These sentences are answer to certain questions on the text the printed word

These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word».

Say what the questions are.

1) On tablets of wood or pieces of bark.

2) With thin stripes of leather or metal rings.

3) In Assyria and Babylonia.

4) From a tall plant.

5) About 39 B.

C. 6) The Chinese.

7) About 200.

8) His name was William Caxton.

9) In Moscow in 1564 10) The US Library of Congress.

Вы открыли страницу вопроса These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word»?. Он относится к категории
Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 — 9 классов.
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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

thin stripes of leather or metal rings
2in Assyria and Babylonia
4 from a tell plant
5 about 39 b.c.
6 the chinese
7 about 200
his names was William Caxton
9 in moscow in 1564
10 the US library og Congress

Ответ №1

1 How   were these tablets  held together ?
2 Where  were tablets  used for writing ?

5 When was the first public library  founded ?
6 Who were the first people to invent printing?
7 How many  presses were  by the end of the 15th century  over Europeand?
8 Whom was the first printing press set up in England ?
Whom was the first printing press set up in Russia ?
10 What
the great libraries of the world  can you   name?

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word». Say what the questions are.
1) On tablets of wood or pieces of bark.
2) With thin stripes of leather or metal rings.
3) In Assyria and Babylonia.
4) From a tall plant.
5) About 39 B.C.
6) The Chinese.
7) About 200.
8) His name was William Caxton.
9) In Moscow in 1564
10) The US Library of Congress
Помогите пожалуйста очень нужно!

1 ответ:



1. What were the earliest books written on?
2. With what were the tablets held together on one side?
3 Where were the tablets used for writing?
4 ???
5 When was the first public library founded in ancient Rome?
6 Who were the first people to invent printing?
7 How many presses were there by the end of 15th century?
8 What was the name of a man who set up the first printing press in England?
9 Where and when was <span>the first printing press in Russia set up?</span>
10 What is the world’s largest library?

Читайте также

Есть сотни рыночных городов и деревень в Великобритании. Рынок Дрейтон Шропшира является типичным примером .the город между Англией и Уэльсом.

Имеется уличный рынок каждую среду , где вы можете купить типичные блюда и ADN напитки. есть домашнее варенье и есть фантастические торты. есть сыр из местных ферм . Там также есть конфеты и печенье и много других вкусных вещей , чтобы поесть в летние дни . посетители идут на рынок , чтобы купить еду для пикника , а затем пойти далеко прогуляться по пути рядом с каналом.

  1. Safety gates must be fit at the top and bottom of these stairs.
  2. Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.
  3. Excellent service is offered by the hotel.
  4. The museum has been visited so far by many people.
  5. The birds is directed by Hitchcock .
  6. The museum will be opened this Friday.

1. Is Marge making toffee apples?

2. Is Ben wearing a superman costume?

3. Children aren’t watching the firework display

4. What is she wearing?

5. Susan is not watching a film

6. Are you enjoying your holiday?

Черешня или смародина

1. I, I, I, They
2. They, They 
3. They, They
4. He, He, he, He
5. She, She
6. We, we
7. you, you, you
8. It, It, It

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

The text «The Printed Word» has got a lot of international words. Guess what they are.

  • tablet- таблица
  • cylinder — цилиндр
  • congress — конгресс
  • information — информация
  • catalogue — каталог
  • metal — металлический
  • secret — секрет
  • museum — музей
  • computer — компьютер
  • film — фильм
  • papyrus — папирус
  • standard — стандарт
  • public — публика
  • journal — журнал
  • collection — коллекция
  • manuscript — рукопись
  • electronic — электрический

Другие задания учебника учебника[править | править код]

    английский язык

1) On tablets of wood or pieces of bark.
2) With thin stripes of leather or metal rings.
3) In Assyria and Babylonia.
4) From a tall plant.
5) About 39 B.C.
6) The Chinese.
7) About 200.
8) His name was William Caxton.
9) In Moscow in 1564
10) The US Library of Congress.


19 апр. 2013 г., 21:53:48 (9 лет назад)


20 апр. 2013 г., 0:31:42 (9 лет назад)

Эти предложения являются ответами, чтобы cetain вопросы в тексте » предложений The These — ответы, чтобы cetain вопросы в тексте » The Printed Word». Поговорите в чем вопросы.1) В планшетах дерева (лес) или частей лая.2) С тонкими полосами кожанных или колец металла.3) В Assyria и Babylonia.4) С высокого завода.5) Около 39 B.C.6) Китаец.7) Около 200.8) Его зовут William Caxton.


20 апр. 2013 г., 2:04:51 (9 лет назад)

please! Write a short text(5-7 sentences) using at least 7 words from 10 word given below
To prevent.nervous.very,quite,


06 февр. 2018 г., 15:16:39 (5 лет назад)

1) Where were the earliest books written on?
2) How were these tablets held together?
3) Where were clay tablets used for writing?
4) From a tall plant. – Не знаю! Выпиши из текста предложение, в котором есть это словосочетание, а я задам вопрос )
5) When was the first public library founded in Rome?
6) Who were the first people to invent printing?
Who invented printing?
7) How many presses were there in Europe by the end of the 15th century?
8) Whom was the first printing press in England set up by?
What was the name of a man who set up the first printing press in England?
9) When and where was the first printing press in Russia set up?
10) What is the world’s largest library?


Другие вопросы из категории

Читайте также

Akabirova19 / 23 июня 2014 г., 1:24:51

Read the text again and say: What did the boy do in July? You will answer this question easily if you find the word July in the text.

1. September has come, and it is still very warm. The leaves on the trees have turned yellow and red, a cold wind was blowing, but suddenly it got warmer again. I like early autumn because it reminds me of the summer. But October and November are not my favourite months. It’s usually chilly and wet and every day it gets colder and colder.
2. This summer I did all sorts of things. In June I went camping. It was a real adventure. I learned how to put up a tent and make a campfire. A friend taught me how to play the guitar and I learned a lot of good songs. I also took a lot of pictures of my friends, our campsite, the forest and the river.
The river was fantastic. We went canoeing and some of us enjoyed fishing. We were lucky with the weather, so we could swim and lie in the sun. There were some problems, but it was OK in the end.
3. In July my parents and I went to Holland. People there speak Dutch, but they also understand English. The trip was very interesting. We did some sightseeing and made a lot of friends. I’ll never forget how beautiful this small country is and how friendly and polite the people are.
4. In August I had to go to see my grandmother. She lives in a small village not far from our town. She has a big garden and needs help. I was busy all the time. Together we picked fruit and vegetables and made jams and pickles. She showed me how to find mushrooms in the forest, and I found a lot of them.

Yegana78 / 24 янв. 2014 г., 12:04:51

you are preparing to host a group of American students in your school. In work groups collect the material for a welcome booklet, which you can

give to your guests to help them adapt to life in Russia. Follow the steps.1. Answer these questions and explain your answers.What extreme situation might they face?What unforgettable experience might they have?What may create a bad impression on them? What may change in their vision of the world as a result of the visit?What is the biggest challenge they might face? What unique features of the place might they appreciate?What may frustrate them?2. Write brief answers to each question without explanations on a sheet of paper. 3. Choose a member of your group and send him/her to another group with your list of answers. 4. Look at the other group’s answers and guess the reasons the group had for giving these answers.

Bladeo / 22 авг. 2013 г., 17:24:24

Ребят,помогите пожалуйста,очень прошу) These are answers to several questions. Make up to the questions

1/ No, it was an unusual name. 2. Each one got a silver penny. 3. They bought clothes and some beautiful things. 4. Because it cost a lot of more than a silver penny. 5. Because he was a handy boy. 6. He went to seek his fortene. 7. In the midst of the valley. 8. Because they had no time to talk. 9. People had called her Lady Littlecare.10. His broken fiddle.11. It began to shine. 12. They stopped working. 13. She had gojden hair, laughing eyes and cheeks like summer roses. 14 A white bird. 15. The kings first fiddler

Almas022304 / 27 июля 2013 г., 20:30:05

Ребят,очень срочно! Для тех,кто нормально знает английский. (Нужно задать вопрос исходя от этих предложений) Eсли можно вопросы с переводом.

These are answer to several questions. Make up the questions.

1.No,it was an unusual name.

2.Each one got a silver penny.

3.They bought clothes and some beautiful things.

4.Because it cost a lot more than a silver penny

5.Because he was a handy boy.

6.He went to seek his fortune.

7.In the midst of the valley.

8.Because they had no time to talk.

9.People had called her Lady Littlecare.

10.His broken fiddle.

11.It began to shine.

12.They stopped working

13.She had golden hair,laughing eyes and cheeks like summer roses.

14. A white bird.

15.The king’s first fiddler.

Заранее спасибо!:)

Kris123321 / 11 окт. 2013 г., 16:31:21

Answer the questions on the text.

1.What kind of teacher was Mr Leads?-
2.Why were his lessons exciting and interesting?-
3.What did he bring different historical things for?-
4.How did Allan discover that all the historical objects were copies?-
5.Why did Allan cal Mr Leads his best teacher and his worst teacher?-
6.Why did Allan decide to change shools?-

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса «These sentences are answers to cetain questions on the text » The Printed Word». Say what the questions are.«, категории «английский язык«. Данный вопрос относится к разделу «5-9» классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории «английский язык«. Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.

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