This is a magical word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

волшебное слово

магическое слово

Yes and no. It is a Magical Word.

Yes and no. It is a Magical Word.

Reasonable playing in casinos gambling is a magical word that, for many, carries as many positive as negative associations and emotions.

Азартные игры-это магическое слово, которое для многих несет в себе столько же позитивных, как и негативных ассоциаций и эмоций.

The essential characteristic of the Grade is that its possessor utters a Creative Magical Word, which transforms the planet on which he lives by the installation of new officers to preside over its initiation.

Основная особенность данной степени — в том, что ее обладатель изрекает Творческое Магическое Слово, преображающее планету, на которой он живет, посредством утверждения новых служителей, руководящих ее посвящением.

This magical word «free» can do you a good turn.

Это волшебное слово «бесплатно» может дать вам хорошую пользу.

You are to hear the magical word: PLEASE.

For some libertarian people in Europe and America the «antifascism» is a magical word which can justify everything.

Для некоторых либертариев в Европе и Америке «антифашизм» — это магическое слово, которое может оправдать все, что угодно.

Home… what a magical word!

Others, yet again, will murmur the magical word «telepathy» — arguing that I projected, though not necessarily deliberately, certain ideas or sensations from my mind into that of the receptive student who thus was influenced against his own better judgment or skepticism.

А другие снова будут нашёптывать магическое слово «телепатия», доказывая, что я спроецировал, хотя необязательно преднамеренно, определённые идеи или ощущения из моего сознания студенту, который это воспринял и таким образом был подвержен влиянию вопреки своим собственным суждениям и скептицизму.

However, the text contains another magical word, «instead».

Вместо этого опять следует использовать волшебное слово «НО!»

For Crowley, the task of the highest magician, or Magus, is to find a concise magical word or name which expresses the logos, or meaning of the universe.

По Кроули, задача высшей магии заключается в том, чтобы найти некое емкое магическое слово или имя, выражающее логос, то есть, актуальный на данном этапе смысл вселенной.

‘Welcome’ is a magical word.

When teenager Billy Batson says the magical word SHAZAM!

Aleister Crowley, on the other hand, said it is a magical word of great power and that its true form is abracadabra.

Алистер Кроули говорил, что это магическое слово обладает огромной силой и что его настоящая форма — abrahadabra.

«No’ is a magical word,» he told her.

«Нет» это волшебное слово, — сказал он ей. — Вот как это происходит.

When the sleeper woke up, he was so frightened at the sight of khai eezi, that he involuntarily exclaimed: «Tatai!» — a magical word, expressing revulsion.

И проснувшийся парень так испугался вида хай ээзi, что невольно произнес: «Татай!» — магическое слово, выражающее отвращение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 45. Точных совпадений: 45. Затраченное время: 124 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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These are not tears in my eyes. I’m not moved by the story, or your brilliant, magical words.

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It was believed that you could appease or influence the gods by constant echoing of prayers or

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Верили, что можно угодить богам или повлиять на них с помощью постоянно повторяемых молитв или

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Curious to know why he chose such a vehicle and what a magical word helped the intrepid traveler through his way!


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Любопытно узнать, почему он выбрал такое средство передвижения и какое волшебное слово помогало отважному путешественнику в пути!


Parajanov’s films’ world is a magical combination of color, plastics, music and words.


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Мир фильмов Параджанова- это волшебное сочетание цвета, пластики, музыки и слова.


But few words can actually describe the magical feeling one senses when walking by the sea

or sunbathing on the golden sandy beach of Ouranoupolis, Halkidiki, while the sun, caresses their skin.


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Но где найти слова, которыми можно описать волшебное ощущение, которое испытываешь, когда прогуливаешься вдоль

берега моря и загораешь на золотом песчаном пляже Уранополиса Халкидики, где солнце нежно ласкает кожу.


Still, as a storyteller, I’m fascinated. How a person’s sense of consciousness

can be so transformed by nothing more magical than listening to


Mere words.

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Однако, как рассказчик,

я задумался как можно управлять сознанием человека такой магической вещью, как обычными


простыми словами.

With movement, with silence and with sound, while they are simultaneously both words and punctuation marks, these magical objects affect the surroundings

and the observer and invite them into a dialogue that promises to be endless.


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Раскачиваясь, в безмолвие и в звуке, одновременно являясь и паузами и словами, эти заколдованные объекты взаимодействуют со средой и со зрителем,

вступают в диалог, который, по-видимому, обещает быть бесконечным.


Not only that, she picked up the words from which emanates something magical, but it struck me that it in their own


beautiful and romantic without even knowing it formulated the essence of the processes occurring in the body, which I have called the dry RANC.


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Мало того, что она подобрала такие слова, от которых веет чем-то волшебным, но меня поразило то, что она



красиво и романтично сама того не подозревая сформулировала суть происходящих в организме процессов, которые я сухо назвал RANC.


Key words: attention, memory and thinking volume, socionics, dimensions of psychic functions, Miller’s magical number, magic row,

phenomenon of psychoinformation environment structuring, functions of informational metabolism.


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Ключевые слова: объем внимания, памяти и мышления, соционика, размерность психических функций,» магическое число» Миллера,»


ряд», структурирования психоинформационного пространства, функции информационного метаболизма.


Key words: attention, memory and thinking volume, socionics, dimensions of psychic functions, Miller’s magical number, magic row,

phenomenon of psycho-information environment structuring, functions of informational metabolism.


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Ключевые слова: объем внимания, памяти и мышления, соционика, размерность психических функций,» магическое число» Миллера,»


ряд», структурирование психоинформационного пространства, функции информационного метаболизма.


The exhibition is a search for the magical fusion, an attempt to understand how the light curls up into words, an attempt to compare the transformation of light,

which physically takes place in the x-ray room, to the complicated transfiguration of the inner divine light in the manuscript.


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Выставка- поиск магического сплетения, попытка понять, как свет скручивается в слово, попытка сравнить трансформацию света, которая физически происходит

в рентгеновском кабинете, с более сложным преображением внутреннего божественного света в рукописи.


Thanks for the smiles, for the kind words at the reception, for the enthusiasm you put into all the activities that we organised, thanks for the magical nights, for the fun and the kindness that you showed us.


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Спасибо за ваши улыбки, за приветливые слова в портье, за энтузиазм, с которым вы участвуете в анимационных программах, спасибо за волшебство каждой ночи, за веселье, за ваше тепло, которое вы всегда нам дарите.


Thus, the five mystic words or vowels uttered by Brahmâ at»creation,» which forthwith became the Panchadasha(certain Vedic Hymns, attributed to that God), are in their creative and magical potentiality, the white side of the black Tantric five Ma-kâras,

or the five m’s.

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Таким образом, пять мистических слов или гласных, произнесенных Брамою при« творении», которые в дальнейшем стали Панчадаша( некоторые Ведические гимны, приписанные этому Богу), являются в своей творческой и магической потенциальности белою стороною пяти черных, Тантрических Ма- кара,

или же пяти М.

From the very first word I fell in love with the magical world of Macondo.


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Contained in that word is no less than the»magical formula» which leads all the way out

and which set a new direction for auditing at every level.


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В этом слове содержится не что иное, как« магическая формула», указывающая путь к выходу,

которая задала новое направление для одитинга на каждом уровне.


Many a word, now enjoying wide currency on the streets, bears a character of magical effect;

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Многие слова, ныне получившие широкое уличное употребление, носят характер магических заклинаний;

Inspired by the Arabic word for full moon, the immersive Badr Lounge is the perfect spot for magical sunsets and gorgeous panoramic sea views.


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Вдохновленная арабским словом, обозначающим полную Луну, просторная гостиная« Badr»- идеальное место для любования волшебными закатами и захватывающими панорамными видами на море.


Bring the power of Word combinations has been widely used since ancient times in Jewish magical practice(as there are Talmudic references(34)),

the main of which was the practice of creating artificial human Golem, renewal of each part which was connected with a particular combination of letters.


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Оживляющая сила буквенных комбинаций широко использовалась еще с древности в еврейских магических практиках( о чем существуют талмудические упоминания(

34)), основной из которых была практика создания искусственного человека Голема, оживление каждой части которого было связано с определенной комбинацией букв.


He wanted to avoid the Victorian notions of»fairies» or

mischievous imps associated with the word and was aiming at the more elevated notions of beings»supposed to possess formidable magical powers in early Teutonic mythology» OED

viz. the Old English ælf,

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Он хотел избежать викторианских образов« феечек» или проказливых чертенят,

ассоциируемых с этим словом, и нацеливался на более возвышенные идеи существ,« мыслимых обладающими выдающимися магическими силами в ранней тевтонской мифологии» Оксфордский словарь английского языка,

статья ælf.

And to such magical-incantational words belongs the word«bourgeoise» and»bourgeoisness».

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К таким заклинательно- магическим словам принадлежит слово« буржуазия» и« буржуазность».

Prove you’re an expert on princesses and their magical world localizing the corresponding words in these wordsearches of fantasy theme.


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Докажите, что вы эксперт по принцесс и их волшебный мир локализовать соответствующие слова в этих wordsearches фантазии темы.


Some words in the English Language have magical powers. As a result, they are referred to as ‘Magic Words’. These words have saved many marriages and relationships, fostered intra and inter-personal relationships and instantly resolved hassles among friends. Undoubtedly, these words, when uttered, can soften a stony heart. However, there are some persons whose hearts can never be softened by these words maybe because their problems are more powerful than these words. Lol! All English users should cultivate the habit of using these words to ensure peaceful coexistence among one another in society.

These words are:

1. Please

The word, ‘please’, is a very powerful word that should be used by English users when making a request as it can make the person you are addressing do whatever you ask of him/her.


Please, can I take your book?
Could you please sign my course form?

2. Sorry/I’m Sorry

Generally, people hardly say the word, ‘sorry’, or the phrase, ‘I am sorry’, to others. Perhaps they feel that they are accepting responsibility for what they didn’t do if they say it.

A simple ‘sorry’ or ‘I am sorry’ can heal a very deep cut or wound. If you offended someone knowingly or unknowingly and the person approached you to tell you that you offended him/her, you could simply say, ‘I am sorry’ to the person rather than justifying your actions. As simple as it may seem, ‘sorry’ or ‘I am sorry’ can completely eliminate the grudge that person has for you.

Sorry for the other day/I’m sorry for the other day.

3. Pardon me

‘Pardon me’ is another magic word in English that usually comes after ‘sorry’ because you must first accept your fault before you can ask for pardon. I don’t think there is anybody who will not forgive/pardon a person who accepts his fault and ask for forgiveness. This word can make the person whose pardon you need stop any negative plan he/she has for you. Therefore, let’s use it when necessary.

4. Excuse Me

Another magic word which learners of English have actually changed its meaning is ‘excuse me’. For example, girls, most times, playfully say to their friends, ‘Excuse me, dor…..!’ Do you know what they mean by this? Please tell me if you do.

Using this word when necessary shows how decent you are. It can save you from lots of trouble. Instead of saying, ‘abeg comot for road make I pass or see something’, you can simply say, ‘excuse me’. When this is done, the person you are addressing will gently go off the way for you.

On the other hand, ‘excuse me’ can also mean ‘pardon me’ or ‘forgive me’. For example, ‘He excused me of my transgressions.’ This simply means that he has forgiven your transgressions.

5. Thank you

You won’t be happy if you did something for someone and the person refused to say, ‘thank you’. Will you? ‘Thank you’ is a magic word because it has the power to spur someone who has done something for you to do more. Therefore, let’s learn to always say, ‘Thank you’.

In sum, as users of the English language, we should always patronize the aforementioned magic words by using them when necessary to ensure peaceful coexistence among one another in society.

say the magical word

Общая лексика: произнести заклинание

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «say the magical word» в других словарях:

  • Magical objects in Harry Potter — The following is a list of magical objects used in Harry Potter. These objects exist for the use of the characters in the series by J. K. Rowling. Contents 1 Communication 1.1 Enchanted coins 1.2 Howler …   Wikipedia

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  • The Birds (play) — The Birds Rider and birds Laconian calyx ca. 540 B.C. The Dramatis Personae in ancient comedy depends on interpretation of textual evidence.[1] This list is developed from D.Barrett s translation.[2 …   Wikipedia

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  • The Snow Queen — ( Sneedronningen ) is a fairy tale by author Hans Christian Andersen (1805 1875). The tale was first published in 1845, and centers on the struggle between good and evil as experienced by a little boy and girl, Kay and Gerda.The story is one of… …   Wikipedia

  • The Jew of Linz — (1998) is a controversial book by Australian writer Kimberley Cornish. It alleges that Ludwig Wittgenstein, later a renowned philosopher, as a schoolboy was acquainted with and had a profound impact on Adolf Hitler, later leader of Nazi Germany,… …   Wikipedia

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Hocus pocus, abracadabra, alakazam! These are the words we invoke when magic is at work—even if it might just be a card trick at home. While a few of these words and phrases have wholly crossed over into entertainment magic or originated there from the start (e.g., presto change-o), some of these words are rooted in older commands that called upon higher powers to influence the material world.

Whether called hexes, hymns, prayers, or simply spells, the words we invoke to communicate with a greater power to work our will all require an intangible force that can be universally described as magic. Take a look and decide for yourself if magic is real or if it’s just a bunch of hocus-pocus.

🪄 A magical quiz

If you’re a real “wiz” at card tricks or have a deeper fascination with charms and spells, you might already know the words on this list. When you’re ready, you can demonstrate your knowledge of magic words by taking this short quiz!


Perhaps one of the oldest and most recognized magical phrases, abracadabra has been around since the second century BCE and has famously appeared in the Harry Potter series. Its origins are contested as scholars posit that abracadabra emerged from Late Latin or Late Greek, reflecting the recitation of the initial letters of the alphabet (abecedary); others hypothesize that it could related to the Hebrew Ha brakha dabra, which translates as, “The blessing has spoken.” We do understand it as a word generally meant to invoke magical power. Abracadabra is classified as a reductive spell, which means it would have been written out as a complete word on the first line, then with one letter missing on the next, then another letter removed on the following line, and so forth. The idea behind reductive spells is that by making the word shorter so would a pain or illness gradually diminish.

Recorded in English in the late 1600s, abracadabra is used in incantations, particularly as a magical means of warding off misfortune, harm, or illness, and for some, is used as a nonsense word, implying gibberish in place of supposedly magical words.


Often used as the finale word in the presentation of a grand stage illusion, alakazam is intoned as a powerful command.

While the origins of the word are unknown, according to Magic Words: A Dictionary, alakazam may have ties to a similar-sounding Arabic phrase, Al Qasam, which means “oath.” Therefore, a conjuror invoking alakazam may be calling back to a promise made by a superior being to help complete the miraculous feat they are presenting.

One of the earliest printings of alakazam in an English text is the poem “Among the White Tents,” first published in the Chicago Herald Tribune in 1888. While the poem uses alakazam in the context of entertainment and as an excited expression (“We’re goin’ to de cirkis! / Alakazam!”) there is oddly no connection to magic.


Immortalized in a ’90s cult classic family film, hocus pocus may be both invoked as an incantation and might also be used to refer to an act of trickery. For instance, one who is dismissive of fortunetelling might call the act of reading tarot cards “a bunch of hocus pocus.”

First recorded in the 1660s, hocus pocus is likely a corruption of the Latin phrase used in Catholic mass, Hoc est corpus meum (“here is my body”).

Discover more about hocus-pocus and other bewitching words here.


Maybe you’ve seen a magician conclude an amazing feat with this little phrase. She’ll flourish a sheet over a table and voilà, where there was no one a second ago, her whole assistant will appear!

First recorded in English between 1825–35, voilà is used as an expression of success or satisfaction, typically to give the impression that the achievement happened quickly or easily. Combined from the French words voi (“see”) and (“there”), voilà is used to direct attention during performance magic.

open sesame

First recorded in English in the late 1700s, open sesame comes from Antoine Galland’s translation of One Thousand and One Nights. These are the magic words Ali Baba speaks to open the door of the den of the 40 thieves.

Perhaps one of the greatest magical commands to survive from folklore, open sesame today may be used as a noun to refer to a very successful means of achieving a result. For instance, you might say an MBA is the open sesame to landing a competitive job in finance.

sim sala bim

These magic words were made popular by the famous professional magician Harry August Jansen (1883–1955), also known as The Great Jansen or Dante, who used sim sala bim as the name of his touring magic show. Jansen was born in Denmark and immigrated to Minnesota with his family at age 6. Jansen used sim sala bim at the end in his show, saying the words meant, “A thousand thanks.” (They are actually nonsense syllables from a Danish nursery rhyme.) He would tell the crowd that the larger the applause, the bigger the bow, and the more thanks that the sim sala bim symbolized.


While mojo can apply to the magic influence of a charm or amulet (usually positive), the term can also refer to the influence or charm an individual can have on the people around them. A popular Muddy Waters song, “Got My Mojo Workin’,” alludes to the degree to which the singer is able to charm the women he encounters. Mojo is less of a spell and more specifically an aura of power. An Americanism first recorded between 1925–30, it is believed to draw from the West African Gullah word moco, which means, “witchcraft.” It is probably connected to Fulani moco’o, or “medicine man.”


Similar to abracadabra in popularity and structure, calamaris is the word that Scandinavians would invoke to heal a fever. Also like abracadabra, this word was a reductive spell, meaning the full word would be written down on one line, then each successive line would have one letter removed.


In ye olden times, having a decent hunt to provide for one’s family was critical. The incantation of miertr was spoken aloud as one walked backward and then left the house. After reaching the forest to hunt, the spellcaster was advised to take three clumps of dirt from beneath the left foot and throw them overhead without looking. This will allow an individual to advance without making any noise and capture birds and animals. Definitely a process, but hopefully it led to some successful hunting.

micrato, raepy sathonich

One of the most iconic scenes in the Bible’s Old Testament is Exodus 7:8-13, which tells of Moses and his brother Aaron as they go before Pharaoh and are challenged to perform a miracle as a sign of their god. When Aaron throws down his staff, it transforms into a snake that consumes the snakes conjured by Pharaoh’s own advisors and sorcerers. According to the Semiphoras and Schemhamphorash, an occult text published in German by Andreas Luppius in 1686, micrato, raepy sathonich were the opening words Moses spoke before changing his staff into a serpent.


A variant of the word daemon, daimon [ dahy-mohn ] appears in some Greek charms and holds the meaning of a “god, deity, soul of a dead person, or genie.” In this context, it does not necessarily correspond with the Christian interpretation of a demon—it is more akin to a spirit. This word might be used in a spell to summon a daimon attendant, who would then assist the conjurer in executing a specific task. Though new practitioners should be forewarned, summoning daimons are for more experienced magic practitioners and should always be handled with care. Daimon comes from Middle English and can ultimately be traced to the Greek daimónion, meaning “thing of divine nature.”

Divine the meanings behind familiar potion ingredients with the help of this explanation.


Those who can recall their days in Catholic school know INRI are the initials typically depicted on the crucifix and represent Jesus’ title (Iēsūs Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum). But long ago, INRI was also written on amulets and paper to offer cures to afflictions. For instance, to stop a fever, a person might eat a piece of paper with the initials written on it, or, to stop blood loss, INRI would be written in blood on a piece of paper that was then pressed to the forehead. It’s even been stamped on stable doors to ward off the evil eye.


We’ve got two more interesting terms for good measure. Unlike the others on this list, a grimoire is not a magical spell. Described as a “textbook of sorcery and magic,” a grimoire [ greem-wahr ] is a must-have for any would-be spellcaster. First recorded in the 1800s, this word likely arose from the French grammaire (“grammar”). Essentially, this origin word refers to a textbook and/or a set of rules to be applied to the text. For a book that has the potential to summon other beings (for better or worse) and carry out supernatural feats, any student of that book had best be willing to follow those rules to the letter!


The unique word caracteres refers to symbols written on bits of parchment or amulets. They were used as a way of encoding powerful spells to keep them from being repeated by someone who may not be aware of their potency or seek to abuse their power. Because of this general barrier to entry, caracteres also demanded the potential conjurors devote time to studying and learning how to correctly interpret the encrypted incantations.

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