This name already exists excel

После очистки всех имен в списке Менеджера имен на листе в Excel, я попытался переместить лист снова и снова, получив всплывающее сообщение «имя уже в пункте назначения».

2 ответа

С давних времен у меня была схожая проблема, и я обнаружил, что некоторые рабочие листы были перемещены или скопированы из других книг, в которых также были названы диапазоны.

Вы можете попробовать эти шаги, чтобы избавиться от проблемы.

  1. Закройте все открытые книги, если они есть. неисправность Excel.
  2. Перезагрузите Excel и откройте книгу.
  3. Нажмите Ctrl+F3 и отфильтруйте именованные диапазоны на ошибки.
  4. Удалите все ошибочные именованные диапазоны.
  5. Закончите с помощью OK.
  6. Сохранить & amp; закройте рабочую книгу.

Теперь, когда вы копируете или перемещаете листы, вы не должны сталкиваться с этой ошибкой.

  1. Возможно, у вас есть несколько формул, с меткой Named Ranges не может быть удалены, так что лучше RENAME NAMED RANGES у источника избегайте дубликатов. Я думаю, Rename это наилучшее решение.

Примечание: Мы стараемся как можно оперативнее обеспечивать вас актуальными справочными материалами на вашем языке. Эта страница переведена автоматически, поэтому ее текст может содержать неточности и грамматические ошибки. Для нас важно, чтобы эта статья была вам полезна. Просим вас уделить пару секунд и сообщить, помогла ли она вам, с помощью кнопок внизу страницы. Для удобства также приводим ссылку на оригинал (на английском языке).

Если в Excel отображается диалоговое окно конфликт имен, это связано с тем, что вы пытаетесь скопировать один или несколько листов в книгу с одинаковыми именованными диапазонами.

Предположим, что лист, который вы пытаетесь скопировать, и книга, в которую нужно скопировать файл, содержат именованный диапазон с именем интерестратес, Excel обнаружит этот конфликт и отобразит следующее сообщение:

Имя «Интерестратес» уже существует. Нажмите кнопку Да, чтобы использовать эту версию имени, или кнопку Нет, чтобы переименовать версию «Интерестратес», которую вы перемещаете или копируете.

Примечание: Диалоговое окно «конфликт имен» появится для каждого экземпляра конфликтующего диапазона имен.


Если появится диалоговое окно выше, выполните одно из указанных ниже действий.

Нажмите кнопку Да, чтобы использовать имя конфликтующего диапазона в целевой книге.

Что происходит при нажатии кнопки «Да»

Excel скопирует конфликтующий диапазон имен в конечную книгу. Это означает, что в целевой книге будут содержаться два одинаковых именованных диапазона.

Предупреждение: Если в книге есть формулы, ссылающиеся на конфликтующие именованные диапазоны, то копирование этих диапазонов повлияет на эти формулы и приведет к ошибкам в книге. Если вы не знакомы с данными в конечной книге, не нажимайте кнопку Да. Вместо этого нажмите кнопку нет, чтобы переименовать конфликтующий диапазон.

Нажмите кнопку нет, чтобы переименовать конфликтующий диапазон имен. Откроется следующее диалоговое окно.

В разделе новое имя введите новое имя диапазона. Новое имя не будет принято, если оно

начинается с буквы или знака подчеркивания,

— Это ссылка на ячейку, например A1, А123 или КСФД21.

содержит пробелы или символы (,/, *, [,]. ) или

совпадает с именем другого диапазона в книге, в которую выполняется копирование.

Нажмите кнопку ОК.

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Вы всегда можете задать вопрос специалисту Excel Tech Community, попросить помощи в сообществе Answers community, а также предложить новую функцию или улучшение на веб-сайте Excel User Voice.

я работал над электронной таблицей Microsoft Excel 2007 в течение нескольких дней. Я работаю с основным шаблоном, таким как sheet, и неоднократно копирую его на новый лист. До сегодняшнего дня это происходило без проблем. Однако в середине сегодняшнего дня это вдруг изменилось, и я не знаю, почему. Теперь, всякий раз, когда я пытаюсь скопировать лист, я получаю около десяти диалоговых окон, каждый из которых имеет другой объект диапазона имен (показан ниже как «XXXX»), и я нажимаю да для каждого из них:

формула или лист, который вы хотите переместить или скопировать, содержит имя «XXXX», которое уже существует на целевом листе. Вы хотите использовать эту версию названия?

  • чтобы использовать имя, определенное на целевом листе, нажмите кнопку Да.
  • чтобы переименовать диапазон, указанный в Формуле или листе, нажмите кнопку Нет и введите новое имя в диалоговом окне конфликт имен.

объекты диапазона имен ссылаются на ячейки в лист. Например, E6 называется именем диапазона PRE на нескольких листах (и все вместе) и некоторые формулы относятся к PRE вместо $E . Один из «XXXX» выше это PRE . Эти диапазоны имен должны разрешаться только в пределах листа, на котором они отображаются. Это не было проблемой раньше, несмотря на тот же диапазон имен, существующий на нескольких листах раньше. Я хочу сохранить диапазон имен.

что могло измениться в моей таблице, чтобы вызвать это изменения в поведении? Я вернулся к предыдущим листам, созданным таким образом, и теперь они тоже дают сообщение при копировании. Я попробовал другой компьютер и другого пользователя, и такое же поведение наблюдается повсюду. Я могу только заключить, что что-то в электронной таблице изменилось. Что это может быть и как я могу вернуть старое поведение, при котором я могу копировать листы с диапазонами имен и не получать никаких предупреждений?

ищем в Name Manager Я вижу, что диапазоны имен жалуются на шоу дважды, один раз в область Template и снова как scope Workbook . Если я удалю область Template те, предупреждение уходит на копию, однако, я получаю кучу ошибок #REF. Если я удалю область Workbook ones, все кажется в порядке, и предупреждения о копировании тоже уходят, так что, возможно, это ответ, но я нервничаю о том, какой эффект это удаление будет иметь и интересно, как Workbook они появились в первую очередь.

будет ли безопасно просто удалить Workbook Диспетчер имен ограниченные записи и как они могли бы появиться без моего ведома с самого начала?

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excel 2016 error while copying sheets — the name already exists…..

  • Question

  • We have a user in our network using Excel 2016 on Windows 10 pro. He works mostly on excel files and is a heavy user.

    Just today out of nowhere he keeps getting the below error while copying sheets

    «The name ‘xxx’ already exists. Click Yes to use that version of the name, or click No to rename the version of ‘xxx’ you’re moving or copying»

    and it keeps popping up endlessly with different names.

    And this has happened with most of his excel files.

    Now we ran the below on VBA and this sorted out the particular file but how can we run it against all his excel files to ensure this doesnt come up again.

    But do we have to do this with each excel file? Can we have this removed from all files once and for all?

    The user has been working with these files for over a year and this issue just popped up 2 days back? is there a reason?

    how can we correct this for all the files the user works on and shows this problem? or do we have to do this one by one.

    Dim nm As Name
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
    On Error GoTo 0

    • Edited by

      Monday, January 16, 2017 3:51 PM
      spell check


  • sphilip,
    re:  code to remove names in multiple files

    I did not test the code after modifying it.
    You should try it on folder with a couple of test files.
    Sub AllFilesInFolder()
       ‘Jim Cone — Portland, Oregon USA
        Dim strPath   As String
        Dim strName As String
        Dim oFSO     As Object
        Dim oFile      As Object
        Dim oFolder  As Object
        Dim nm As    Excel.Name
        Dim WB As   Excel.Workbook

        strPath = «C:My DocumentsExcel Files»     ‘<<<<< CHANGE

        Set oFSO = CreateObject(«Scripting.FileSystemObject»)
        Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(strPath)

        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
         If oFile.Name Like «*.xls*» Then
           strName = oFile.Name
           Application.StatusBar = strName
           Set WB = Application.Workbooks.Open(oFile)
           On Error Resume Next
           For Each nm In WB.Names
           Next ‘nm
         End If
         On Error GoTo 0
        Next ‘oFile
        Application.StatusBar = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True

        Set oFile = Nothing
        Set oFolder = Nothing
        Set oFSO = Nothing
        Set nm = Nothing
        Set WB = Nothing
    End Sub

    Jim Cone
    Portland, Oregon USA (Dropbox)

    (free & commercial excel add-ins & workbooks)


    • Marked as answer by
      Tuesday, January 17, 2017 9:07 AM


  1. How to Resolve a Name Conflict for a Named Range in Excel
  2. Resolve the Name Conflict
  3. Using Existing Versions
  4. Rename Ranges
  5. Duplicate Range Names
  6. Why does Excel now give me already existing name range warning on Copy Sheet?
  7. Fixed Name Conflict In Excel
  8. Maybe you are interested?
  9. 2 comments to » Fixed Name Conflict In Excel «
  10. [SOLVED] Error if ‘name’ already exists
  11. [SOLVED] Error if ‘name’ already exists
  12. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists
  13. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists
  14. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists
  15. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists
  16. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists
  17. Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

How to Resolve a Name Conflict for a Named Range in Excel

This tutorial will demonstrate how to resolve a name conflict in Excel.

When you try to copy two or more sheets from one file to another, if the files both have the same range names in them, a name conflict error could occur. Excel will warn you that the range name already exists and ask if you wish to rename the range name or use the existing version of that name.

Resolve the Name Conflict

Using Existing Versions

1. Select two or more sheets in the workbook that contain range names that are identical in the destination workbook.

2. Right-click on the sheet tabs and select Move or Copy.

The Name conflict box will appear.

3. Click Yes to use the existing version of the name. This mean that the range name coming in from the copied sheet will be removed and the original name in the destination sheet will be used.
Click Yes to All to use all the existing range names.

Rename Ranges

If you select No to rename the version of the range name, you can give the existing range name from the copied sheet a new name in the current sheet. This is useful if the range name has been used in formulas.

1. Click No to rename the range name.

2. Type in the New name.

3. Click OK.

As shown in the picture above, the original named range of December from the source sheet is renamed to Dec.

Duplicate Range Names

If you select a single sheet to copy or move to a book where some destination names are identical, you will not receive this warning. Excel will copy the sheet with its range names but alter the scope of each name to the sheet instead of the workbook.

Right-click on one sheet to copy to another open workbook and select Move or Copy.


Why does Excel now give me already existing name range warning on Copy Sheet?

I’ve been working on a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet for several days. I’m working from a master template like sheet and copying it to a new sheet repeatedly. Up until today, this was happening with no issues. However, in the middle of today this suddenly changed and I do not know why. Now, whenever I try to copy a worksheet I get about ten dialogs, each one with a different name range object (shown below as ‘XXXX’) and I click yes for each one:

A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name ‘XXXX’, which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?

  • To use the name as defined in destination sheet, click Yes.
  • To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click No, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box.

The name range objects refer to cells in the sheet. For example, E6 is called name range PRE on multiple sheets (and has been all along) and some of the formulas refer to PRE instead of $E$6 . One of the ‘XXXX’ above is this PRE . These name ranges should only be resolved within the sheet within which they appear. This was not an issue before despite the same name range existing on multiple sheets before. I want to keep my name ranges.

What could have changed in my spreadsheet to cause this change in behavior? I’ve gone back to prior sheets created this way and now they give the message too when copied. I tried a different computer and a different user and the same behavior is seen everywhere. I can only conclude something in the spreadsheet has changed. What could this be and how can I get back the old behavior whereby I can copy sheets with name ranges and not get any warnings?

Looking in the Name Manager I see that the name ranges being complained about show twice, once as scope Template and again as scope Workbook . If I delete the scope Template ones the warning goes away on copy however, I get a bunch of #REF errors. If I delete the scope Workbook ones, all seems okay and the warnings on copy go away too, so perhaps this is the answer, but I’m nervous about what effect this deletion will have and wonder how the Workbook ones came into existence in the first place.

Will it be safe to just delete the Workbook name manager scoped entries and how might these have come into existence without my knowing it to begin with?


Fixed Name Conflict In Excel

When you use «Move and copy» function to copy Sheet on Excel file. You receive a message from Microsoft Excel with content as below:
«A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name «file name», which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?
To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click no, and enter a new name in the Nme Confilct dialog box.»

When you choose «Yes», this message is still not lost. When you choose «No», a message windows with name «Name Conflict» that will aprrears:
«Name already exists on destination sheet.
Old Name.
New name.

You can not close this Name Conflict message, even if you fill any information at «Old name» & «New name» cell or choose Cancel.
This is a classic error in Excel. When this is the case, you can not open, modify & close to any Excel file.
Don’t worry, QTit will help you fix this error with some basic step.

You can see video guide for fix error: Name conflict in Excel

How to Do:
Step 1: The first, you turn off this message by: Mouse right Taskbar > Task Manager > Process tab > Right mouse Microsoft Excel > End task.

Note that all Excel files you have open will be exit after Step 1 is done.

Step 2: Install and open the program XLStyles Tool (this program is only supported on Windows 10)

Step 3: Click Get File > find and select the path of the corrupted Excel file > select Remove All in Name Ranges With External References > Process File

Step 4:
Open the corrupted Excel file. Select the Formulas tab > Name Manager.

Step 5: Select all values in the Name Manager table. and Delete (delete them).

Step 6: Completed. Please open the error excel file and check it. I’m 100% successful for sure.
So you already fixed error: Name Conflict In Excel


This is a general formula that QTit has learned from experience to fix this classic Name Conflict error in Excel. Thank you for reading QTit’s article.

In addition, if you have any problems with your computer, please contact us directly through the QTitHow fanpage. We will try to help and answer you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Maybe you are interested?


«The more we give, the more we receive»

Thanks for your sharing. I had tried and be successfull.


[SOLVED] Error if ‘name’ already exists

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[SOLVED] Error if ‘name’ already exists

What i have are cells, that when you type say «AAA» into the cell, it
will do a worksheet change event, and add «AAA» as a name to my

What I’d like to do is, if the user types in a name into one of these
cells, and the ‘name’ already exists as a name, it will return a pop up
box error telling them to choose a different name and ‘End’ my name
naming ‘Sub’

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

Dim nm as Name
On Error Resume Next
set nm = thisworkbooks.names(target.value)
On Error goto 0
if not nm is nothing then
msgbox «Name » & target.Value & » already exists»
exit sub
end if

Tom Ogilvy

«Kevin O’Neill» wrote in message
> What i have are cells, that when you type say «AAA» into the cell, it
> will do a worksheet change event, and add «AAA» as a name to my
> worksheet.
> What I’d like to do is, if the user types in a name into one of these
> cells, and the ‘name’ already exists as a name, it will return a pop up
> box error telling them to choose a different name and ‘End’ my name
> naming ‘Sub’
> Cheers.
> Kevin.

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

I used this, which is what you suggested inside of a Sub. It gives a
compile error Variable not defined on the first «Target»

My plan was to insert this code in before my other code that creates
the name. To do the check prior to creating the name.

Dim nm As name
On Error Resume Next
Set nm = thisworkbooks.Names(Target.Value)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not nm Is Nothing Then
MsgBox «Name » & Target.Value & » already exists»
Exit Sub
End If

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

> it will do a worksheet change event,

Target is defined in a worksheet change event. Using code to check if the
name exists anywhere else would not seem consistent with the functionality
you described?

Tom Ogilvy

«Kevin O’Neill» wrote in message
> Hey Tom
> I used this, which is what you suggested inside of a Sub. It gives a
> compile error Variable not defined on the first «Target»
> My plan was to insert this code in before my other code that creates
> the name. To do the check prior to creating the name.
> Sub checknames()
> Dim nm As name
> On Error Resume Next
> Set nm = thisworkbooks.Names(Target.Value)
> On Error GoTo 0
> If Not nm Is Nothing Then
> MsgBox «Name » & Target.Value & » already exists»
> Exit Sub
> End If
> End Sub

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

Hey Tom, that would be very true. Being as new as I am to to VBA, that
didn’t cross my mind (1st proj. ever. ) I suppose the easiest way is
to just show you all the code. This worksheet change event is triggered
when an «add» button is hit, and creats 4 rows worth of info, 1 of the
cells in 4 rows is the ‘name’ to be added and checked.

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

Dim myrow&, myCol&
myrow = Target.Row
myCol = Target.Column

If myrow > 0 And myrow 0 And myCol

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

Hey Tom, that would be very true. Being as new as I am to to VBA, that
didn’t cross my mind (1st proj. ever. ) I suppose the easiest way is
to just show you all the code. This worksheet change event is triggered
when an «add» button is hit, and creats 4 rows worth of info, 1 of the
cells in 4 rows is the ‘name’ to be added and checked.

As of now, I get a ‘variable not defined’ on «thisworkbooks» is that
too suppose to be passed?

Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

Dim myrow&, myCol&
myrow = Target.Row
myCol = Target.Column

If myrow > 0 And myrow 0 And myCol

Re: Error if ‘name’ already exists

thisworkbooks is a typo on my part. it should be ThisWorkbook (singular)

Since the proposed name is held in MyValue, then we should use that instead
of target.

Since your code appears to have nothing to do with the cell that is being
changed other than to run if there is any change in A1 to CV100. Then it
seems like you will get many messages for every run after the first time.
Not sure the Change event is where you want this, but you know what your
doing and I don’t.


Help please.

An error has manifested on my main Excel file.

I’ve recently been experimenting / formulating Drop Down Menus on one Worksheet, which involved going to Formula, Define Name and I suspect(ed) that that was perhaps the cause of this issue.

I have one Template Worksheet in particular with no formulas, no macros, very standardised but arranged text which I copy to create a duplicate Worksheet .

When I open that Template Worksheet I get the following error:-

The name «A2headings» already exists. Click Yes to use that version of the name, or click No to rename the version «A2headings» you’re moving or copying.

If I click Yes it then moves on to another name (A3 headings, then A4 headings etc etc)- saying that new name exists — then if I continue to click Yes about a dozen times the error will go away.

I created those heading names whilst I was formulating drop down menus, although those drop down menus were not on the TEMPLATE Worksheet.

In order to fix this issue I decided to create a new Excel File and I dragged across almost all of the Worksheets from the existing file to the new file — and did not drag across any of the Worksheets with which I was working on drop down menus. But the issue still occurs in the New Worksheet.

How can I get rid of this error?

Also, part of the reason why I was happy to create a New Excel file is because recently I’ve started to get a new error when I open the previous file — This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe. If you trust the links, update them to get the latest data. If I click Yes the message goes away but will pop up again the next time I open the file. I’ve just re-opened the newly created file and I get the same message which I was hoping would no longer be the case.

To clarify this — and this seems strange to me but perhaps you guys understand it — if I open the newly created file it opens without the «If you trust the links» error — but if I save the new file as a replacement of the old file (so the same file name) then I do get the error.

I’ve been working on a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet for several days. I’m working from a master template like sheet and copying it to a new sheet repeatedly. Up until today, this was happening with no issues. However, in the middle of today this suddenly changed and I do not know why. Now, whenever I try to copy a worksheet I get about ten dialogs, each one with a different name range object (shown below as ‘XXXX’) and I click yes for each one:

A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name ‘XXXX’, which already exists on the destination worksheet. Do you want to use this version of the name?

  • To use the name as defined in destination sheet, click Yes.
  • To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click No, and enter a new name in the Name Conflict dialog box.

The name range objects refer to cells in the sheet. For example, E6 is called name range PRE on multiple sheets (and has been all along) and some of the formulas refer to PRE instead of $E$6. One of the ‘XXXX’ above is this PRE. These name ranges should only be resolved within the sheet within which they appear. This was not an issue before despite the same name range existing on multiple sheets before. I want to keep my name ranges.

What could have changed in my spreadsheet to cause this change in behavior? I’ve gone back to prior sheets created this way and now they give the message too when copied. I tried a different computer and a different user and the same behavior is seen everywhere. I can only conclude something in the spreadsheet has changed. What could this be and how can I get back the old behavior whereby I can copy sheets with name ranges and not get any warnings?

Looking in the Name Manager I see that the name ranges being complained about show twice, once as scope Template and again as scope Workbook. If I delete the scope Template ones the warning goes away on copy however, I get a bunch of #REF errors. If I delete the scope Workbook ones, all seems okay and the warnings on copy go away too, so perhaps this is the answer, but I’m nervous about what effect this deletion will have and wonder how the Workbook ones came into existence in the first place.

Will it be safe to just delete the Workbook name manager scoped entries and how might these have come into existence without my knowing it to begin with?

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