Think of the word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences

  1. At the end of the holiday
    ________ on to any unused foreign currency because it may come in
    handy on another occasion.

your call is not answered within two minutes, you’re advised to
________ up and dial again.

The company decided to
________ a portrait of the retiring managing director in the

  1. Helen
    rubbed her carpet as hard as she could but the stain still wouldn’t
    _____ out.

afraid people don’t ________ much meaner than my neighbour; she
even re-uses her old tea bags!

has gone out this evening to try and forget how badly his
presentation went, but in the cold light of day it’ll ________ back
to haunt him.

  1. Everyone was surprised to
    discover that the young man was eligible to ________ for president.

The factory closure became
such a contentious issue that even the national newspapers decided to
________ a series of articles on it.

The supervisor had to ________
through the safety guidelines several times before she was convinced
that all the staff had understood.

  1. There are many jobs that my
    sister could do but she seems unwilling to ________ herself to

The varnish will not have a
smooth finish if you ________ it too liberally.

was attempting to complete the whole form until I realised that half
the questions didn’t ________ to me.

  1. Because he failed to ________
    up for the job interview, Mr Garrard has been crossed off the
    shortlist of applicants.

terms of recognition, Tamsin had little to ________ for all the
effort she’d put into reorganising the office.

Despite her poor reception in
New York, the artist was still keen to ________ her work across the
rest of the USA.

  1. Many people fail to recognise
    that the mind needs regular ________ just like any other part of the

Trying to get every member of
staff to take their holiday at a different time was a very
frustrating ________.

Every ________ in the book is
designed to build up your reasoning skills.

9. Using the data of various dictionaries compare the lexical valency of the words:

scrape, scrub; guilt, fault, blame; roam, wander, ramble, rove,
stray, walk around; value, worth, utility; fear, alarm, dismay,
panic; avert, avoid, evade.

10. Suggest a frame of your own for the concept “trade”.

Topic for presentation

  • Ideographic
    dictionary by P. Roget

Seminar 6. Homonymy and Paronymy

Homonymy. Sources of homonymy: convergent sound development (phonetic
change), borrowing, conversion, divergent meaning development (split
of polysemy), shortening. Classification by W. Skeat into perfect
homonyms, homophones and homographs. Classification by A.I.
Smirnitsky into lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical homonyms.
Full homonyms and partial homonyms. Homonymy and polysemy. Paronymy.
Definition of paronyms. Paronomasia.

Test Questions

  1. Give the definition of
    homonyms. Why is English so rich in homonyms?

  2. What
    is the most widely accepted classification of homonyms?

  3. What are the formal criteria which help to differentiate between
    polysemy and homonymy? Give examples.

  4. What
    words are defined as paronyms?

and assignments

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Completa los recuerdos de Gina con los verbos indicados en el pretérito o en el imperfecto para expresar acontecimientos no intencionales. Luego di si las oraciones se refieren a Gina o a su gemelo, Pablo. (7)

De niña yo era buena estudiante, pero un poco distraída. Me encantaba la clase de arte. Más que nada me gustaba esculpir, pero siempre (1) (caer) el pincel y la maza. Y una vez (2) (ir) la mano con el cincel y la escultura quedó arruinada. Cuando pintaba, siempre (3) (acabar) mis colores favoritos, porque a la maestra frecuentemente (4) (olvidar) comprar pintura.
Mi hermano gemelo, Pablo, por otra parte, estaba loco por los deportes. Una vez fuimos con mis padres a un partido de fútbol profesional. Mientras conduciamos al estadio, (5) (descomponer) el coche. Llegamos tarde y al entrar, en la taquilla un empleado nos dijo Lo siento, ya (6) (agotar) los boletos. Así que no pudimos ver el partido.
Para mí era más divertido ir a ver los partidos de béisbol de Pablo. Jugaba muy bien. Casi nunca (7) (caer) la pelota. Pero si recuerdo que una vez cuando hacia mucho sol, a Pablo (8) (perder) de vista la pelota y (9) (caer).

a. Casi nunca se le caía la pelota.
b. Siempre se le caían cosas en la clase de arte.
c. Era un poco distraído(a).
d. Una vez tuvo un problema con una escultura.
e. Le gustaba jugar al béisbol.

For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. You can use the «?» button to get a clue but by doing so you will lose points.



(v) move heaven and earth => to try very hard to achieve something.
(v) move in => to start to live in your new home.
(v) move on => to leave your present job and start doing another one.

(v) move the goalposts => to change the rules for something, or conditions under which it is done, so that the situation becomes more difficult for somebody.
(v) move in for the kill => to come closer to something in order to kill, defeat, or destroy it.


(adj) steady => firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking.
(adj) steady job => a regular job.
(adj) as steady as rock => very steady and unmovable; very stable.

(adj) steady relationship => someone that you have been having a romantic relationship with for a long time.
(adj) ready, steady, go! => what you say to tell people to start a race.


(n) pay sth back with interest => react to some harm by doing sth even worse.
(n) lose interest => stop being interested.
(n) place of interest => place that is interesting.

(n) vested interest => a strong reason for wanting something to happen because you will gain from it.
(n) in the interest of something => in order to help or achieve something.
(n) conflict of interest/interests => a situation in which you cannot do your job fairly because you will be affected by the decision you make.


(v) read through => to read something carefully from beginning to end.
(v) read sb’s mind => to guess what someone else is thinking.
(v) read sth from cover to cover => read all of sth because you are very interested.

(v) read between the lines => to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly.
(v) read somebody like a book => to understand easily what somebody is thinking or feeling.


(n) take sth on board => to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc.
(n) board and lodging => meals and a place to stay.
(n) across the board => involving everyone or everything in a company etc.

(n) sweep the board => to win everything that can be won, especially very easily.
(n) the boards => the stage in a theatre.
(n) full board => a type of accommodation in a hotel, etc. that includes all meals.
(n) have a seat on a board => be a member of a board.



11 класс

ПИСЬМЕННАЯ РАБОТА               
Max. 80 points

на выполнение письменной работы – 90 минут.

the right form of the verbs in brackets. (12 points)

I (1)____________________(to
) English with pleasure and I (2)____________(to think)
that even if I (3) ___________________________(not to be going)
to use it in my future work or on other occasions in my life, it (4)____________________(to
) always part of my culture. I (5)___________________(to like)
it and I (6) _________________(to like) singing American and 
English songs. I (7)_____________________(to think) that learning
English (8)__________(to be) very useful. If we can speak
English, we can communicate with people of many other nationalities. Nowadays,
English (9)___________________________(to study) almost all over
the world. Moreover it (10)_______________________(to be) part of
our life today. If you look  around, you (11)______________ (to find)
that so many things are in English: posters, advertisements, songs.

In today’s world English
(12) _________  (to speak) everywhere.    People who don’t know English
aren’t complete. It is like a car without a wheel or like a detective
book without the final pages.

II.There are ten necessary uses of articles
and prepositions
missing from this text. Write a correction in the space at
the side (if necessary) (10 points )


Three basic types of irrigation are flood
irrigation, drip irrigation           0.
The three

And spray irrigation. The names are
self-explanatory. irrigation,  0. In___

which is cheap and does not require
expensive machinery , water simply 0.   -__

flows among the crops, and while this is
easily administered system,      1. _____

a lot of water is wasted. Much of it
evaporates , either on ground or       2. _____

…. the leaves of plants in the process
known as “transpiration”. In drip  3. _____

irrigation the water is channelled along
plastic pipes with holes in them  4. _____

that are laid along the rows of crops or
under the soil close to roots         5. ______

of the plants. Compared to food irrigation
, there is 25% saving of          6. ______

water, but …. this saving is the cost of
the pipes and any necessary        7. _____

equipment. Spray irrigation , where water
is sprayed into air and     8. _____

falls on the crops like rain, is even more
expensive. A lot …water      9. _____

is blown away, but main advantage of these
systems is shat they      10. _____

are easily moved, and more modern systems
do this automatically. 

III. Complete each short text by writing one
suitable word in each space.                              (10 points).

Are robots dangerous?

Scientists, and film-makers, have wondered
whether robots might become (1)_________ sophisticated that they will become a
threat to human life.(2) _________ it seems unlikely that robots will ever
become self-aware, more advanced robots cloud be dangerous (3) _________ they
might become more independent of human control. In other words, they might
become so ‘intelligent’ (4) _________ they start to take decisions on their
own. However, (5)

robots started to think and act for themselves , these abilities would be
extremely limited and in any case robors are (6)
_________ complex that they nearly
always require human controllers.

Radon gas

(7) _________ most people are aware of the
dangers of radiation, not many consider that they might be at risk in their own
homes from radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas.(8) _________ it is
colourless and odourless , home owners may not be aware of potential problems.
However, radon is(9) _________ dangerous that in the USA alone it is the second
most common cause of lung cancer.(10) _________ there are no immediate symptoms
of exposure, which may take years to surface, it’s as well to have your house
tested if you are in a risk area.

IV. Use the words to form a word that fits in the gap. (10 points)


There is a well-known (1)…..  , «School days are the best
days of your life.» No (2)…. at school ever believes it though, and by
the time you realise it’s true, it’s too late! It’s when you’re worried

about your (3)…   situation and are beginning to hate the (4)….        of
working in an office or factory every day that you look back fondly on the (5)    ….times
you had at school. When you’re still at school you often focus on the
negatives, like having to pay (6)….     during a tedious
chemistry lesson, being punished for bad (7)…   (when you didn’t do
anything wrong anyway) or feeling (8)….         in an exam because you
don’t know any of the answers (and, in fact, had completely (9)….the
questions tool). But it’s quite (10)…    to complain about things and
then have great memories afterwards. Just have a good time at the time as well!

V. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Rite between two and five words in
each gap.

(   20 points)

I don’t think Georg
has the ability to climb right to the top of that mountain!  

I don’t think Georg  ………………………………………………………. right to the top
of that mountain!

Joanne, do you know
anything about Chaos Theory?

Joanna, …………………………… Chaos Theory?

You shouldn’t have
bought presents for all of us.

You shouldn’t have ……………………………….. buying presents for all of us.

 Charles often phones
upTV stations to complain about programmes.

…………………………………………….     up TV stations to
complain about programmes.

Alice seemed tired to

Alice………………………………    she was

Taking out a private
pension scheme will benefit you.

is ………………………………….. out a private pension scheme.

I understand what Gary
was saying but I don’t agree with him.

can ………………………………..         but I don’t agree
with him.

They won’t allow
passengers to get off the train at the next station.

going ………………..        off the train at the
next station.

I want you to try
really hard to pass this exam!

want you to ………………………………….   to pass this

I never realized that
Tony was the head of Fizzyco.

Little …………………………… that Tony was the head of Fizzyco.

For questions 1 – 5, think of one word only which can be used
appropriately in all three sentences. Here is an example
(0). (10


of the tourists are hoping to get compensation for the poor state of the hotel,
and I think they have a very 
 STRONG  case.

There’s no point in trying to wade across
the river, the current is far too STRONG.

If you’re asking me which of the
candidates should get the job, I’m afraid I don’t have any STRONG
views either way.

two boys were sent home from school but told to ____________________ back the
next morning.

The journalist was asked to 
__________________________on what had happened the previous night.

My brother seemed unwilling to
_______________________ the damage done to his car to the police.

Brown has only recently been elected to the __________________of directors.

To my mind, an ironing ___________________
is a very mundane thing to give as a wedding present.

The wood of this
tree provides the basic raw material from which various types of _____________are  

athletes have more ________________ability than the current champion; his
due to his positive attitude and good coaching.

It’s only
________________________________to feel embarrassed when you do something

Honey is a completely
______________________ product with an excellent reputation for boosting the
immune system.

4. Yesterday
morning, the Prime Minister made his first public _________________ since the

You should never judge people by their

The Winslow family gave every
__________________________of being rich.

Spanish is not all that _____________________________now as I haven’t used it
for ages.

The food was so ____________________________that
it seemed to be burning my tongue.

The robbers drove off with the police in

VII. Complete each sentence
with one of the idioms below (8 points)

the point



of beans

to earth

a nutshell

of the blue

black and white

1. I
want everything ____________________________ before I sign anything.

2. He’s quiet, sensible, and _____________________________.

3. We were discussing politics when, _____________________, she
started talking about her daughter’s boyfriend.

4. The child is so __________________ that it’s tiring to be with

5. I’m
____________________ — I think I’d better go to bed.

6. After
his wife’s death he left town _________________________.

my plan is to buy land.

8. What
I think about him is ________________________




Agent: Come on in and
have a look around.

Paul:              Thanks.

Agent:            OK, so
this is the kitchen.

Hilary:           It’s a
bit cramped, isn’t it?

Agent:            Yes,
but look at the view.

Paul:              Yes,
Hilary, that is pretty fantastic.

Hilary:           Yes, I
suppose so.

Agent:            OK, if
you’ve seen enough here, let’s go through into the living room.

Hilary:           It’s
very cold here. Is it always this cold?

Agent:            Well,
the house has been empty for the last seven months. The last tenants moved out in
a hurry.

Paul:               Why?

Agent:            We don’t know.
They just said they didn’t like it any more. They left just like that. As if
they were running away.

Hilary:            Perhaps
it was because of the cold.

Agent:            Oh no.
The owners have had central heating put in – it’s not on at the moment. Look,
here in the living room there’s a big fireplace.

Paul:               Oh,
this is great. So light, really spacious. Don’t you think so, Hilary?

Hilary:            Yes,
it’s lovely. What’s the upstairs like?

Agent:            Come
and see.

Agent:            Here
we are. Here’s the main bedroom.

Paul:               Oh
yes. That’s amazing. Just imagine waking up to that view. Every morning. I love
this old cupboard.

Agent:            And if you’d like
to come along here, you can see the second bedroom.

Paul:               Hilary!
This is perfect. Small,  just the right size. I can put a table in here. Yes, I
can write in this room.

Agent:            You’re
a writer?

Paul:               Yes,
that’s why we want a house out here in the country. I’m finishing a novel.

Agent:            Have
you had anything published?

Paul:               Well
no, not yet, actually. But it’s only a matter of time.

Agent:            And
what do you do, madam?

Hilary:            Well,
I’m an actor. But I’m having a few months’ rest at the moment.

Agent:            Interesting.
Have I seen you in anything?

Hilary:            Probably
not. Most of my work is in radio.

Agent:            OK, so
this is the bathroom.

Hilary:            It
doesn’t have any windows.

Paul:               Yes,
but that doesn’t matter, love. I mean this house is perfect. No television, no
telephone. I’m really going to like it here.

Agent:            So,
you’ve decided?

Paul:               Yes.

Hilary:            Can’t
we talk about it first?

Paul:               Nothing
to talk about. We’ll take it. For six months.




finally on the news tonight, in Providence, Rhode Island, an armored car driver
was robbed of four money sacks today. But what the robber didn’t know was that
instead of bundles of banknotes each bag contained only 80 dollars in pennies.
Try as he might, the thief, weighed down with coins, could not make a fast
getaway. Police easily caught the man, David Posman, 33, as he tried to run
away with the bags which weighed 30 pounds each.


London today a very unusual story of the perfect crime that went wrong, the
bank robbery that failed. Everything seemed to be just right: the timing had
been planned to the minute, the escape route was ready, even the hiding place
for the money had been carefully prepared. The getaway driver had been
handpicked as someone who could be trusted. The robbery went without a hitch
and the robber ran out of the bank with over £ 100, 000 in cash. Unfortunately
for the robber, Wayne Smith from East London, when he reached the getaway car,
his friend, the driver, wanting to make the escape as fast as possible, ran him
over. Smith and his accomplice are both in hospital tonight where they are
reported to be in a stable condition.


news from San Antonio that shows you you have to be careful what you ask for.
Brian Tilbury was convicted of burglary after entering a home and stealing a TV
and stereo last month. In court today, the judge sentenced Tilbury to seven
years in prison. According to witnesses at the court, this appeared to upset
Tilbury and he proceeded to beg the judge not to sentence him to seven years as
seven was his unlucky number. The judge heard his request and agreed to help
the man. He sentenced him to eight years. Tilbury’s lawyers have vowed to
appeal the decision.


crime news from across the Atlantic. In Florida today, Reinero Torres Jr was
finally prosecuted after going to court for a third time. The first two times
he had been found not guilty of the charges of shoplifting from a local store
and had gone free. Today he was finally convicted at the third attempt. His
crime? Stealing law books from the court house library which he was using to
prepare the defense for his first two cases.


finally on the news tonight, a story that shows that crime really doesn’t pay.
A man was arrested tonight after he attempted to hold up a grocery store. It
seems the criminal came into the grocery store wearing a paper bag over his
head with two eyeholes cut out so that he could see. In the course of the
robbery, the eyeholes shifted and he found that he was no longer able to see
what he was doing – or what anyone else was doing. When the robber tried to
move the bag back so he could continue with the robbery, the bag opened
completely and the sales clerk was able to see the man’s face. The clerk
recognized him as a regular customer and called the police immediately after
the thief made his getaway, without taking anything. The man was arrested soon
after and will appear in court next week charged with attempted robbery.

all we have time for this evening, but we’ll be back at 10 o’clock with a local
news update.


TEXT 1 (20 points)

the statements true (T) or false (F)?

The living room is a bit cramped.

The bedroom is cold.

The house has been empty for the last seven months.

The last tenants moved out hurriedly.

There is a big fireplace in the bedroom.

The main bedroom is downstairs.

The last tenants left the house because the pay was high for them.

The bedroom doesn’t get any light from outside.

The house has neither television nor telephone.

Paul is writing a novel at the moment.

TEXT 2 (20 points)

to the recording.  Fill in the table with the information you hear.

What was stolen

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3

Story 4

Story 5

whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

thief could not run away because he was weighed down with coins.


robber was run over.

judge sentenced Brian Tilbury (the burglar) to seven years in the end.

first three times the shoplifter had been found not guilty of the charges of
shoplifting from a local store and had gone free.

sales clerk recognized the man as a regular customer.


of Grammar (Form 11)


2. think

3. I’m not going

4. will be

5. like

6. like

7. think

8. is

9. is situated

10. is

11. will find

12. is spoken

II. easily

2.the ground

3. from

4. —

5. the roots

6. a 25% saving

7. against

8. the air

9. of

10. the main

III.  (10 points)

1) as

2)such a

3)in case

4)in spite of

5) seing as

6) so rapidly

7) even if

8) in order that

9) so little

10) whereas












V. 1.Is capable of climbing

2. Are you familiar with

     3. Gone to the expense of

Has a tendency to

Gave me the impression

In your interest to

See Gary’s

To prevent
passengers from getting

Make a real really
make an effort

 Did realize

VI. 1) report  2) board  3) natural 
4) appearance  5) hot

VII.1) in black and
white;  2) down to earth;  3) out of the blue;  4) full of beans;  5) flat
out;  6) for good;  7) in a nutshell;  8) off the point.


    FORM 11


1) False  2)
False  3) True  4) True  5) False  6) False  7) False  8) False  9) True  10)


  1) four money sacks (containing pennies); 2) £ 100, 000; 3) a TV and stereo;
4) law books; 5) nothing;

II. 1)
True    2) True   3) False   4)
False    5) True.


has its beginning in the family, hasn’t it? Are you for small or large
families? What does family happiness depend on in your opinion?

1)  What are the most
memorable days of your early childhood that you remember well?

2)  What was the most
important thing your parents taught you?

3)  What is the
perfect number of children to have in your opinion?

4)  Who do you get
along better with, your mother or your father?  Explain your choice.

English friend asks you about your motherland. Is Belarus an interesting place
to visit? Why?

1)  What places do
foreigners associate with Belarus?

2)  Have you travelled
a lot around Belarus?

3)  Why do you think
the Belarusians are considered a hospitable and tolerable nation?

4)  What places
connected with famous people would you recommend your foreign friends to visit?

3.     Describe a typical
day in your life, beginning with the moment you get up and ending with the time
you go to bed.

1)  What is good about

2)  What is the main
difference between your working day and your day off?

3)  What do you
usually do on long dark evenings?

4)  What would you
like to change in your daily activities to feel happier?

no place like home.» How can you explain the proverb? What are the most
important things for you about your home?

1)  How do you
understand the proverb “My house is my castle”?

2)  What type of house
would you like to live in? Explain your choice.

3)  What are your
housing conditions?

4)  What changes would
you like to make to your home?

it easy to be a young person in the modern world? Say what you can about the
problems of teenagers in Belarus.

1)  How can you
explain the problem of misunderstanding between “fathers and sons”?

2)  How do most young
people in your town/village spend their free time?

3)  What is the
attitude of adults to teens’ problems?

4)  What should be
done to keep teenagers away from drugs and alcohol?

many young people try to find a holiday job. Have you ever worked on your
holidays? Is it a problem to have the pocket money? What do you usually spend
your pocket money on?

1)  How can a teenager
earn some pocket money?

2)  What part-time
jobs are available for a teenager in your country?

3)  Which job would
you never do? Explain why.

4)  How much money do
you want to be paid for your work?

your opinion on the following statement: «Hobbies are different like
tastes. So many people, so many hobbies». What hobbies are most popular
with young people today? Why do you like your hobby?

1)  Where do you
prefer to hang out with your friends?

2)  What is your
solution to the problem of boredom?

3)  Which hobbies are
the most popular in your country?

4)  How can hobbies
help develop your world outlook?

will you tell a journalist when he asks you about the bright and lovely
memories of your school-years? What school traditions enjoy the greatest
popularity among the pupils? Would you like to come back at your school as a

1)  What is the role
of school in modern society do you think?

2)  What will you
remember school days for?

3)  What are the
qualities of a good student (pupil) in your opinion?

4)  How do you cope with
school problems?

about your favorite kind of winter and summer sports giving reasons for your

1)  Why do people
practice sport?

2)  Which kind of
sport do you like more: group or individual? Explain your choice.

3)  For what reasons
do you practice sports?

4)  What does extreme
sport give to people who are ready to risk their lives?

your idea of a perfect character? Describe your friend’s (dad’s / mum’s)

1)  What personality
traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a partner?

2)  What kinds of
people do you get along well with?

3)  What kinds of
personality traits do you hate? Why?

4)  Which of your
personality traits would you like to lose?

the qualities you like about your friends. What qualities do you think they
appreciate in you? Tell about the kind of people you like to spend time with,
and some of the things they do which you particularly like.

1)  Why do people need

2)  What are the
drawbacks of your best friend?

3)  What do you
appreciate your best friend for?

4)  Why is friendship
important to people?

would you do with a pennyfall? (денежный водопад)

1)  What do people
need money for?

2)  How can a teenager
in your country earn money?

3)  How do you
understand the phrase “make ends meet”?

4)  What would you do
if you had a million dollars?

years are cool! Tell about the most popular free time activities for British
and Belarusian teenagers. Which activities do you like? Why?

1)  What do you/will
you remember about being a teenager?

2)  How can you
explain the problem of misunderstanding between “fathers and sons”?

3)  Why does the
preceding generation always say that the next is not as they were?

4)  Why is the
conflict between parents and children especially critical during teenage years?

that it is a cold winter day. You are waiting for a bus which does not seem to
come. You are chilled to the bones; you dislike the wind and the snow. What
kind of season and weather would you be dreaming about?

1)  Which season
possesses the greatest charm and value for you? Why?

2)  What are the
peculiarities of the English climate?

3)  How do fast
changes in weather influence you and your health?

4)  What weather
conditions make you depressed? Explain why.

do you do to keep yourself fit? What else do you think you should do to stay

1)  What factors
affect your physical and emotional condition (state)?

2)  Why don’t people
live an active life in your opinion?

3)  How do you
overcome stress?

4)  What’s your recipe
to be healthy and fit?

that you are going to a supermarket because you have invited your friends to
dinner. Make up a menu for the dinner and a shopping list of the things you
need to buy.

1)  Why do people
prefer to buy things at the market these days?

2)  What’s the
difference between a shop and a supermarket (hypermarket)?

3)  What was your most
disappointing purchase? Why?

4)  What’s your
attitude to window-shopping?

in what way today’s fashion is different from the fashion of the days when your
parents were your age.

1)  Why does fashion
change so often (quickly)?

2)  What do you do
with a thing (item of clothing) if it is out of fashion?

3)  Why do young
ladies use make up so often?

4)  What’s the
difference in men’s and women’s attitude to fashion?

18. Travelling is one
of the ways of discovering new countries.

1)  What’s your
favorite type of holidays and what activities should it include?

2)  What does
travelling give to people?

3)  What are the good
sides of hitchhiking?

4)  How has tourism
changed over the past few decades?

a speech on ecological problems. What should people do to protect nature? What
should the authorities do? Mention the ecological problems of your region.

1)  What ecological
problems are urgent now?

2)  What is the
influence of pollution on people`s health?

3)  What ecological
problems exist in your home place?

4)  How can we reduce
land pollution in your opinion?

20. Speak about the
role of mass media in the life of people.

1)  Why do we need

2)  Why must news
always depict trouble, violence and unhappiness of other people?

3)  What do you think
are the most obvious advantages and disadvantages of television? Give your

4)  How can computers
change our lives for better, for worse?

people think that school days are the happiest days in people’s lives. Can you
say that you have been happy at school? Why?

1)  What will you
remember school days for?

2)  What are the
qualities of a good student (pupil) in your opinion?

3)  Why do students
cheat during tests and exams?

4)  What kind of world
do you think this would be if people never went to school?

have recently moved into a new flat. Describe this new flat and comparing it
with the old one. Tell about your plans as to how to make it still lovelier and

1)  How do you
understand the proverb “My house is my castle”?

2)  What type of house
would you like to live in? Explain your choice.

3)  What are your
housing conditions?

4)  What changes would
you like to make to your home?

about hobbies which are typical of the people of your age/company.

1)  Why do people need

2)  Which hobbies are
the most popular in your country?

3)  Which hobbies are
the most popular with women in your country? With men?

4)  How can hobbies
help develop your world outlook?

in order of importance the factors you find important in your future job:
wages/salary; job, prestige; benefit to community; parents wishes; interesting
work; opportunities to meet people; opportunities to travel; job security;
prospects of promotion. Give your grounds.

1)  Why is thinking
about your future occupation so important in the senior forms of school?

2)  What is more
important in your future job – prestige, pay or interest?

3)  How important is
promotion in a job?

4)  What are some
questions that are frequently asked in a job interview?

of probable scientific discoveries which will be made in the XXI century and
write about them. Speak about what your generation can do to make life better
in this country in 20-30 years’ time.

1)  What qualities
must a real scientist possess?

2)  What are the
greatest scientific discoveries of the 20th century in your opinion?

3)  What developments
in science and technology have greatly changed our life-style?

4)  In what spheres of
life are technological advances most important?

Task 1.For questions 1-10, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. I recognised Paul immediately as he has an unusual _______ of walking.
We had to walk along _______ to the beach after we’d parked the car.
We need to make some changes to the _______ in which we educate our children.
2. The government claimed that its _______ concern was to help the less well off.
Rice has become an extremely valuable _______ commodity in recent years.
The first school young children attend in England is known as a _______ school.
3. A strong magnetic _______ can be created under certain scientific conditions.
We must repair the fence in the _______ behind the farmhouse.
The scientist is well known in the _______ of medicine.
4. All the film reviews I read of Avatar recommended it very _______ indeed.
I know that Peter is _______ articulate, so I can understand why he likes public
Paula’s Strang’s new novel must be one of the most _______ publicised books of all
5. The psychologist asked his young patient to take a sheet of paper and _______ all over
it with coloured pens.
Simon’s father never told us exactly what he did for a job, so as children we could
only _______ the conclusion that he was a spy.
We were not getting anywhere with making a decision, so we decided to _______
a line under the discussion.
6. Years ago, if you came from the wrong kind of _______ , it was impossible to enter some careers.
The painting has an interesting _______ of brightly coloured trees and bushes.
Although the Minister seems to have some support, many of his colleagues prefer to remain in the _______ and keep their opinions to themselves.
7. As the traffic was not heavy, we managed to _______ 200 km in an hour and a half.
The course will _______ all the skills I will need in the future.
The light was so bright that I had to _______ my eyes.
8. When Frank saw Sally’s new car, he was _______ with envy.
The committee is totally against any new building in a _______ belt area.
I obviously haven’t got _______ fingers because I can’t get anything to grow.
9. Could you _______ out how much I owe you?
I can’t get my new camera to _______ properly.
The students felt they would _______ more efficiently if they had their own computers.
10. So what do you ¬_______ of everything going on at the school at the moment?
I’ve been asked to _______ a speech when Anna gets her music prize.
I’d like to _______ a bit more money if I could, because the cost of living is rising all the time.

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  • Think of the word that best fits each space
  • Think of the word or phrase which
  • Think of one word which best fits each space
  • Think of one word to change the world
  • Think of one word that can be appropriately used in all three sentences