?


одинокий, страдающий от одиночества

She has no friends so she feels



одинокий, единственный; уединенный; замкнутый,



a lone house in the Berkshire



комната; место, пространство, площадь, необходимые для определенной цели

a spare/private/rest room

She’s upstairs in her room.

There isn’t much room in here.

Is there room for one more in

your car?

There was just enough room for

them all to sit down.

This table takes up too much



свободное доступное пространство;

пустота, космос;

интервал времени,

промежуток; расстояние между

двумя точками, пробел

empty/parking/storage space

I’ve got to make space for

Mark’s things.

He was absent mindedly staring

into space.

I love the wide open spaces

(= large areas of countryside) of

central Australia.

25.Вставьте слова из рамки в предложения. Глаголы необходимо поставить в правильную форму.

suit fit match alone lonely lone space room

1. We replaced the bath with a shower to create more….

2. She gets… now that all her friends have left the village.

3. This suit is the right size for you. It …you perfectly.

4. She must decide… what to do. No one else can do it for her.

5. There was a large empty… on the second floor.

6. Does this shirt… these trousers?

7. Police spokesman said that a/an… gunman was responsible for the shooting.

8. You should wear more red. This colour …you very well.

Ответы (Близкие по значению слова)

1. 1. so; 2. enough; 3. such; 4. such a; 5. too; 6. so, such a;

7. too; 8. so; 9. enough; 10. so; 11. such; 12. such a; 13. such a;

14. enough; 15. so;

2. 1. such a; 2. so, such; 3. too, so; 4. so, such a; 5. such a,

too; 6. so; 7. enough; 8. such, too; 9. so, such; 10. such a,


3. 1. do; 2. make; 3.make; 4. doing; 5. make; 6. made;

7. Make; 8. do; 9. make; 10. do; 11 make; 12. do; 13. Make;

14. make; 15. make

4. 1. done; 2.make; 3. do; 4. do; 5. make; 6. make; 7. make;

8. does; 9. makes; 10. make

5. 1. have; 2. take; 3. had; 4. took; 5. take; 6. have; 7. had;

8. had; 9. take; 10. took; 11. takes; 12. have; 13. took; 14. took;

15. will take

6. 1. take; 2. take; 3. have; 4. having; 5. took; 6. take;

7. taking; 8. take; 9. take/have; 10. take; 11. have; 12. have;

13. have; 14. take; 15. have

7. 1. said; 2. speaking; 3. told; 4. say; 5. spoke; 6. talk;

7. says; 8. tell; 9. talks; 10. tell

8. 1. told; 2. said; 3. told; 4. talk; 5. speak; 6. tell; 7. says;

8. spoke; 9. said; 10. talk

9. 1. glanced/looked; 2. see; 3. watching; 4. skimmed;

5. seen; 6. staring; 7. look; 8. scanned/was scanning

10. 1. historical; 2. efficient; 3. economy; 4. economical;

5. historic; 6. Economics; 7. effective; 8. economic

11. 1. tour; 2. voyage;; 4. excursions; 5. trip;

6. outings; 7. journey; 8. cruise

12. 1. court; 2. umpire; 3. ring; 4. judge; 5. pitch; 6. rink;

7. course; 8. referee

13. 1. treated; 2. human; 3. cure; 4. recipe; 5. humane;

6. treated; 7. prescription; 8. healed

14. 1. sensitive; 2. Outspoken; 3. frustrated; 4. sincere;

5. annoyed; 6. sensible; 7. nervous; 8. honest

15. 1. ensure; 2. effect; 3. possession; 4. make sure;

5. ownership; 6. affects; 7. Property; 8. insured; 9. belongings/


16. 1. remember; 2. accident; 3. occasion; 4. revision;

5. occurrence; 6. remind; 7. incident; 8. reviews

17. 1. spend; 2. cheque; 3. change; 4. wastes; 5. lend;

6. cash; 7. receipts; 8. borrow

18. 1. perks; 2. crew; 3.commission; 4. staff; 5. salary;

6. team; 7. bonuses; 8. wage

19. 1. valuable; 2. skills; 3. priceless; 4. valueless; 5. expe;

rience; 6. valuable; 7. qualities; 8. invaluable; 9. qualification

20. 1. equipment; 2. explore; 3. investigation; 4. invented;

5. appliances; 6. developed; 7. research; 8. discovered; 9. tools

21. 1. electric; 2. technology; 3. techniques; 4. eligible;

5. technological; 6. Electrical; 7. technical; 8. illegible

22. 1. comfortable; 2. vocal(s); 3. convenient; 4. pitch;

5. classic; 6. suitable; 7. voice; 8. classical

23. 1. collecting; 2. specially; 3. possibility; 4. gathered;

5. especially; 6. pick; 7. opportunities; 8. gather/collect

24. 1. cast; 2. viewer; 3. been in; 4. audience; 5. denied;

6. gone to; 7. spectators; 8. refused; 9. been to

25. 1. space; 2. lonely; 3. fits; 4. alone; 5. room; 6. match;

7. lone; 8. suits

Мы часто сталкиваемся с ситуациями, когда объектом действия становимся либо мы сами, либо наши вещи. Например, нам делают прическу, красят ногти или что-то чинят. Рассказать обо всех этих ситуациях на английском можно с помощью одного простого выражения – have something done.

Употребление конструкции have something done

Начнем с того, что рассмотрим два основных случая, при которых используется эта конструкция:

  1. Речь идет об услуге, которую вам оказали по просьбе или за деньги.

    Представьте, что вам сделали операцию в клинике. Она прошла успешно, вы остались довольны и теперь рассказываете об этом знакомому:

    I had my surgery done in a very good clinic. – Я сделала операцию в очень хорошей клинике.

    Had my surgery done указывает на то, что вы не сами себя прооперировали, а это сделал врач.

    She had her window repaired after the storm. – Она починила окно после грозы.

    Had her window repaired указывает на то, что она наняла кого-то, кто сделал это за нее.

  2. С вами случилось что-то плохое.

    She had her store robbed last night. – Ее магазин обокрали прошлым вечером.

    We had all our money stolen. – У нас украли все деньги.

    В разговорном английском вместо have возможно употребление глагола get.

    When will you get your hair done? – Когда тебе сделают прическу?

    I have to pay to get this program installed. – Я должен заплатить, чтобы мне установили эту программу.

Схема образования предложений с конструкцией have something done


Подлежащее + have/has + предмет или лицо, над которым совершается действие + глагол с окончанием —ed или V3.

Alice has all her clothes made at the dressmaking shop. – Элис всю свою одежду шьет в ателье.

Frank has his room cleaned twice a week. – Комнату Фрэнка убирают дважды в неделю.


Подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол с частицей not + have + предмет или лицо, над которым совершается действие + глагол с окончанием —ed или V3.

Alice doesn’t have all her clothes made at the dressmaking shop. – Элис не шьет всю свою одежду в ателье.

Frank doesn’t have his room cleaned twice a week. – Комнату Фрэнка не убирают дважды в неделю.


Вспомогательный глагол + подлежащее + have + предмет или лицо, над которым совершается действие + глагол с окончанием —ed или V3.

Does Alice have all her clothes made at the dressmaking shop? – Элис всю свою одежду шьет в ателье?

Does Frank have his room cleaned twice a week? – Комнату Фрэнка убирают дважды в неделю?

Примеры употребления конструкции have something done

Выражение have something done может употребляться в любом времени, а также с оборотом going to, модальными глаголами и т. д. Во всех случаях меняется только глагол to have. Вторая часть оборота остается неизменной.

Время Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос
Present Simple He has his eyes tested once a year.

Он проверяет зрение раз в год.

He doesn’t have his eyes tested once a year.

Он не проверяет зрение раз в год.

Does he have his eyes tested once a year?

Он проверяет зрение раз в год?

Present Continuous He is having his eyes tested now.

Он проверяет зрение сейчас.

He is not having his eyes tested now.

Он не проверяет зрение сейчас.

Is he having his eyes tested now?

Он проверяет зрение сейчас?

Present Perfect He has already had his eyes tested.

Он уже проверил зрение.

He hasn’t had his eyes tested yet.

Он еще не проверил зрение.

Has he already had his eyes tested?

Он уже проверил зрение?

Present Perfect Continuous He has been having his eyes tested for 20 minutes.

Он проверяет зрение в течение 20 минут.

He hasn’t been having his eyes tested for a few months.

Он не проверяет зрение уже несколько месяцев.

Has he been having his eyes tested for these few months?

Он проверяет зрение в течение этих месяцев?

Past Simple He had his eyes tested 2 weeks ago.

Он проверил зрение 2 недели назад.

He didn’t have his eyes tested 2 weeks ago.

Он не проверил зрение 2 недели назад.

Did he have his eyes tested 2 weeks ago?

Он проверил зрение 2 недели назад?

Past Continuous He was having his eyes tested while I was having my blood pressure taken.

Он проверял зрение, пока мне измеряли давление.

He wasn’t having his eyes tested while I was having my blood pressure taken.

Он не проверял зрение, пока мне измеряли давление.

Was he having his eyes tested while I was having my blood pressure taken?

Он проверял зрение, пока мне измеряли давление?

Past Perfect He had had his eyes tested before he bought the glasses.

Он проверил зрение, прежде чем купить очки.

He hadn’t had his eyes tested before he bought the glasses.

Он не проверил зрение, прежде чем купить очки.

Had he had his eyes tested before he bought the glasses?

Он проверил зрение, прежде чем купить очки?

Past Perfect Continuous He had been having his eyes tested for 20 minutes, when the other doctor came.

Он проверял зрение на протяжении 20 минут, когда пришел другой врач.

When the other doctor came, he hadn’t been having his eyes tested.

Когда пришел другой врач, он не проверял зрение.

Had he been having his eyes tested, when the other doctor came?

Он проверял зрение, когда пришел другой врач?

Future Simple He will have his eyes tested.

Он проверит зрение.

He won’t have his eyes tested.

Он не проверит зрение.

Will he have his eyes tested?

Он проверит зрение?

Future Continuous He will be having his eyes tested tomorrow at 7 o’clock.

Он будет проверять зрение завтра в 7 часов.

He will not be having his eyes tested tomorrow at 7 o’clock.

Он не будет проверять зрение завтра в 7 часов.

Will he be having his eyes tested tomorrow at 7 o’clock?

Он будет проверять зрение завтра в 7 часов?

Future Perfect He will have had his eyes tested by this time tomorrow.

Он уже проверит зрение к этому времени завтра.

He will not have had his eyes tested by this time tomorrow.

Он не проверит зрение к этому времени завтра.

Will he have had his eyes tested by this time tomorrow?

Он проверит зрение к этому времени завтра?

Future Perfect Continuous He will have been having his eyes tested for 20 minutes by the time you come tomorrow.

Он будет проверять зрение в течение 20 минут к тому моменту, когда ты придешь завтра.

He will not have been having his eyes tested, when you come tomorrow.

Он не будет проверять зрение к тому моменту, когда ты придешь завтра.

Will he have been having his eyes tested, when you come tomorrow?

Он будет проверять зрение, когда ты придешь завтра?

С оборотом going to He is going to have his eyes tested.

Он собирается проверить зрение.

He is not going to have his eyes tested.

Он не собирается проверять зрение.

Is he going to have his eyes tested?

Он собирается проверить зрение?

С модальными глаголами We must have our washing machine repaired.

Нам нужно починить стиральную машинку.

We mustn’t have our washing machine repaired.

Нам не нужно чинить стиральную машинку.

Must we have our washing machine repaired?

Нам нужно чинить стиральную машинку?

С выражениями, которые требуют после себя глагол с окончанием —ing It’s worth having your cellphone repaired.

Твой телефон стоит починить.

It’s not worth having your cellphone repaired.

Твой телефон не стоит чинить.

Is it worth having your cellphone repaired?

Твой телефон стоит чинить?

Вот и все, что необходимо знать для грамотного использования конструкции have something done. Чтобы повторить новый материал, посмотрите видео, в котором житель Северной Каролины на понятном английском объясняет эту тему.

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