This month excel vba

A really helpful and simple way is to combine the format function together with date.

Examples (assuming today is Oct 23, 2019):

To get current month as a number as in original question:

MsgBox Format(Date, "mm")

^ Will return: 10

To get current month as short text:

MsgBox Format(Date, "mmm")

^ Will return: Oct

To get current month with full text:

MsgBox Format(Date, "mmmm")

^ Will return: October

You can combine these with days and years as well.

Additional examples:

MsgBox Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy")

^ Will return 23-Oct-2019

MsgBox Format(Date, "dddd-mmmm-dd-yyyy")

^ Will return: Wednesday-October-23-2019

This is creating a custom format, so you can rearrange the dd, mm, yyyy areas as you see fit, such as:

MsgBox Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd")

^ Will return: 2019/23/10


  1. Функция Month
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Пример
  4. См. также
  5. Поддержка и обратная связь
  6. VBA Month Function
  7. Excel VBA Month
  8. How to Use the Month Function in VBA?
  9. Example #1
  10. Example #2
  11. Example #3
  12. Things to Remember here
  13. Recommended Articles
  14. VBA Current Month Name
  15. VBA Find Name of the Current Month:
  16. Format Name of the Month:
  17. Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:
  18. Other Useful Resources:
  19. VBA Month Function
  20. Excel VBA Month
  21. How to Use Month Function in Excel VBA?
  22. Example #1
  23. Example #2
  24. Example #3
  25. Example #4
  26. Pros of VBA Month
  27. Things to Remember
  28. Recommended Articles

Функция Month

Возвращает значение Variant (Integer), определяющее целое число в интервале между 1 и 12 включительно и представляющее месяц года.


Месяц (дата)

Обязательным аргументомдаты является любой вариант Variant, числовое выражение, строковое выражение или любое сочетание, которое может представлять дату. Если аргумент date содержит Null, возвращается значение Null.

Если свойство Calendar имеет значение григорианский, возвращаемое целое число представляет григорианский день недели для аргумента date. Если задан календарь хиджра, возвращаемое целое число означает день недели по календарю хиджра, соответствующий аргументу date. Для дат по календарю хиджра числовым аргументом является любое числовое выражение, представляющее дату или время с 1 января 100 года (2 августа 718 года по грегорианскому календарю) по 4 марта 9666 года (31 декабря 9999 года по грегорианскому календарю).


В этом примере функция Month используется для получения значения месяца из заданной даты. В среде разработки литерал даты отображается в коротком формате даты с помощью параметров языкового стандарта кода.

См. также

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


VBA Month Function

Excel VBA Month

VBA Month function is a built-in function used to get a month from a date. The output returned by this function is Integer ranging from 1 to 12. This function only extracts the month number from the supplied date value.

For example, if the date is 28-May-2019, then to extract the month number from this date, we can use the MONTH function.

Table of contents

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For eg:
Source: VBA Month Function (

How to Use the Month Function in VBA?

Below is the syntax of the MONTH function.

We need to provide the date from which we are trying to extract the month number.

Example #1

We will see how to write a code to extract the month number from the date. We will take the date as “10 th Oct 2019.″

Step 1: Start the macro procedure.


Step 2: Define the variable to hold the date value. Since we are storing the data value, our data type should be “Date.” So declare the variable and assign the data type as “Date” to the declared variable.


Step 3: For this variable, assign the date value of 10 th Oct 2019.


Step 4: Now assign the month number to declare one more variable as “Integer.”


Step 5: For this variable, we will open the MONTH function.


Step 6: The Month function asks for the “Date” that we must supply to extract the month number. Since we have already stored the targeted date to the variable “DDate,” supply this variable as the input parameter for the month function.


Step 7: Now, the “Month” function will return the month number from the supplied date to the variable “MonthNum” and finally show the result in a message box in VBA.


Run the code and see the month number in the message box.


So, the month number from the supplied date is 10, i.e., October.

Example #2

So, from the cell A2 date value, we need to extract the month number from cell B2.


Open the MONTH function and supply the date as RANGE A2 value.


We have supplied a Range A2 cell because our date is in cell A2 this time, so the same will be the reference.

Now, execute the code and get the month number from the date in cell B2.

Here you go. We got the month number in cell B2.

Example #3

We have extracted the month for the single-cell date, but what if we have multiple data rows like the one below?

In these cases, we need to loop through the cells and execute the task of extracting the month number from each respective date.

The below code will do the job for us.


What this code will do is it will loop through the rows from 2 to 12 and extract the month number from the second column and store the result in the third column.

Things to Remember here

  • The MONTH function is a worksheet function and a VBA functionVBA FunctionVBA functions serve the primary purpose to carry out specific calculations and to return a value. Therefore, in VBA, we use syntax to specify the parameters and data type while defining the function. Such functions are called user-defined more .
  • The MONTH function requires a valid date reference. Otherwise, we will get an error message.
  • If the month number is 12, it will throw an error message.

Recommended Articles

This article has been a guide to VBA Month. Here, we discuss using the VBA month function to extract the month number from the given date, along with examples and a downloadable Excel template. Below you can find some useful Excel VBA articles: –


VBA Current Month Name

Get Current Month Name From Today’s Date using Excel VBA Functions. Name of the current month plays an important major role of a date. We can get current month name using month function and can summarize data with it. Once we get month name we can Format name of the month by using format function as per our requirement.

VBA Find Name of the Current Month:

Let us see the procedure how to get name of the month from today’s date using MonthName function.

Explanation: In the above procedure we have used Month, Date and MonthName VBA functions. Here Month function is used to display month number. MonthName function helps to generate name of the month from specified month number. Here is the output screenshot for your reference.

Format Name of the Month:

We have different format methods to format name of the month. You can find output in an immediate window.

Output screenshot: Here is the output screenshot of the above macro procedure. we have shown four different format methods.

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Other Useful Resources:

Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.


VBA Month Function

Excel VBA Month

Month function is available in both VBA and MS Excel. VBA Month function an inbuilt function which is used to find the sequence of the month from the selected date. As it is very easy to apply Month function in Excel, is so easy too to apply that in VBA as well. If we check the syntax of Month function in VBA, we will see it only requires the Date from which it returns the sequence of the month falling in January (1) to December (12). Below we can find the syntax of Month function.

Syntax of VBA Month Function:

Valuation, Hadoop, Excel, Mobile Apps, Web Development & many more.

Where, Date = any format of date which actually exists can be used. There is no constraint on the format of date we put.

How to Use Month Function in Excel VBA?

We will learn how to use the Month Function in Excel by using the VBA Code.

Example #1

In this example, we will see how to use the MONTH function by declaring the variable way. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Insert a new module inside Visual Basic Editor (VBE). Click on Insert tab > select Module.

Step 2: Write the sub procedure of VBA Month or we can choose any other name to define it.


Step 3: Now define a variable using DIM for data type Date.


Step 4: Again define another variable using DIM for data type Integer. This is required to hold the month sequence which we will be getting from the input date.


Step 5: Now input a date in any format we want. Here, we will feed the date in text-number combination as shown below in inverted quotes.


Step 6: Now use the defined variable for Month which is MM as insert the MONTH function with the date variable as shown below. By this, we will be calling the value stored in DD as Date.


Step 7: To print the value stored in Month function, we will use message box tool.


Step 8: Now we will compile the code by pressing F8 function to identify the error, if there is any. And run the code by pressing Play button located below the menu bar.

We will see, the MONTH function has returned the sequence of month as 9 which is allotted to September.

Example #2

There is another simpler way to find the month sequence using MONTH function in VBA. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: We will work in the same module, Write the sub procedure for VBA Month as.


Step 2: Define the same type of variable for carrying month value as Integer.


Step 3: Now put the any date value in MONTH function against variable MM.


Step 4: To print the value stored in Month function, we will use the message box tool.


Step 5: Now we will run this code. We will again get the month sequence as 2 because the date format is in MMDDYYYY format.

We check test different dates here to confirm that format of the date is correct or not.

Example #3

There is another simpler way to apply VBA Month. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: We will work in the same module, Write the sub procedure for VBA Month as. Now directly open the MsgBox and there only we will use MONTH function along with date.


Step 2: Now use the MONTH function followed by the date from which we will want to extract the month numbers, quote that in inverted commas.


Step 3: Now again run the code. We will see, the MONTH function has return the month sequence as 2, even if we have entered the Date in a different format.

Step 4: What if we enter the time along with date in Month function? Let try to feed a time in any format and see what comes up. As shown below, we have entered the time in HHMMSS AM/PM format.


Now if we run this code, month function again return the same sequence as 2 which stands for FEBRUARY.

Example #4

There is also, another and one of the simplest way to apply VBA Month function and get the month sequence as per current date.

Step 1: For this again we will be using Msgbox along with MONTH function and in that choose NOW function which is used to get the today’s date and current time.


Step 2: Run this code by hitting F5 or the Run button. we will get the month sequence as 4 which stands for April.

Pros of VBA Month

  • VBA Month function is one of the easiest function to apply.
  • The syntax of the function requires only Date and that to in any possible format.
  • We can use Date along with Time stamp as well.

Things to Remember

  • We can enter the date in any format.
  • Entered can also be in Text format.
  • Always quote the entered date in inverted commas.
  • VBA Month is not limited to above-shown examples
  • Always save such excel file which has VBA Code in Macro Enable Excel format, so that code will be persevered.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to the VBA Month. Here we discuss how to use the Month Function to get Month Number from date in Excel VBA along with practical examples and downloadable excel template. You can also go through our other suggested articles –


Get Current Month Name From Today’s Date using Excel VBA Functions. Name of the current month plays an important major role of a date. We can get current month name using month function and can summarize data with it. Once we get month name we can Format name of the month by using format function as per our requirement.

VBA Find Name of the Current Month:

Let us see the procedure how to get name of the month from today’s date using MonthName function.

'Procedure to find Name of the Current Month From Date
Sub VBA_Get_Current_Month_Name()
    'Variable declaration
    Dim sMonth_Name As String

    'Retrieve month Name from date
    sMonth_Name = MonthName(Month(Date))

    'Display month name
    MsgBox "Today's Date is " & Date & ", And " & vbCrLf & _
    "Current Month name is : " & sMonth_Name, vbInformation, "Month Name From Date"
End Sub

Explanation: In the above procedure we have used Month, Date and MonthName VBA functions. Here Month function is used to display month number. MonthName function helps to generate name of the month from specified month number. Here is the output screenshot for your reference.

Current Month Name

Format Name of the Month:

We have different format methods to format name of the month. You can find output in an immediate window.

'Format Name of the Month
Sub VBA_Format_Month_Name()
    'Variable declaration
    Dim sMonth_Name As String
    sMonth_Name = Format("01/01/2018", "m")
    Debug.Print sMonth_Name
    sMonth_Name = Format("01/01/2018", "mm")
    Debug.Print sMonth_Name
    sMonth_Name = Format("01/01/2018", "mmm")
    Debug.Print sMonth_Name
    sMonth_Name = Format("01/01/2018", "mmmm")
    Debug.Print sMonth_Name
End Sub

Output screenshot: Here is the output screenshot of the above macro procedure. we have shown four different format methods.
Format Month Name

Instructions to Run VBA Macro Code or Procedure:

You can refer the following link for the step by step instructions.

Instructions to run VBA Macro Code

Other Useful Resources:

Click on the following links of the useful resources. These helps to learn and gain more knowledge.

VBA Tutorial VBA Functions List VBA Arrays VBA Text Files VBA Tables

VBA Editor Keyboard Shortcut Keys List VBA Interview Questions & Answers Blog

Excel VBA Month

VBA Month function is a built-in function used to get a month from a date. The output returned by this function is Integer ranging from 1 to 12. This function only extracts the month number from the supplied date value.

For example, if the date is 28-May-2019, then to extract the month number from this date, we can use the MONTH function.

Table of contents
  • Excel VBA Month
    • How to Use Month Function in VBA?
      • Example #1
      • Example #2
      • Example #3
    • Things to Remember here
    • Recommended Articles


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Source: VBA Month Function (

How to Use the Month Function in VBA?

Below is the syntax of the MONTH function.

VBA Month Syntax

We need to provide the date from which we are trying to extract the month number.

You can download this VBA Month Excel Template here – VBA Month Excel Template

Example #1

We will see how to write a code to extract the month number from the date. We will take the date as “10th Oct 2019.″

Step 1: Start the macro procedure.


Sub Month_Example1()

End Sub

 Example 1

Step 2: Define the variable to hold the date value. Since we are storing the data value, our data type should be “Date.” So declare the variable and assign the data type as “Date” to the declared variable.


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1.1

Step 3: For this variable, assign the date value of 10th Oct 2019.


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

DDate = "10 Oct 2019"

End Sub

Example 1.2

Step 4: Now assign the month number to declare one more variable as “Integer.”


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

Dim MonthNum As Integer

DDate = "10 Oct 2019"

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1.3

Note: We have declared the variable Integer because our month count ends at 12 only. So, an integer data type can hold this number.

Step 5: For this variable, we will open the MONTH function.


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

Dim MonthNum As Integer

DDate = "10 Oct 2019"

MonthNum = Month(

End Sub

 Example 1.4

Step 6: The Month function asks for the “Date” that we must supply to extract the month number. Since we have already stored the targeted date to the variable “DDate,” supply this variable as the input parameter for the month function.


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

Dim MonthNum As Integer

DDate = "10 Oct 2019"

MonthNum = Month(DDate)

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1.5

Step 7: Now, the “Month” function will return the month number from the supplied date to the variable “MonthNum” and finally show the result in a message box in VBA.


Sub Month_Example1()

Dim DDate As Date

Dim MonthNum As Integer

DDate = "10 Oct 2019"

MonthNum = Month(DDate)

MsgBox MonthNum

End Sub

 Example 1.6

Run the code and see the month number in the message box.


VBA Month Example 1.7

So, the month number from the supplied date is 10, i.e., October.

Example #2

Now, we will take cell referencesCell reference in excel is referring the other cells to a cell to use its values or properties. For instance, if we have data in cell A2 and want to use that in cell A1, use =A2 in cell A1, and this will copy the A2 value in more for coding. Below is the date we have on the worksheet.

 Example 2.0

So, from the cell A2 date value, we need to extract the month number from cell B2.


Sub Month_Example2()

Range("B2").Value =

End Sub

VBA Month Example 2

Open the MONTH function and supply the date as RANGE A2 value.


Sub Month_Example2()

Range("B2").Value = Month(Range("A2"))

End Sub

 Example 2.1

We have supplied a Range A2 cell because our date is in cell A2 this time, so the same will be the reference.

Now, execute the code and get the month number from the date in cell B2.

VBA Month Example 2.3.0

Here you go. We got the month number in cell B2.

Example #3

We have extracted the month for the single-cell date, but what if we have multiple data rows like the one below?

 Example 3

In these cases, we need to loop through the cells and execute the task of extracting the month number from each respective date.

The below code will do the job for us.


Sub Month_Example3()

     Dim k As Long

     For k = 2 To 12

     Cells(k, 3).Value = Month(Cells(k, 2).Value)

     Next k

End Sub

VBA Month Example 3.1

What this code will do is it will loop through the rows from 2 to 12 and extract the month number from the second column and store the result in the third column.

 Example 3.2

Things to Remember here

  • The MONTH function is a worksheet function and a VBA functionVBA functions serve the primary purpose to carry out specific calculations and to return a value. Therefore, in VBA, we use syntax to specify the parameters and data type while defining the function. Such functions are called user-defined more.
  • The MONTH function requires a valid date reference. Otherwise, we will get an error message.
  • If the month number is <1 and >12, it will throw an error message.

Recommended Articles

This article has been a guide to VBA Month. Here, we discuss using the VBA month function to extract the month number from the given date, along with examples and a downloadable Excel template. Below you can find some useful Excel VBA articles: –

  • VBA Randomize
  • CreateObject Function in VBA
  • VBA DateDiff Function Examples
  • VBA DateAdd
  • VBA ByRef Argument Type Mismatch

VBA Month

Excel VBA Month

Month function is available in both VBA and MS Excel. VBA Month function an inbuilt function which is used to find the sequence of the month from the selected date. As it is very easy to apply Month function in Excel, is so easy too to apply that in VBA as well. If we check the syntax of Month function in VBA, we will see it only requires the Date from which it returns the sequence of the month falling in January (1) to December (12). Below we can find the syntax of Month function.

Syntax of VBA Month Function:

VBA Month Syntax

Where, Date = any format of date which actually exists can be used. There is no constraint on the format of date we put.

How to Use Month Function in Excel VBA?

We will learn how to use the Month Function in Excel by using the VBA Code.

You can download this VBA Month Excel Template here – VBA Month Excel Template

Example #1

In this example, we will see how to use the MONTH function by declaring the variable way. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Insert a new module inside Visual Basic Editor (VBE). Click on Insert tab > select Module.

Insert Module

Step 2: Write the sub procedure of VBA Month or we can choose any other name to define it.


Sub VBA_Month()

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1-2

Step 3: Now define a variable using DIM for data type Date.


Sub VBA_Month()

Dim DD As Date

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1-3

Step 4: Again define another variable using DIM for data type Integer. This is required to hold the month sequence which we will be getting from the input date.


Sub VBA_Month()

Dim DD As Date
Dim MM As Integer

End Sub

Integer Example 1-4

Step 5: Now input a date in any format we want. Here, we will feed the date in text-number combination as shown below in inverted quotes.


Sub VBA_Month()

Dim DD As Date
Dim MM As Integer
DD = "2 Sep 1990"

End Sub

VBA Month Example 1-5

Step 6: Now use the defined variable for Month which is MM as insert the MONTH function with the date variable as shown below. By this, we will be calling the value stored in DD as Date.


Sub VBA_Month()

Dim DD As Date
Dim MM As Integer
DD = "2 Sep 1990"
MM = Month(DD)

End Sub

MONTH function Example 1-6

Step 7: To print the value stored in Month function, we will use message box tool.


Sub VBA_Month()

Dim DD As Date
Dim MM As Integer
DD = "2 Sep 1990"
MM = Month(DD)
MsgBox MM

End Sub

Message Box Example 1-7

Step 8: Now we will compile the code by pressing F8 function to identify the error, if there is any. And run the code by pressing Play button located below the menu bar.

VBA Month Example 1-8

We will see, the MONTH function has returned the sequence of month as 9 which is allotted to September.

Example #2

There is another simpler way to find the month sequence using MONTH function in VBA. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: We will work in the same module, Write the sub procedure for VBA Month as.


Sub VBA_Month2()

End Sub

VBA Month Example 2-1

Step 2: Define the same type of variable for carrying month value as Integer.


Sub VBA_Month2()

Dim MM As Integer

End Sub

Integer Example 2-2

Step 3: Now put the any date value in MONTH function against variable MM.


Sub VBA_Month2()

Dim MM As Integer
MM = Month("09/02/1990")

End Sub

VBA Month Example 2-3

Step 4: To print the value stored in Month function, we will use the message box tool.


Sub VBA_Month2()

Dim MM As Integer
MM = Month("09/02/1990")
MsgBox MM

End Sub

MsgBox Example 2-4

Step 5: Now we will run this code. We will again get the month sequence as 2 because the date format is in MMDDYYYY format.

VBA Month Example 2-5

We check test different dates here to confirm that format of the date is correct or not.

Example #3

There is another simpler way to apply VBA Month. For this, follow the below steps:

Step 1: We will work in the same module, Write the sub procedure for VBA Month as. Now directly open the MsgBox and there only we will use MONTH function along with date.


Sub VBA_Month3()

End Sub

VBA Month Example 3-1

Step 2: Now use the MONTH function followed by the date from which we will want to extract the month numbers, quote that in inverted commas.


Sub VBA_Month3()

MsgBox (Month("1990-02-09"))

End Sub

MsgBox Example 3-2

Step 3: Now again run the code. We will see, the MONTH function has return the month sequence as 2, even if we have entered the Date in a different format.

VBA Month Example 2-5

Step 4: What if we enter the time along with date in Month function? Let try to feed a time in any format and see what comes up. As shown below, we have entered the time in HHMMSS AM/PM format.


Sub VBA_Month4()

MsgBox (Month("1990-02-09 15:16:30 PM"))

End Sub

VBA Month Example 3-4

Now if we run this code, month function again return the same sequence as 2 which stands for FEBRUARY.

Example #4

There is also, another and one of the simplest way to apply VBA Month function and get the month sequence as per current date.

Step 1:  For this again we will be using Msgbox along with MONTH function and in that choose NOW function which is used to get the today’s date and current time.


Sub VBA_Month4()

MsgBox (Month(Now))

End Sub

MONTH function Example 4-1

Step 2: Run this code by hitting F5 or the Run button. we will get the month sequence as 4 which stands for April.

VBA Month Example 4-2

Pros of VBA Month

  • VBA Month function is one of the easiest function to apply.
  • The syntax of the function requires only Date and that to in any possible format.
  • We can use Date along with Time stamp as well.

Things to Remember

  • We can enter the date in any format.
  • Entered can also be in Text format.
  • Always quote the entered date in inverted commas.
  • VBA Month is not limited to above-shown examples
  • Always save such excel file which has VBA Code in Macro Enable Excel format, so that code will be persevered.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to the VBA Month. Here we discuss how to use the Month Function to get Month Number from date in Excel VBA along with practical examples and downloadable excel template. You can also go through our other suggested articles –

  1. VBA LBound
  2. Excel Add Months to Dates
  3. Excel Month Function
  4. VBA IsError

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