They have a car which word goes in the gap

Сегодня мы потренируем составление общих вопросов в английском языке.

В этом уроке 8 упражнений с ответами, и вы сразу сможете проверить правильность выполнения.

Общие вопросы – это вопросы, на которые требуется ответ “Да” или “Нет” (их еще называют Yes/No questions). Они начинаются с глагола, который зависит от времени.

В Present Simple общие вопросы образуются так:

you are are you?
he is is he?
they play do they play?
she reads does she read?

схема составления общих вопросов в английском языке

Упражнение 1.  Заполните пропуски, используя Do или Does

  • Как правильно использовать Do и Does?


_____ he work? → Does he work?

Упражнение 2. Задайте общий вопрос, используя Do или Does


They have a car. → Do they have a car?

Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски, используя Is или Are

  • Am Is Are Do Does: правила употребления 


_____ he a driver? → Is he a driver?

Упражнение 4. Задайте общий вопрос, начиная с Is или Are


He is going to the beach. → Is he going to the beach?

Упражнение 5. Составьте общий вопрос из слов


Does / the radio / listen to / he? → Does he listen to the radio?

Упражнение 6. Задайте общий вопрос, используя Did, Was или Were

  • Правило употребления Was, Were, Did


They were late. → Were they late?

Упражнение 7. Соотнесите общие вопросы и ответы


Do they live in London? → No, they don’t.

Упражнение 8. Составьте вопрос к предложению, начиная со слова в скобках


He talks fast. (Does) → Does he talk fast?

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Примеры разных типов вопросов с переводом
  • Упражнения на общие вопросы в английском языке
  • Упражнения на разделительные вопросы
  • Упражнения на There is There are в английском

by Adam Skimins 1st March 2022


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50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE
C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3
C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 question type here is called word-formation.

For each gap you get one word in capitals which you have to change so the grammar and meaning fit in the sentence. Here you have to show how well you know word families and if you can change words by using prefixes and suffixes

50 Word Formation Exercises: CAE

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

They had to obey the decisions taken by the leadership of the party. LEAD

The news transmission has just finished and there was no mention of it. TRANSMIT

A guardian angel is believed to be a good spirit that protects each of us. GUARD

They tested the transparency of water in the village wells. TRANSPARENT

They have announced the nominees for the Oscars. NOMINATE

Psychologists show more insight into human character and behaviour. SIGHT

She spoke with disapproval of his impudent behaviour. DISAPPROVE

Unfortunately, slavery still exists in some parts of the world. SLAVE 

The thieves have stolen all my jewellery . JEWEL

The Princess looked stunningly beautiful at the wedding. STUN

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

During the war, a lot of refugees fled to America. REFUGE 

This woman has had two pregnancies in three years. PREGNANT

Some refreshments will be served at the end of this meeting. REFRESH

She will decorate her house regardless of the cost. REGARD

I counted on your discretion and you let me down. DISCREET

When I asked for his permission, I was met with a refusal . REFUSE

The principal took disciplinary measures against the culprits. DISCIPLINE

He was such a joker that I couldn’t tell when he was being serious. JOKE

I looked at them in speechless amazement. SPEECH

The general checked the readiness of the troops for battle. READY

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

After the death of his uncle, he became the lawful owner of the castle. LAW

Fishing is one of my favourite relaxations . RELAX

I dare say this is a subjective view of the problem. SUBJECT

Due to massive deforestation there is frequent landslide in this area. FOREST

The baby had watery eyes when he had measles. WATER

They will bury her remains the day after tomorrow. REMAIN

I need four widths of cloth for my kitchen curtains. WIDE

The professor’s elaborate lecture was incomprehensible to most of us. COMPREHEND

When she saw the results of the exam, her disappointment was obvious. DISAPPOINT

London Promenade Orchestra is one of the most prestigious in the world. PRESTIGE

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

The transcription of this document will take me about twenty minutes. TRANSCRIBE

In this profession men outnumber women by two to one. NUMBER

Alice looks fantastic in her new dress. FANTASY

This time he had an unpredictable reaction. PREDICT

Suddenly we saw a ghostly figure in the darkened room. GHOST

She made several references to your remarks. REFER

We need extra storage place either in the loft or in the cellar. STORE 

What is the most significant event in your life? SIGNIFY

His avoidance of talking to me that evening surprised me. AVOID 

That business transaction took us several days. TRANSACT 

She has had several recurrences of her illness lately. RECUR 

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

 Your signature on this document means that you agreed to it. SIGN 

The doctor wanted to know if my knee was still painful . PAIN

She has had this scar on her forehead since babyhood. BABY

I had my eyes tested last week, at my wife’s insistence. INSIST

Oxygen is a gaseous element of paramount importance for life. GAS

Wild animals live in captivity and sometimes in neglect in a zoo. CAPTIVE

What is your opinion about the recuperative powers of certain substances ? RECUPERATE

The woman’s voice was unmistakably Margaret’s. MISTAKE

As a result of shrinkage this shirt is now too small to wear. SHRINK

If we allow this man to go unpunished, it will seta precedent . PRECEDE

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3


  1. Read the text for general understanding.
  2. Decide what type of word you need for each gap (e.g. noun, adjective, etc.).
  3. Look at the whole sentence, not just al the line containing the gap.
  4. You may need to add a prefix or suffix to some words.
  5. Read through the text and check that your words make sense.
  6. Check your spelling.


You need to read the whole text to get the writer’s opinion on the topic.  That’s because sometimes a negative prefix will be required. There is usually at least one word requiring a negative prefix, so look out for these.

In the exam always write something. You never know, you might be lucky even if you are not sure of the answer!

C1 Advanced (CAE) Use of English: Part 3 Example Test

Use the word in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
For each question, write your answer in the gap.

The story of muscle cars

Muscle cars were never intended to be valuable. In fact, the whole idea behind muscle cars was to make them inexpensiveEXPENSIVE and fast. Muscle cars were stripped-down versions of the most utilitarianUTILITY homely, and basic mass-produced cars to ever roll out of Detroit. These rattle trap, bare-bones, crude devices were built to conform to a price point with little regard given to sophistication or longevityLONG, and aimed squarely at the youthYOUNG market. And this market couldn’t get enough of them. These were the cars every red-blooded American kid wanted. The image, the speed, the lifestyle were all highly addictive.

Looking back, the muscle car years were relativelyRELATIVE brief moment in time that we will never see the likes of again. It was a perfect storm, just what the market wanted, and was presented at the right place at the right time. So how did these seemingly disposableDISPOSE cars, built-in large numbers and owned by kids who literallyLITERAL tried to kill them from the first twist of the key, become so valuable? More importantly, why did they become so valuable? Most people are astounded when they hear the recent sales results of the most desirableDESIRE muscle cars. We call them two-comma cars, cars that are worth so much money that you need two commas to separate all the zeroes in the price.

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На чтение 9 мин. Опубликовано 24.05.2020 Обновлено 24.05.2020

Упраж­не­ние 1. Join two sentences using a relative pronoun (Со­еди­ни­те два пред­ложе­ния, ис­поль­зуя от­но­си­тель­ное ме­сто­име­ние)

Example: I wrote to the friend. He had a birthday last week. – I wrote to the friend who/that had a birthday last week.

I bought a house. It was nice.
Alice has got a friend. He dances well.
He received the letter. He was waiting for it.
Max has become an actor. You met him last year.
I was happy to get a letter from my friend. He has been travelling around the world.
This dress costs a lot of money. It has a handmade embroidery.
I forgot to print the article. I wrote it yesterday.
The boy was sad. His bike was broken.


I bought a house which/that was nice.
Alice has got a friend who/that dances well.
He received the letter which/that he was waiting for.
Max who/that you met last year has become an actor.
I was happy to get a letter from my friend who/that has been travelling around the world.
This dress whose embroidery is handmade costs a lot of money.
I forgot to print the article which/that I wrote yesterday.
The boy whose bike was broken was sad.

Упраж­не­ние 2. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate relative pronouns.

This is the store……….​was robbed last week.
The bag……….I bought is blue.
She wore a costume………..​made her look funny.
The girl………..​door was open was waiting for the guests.
The boy…………​rode a horse was very handsome.
This is the gadget………..​price is really high.

Упражнение 3. В данном упражнении необходимо вставить подходящее по смыслу и грамматическому правилу относительное местоимение.

1.That is the shop ____ was awarded as the best shop in the city.
2.The girl ____ brother goes with me to the gym is a good singer.
3.The man ____ broke into our house was caught in two days.
4.She visits her grandmother ____ lives in the countryside every summer.
5.She was wearing a dress ___ looked like princess’.
6.The bookshelf ____ we bought last week has broken down.
7.The man ___ was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter.
8.A woman ____ son was crying paid no attention to him.
9.The woman ____ car had broken down on her way home spend 3 hours waiting for help.
10.My best friend ____ I know for years will never let me down.
11.He didn’t follow the instructions ____ he was given, so he failed to pass the test.
12.The girl ___ lived next door was very shy and couldn’t say a word to protect herself at school.
13.I need to buy a laptop ____ can work up to 5 hours without a charger.
14.My father ___ is a doctor has no idea how to repair a car.
15.The photo ____ is placed on the mantel was taken at the picnic two years ago.



Упражнение 4. Read the sentences and underline the relative pronouns (Прочитайте предложения и подчеркните относительные местоимения):

He met his teacher who was very strict. – Он встретил своего учителя, который был очень строгим.
He’s looking for a secretary that can use a computer well. – Он ищет секретаря, который хорошо умеет пользоваться компьютером.
You will see the house which is opposite the petrol station. – Ты увидишь дом, который напротив заправки.
The camera that costs about 200 pounds has been lost. – Фотоаппарат, который стоит около двух сотен фунтов, был потерян.
The little girl whose doll was broken is crying. – Маленькая девочка, чья кукла поломана, плачет.
The house whose roof is white belongs to my grandparents. – Дом, крыша которого белая, принадлежит моим бабушке и дедушке.



Упражнение 5. Поставьте подходящее относительное местоимение who, which, that, when, why, where или whose.

His sister, … name is Lara, works at the library.
Her last film, … I couldn’t understand at all, was a great success.
Give him something … will take away the pain.
I work in the town … my son lives.
We’ll show you the poem … changed my life.
Doctors, … claim money, are shameless.
Is there a shop near here … sells milk?
That’s the main reason … I came to you.
I’ll never forget my childhood … I was so happy.
People … live in flats shouldn’t have animals.
The car … he bought last month is fantastic.
This is the most beautiful waterfall … we have ever seen!


whose (Его сестра, чье имя Лара, работает в библиотеке.)
which/that (Ее последний фильм, который я совсем не понял, имел большой успех.)
that (Дай мне что-нибудь для снятия боли.)
where (Я работаю в том городе, где живет мой сын.)
which/that (Мы покажем вам стихотворение, изменившее мою жизнь.)
who (Врачи, требующие денег, бессовестны.)
that/which (Здесь есть поблизости магазин, продающий молоко?)
why (Это основная причина, почему я пришел к вам.)
when (Я никогда не забуду свое детство, когда я был так счастлив.)
who (Люди, проживающие в квартирах, не должны иметь животных.)
which/that (Машина, которую он купил в прошлом месяце, фантастическая.)
that (Это самый красивый водопад, который мы когда-либо видели!)

Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски, используя who, which, where, whose.

I don’t agree with people… say that all modern music is rub­bish.
That’s the music … I like best of all.
The shop … I bought this CD is next to the post office.
The man … party I went to is a composer.
I’ve broken the vase … you presented me.
That’s the only rock group … music I like.
Musicians … are really successful work hard.

Упражнение 7. Вставьте относительные местоимения, где нужно.

My uncle works for a company… makes cars.
The book is about the man … made wonderful things.
It seems … the Earth is the only planet… life exists.
Have you found the notebook …. you lost?
What was the name of the man… wife had been taken to the hospital?
Is there a shop near here … I can buy bread?
The reason… I am phoning you is to invite you to the party.
She game me the money, … I put in my pocket.

Упражнение 8. Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения.

1.Не is the man. He lives next door. 2. This is the picture. You presented to me last month. 3. These are the gloves. I found them on the train. 4. I met two actors. We watched them on TV show last night. 5. This is the house. My father built it many years ago. 6. The person got a reward. He took the lost wallet to the police station. 7. Where is the letter? I put it in the table.8. This is the picture. I took it on holidays.

Упражнение 9. Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения.

1.This is the house. I was born here. 2. That is the woman. She gave you the book. 3. That is the book. The woman gave it to you. 4. Where is the shop? You bought the book there. 5. Is that the man? He owns the shop. 6. Is that the woman? She married the man. He owns the shop. I bought the book there.

Упражнение 10. В данном тексте содержится 11 ошибок. Найдите и исправьте их.

The town which I was born has changed greatly over the last fifty years. Now there is a modern shopping center on the place that my school used to be and all the children whose went there have grown up and moved away. The local cinema, that was built several years ago, used to be a dance hall which big bands played. The park, where was my favourite place as a child, is now a car park. Some things are still the same though. Mrs Jones, whom is now seventy years old, still lives in the High Street and Mr Jones still owns the baker’s shop, that two sons now work instead of him. The hospital where I was born in is still standing, although it is now much bigger than it was at the time which I was born. On the day which my family and I left our town we were all very sad.


Choose correct letter.

1. __ is that sitting over there on the bench?
(a) Who (b) Whom (c) Which
2. I don’t understand a word __ you are speaking about.
(a) what (b) that (c) who
3. They have a very large house round __ there are some beautiful gardens.
(a) that (b) which (c) whose
4. I’m looking at the photograph __ you sent me with your email.
(a) which (b) who (c) whom
5. There is a new television program called: ‘__ wants to be a millionaire?’.
(a) Which (b) What (c) Who
6. I think you will see that this is the best museum __ you can find in the city.
(a) that (b) which (c) who
7. The police want to find out __ drove the green car into the shop window.
(a) who (b) who’s (c) whose
8. Did you meet the lady __ uncle works in the reception?
(a) who (b) whose (c) who’s
9. The person in the house next to mine knows someone __ met the King.
(a) who (b) whom (c) which
10. The grass, __ I cut every week, seems to grow really quickly.
(a) who (b) who’s (c) which


1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.c  6.ab 7.a 8.b 9.a 10 c

4. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first

1. They work for a company that sells computers.
They work for a company which … (sells computers).
2. Jack only played tennis in the past but now he plays rugby.
Jack didn’t … rugby.
3. The car was too small for six people.
The car wasn’t big …
4. It was the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
It was the least …
5. Mr. Jones was the man who helped her getthe job.
The man that …
6. She went to the library because she wanted to borrow a book.
She wanted to borrow a …

5. Correct two mistakes in each sentence.

1. He lost his job so he always was late.
He lost his job because he was always late
2. They never use to like watching sport but they love do it now.

3. The better time for me to study is at the night.

4. The film is about man which saved the world.

5. Did she used to ride a bicycle when she was child?

6. Why is he more happier than he use to be?

6. Underline the correct answer, a), b) or c)

1 We (b) to play in the street when I was young.
a) use b) used c) didn’t used
2. He’s studying … he wants to pass his exams.
a) so b) to c) because
3. She sent him a letter … contained her address.
a) which b) where c) who
4 Do we have … time to go to the bank?
a) too much b) enough c) very
5 What is … country you have visited?
a) greener b) greenes tc) the greenest
6 It’s hot and our food is covered in … flies.
a) the b) an c) —

7. Underline the correct alternative

1. She’s thinking about/to changing her job.
She’s thinking about changing her job.
2 Paul gave back/up an extremely well-paid job to work with children from poorfamilies.
3. If they’re bored with their work, they should look on/for new opportunities.
4. We used to dream with/about moving to ahot country and now we are.
5. He’s the multi-billionaire who invested on/in software ten years ago.
6. You should give all those old books away. They take up/out too much space.

8. Match 1–6 to a)–f) to make compound nouns.
1 photocopying f a)store
2 mountain b)features
3 window c) card
4 credit d) shopping
5 department e) range
6 geographical f) room

9. Complete the text with the words in the box
(abroad. coins. go. making. national. outdoors. playing. scenery. travel. treasure)

I spend a lot of time 1abroad for work and 2… around a lot as an actor. Lastyear I spent a month in a 3… park in Costa Rica for a film we were 4 …. there. I was 5 … the part ofa young woman who lives in a 6 …. rainforest. In the film, she finds a box of 7 …. which is full of gold 8 … and she uses this to help hervillage. There were no hotels there, so weslept 9 … in tents. It was an amazingplace and the 10 …. was beautiful. Ididn’t want to 11 …. home!

10. Choose the best response, a), b) or c)

1 A: Which animal is the largest in the world?
B: 1 c)

a) Perhaps it’s running the fastest?
b) Actually, no it can’t be.
c) It might be the blue whal

2. A: Can I help you?
B: No, thanks. 2 …

a) I look for a coat
b) I’m just looking.
c) Can I have a look?

3. A: Does the shirt fit OK?
B: Yes, it’s fine 3 …

a) I’ll take it.
b) I’m sorry.
c) Here’s your receipt.

4. A: Where’s the bookshop, please?
B: 4…

a) I think you have to go to the welfare office.
b) It’s next to the welfare office.
c) It opens at 10.

5 A: You want the lecture theatre? I’ll take you there.
B: 5….

a) Follow me. Thank you.
b) Yes, that’s right.
c) Thank you. That’s very kind

6. A: What’s the world’s largest lake?
B: The largest lake? 6 …

a) It might be.
b) Mmm. Let me think.
c) Maybe it’s in Russia.

11. Complete the conversation with one word in each gap.

A: Are you looking for anything 1in particular?
B: Yes, do you 2_______ those things for hanging pictures on the wall?
A: What? Picture hooks?
B: Yes, that’s it! 3____ I have six, please?
A: Yes, certainly. 4_____ you are.
B: These are 5______. Do you have them ina larger 6____ ?
A: Sorry, we don’t.
B: Is there another shop 7_____ I might find some?
A: I’m not sure. 8_____ Smart’s sell them.
B: Smart’s? Is it near here?
A: Yes. Go out of the shop and 9the first left.
B: Thank you so much

A hasn’t done B isn’t done C doesn’t do

10. When is the best time to call you? I usually ……. (work) till nine in the evening. Call me around ten, if you can.

A am working B work C works

Exercise 5

Fill in: beggars, breathtaking, excursion, craftsmen, countless, candlelit.

1. In the town there were _________ cafes, shops, temples and small hotels.

2. In the streets you could see ________ and shoeshine boys.

3. A __________ procession was a part of the festival.

4. The view of this lake was really _________!

5. _________ sell their handicrafts along the streets.

Exercise 6

Choose the correct future tense.

1. This time tomorrow, I will leave/will be leaving for the airport.

2. I will collect/will have collected you from Peter’s house on my way home.

3. ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I will finish/ will have finished it by the time the

holidays are over.’

4. ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I am spending/will have spent some time with my friends.’

5. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister will have taken/is going to take care of him, she’s a


Exercise 7

Put the adjectives into the correct form.

1. He lives a bit ( far) than his parents.

2. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

3. Is he (smart) person in the family? — No, his brother is much (smart) than he.

4. The job of a doctor is (hard) one in the world.

5. It was (bad) hotel in my life, it’s difficult to find something (bad).

Exercise 8

Make these adjectives negative using prefixes UN-; IL-; IM-; IR-; DIS-; MIS-; IN-; -LESS.

1.lucky, 2.understand,, 4.literate, 5.mortal.

Exercise 9

Choose the correct word.

1. Sahara is the biggest dessert/desert in the world.

2. The affect/effect of Mozart’s music is amazing!

3. I wondered weather/whether he liked classical music.

4. Due to climate changes the weather/whether is becoming more and more unpredictable.

5. If you loose/lose your credit card, don’t forget to block it.

Exercise 10

Choose the correct modal verb.

1) I think you might/should see a dentist.

2) You must/may be joking. No one could eat so many cakes.

3) It’s Sunday tomorrow. You mustn’t/needn’t wake up early.

4) Should/May I borrow the car tonight, please?

5) I wonder if Paul and Jim have got lost. They can’t/mustn’t get lost because they have got a map.

6) You must/ought to be very tired. Do you want to sleep for a while?

7) Should/May I borrow your pen, please?

8) I have to/could go to the grocery store. My fridge is empty.

9) Could/Should you pass me some sugar? I like sweet tea.

10) You must be/can’t be very proud of your son, he is a champion.

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