These sentences are answers to certain questions on the text printed word say what the

These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word».

Say what the questions are.

1) On tablets of wood or pieces of bark.

2) With thin stripes of leather or metal rings.

3) In Assyria and Babylonia.

4) From a tall plant.

5) About 39 B.

C. 6) The Chinese.

7) About 200.

8) His name was William Caxton.

9) In Moscow in 1564 10) The US Library of Congress.

Вы открыли страницу вопроса These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word»?. Он относится к категории
Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 — 9 классов.
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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

thin stripes of leather or metal rings
2in Assyria and Babylonia
4 from a tell plant
5 about 39 b.c.
6 the chinese
7 about 200
his names was William Caxton
9 in moscow in 1564
10 the US library og Congress

Ответ №1

1 How   were these tablets  held together ?
2 Where  were tablets  used for writing ?

5 When was the first public library  founded ?
6 Who were the first people to invent printing?
7 How many  presses were  by the end of the 15th century  over Europeand?
8 Whom was the first printing press set up in England ?
Whom was the first printing press set up in Russia ?
10 What
the great libraries of the world  can you   name?


тавить вопросы к ответам!):
1) On tablets of wood or pieces of bark.
2) With thin stripes of leather or metal rings.
3) In Assyria and Babylonia.
4) From a tall plant.
5) About 39 B.C.
6) The Chinese.
7) About 200.
8) His name was William Caxton.
9) In Moscow in 1564
10) The US Library of Congress.

1 ответ:



1) Where were
the earliest books written on?

2) How were
these tablets held together?

3) Where
were clay tablets used for writing?

4) From a tall
plant. – Не знаю! Выпиши из текста
предложение, в котором есть это словосочетание, а я задам вопрос )

5) When was
the first public library founded in Rome?

6) Who were
the first people to invent printing?


invented printing?

7) How many
presses were there in Europe by the end of the 15th century?

8) Whom was
the first printing press in England set up by?


What was
the name of a man who set up the first printing press in England?

9) When and
where was the first printing press in Russia set up?

10) What is
the world’s largest library?

<span> </span>

Читайте также

1. не знаю такой связки , просто так придумывать не буду
2.Where is Mr Thomas from ?
He is from Poland
3.What is she mad about ?
She is mad about English
4.Whom was Bill worried about ?
He was worried about Ann
5.Who will be afraid of crisis ?
Everybody will be afraid of crisis

<span>My holidays, as
usual, I spent with my grandmother in the village. I love to live
there. Next to the house there is a small forest and a river.  We swam and sunbathed, walked in
the forest,went hiking, had picnics and, of course, 
I helped my grandmother in the garden. 
August was the most interesting month. Finally, my
dream came true, and my parents and I went to Lviv.
It was great!  It was the first time when
I flew by plane! We ate out in a restaurant, walked around a
park, visited many museums and saw a lot of  art exhibitions, went to
a fontain.The second half of August I was at home.</span>

Will begin

<span><span>1.  Dessert (д</span>есерт)</span>

<span>- Sweet food served at the end of a meal, especially fruit. (<em>Сладкое
блюдо подаваемое в конце обеда, например фрукты</em>)</span>

<span><span>2.  Carry</span> out («еда на вынос»)</span><span>
A food service establishment from which customers take prepared food to
eat at some other place. Such as a car an office home or park. <em>(Учреждение общественного
питания, в котором клиенты берут приготовленную пищу, чтобы поесть в другом
месте. Например в автомобиле, офисе или парке</em>.)</span>

<span>3.  Convenience food. (продукты-полуфабрикаты)</span>

<span>- Food precooked to be served with a discount minimum of preparation.  (<em>Изделие, которое подверглось первичной обработке, но
нуждается в небольшой окончательной обработке, прежде, чем подается на стол</em>.)</span>

1) As soon as he SAW the monster, he ran off screaming 

2) What WERE you doing last night when I called?

Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

These are answers to several questions on the text. Make up the questions.

1. When Danny was four months old. — How old was Danny when his mother died?
2. No, he looked after Danny all by himself. — Did somebody help Danny’s father with looking after Danny?
3. No, Danny was an only child in the family. «Did Danny have a sister or a brother?

4. In an old gypsy caravan. — Where did the story happen?
5. He was a cheerful man. — What kind of person was Danny’s father?
6. One hundred and fifty years old. — How old was the caravan?
7. Particularly in the evenings. — When did Denny liked to spend time in gypsy caravan?
8. They had electric light in the workshop. — Where had they electric light ?

Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]

1. Когда Дэнни было четыре месяца — Что произошло, когда Дэнни было четыре месяца?
2. Нет, он сам присматривал за Дэнни. — Кто присматривал за Дэнни?
3. Нет, Дэнни был единственным ребенком в семье. — Кто был единственным ребенком в семье?
4. В старом цыганском караване. — Где произошла эта история?
5. Он был веселым человеком. — Каким человеком был отец Дэнни?
6. Сто пятьдесят лет. — Сколько лет было каравану?
7. Особенно по вечерам. — Когда Денни любил проводить время в цыганском караване?
8. У них был электрический свет в мастерской. — Откуда у них электрический свет?

Другие задания учебника учебника[править | править код]

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