This is a word doctor and these are patients

ПОМОГИТЕ : Заполните пропуски притяжатеными местоимениями.

1. This is a ward doctor, and these are…parents.

Это участковый врач, а это его пациенты.

2. Jane is…daughter, I like…very much.

Джейн моя дочь и я ее люблю.

3. Olga is…best ward nurs.

Ольга ваша медсестра.

4. What is…name?

Как его имя?

5. I have a dog, … name is Ren.

У меня есть собака.

Ее кличка Рен.

6. This child is ill, … temperature is high.

Этот ребенок болен.

Его температура высокая.

7. We have got a new flat, …flat is rather big.

У нас новая квартира.

Наша квартира довольно просторная.

Заполните пропуски местоимениями 1.

Look at this nice girl!

What is …name?

Посмотри на эту карсивую девушку.

Как ее зовут?

2. What is…favourite subject?

Какой ваш любимый предмет?

3. …sister is a nurse.

Их сестра – медсестра.

4. We like…college very much.

Мы любим наш колледж.

5. …wife is a teacher.

Его супруга – преподаватель.

6. Mr.

And Mrs.

White are from Boston, …son lives in New York.

Мистер и миссис Уайт из Бостона, а их сын живет в Нью – Йорке.

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ПОМОГИТЕ :Заполните пропуски притяжатеными местоимениями.

1. This is a ward doctor, and these are…parents.

Это участковый врач, а это его пациенты.

2. Jane is…daughter, I like…very much.

Джейн моя дочь и я ее люблю.

3. Olga is…best ward nurs.

Ольга ваша медсестра.

4. What is…name?

Как его имя?

5. I have a dog, … name is Ren.

У меня есть собака. Ее кличка Рен.

6. This child is ill, … temperature is high.

Этот ребенок болен. Его температура высокая.

7. We have got a new flat, …flat is rather big.

У нас новая квартира. Наша квартира довольно просторная.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями

1. Look at this nice girl! What is …name?

Посмотри на эту карсивую девушку. Как ее зовут?

2. What is…favourite subject?

Какой ваш любимый предмет?

3. …sister is a nurse.

Их сестра – медсестра.

4. We like…college very much.

Мы любим наш колледж.

5. …wife is a teacher.

Его супруга – преподаватель.

6. Mr. and Mrs. White are from Boston, …son lives in New York.

Мистер и миссис Уайт из Бостона, а их сын живет в Нью – Йорке.

ПОМОГИТЕ :Заполните пропуски притяжатеными местоимениями.

1. This is a ward doctor, and these are…parents.

Это участковый врач, а это его пациенты.

2. Jane is…daughter, I like…very much.

Джейн моя дочь и я ее люблю.

3. Olga is…best ward nurs.

Ольга ваша медсестра.

5. I have a dog, … name is Ren.

У меня есть собака. Ее кличка Рен.

6. This child is ill, … temperature is high.

Этот ребенок болен. Его температура высокая.

7. We have got a new flat, …flat is rather big.

У нас новая квартира. Наша квартира довольно просторная.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями

1. Look at this nice girl! What is …name?

Посмотри на эту карсивую девушку. Как ее зовут?

2. What is…favourite subject?

Какой ваш любимый предмет?

3. …sister is a nurse.

Их сестра – медсестра.

4. We like…college very much.

Мы любим наш колледж.

5. …wife is a teacher.

Его супруга – преподаватель.

6. Mr. and Mrs. White are from Boston, …son lives in New York.

Мистер и миссис Уайт из Бостона, а их сын живет в Нью – Йорке.

answer avatar

1) his
2) my; her
3) your
4) his
5) its
6) its
7) our

answer avatar

We are doing-делаем прям сейчас
we do-делаем вообще когда-нибудь

answer avatar

answer avatar

answer avatar

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;
Whose misadventur’d piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife.

Две равно уважаемых семьи
В Вероне, где встречают нас событья,
Ведут междоусобные бои
И не хотят унять кровопролитья.
Друг друга любят дети главарей,
Но им судьба подстраивает козни,
И гибель их у гробовых дверей
Кладет конец непримиримой розни.


Практическая работа. Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: «Притяжательные и личные местоимения. Предлоги места и направления»

Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: «Притяжательные и личные местоимения. Предлоги места и направления»

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«Практическая работа. Закрепление грамматических навыков по теме: «Притяжательные и личные местоимения. Предлоги места и направления»»

Практическая работа: личные и притяжательные местоимения

Предлоги места и направления

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.

This is Mrs Simpson. And this is ……daughter.

This is Mr White. And this is … wife.

My name is Ann. And these are….. parents.

These are Tom and Jack. And these are ….. sisters.

This is my dog. And this is …. bone.

These are cats. And these are … kittens.

This is Mary And this is…. doll.

We are sisters. This is ….. mother.

2. Переведите на английский язык ТОЛЬКО местоимения.

1. Мой карандаш на твоем столе.
2. Он дал отцу свой адрес.
3. Ее сестра живет в Москве.
4. Я нашел его часы.
5. Она видела их дом.
6. Его собака ест из своей миски.
7. Она дала мне свой номер телефона.
8. Ты видел наш дом?

3. Вставьте правильный вариант притяжательного местоимения.

1. What is (его) father?
2. Where are (ее) parents?
3. They are busy with (своими) lessons.
4. This is (их) flat.
5. What colour are the walls in that room? (Ее) walls are grey.
6. (Мои) parents are at work.
7. (Наша) flat has five rooms.
8. (Его) work is very interesting.
9. (Ее) pencil is on the table.
10. This is (наша) dog.

4. Переведите притяжательное местоимение «свой».

1. I gave him … (свой) pencil.
2. Marina gave me … (свой) textbook.
3. The students put … (свои) books on the desks.
4. Nick wrote down … (свой) address for her.
5. Show me … (свой) house.
6. We drank … (свой) tea.
7. The dog ate … (свою) bone.

5. Подберите к словосочетаниям из первой колонки их русские эквиваленты из второй.

out of the store a. сквозь парк

into the store b. мимо парка

along the road с. прочь от магазина

across the road d. внутрь магазина

up the road e. из магазина

down the road f. на дерево

around the tree g. вокруг дерева

through the park h. по направлению к дереву

onto the tree i. вверх по дороге

past the park j. вдоль дороги

toward the tree k. вниз по дороге

away from the store l. через дорогу

6. Выберите правильный предлог движения. Переведите предложения.


This is a ward doctor and these are patient перевод - This is a ward doctor and these are patient русский как сказать

  • Текст
  • Веб-страница

This is a ward doctor and these are patient


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Это доктор Уорд и эти пациента

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Это палатный врач и эти пациента

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


это отделение врача и это пациент

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Притяжательные местоимения

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими притяжательными местоимениями (my, your, his etc.) и прилагательными (mine, yours, hers etc.)

Пример: I like . suit. It’s not . . My brother lent it to him. – I like his suit. It’s not his . My brother lent it to him.

1. This is not . coat, . is black. What’s more I have a coat with a hood.
2. . children are very good and they are pride of . . We love them!
3. I wrote her . e-mail and she wrote me . .

Задание 2. Переделайте предложения, используя притяжательные местоимения или прилагательные.

Пример: Eric’s keys are on the table. – His keys are on the table.

1. I met Peter’s friend last night.
2. Whose stamps are these? They are Jacob’s.
3. Mia’s swimsuit is so stylish!
4. Bryan and Emma’s hamster lives in a big cage.
5. Whose bottle is this? It’s Sophia’s.

Задание 3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях, где это необходимо.

Пример: Jason and Victoria don’t like you garden. Do you like their? – Jason and Victoria don’t like your garden. Do you like theirs ?

1. My sister has broken hers arm.
2. It’s my cake. Don’t touch it!
3. I have lost mine mobile phone.
4. Ours laptop works faster than your.
5. She dyed her hair.

Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1 . I found Mary’s gloves, but I couldn’t find . .

2 . Kate and John have a big house. . house is the most beautiful on our street.

3 . Sarah lost . purse at the party.

4 . Your homework is done. Help me with . .

5 . The dog is licking . paw.

Задание 5. Обозначьте правильное предложение буквой C (Correct), а неправильное – W (Wrong)

1. That luggage is ours.
2. My family lives abroad.
3. I hate hers brother.
4. Here is yours motorcycle. Our is round the corner.
5. Elizabeth and Steven are selling their flat.


Задание 1.

1. my / mine
2. our / ours
3. my / hers

Задание 2.

1. I met his friend last night.
2. Whose stamps are these? They are his.
3. Her swimsuit is so stylish!
4. Their hamster lives in a big cage.
5. Whose bottle is this? It’s hers.

Задание 3.

1. My sister has broken her arm.
2. –
3. I have lost my mobile phone.
4. Our laptop works faster than yours .
5. –

Источник статьи:

Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями.

Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями.
1)The pencil is on the box. not on the desk.
2)The windows are not large. ..are small.
3)Ann is here. not there.
4)What colour are the desks?’ . are brown.
5)Put the pen under the box. Where is .
6)The boy is in the classroom. Where is .
7)Where are the pencils? ..are in the box.

Поставить глагол to be в нужной форме.
1.Ben . my friend. 2.He . a teacher. 3.I . in my room. 4. ..Tommy and Billy pupils? Yes, they . 5.We . students. 6.She . a doctor. 7.This . a cup. It . yellow. 8.The table . in the room.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
1.We are pupils. This is . classroom. 2.I am at home now. is small, hut it is light and clean. 3.Open . books, please. 4.Sit down, Peter. ..answer is good. 5.Is she a teacher? Is this boy . pupil? 6.This man is a doctor. is Petrov.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1.There is a blackboard in our classroom.
2.There are some English books on the table.
3.There are many mistakes in your dictation.

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1)He goes TO THE PARK every day.
2)She plays chess IN THE EVERING.
3)PETER speaks English very well.
4)I want AN ICE-CREAM.
5)They eat BREAD AND SOUP.
6)I am tired, BECAUSE I am ill.

Заполните пропуски личными местоимениями.
1)The pencil is on the box. IT is not on the desk.
2)The windows are not large. ..THEY are small.
3)Ann is here.SHE is not there.
4)What colour are the desks?’ .THEY.are brown.
5)Put the pen under the box. Where is IT?
6)The boy is in the classroom. Where is .HE.
7)Where are the pencils? .THEY.are in the box.

Поставить глагол to be в нужной форме.
1.Ben friend. HE is.a teacher. 3.I my room. 4. ..ARE Tommy and Billy pupils? Yes, they .ARE .5.We ARE. students. 6.She ..IS.a doctor. 7.This ..IS.a cup. It .IS..yellow. 8.The table the room.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
1.We are pupils. This is .OUR..classroom. 2.I am at home now. is small, hut it is light and clean. 3.Open .YOUR..books, please. 4.Sit down, Peter. .YOUR.answer is good. 5.Is she a teacher? Is this boy ..pupil? 6.This man is a doctor. is Petrov.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1.. Is there a blackboard in our classroom? There is not a blackboard in our classroom.
2. Are there any English books on the table? There are not any English books on the table.
3. Are there many mistakes in our dictation? There are not many mistakes in our dictation.

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1)He goes TO THE PARK every day. WHERE
2)She plays chess IN THE EVERING. WHEN
3)PETER speaks English very well. WHO
6)I am tired, BECAUSE I am ill. WHY

1)The pencil is on the box. It is not on the desk.
2)The windows are not large. They are small.
3)Ann is here. She is not there.
4)What colour are the desks?’ They are brown.
5)Put the pen under the box. Where is it?
6)The boy is in the classroom. Where is he?
7)Where are the pencils? They are in the box.

Поставить глагол to be в нужной форме.
1.Ben is my friend. 2. He is a teacher. 3. I am in my room. 4. Are Tommy and Billy pupils? Yes, they are. 5. We are students. 6. She is a doctor. 7.This is a cup. It is yellow. 8.The table is in the room.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
1. We are pupils. This is our classroom. 2. I am at home now. My room is small, but it is light and clean. 3. Open your books, please. 4. Sit down, Peter. Your answer is good. 5. Is she a teacher? Is this boy her pupil? 6.This man is a doctor. His name is Petrov.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1.There is a blackboard in our classroom. – There is no blackboard in our classroom. Is there a blackboard in our classromm?
2.There are some English books on the table. – There are no English books on the table. Are there any English books on the table?
3.There are many mistakes in your dictation. – There are no mistakes in your dictation. Are there any mistakes in your dictation?

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1)He goes TO THE PARK every day. – Where does he go every day?
2)She plays chess IN THE EVERING. – When does she play chess?
3)PETER speaks English very well. – Who speaks English well?
4)I want AN ICE-CREAM. – What do I want?
5)They eat BREAD AND SOUP. – What do they eat?
6)I am tired, BECAUSE I am ill. – Why am I tired?

1)The pencil is on the box. It is not on the desk.
2)The windows are not large. They are small.
3)Ann is here. She is not there.
4)What colour are the desks?’ They are brown.
5)Put the pen under the box. Where is it?
6)The boy is in the classroom. Where is he?
7)Where are the pencils? They are in the box.

Поставить глагол to be в нужной форме.
1.Ben is my friend. 2. He is a teacher. 3. I am in my room. 4. Are Tommy and Billy pupils? Yes, they are. 5. We are students. 6. She is a doctor. 7.This is a cup. It is yellow. 8.The table is in the room.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями.
1. We are pupils. This is our classroom. 2. I am at home now. My room is small, but it is light and clean. 3. Open your books, please. 4. Sit down, Peter. Your answer is good. 5. Is she a teacher? Is this boy her pupil? 6.This man is a doctor. His name is Petrov.

Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1.There is a blackboard in our classroom. – There is no blackboard in our classroom. Is there a blackboard in our classromm?
2.There are some English books on the table. – There are no English books on the table. Are there any English books on the table?
3.There are many mistakes in your dictation. – There are no mistakes in your dictation. Are there any mistakes in your dictation?

Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1)He goes TO THE PARK every day. – Where does he go every day?
2)She plays chess IN THE EVERING. – When does she play chess?
3)PETER speaks English very well. – Who speaks English well?
4)I want AN ICE-CREAM. – What do I want?
5)They eat BREAD AND SOUP. – What do they eat?
6)I am tired, BECAUSE I am ill. – Why am I tired?

Источник статьи:

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