Things that changed the word

Presentation on theme: «THINGS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD»— Presentation transcript:






TASK 1: Making meaningful sentences from the chart orally.
STARTER TASK 1: Making meaningful sentences from the chart orally. Nikon cameras Champagne Ferrari cars Whisky IKEA furniture is are made in Scotland. Sweden. France. Italy. Japan.








Ex: She developed her company from nothing. Ex: Nation’s growth depends mainly on the development of economy.






PASSIVE VOICE Definition: Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action. Example: My bike was stolen.


PASSIVE VOICE A: S + V + O P: S + BE – V3 + by O FORM: Ex:
1. Whilhem built the first X-rays machine in 1986. => The first X-ray machine was built in 1896 by Whilhem. 2. They use X-rays machines everyday. => X-ray machines are used everyday. A: S V O P: S BE – V by O


PASSIVE VOICE What is the main interest of sentences below? X-rays or Wilhelm Roentgen? Which sentence is active? Which is passive? A. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays. B. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.


PASSIVE VOICE When is passive voice used?
=> When we are more interested in the object of the active sentence, we use the passive.


PASSIVE VOICE Work in pairs to do Task 2 in your text book, page 79. After that, some pairs will be chosen to answer these questions orally.


READING TASK 3: Read the passage again and do the following task which I’ll give you later.


SUMMARY Complete the summary below with vocabularies in the passage.
There was a great invention which was _________ by accident. That was ________ . The first X-rays photograph ____________ by Wilhelm Roentgen, a __________ scientist.


SUMMARY By inventing X-rays, Wilhelm won the very first _________ in Physics. So far, ________ and _______ still have used it everyday. It ‘s said to be the _________ into the human body.


SUMMARY It has been useful for other things, too. At the airport, the police can recognize __________ in the ________ luggage. Besides, many ______ ______of art can be saved thanks to ________. Lastly in _________ , lots of mistakes _________, using X-rays. X-rays can completely __________ in the future.



Change is an inevitable occurrence that the world has to face, or shall we say evolution? Well, it sounds more convenient that way, for when time passes the world does not only change from one state to another, but it actually experiences progress, development and innovation. For example, imagine mentioning the word Facebook and someone frowning upon it. Weird, isn’t it? This scenario is actually acceptable if we were still in the 60’s, but in our 21st century, that would be very odd. Check out this list of the top 10 inventions that have had a great impact on the world, and in point of fact, changed it forever.

10 The Internet

Few years before the internet was brought into being, it was hard to believe that there would be a technique that will let you have an insight into the other side of the world while you are resting on your own sofa. The fact is that all inventions are always hard to believe until they come into our world. The internet is one of these inventions that sounded too imaginary to be true, but fortunately it became true and the world changed forever. Needless to say, the internet has made the world a smaller place and, on the whole, has made communication across the globe much easier. Now, nothing is simpler than either getting in touch with someone who lives at the other side of the world or gathering information about anything just in a blink of an eye.

9 The Camera

The camera is actually one of the best inventions brought into this world because not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a strong memory to remember little details that took place in their lives a long time ago. Even if you are someone who is able to recall things, you would not mind capturing the best moments in your life. Thanks to the camera invention, it’s possible for everyone to keep their unsurpassed times, even if it was just a moment, forever.

8 Wheels

You are not sure how wheels would be an invention that changed the world, right? Well, have you ever thought how people, during the Stone Age, used to locate heavy objects from one place to another? Or have you thought about how the pyramids of Egypt were built? Sure wheels played a great role in creating such things; it must have been very tiring to move these things manually that someone was too fed up to the extent that he actually had to use his brain so hard to come up with such creation. Another way in which wheels had added to the world is that it is the main reason for innovating means of transportation.

7 Cell Phones

Phones, in general, were great inventions since they helped people communicate with one another through a handle and a wire. And since the universe develops and experiences great progression, with time, cell phones were blissfully welcomed into our world. When cell phones were first invented they were the best, and in fact the only method used for reaching someone regardless your place. Later, cell phones became of more uses than just calling and receiving calls; they literally became your own little world where you can use the internet, chat with friends, read books, listen to your favorite music and doing basically everything.

6 Refrigerators

If you are a food lover, then we believe that you are totally aware of all the inventions the world offers for saving your food. Refrigerators can be underestimated, but it’s because you were not born in the ages when you hunt your own food, and can hardly keep the rest of it to the following day, especially when it is hot. This invention highly assisted in keeping your food clean and cold as well as saving your leftovers. So if you ever have pizza at midnight and just slept before finishing it, you can keep the rest in the refrigerator and have them at breakfast. Best invention ever!

5 Electricity

Needless to say, electricity will always remain on the top of the inventions that the world has ever offered. Well let’s be precise, electricity was not really invented, but rather discovered because it has existed ever since the globe was brought into being, but it just took one brilliant person to unravel the treasure of this world, and everyone on this planet is actually grateful for such discovery, or else we would not have been able to watch TVs, have lights in our homes, or use all the technologies available.

4 Airplanes

Have you ever thought how people used to travel quite long distances, from one country to another, long before planes existed? Well, of course they made use of animal’s strengths and versatility for their own advantage and also used wagons, but the thing is, it took long days, and even months, to reach the desired destination. Thanks to airplanes, these long journeys are now shorter, easier, simpler and more fun actually.

3 Vehicles

Vehicles, like cars and trucks, are as great as planes, except that they do not fly and of course not the same speed, but they are still of a great use on land. Cars made people’s lives easier because you will easily move from one place to another without having to walk for long distances, except that the traffic jam will not promise you a fast arrival, but cars are still great inventions.

2 Pens & Papers

Maybe people do not realize the importance of pen and paper, but how else would we pass knowledge, science and the history of the world to the upcoming generations. The internet is there for sure, but that does not make papers of any less importance, especially that the internet has not actually made pens and papers disappear; they are still significent to the world.

1 Social Media

You probably have expected to find social media on this list; it probably has to be on the very top of it as well because we all know how social media has affected our world. No matter what platform you use, whether Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, the best part about social media is that you get to reconnect with old friends you have lost along the way and you also get the chance to meet new people that share your same interests and passion. Social media has definitely made a great contribution to the world, but on the other hand, just as everything has its pros and cons, it made people more detached from each other, even if they seem very sociable on these applications, and more attached to their virtual worlds.

It is inevitable that words change their meanings over time but it is still interesting to know the English words the meanings of which became very different from what they mean originally.

You might be surprised to know that the words you’ll find here are mostly words that you use regularly. It is a regular occurrence and the change of meaning could be narrowed or broadened. An example of this is the word ”hound.” Previously, a canine is traditionally called hound, while dog is used to indicate a canine that is fierce and big. The term ”dog” became the common term, which is broadening its meaning. The meaning of ”hound” became narrow as it now only refers to hunting dogs. Dogs of smaller breeds, especially, including Chihuahuas and toy dogs should never be called hounds.

Some of the narrowing and broadening of the meaning of words happened randomly. The question whether someone drinks refers to imbibing alcoholic drinks rather than all liquids. Previously, enjoying music means enjoying classical music, nothing else. When you say you enjoy reading today, it more or less means that the person is reading fiction instead of books on various subjects including history, science, nature and the like.

Intuitive and transformative shift

The changing of the meaning of words follows a mild transformative and intuitive direction. In the old days ”meat” referred to all items related to food, which is why ”candy” is called sweetmeat. Now meat solely pertain to flesh, which, while narrowed stayed within the sphere of food.

Some of the shift was lateral. Bird for example used to refer to a baby animal before it became the overall term for flying animals, which used to be called ”fugol.” The latter narrowed and changed to ”fowl” and now refers to birds raised in farms such as hens, geese, ducks and turkeys.

Distant shifts

The meanings of many English words today are very far from the original because of implications.


One of them is the word ”audition” that seems to have the root word that refers to ”audio.” Today, when you hear the term, what easily comes to mind is a person trying out for a film or play.

However, when ”audition” first came to be used, the word was used by doctors to mean that a patient’s hearing would be better once the ears are cleared of whatever is blocking the sound.

In 19th century England, the term for tryouts became ”hearings” because at that time trying out for plays means listening to a person reciting something, which writers turned into something fancier by using the word ”audition.”

The word stuck and used primarily to mean trying out for a performance while hearing became the term that refers to sound perception.


Commodity now refers to staple products the quantity of which remains constant regardless of producers. The term is commonly used when referring to futures contracts that ensure uniformity in price even when the market fluctuates.

When the word was first used, it referred to comfort, for example, in accommodation, meaning indulging in personal comforts, such as enjoying the pleasure of staying in bed or spreading your body on a cozy sofa.

The current meaning is very distant for the original intent – from feeling comfortable to being products in the futures market, which is about financial contracts.


The word ”fine” came from the French word, ”fin” or end. Today, it has evolved to mean something that is ”the best,” ”the ultimate” or ”the top of the line.” Thus, initially fine, means either something of high quality or the end. The high quality meaning is what made it into the English language, which became associated with something delicate. It implies top quality as the item was produced with high precision.

However, there are other used for the word fine. When someone is asked how they are doing, the standard reply is he/she is fine. In this context, the word fine implies that the person is not hurt, is feeling great or in good health. The meaning extends to other things, such as the payment for a minor violation.

When you watch a French film, you are still likely see the word ”fin” at the end before the credits. But outside France, fine means something else.


The original meaning of the word ”minority” was a ”small portion” of something, which means that it was a technical term. However, today the word is generally used as a demographic term. When you say minority, the implication is that you refer to people of color. In the minds of many Americans, minority refers to Latino and Black people. So even if the Whites were outnumbered by Latinos or Blacks, they would never be referred to as minority because they do not have dark complexions.


Merry is a word the original meaning of which is very different from how it is used today. In the past, ”merry” meant ”short.” It is because something short or brief is pleasant. Now merry means joy, gaiety, full of merriment, fun, lively and so on. The English language already had a word ”short” in the early days, however, it meant ”sliced off.”

Merry had a long past as well. It started from the steppes in Ukraine where most of the languages in Europe originated. Merry came from the word ”mregh” that became ”brakhion” in Greece. It was a term used for the upper arm, as physically, the lower arm is longer than the upper arm. Brakhion entered the Latin language as ‘brakh” but ended as a pastry term, as in brachitella or bread that resembles folded arms. Old German adopted the term as brezitella that morphed into brezel in Middle High German, which is now known as pretzel.

In the French language, brach referred to shoulder straps that extended to mean the chemise worn by children. Brach evolved into brassiere which was shortened to ”bra.”

In a sense, pretzel and bra are the same as merry, although the evolution that happened gradually means that it would be impossible today to use the three words in a sentence that would make sense.

Awful and awesome

Both words came from ”awe,” which is an Old English word that originally meant dread, terror or fear. When used to refer to God, it meant respectful or reverential fear. Awesome and awful used to be synonyms, but in the 19th century however, awful became a term that is synonymous to the emotion’s negative aspect thus it usually refers to something very bad or something frightful. Awesome on the other hand became the term used to mean mind-boggling, stunning or marvelous, which were cited initially in a 1980 publication called Official Preppy Handbook.

old dictionary with page open, showing side tabs

Old dictionary with page open, showing side tabs

Opposite meaning

The meaning of words will continue to change as long as there are speakers of the language. Some of the meanings shift to become the opposite of the original while some become complimentary or otherwise.


From the Anglo-Norman language to classical Latin to English, the word ”nice” used to refer to someone ”ignorant” from the Latin word ”nescius.” Starting from the 1300s up to the 1600s the meaning was the same – ignorant, foolish or silly. But during the same period, nice took on different meanings, from being dissolute, wanton, cowardly, effeminate, lazy, intricate, sluggish, refined to elegant.

In the 16th century the meanings changed to sharp, attentive, meticulous. When the 18th century arrived, the meanings lost much of its prestige; it gained the meaning we use today, such as pleasant or agreeable.


Dinner started from the French word ”disner” that originated from the Latin term, ”disjejunare” or breaking the fast. Thus it originally referred to the first meal you have for the day. Through the evolution of the word, it was used to refer to the day’s main meal, which is still used in some circles. For the fashionable and professional classes today, as mentioned in the Oxford English Dictionary, dinner now refers to the largest meal taken in the evening. The last meal served during the day is called supper, which is seldom used today. The current meaning is a light meal in the early evening if you had dinner in the middle of the day. You could also have supper before you go to bed.


Naughty people in the 1300s were those who had naught or nothing. It meant they were either needy or poor. A millennium later, the meaning shifted to someone morally wicked or bad or someone who was worth nothing. So the meaning changed from having nothing to someone sexually provocative, promiscuous or licentious. But in the late 17th century other meanings were added to naughty. These are gentler terms, often used to refer to children who display misbehavior, disobedience or mischievousness.

Several more English words have changed meanings. Silly for example used to mean blessed or worthy before the meanings became vulnerable or weak. Today, it is mainly used to refer to someone foolish. Some are more difficult to comprehend, such as clue coming from the word ”clew” meaning a ball of yarn to being important pieces of evidence. Fathom used to mean, ”to encircle with your arm” whereas today it means understanding something after spending time to think about it.

It does not matter if the meanings of many English words continue to change. The human translators of Day Translations, Inc. will always use the most applicable words to accurately translate your documents. They are all native speakers and located around the world to serve your translation requirements quickly and efficiently. We serve clients 24/7, 365 days a year. So contact us for translation services anytime by calling us at 1-800-969-6853 or sending us an email at Contact us.

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Words are an important part of communication. Perhaps, some might argue, the most important part. But words are ever-changing, and what a word means today doesn’t always align with what it meant years ago. In this article, we explore 32 words that have changed meaning over time.

The history of the English language is a long and winding road, leading words to take on new meanings as time has gone by. Some words have retained their original meaning while others have been given entirely new ones. The interesting thing about these changes is that they reflect how society has evolved over the years – from kings ruling kingdoms to computers dominating offices and homes across the globe.

Now, as we face even more societal changes – such as gender identification, cultural appropriation, and inclusion – words that we used to toss about on a daily basis will need to change again.

There are words that were once used to describe people or things in a very different way than they do now. That’s because the English language – and language in general – is a living organism: it changes through time and across cultures in order to reflect the needs of that society. Words that have changed meaning over time don’t usually do so by accident. Or, at least, they didn’t used to.

Sometimes words just take on different meanings as colloquialisms change over time, but often words were given new meaning by those in power – such as monarchs or presidents ruling a country who specified the language used within their domain.

The history of English has a lot to do with power struggles: from kings trying to control their kingdoms with words to tyrants waging wars for global domination. And sometimes words that have changed meaning did so simply because it’s more fun than keeping things traditional. Plus, pop culture plays a role in how words are used as we are increasingly exposed to sayings and meanings that we might never have seen without Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

If you love words as much as I do, you’ll love some of these Words of Wisdom posts featuring some stunning quotes on various subjects, including:


Here we look at 32 words with meanings that have changed throughout history. We also see how these changes represent societal progress over time! Examples include useful words like ‘awful’, ‘unbelievable’, and ‘gay’ but there are many others for your enjoyment too!

The Word Nice

In the past, this word used to mean “simple” or “foolish”. It was meant as a derogatory comment about someone’s less-than-stellar mental capacities. Nowadays, it has a very different – and much “nicer” – meaning.

The Word Silly

The space that Nice used to occupy is now owned by Silly. Today, this is used to refer to someone who is “foolish” or acts in a way that’s immature. However, it comes from an Old English term meaning “blessed”. This word morphed over time from “blessed” to “pious” to “innocent” to “harmless” to “pitiable” to “week” to “feeble” over the course of several centuries.

The Word Unbelievable

This word originated as a contraction of words meaning “not able” and “to believe”. It meant exactly what the word says – unable to believe. In order words, you were accusing the person of lying. However, nowadays it is used to describe something as “very good or impressive”.

The Word Dumb

In the past, this word meant someone who was mute or silent – either by choice or by physical restriction. Today’s meaning relates more to mental state as a dumb person can say a lot of dumb things.

The Word Awful

This is another example of a derogatory term having been transformed from something that used to have positive connotations. Awful meant impressive, great, or worthy of respect (aka Full of Awe), and could be good or bad depending on its usage. Now, something that is awful is never very good!

The Word Fizzle

Fizzle used to be a word that described the sound made by gas escaping from something, such as drinks (or the human body)! The word has since been adopted in English slang and is now used to describe something that fails to perform as expected.

The Word Glamour

To think of something that has Glamour, one tends to think of opulence, such as Hollywood Glamour, but this word was originally used to refer to a magical enchantment.

The Word Mad

Mad is an adjective that meant “insane” or “crazy”, a way to describe someone who had severe mental problems! To ask someone “Are you mad?” had VERY serious potential consequences back in the day. Not only have these meanings softened over time, but “Mad” can now be used in a positive way, such as complimenting someone on their “Mad Skills, bro!”

The Word Sick

In the past, this was a noun meaning someone with a severe illness or disease – it was not used when someone simply felt unwell. Although it is still used in that way today, it has also expanded and has – in recent years – been adopted in English slang to describe something as “cool”.

The Word Wench

Wench is a word that has an interesting and somewhat surprising history. It first came into the English language as words describing children of both genders – it was even used to describe a young boy or apprentice – although it was more commonly used to refer to a female child. It was only later words used to describe female servants.

The Word Fathom

Fathom is a word that was used to describe the act of measurement. To “Fathom” something was to measure it using your outstretched arms to measure something. Now, instead of wrapping your arms around something, it means to figuratively “wrap your mind around” an interesting concept. I can’t quite Fathom how this came to be. However, as with many words that have changed meaning over time, there are still traditional uses of the word, and Fathom is still often used to measure the water’s depth.

The Word Clue

Clue was used to describe a thread or “balls of yarn”. These balls were useful for finding your way through winding passages, and that’s how they started being used to describe a way of finding your way out of a difficult situation. Eventually, it evolved to describe any kind of guide, even something as simple as a hint or a suggestion!

The Word Gossip

Gossip originated from words describing those who sang in the choir. The choir would often gather around and “sing” (gossip) to one another about other members of their community!

The Word Naughty

Although naughty is used to describe children (or adults) who misbehave, that wasn’t always the case. This was used to describe a child too young to speak (had naught words), or those who were poor (had naught or nothing). It wasn’t until later that it was used to describe behavior.

The Word Spinster

In the past, Spinster was used to describe women who spun yarn. This evolved into a new meaning, describing single, working, or unmarried women!

The Word Bachelor

For the variation that applies to single men, the word bachelor originally described a young knight of the lowest rank. It wasn’t until later that this word started being used to describe an unmarried man.

The Word Flirt

Flirt was used to describe something that fluttered or flickered, like a bird’s wings! Now it has a more negative connotation to describe someone who is insincere and attention-seeking, or someone playing with another’s emotions.

The Word Hussy

This is another word that completely changed its meaning over time, as it was originally used to refer to the mistress of a household (aka a housewife). Now, it takes on a much less reputable meaning.

The Word Quell

Back in the day, Quelling something or someone meant to kill it outright, now it takes on a much more subdued meaning (pun intended)!

The Word B*tch

This is another example of an offensive term that has been used in positive ways over time! It derives from the technical term for a female dog, which then transitioned to a derogatory descriptor for someone acting as such. Eventually, it became a generally disparaging description for an unliked female. Although even more recently, it is often used in a friendly way among social gatherings – but use it with caution!

The Word Dork

This is now used as a word to describe someone who is not very cool. However, the word ‘dork’ was originally another term for a male penis. Nowadays, it’s used in a more affectionate way, meaning something or somebody “nerdy” or perhaps even “super smart.”

The Word Maid

This originated in the Middle Ages when it was used to describe a woman who worked in domestic service. This word then evolved into meaning “a sexually pure or innocent young woman” (or old maid, which was meant to reference an older woman who never married and – therefore, it was assumed – remained a virgin). Eventually, it changed back to meaning those who helped with domestic chores.

The Word Senile

Senile was originally used to describe old people in general, but it changed over time to describe someone who has lost some (or all) of their mental faculties with age.

The Word Punk

This word started out life as words referring to a young boy or servant! It could even be related words describing the devil in Christian texts. Nowadays, we use words to describe those who are disaffected or antagonistic… or a type of music.

The Word Gay

Gay started out as describing those who were happy and carefree. It was even used to describe a type of fabric! Now it is used primarily to refer to homosexual men (and sometimes women). However, it further developed into a derogatory and sometimes offensive term to refer to something being “bad” or “stupid”. With the continued LGTBQ+ rights movement, the derogatory usage of the word “Gay” has been reduced substantially over the past few years, but you can still hear people comment that something is “So Gay!” in a negative way.

The Word Nerd

In the past, Nerd described unsophisticated or boorish people, now it takes on a different meaning altogether! It is words describing someone who is overly intellectual or beyond geeky.

The Word Hipster

Although Hipster was originally used to describe someone who wore a specific style of clothing, it has taken on words that relate more specifically to fashion and counter-culture.

The Word Egregious

Egregious was used to describe something that was not common or ordinary. So, if you were distinguished or eminent, you could be egregious. Such as being an egregious doctor. Now egregious behavior is more likely to be considered offensive and unnecessary!

The Word Queue

Queue words originally referred to a tail, and it has evolved into words referring to a line of people. It’s hard to imagine where this will go next, but I’d line up to see that!

The Word Quaint

Quaint was originally used to describe something that was old-fashioned or out of the ordinary. Now quaint has taken on more of a cute and homey meaning, and can often be considered diminutive.

The Word Myriad

Myriad words used to have a specific number, 10,000. So if you had a Myriad of something, you had 10,000 of that particular item. Nowadays, myriad just means a more general sense of quantity, as in having a LOT of something, without specifying a certain number. For example, Art & Home carries a myriad of Tapestry Wall Hangings. If I said this back in the day, it would not be true… as we don’t – quite – have 10,000 of them. Today, with over 2,000 of them to choose from, this word applies.

The Word Scurvy

Scurvy originally referred to someone who was infested with lice, but it has taken on a different meaning altogether! Although still not a pleasant situation, this is one of the words that have changed meaning within a similar category at least.

In Conclusion – Words That Have Changed Meaning

There are plenty of words that have changed meaning over time, and it will continue to happen as time continues to march on.

Words change their meaning as time goes on and as our understanding of the English language changes over time! Although words may seem like they are set in stone without much leeway for variation, it is interesting to note how these words have shifted and can continue to shift with time and context.

And I would not be at all surprised to see these words, and others, continue to change their meanings as time marches onward.

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Unit 10: Things that changed the world

Unit 10: Things that changed the world

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới)

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới) v This is the first X-ray Photograph. it was taken by a German Scientist, in 1896. It is his Wife’s hand. the bones in her hand ( and also her wedding ring) are clearly seen in the photo. v Đây là hình chụp Xquang đầu tiên. Nó đã được thực hiện bởi một nhà khoa học Đức, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, vào năm 1896. Nó là hình chụp tay của vợ ông ấy. xương trong tay cô ấy (và cũng có nhẫn cưới) được thấy rõ trong bức ảnh. www. themegallery. com LOGO

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới)

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới) v X-rays were discover by accident, while Roen. Tgen was experimenting with electricity. Soon after, he built the fist X-rays machine. immediately, hospital operation were made much safer. For the fist time, doctor could see inside people’s bodies before they cut them open! In 1901; Roentgen Was awarded the very fist Nobel Prize in Physics. His invention is still used every day by doctors and dentists, and is called ‘ the window into the human body’ v Tia X đã được khám phá một cách tình cờ, trong khi Roentgen đã thử nghiệm với điện. Ngay sau đó, ông đã xây dựng máy X-quang. ngay lập tức, bệnh viện đã được thực hiện an toàn hơn nhiều. Đối với lần đầu, bác sĩ có thể nhìn thấy bên trong cơ thể của người dân trước khi mổ cho họ! Năm 1901; Roentgen Được trao giải Nobel về Vật lý. Phát minh của ông vẫn còn được sử dụng hàng ngày bởi các bác sĩ và nha sĩ, và được gọi là ‘cửa sổ vào cơ thể con người’ www. themegallery. com LOGO

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới)

A photograph that changed the world ( Bức ảnh đã thay đổi thế giới) v Kể từ khi giới thiệu hình v Since the introduction of computer imaging in the ảnh máy tính vào những 1970 s, X-rays Machines năm 1970, máy X-quang have been used for other đã được sử dụng cho things, too. At Arports, những việc khác. Tại sân many criminals have been caught with illegal item in bay , bọn tội phạm đã bị their luggage. Also, lost bắt với những thứ bất hợp works of art have been pháp trong hành lý của discovered underneath chúng. Ngoài ra, những tác other painting. In factory, many faults in new phẩm nghệ thuật bị mất đã products are found every được phát hiện bên dưới vẽ day, using X-rays. There is khác. Trong nhà máy, no Doubt that new uses for nhiều lỗi trong các sản X-ray will be developed in the future. phẩm mới được tìm thấy mỗi ngày, bằng cách sử dụng X-quang. Không có nghi ngờ rằng tác dụng mới của X-quang sẽ được phát triển trong tương lai www. themegallery. com LOGO

PASSIVE VOICE Company name v A: FORM S + be + Vpp/ed + by

PASSIVE VOICE Company name v A: FORM S + be + Vpp/ed + by O — How to change into the passive voice: + active: S + V + O + passive: S+ be +P 2 + by O

PASSIVE VOICE TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE 1. Simple present 2. Simple past 3. Simple future

PASSIVE VOICE TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE 1. Simple present 2. Simple past 3. Simple future 4 presen continuos 5. Past continuos 6. Present perfect 7. Past perfect -S + Vs/es -S + V 2/ed -S + Will/can +Vo -S + am/is/are + Ving -S + Was/were + Ving -S + Has/have + Vpp/ed -S + had + Vpp/ed -S+be+Vpp/ed -S+was/were+Vpp/ed -S+Will/can+be+Vpp/ed -S+am/is/are+being+Vpp/ed -S+was/were+being+vpp/ed -S+has/have+been+Vpp/ed -S+Had+been+Vpp/ed

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  • Things get better word
  • Thick with a word
  • They were wrong spoken word
  • They were gone without a word
  • They use this word in several meaning