Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences

  1. At the end of the holiday
    ________ on to any unused foreign currency because it may come in
    handy on another occasion.

your call is not answered within two minutes, you’re advised to
________ up and dial again.

The company decided to
________ a portrait of the retiring managing director in the

  1. Helen
    rubbed her carpet as hard as she could but the stain still wouldn’t
    _____ out.

afraid people don’t ________ much meaner than my neighbour; she
even re-uses her old tea bags!

has gone out this evening to try and forget how badly his
presentation went, but in the cold light of day it’ll ________ back
to haunt him.

  1. Everyone was surprised to
    discover that the young man was eligible to ________ for president.

The factory closure became
such a contentious issue that even the national newspapers decided to
________ a series of articles on it.

The supervisor had to ________
through the safety guidelines several times before she was convinced
that all the staff had understood.

  1. There are many jobs that my
    sister could do but she seems unwilling to ________ herself to

The varnish will not have a
smooth finish if you ________ it too liberally.

was attempting to complete the whole form until I realised that half
the questions didn’t ________ to me.

  1. Because he failed to ________
    up for the job interview, Mr Garrard has been crossed off the
    shortlist of applicants.

terms of recognition, Tamsin had little to ________ for all the
effort she’d put into reorganising the office.

Despite her poor reception in
New York, the artist was still keen to ________ her work across the
rest of the USA.

  1. Many people fail to recognise
    that the mind needs regular ________ just like any other part of the

Trying to get every member of
staff to take their holiday at a different time was a very
frustrating ________.

Every ________ in the book is
designed to build up your reasoning skills.

9. Using the data of various dictionaries compare the lexical valency of the words:

scrape, scrub; guilt, fault, blame; roam, wander, ramble, rove,
stray, walk around; value, worth, utility; fear, alarm, dismay,
panic; avert, avoid, evade.

10. Suggest a frame of your own for the concept “trade”.

Topic for presentation

  • Ideographic
    dictionary by P. Roget

Seminar 6. Homonymy and Paronymy

Homonymy. Sources of homonymy: convergent sound development (phonetic
change), borrowing, conversion, divergent meaning development (split
of polysemy), shortening. Classification by W. Skeat into perfect
homonyms, homophones and homographs. Classification by A.I.
Smirnitsky into lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical homonyms.
Full homonyms and partial homonyms. Homonymy and polysemy. Paronymy.
Definition of paronyms. Paronomasia.

Test Questions

  1. Give the definition of
    homonyms. Why is English so rich in homonyms?

  2. What
    is the most widely accepted classification of homonyms?

  3. What are the formal criteria which help to differentiate between
    polysemy and homonymy? Give examples.

  4. What
    words are defined as paronyms?

and assignments

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For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. You can use the «?» button to get a clue but by doing so you will lose points.



(v) move heaven and earth => to try very hard to achieve something.
(v) move in => to start to live in your new home.
(v) move on => to leave your present job and start doing another one.

(v) move the goalposts => to change the rules for something, or conditions under which it is done, so that the situation becomes more difficult for somebody.
(v) move in for the kill => to come closer to something in order to kill, defeat, or destroy it.


(adj) steady => firmly held in a particular position and not moving or shaking.
(adj) steady job => a regular job.
(adj) as steady as rock => very steady and unmovable; very stable.

(adj) steady relationship => someone that you have been having a romantic relationship with for a long time.
(adj) ready, steady, go! => what you say to tell people to start a race.


(n) pay sth back with interest => react to some harm by doing sth even worse.
(n) lose interest => stop being interested.
(n) place of interest => place that is interesting.

(n) vested interest => a strong reason for wanting something to happen because you will gain from it.
(n) in the interest of something => in order to help or achieve something.
(n) conflict of interest/interests => a situation in which you cannot do your job fairly because you will be affected by the decision you make.


(v) read through => to read something carefully from beginning to end.
(v) read sb’s mind => to guess what someone else is thinking.
(v) read sth from cover to cover => read all of sth because you are very interested.

(v) read between the lines => to guess someone’s real feelings from something they say or write, when they do not tell you directly.
(v) read somebody like a book => to understand easily what somebody is thinking or feeling.


(n) take sth on board => to listen to and accept a suggestion, idea etc.
(n) board and lodging => meals and a place to stay.
(n) across the board => involving everyone or everything in a company etc.

(n) sweep the board => to win everything that can be won, especially very easily.
(n) the boards => the stage in a theatre.
(n) full board => a type of accommodation in a hotel, etc. that includes all meals.
(n) have a seat on a board => be a member of a board.


Task 1.For questions 1-10, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.
1. I recognised Paul immediately as he has an unusual _______ of walking.
We had to walk along _______ to the beach after we’d parked the car.
We need to make some changes to the _______ in which we educate our children.
2. The government claimed that its _______ concern was to help the less well off.
Rice has become an extremely valuable _______ commodity in recent years.
The first school young children attend in England is known as a _______ school.
3. A strong magnetic _______ can be created under certain scientific conditions.
We must repair the fence in the _______ behind the farmhouse.
The scientist is well known in the _______ of medicine.
4. All the film reviews I read of Avatar recommended it very _______ indeed.
I know that Peter is _______ articulate, so I can understand why he likes public
Paula’s Strang’s new novel must be one of the most _______ publicised books of all
5. The psychologist asked his young patient to take a sheet of paper and _______ all over
it with coloured pens.
Simon’s father never told us exactly what he did for a job, so as children we could
only _______ the conclusion that he was a spy.
We were not getting anywhere with making a decision, so we decided to _______
a line under the discussion.
6. Years ago, if you came from the wrong kind of _______ , it was impossible to enter some careers.
The painting has an interesting _______ of brightly coloured trees and bushes.
Although the Minister seems to have some support, many of his colleagues prefer to remain in the _______ and keep their opinions to themselves.
7. As the traffic was not heavy, we managed to _______ 200 km in an hour and a half.
The course will _______ all the skills I will need in the future.
The light was so bright that I had to _______ my eyes.
8. When Frank saw Sally’s new car, he was _______ with envy.
The committee is totally against any new building in a _______ belt area.
I obviously haven’t got _______ fingers because I can’t get anything to grow.
9. Could you _______ out how much I owe you?
I can’t get my new camera to _______ properly.
The students felt they would _______ more efficiently if they had their own computers.
10. So what do you ¬_______ of everything going on at the school at the moment?
I’ve been asked to _______ a speech when Anna gets her music prize.
I’d like to _______ a bit more money if I could, because the cost of living is rising all the time.

Переведем все предложения, чтобы понять, о каком слове идет речь:

  1. I had plenty of time to … before my train left. — Мне нужно было … столько времени перед тем, как мой поезд наконец отправится.
  2. Gerald managed to … everyone’s enthusiasm for the film by revealing the ending. — Джеральд смог … заинтересованность каждого перед фильмом, разболтав о его концовке.
  3. Susanna, wearing a stunning black number, was dressed to … . — Сьюзанна в этом сногсшибательном черном наряде была рождена, дабы … .

Можем предположить, что необходимое слово — убивать, сражать наповал, — to kill

  1. I didn’t meet a … interesting person at the party. — Я не встретила ни … интересной души на этой вечеринке.
  2. As a … mother, I know how difficult is to raise children. — Как мать-… я уж знаю, как сложно растить детей.
  3. A … ticket to Northampton costs 28 and a return costs 40. — … билет к Нотемптону стоит 28, а обратный и вовсе 40.

Предполагаемое слово — один, одиночка, единственный, — single.

Completa los recuerdos de Gina con los verbos indicados en el pretérito o en el imperfecto para expresar acontecimientos no intencionales. Luego di si las oraciones se refieren a Gina o a su gemelo, Pablo. (7)

De niña yo era buena estudiante, pero un poco distraída. Me encantaba la clase de arte. Más que nada me gustaba esculpir, pero siempre (1) (caer) el pincel y la maza. Y una vez (2) (ir) la mano con el cincel y la escultura quedó arruinada. Cuando pintaba, siempre (3) (acabar) mis colores favoritos, porque a la maestra frecuentemente (4) (olvidar) comprar pintura.
Mi hermano gemelo, Pablo, por otra parte, estaba loco por los deportes. Una vez fuimos con mis padres a un partido de fútbol profesional. Mientras conduciamos al estadio, (5) (descomponer) el coche. Llegamos tarde y al entrar, en la taquilla un empleado nos dijo Lo siento, ya (6) (agotar) los boletos. Así que no pudimos ver el partido.
Para mí era más divertido ir a ver los partidos de béisbol de Pablo. Jugaba muy bien. Casi nunca (7) (caer) la pelota. Pero si recuerdo que una vez cuando hacia mucho sol, a Pablo (8) (perder) de vista la pelota y (9) (caer).

a. Casi nunca se le caía la pelota.
b. Siempre se le caían cosas en la clase de arte.
c. Era un poco distraído(a).
d. Una vez tuvo un problema con una escultura.
e. Le gustaba jugar al béisbol.

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