This is my house match the word to its definition

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: aikel101

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Автор ответа: zhaqparova14



1) a fruing pen

2)a kattle

3) a broom

спасибо большое, всё правильно!

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Предмет: Математика,
автор: viktoriaahrameeva98

переведи условие задачи на математический язык и найди решение методом проб и ошибок длина прямоугольника на 5 м больше ширины, а площадь составляет 24²метра . Каковы стороны этого прямоугольника?​

4 года назад

Предмет: Биология,
автор: autink2006

Установи соответствие между характеристикой клеток крови человека и их видом — (1) эритроциты, (2) лейкоциты.

А — транспортируют кислород и углекислый газ.
Г — обеспечивают иммунитет организма.
З — определяют группу крови.
К — образуют ложноножки.
Р — способны к фагоцитозу.
Т — в 1 мкл 5 миллионов клеток.

Впечатай в таблицу цифры, расположив их в порядке, соответствующем буквам.


4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: llllllllllllllll9


Разложи число 396 на простые множители. (Числа записывай в порядке возрастания!)   Ответ:  396 =  ​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: WhiteFoxes3

Решите по действиям пожалуйста!!!!!
(1,91 × 6 / (2,5 × 5)) / (114,6 × 0,002)

6 лет назад

Предмет: География,
автор: Яник123456879

Какие виды хозяйственной деятельности будут развиваться в Минске в будущем?

6 лет назад


Let’s play! Find 5 hidden words related to the topic «A typical English House».







Match the type of the house to the picture.

A semi-detached house

A bungalow

A terraced house

A detached house

Grammar and Vocabulary

Choose the right word for the gap.

There are many

of houses in England. The most

one is a semi-detached house. About 27% of British people live there. Most houses in Britain are made

bricks and tiles. As a rule, the living room or the sitting room – is the

room in the house. There is usually a fireplace and a big warm

in the living room.


Divide all the rooms into two groups: rooms, that are commonly found upstairs in English houses and rooms, that are commonly found downstairs in English houses.

Rooms, that are coomonly found upstairs in English houses

Rooms, that are coomonly found downstairs in English houses

A bedroom

A bathroom

A hall

A kitchen

A dining room


Match the word to its translation.


Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence.

  1. The houses in England are commonly divided (in /into) 2 types: a detached house and a semidetached house.
  2. Traditional English houses (have /has) 2 floors: the ground floor and the first floor.
  3. English houses are typically made (from /of) bricks and tiles.


Сhoose the right variant.

  1. Tom doesn’t have any neighbours.
  2. Tom has been living in London for 17 years.
  3. Denis lives in a detached house.


Put the words in the picture into correct place.




Grammar, Vocabulary

Complete the sentences with the right word.

  1. There

    a bedroom and a bathroom upstairs.

  2. The house 

    central heating.

  3. Typically there

    a hall, a kitchen, a living room and a dining room



Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrase.

English houses.

In England families like to in houses rather than in flats. 70% of people live in houses and 30% live in flats. Most houses of bricks and tiles. A lot of people live in .

Sometimes when people get older they to a — a house with one store. A typical British house has, as a rule, 2 floors: and the first floor.


the ground


are made


two-stored terraced or semi-detached houses


Match the words to the categories:

A kitchen

A living room

A bedroom

A cutting board

A pan

A couch

A rocking chair

A cot

A pillow


Match the halves of the sentences.

A bathroom and bedrooms are

We can see two gardens near a British house: one is behind the house and another is

There is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen

are situated on different floors.


Read the text and cross out the incorrect sentences.

The British are keen on gardening and you can see gardens practically everywhere: both in the capital of the country and in remote districts. In some gardens you can find just one tree or a bush with several flowers. Other gardens are enormous with plenty of blossoming flowers, fruit trees and vegetables. The lawns in the gardens are well-groomed and tidy, because people in England are very neat and are careful about what they have. A big garden in front of their house is called the front yard. The garden behind the house is called the backyard. In the backyard typically there is a swimming pool, swings or a football pitch for the kids.   

The British adore their houses apartments.

  1. British people rarely have 2 gardens near their houses.
  2. The lawns in the gardens are very neat and tidy.
  3. A big garden in front of the house is called the backyard.
  4. There is often a swimming pool in the backyard.


Match the word to its definition.

a place where a busy person can work.

a place where you can have a rest.

a place where a person can bake a pie.

a place where a person can have a meal.

Match the word to its definition.

A terraced house

A semi-detached house

A block of flats

It is a house which is joined to other houses on two sides.

It’s a big building where all the flats share a front door.

It is a house which is joined to another house on one side.
надо соединить названия с описанием

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Match the type of a house with its definition:
1. terraced house; 2. castle; 3. bungalow; 4. caravan; 5. skyscraper;
6. duplex; 7. detached house; 8. wigwam; 9. semi-detached house;
10. cottage.
1. a very tall modern city building
2. a small simple building with only one or two rooms
3. a house that is situated in a long row of houses
4. a structure with a round or pointed roof used as a home by some Native American tribes in the past
5. a very large strong building, built in the past as a safe place that
could be easily defended against attack
6. a pair of houses joined together by a common wall
7. a single standing property that doesn’t share any walls with any
other structure
8. a small house in the country
9. a vehicle that a car can pull and in which people can live and sleep
when they are on holiday
10. a type of house that is divided into two parts, so that it has two
separate homes in it



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Match the words to the definitions. one word is extra.

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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.

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